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Phone Free Study : Encouraging students to put away their phonesSetterberg, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Many of us have grown up or have been acquainted with individuals who have grown up with smartphones in educational settings. We are well aware of how disruptive they can be, and I myself am not an exception. There have been instances when I have become distracted by my smartphone while studying, whether it was due to a notification popping up or feeling overwhelmed by a challenging assignment or a lack of understanding. My classmates have faced similar challenges. This served as the motivation behind my thesis: Can I, through the application of design, mitigate students' smartphone usage while studying? I set a personal goal to design a physical concept rather than a digital one, as I believed that there are already numerous digital alternatives available in the form of mobile applications and existing functions within smartphone operating systems. The design process employed in this thesis follows the Double Diamond approach, which encompasses both divergent and convergent thinking. Initially, extensive exploration of the subject was conducted through a literature review and benchmarking. Subsequently, the problem was defined through methods such as interviews and surveys to determine the validity of the project's objectives. During the development phase, co-design played a pivotal role, incorporating techniques such as brainstorming and dot-voting to ensure the solution was designed by students, for students. Finally, the delivery phase focused on presenting a finalized concept, employing sketches, prototypes, and digital models. Ultimately, the final concept takes the form of an accessory for existing smartphones that simplifies their functionality. This accessory conceals all notifications on the screen, leaving only incoming calls visible and actionable. Functionally, the concept serves as a reminder to students to refrain from checking their phones while studying, effectively reducing their inclination to do so. It introduces a deliberate obstacle to unlocking the device using fingerprint or facial recognition. The intention is for students to experience a sense of calmness during their study sessions, enhanced by the Zen-inspired design, while also providing the reassurance that they can be reached in case of urgent matters simply by calling instead of messaging them. / Många av oss har vuxit upp eller kommit i kontakt med personer som har vuxit upp med telefoner i utbildningssammanhang. Vi är alla väl medvetna om hur störande de kan vara, och jag själv är inget undantag. Det har funnits tillfällen då jag har blivit distraherad av min telefon under studier, antingen på grund av att en notifikation dyker upp eller för att jag känner mig överväldigad av en utmanande uppgift eller brist på förståelse. Mina klasskamrater har stött på liknande utmaningar under sina studier. Detta var bakgrunden till min avhandling: Kan jag, genom tillämpning av design, minska studenters användning av telefoner under studier? Jag satte upp ett personligt mål att utforma ett fysisk koncept istället för en digital lösning, eftersom jag ansåg att det redan fanns talrika digitala alternativ i form av mobilapplikationer och befintliga funktioner i telefoners operativsystem. Designprocessen som användes i denna avhandling följer Double Diamond-processen, vilket innefattar både divergent och konvergent tänkande. Inledningsvis genomfördes en omfattande utforskning av ämnet genom en litteraturstudie och benchmarking. Därefter definierades problemet genom metoder som intervjuer och enkäter för att fastställa projektets mål och dess validitet. Under utvecklingsfasen spelade co-design en avgörande roll, genom att använda metoder som brainstorming och dot-voting för att säkerställa att lösningen utformades av studenter, för studenter. Slutligen fokuserade den sista fasen på att presentera ett slutgiltigt koncept, med hjälp av skisser, prototyper och digitala modeller. Det slutgiltiga konceptet tar formen av ett tillbehör till befintliga telefoner som förenklar deras funktion. Detta tillbehör döljer alla notifikationer på skärmen och visar endast inkommande samtal som kan besvaras. Funktionellt fungerar konceptet som en påminnelse till studenter att avstå från att kolla sina telefoner under studier och minskar effektivt deras benägenhet att göra det. Det introducerar ett medvetet hinder för att låsa upp enheten med fingeravtryck- eller ansiktsigenkänning. Avsikten är att studenter ska uppleva en känsla av lugn under sina studiepass, förstärkt av den zen-inspirerade designen, samtidigt som de kan vara trygga i vetskapen om att de fortfarande kan nås vid akuta ärenden genom att bli ringd, istället för att bli kontaktad via sms.
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Vännen nära till hands : En undersökning av fenomenet nomofobi / A Friend in Hand : An exploration of the phenomenon nomofobiaLipiäinen, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Studien undersöker nomofobi, en förkortning av ‘no mobile phobia’, där individer upplever negativa känslor eller tankar då de finner sig utan sin mobiltelefon. Med mätinstrumentet Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) som underlag utvecklades den svenska versionen NMP-Q-SE, som består av 19 påståenden. Explorativ faktoranalys visade att 64% av variansen i svaren förklarades av tre bakomliggande faktorer som namngavs; (1) att förlora tillgång till kommunikation, (2) att förlora tillhörighet och (3) att förlora tillgång till information och bekvämlighet med Cronbach’s α=.939, vilket gjorde instrumentet lämpligt för undersökning av nomofobi med hänsyn till validitet och reliabilitet. Statistisk analys av medelvärdet för de 220 deltagarna motsvarade en måttlig grad av nomofobi enligt klassificeringen, M=64.47, SD=24.267. Signifikanta skillnader mellan kön fanns i faktor 1, där kvinnor (M=30.75, SD=10.38) hade högre poäng än män (M=25.91, SD= 12.40), t(76.67)=2.573, p=0.012. Variansanalys visade att respondenter med högre utbildningsnivå (M=66.50, SD=23.59) uppvisade signifikant högre poäng än dem med lägre utbildningsnivå (M=57.89, SD=23.83) för totalpoäng samt faktor 2 och 3, p=0.02. Deltagarna med en högre daglig skärmtid uppvisade även signifikant högre totalpoäng NMP-Q-SE (M=70.28, SD=25.88) än de med lägre daglig användningstid av mobiltelefon (M=59.30, SD=21.41), t(218)=-3.439, p=0.01, vilket tyder på ett samband mellan ökad användningstid av mobiltelefon och försvårad nomofobi som bör undersökas vidare. / This study explores nomophobia, shortened for no mobile phobia, where an individual experiences negative thoughts or emotions in situations without limited or no access to their mobile phone. Based on the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q), a Swedish version NMP- Q-SE was designed consisting of 19 items. Exploratory factor analysis identified three underlying factors of nomophobia explaining 64% of variance which were named; (1) losing access to communication. (2) losing connectedness and (3) losing access to information and convenience, with Cronbach's α=.939, thus proving the NMP-Q-SE an adequate instrument for exploring nomophobia with validity and reliability. Statistical analysis showed a mean NMP-Q-SE score for the 220 participants reflecting a moderate degree of nomophobia according to the classification, M=64.47, SD=24.267. Significant differences between sexes were found for factor 1, where women (M=30.75, SD=10.38) scored higher than men (M=25.91, SD= 12.40), t(76.67)=2.573, p=0.012. ANOVA results showed that participants with a higher level education (M=66.50, SD=23.59) scored significantly higher than their lower-level education counterparts (M=57.89, SD=23.83) in total scores and factors 2 and 3, p=0.02. There were significant differences in NMP-Q-SE total and factor scores between participants averaging a lower screen time (M=59.30, SD=21.41) and those higher (M=70.28, SD=25.88), t(218)=-3.439, p=0.01, indicating a relationship between extended phone usage time and more severe nomophobia which should be further examined.
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Human Activity Recognition and Step Counter Using Smartphone Sensor DataJansson, Fredrik, Sidén, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a growing field of research concerned with classifying human activities from sensor data. Modern smartphones contain numerous sensors that could be used to identify the physical activities of the smartphone wearer, which could have applications in sectors such as healthcare, eldercare, and fitness. This project aims to use smartphone sensor data together with machine learning to perform HAR on the following human locomotion activities: standing, walking, running, ascending stairs, descending stairs, and biking. The classification was done using a random forest classifier. Furthermore, in the special case of walking, an algorithm that can count the number of steps in a given data sequence was developed. The step counting algorithm was not based on a previous implementation and could therefore be considered novel. The step counter achieved a testing accuracy of 99.1\% and the HAR classifier a testing accuracy of 100\%. It is speculated that the abnormally high accuracies can be attributed primarily to the lack of data diversity, as in both cases only two persons collected the data. / Mänsklig aktivitetsigenkänning är ett växande forskningsområde som handlar om att klassificera mänskliga aktiviteter från sensordata. Moderna mobiltelefoner innehåller många sensorer som kan användas för att identifiera de fysiska aktiviteterna som bäraren utför, vilket har tillämpningar inom sektorer som sjukvård, äldreomsorg och personlig hälsa. Detta projekt använder sensordata från mobiltelefoner tillsammans med maskininlärning för att utföra aktivitetsigenkänning på följande aktiviteter: stå, gå, springa, gå uppför trappor, gå nedför trappor och cykla. Klassificeringen gjordes med hjälp av en ``random forest''-klassificerare. Vidare utvecklades en algoritm som kan räkna antalet steg i en given datasekvens som samlats in när användaren går. Stegräkningsalgoritmen baserades inte på en tidigare implementering och kan därför betraktas som ny. Stegräknaren uppnådde en testnoggrannhet på 99,1\% och aktivitetsigenkänningen en testnoggrannhet på 100\%. De oväntat höga noggrannheterna antas främst bero på bristen av diversitet i datan, eftersom den endast samlades in av två personer i båda fallen. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm
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“Without my phone, I cannot move one step forward” : A Qualitative Study of the Information Practices of Immigrants to Sweden through their SmartphonesJasim, Ali, Mills, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
Given increased immigration rates in recent years and the rapid rate technology has become part of daily life, understanding the role of technology in the immigration process is important. Smartphones, in particular, are now commonplace, yet little is known about their role in immigration, still less from an information perspective. This study explores how immigrants to Sweden engage with information, with a particular focus on the function of smartphones and smartphone applications as intermediary tools between their adopted Swedish society and their countries of origin. A framework consisting of two theoretical lenses is employed: a practice approach, specifically information practices and transnational practices, and theories of belonging. Adopting a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 12 participants. This study finds that smartphones can serve as a space through which immigrants can develop an understanding of the new information landscape and maintain a connection to the home country, primarily through contact with social networks. However, some form of prior knowledge, often from a third party, is commonly needed to use smartphones effectively in the new landscape. By facilitating an understanding of the new information landscape, and maintaining a connection to the home country, smartphones can be seen as involved in the development of a sense of belonging in the new environment. This study creates new insights into how immigrants engage with information, especially through smartphones, however, further research in this area is encouraged.
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Uso del teléfono inteligente durante la jornada laboral hospitalaria en profesionales de enfermería de Chiclayo, 2023: un estudio cualitativoBustamante Gonzales, Maria del Carmen January 2024 (has links)
El uso del teléfono inteligente incrementa con el pasar de los días dentro de los hospitales, ya que, facilita actividades que realiza el profesional de enfermería durante su jornada laboral, sin embargo, su uso inadecuado y excesivo ha traído consigo riesgos en la seguridad del paciente. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo: Describir y analizar el uso del teléfono inteligente durante la jornada laboral de profesionales de enfermería de Chiclayo, 2023; se empleó un enfoque cualitativo de abordaje descriptivo; la muestra fue no probabilística, por conveniencia y estuvo conformada por 12 enfermeras del servicio de
emergencia del Hospital Las Mercedes de Chiclayo. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó dos instrumentos: una entrevista semiestructurada y una Escala Likert, ambos fueron validados por juicio de expertos. Posterior al análisis, se obtuvieron como resultados 3 categorías: Una herramienta de comunicación eficaz, Herramientas amigables para facilitar el trabajo e Implicancias del uso personal del teléfono inteligente. Se concluyó que el personal de enfermería atribuye un uso benéfico al teléfono inteligente durante su jornada laboral, puesto que facilita la comunicación. y simplifica sus actividades a través de las herramientas y aplicativos que posee, sin embargo, ese uso implica un contacto frecuente con el dispositivo tecnológico que puede traer consecuencias relacionadas con la seguridad del paciente y del propio personal. / The use of smartphones is increasing with each passing day in hospitals, since it facilitates activities performed by the nursing professional during the workday; however, its inappropriate and excessive use has brought with it risks to patient safety. The objective of this research was to describe and analyze the use of smartphones during the working day by nursing professionals in Chiclayo, 2023; a qualitative approach with a descriptive approach was used; the sample was non-probabilistic, by convenience and consisted of 12 nurses from the emergency department of the Hospital Las Mercedes de Chiclayo. Two instruments were used for data collection: a semi-structured interview and a Likert scale, both of which were validated by expert judgment. After the analysis, 3 categories were obtained as results: An
effective communication tool, Friendly tools to facilitate work and Implications of the personal use of smartphones. It was concluded that nursing personnel attribute a beneficial use to the smartphone during their workday, since it facilitates communication and simplifies their activities through the tools and applications it has, however, this use implies frequent contact with the technological device that can have consequences related to the safety of the patient and the personnel themselves.
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Low-Cost Smartphone-Operated Readout System for Point-of-Care Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical BiosensingScott, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Despite the increasing number of electrochemical and photoelectrochemical biosensors reported in the research literature, few have achieved success outside of a laboratory setting. This can partly be attributed to accessibility issues with commercially available readout instruments. Consequently, low-cost and portable readout instruments have been developed by researchers, but these devices fail to address other key compatibility and accessibility challenges. Much like the commercial systems, these devices are not natively compatible with multiplexed signal assays consisting of two or more working electrodes, cannot control optical excitation sources for photoelectrochemical biosensing, nor can they interface with auxiliary instruments such as heaters and electromagnets. To this end, we have developed a low-cost smartphone-operated electrochemical and photoelectrochemical readout system for point-of-care biosensing. Our readout system can perform standard voltammetric techniques and is capable of synchronously controlling an optical excitation source to support photoelectrochemical biosensing. This device is compatible with standard three-electrode assays as well as dual signal assays with two working electrodes. We have also created a portable sample heater that can be controlled by this readout system to facilitate on-site sample heating and have also integrated a portable electromagnet to perform away-from-lab magnetic manipulation. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / Early and prompt detection of disease biomarkers is crucial in order to develop effective disease management strategies. Unfortunately, many gold-standard diagnostic techniques for infectious diseases, cancers, heart diseases, among other conditions prove to be time-consuming, costly, and reliant on trained professionals in a laboratory setting. Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical detection are two sensing modalities that show promising potential for point-of-care applications, as they are easily miniaturized, inexpensive, and can be used to detect both the presence of and the amount of analyte present. However, up until now, these sensing modalities have mostly been confined to research settings. To expedite the commercialization of such sensors and to facilitate their translation to point-of-care diagnostics, we have developed a low-cost smartphone-operated electrochemical and photoelectrochemical readout system. Through the integration of peripheral instruments including a sample heater, electromagnet, and optical excitation source, this system is compatible with a number of different biosensors.
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Towards the Implementation of an Energy Saving App State Migration Technique (ASMT)Morris, Nathaniel Joseph January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Unobtrusive, Pervasive, and Cost-Effective Communications with Mobile DevicesChampion, Adam C. 25 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Integrating a Multi-Platform Web Application into the Supplemental Instruction ProgramHouse, Cody E. 03 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Zusammenhänge zwischen problematischer Smartphonenutzung und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, Lebensqualität und Schulleistung bei Kindern und JugendlichenKliesener, Tobias Marius 05 January 2024 (has links)
Background: European studies on determinants and factors associated with problematic smartphone use (PSU) in children and adolescents are still sparse. This study reports the current amount of PSU symptoms and the presence of (clinically relevant) PSU in German children and adolescents. We also investigated associations between sociodemographic factors, different smartphone usage patterns, and daily smartphone usage time and the amount of PSU symptoms in this group. In addition, associations of PSU symptoms and high smartphone usage times (> 2 h/day) with behavioural problems, quality of life (QoL), and school performance were investigated. Methods: Within the framework of the LIFE Child study, 564 children and adolescents aged 10–18 years provided information on PSU symptoms (using the Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale), daily smartphone usage time, smartphone activities, behavioural strengths and difficulties (using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire), QoL (using the KIDSCREEN-27), and school performance. Multiple regression analyses were applied to assess associations. Results: In the present sample, PSU was present in 13 children (2.3%). Older age, female gender, high daily smartphone usage time of > 2 h, and intensive smartphone use for social networking, gaming, or watching video clips were significantly associated with more PSU symptoms. Children and adolescents reporting more PSU symptoms also showed lower QoL, more behavioural difficulties, and poorer school performance, independently of age, gender, socio-economic status, and daily smartphone usage time. In contrast, daily smartphone usage time per se showed only weak or non-significant associations with these aspects of health and behaviour. Conclusion: Intensive smartphone use for entertainment may increase the risk of developing PSU symptoms. Furthermore, the results indicate that PSU symptoms (more than long smartphone usage times per se) are associated with more behavioural difficulties and poorer QoL
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