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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifikace objektů v obraze / The idnetification of the objects in the imege

Zavalina, Viktoriia January 2014 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with methods of objects detection in the image. It contains theoretical, practical and experimental parts. Theoretical part describes image representation, the preprocessing image methods, and methods of detection and identification of objects. The practical part contains a description of the created programs and algorithms which were used in the programs. Application was created in MATLAB. The application offers intuitive graphical user interface and three different methods for the detection and identification of objects in an image. The experimental part contains a test results for an implemented program.

Identifikace významných spektrálních složek ve stresovém řečovém signálu / Identification of significant spectral components in speach signal in stress

Dulesov, Egor January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to learn the problem of analysis and identification of significant spectral components in speech signal. Based on learning a special literature chooses the suitable methods of spectrum estimate. Does learning the literature in specification of testing of spectral components significate. Makes a procedure for identification of chosen speech formants. Does this procedure for audio signals both of in stress and in normal state. Estimates the results, compares efficiency of chosen methods and determine threshold for chosen formant of analyzed stress signal. States the recommendations for speech spectral analysis in stress situation.

Modelling the Resilience of Offshore Renewable Energy System Using Non-constant Failure Rates

Beyene, Mussie Abraham January 2021 (has links)
Offshore renewable energy systems, such as Wave Energy Converters or an Offshore Wind Turbine, must be designed to withstand extremes of the weather environment. For this, it is crucial both to have a good understanding of the wave and wind climate at the intended offshore site, and of the system reaction and possible failures to different weather scenarios. Based on these considerations, the first objective of this thesis was to model and identify the extreme wind speed and significant wave height at an offshore site, based on measured wave and wind data. The extreme wind speeds and wave heights were characterized as return values after 10, 25, 50, and 100 years, using the Generalized Extreme Value method. Based on a literature review, fragility curves for wave and wind energy systems were identified as function of significant wave height and wind speed. For a wave energy system, a varying failure rate as function of the wave height was obtained from the fragility curves, and used to model the resilience of a wave energy farm as a function of the wave climate. The cases of non-constant and constant failure rates were compared, and it was found that the non-constant failure rate had a high impact on the wave energy farm's resilience. When a non-constant failure rate as a function of wave height was applied to the energy wave farm, the number of Wave Energy Converters available in the farm and the absorbed energy from the farm are nearly zero. The cases for non-constant and an averaged constant failure of the instantaneous non-constant failure rate as a function of wave height were also compared, and it was discovered that investigating the resilience of the wave energy farm using the averaged constant failure rate of the non-constant failure rate results in better resilience. So, based on the findings of this thesis, it is recommended that identifying and characterizing offshore extreme weather climates, having a high repair rate, and having a high threshold limit repair vessel to withstand the harsh offshore weather environment.

REVISORERS GRANSKNING AV GOING CONCERN UNDER KRIS : En studie om going concern under coronapandemin och finanskrisen / AUDITOR´S REVIEW OF GOING CONCERN DURING CRISIS : A study about going concern during corona pandemic and financial crisis

Johansson, Lukas, Karlsson, Jennie January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Going concern är en av grundprinciperna inom redovisning, vilket innebär att företagen ska fortsätta sin verksamhet under en överskådlig framtid. Under kriser kan osäkerheter uppstå för företag, vilket gör att revisorernas granskning av ett företags förmåga till fortlevnad blir extra intressant att studera. I tidigare forskning har studier gjorts om hur coronapandemin generellt påverkat revisorernas granskning, medan den här studien undersöker hur revisorernas granskning av going concern har förändrats under coronapandemin och finanskrisen. Det finns ingen tidigare forskning angående skillnader och likheter mellan coronapandemin och finanskrisen med avseende till revisorns granskning av going concern, vilket är anledningen till att det undersöks. Problemformuleringar: Hur och varför har revisorernas granskning av förmågan till fortsatt drift (going concern) förändrats under coronapandemin och finanskrisen? Vilka skillnader eller likheter finns det mellan coronapandemin och finanskrisen angående revisorernas granskning av förmågan till fortsatt drift (going concern)? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse över hur revisorerna granskar förmågan till fortsatt drift (going concern) under coronapandemin och finanskrisen och varför revisorernas granskning förändras under dessa kriser. I studien kommer det institutionella trycket hjälpa till att skapa en förståelse för varför revisorernas granskning förändras under kriser. Studien kommer även undersöka utifrån revisorernas perspektiv om det finns några skillnader eller likheter i väsentliga osäkerheter i företagen, ändamålsenliga revisionsbevis samt djupgående granskning mellan finanskrisen och coronapandemin. Resultat och slutsats: Studiens slutsatser är att revisorernas granskning av going concern har förändrats under coronapandemin och finanskrisen. Nya lagar och regler har tillkommit som revisorer i sin granskning behöver förhålla sig till, vilket studien indikerar att dessa förändringar kan förklaras av ett förändrat institutionellt tryck. Coronapandemin och finanskrisen har bidragit till mer djupgående granskning och revisorerna måste säkerställa att de inhämtade revisionsbevisen har en hög kvalitet. Studien har även identifierat att det finns skillnader och likheter angående revisorernas granskning av going concern mellan coronapandemin och finanskrisen, vilket härrör från väsentliga osäkerheter, ändamålsenliga revisionsbevis och djupgående granskning. / Background: Going concern is one of the basic principles in accounting, which means that companies must continue their operations in the foreseeable future. In previous research studies have been done on how the corona pandemic generally has affected the auditors review, while this study examines what the auditors' review of going concern has shown during the corona pandemic. There are already studies on the financial crisis linked to going concern, but there is no previous research regarding differences and similarities between the corona pandemic and the financial crisis. Research questions: How and why have the auditors' review of the ability to continue operating (going concern) changed during the corona pandemic and the financial crisis?What are the differences and similarities between the financial crisis and the corona pandemic regarding the auditors review of going concern? Purpose of study: The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of how the auditors examine the ability to continue operations (going concern) during the corona pandemic and the financial crisis and why the auditors examine changes during these crises. In the study, the institutional pressure will help to create an understanding of why auditors examine change during crises. The study will also examine from the auditors' perspective whether there are any differences or similarities in significant uncertainties, appropriate audit evidence and an in-depth review between the financial crisis and the corona pandemic. Results and conclusion: The study's conclusions are that the auditors' review of the going concern has changed during the corona pandemic and the financial crisis, which contributes to the review not looking the same during a crisis. The corona pandemic and the financial crisis has led to the introduction of new laws and regulations, which auditors must follow and can be explained by institutional pressure. This has contributed to a more in-depth audit and also to the fact that the auditors must ensure that the audited evidence obtained is of a high quality. The study has identified that there are differences and similarities regarding the auditors' review of the going concern between the corona pandemic and the financial crisis, which stems from significant uncertainties, appropriate audit evidence and in-depth review.


Jennings, Jessica L. 01 January 2022 (has links)
Education facilitates community involvement, participation, and acceptance, but not for students with significant disabilities who are taught in separate settings. The policy of separate education derives from arcane beliefs, limited research, and misconceptions that result in people with disabilities having choices made for them not with them. The All IN Pix YPAR asked six high school students with significant disabilities to photo document a week in their high school yearbook class. Each day after school, the students discussed a single photo using a modified photovoice method in structured interviews using the SHOWeD questioning protocol. After data capture, during a Zoom focus group interview, participant photographers picked 10 pictures and identified themes. Study district schoolteachers opted into the ALL IN Pix Gallery Exhibit Survey and shared their reactions to the images and student comments. The teachers found the exhibit impactful in providing a view of the students’ world, giving voices to students, and teaching the teachers more about the people beyond their disabilities. Students felt empowered in classes where they had choice in their education. Student participants became advocates for change over the course of the study. Recommendations for practice include, adopting students’ requests for experiential and choice driven instruction, incorporation of photovoice into individualized education plan development, club involvement, and teacher development. The All IN Pix YPAR study empowered student participants through self-advocacy and personal autonomy, which align to the study theoretical frameworks of empowerment education theory, critical disability theory, and the social model of disability theory (Kunt, 2020).

Exploring Lifelong Influence of Participating in the Junior Audubon Club During Childhood

Weidensaul, Amy 17 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Toward The Horizon: Contemporary Queer Theatre as Utopic Activism

Page, Cody Allyn 20 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

En arbetsprocess för att öka lagerservicenivå i verksamheter med betydande och osäkra anskaffningsledtider samt begränsad efterfrågehistorik : En fallstudie på en verksamhet inom elfordonsindustrin / A work process to increase inventory service levels in companies with significant and uncertain procurement lead times and limited demand history

Berglund Szlachota, Olivia, Nilsson, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien är att utforma en arbetsprocess för att öka lagerservicenivå genom reducering av effekterna från betydande och osäkra anskaffningsledtider i kombination med begränsad efterfrågehistorik med beaktning på lagerkostnader. För att uppnå syftet och skapa en arbetsprocess har syftet brutits ned i tre frågeställningar: [1] Hur kan betydande och osäkra anskaffningsledtider beaktas för att uppnå en ökad lagerservicenivå? [2] Hur kan begränsad efterfrågehistorik beaktas för att uppnå en ökad lagerservicenivå? [3] Hur kan en artikelklassificering med beaktning på lagerkostnader, efterfrågehistorik och efterfrågevariation möjliggöra dimensionering av buffertar för att uppnå en ökad lagerservicenivå? Metod – Studien utfördes som en fallstudie på ett företag verksamt inom elfordons industrin. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa datainsamlingstekniker användes. Datainsamlingstekniker som ansågs vara relevanta för studien var dokumentstudier, intervjuer och observationer. Resultat – Arbetsprocessen fås fram utifrån de tre frågeställningarna. Betydande och osäkra anskaffningsledtider kunde beaktas genom att granska en verksamhets försörjningskedja genom en värdeflödesanalys. Kunde anskaffningsledtiden kortas ner så skulle ett framtida önskat tillstånd bearbetas fram. Kunde anskaffningsledtiderna ej kortas ner föreslogs det att implementera säkerhetstid. För att beakta en verksamhets begränsade efterfrågehistorik identifierades det olika tillvägagångssätt genom att granska efterfrågetypen. Vid betingad efterfrågan föreslogs det att använda sig av prognoser. Vid icke-betingad efterfrågan vid små volymer eller vid nya artiklar föreslogs det att mänsklig bedömning används. För övrig icke-betingad efterfrågan rekommenderas en kombination av mänskligt omdöme och prognoser. Vidare för all efterfrågan rekommenderades införandet av säkerhetslager. Dessa buffertars dimensionering baseras på artikelklasskombinationen från ABC-, XYZ- och kostnadsklassificeringen utifrån en MUSIC 3D analys. Utifrån detta presenterar även en rekommenderad handlingsplan för de samtliga klasserna. Implikationer – Studien resulterar i en arbetsprocess som kan användas för andra verksamheter med betydande och osäkra anskaffningsledtider i kombination med begränsad efterfrågehistorik för att öka lagerservicenivån med beaktning till lagerkostnader. Arbetsprocessen ger en vägledning om vilka faktorer som bör beaktas för att möjliggöra en ökad lagerservicenivå. Begränsningar och fortsatt forskning – Studien är begränsad till att arbetsprocessen som tagits fram teoretiskt kan påvisa ökad lagerservicenivå för företag med betydande och osäkra anskaffningsledtider samt begränsad efterfrågehistorik. Studien berör heller inte uträkningar för att bestämma exakta nivåer av säkerhetslager. Den lagerkostnad som beaktas hos fallföretaget är inköpspris. Studien är avgränsad till att implementeras på företag med lagerhållande verksamhet. För fortsatt forskning skulle arbetsprocessen kunna testas på flera företag. / Purpose – The purpose of the study is to design a work process to increase inventory service levels by reducing the effects of significant and uncertain procurement lead times in combination with limited demand history and at the same time regarding inventory costs. To achieve the purpose and create a work process, the purpose is divided into three research questions: [1] How can significant and uncertain procurement lead times be considered to achieve an increased service level? [2] How can limited demand history be considered to achieve an increased service level? [3] How can an item classification considering inventory costs, demand history and demand variation enable dimensioning of buffers to achieve an increased service level? Method – The study was conducted as a case study of a company active in the electric vehicle industry. Both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques were used. Data collection methods that were considered relevant for studies were document studies, interviews, and observations. Findings – The work process is developed from the three research questions. Significant and uncertain procurement lead times could be considered by examining a business supply chain through a value flow analysis. If the procurement lead time could be shortened, a future state proposition is recommended. If it could not be shortened, it was proposed to implement safety time. To consider a business limited demand history, different approaches were identified by examining the type of demand. In the event of derived demand, it was suggested to use forecasts. In the case of non-derived demand for small volumes or for new items, human judgment is recommended. For other non-derived demand, a combination of human judgment and forecasts is recommended. Safety stocks are recommended for all types of demand. The dimensioning of buffers depends on the class combination from the MUSIC 3D in the ABC-, XYZ- and cost-classification which provides a suggested action plan. Implications – The study results in a work process that can be used for other businesses with significant and uncertain procurement lead times in combination with a limited demand history to increase the service level considering inventory costs. The work process provides guidance on which factors that should be considered to enable an increased service level. Limitations – The study is limited to demonstrate that the work process can theoretically increase the service level. The study also does not make calculations for setting exact levels of safety stocks. The warehousing cost is in the case company considered as the purchase price of goods. The study is limited to being implemented in companies with warehousing operations. For further research, the work process could be tested at several companies.

Classifying Symptom Change in Eating Disorders: Clinical Significance Metrics for the Change in Eating Disorder Symptoms Scale

Hwang, Anthony D. 12 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Despite well-established diagnostic measures and measures of specific dimensions of eating disorder symptomatology, little work has been done to develop a brief, comprehensive, and valid measure for assessing change in eating disorder symptoms. Further, empirically-supported change indices to assess treatment progression and outcome have not yet been developed. The Change in Eating Disorder Symptoms Scale (CHEDS) is a new comprehensive measure designed to assess progress and change during treatment in persons with diagnoses on the eating disorder spectrum. Previous studies have demonstrated the subscale structure, reliability, and validity of the CHEDS. This study determined clinically significant change criteria for the CHEDS to complement the studies that have supported the CHEDS as a reliable and valid measure of eating disorder symptomatology. The CHEDS was also compared to a life functioning scale, the Clinical Impairment Assessment. A reliable change index (RCI) was developed, which generated an inferential statistic that estimates the magnitude of change in a score necessary for a change score to be considered statistically reliable. A cutscore was also developed, which differentiates between functional and dysfunctional populations, between eating disordered clinical subjects and non-clinical subjects. Trajectories were identified using hierarchical linear modeling methods for use in conjunction with clinical significance criteria to aid in the tracking of symptoms during treatment, treatment decision-making, and tailoring treatment according to expected and observed progress. The clinical significance change criteria were then applied to the clinical sample to determine change patterns descriptive of recovered, reliable improvement, deterioration, and no change. Finally, a scoring program with clinical significance change criteria and trajectory analyses for total and subscale scores was developed.

Межведомственное взаимодействие субъектов профилактики в преодолении распространения социально-значимого заболевания (на примере Свердловской области) : магистерская диссертация / Interdepartmental interaction of prevention subjects in overcoming the spread of a socially significant disease (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation)

Долганова, М. В., Dolganova, M. V. January 2024 (has links)
Объектом исследования является система оказания психологической и социальной помощи ВИЧ-инфицированным пациентам. Предмет исследования: роль и участие специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания населения в системе профилактики и оказания медицинской помощи больным ВИЧ-инфекцией. Целью магистерской диссертации является выявление роли специалистов «немедицинского сервиса» по профилактике и преодолению ВИЧ-инфекции, как социально-значимого заболевания в рамках межведомственного взаимодействия (на примере Свердловской области). Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена изучению роли специалистов «немедицинского сервиса» в профилактике и преодолении социально-значимого заболевания в рамках межведомственного взаимодействия (на примере Свердловской области). В работе рассмотрены теоретические основы межведомственного взаимодействия как социальной технологии, в процессе профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции; с использованием авторской анкеты выявлены основные возможности и затруднения специалистов учреждений социального обслуживания населения в оказании помощи здравоохранению по преодолению распространения ВИЧ-инфекции, а так же выявлены основные потребности ЛЖВ (людей, живущих с ВИЧ); проведён контент-анализ существующей и разработано авторское дополнение к основной образовательной программе ГАУЗ СО ОЦ СПИД по подготовке специалистов «немедицинского сервиса» к мотивационному консультированию, которая при апробации показала положительные результаты в части удовлетворения потребностей и пациентов ВИЧ+, и учреждений здравоохранения. Работа будет интересна студентам и специалистам в области социальной работы с ЛЖВ. / The final qualifying work is devoted to the study of the role of specialists of the "non-medical service" in the prevention and overcoming of socially significant diseases within the framework of interdepartmental interaction (on the example of the Sverdlovsk region). The paper considers the theoretical foundations of interdepartmental interaction as a social technology in the process of HIV infection prevention; using the author's questionnaire, the main opportunities and difficulties of specialists from social service institutions in providing health care to overcome the spread of HIV infection are identified, as well as the basic needs of PLHIV (people living with HIV) are identified; an author's supplement is developed to the main educational program of the State Medical Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the preparation of specialists of the "non-medical service" for motivational training, which, when tested, showed positive results in meeting the needs of both HIV+ patients and healthcare institutions. The work will be of interest to students and specialists in the field of social work with PLHIV.

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