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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feine und große Unterschiede

Gebhardt, Dirk 25 June 2009 (has links)
Diese Arbeit betrachtet den Einfluss von Lebensstilen auf Wohnmobilitätshandlungen in zehn Berliner Untersuchungsgebieten. Aus einer handlungstheoretischen Perspektive steht die soziale Differenzierung von Place-utility-Definitionen und Handlungslogiken der Wohnmobilität im Mittelpunkt der Analyse. Damit nimmt diese Arbeit auch kritisch Bezug auf die deutsche Lebensstildiskussion, die seit zwei Jahrzehnten konzeptionelle und empirische Wege zur Entdeckung einer neuen sozialen Einfachstruktur sucht, und setzt sich mit der Übertragung des Lebensstilbegriffs auf raumbezogene Analysen auseinander. In der empirischen Analyse qualitativer und quantitativer Daten wird das Ungleichheitsmerkmal Lebensstil in in seiner altersspezifischen und in seiner vertikalen Strukturierung entlang des Ausstattungsniveaus betrachtet. Die identifizierten lebensstilspezifischen Differenzen im Wohnen sind in Wirklichkeitsmodelle über die soziale Welt und die Position des Individuums darin eingebettet, aus der sie ihren sozialen Sinn beziehen. Diese untereinander zum Teil fundamental gegensätzlichen Modelle haben eine begrenzte soziale Reichweite und sind nur in wenigen Fällen über weite Teile der Gesellschaft anerkannt. Das Ungleichheitsmerkmal Lebensstil erweist sich in den Analysen als signifikant für die Beurteilung unterschiedlicher Standort- und Wohnmobilitätsmuster. Insbesondere die Ergänzung quantitativer Typisierungen durch qualitativ-rekonstruktive Analysen eignet sich dafür, den sozialen Sinn unterschiedlicher Handlungsweisen zu ergründen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sprechen aber nicht dafür, dass Lebensstile für die Analyse sozialräumlicher Zusammenhänge allgemein als besser geeignet anzusehen wären als traditionelle Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit. Statt dessen sollten Lebensstilanalysen selektiver zur Untersuchung von Quartiersdynamiken oder für die Rekonstruktion von Milieus und Szenen eingesetzt werden. / In this study, the impact of lifestyles on residential mobility is analysed by drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from ten study areas in Berlin. From an action-theory-perspective, the analysis is centred on the social differentiation of place-utility definitions and residential mobility. The relationship between residential mobility and lifestyles is scrutinised in two directions: on the one hand, how far lifestyles can help to understand residential mobility; and on the other, what residential patterns and mobility actions reveal with regard to the social significance of lifestyles as a dimension of social inequality. Following these questions, the study takes a critical perspective in an ongoing debate in German sociology ad urban geography on a new paradigm of social stratification based on lifestyles. For the empirical analysis of this study, lifestyles are conceived as structured alongside the horizontal dimension modernity/biographical perspective and the vertical dimension of resources. The results show a differentiation of place utility expressed by preferences for housing types and neighbourhoods. Lifestyle specific differences gain their social significance by being embedded in models of reality that represent the individual''s position in the social world. The different individual models may be fundamentally opposed to each other and have only a limited social scope. In the analyses conducted in this study, lifestyles prove to be a significant dimension of inequality for different patterns of residential mobility, in particular when qualitative methodology is used to reconstruct their social significance. Nevertheless, the results do not advocate a conception of lifestyles as a more suitable dimension of inequality regarding socio-spatial issues in comparison to traditional dimensions, such as class and ethnicity. Instead I argue for a more selective use of the concept, for instance, in research on neighbourhood dynamics or milieus and scenes.

Re-reading Urbanization Experience Of Istanbul / Through Changing Residential Mobility Behaviour Of Households

Kamaci, Ebru 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In 2000 more than one fifth of Istanbul&rsquo / s population lived in a different place than their place of residence five years ago. If we consider that the 2000 population of Istanbul was around some 9.2 million, this figure means that nearly 2 million people were not living in 2000 where they used to live in 1995. Of these two million mobiles, more than half (11.5% of total) were intra-urban movers who moved from one district to another in Istanbul in the same period. Changing the place of residence can be seen as one of the major sources of changing in the socio-spatial composition of a city. In the case of Istanbul, intra-urban mobility or Residential Mobility is the major process that redistributes people in the city since the 1990s. In simplistic words, Residential Mobility is one of the fundamental decision making process which in turn is influenced by macro processes of economic, social and demographic changes in urban setting of a city which are also the determinants of urbanization, and the urban setting of a city is an outcome of mobility decisions of households at the aggregate level. In this regard, this study on residential mobility behaviours of households in Istanbul presents an avenue to further our understanding of the urbanization experience of Istanbul. In the broader context, this study focusses on the period between 1980 and 2000. It is well-known that the post-1980 period shows quite different urbanization setting from the former ones in terms of demographic, economic, political and socio-spatial settings in the world, as well as in Turkey. Within this backdrop, changing characteristics of population as that of economic structure provides unique backdrop to explore how residential mobility changes in metropolitan areas. Moreover, this study is an attempt to reach clear understanding of residential mobility which is one of the poorly understood and studied dynamics of Turkish urbanization.

Who Would Want to Teach There? A Critical Exploration of How New Teachers Conceptualize Geographies of Schooling about Canadian "Inner City" Schools and Implications for Education Policy

Jack-Davies, Anita 12 July 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines geographies of schooling in relation to how a group of new teachers in Canada conceptualize “inner city” schooling as a uniquely Canadian construct. The study uses a critical approach that explores issues of race, and their intersections with issues of gender, social class, and other identity markers. Seven new teachers graduating from a 2009-2010 teacher education program in the province of Ontario, Canada took part in this study. As a function of the inner city, the inner city school is problematized as a particular geographical space, complete with its own meanings. Results of this study indicate that new teacher conceptualizations of Canadian inner city schools are not uniform and coherent, but complex, contradictory, and dependent upon each individual teacher’s experiences with difference. Overall, participants demonstrated limited ability to speak to their own racial identities in relation to teaching in such schooling contexts. Because most participants learned to teach in predominantly White field-placement settings, they perceived race to be a non-issue and recognized it as a construct only if raced bodies were present. With respect to issues of gender, participants most often discussed what is often referred to as the feminization of teaching in elementary schools. However, there was a profound sense in which inner city schools were conceptualized as “male space” or as space from which female teachers needed protection. This was informed by a widespread conception that male teachers could more effectively manage inner city students. Classroom management emerged as an issue that concerned participants with the least experience with difference. Finally, there was a direct relationship between the theoretical approaches used by the teacher education program in discussing inner city schooling and individual teacher ability to articulate their pedagogical approaches to teaching in this milieu. / Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2011-07-11 20:54:49.407

Pour une meilleure intégration des Observatoires Photographiques du Paysage dans la gouvernance territoriale (exemple de la région Bretagne) / Towards a better integration of photographic landscape observatories in territorial governance (example of the French region of Brittany)

Guittet, Caroline 02 December 2016 (has links)
En réponse aux incitations juridiques et à l’attente sociale, le renforcement de la dimension paysagère dans lagouvernance territoriale est incontestable avec la multiplication de projets, d’atlas, de plans, de chartes de paysage. Aumême titre que les autres outils, les Observatoires Photographiques du Paysage (OPP) se multiplient en Europe etparticulièrement en France depuis une vingtaine d’années. Néanmoins, ils peinent à être légitimés par les élus, experts,concepteurs et gestionnaires du territoire, ce qui est notamment dû au fait que les OPP sont difficilement exploitables,tant pour des difficultés d’accès que des problèmes de méthode.À partir d’un ancrage en géographie sociale, la thèse interroge les OPP à travers trois orientations : (i) leurs potentialitésà enrichir la connaissance sur les dynamiques paysagères et les représentations sociales des acteurs du territoire, (ii)leurs capacités à interagir avec les documents territoriaux, (iii) leurs aptitudes à être des supports de médiation entreles acteurs du territoire lors de projets de territoire.Les travaux de recherche sont menés dans la région Bretagne, où quinze structures locales portent un OPP. Via uncorpus choisi, diverses méthodes sont expérimentées et permettent d’entrecroiser les analyses : analyse descriptive ducontenu visuel OPP, analyse du discours des acteurs du territoire à partir d’enquêtes par entretien, analyse comparativeentre les OPP et les documents territoriaux. Dans une perspective de recherche-action, un travail collaboratif avec lesstructures locales OPP a conduit à la création d’une Plateforme informatique, la POPP-Breizh. Cette dernière apportedes solutions pour rendre accessible et exploitable les OPP.In fine, la présente recherche évalue les capacités des OPP à répondre aux enjeux sociétaux et scientifiques actuelsliés au paysage afin d’élaborer des préconisations pour que les OPP deviennent des archives intégrées à lagouvernance territoriale. / In response to legal incentives and social expectations, the reinforcement of the landscape dimension in territorialgovernance is undeniable, in light of the growing number of landscape projects, atlases, plans and charters. Alongsideother tools, an increasing number of photographic landscape observatories have been emerging in Europe andparticularly in France over the past twenty years. These observatories however are struggling to become legitimised bylocal councillors, experts, land designers and land managers, notably based on the fact that these observatories aredifficult to exploit, both due to access difficulties and method-related issues.Based on a foundation of social geography, this thesis examines photographic landscape observatories from threepoints of view: (i) their potential to enrich knowledge of landscape dynamics and social representations of localstakeholders, (ii) their capacity to interact with territorial documents, (iii) their ability to act as mediation aids betweenlocal stakeholders for land development projects.The research work was carried out in the French region of Brittany, where fifteen local organisations host a photographiclandscape observatory (or OPP). Through a chosen corpus, various methods were tested and could be used for crossingdifferent types of analysis: descriptive analysis of the observatory's visual content, discourse analysis of localstakeholders from individual interviews, comparative analysis between observatories and territorial documents. With aview to action research, collaborative work with local OPPs has led to the creation of a computer platform dubbed POPPBreizh.This platform provides solutions to make OPPs accessible and usable.Finally, this research assessed the capacity of OPPs to meet current societal and scientific challenges relating to thelandscape in order to develop recommendations to enable OPPs to become archives integrated within territorialgovernance.

The impact of school development grants on student dropout, attendance and attainment with reference to Kosovo

Tafarshiku, Nora January 2013 (has links)
The post-conflict nature of the Kosovo society and economy led to an urgent need to address educational policy, specifically to raise the quality of the reconstituted formal schooling system. To address this priority major foreign aid and government subsidies were targeted at both the demand (students) and supply (school) side. One of the major contributors, the World Bank, aimed to improve the supply side by allocating development grants to schools in order to improve student performance. In this thesis the following four research questions are addressed: how appropriate are current evaluation strategies of education policy initiatives in developing countries, what has been the impact of school development grants on student dropout, attendance and student attainment, what are determinants of pupil dropout, attendance and attainment and what are the implications of the answers to the above questions for the reform of education policies in developing economies and the evaluation of policy initiatives. This is the first study that critically reviews previous attempts at evaluating educational initiatives in Kosovo and then employs econometric methods to measure the impact of school development grants on educational outcomes. A quasi experimental approach is utilised and comparisons made between schools with treatment and schools without treatment. A similar study for Cambodia serves as a reference for our research, though we have extensively refined the approach taken in that study. The empirical evidence presented in this thesis suggests at best only a marginal positive impact of these policy initiatives on educational outcomes. More specifically there is some evidence of reduced dropout but no effect is found on student attendance and attainment. These findings are consistent with the results of recent reviews of the literature on this type of policy initiative. This study seeks to act as an example of best practice which can be followed in future evaluations of policy initiatives in countries like Kosovo. It draws important conclusions about the need at the policy design stage to formulate appropriate evaluation strategy and to address related issues about data quality, collection and analysis.

Literatura, geografia e modernização social. Espaço, alienação e morte na literatura moderna / Literature, geography and social modernization: spaces alienation and death in modern literature

Duarte, Claudio Roberto 14 March 2011 (has links)
A tese pretende analisar as relações entre Literatura moderna, Geografia e Sociedade no processo de modernização social, através do estudo de seis escritores: Charles Baudelaire, Machado de Assis, Joseph Conrad, Franz Kafka, Carlos Drummond de Andrade e João Antônio. O percurso busca mostrar como a modernização social, produzindo formas de espaço social abstrato (Lefebvre) adequadas ao processo de acumulação capitalista, é literariamente mimetizada e reconstruída por tais escritores. O processo de modernização aparece, então, como domínio do trabalho abstrato e, em suas crises, como um estado de exceção, figurado pela literatura em três níveis espaciais fundamentais interligados, mas não-idênticos: ao nível do concebido (pela política e as ideologias), do praticado/percebido (na vida cotidiana) e do vivido (nas singularidades subjetivas, nos limites do real inconsciente). Assim, teríamos a Literatura como um meio de mapeamento cognitivo de processos sócio-espaciais modernos. / The thesis intends to analyse the relationships between Modern Literature, Geography, and Society within the process of social modernization, through the study of six writers: Charles Baudelaire, Machado de Assis, Joseph Conrad, Franz Kafka, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and João Antônio. This itinerary aims to show how social modernization, producing forms of abstract social space (Lefebvre) related to the capitalist process of accumulation, is literarily mimetized and reconstructed by these writers. The modernization process appears then as imposition of abstract labor and, in its crisis, as a state of exception, thematized by literature in three interconnected but non-identical spatial levels: at the level of the conceived (by politics and ideologies), of the perceived (praxis in everyday life), and of lived experiences (in subjective singularities, in the limits of the unconscious). Thus, Literature appears as cognitive mapping of modern social and spatial processes.

Habiter un village global : migrations et expériences à Cadaqués (Catalogne, Espagne) / Living in a global village : migrations and experiences in Cadaqués (Catalonia, Spain)

Milazzo, Josepha 06 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse vise la formalisation d’une géographie psycho-sociale, et aborde le rôle de la psyché et de l’espace dans l’individuation et le rapport à l’autre, à travers l’habiter à Cadaqués, commune semi-rurale touristique de la Costa Brava espagnole. Participant de la diversité immigrée locale, des non-nationaux (extra-)européens habitent aussi ce village. Une lecture trans-scalaire des évolutions spatiales et une approche biographique des expériences humaines permettent alors d’apprécier les transformations contemporaines du village dans la mondialisation, et les formes du co-habiter qui en résultent. L’analyse s’appuie sur une enquête qualitative mobilisant un terrain ethnographique avec différents résidents interviewés, des données statistiques, de la presse locale, et l’outil cartographique. Les ferments géo-historiques d’une notoriété et d’une globalité villageoises et les enjeux actuels d’une coprésence héritée, sont mis en exergue par les migrations inter/nationales. Cette étude de cas étendue interroge donc de manière distanciée, située et ordinarisée, une participation des migrants à la localité plus souvent saisie en milieu urbain sous les angles de l’ethnicisme et de l’intégrationnisme méthodologiques. Face à une augmentation du racisme, un court-termisme politique, et une démocraticité discutable des droits à habiter et à se mouvoir en Europe et en Occident, cette thèse suggère la nécessité d’une pensée prospective et utopique renouvelée, sur une socialité respectueuse et promotrice d’altérité, et sur une citoyenneté associant ancrage et mobilité. / This thesis seeks to formalize a psycho-social geography, and reviews the role of the psyche and of space in individuation and the relationship with the other by studying everyday life in Cadaqués, a semi-rural tourist village on Spain’s Costa Brava. This one has a diverse local population, given the presence of (non-)European immigrants. A transcalar interpretation of spatial changes and a biographical approach on human experience permits an assessment of contemporary transformations in this village as part of the global world and of different forms of co-habitation that emanate from this situation. This analysis is based on a qualitative survey of an ethnographic terrain, interviews with different categories of residents, statistical data, press articles, and mapping. Geohistorical catalysts of notoriety and adherence to globalization processes of the village of Cadaqués, as well as issues arising from a co-habitation between native population and visitors, are both highlighted by inter/national migrations. This extended case study takes a distanced, situated and ordinarized approach to questioning the participation of migrants in their village, a participation that is more often analysed in an urban environment from the perspective of methodological ethnicism and inclusiveness. With the rise in racism, political short-term vision and disputes over conformity to democratic principles, specifically the right to live and move around Europe and the West, this thesis demonstrates the importance of initiating a renewed prospective and utopic approach to a respectful sociality that is capable of promoting otherness and a citizenship that permits both rooting and mobility.

El retorn al centre de la ciutat. La reestructuració del Raval entre la renovació i la gentrificació

Martínez Rigol, Sergi 05 July 2000 (has links)
La gentrificació dels centres urbans degradats és un dels aspectes més visibles de les transformacions que s'estan donant en les ciutats contemporànies. La mobilitat del capital en el medi construït i els canvis en l'estructura i el mercat laboral, fruit del procés de reestructuració econòmica iniciat a mitjans dels anys setanta, s'apunten com aquelles causes estructurals que poden explicar el procés de gentrificació. Peró per altra banda, es considera que els individus que decideixen anar a viure als centres urbans també formen part de l'explicació i tenen un paper destacat tant en la reconstrucció social del barri que invadeixen, com en el procés econòmic de revalorització. En el cas d'estudi del barri del Raval de Barcelona, en el marc concret de la reestructuració econòmica, social i urbana de la metròpoli barcelonina, s'analitza com la formació urbana i social del barri justifiquen l'aplicació d'una política urbana liderada pel govern municipal i orientada a la rehabilitació integral, que es converteix en l'impuls al retorn al centre tant del capital com dels nous habitants. L'anàlisi de dades demogràfiques extretes de fonts censals i padronals, així com sobretot la utilització d'entrevistes a nous residents del barri, mostren l'existència del procés de gentrificació al Raval. Aquest es troba en el seu estadi inicial, essent doncs un procés encara en marxa, i en el que el paper dels gentrificadors és reconegut com molt més cultural, a partir de la desmitificació del Raval, que no pas econòmic, buscant la revalorització dels seus habitatges. / The gentrification of the downgraded urban centres is one of the most visible aspects of the transformations of the contemporary cities. Mobility of capital on the built environment and also changes in the working structure and labour markets, caused by the economic restructuring started in the seventies, are seen as the structural causes that could explain the process of gentrification. But by the other side, the individuals that decide to go to live in the urban cores of the cities have and important role in changing the social character of the neighbourhoods that they invade, and also in the economic process of revalorization. In the case study of the Barcelona's neighbourhood named "Raval", framed in the context of the economic, urban and social restructuring of the metropolis of Barcelona, the urban and social production of the neighbourhood are analysed as the cause of the implementation of an urban policy, leadership by the local government and oriented through the integral rehabilitation of the district, that is considered as the impulse of the back to the city movement of capital and people. The analysis of demographic data from the census sources, and above all the use of interviews with new residents of the neighbourhood, shows the Raval's process of gentrification. This process is at the initial stage, so it's still going on, and the role of the gentrifiers is recognized as more cultural, producing a debunk of the neigbourhood, than economic, looking for !he revalorization of their properties.

Literatura, geografia e modernização social. Espaço, alienação e morte na literatura moderna / Literature, geography and social modernization: spaces alienation and death in modern literature

Claudio Roberto Duarte 14 March 2011 (has links)
A tese pretende analisar as relações entre Literatura moderna, Geografia e Sociedade no processo de modernização social, através do estudo de seis escritores: Charles Baudelaire, Machado de Assis, Joseph Conrad, Franz Kafka, Carlos Drummond de Andrade e João Antônio. O percurso busca mostrar como a modernização social, produzindo formas de espaço social abstrato (Lefebvre) adequadas ao processo de acumulação capitalista, é literariamente mimetizada e reconstruída por tais escritores. O processo de modernização aparece, então, como domínio do trabalho abstrato e, em suas crises, como um estado de exceção, figurado pela literatura em três níveis espaciais fundamentais interligados, mas não-idênticos: ao nível do concebido (pela política e as ideologias), do praticado/percebido (na vida cotidiana) e do vivido (nas singularidades subjetivas, nos limites do real inconsciente). Assim, teríamos a Literatura como um meio de mapeamento cognitivo de processos sócio-espaciais modernos. / The thesis intends to analyse the relationships between Modern Literature, Geography, and Society within the process of social modernization, through the study of six writers: Charles Baudelaire, Machado de Assis, Joseph Conrad, Franz Kafka, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and João Antônio. This itinerary aims to show how social modernization, producing forms of abstract social space (Lefebvre) related to the capitalist process of accumulation, is literarily mimetized and reconstructed by these writers. The modernization process appears then as imposition of abstract labor and, in its crisis, as a state of exception, thematized by literature in three interconnected but non-identical spatial levels: at the level of the conceived (by politics and ideologies), of the perceived (praxis in everyday life), and of lived experiences (in subjective singularities, in the limits of the unconscious). Thus, Literature appears as cognitive mapping of modern social and spatial processes.

La construction d'un espace social au féminin par les mobilités quotidiennes : le cas du nord-ouest algérien / The construction of female social space though daily mobility : the case of Nord West Algeria

Collot, Jacques 09 March 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse traite de l'appropriation de l'espace public par les femmes algériennes vu à travers le prisme des mobilités quotidiennes du nord-ouest algérien ; avec en filigrane, les stratégies de contournement des rigidités du quotidien et qui aboutissent à la création d’un espace social au féminin. Jusqu'à la fin des années noires, la place des Algériennes dans l'espace public n'était pas une évidence ; elle l'est devenue à présent, même si elle est encore contestée par certains. Il apparaît très clairement que les transports de voyageurs ont été l'un des vecteurs de l'émancipation féminine, nous entendons ici : le droit à l'égalité sociale. Son dynamisme, allié à une offre plus adaptée aux besoins, a facilité l'accès aux ressources émancipatrices : éducation, travail, vie associative, démarches de toute nature. Bien que son impact reste en général méconnu, tant sur le plan statistique que sociologique, il représente pour des millions de femmes le moyen de s'affranchir spatialement du carcan patriarcal. Certes, il n'en est que l'un des facteurs, mais sans son dynamisme, il y aurait eu un goulot d'étranglement social, dans une région où les déplacements pédestres sont limités par la faiblesse des aménagements piétons ainsi que par les contraintes climatiques. Quant aux trajets féminins en deux roues, ils sont quasiment inexistants pour des raisons culturelles. Bien que les Algériennes soient de plus en plus nombreuses à passer leur permis de conduire, elles sont encore très peu à se déplacer régulièrement seule au volant d’une voiture. C’est pourquoi nous avons considéré le transport de voyageurs comme « un fil conducteur » qui nous a permis d'observer les différentes facettes de la place des femmes dans l'espace public algérien. A partir des wilayas du nord-ouest algérien, nous examinerons la condition des femmes dans l’espace public. Quelle est la véritable conséquence des mobilités féminines sur l'évolution de la place des femmes dans la société algérienne ? Cette assise communautaire nouvelle, si improbable quelques années auparavant, peut-elle constituer une étape vers une métamorphose sociale plus profonde ? / The present thesis is about the appropriation of public space by Algerian women, as seen through the prism of their daily mobility in the north western region of Algeria ; with, just beneath the surface, the strategies of skirting round day to day living restraints which lead to the creation of a social space for women.Until the end of the « dark years », Algerian women’s place in public was not obvious; it is now, even if questioned by many. It appears very clearly that public transport was one of the vectors for women’s emancipation, meaning in this context: the right to social equality. Its dynamism, combined with an offer more adapted to people’s needs, made access to emancipating resources easier: education, work, community life, initiatives of all kinds. Although its impact remains generally unknown, from a statistical or sociological point of view, it represents for millions of women a way to liberate themselves from patriarchal shackles. Indeed, it is only one factor among others, but without its dynamism, there would have been a social bottleneck. In a region where journies on foot are limited by poor pedestrian facilities and climatic conditions. As to journies on two wheels, they are practically inexistent for cultural reasons. Even though more and more Algerian women arepassing their driving test, there are still relatively few using this means of transport.Starting with north-western Algerian « wilaya », we will examine the condition of women in public transport. What are the real consequences of women’s mobility on the evolution of their status in Algerian society ? Could this new community basis, completely unforeseeable a few years ago, constitute a step towards deeper social change ?

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