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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deformational plagiocephaly:prevalence, quantification and prevention of acquired cranial asymmetry in infants

Aarnivala, H. (Henri) 16 May 2017 (has links)
Abstract The recommendation for infants to sleep supine has decreased the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome by more than a half, but as another consequence, a dramatic rise has been observed in the incidence of acquired cranial asymmetry (deformational plagiocephaly, DP). According to recent data, almost half of otherwise healthy infants are affected by some degree of DP at 7 to 12 weeks of age, and especially in the USA and some Central European countries, major effort is put into treatment of severe DP. However, little is known of the prognosis of DP in the absence of intervention, and although primary preventive strategies are often recommended, a lack of evidence on the effectiveness of such measures persists. Furthermore, although 3D imaging is nowadays frequently used on infants with DP, no data is available on the accuracy of the measurements used to quantify cranial asymmetry. In the present study, the efficacy of a primary preventive program in reducing the incidence of DP was tested in a randomized, controlled trial. The course of DP in the absence of active treatment was studied throughout the first year of life, and factors impacting the prognosis of DP were investigated. The diagnostic accuracy of four 3D stereophotogrammetry-based measurements was also analyzed and compared, with a goal of determining their optimal cut-off values for DP. DP was less prevalent and less severe in the intervention group infants at the end of the RCT (3 months). The point prevalence of DP peaked at 3 months, whereafter spontaneous improvement in DP was seen throughout the follow-up period until 12 months of age. A preferential infant head position at 3 months was the strongest predictor of a subsequently unfavorable course of DP. Cranial asymmetry seen at birth was transient, and none of the older infants with torticollis had presented neck imbalance at birth, but rather appeared to develop the condition postnatally concomitantly with DP. Although all studied asymmetry-related measurements performed well regarding diagnostic accuracy, OCLR produced the most accurate classification of DP. In conclusion, primary preventive guidelines would likely aid in reducing the burden from both DP itself and associated healthcare costs, although substantial spontaneous improvement from DP can usually be expected. The cut-off values defined for the asymmetry-related measurements have clinical implication in both making the diagnosis of DP and determining the target outcomes for treatment. / Tiivistelmä Imeväisten nukuttaminen selällään on vähentänyt kätkytkuolemien määrää alle puoleen aiemmasta, mutta käytäntö on myös huomattavasti lisännyt asentoperäisen, ei-synostoottisen vinokalloisuuden esiintyvyyttä; tuoreen tutkimustiedon mukaan jopa lähes joka toisella imeväisellä on nähtävissä jonkinasteista asentovinokalloisuutta 7–12 viikon iässä. Etenkin USA:ssa ja muutamissa Keski-Euroopan maissa vaikea-asteista asentovinokalloisuutta hoidetaan aktiivisesti kypäräortoosein, mutta samanaikaisesti tietämys tilan luonnollisesta kulusta on vähäistä. Vaikka riskitekijöitä tunnetaan ja ehkäiseviä toimenpiteitä usein suositellaan, ei niiden tehosta ole juuri näyttöä. Nykyään 3D-pintakuvantamista käytetään usein vinokalloisten imeväisten seurannassa, mutta epäsymmetrian mittaamiseen käytettyjen muuttujien osuvuudesta ei ole tietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vastasyntyneiden vanhemmille annettavan vauvan käsittelyohjeistuksen vaikutusta asentovinokalloisuuden ilmaantuvuuteen satunnaistetussa, kontrolloidussa asetelmassa. Lisäksi pitkäaikaisseurannassa kartoitettiin asentovinokalloisuuden luonnollista kulkua ja ennusteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä suomalaisilla imeväisillä. Tutkimuksessa myös analysoitiin ja vertailtiin 3D-kuvista laskettavien epäsymmetriaa mittaavien muuttujien diagnostista osuvuutta. Käsittelyohjeita saaneiden lapsilla oli 3 kuukauden iässä merkittävästi vähemmän asentovinokalloisuutta ja kalloasymmetria oli lievempää kuin verrokkiryhmässä. Asentovinokalloisuuden esiintyvyys oli korkeimmillaan juuri 3 kuukauden iässä, jonka jälkeen merkittävää spontaania palautumista oli havaittavissa koko 12 kuukauden ikään jatkuneen seurannan ajan. Vastasyntyneillä nähty kalloasymmetria oli puolestaan ohimenevää, eikä myöskään vastasyntyneenä dokumentoitu kaulan liikerajoitus lisännyt myöhemmän vinokalloisuuden riskiä, vaan vinokalloisilla usein tavattava torticollis (kierokaula) näytti kehittyvän ensimmäisten elinviikkojen aikana yhdessä vinokalloisuuden kanssa. 3 kuukauden iässä havaittu imeväisen halu pitää päätään aina samaan suuntaan käännettynä oli yhteydessä kalloasymmetrian huonompaan spontaaniin palautumiseen. Tutkituista epäsymmetriaa mittaavista muuttujista OCLR erotteli vinokalloiset parhaiten. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että ennaltaehkäisevä ohjeistus voisi vähentää vinokalloisuutta ja siitä aiheutuvia hoitokuluja kustannustehokkaasti, mutta vinokalloisuudelta on lupa odottaa myös merkittävää spontaania palautumista. Tutkimuksessa määritellyillä epäsymmetriaa mittaavien muuttujien raja-arvoilla on käyttöä sekä diagnostiikan että hoidon tavoitteiden määrittelemisen saroilla.

Návrh testovací figuríny pro nárazové zkoušky / Design of a Crash-Test Dummy

Sedláčková, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is construction of crash test dummy for vehicle-pedestrian crash tests. There is review of nowadays used crash test dummies types in the introduction of this thesis. This is followed by part describing construction itself. Chapter about construction begins by characterizing of used materials features in relation with real human body physiology. Main part of chapter is describing construction of crash test dummy’s skeleton and its individual components including 3D modelling and strength analysis. Thesis is finished by cost assessment.

Odhad pohlaví lebky podle povrchu exokrania s využitím CT skenů / Sex assessment of skull using exocranial meshes from CT scans

Musilová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
Sex estimation is a challenging problem in both forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology. Sexual dimorphism is most noticeably displayed by the pelvis; however in instances when it is not preserved, sex is estimated by skull. There is a multitude of approaches that use the skull, however, their population specificity and variable sexual dimorphism oscillation reduces their effectiveness (Bruzek and Murail, 2006). We base our contribution on the study by Abdel Fatah et al. (2014) that estimates sex based on exocranial and endocranial surfaces with a high success rate of 97%. Our approach uses anonymized CT scans of skulls from recent french population, from which the exocranial surface was segmented. On these surfaces, CPD-DCA (Dupej et al., 2014) was performed. We analyzed both form and shape (form after size normalization) of these surfaces in 104 skulls (53 males, 51 females) aged 18 to 92 years. The mean age was 58 years in females and 52.46 years in males. Classification was performed using support vector machines (SVM) with a radial kernel. Leave-one-out crossvalidation was also applied. The highest success rate (87.5 %) was achieved with the first 27 principal components of form. Classification of shape was less accurate by only 2 %. Even though our success rate was lower than that of Abdel...

Developing soft tissue thickness values for South African black females and testing its accuracy

Cavanagh, Daniele 21 June 2011 (has links)
In forensic science one frequently has to deal with unidentified skeletonised remains. When conventional methods of identification have proven unsuccessful, forensic facial reconstruction (FFR) may be used, often as a last resort, to assist the process. FFR relies on the relationships between the facial features, subcutaneous soft tissues and underlying bony structure of the skull. The aim of this study was to develop soft tissue thickness (STT) values for South African black females for application to FFR, to compare these values to existing literature or databases, and to test the accuracy and recognisability of reconstructions using these values. It also established whether population-specific STT values are necessary for FRR. Computerised tomography scanning was used to determine average populationspecific STT values at 28 facial landmarks of 154 black females. The Manchester method of facial reconstruction was employed to build faces, for which antemortem photographs were available, on two skulls that were provided by the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) Forensic Science Laboratory. Different data sets of STT values, namely values from this study, two sets of data from American blacks and a South African mixed ancestry group, were used to build four faces for each of the skulls. Two identification sessions were then held. In the first session, 30 observers were asked to select matches from a random group of 20 photographs of black females which included the two actual images. The identification rates calculated for each photograph revealed that the highest rates of a positive match were for the reconstructions based on South African values. In the second session another group of 30 volunteers were asked to match to each photograph the most similar of the four reconstructions made of that particular individual. The reconstructions with STT values from the current (South African) study were selected more often than the other data sets. Although shortcomings do exist, the identification sessions indicated that FFR can be of value. Furthermore, population-specific STT values are important, since skulls reconstructed using these values were selected or identified statistically significantly more often than the others. AFRIKAANS : In forensiese wetenskap het mens dikwels te doen met ongeïdentifiseerde skeletmateriaal. Wanneer die konvensionele metodes van identifikasie onsuksesvol is, mag forensiese gesigsrekonstruksie (FGR) gebruik word, dikwels as `n laaste uitweg, om die proses te help. FGR is afhanklik van die verhouding tussen die gelaatstrekke, subkutane sagte weefsels en onderliggende benige struktuur van die skedel. Die doel van hierdie studie was om sagte weefsel dikte (SWD) waardes vir Suid-Afrikaanse swart vroue te ontwikkel vir gebruik met FGR, om hierdie waardes te vergelyk met bestaande literatuur of databasisse, en die akkuraatheid en herkenbaarheid van rekonstruksies waar hierdie waardes gebruik was te toets. Dit is gedoen ten einde vas te stel of bevolking-spesifieke SWD waardes nodig is vir FGR. Gerekenariseerde tomografie skandering is gebruik om die gemiddelde bevolkingspesifieke SWD waardes op 28 gesigslandmerke van 154 swart vroue te bepaal. Die Manchester metode van gesigsrekonstruksie is gebruik om twee skedels, waarvan antemortem foto’s beskikbaar was en wat voorsien is deur die Suid Afrikaanse Polisie Diens (SAPD) se Forensiese Wetenskap Laboratorium, op te bou. Verskeie data stelle vir SWD waardes, naamlik waardes verkry in hierdie studie, twee stelle Amerikaanse waardes vir swart vroue en `n Suid Afrikaanse groep van gemengde afkoms, is vir hierdie studie gebruik om vier gesigte van elk van die skedels te bou. Twee identifikasie sessies is gehou. In die eerste sessie is 30 deelnemers gevra om passende foto’s uit `n algemene versameling van 20 foto’s van swart vroue te kies. Dit het die twee ware gesigte ingesluit. Die identifikasie waardes wat bereken is vir elke foto het getoon dat die hoogste waardes vir die werklike foto’s verkry is op rekonstruksies gebasseer op Suid-Afrikaanse waardes. In die tweede sessie was `n ander groep van 30 vrywillgers gevra om die mees soortgelyke van die vier rekonstruksies by die foto van die betrokke individu te pas. Die rekonstruksies met SWD waardes van die huidige (Suid Afrikaanse) studie was meer dikwels gekies as die van ander data stelle. Hoewel verskeie tekortkominge bestaan, het die identifikasie sessies getoon dat FGR van waarde kan wees. Verder is bevolking-spesifieke SWD waardes belangrik, aangesien skedels wat opgebou is met hierdie waardes statisties beduidend meer dikwels gekies of geïdentifiseer is as die ander. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Anatomy / unrestricted

A Place of Passage : Disturbed burials and dispersed human bone remains from the Mid-Neolithic burial ground at Ajvide on Gotland / Övergångsplats : (För)störda begravningar och spridda mänskliga skelettrester från det mellanneolitiska gravfältet i Ajvide på Gotland

Sointula, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The Mid-Neolithic site of Ajvide on the Baltic Island of Gotland comprises the burials of 89 individuals within 85 separate burial contexts (Österholm 2008). Some of these individuals were detected with absent skeletal elements, such as the cranium, which have been believed to be represented by the considerable number of dispersed human bone fragments discovered from the site (Burenhult 2002: 33, see also Lundén 2012). These occurrences were initially proposed to be caused by agricultural ploughing, which however has not been done on the fields of Ajvide with the modern machinery of the late 20th century (Burenhult 2002: 31). It was hence the intention of this study to investigate the alternative motives behind these phenomena, by reviewing the statistics between these skeletal materials. The correspondence was additionally analysed with some other selected variables on the available data from these burial contexts. Based on the attained results, it was concluded that the human skeletal remains from the disturbed burials were likely intentionally retrieved to be used in the different ritual activities of the PWC populations on Gotland. / Den mellanneolitiska Ajvidelokalen på Gotland omfattar 85 begravningar av totalt 89 individer (Österholm 2008, Burenhult 2002). Vissa av individerna påträffades utan specifika skelettelement, såsom kraniet. Dessa individer har använts som representanter för tolkningen av den markanta kvantiteten av spridda mänskliga benfragment, som hittats via arkeologiska utgrävningar på lokalen (Burenhult 2002: 33, se även Lundén 2012 och Wallin 2015). Till en början ansågs jordbruksplogningen vara ansvarig för detta fenomen, dock har inga plöjningar utförts med moderna maskiner, eller sedan 1900-talet (Burenhult 2002: 31). Därmed, var syftet med studie att undersöka alternativa tolkningar bakom dessa fenomen. Studien är på analyser av de två olika grupperna med skelettmaterial, som inkluderats i en statistisk modell. Dessutom utfördes en korrespondensanalys mellan andra särskilt utvalda variabler från varje gravkontext. Studien har konkluderat, att de mänskliga skelettresterna från de förstörda begravningarna, hämtades sannolikt avsiktligen för olika rituella aktiviteter som praktiserades av den mellanneolitiska befolkningen på Gotland.

Ancient Cranial Modifications with Medical and Cultural Significance

Brahler, Emily A. 06 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

“It depends on the fella. And the cat.”: Negotiating humanness through the myth of Irish identity in the plays of Martin McDonagh

Farrelly, Ann Dillon 18 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Potentiel et limites de l’approximation faciale forensique sur un crâne sec assistée par le phénotypage d’ADN

Durand-Guévin, Ariane 08 1900 (has links)
La reconstruction faciale permet d’approximer un visage sur la base d’un crâne, lorsque des restes humains sont retrouvés. En science forensique, elle est l’un des outils utilisés dans un but d’identification post-mortem. Les procédures actuelles d’approximation ne sont pas standardisées et constamment revisitées. Il est également possible d’obtenir des prédictions du phénotype d’un individu (caractères physiques apparents) à partir de son ADN, qui pourraient être ajoutées aux reconstructions pour maximiser les chances de reconnaissance. Cette recherche vise à étudier l’approximation faciale à des fins de reconnaissance et l’apport du phénotypage par l’ADN à cette pratique. Le crâne et le relevé biologique d’un donneur du laboratoire d’anatomie de l’UQTR ont été utilisés. Six praticiens ont approximé son visage à partir d’une copie de son crâne et de ses données phénotypiques et anthropologiques. Les résultats corroborent qu’il existe un manque de standardisation des méthodes et techniques, menant à différents résultats selon le praticien. Des tests de reconnaissance et de ressemblance ont été effectués à l’aide d’un échantillon de 46 participants. Malgré la variabilité des approximations, elles ont toutes été reconnues au moins une fois lors des tests de reconnaissance, soulevant la possibilité que la reconnaissance d’un visage est idiosyncratique. Les caractéristiques qui semblent influencer davantage la reconnaissance sont la forme, la taille et la position des yeux, de la bouche et du nez. Finalement, au regard des incertitudes propres à la méthode et du rôle investigatif de l’approximation faciale, il est recommandé que le phénotypage accompagne l’accompagne par écrit. / Facial reconstruction is a process by which a face is approximated from a skull when human remains are found. In forensic science, it is one of the many tools used for the purpose of post-mortem identification. The current approximation procedures are not standardized and are always revisited. Nowadays, it is possible to obtain phenotype (apparent physical traits) predictions from an individual’s DNA. These predictions could be added to facial approximations to maximize the chances of recognition. This research aims to study facial approximation for recognition purposes and the plus-value of DNA phenotyping to facial approximation. The skull and biological material from one donor of the UQTR’s anatomy laboratory were used. Six practitioners approximated the donor’s face using a copy of his skull, and phenotyping and anthropological data. The results corroborated the lack of standardization regarding the approximating methods and techniques, which leads to different resulting approximations depending on the practitioner. Recognition and resemblance tests were carried out with a sample of 46 participants. Despite the wide variability of the approximations, they were all recognized at least once during the recognition tests, raising the possibility that the recognition of a face is idiosyncratic. The characteristics that seemed the most important to recognition were the shape, size and position of the eyes, the mouth, and the nose. Finally, with regard to the uncertainties specific to the method and the final investigative role of facial approximation, phenotyping would benefit in feeding a spoken portrait.

Ätiologie und Epidemiologie der Erkrankungen des Respirationstraktes im Frühneolithikum Mitteleuropas am Beispiel der linearbandkeramischen Population von Wandersleben

Klingner, Susan 12 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Über die Ätiologie und Epidemiologie der Erkrankungen des Respirationstraktes im Frühneolithikum Mitteleuropas gibt es bislang keine umfassenden Studien. Die Häufigkeit, mögliche Geschlechts- und Altersunterschiede, Populationsunterschiede und Erkenntnisse über mögliche Ursachen und auslösende Faktoren der Atemwegserkrankungen zur Zeit der Bandkeramik sind von besonderem Interesse. Zudem soll aufgezeigt werden wie wichtig es ist, alle Strukturen zu untersuchen, die den „knöchernen Respirationstrakt“ repräsentieren. Von den ersten Ackerbauern und Viehzüchtern aus Wandersleben (Thüringen, Kreis Gotha) lagen insgesamt 112 erwachsene Individuen zur Untersuchung vor. Rippen und Schädel wurden mit paläopathologischen Methoden untersucht. Diese waren neben einer makroskopischen Begutachtung der Knochen, röntgenologische, endoskopische, lupenmikroskopische, lichtmikroskopische und rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen, um eine verlässliche Diagnosestellung zu gewährleisten. 100 % (n = 71/71) der befundbaren Individuen zeigten Spuren chronischer Erkrankungen im Bereich der knöchernen Strukturen, die die oberen Atemwege umgeben. Bei 76,8% (n = 53/69) der Individuen mit befundbaren Rippen konnten Spuren von chronischen Erkrankungen aufgezeigt werden. Signifikante Geschlechts- oder Altersunterschiede bestehen insgesamt nicht. Bei der linearbandkeramischen Population aus Wandersleben ist davon auszugehen, dass es sich in vielen Fällen um Chronifizierungen von Erkältungskrankheiten und um die Folgen einer vergleichbar schlechten Luftqualität hauptsächlich im Haus handelt. Dazu haben die damaligen Lebensumstände, vor allem aber die sesshafte Lebensweise und Wirtschaftszweige mit Ackerbau und Viehzucht, maßgeblich beigetragen.

Relação da otite média secretora com o crescimento craniofacial e as características oclusais / The relationship of otitis media with effusion to the craniofacial growth and occlusal features

Nery, Claudio de Gois 13 August 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a morfologia/crescimento craniofacial e a oclusão dentária em pacientes (ambos sexos), entre 4 e 10 anos e aumento adenoamigdaliano com e sem otite média secretora (OMS). Utilizou-se análise cefalométrica e modelos de estudo dentários. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos estudados, em relação às medidas lineares e angulares adotadas, exceto, a medida correspondente ao comprimento do palato ósseo (ENA-ENP), que mostrou relação com a idade e a OMS. Não houve um tipo facial predominante. Observou-se discreta predominância de mordida profunda, mordida cruzada posterior e desvio da linha média em relação à OMS, porém sem significância estatística. A atresia maxilar pode estar associada à OMS, assim como sua redução pode estar relacionada ao crescimento e desenvolvimento craniofacial / The aim of this study was to evaluate the craniofacial growth/morphology and dental occlusion in 100 patients (male and female) from 4 to 10 years old and tonsils and adenoid enlargement. There were two groups: with and without otitis media with effusion (OME). We used the cephalometric analyses and dental casts. It was not observed significant differences between the two groups, in relationship to the linear and angular measurements adopted, except for the measurement corresponding to the palate bone length, which had shown correlation with age and OME. It was not found a facial pattern predominance. It was observed a discreet predominance of deep bite, posterior cross bite and midline deviation to OME, however without statistical significance. The maxillary narrowing might be associated to OME as well as its reduction may be related to the craniofacial growth and development

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