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Maestro de nós mesmos: uma perspectiva comparativa entre as figuras do maestro e do professor / Conductor of ourselves: a comparative perspective between the figures of the conductor and the teacherTamara de Souza Campos 04 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar se existem aspectos similares na relação entre o maestro de orquestra e o professor. A hipótese é que a prática desses atores sociais, dentro do ambiente institucional orquestra e escola, limita a ação dos indivíduos que se encontravam subordinados aos mesmos no caso músicos e alunos , resultando em estudantes que sempre dependeriam de explicações e não podem avançar sem a tutela do mestre, e músicos que ficam restritos a função de técnicos do som, de meros executores, não ajudando, por exemplo, a compor o espetáculo, escolher repertórios, entre outros atos considerados da alçada do maestro, que seria o verdadeiro artista dentro do microuniverso orquestra. Da mesma forma, o professor seria o único detentor do verdadeiro saber, o saber científico. Para investigar se tal perspectiva comparativa era possível, foi adotada a Análise de Discurso da vertente sociointeracional em quarto cenas de dois filmes: Ensaio de Orquestra, para estudar o papel do maestro e do músico, e Ao Mestre com Carinho, para que os papeis de professor e aluno fossem investigados. Além da análise de discurso sociointeracional, explorado enquanto perspectiva, também foi utilizado o modelo do SPEAKING, proveniente da etnografia da comunicação, aplicado como ferramenta metodológica para entender as cenas do filmes de maneira mais profunda: quais os atores sociais envolvidos, os propósitos comunicativos, o tom da comunicação, as normas que regulam a interação. Para que ficasse mais claro como, no curso da interação dramática, os atores cooperam para definição de situação, entendem seus papeis, os negociam, se posicionam, quebram as regras ou se submetem a elas, recorremos a dinâmica dos enquadres e alinhamentos, que possibilitam ver como os posicionamentos dos atores mudam no curso da encontro face a face / This study aims to determine if there are similar aspects in the relationship between teacher and orchestra conductor. The hypothesis is that the practice of these social actors, within the institutional environment of school and orchestra, limits the actions of individuals who were subordinate to them in case, musicians and students - resulting in students who always depend on explanations and can not move forward without the tutelage of master and musicians who are restricted to the function of the sound technicians, mere executors, not helping, for example, to compose the show, choosing repertoire, among other acts considered the purview of the conductor, that would be the true artist inside the orchestra`s microuniverse. Likewise, the teacher would be the only holder of true knowledge, scientific knowledge. To investigate whether such a comparative perspective was possible, was adopted sóciointeracional discourse analysis to study four scenes from two movies: Orchestra Rehearsal, to investigate the social role of conductor and musician, and To sir with Love, for the roles of teacher and student were analyzed. Besides the analysis of sociointeracional discourse, that was explored as a perspective, we used the Hymess SPEAKING grid, from the ethnography of communication, applied as a methodological tool to understand the scenes of the movies in a deeper way: who are the social actors involved, what are the communicative purposes, what are the tone of the communication and the rules governing the interaction. To make more clear how in the course of the dramatic interaction actors cooperate to define the situation, understand their roles, negotiate, stand, break the rules or submit to them, we used the dynamics of framings and footings, enabling see how the positions of the actors change in the course of meeting face to face
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Playing Roles: Literati, Playwrights, and Female Performers in Yuan TheaterJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation investigates how Yuan zaju drama reshaped Chinese culture by bridging the gap between an inherently oral tradition of popular performance and the written tradition of literati, when traditional Chinese political, social, cultural structures underwent remarkable transformation under alien rule in the Yuan. It focuses on texts dated from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century by literati writers about playwrights and performers that have been treated by most scholars merely as sources of bio-bibliographical information. I interpret them, however, as cultural artifacts that reveal how Yuan drama caused a shift in the mentality of the elite. My study demonstrates that Yuan drama stimulated literati thought, redefined literati self-identity, and introduced a new significance to the act of writing and the function of text. Moreover, the emergence of a great number of successful female performers challenged the gendered roles of women that had been standardized by the traditional Confucian patriarchal system. This careful uncovering of overlooked materials contributes to a better understanding of the social and cultural world of early modern China. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation East Asian Languages and Civilizations 2019
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Jag har rätt tycker jag också att få ett jobb.. faktiskt : en studie om personer med kognitiva funktionshinder och deras syn på arbeteAndersson, Katarina, Strand, Lena January 2005 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personer med lindriga kognitiva funktionshinder ser på arbete som fenomen. Metoden var kvalitativ med en fenomenologisk ansats. För att få svar på frågeställningarna intervjuades 6 personer, 2 kvinnor och 4 män, som hade arbetspraktik eller arbetsverksamhet genom ett företag som arbetade utifrån ISA-metoden. Personerna hade alla lindriga kognitiva funktionshinder. Teoretisk ram var normaliseringsprincipen, Social role valorization och andra aspekter på normali-sering. Vårt resultat visade att arbete hade olika betydelse för intervjupersonerna. Två av dem uttryckte en önskan om att vara på arbetsplatser på öppna arbetsmarknaden tillsammans med personer utan kognitiva funktionshinder. De ansåg att det var mer utvecklande än daglig verksamhet. Ett krav för att det skulle fungera var dock att arbetsuppgifter och arbetstider var anpassade utifrån deras funktionshinder. För de andra fyra var det däremot mycket angeläget att få ett arbete på öppna arbetsmark-naden. Dels handlade det om att kunna få en dräglig materiell standard, dels tycktes det för dem också ha ett rent symboliskt värde som kan tolkas som att de ville ha rätt att vara som alla andra.</p>
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Demokrati i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie i de sociala rollernas betydelse i år tre.Paredes Morel, Paulina January 2009 (has links)
<p>According to the curriculum the Swedish school system should aim to let the democratic values permeate the school as a whole, and the school should assume each student's individual abilities in teaching. (Lpo -94) Democratic education is what the pragmatist John Dewey strongly encourages in his book <em>Democracy and Education</em>, which is why he stands for the theoretical framework of the concept of democracy in the school context. This study aims to examine whether and if so, the social roles in a classroom can affect students' opportunities for learning. The main research questions asked were:</p><ul><li>How can the social roles affect students' opportunities for learning in a classroom? </li><li>How do students perceive that the social roles in the classroom affect their opportunities for learning? </li></ul><p>This has been investigated by two complementary perspectives. Partly thru a student perspective to raise the students 'own experiences, and partly from an outside perspective to show how I, as an observer can see that social roles affect students' opportunities for learning. The study encompasses three observation opportunities in a grade three, and six interviews with students from this class. The results of the study showed that social roles have significant impact on individuals' opportunities for learning in the classroom. The study reaches the conclusion that the social roles are not something that is possible to, or even desirable to ignore. However, it is important to be aware that different social roles in a classroom have different conditions. An education that is guided by democratic values will ensure that all pupils in the widest extent possible are given the same opportunities to learn and develop.</p><p> </p>
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Jag har rätt tycker jag också att få ett jobb.. faktiskt : en studie om personer med kognitiva funktionshinder och deras syn på arbeteAndersson, Katarina, Strand, Lena January 2005 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur personer med lindriga kognitiva funktionshinder ser på arbete som fenomen. Metoden var kvalitativ med en fenomenologisk ansats. För att få svar på frågeställningarna intervjuades 6 personer, 2 kvinnor och 4 män, som hade arbetspraktik eller arbetsverksamhet genom ett företag som arbetade utifrån ISA-metoden. Personerna hade alla lindriga kognitiva funktionshinder. Teoretisk ram var normaliseringsprincipen, Social role valorization och andra aspekter på normali-sering. Vårt resultat visade att arbete hade olika betydelse för intervjupersonerna. Två av dem uttryckte en önskan om att vara på arbetsplatser på öppna arbetsmarknaden tillsammans med personer utan kognitiva funktionshinder. De ansåg att det var mer utvecklande än daglig verksamhet. Ett krav för att det skulle fungera var dock att arbetsuppgifter och arbetstider var anpassade utifrån deras funktionshinder. För de andra fyra var det däremot mycket angeläget att få ett arbete på öppna arbetsmark-naden. Dels handlade det om att kunna få en dräglig materiell standard, dels tycktes det för dem också ha ett rent symboliskt värde som kan tolkas som att de ville ha rätt att vara som alla andra.
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Demokrati i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie i de sociala rollernas betydelse i år tre.Paredes Morel, Paulina January 2009 (has links)
According to the curriculum the Swedish school system should aim to let the democratic values permeate the school as a whole, and the school should assume each student's individual abilities in teaching. (Lpo -94) Democratic education is what the pragmatist John Dewey strongly encourages in his book Democracy and Education, which is why he stands for the theoretical framework of the concept of democracy in the school context. This study aims to examine whether and if so, the social roles in a classroom can affect students' opportunities for learning. The main research questions asked were: How can the social roles affect students' opportunities for learning in a classroom? How do students perceive that the social roles in the classroom affect their opportunities for learning? This has been investigated by two complementary perspectives. Partly thru a student perspective to raise the students 'own experiences, and partly from an outside perspective to show how I, as an observer can see that social roles affect students' opportunities for learning. The study encompasses three observation opportunities in a grade three, and six interviews with students from this class. The results of the study showed that social roles have significant impact on individuals' opportunities for learning in the classroom. The study reaches the conclusion that the social roles are not something that is possible to, or even desirable to ignore. However, it is important to be aware that different social roles in a classroom have different conditions. An education that is guided by democratic values will ensure that all pupils in the widest extent possible are given the same opportunities to learn and develop.
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Behovet av tillhörighet har större betydelse än genus inom vänskapsrelationerAxelsson, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Vänskap är en viktig del för den psykiska hälsan och individens välbefinnande, det är även ett välbeforskat område inom psykologins värld. Tidigare forskning inom vänskapsrelationer har lagt den största tyngden på genus som den ensamma och bästa variabeln till denna typ av relationer och därmed inte tagit hänsyn till andra möjliga bakomliggande variabler. Denna studie ämnade undersöka om känslan av tillhörighet kan vara en bakomliggande variabler till skattning utav faktorer inom vänskapsrelationer, och möjligtvis kunna förklara skattningen bättre än genus. Undersökningen utfördes med en enkätundersökning. Urvalet bestod utav 60 deltagare, 30 män och 30 kvinnor i åldrarna 19 – 26. Resultatet visade att känslan av tillhörighet kunde förklara skattningen inom vänskapsrelationer bättre än genus. Detta resultat påvisar att skillnader inom vänskapsrelationer till stor del tycks bero på andra variabler än genus.
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A Narrative Study of Perspectives of Puerto Rican Doctoral GraduatesRapp, Doreen Rivera 07 October 2010 (has links)
A review of the literature indicates that Latinos lag behind Whites and Blacks in college degree attainment. This educational disparity is of concern because Latinos are currently the largest minority group in the United States, and the Latino population is expected to increase exponentially in the future. College degree attainment for Latinos is imperative because statistics show an undeniable relationship between degree attainment and income level. In order to ensure the economic wellbeing of Latinos, it is important that Latinos persist through college degree programs. This is especially true for Puerto Ricans because they are the second largest Latino subgroup.
The majority of college persistence and departure literature applies to students in general and some of the studies focus on Latino College students. However, fewer studies explore the perspectives of Latinos with the process of graduate or doctoral degree attainment. This is especially true of Latinos of specific ethnic backgrounds such as Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican. I conducted this study in order to address this gap in the literature.
This study described and explained the perspectives of a purposive sample of Puerto Rican doctoral graduates on their education by exploring those social and cultural factors that influenced their perceptions, and served as educational facilitators or barriers to their doctoral attainment. The questions that guided the study were: 1.What are the
components of their perspectives? and; 2. What social-cultural variables influenced their perspectives?
In order to answer the research questions, I interviewed eight Puerto Ricans with doctorates who were affiliated with the GOTHAM educational system in the state of New York. In order to collect the data, I went to New York in February and March 2010 and conducted face to face interviews with the participants, which were recorded. After I recorded the interviews, I transcribed the data, which I analyzed using a software program called Atlas.ti. I analyzed the data by coding the excerpts, which I identified as the subthemes or variables of this study. The subthemes were coalesced into major themes, which were validated by peer review, several iterations of member check, and data triangulation. After coming to a consensus at all levels of validation, I determined that the emergent themes were in fact evidence of the components of the perceptions of the participants‟ experiences with doctoral attainment. Those components are Personal Factors, Social Role Factors, Cultural Factors, and Social Factors.
Based on the analysis of the data, the most profound influence to the perception of the participants‟ lived doctoral experiences was that of the interaction of being a doctoral student, or Adult Learner, with at least one other social role. The most commonly reported negative interaction was being an Adult Learner and a Worker at the same time. Having a lack of Finances, No Latino Role Models, experiencing Negative Events by Ethnicity, and struggling with Self-Efficacy served as barriers to most of the participants. Having Peer Networks and Faculty Support served as facilitators to most of the participants. In order to add to the usefulness of this study, I asked the participants for their advice to future or current doctoral students, and for suggestions to faculty and administrators of higher education. I included their responses as part of this study.
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Senų ir pagyvenusių asmenų socialinių ryšių kaita: senelių vaidmenys / Changes is social reliationship among old and elder people: roles of grandfathersKligytė, Laura 29 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe aprašomi senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių socialinių ryšių kaita, senelių vaidmenys. Kalbama apie požiūrį į senėjimą, patį senėjimo procesą, socialinius ir ekonominius veiksnius senstant. Aptariama senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių socialinių ryšių ypatumai, senatvės poveikis socialiniams žmogaus vaidmenims. Aprašomi pagrindiniai senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių besikeičiantys vaidmenys, tokie kaip: tėvystės vaidmens netekimas, dirbančiojo vaidmens praradimas – išėjimas į pensiją, sutuoktinio vaidmens netekimas – našlystė. Darbas parašytas remiantis moksline literatūra apie senų ir pagyvenusių žmonių socialinių ryšių ypatumus bei juos sąlygojančius veiksnius, senelių vaidmenis bei atlikto kokybinio tyrimo „Senelių vaidmenys“ duomenimis.
Tyrimo metu buvo atskleidžiami pagrindiniai senelių vaidmenys, tokie kaip: globėjo, pagalbininko vaidmuo; kultūros, tradicijų, papročių perdavėjo vaidmuo; atostogų senelių vaidmuo; istoriko vaidmuo; teisėjo vaidmuo; šeimos stebėtojo vaidmuo; pavyzdingo gyvenimo mokymo vaidmuo; mokytojo vaidmuo; pasyvaus ar aktyvaus senelio vaidmuo ir kt. Interviu palietė esmines kartų problemas: kaip priimama dažnai netikėta senelio/močiutės padėtis, kaip keičiasi vyresnių žmonių gyvenimas atsiradus anūkams, kaip derinamas dar besitęsiantis darbas su pagalba anūkams, kaip leidžiamas ir kuo praturtinamas jau bendras laisvalaikis. Svarbiausia – kiek visame bendravime reiškiasi didaktiniai momentai, ką seneliai stengiasi perduoti savo anūkėliams. atspindintis svarbias... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The report dealt with changes in social interactions among old and elder population, specializing in roles of grandfathers. Focus is on approach towards aging process and social bonds during this process. Report analyzed the features of social interaction between older population and the influence of old age to human behavior. Additionally report covered major changes in live roles among older population – going on pension or widowhood, loosing active father‘s role. The materials used for report included analysis of relative science literature and data of qualitative research on roles of grandfathers. The research identified main roles of grandfathers like tutor, judge, teacher, assistant, transferor of culture, traditions and customs and more. Interviews covered and analyzed problems of several generations with appearance of grandchildren and entrance of grandfather’s role dealing with help to younger generation and common leisure. Major factor identified was that interaction between older and younger population allows the transition of key social values that are vital to our society.
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Coming out straight: role exit and sexual identity (re)formationBouma, Beverly Ann 04 March 2010 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the relevance of role exit theory in relation to heterosexual persons who formerly identified as gay, lesbian, or queer. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a self identified sample of seven women and four men from south-western British Columbia. Participants discussed the social processes involved in establishing a heterosexual identity. including social stigma, reactions of significant others, presenting authentically, and establishing heterosexual relationships. Research results indicate that role exit as theorized by Ebaugh (1988) cannot be used as an extension of Troiden's (1988) model of sexual identity formation to account for shifts in sexual identity subsequent to the establishment of gay, lesbian, or queer identities. Further, the experiences described by participants did not conform to the stages of role exit, which suggested the need for a flexible model of heterosexual identity (re)formation that takes into account behaviour, affect, cognition, and the acceptance of heterosexual or straight as a personal label.
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