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The attitudes of typically-developing children towards participation with their siblings with severe speech and language disabilitiesHansen, Maryke 29 August 2012 (has links)
Sibling relationships and the interaction within these relationships play a central role in children’s general development and will therefore impact on functional outcomes of children with severe speech and language disabilities. Siblings of children with disabilities have often felt excluded from family interactions, possibly causing negative attitudes towards participation with their siblings, in turn impacting negatively on the functional outcomes of their siblings with disabilities. The main aim of this research is to determine the attitudes of typically-developing children towards participation with their younger siblings with severe speech and language disabilities in four everyday life situations, namely: play (major life areas), communication, activities of daily living as part of domestic life and interpersonal relationships (time and responsibility issues). Twenty-seven older, typically-developing siblings of children with severe speech and language disabilities were selected to complete the measuring instrument (SAS). The results indicated that the participants held the most positive attitudes towards participation in play (major life areas) but that they held less positive attitudes towards communication participation and that they were least positive about participation in interpersonal relationships (time and responsibility issues). This study succeeded in documenting attitudes of siblings towards participating in four everyday life situations with their younger sibling. It is envisaged that these results will provide tentative guidelines for how activity-based interventions can best be structured to support both the child with a disability and their sibling. Copyright / Dissertation (Master of Arts)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / unrestricted
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Biologiska familjehemsbarns delaktighet : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialtjänsten beaktar biologiska barns delaktighet vid en familjehemsplaceringKissi Andersson, Hulda, Ben Brach, Younes January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om biologiska barn och hur deras delaktighet, utifrån barnkonventionen och begreppet ”barnets bästa”, beaktas av yrkesprofessionella som handhar ärendet när deras familj åtagit sig uppdrag att vara familjehem. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur socialtjänsten beaktar biologiska barns bästa vid en familjehemsplacering, utifrån biologiska barns delaktighet. Ett steg till att undersöka deras delaktighet är att ta reda på om det finns rutiner för hur yrkesprofessionella inom familjehemsvård i deras arbete gör biologiska barn i familjehem delaktiga under en familjehemsplacering. Genom en kvalitativ metod som metodval har vi med hjälp av en semistruktuerad intervju genomfört intervjuer med fyra familjehemssekreterare inom familjehemsvård på socialtjänsten samt fyra externa familjehemsutredare på uppdrag av socialtjänsten. Urvalsgruppen arbetar inom och på uppdrag av olika kommuner i Sverige och har olika års erfarenhet inom yrket. Tidigare forskning både internationellt och nationellt har bland annat studerat om placerade barns upplevelser i familjehem samt familjen som helhet i familjehem. När det gäller biologiska barn i familjehem visar det sig att det är ett ytterst begränsat forskningsområde. Resultat i studien visar att trots de yrkesverksammas olika bakgrund så beskriver majoriteten av urvalsgruppen att biologiska barns delaktighet inte har en direkt given plats i processen då rutiner för det saknas och föräldrarna förväntas förmedla vidare information till sina barn. Samtliga i urvalsgruppen ger en beskrivning av att biologiska barns delaktighet i en familjehemsplacering bör förstärkas. Det finns behov av att lyfta och tillämpa biologiska barns rätt till delaktighet vid en familjehemsplacering. Resultatet visar på att frågan är angelägen att få besvarad och behöver undersökas närmare med ytterligare forskningsstudier. / This essay is about biological children and how their participation, based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the concept of "the best interests of the child", is considered by professionals who handle the case when their family has undertaken the task of being a foster family. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are routines for how professionals in foster care units in their work make biological children in foster families involved during a family home placement. The study intends to make visible how the participation of biological children is considered at all stages of a foster care placement, i.e., from the beginning, during the time and at the end. Through a qualitative method as a method choice, we have, with the help of a semi-structured interview, conducted interviews with four foster care secretaries in family home care at the social services and four external foster care investigators on behalf of the social services. The selection group works within and on behalf of various municipalities in Sweden and has different years of experience in the profession. Previous research both internationally and nationally has, among other things, studied the experiences of placing children in foster families and the family in family homes. Regarding biological children in family homes, however, research shows that it is an extremely limited area of research. Results in the study show that despite the professionals' different backgrounds, most of the sample group describes that biological children's participation does not have a directly given place in the process as routines for it are lacking and parents are expected to pass on given information to their children. A description from everyone in the selection group shows that biological children's participation in a family home placement should be strengthened. It summarizes the need to raise and apply biological children's right to participation in a family home placement. The results show that the question is important to get answered and need to be investigated further. Further research is needed to examine biological children's experience of participation and its significance.
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Att vara syskon till ett barn med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Growing up with a sibling with neuropsychiatric disability : A qualitative interview studyOlofsson, Ebba, Müller, Nicole January 2020 (has links)
Through practical experiences in social work we have found that siblings of children with neuropsychiatric disability are being left behind in family treatment. We have also identified a knowledge gap through previous research in how siblings experience their role and relationships within the family. The purpose of this study is to establish an understanding of how neuropsychiatric disability affects the siblings in the family. The siblings referred to in this qualitative study, who we got in touch with through social media, have been interviewed through six semi-structured interviews. Furthermore, the answers have been analyzed through systems theory. The results show that the siblings have taken great responsibility for their sibling and taken a step back as the sibling with neuropsychiatric disability had extensive needs that required a lot of attention and care from their parents.
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Décrochage de l’école secondaire : rôle de la fratrie et effet modérateur des caractéristiques de la dyadePoissant-Dolbec, Jacinthe 08 1900 (has links)
Ce projet vise à déterminer si l’association présumée entre l’abandon des études chez les membres de la fratrie et le décrochage scolaire est plus ou moins forte en fonction de trois caractéristiques clés de la dyade, c’est-à-dire selon la correspondance des sexes (dyade de même sexe ou de sexe opposé), l’écart d’âge et le fait d’habiter ensemble ou non, à partir d’un échantillon d’adolescents canadiens (N= 545). Un tiers de l’échantillon est composé d’élèves ayant décroché de l’école secondaire, un second tiers d’élèves appariés ayant un profil semblable à celui des décrocheurs, mais ayant persévéré et d’un troisième tiers d’élèves normatifs. Les résultats montrent que les adolescents ayant un membre de la fratrie qui a décroché ont plus de chance de décrocher eux-mêmes que ceux dont la fratrie ne compte pas de décrocheurs. Cette association est plus forte lorsqu’il s’agit de dyades de mêmes sexes que de sexe opposé. De plus, les participants ayant un membre de leur fratrie décrocheur très proche en âge, c’est-à-dire avec un écart de deux ans et moins, ou assez proche en âge, c’est-à-dire avec un écart d’âge de trois à quatre ans, sont particulièrement à risque de décrocher, alors que les risques ne sont pas significativement plus élevés lorsque l’écart d’âge est plus grand, toujours comparativement à ceux sans décrocheurs au sein de la fratrie. Par contre, les résultats ne suggèrent aucun effet modérateur associé au partage ou non d’une résidence commune. Les implications des résultats pour la pratique et la recherche sont discutées. / The goal of this study is to determine whether the sibling dropout-adolescent dropout association depends on three key dyads’ characteristics, including: gender configuration (same-sex or opposite-sex dyad), age difference, and whether the adolescent and his or her dropout sibling live with in the same home or not. The data were collected from a sample of Canadian adolescents (N = 545). One-third of the sample consisted of students who had recently dropped out of high school, one-third were matched students who had a similar profile but persevered, and one-third were normative students not particularly at risk of dropping out. The results of the study show that adolescents with a sibling who has dropped out are more likely to drop out themselves than those with no siblings who have dropped out. This association is stronger when the dyads are of the same sex compared to opposite-sex dyads. In addition, participants who have a dropout sibling very close in age (with a gap of two years or less) or fairly close in age (with a gap of 3 to 4 years, are particularly at risk of dropping out, while the risks are not significantly higher when the age gap is larger, again compared to those without dropout siblings. However, the results do not suggest any moderating effects associated with whether or not a common residence is shared. The results’ implications for practice and research are discussed.
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Familjehemmens biologiska barn : Berättelser om att växa upp med fostersyskon / Biological children in foster families : Narratives on growing up with foster siblingsKrusell, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Children, who grow up in families, where their parents have decided to take care of a foster child on a commission of the social welfare services, are not often given the possibility to tell about their experience of having foster siblings, in research and other studies. The aim of this study was to give biological children, in these families, a chance to tell their narratives of growing up with foster siblings, creating opportunities for families, who might have plans to take care of foster children in the future. They can get a picture of how it could be for the family´s own children. The biological children got the opportunity to tell their narrative stories including the relationships in their families and how they were looking forward into their own future and family life. The used theory takes part in systemic thinking, looking at the family as an organization and how identities are created in relationships and in communication. The method was interviews with six “children” and analyze of the text material. The result is presented in short summaries and quotation. The result shows that the children have been influenced in different ways by living with foster siblings and they have a large empathize for their parents and the situation. It also shows that the relations between the biological children and the foster children can be lasting for their future and the biological children can see the foster child as a “real” sibling. Communication and the feeling of participation were important for the children. All stories are individual but some conclusions appear. One is that the children is involved in everything that happens around them and they have own strategies to handle it.
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Linked Lives: The Influence of Parents', Siblings' and Romantic Partners' Experiences with School Punishment and Criminal Justice Contact on Adolescent and Young Adult Negative Life OutcomesTimm, Brian J. 13 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Interakcia medzi dieťaťom s poruchou autistického spekra a jeho neurotypickým súrodencom v predškolskom veku / Interaction between children with autism spectrum disorder and their neurotypical sibling in preschool ageLukšicová, Terézia January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on interaction between siblings in pre-school age, with the older sibling being impacted by an autistic spectrum disorder, while the younger sibling has not been diagnosed with the disorder. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses contemporary scientific findings related to this topic. It provides theoretical bases of the autistic spectrum disorder and provides information on the relationship between the siblings. An individual chapter discusses the healthy sibling and its development. The last section of the theoretical part analyses the interaction between the two siblings. Main attention is given to features which infiltrate into the relationship of the siblings and influence it. This part also examines potential methods which are to be used to improve the quality of interaction between the siblings. The empirical part consists of two researches, a quantitative one and the supplementary qualitative research. The goal of the quantitative research was to identify how certain specifics of interaction are impacted by the sincerity of problematic behavior of the sibling diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder. The results proved a significant positive correlation between the sincerity of problematic behavior and the amount of conflicts occurring between the siblings....
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Social support and youths' resilience in disadvantaged neighborhood contextsColburn, Sindhia 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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“Det blev en del av min identitet att vara ettbiologiskt barn i familjehem” : En kvalitativ studie om de biologiska barnens påverkan av att växa upp i familjehem / GROWING UP AS A BIOLOGICAL CHILD IN A FOSTER HOMEBack, Emilia, Palm, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Familjehemsvården i Sverige är utbredd, det är den vanligaste insatsen för barn som av olikaorsaker inte kan bo hemma med sina föräldrar. Trots att familjehemsvården är utbredd i Sverigefinns knapphändig forskning om dess påverkan på hela familjesystemet, och mer specifiktfamiljehemsföräldrarnas biologiska barn. Med grund i detta har vi fått ett intresse av attundersöka just biologiska barns egna upplevelser av att växa upp i familjehem. Syftet medstudien är att undersöka hur och om biologiska barn påverkas av att växa upp i ett familjehem.Därmed undersöka och analysera det biologiska barnets egen berättelse om dennes psykiskahälsa, relationer till föräldrarna samt det placerade barnet, för att utvärdera vilken effektfamiljehemsplaceringar har på deras liv.Studien baseras på en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där 6 biologiskabarn som har växt upp i ett familjehem fått berätta sin historia. Det insamlade materialet haranalyserats med hjälp av tre olika teorier; KASAM, familjepraktiker samt Eriksonsidentitetsutvecklingsteori.Slutsatserna från studiens resultat tyder på att de biologiska barnen har en grundläggandepositiv syn på familjehemsvården. Däremot hade majoriteten av respondenterna önskat fåttstöd från professionell under sin uppväxt. De biologiska barnen upplever attfamiljehemsplaceringarna har medfört både positiva och negativa effekter. / Foster care in Sweden is widespread, it is the most common intervention for children who, forvarious reasons, cannot live at home with their parents. Despite the fact that foster care iswidespread in Sweden, there is almost no research on its impact on the entire family system,and more specifically the biological children of the foster parents. Based on this, we havegained an interest in investigating biological children's own experiences of growing up in fosterhomes. The aim of the study is to investigate how and if biological children are affected bygrowing up in a foster home. Thus investigate and analyze the biological child's own storyabout their mental health, relationships with the parents and the foster child, in order to evaluatethe effect foster care has on their lives.The study is based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews where 6biological children who have grown up in a foster home told their story. The collected materialhas been analyzed through three different theories; KASAM, family practice and Erikson'sidentity development theory.The conclusions from the results of the study indicate that the biological children have afundamentally positive view of foster care. In contrast, the majority of respondents would haveliked to have received professional support during their upbringing. The biological childrenfeel that the foster home placements have had both positive and negative effects on them.
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Communicative Behaviors of Sibling Dyads With a Child With AutismHodge, Ashley Marie 31 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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