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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett nytt och mer differentierat strandskydd : Konsekvenser för framtida fastighetsbildningsärenden / A New and Differentiated Legislation on Shoreline Protection : Consequences for Property Formation

Larsson, William January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har ett behov av ökad differentiering av den svenska strandskyddslagstiftningen ansetts uppkommit. Flertalet reformer har genomförts, med målet att ökad hänsyn ska tas till att tillgången på stränder, befolkningstryck och exploateringsgrad runt om i landet varierar, samtidigt som strandskyddet förstärks i högexploaterade områden. Från politiskt håll har det ansetts att tidigare reformer inte lyckats uppnå detta mål, och mot bakgrund av detta har en ny lagstiftningsprocess påbörjats med syfte att föreslå ytterligare reformer på området. En låg acceptansnivå för regelverket samt ett ökat behov av landsbygdsutveckling utgör viktiga faktorer bakom det identifierade behovet av ytterligare differentiering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken inverkan den föreslagna propositionens förslag skulle ha för lantmäteriets verksamhet och för framtida fastighetsbildningsärenden. Studien ska även undersöka vilka problem som riskerar att kvarstå efter lagförslagets eventuella implementering samt vilka ytterligare reformer som skulle behöva genomföras ur lantmäterisynpunkt. Studiens första del använder sig av en litteraturstudie av nuvarande rättsläge och lagstiftning. Därefter tar en empirisk studie vid, genom en enkätstudie för att kartlägga problem ur lantmäterisynpunkt, samt genom en djupintervju för att kartlägga möjliga lösningar. En majoritet av respondenterna inom enkätstudien angav att acceptansgraden hos de sakägare som berörs av strandskyddslagstiftningen inom lantmäteriärenden är låg. Därutöver har studien visat på att ytterligare utredningar behövs för att klargöra regelverket angående bostadsfastigheter med kombinerade ändamål inom strandskyddade områden och särskilt inom de nya strandnära utvecklingsområdena. Såväl enkät som intervju visar tydligt på att dagens samrådsförfarande är ineffektivt och leder till onödiga överklaganden av beslutade lantmäteriförrättningar. Studien visar även på att propositionens förslag i huvudsak har liten inverkan på lantmäteriets verksamhet, och att propositionens förslag utgör en förbättring jämfört med utredningen sett enbart ur lantmäterisynpunkt. / During the last few years a need for increased differentiation of the Swedish shoreline protection legislation has been identified. Several reforms have been introduced, with the goal being that increased consideration should be given to the fact that access to the shoreline, population density and the degree of exploitation varies across different regions of the country, while shoreline protection should be strengthened in highly exploited areas. From a political point of view it has been asserted that earlier reforms have not achieved the desired results, and in view of this new legislation has been prepared with the purpose of suggesting further reforms in this area. A low level of acceptance for current regulations as well as an increased need for rural development constitute important factors behind the need for further differentiation. The purpose of this study is to examine what impact the contents of the proposed legislation would have on the operations of the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority and on future property formation matters. The study shall also examine what kind of problems that will remain after the implementation of the legislative proposals as well as what kind of further reforms that are necessary from the point of view of the authority. The first part of the study consists of a literature study of current case law and legislation on the subject area. Thereafter an empirical study is conducted, through a survey study to assess the problem from a land surveying point of view, as well as through an in-depth interview to examine possible solutions. A majority of the respondents within the survey study indicated a low degree of acceptance among those affected by the current legislation on shoreline protection within a land surveying matter. Furthermore the study has shown that further inquiries are needed to clarify the current regulations concerning residential properties for combined purposes within areas affected by shoreline protection and especially within the new coastal development areas. Both the survey study and the interview clearly show that the current procedures for consultation are ineffective and lead to unnecessary appeals being made of already decided cases. The study also shows that the legislative proposals will have little impact on the operations of the authority, and that the legislative proposals constitute an overall improvement compared to the preceding inquiry.

<b>Machine Learning And remote sensing applications for lake Michigan coastal processes</b>

Hazem Usama Abdelhady (18309886) 04 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The recent surge in water levels within the Great Lakes has laid bare the vulnerability of the surrounding coastal areas. Over the past few years, communities along the Great Lakes coast have struggled with widespread coastal transformations, witnessing phenomena such as shoreline retreat, alterations in habitat, significant recession of bluffs and dunes, infrastructure and property damage, coastal flooding, and the failure of coastal protection structures. Unlike the ocean coasts, the Great Lakes coastal regions experience a unique confluence of large interannual water level fluctuations, coastal storms, and ice cover dynamics, which complicates the ongoing coastal management endeavors. To address this multifaceted challenge, the interplay between all these factors and their impact on coastal changes should be understood and applied to improve the resilience of Great Lakes coastal areas.</p><p><br></p><p dir="ltr">In this dissertation, several steps were taken to improve knowledge of coastal processes in the Great Lakes, spanning from the initial use of remote sensing for quantifying coastal changes to the subsequent stages of modeling and predicting shoreline changes as well as leveraging machine learning techniques to simulate and forecast influential factors like waves and ice cover. First, a fully automated shoreline detection algorithm was developed to quantify the shoreline changes in Lake Michigan, detecting the most vulnerable areas, and determining the main factors responsible for the spatial variability in the shoreline changes. Additionally, a reduced complexity model was designed to simulate the shoreline changes in Lake Michigan by considering both waves and water level fluctuations, which significantly improved the shoreline changes modeling and forecasting for Lake Michigan. Furthermore, new deep learning-based frameworks based on the Convolution Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) were introduced to model and extend the current records of wave heights and ice cover datasets, adding 70% and 50% data to the existing waves and ice time series respectively. Finally, the extended waves and ice time series were used to study the long-term trends and the correlation between the interannual water level and waves changes, revealing a statically significant decreasing trend in the ice cover over Lake Michigan of 0.6 days/year, and an increasing trend in the waves interannual variability at Chicago area.</p>

Photogrammetry and image processing techniques for beach monitoring

Sánchez García, Elena 07 December 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Las playas son ambientes ecológicos sumamente valiosos donde a lo largo de una frágil franja de transición converge el entorno terrestre y el medio marino. Durante el último siglo, la mejora en la comprensión de los procesos físicos que ocurren en la zona costera se ha convertido en un asunto de máxima importancia. Para abordar una planificación coherente de la gestión costera se requiere tomar en consideración el dinamismo de los diferentes cambios morfológicos que caracterizan estos ambientes a distintas escalas espaciales y temporales. El límite tierra-agua varía en función de la posición del nivel del mar y de la forma del perfil de playa que continuamente queda modelado por las olas incidentes. Intentar modelizar la respuesta de un paisaje tan voluble geomorfológicamente como las playas requiere disponer de múltiples medidas registradas con suficiente precisión para poder reconocer su respuesta frente a la acción de los distintos agentes geomórficos. Para ello resulta esencial disponer de diferentes sistemas de monitorización capaces de registrar de forma sistemática la línea de costa con exactitud y efectividad. Se requieren nuevos métodos y herramientas informáticas que permitan capturar, caracterizar y analizar eficientemente la información con el objeto de obtener indicadores con significación geomorfológica de calidad. En esto radica el objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral, centrándose en el desarrollo de herramientas y procedimientos eficientes para la monitorización costera mediante el uso de imágenes satelitales y fotografías terrestres. El trabajo aporta soluciones de procesamiento de imágenes de satélite y fotogramétricas a científicos, ingenieros y gestores costeros, proporcionando resultados que evidencian la gran utilidad de estas técnicas viables y de bajo coste para la monitorización costera. Mediante ellas se puede convertir información pública existente y de libre acceso (imágenes satelitales, datos de video cámaras o fotografías de la ciudadanía) en datos de alta calidad para el monitoreo de los cambios morfológicos de las playas, y lograr así una consiguiente gestión sostenible de los recursos costeros. / [CA] Les platges són ambients ecològics summament valuosos on al llarg d'una feble franja de transició convergeix l'entorn terrestre i el medi marí. En l'últim segle, la millora en la comprensió dels processos físics que ocorren en la zona costanera s'ha convertit en un assumpte de màxima importància. Per a abordar una planificació coherent de la gestió costanera es requereix prendre en consideració el dinamisme dels diferents canvis morfològics que caracteritzen aquests ambients a diferents escales espacials i temporals. El límit terra-aigua varia en funció de la posició del nivell del mar i de la forma del perfil de platja que contínuament queda modelat per les ones incidents. Intentar modelitzar la resposta d'un paisatge tan voluble geomorfològicament com les platges requereix disposar de múltiples mesures registrades amb suficient precisió per poder reconèixer la seua resposta enfront de l'acció dels diferents agents geomòrfics. Per tant, resulta essencial disposar de diferents sistemes de monitoratge capaços de registrar de forma sistemàtica la línia de costa amb exactitud i efectivitat. Es requereixen nous mètodes i eines informàtiques que permeten capturar, caracteritzar i analitzar eficientment la informació a fi d'obtindre indicadors amb significació geomorfològica de qualitat. En això radica l'objectiu de la present tesi doctoral, que es centra en el desenvolupament d'eines i procediments eficients per al monitoratge costaner mitjançant l'ús d'imatges de satèl·lit i fotografies terrestres. El treball aporta solucions de processament d'imatges de satèl·lit i fotogramètriques a científics, enginyers, polítics i gestors costaners, proporcionant resultats que evidencien la gran utilitat d'aquestes tècniques factibles i de baix cost per a la monitorització costanera. Mitjançant aquestes es pot convertir informació pública existent i de lliure accés (imatges de satèl·lit, dades de videocàmeres o fotografies de la ciutadania) en dades d'alta qualitat per al monitoratge dels canvis morfològics de les platges, i aconseguir així una consegüent gestió sostenible dels recursos costaners. / [EN] Beaches are extremely valuable ecological spaces where terrestrial and marine environments converge along a fragile transition strip. An improvement in our understanding of the physical processes that occur in the coastal zone has become increasingly important during the last century. To approach a coherent planning of coastal management it is necessary to consider the dynamism of the various morphological changes that characterize these environments at different spatial and temporal scales. The land-water boundary varies according to the sea level and the shape of a beach profile that is continuously modelled by incident waves. Attempting to model the response of a landscape as geomorphologically volatile as beaches requires multiple precise measurements to recognize responses to the actions of various geomorphic agents. It is therefore essential to have monitoring systems capable of systematically recording the shoreline accurately and effectively. New methods and tools are required to efficiently capture, characterize, and analyze information - and so obtain geomorphologically significant indicators. This is the aim of the doctoral thesis, focusing on the development of tools and procedures for coastal monitoring using satellite images and terrestrial photographs. The work brings satellite image processing and photogrammetric solutions to scientists, engineers, and coastal managers by providing results that demonstrate the usefulness of these viable and low-cost techniques. Existing and freely accessible public information (satellite images, video-derived data, or crowd-sourced photographs) can be converted into high quality data for monitoring morphological changes on beaches and thus help achieve a sustainable management of coastal resources. / Agradecer al Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España por la beca predoctoral FPU, y por las ayudas de movilidad concedidas, que han permitido que esta Tesis Doctoral fuera una realidad. También a los proyectos AICO/2015/098 y CGL2015-69906-R financiados respectivamente por la Generalitat Valenciana y por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. / Sánchez García, E. (2019). Photogrammetry and image processing techniques for beach monitoring [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/123956 / Compendio

Testing COULWAVE for use in modeling cross-shore sand transport and beach profile evolution

Cooper, Patrick Michael 01 January 2019 (has links)
Realistic, reliable, and effective modeling of cross-shore sediment transport is not present in the current literature. Building that model requires the accurate recreation of breaking wave processes in the nearshore. To develop that first step for an as-yet-to-be-designed model, multiple phase-resolving wave transformation algorithms are reviewed for in-depth investigation. The COULWAVE model is selected for robust testing. Testing of the COULWAVE model shows that, although capable of recreating realistic results, it does not adequately describe major wave characteristics in the surf zone, across a wide range of conditions, to warrant use in a future cross-shore sediment transport model.

VerificaÃÃo e ComprovaÃÃo das Modelagens HidrodinÃmica e de Transporte de Sedimentos na Ãrea Costeira do Porto do PecÃm. / VERIFICATION AND EVIDENCE OF THE HYDRODYNAMICS AND TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENTS MODELING IN THE COASTAL AREA OF THE PORT OF PECÃM

Luiz Alberto de Almeida Vieira 26 January 2007 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / A fim de compreender e predizer evoluÃÃes geomorfologicas em mares e em estuÃrios litorais necessita-se de um modelo que descreva a dinÃmica do movimento da Ãgua, o movimento do sedimento e a evoluÃÃo de limites erodiveis (como o fundo). Os Ãltimos dois mÃdulos requerem a informaÃÃo quantitativa sobre a erosÃo, a deposiÃÃo e o transporte do sedimento. As estruturas sÃo construÃdas ao longo da costa para vÃrias finalidades e causam modificaÃÃes no ambiente natural com mudanÃa circunstanciais da linha de costa. A concepÃÃo do porto de PecÃm requereu do governo estudar e impedir as possÃveis alteraÃÃes da linha da costa prÃximo Ãs estruturas construÃdas. EntÃo, atravÃs de simulaÃÃo numÃrica, utilizando-se moderno software, MIKE21 e LITPACK, estudou-se e previu-se o comportamento da linha de costa nos dez anos seguintes ao inÃcio da construÃÃo, 1996. Este trabalho pretende verificar a realidade daquela previsÃo. Os resultados para a dinÃmica da linha de costa da regiÃo do porto de PecÃm foram obtidos atravÃs de comparaÃÃes da sua evoluÃÃo desde o momento inicial da construÃÃo do terminal portuÃrio, mostrando, assim, as transformaÃÃes causadas pelo transporte do sedimento em dois perÃodos de estudo, antes e depois da construÃÃo do embarcadouro provisÃrio, e comparar com os resultados determinados pelas simulaÃÃes numÃricas dos softwares, MIKE21 e LITPACK / In order to understand and predict geomorphologic evolutions in coastal seas and estuaries a model is needed which describes the dynamics of the water motion, sediment movement and the evolution of erodible boundaries (like the bottom). The latter two modules require quantitative information about erosion, deposition and transport of sediment. The structures are constructed to the long one of the coast for some purposes and cause modifications in the natural environment with change of the circumstantial shoreline. The conception of the port of PecÃm required of the government to study and to hinder the possible alterations of the coast line next to the constructed structures. Then, through numerical simulation, using modern software, MIKE21 and LITPACK, it was studied and one foreseen the behavior of the shoreline in the ten following years to the beginning of the construction, 1996. This work intends to verify the reality of that forecast. The results for the dynamics of the shoreline of the region of the port of PecÃm had been gotten through comparisons of its evolution since the initial moment of the construction that terminal port, showing, thus, the transformations caused by the transport of the sediment in two periods of study, before and after the construction of the provisory docking, and to compare with the results determined for the numerical simulations of software, MIKE21 and of LITPACK

Modélisation de l’évolution long-terme du trait de côte le long des littoraux sableux dominés par l’action des vagues / Modeling of long-term shoreline evolution along wave-dominated sandy coasts

Robinet, Arthur 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les littoraux sableux dominés par l'action des vagues sont des zones très dynamiques où l'aléa érosion menace les activités humaines et la sécurité des personnes. Comprendre et prévoir les évolutions du trait de côte est crucial pour informer et guider les gestionnaires du littoral. Actuellement, aucun modèle numérique ne permet de reproduire les évolutions du trait de côte sur l'ensemble des échelles spatio-temporelles et des configurations de côte requises du fait de limitations numériques et physiques. Cette thèse se concentre sur le développement de nouveaux outils de modélisation à complexité réduite pour simuler les évolutions du trait de côte le long des littoraux sableux dominés par l'action des vagues sur des échelles de temps allant de l'heure à plusieurs décennies avec des temps de calcul réduits. D'abord, un modèle statistique de trait de côte s'appuyant uniquement sur les occurrences saisonnières de régimes de temps est développé. Ce modèle permet de simuler la variabilité du trait de côte à l'échelle pluriannuelle, sans avoir besoin de connaitre les conditions de vagues ou de modéliser le transport sédimentaire. Puis, un nouveau modèle numérique de trait de côte basé sur les vagues (LX-Shore) est développé en intégrant entre autres les forces de certains modèles existants. Il inclut les processus cross-shore et longshore, et couple la dynamique du trait de côte à la propagation des vagues via le modèle spectral de vagues SWAN. Ce modèle permet de simuler l'évolution de formes complexes comme par exemple les flèches sableuses. Ces outils ouvrent aussi la voie vers une meilleure évaluation des évolutions futures du trait de côte, ainsi que de la contribution respective des processus impliqués. / Wave-dominated sandy coasts are highly dynamic and populated systems increasingly threatened by erosion hazard. Understanding and predicting shoreline change is critical to inform and guide stakeholders. However, there is currently no numerical model able to reproduce and predict shoreline evolution over the full range of temporal scales and coastal geometries owing to numerical and physical limitations. This thesis focuses on the development of new reduced-complexity models to simulate shoreline change along wave-dominated sandy coasts on the timescales from hours to decades with low computation time. First, a statistical shoreline change model based on the seasonal occurrences of some oceanic basin weather regimes is developed. This model allows simulating shoreline variability at the seasonal and interannual scales, without resorting to wave data or sediment transport modeling. Second, a new so-called LX-Shore numerical wave-driven shoreline change model is developed, which takes the best from some existing models and includes additional numerical and physical developments. LX-Shore couples the primary longshore and cross-shore processes and includes the feedback of shoreline and bathymetric evolution on the wave field using a spectral wave model. LX-Shore successfully simulates the dynamics of coastal embayments or the formation of subsequent nonlinear evolution of complex shoreline features such as flying sandspits. It is anticipated that LX-Shore will provide new and quantitative insight into the respective contributions of the processes controlling shoreline change on real coasts for a wide range of wave climates and geological settings.

Boende på vatten – en utredande studie om den flytande bostadens förutsättningar i Sverige / Living on water - an exploratory study about the possibilities for floating homes in Sweden

Simon Käck, Käck, Emelie, Dalblad Lundin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Bostadsbristen drabbar alla, i framtiden måste vi utforma bostäder och stadsdelar som främjar social-, ekonomisk- och ekologisk hållbarhet. Flytande bostäder har dessa egenskaper men har svårt att etablera sig i Sverige. Studien syftar till att utreda möjligheter och problem som finns för flytande bostäder i Sverige. Metod: Studien har en genomgående kvalitativ karaktär. Metoderna är semistrukturerade intervjuer, observationer och dokumentanalys. Respondenter är myndigheter, fastighetsägare och entreprenörer. Resultat: De återkommande problemområden som hittades var ekonomi, juridik och teknik. Oro för tekniska lösningar nämndes enbart av respondenter som saknade erfarenhet av flytande bostäder. Det som skiljer en flytande bostad från en på mark är att dragningar för el, vatten och avlopp dras i vattnet samt att flytanordning och dess anslutning till fast mark tillkommer. Att bygga på vatten blir inte nödvändigtvis dyrare jämfört med att bygga på land. Det är osäkerhet och oerfarenhet som kan göra att färdigställandet av en flytande bostad dyr. Det område som anses vara det största hindret är juridiken. Bygglovsprocessen är längre på grund av att det finns fler regelverk och myndigheter inblandade. Rent konkret är det den svenska lagstiftningen för strandskydd, vattenverksamhet och detaljplanering försvårar processen för flytande bostäder.   Konsekvenser: Genom att ge kommuner större frihet i exploatering av marken kan genombrottet för flytande bostäder i Sverige underlättas. Detaljplaneringsarbetet behöver inkludera vattenområden för att underlätta bygglovsansökan. Det behövs fler referensobjekt för att den flytande bostaden inte ska ses som främmande och för att ge en större kännedom om flytande hus. Idag förknippas flytande bostäder med lyx och inte som ett bidrag i lösningen på bostadsbristen. Begränsningar: Studien avser Sverige som geografisk region. Respondentsgrupperna som intervjuats är myndigheter, entreprenörer och fastighetsägare och därför är resultatet talande för endast dessa kategorier, likväl som ett fåtal respondenter från dessa grupper talar för dess majoritet. Ett skissförslag, kalkyl eller konkreta lagförslag ingår inte i rapporten och anses därför vara förslag på vidare forskning. Nyckelord: Alternativa boendelösningar, alternativ markanvändning, boende på vatten, bostadsbrist, flytande bostäder, strandskyddet, stadsutveckling / Purpose: The housing shortage affects everyone and in the future, we have to think about social, ecologic and economic sustainability in architecture and urban planning. Floating houses has the potential to satisfy all these requirements but in Sweden they have a hard time to settle as a concept. This study aims to investigate the possibilities and setbacks for floating homes in Sweden. Method: The methods of research in this investigation is qualitative. The collection of empirical data is done through semi-structured interviews, observation and analysis of documents. Findings: The biggest problem areas that we discovered was economy, law and technical solutions. Worry about the possible technical problems was only put forth by respondents who had little or none experience in working with floating homes. The main technical differences between a floating home and one on dry land is that the plumbing goes in the floating device instead of the ground, the connection between the house and the floating device and that a floating property doesn´t need any groundwork done. The cost of a floating house is often similar to one on dry land. The economic issues are uncertainty and inexperience, these factors can make the construction of a floating house more expensive. The area that contains the most problems for floating houses is the juridical. The process of getting a building permit is longer due to the extra number of laws and agencies involved.  Implications: Municipalities needs bigger freedom in deciding land exploitation   to make it easier for floating houses to be an established concept in Sweden. The detailed development plan needs to include water areas. Another thing that will help is more completed projects, more projects for reference means more knowledge about the concept, instead of it being seen as just a luxury. Limitations: The investigation refers to Sweden as the geographic region. We interviewed respondents from agencies, entrepreneurs and property owners and the answers can only be seen as representative for those groups. Sketches of a floating home, a deeper calculation of the economy and precise law changes are not included in the thesis and are therefore suggestions for further research. Keywords: Alternative housing, alternative land use, floating houses, housing shortage, living on water, shoreline protection, urban development.

At low tide : an absence of water, and abundance of plastic

Obermeyer, Chloe 02 1900 (has links)
This project deals with the concepts of care, contentedness and self-reflection in light of the ecological plights that face our planet and the way that my artistic practice reflects this. It achieves this by focusing on marine forms of plastic pollution along Cape Town’s coastline as well as on the water resources during Cape Town’s water crisis that started in 2017. To unite these areas of interest, the conceptual platform and the visual associations of “a low tide” were used to navigate material and practical considerations of my chosen alternative photographic media and how they can best address such interests. / Art and Music / M.V.A.

Development of a Coastal Prediction System That Incorporates Full 3D Wave-Current Interactions on the Mean Flow and the Scalar Transport With Initial Application to the Lake Michigan Turbidity Plume

Velissariou, Panagiotis 12 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

En gropkeramisk rundtur på Gotland : GIS-analyser av gropkeramiska lokaler på Gotland och osteologiska bedömningar av resursutnyttjande / A Pitted Ware round-trip on Gotland : GIS-analyses of Pitted Ware Culture sites on Gotland and osteological assessments of resource utilisation

Eriksson, Albin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to expand on the understanding of the resource utilisation on the 19 Gotlandic Pitted Ware Culture sites: Ajvide, Alvena, Fridtorp, Grausne, Gullrum,Gumbalde, Hau, Hemmor, Hoburgen, Ire, Kinner/Tjauls, Rangvide, Barshalder, Stenstugu,Stora Förvar, Sudergårds II, Visby, Västerbjers and Västerbys. The study utilises theoretical frameworks such as Site Catchment Analysis, Site Territorial Analysis and Optimal ForagingTheory and is based on two main questions: Which animals did the diet on each site consist of? And are there any apparent connections between diet and topography/environment? To answer these questions, osteological records have been studied to get an idea of the animal food resources utilised on each site. ArcGIS has also been used to create height- and soil maps with contemporary shorelines which show how the sites were located in the middle Neolithic Gotlandic landscape. The study has shown that most sites appear to have included a variety of animals like pig/boar, cattle, sheep/goat, fish, seal, porpoise and birds in their diet. The sites with the lowest number of confirmed animals also tend to have undergone the least archaeological investigation, suggesting that further excavations on these sites might unearth more animal species. Additional discoveries show a small albeit noticeable emphasis on marine animal resources, especially porpoise, on southern sites. Sites located in areas mostly consisting of sandy, meager soils also show an increased marine resource utilisation. This might suggest that the area around these sites were somewhat barren and lacking in terrestrial prey animals.

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