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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brasil e a globalização: produção intelectual brasileira nos anos 1990, entre o real e o imaginário / Brazil and the globalization: brazilian intelectual production in 1990\'s, between the real and the imaginary

Seixas, Luiz Carlos 06 April 2018 (has links)
Na transição do século XX para o XXI, o Brasil é fortemente impactado pela globalização capitalista e neoliberal. Os governos eleitos na década de 1990 se aliam ao projeto neoliberal, representado pelo Consenso de Washington. Nesse processo, as orientações gerais dos governos Fernando Collor, Itamar Franco e Fernando Henrique Cardoso, obedeceram ao receituário, ou conjunto de regras e normas, indicadas pelos organismos internacionais - GATT/OMC, FMI e Banco Mundial. Reforma do Estado, controle das contas públicas, estabilidade monetária, contenção dos gastos sociais, privatização, desregulação do trabalho e da economia, flexibilização e fim das barreiras alfandegárias foram suas palavras de ordem. Pari passu, se desenvolvem as ideias de globalização e mundialização, de modernidade e pós-modernidade. No Brasil desse período, o tema alça relevância e um conjunto de intelectuais do país se propõe a refletir sobre os impactos de tal processo. O tema da globalização será objeto de alguns dossiês publicados por revistas acadêmicas: Revista do Instituto Avançados-IEA/USP, Cadernos CEBRAP e Universidade e Sociedade-ANDES. Vários autores também publicaram no período livros nos quais a temática central era a globalização, seus impactos e desdobramentos. Temas como o papel do Estado, técnicas e tecnologias, identidade, diversidade, cultura nacional e de massa, globalização e dependência orientam esses livros. Ao mesmo tempo que se pensa sobre a globalização, ela vai nos subsumindo com suas novas técnicas e tecnologias. O estudo em tela tem justamente o objetivo de compreender como esse debate se estabeleceu no país nos anos 1990, fazendo um esforço para trazê-lo para o presente. A pesquisa teve como fonte os artigos, revistas e livros publicados sobre o tema. / In the passage from the 20th century to the 21st, Brazil was heavily impacted by a globalization both capitalist and neoliberal. The elected governments along the decade of 1990 aligned themselves with the neoliberal project, represented by the Washington Consensus. Amidst this process, the overall guidelines of the mandates of Fernando Collor, Itamar Franco, and Fernando Henrique Cardoso obeyed the neoliberal prescriptions, that is, its set of rules and fundamental norms appointed by international organizations such as the GATT/WTO, the IMF, and the World Bank. Measures pointed toward the reform of the state, monetary stability, retrenchment of social expenditures, privatization of public services, deregulation of the workplace and of the economy, and the removal of customs barriers were its motto. Simultaneously, the ideas of globalization and mundialization, of modernity and post-modernity developed. In Brazil at that time, those themes gain relevance, and a group of intellectuals sets out to reflect on and analyze its impacts. The subject of globalization, along with its developments and consequences, becomes central to a few academic dossiers and books published during that period, guided by analysis regarding the role of the State, techniques and technologies, identity, diversity, national culture and mass culture, and globalization and dependency. At the same time that globalization is reflected upon, it subsumes the thinker with its new techniques and technologies. This study aims to understand how this debate was established in the country during the decade of 1990 and attempts to bring it to the present. The research had, as sources, articles, academic magazines, and books published on the subject.

A relação entre o bullying e os relacionamentos sociais num grupo de adolescentes brasileiros / Not informed by the author

Lina Marcela Pedraza Torres 02 October 2017 (has links)
Na questão do bullying, um subtipo de agressão frequente nas escolas, aspectos ligado à organização social do grupo são de importância na compreensão do fenômeno. No presente estudo, avaliamos a correlação entre o bullying/vitimização e as variáveis de popularidade percebida, preferência social e impacto social, num grupo de adolescentes entre 12 e 14 anos na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Para avaliação do bullying e da vitimização utilizamos o questionário Peer Assessment e, para avaliar o status social e a popularidade percebida, usamos dois testes sociométricos, cada um com duas perguntas. Verificamos a interação entre as variáveis e os efeitos principais com o uso de Equações de Estimação (GEE) com efeito aleatório. Os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes menos gostados têm mais chance de ser vitimizados, e os mais populares, de serem agressores. Além disso, há correlação direta entre a agressividade e o impacto social de cada um (o quanto é lembrado pelos pares), e há uma relação inversa entre agressividade e preferência social. / Social organization of the group is an important aspect involved in bullying, a frequent type of aggression found in schools. In this study, we present the correlation between bullying / victimization and variables of perceived popularity, social preference and social impact in a group of adolescents between 12 and 14 years old in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Bullying and Victimization were assessed through the Peer Assessment questionnaire and, Social Status and Perceived Popularity were assessed through two sociometric tests, each one with two questions. We used generalized linear model (GEE) to check the interaction between the variables. According to our results, the less liked the more victimized an adolescent will be, and the more popular the higher the chance of being aggressor. In addition, there is a direct correlation between aggressiveness and the social impact of each one (how much the person is remembered by the peers), and there is an inverse relationship between aggressiveness and social preference.

Impacto social e due diligence: o aprendizado no começo da caminhada / Social impact and due diligence: learnings from the beggining of the journey

Resende, Andréa Araujo Martins 25 October 2016 (has links)
O investimento de impacto é um conceito intermediário entre investimento tradicional e filantropia, e ainda representa uma fração pequena dos valores movimentados nas outras duas áreas. No entanto, é uma área que vem crescendo muito rapidamente e ganhando adeptos não só entre as organizações sociais, mas também nos mercados privado e governamental, e estima-se que essa modalidade de investimento possa movimentar cerca de um trilhão de dólares em 2020. Se o grande diferencial entre o investimento de impacto e o tradicional é justamente o impacto positivo gerado, para que o desenvolvimento do campo seja efetivo, urge um melhor entendimento do que é este impacto e como avaliá-lo. Assim, com a visão de contribuir com a discussão acerca da avaliação do impacto social na seara dos investimentos de impacto, o presente trabalho buscou responder à questão de pesquisa \"Como realizar a avaliação prévia (due diligence) do impacto social de um novo projeto?\". Para tanto, foi proposto um modelo de análise do impacto baseado na experiência do Acumen Fund, que foi aplicado no projeto de tecnologia assistiva mDREET, desenvolvido pelo negócio social Solar Ear. O foco do trabalho foi a fase inicial da avaliação dos investimentos, a due diligence, e o resultado obtido foi a demonstração, na prática, de um modelo simples de avaliação, que se mostrou válido para disseminar a compreensão do processo que leva ao impacto social esperado. Por demandar poucos recursos financeiros e de tempo, uma vez entendido, este modelo pode ser adaptado e replicado em diferentes contextos. / Impact investing is a recent concept, intermediary between traditional investment and philanthropy, and, in terms of assets under management, represents a small fraction from both other areas. Nevertheless, it has been growing at a high pace, and not only amongst the third sector. The private and public sector have been making some moves towards this direction and the estimated potential of this market is around one trillion dollars by 2020. If the big difference between impact investing and traditional investing is the intentional social and environmental positive impact, to enable a consistent growth, there is an urgent need to better define what this impact means and how to measure it. In order to contribute to this discussion, the current work aims to answer the research question \"How to make the due diligence of a new project\'s social impact?\". To accomplish this goal, the author proposes an impact evaluation model based on Acumen Fund practices. This framework was applied in mDREET, an assistive technology project developed by a social business named Solar Ear. The focus has been placed on the tools used in the due diligence phase and as a result, it is presented a simple and low cost process for social impact due diligence, which can be further refined as the company progress in the investment analysis pipeline. Once this process is understood, it can be adapted and used in different occasion/context.

Virtual avatars rising : the social impact based on a content analysis and a questionnaire in the context of fashion industry

Leinatamm, Kirke, Bilali, Stamatoula January 2019 (has links)
Innovative technologies and their ability to grow rapidly are known to be a great source of controversy and paranoid reactions amongst people. The aim of this research is to examine the acceptance and perception of the technology of digital supermodels and influencers. This will be done in the global market of end-users where this technology has proliferated or has the potential to emerge. Digital supermodels and influencers were regarded specifically in a marketing context for this research, since the whole essence of their existence is for marketing purposes, and was approached as a new innovative technology. The research was divided into two parts, first was about conducting a questionnaire to analyse people’s acceptance of the technology, more specifically to examine the possible change in their purchasing behaviour. The purpose of the second part of given research was to examine people’s reactions and perception towards this technology through a content analysis of Instagram comments for the Instagram accounts of digital supermodels and influencers. The addressed innovative technology of digital influencers and supermodels is mostly perceived positively or neutrally. The significant amount of neutral positions in both parts of given research states the presence of confusion and the need for answers rather than lack of interest, which is to be addressed by the creators and users of digital avatars in marketing in the fashion industry.

Female urinary incontinence : impact on sexual life and psychosocial wellbeing in patients and partners, and patient-reported outcome after surgery

Nilsson, Margareta January 2012 (has links)
Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) and urgency are common conditions and can have a profound influence on many aspects of life. Approximately one in four women has UI and one in ten has daily symptoms. Knowledge is lacking, however, on the impact of UI and urgency on the lives of affected women and their partners and on the situation of women with urinary leakage one year postoperatively. Aims: To study the consequences of female UI and urgency for patients and their partners on quality of life (QoL), the partner relationship, and their sexual lives. Also to evaluate the success rates of three operation methods: tension-free vaginal tape (TVT), tension-free vaginal tape-obturator (TVT-O), and transobturator tape (TOT) for stress urinary incontinence (SUI), with a particular focus on women who still have urinary leakage one year after surgery. Methods: Women seeking healthcare for UI and/or urgency and their partners were invited to answer questionnaires. The women completed disease-specific questionnaires and both the women (n = 206) and their partners (n = 109) answered questions about their psychosocial situation, partner relationship, and sexual life. Patient-reported outcomes one year after surgery with TVT, TVT-O, or TOT (n = 3334) were derived from the Swedish National Quality Register for Gynaecological Surgery. Results: Most of the women reported that their urinary problems negatively affected their physical activities, and almost half reported negative consequences for their social life. Women aged 25–49 years were less satisfied with their psychological health, sexual life, and leisure than women aged 50–74 years. One third of both the women and their partners (all the partners were men) experienced a negative impact on their relationship, and sexual life was negatively affected in almost half of the women and one in five of their men. Coital incontinence was reported in one third of the women. Most of their men did not consider this a problem, but the majority of the affected women did. Satisfaction with outcome of the operation did not differ between TVT, TVT-O, and TOT, but TVT showed a higher success rate for SUI than TOT did. Higher age, higher body mass index, a diagnosis of mixed urinary incontinence, and a history of urinary leakage in combination with urgency each constitute a risk for a lower operation success rate. After one year, 29% of the women still had some form of UI, but half of these were satisfied with the outcome and most reported fewer negative impacts on family, social, working, and sexual life than before the operation. Conclusions: Female UI and/or urgency impaired QoL, particularly in young women, and had negative effects on partner relationships and on some partners’ lives. Sexual life was also affected, more often in women with UI and/or urgency than in their partners. At one-year follow-up after surgery, about one third of the women still had some form of UI, but the negative impact on their lives was reduced. A challenge for health care professionals is to initiate a dialogue with women with urinary symptoms about sexual function and what surgery can realistically be expected to accomplish.


CANNATELLI, BENEDETTO LORENZO 30 March 2012 (has links)
Le modalità secondo cui iniziative imprenditoriali ad elevato impatto sociale possono amplificare il valore sociale creato mediante la propria attività costituisce uno dei temi più rilevanti per quelle imprese che intendono affrontare piaghe sociali ampiamente diffuse quali la povertà, l'accesso all'educazione e la salute. L'elaborato intende contribuire alla letteratura sull'imprenditorialità sociale discutendo le strategie, i modelli organizzativi e le competenze richieste per massimizzare l'ampiezza dell'impatto e aumentare le probabilità di successo. Tali temi sono discussi in tre articoli. Il primo, intitolato “Scaling social entrepreneurial impact: an open innovation perspective” presenta un modello teorico che mette in relazione tre differenti strategie di amplificazione dell'impatto sociale con le probabilità da parte dell'organizzazione di soddisfare le proprie attese in termini di valore creato atteso e di valore potenziale rivelato. Il modello suggerisce una relazione significativa tra l'adozione di confini organizzativi "aperti" e l'attitudine a rivelare nuovo valore potenziale. Inoltre, il grado di affinità tra i contesti in cui l'innovazione sociale è replicata modera tale relazione. Il secondo articolo, intitolato “Ba creation and Ba expansion in academic-practitioner partnerships in the social entrepreneurship field", fa riferimento all' "organizational knowledge creation theory" e propone, tramite un caso di studio longitudinale, un modello che illustra gli antecedenti della creazione e la successiva espansione del "Ba" nel contesto di una partnership tra un ateneo universitario e un'impresa sociale suggerendo in che modo gli attori coinvolti nel processo di creazione della conoscenza possano modificare i propri ruoli per produrre un impatto sociale superiore. Il terzo articolo, intitolato “Scaling Social Impact: A Replication and Extension of SCALERS” contribuisce alla letteratura replicando il primo test del modello SCALERS in un nuovo contesto internazionale (Italia) e sviluppandolo ulteriormente includendo alcune contingenze specifiche quali variabili moderatrici del modello. / Scaling social impact is among the most relevant challenges that social enterprises face in addressing global issues like poverty, access to education and health. The dissertation aims at contributing to social entrepreneurship literature by dealing with quests about how and why specific strategies and organizational models may improve the likelihood and the magnitude of the impact exerted by social organizations and which capabilities are most needed for impact to be scaled. Those issues are discussed along three essays. The first article entitled “Scaling social entrepreneurial impact: an open innovation perspective” presents a theoretical model connecting three strategies for spreading social innovation to organization’s confidence on achieving expected social impact and revealing new potential value. The model predicts that a strong relationship exists between the adoption of an open organizational structure and the attitude to reveal potential social value. Indeed, context similarity moderates this relation. The second article entitled “Ba creation and Ba expansion in academic-practitioner partnerships in the social entrepreneurship field” - by building on organizational knowledge creation theory - advances a model predicting the antecedents of ba creation and ba expansion within the framework of university – field organization partnerships, this way contributing to the social entrepreneurship field and suggesting how participants in ba creation and expansion may extend their roles in the knowledge creation process to achieve greater impact. The third article entitled “Scaling Social Impact: A Replication and Extension of SCALERS” contributes to the emerging scholarship on scaling of social impact by replicating initial results of the SCALERS model in an international context (i.e., Italy) and including some situational contingencies as moderating variables of the model.

Assessing CSR and Applying Social Life Cycle Assessment: A case study on Biochemical Oxygen Demand Online Monitor

Wan, He January 2012 (has links)
Wuhan China and Borlänge Sweden collaborate to promote sustainable business growths. This thesis, being part of sustainable business project, aims to understand how business can contribute to sustainable development and explore mechanisms of social life cycle assessment. In an effort to answer research questions and further to achieve the general purpose, a BOD online monitor case study is described and analyzed by applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collection is based on interviews and documents. In the case of BOD online monitor, the thesis identifies Boffin and Universtar companies’ CSR levels. It also observes that SLCA method is able to discover Boffin and Universtar’s social performances at life cycle impact assessment stage and disclose online monitor’s social impacts at interpretation stage. The thesis finally concludes that business’ CSR level can be evaluated from three dimensions: companies’ goals on conducting business, business operation performances and resolved problems. SLCA method is able to disclose enterprises’ social performances, discover underlying factors that might hinder corporations’ ability to contribute to sustainable development and improve product’s social at the same time.

Berniukų chorų Lietuvos bendruomenėje socialinis reikšmingumas / The Social Impact of Boy Choruses on Lithuanian Society

Šeškauskaitė, Rūta 24 September 2008 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Dirbant su berniukais, būtina ieškoti būdų, kaip juos įtraukti į chorinę veiklą, kuri turi tapti reikšminga bendruomenei. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos berniukų chorų veikla Lietuvoje. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti berniukų chorų veiklos Lietuvos bendruomenėje socialinį reikšmingumą. Uždaviniai: 1) pateikti meno kolektyvų veikos visuomenėje misijos teorinį pagrindimą; 2) apžvelgti berniukų chorų kūrybinės veiklos sklaidos Lietuvoje ypatumus (visuomeninių funkcijų įžvalgos); 3) ištirti Lietuvos berniukų socializacijos prielaidas. Hipotezė. Berniukų chorai bendruomenėje vaidins reikšmingą vaidmenį, jeigu jiems vadovaus šiai veiklai pasišventę kompetetingai kvalifikuoti vadovai chorvedžiai – pedagogai, suvokiantys pedagoginę ir socialinę savo darbo prasmes, jeigu chorų dalyviai bus motyvuoti, bus ugdomas berniukų aktyvumas, tapatumo įprasminimas, saviraiška, komunikaciniai gebėjimai (bendrauti ir bendradarbiauti), sąveika su aplinka, bendruomene vaidins svarbų vaidmenį paauglių prevencijos procese, jeigu jų kūrimosi procesą, veiklą stimuliuos visuomenė. Tyrimo metodai. Teoriniai: mokslinės, pedagoginės, publicistinės bei informacinės literatūros sisteminė analizė. Empiriniai: respondentų apklausa; autorės praktinės darbo su berniukų choru patirties apibendrinimas. Matematiniai statistiniai: procentinė duomenų analizė, chi kvadrato kriterijaus taikymas, kontingencijos koeficientas (C). Išvados patvirtina, kad muzikinė raiška chore atlieka svarbią vaikų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relevance of the subject. While working with boys it is important to look for means to involve them into chorus activity which is to become significant to the society. The object of the research – Lithuanian boy chorus practice in Lithuania. The goal of the study – to explore the social impact of boy choruses on Lithuanian society. The tasks: 1) to introduce the theoretical grounding of the mission of the artistic collectives’ influence in the society. 2) to revise the spread peculiarities of boy chorus activities in Lithuania (the social function providence). 3) to study the presumptions of Lithuanian boys’ socialization. The hypothesis. Boy choruses will play an important role in the society if they are managed by dedicated competitively qualified choirmasters – pedagogues realizing both the pedagogical and social meanings of their work, if the chorus participants are motivated, if the activity, the sense of identity, self-expression, communicational abilities (to communicate, to cooperate) of the boys will be developed, the interaction with the surroundings and the society will be important to the process of the teenager prevention if the society stimulate their creation and practice. The methods of the research. Theoretical: the systemic analysis of the scientific, pedagogical, journalistic and informational literature. Empirical: the interview, the generalization of the author’s practical work with a boy chorus. Mathematical statistical: the percentage analysis... [to full text]

Socio-cultural Impacts of Agroforestry Improvements in Narsingdi, Bangladesh

Shams, Rifat Unknown Date
No description available.

Lifelong learning : The social impact of digital villages as community resource centres on disadvantaged women

Hallberg, David January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this research was to enhance the understanding of what affects the social impact of ICT in lifelong learning on disadvantaged women. In contributing to the field of social informatics, this research employs behavioural theories as strategy and analytic possibilities. This research mainly used the Kenyan digital villages as CRCs as settings but did also look beyond such establishments to provide a more solid picture. The studies were located in Kenya with complementary studies in Bolivia, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, and Sweden. The main strategies and methods used were case study, comparative education approaches, and observations and interviewing techniques. The findings suggest that ICT and CRCs have the potential to support disadvantaged women and their lifelong learning. However, the positive social impacts are limited because the arrangement of them generally does not favour vernacular languages, illiterate users, female owners and users, or non-students. In general, the use of ICT was sometimes perceived as forced, which is both a barrier and a stressor in the use of ICT in lifelong learning. It also emerged from the comparative studies that discussions among the participants in the CRCs largely covered issues in respect to 1) family and reproduction and 2) self-esteem, i.e. what settles the matter of the social impact of ICT in lifelong learning depends on change attitude among men and women. With minimal if not zero self-esteem a change that would make the difference or break a woman’s “legendary status quo” in order for a woman to feel that she can reach her goal or ambitions in lifelong learning would be difficult. Hence the lack of self-esteem is a stressor in itself. This research is valuable for stakeholders delving into issues of development and learning using ICTs, not only in Kenya but in a broader, global perspective. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 6: Submitted.</p>

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