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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicación de acciones sostenibles para el eje social y ambiental en la gestión de operadores turísticos internacionales / Implementation of sustainable actions for the environmental and social thrust in the management of tour operators

Liñer Elias, Diana Carolina 21 July 2020 (has links)
La finalidad de esta investigación es exponer las tendencias mundiales de gestión sostenible que mediante las acciones en los ejes social y ambiental han sido implementadas por los operadores turísticos. La metodología empleada fue la investigación bibliográfica iniciando con una revisión descriptiva de fuentes académicas que culmina con un análisis descriptivo y evaluativo para los fines de la investigación. La investigación se basó en estudios académicos sobre la aplicación de la sostenibilidad social y ambiental en la gestión de los operadores turísticos internacionales. A partir de ello, se observa que en el eje ambiental existe un mayor número de acciones implementadas por los operadores turísticos. Estas están orientados a la gestión del consumo de agua y energía, manejo de residuos sólidos, reducción de materiales desechables, compras ecológicas, capacitaciones en conciencia ambiental, entre otras. Mientras que para el eje social se identificó que los operadores turísticos aplicaron un menor número de acciones, debido a que estas acciones resultan más complejas. Las acciones se enfocan en beneficios económicos para ambas partes (comunidad-operador turístico) y preservación de la cultura local. Pese a ello, se estableció que aún existen limitaciones para que los operadores turísticos apliquen acciones sostenibles tanto para el eje ambiental, como para el social. Una de las limitaciones es encontrar aliados entre sus proveedores que sigan las mismas prácticas, debido a que deben ofrecer un servicio que incluya estándares de sostenibilidad. Se concluye que las prácticas sociales y ambientales están siendo usadas por operadores turísticos a nivel internacional, y se encuentran principalmente motivadas por los beneficios que traen, tales como, menores costos en operaciones, mayores ingresos por la atención de clientes que demandan experiencias social y ambientalmente sostenibles y lograr una mayor captación de mercado. / The purpose of this research is to expose the global trends of sustainable management that through actions on the environmental and social trust have been implemented by tour operators. The methodology used was bibliographic research initiating with a descriptive review of academic sources that culminates with a descriptive and evaluative analysis for research purposes. The research was based on academic studies on the application of environmental and social sustainability in the management of international tour operators. From this, it is observed that there is a greater number of actions implemented by tour operators in the environmental axis. These actions are oriented to the management of water and energy consumption, solid waste management, reduction of disposable materials, ecological purchases, training in environmental awareness, among others. While for the social axis, it was identified that tour operators applied fewer but more complex actions. Those actions focus on economic benefits for both parties (community-tourist operator) and preservation of local culture. Despite this, it was established that there still are limitations for tour operators to implement sustainable actions for the environmental and social axes. One of the limitations is the difficulty to find allies among their suppliers who follow these same practices, because they must offer a service that includes sustainability standards. It is concluded that social and environmental practices are being used by tour operators internationally and are mainly motivated by the benefits it brings such as, lower costs in operations, higher revenue from the attention of customers who demand social and environmentally sustainable experiences and achieving greater market acquisition. / Trabajo de investigación

Förtätning av Ålidhem - ett lyckat exempel? : En kvalitativ studie om Umeå kommuns strategi vid ökad befolkning

Sundström, Teodor January 2023 (has links)
This study has aimed to investigate how urban transformation, particularly densification, is received by the inhabitants. For this essay, the district of Ålidhem in the city of Umeå has been investigated. The method has been qualitative in the form of partly a field study of the district to investigate what kind of densification that has been done, partly an interview study with the inhabitants of Ålidhem to investigate their view of the changes. This essay is also based on the comprehensive plan for Umeå municipality, as well as other literature and studies of densification in Umeå municipality, but also nationally. Goals and legislation that concerns Swedish urban construction has been explored to investigate its influence on densification projects in Umeå. The two studies performed in this essay has been compared to the previous studies to make a conclusion. The result shows that there are several examples of densification projects in Sweden that have affected the social sustainability positively in each of the concerned districts. The examples can be compared to the densification in Ålidhem. When it comes to the field study, it shows that the district of Ålidhem has been densified in several ways. The interview study, as well as previous studies, conclude that the densification actions has been successful and something that the inhabitants appreciate.

Investigating perceived implications of EDI implementation : A case study of EDI work in the Swedish industry

Hedström, Karl January 2023 (has links)
By successful implementation of EDI both individual and company gains can be achieved, based on a sense of satisfaction, belonging, and additional thinking perspectives. That result in increased likelihood and conditions for innovativeness and competitiveness. EDI is perceived as necessary for companies to become and remain attractive and competitive. At the same time it is based on voluntary commitments which might affect resource dedication. The focus of the study is the perception and management of EDI based on empirical and theoretical grounds, i.e., contrasting theory and practice of EDI. It was performed as a qualitative case study with an inductive approach, by purposefully sampled respondents within HR management, to enable understanding and knowledge about the notion of EDI in the Swedish industry. Notable observations and valuable additions for future research are an absence of practical possibilities to demonstrate result-wise advantages of implementing a wider range of diversity dimensions, complexity in measuring multiple diversity imensions without violating personal integrity, lack of or active negation of general framework models, unclear responsibility distribution, lack of dedicated resources, homogenous approach without uniqueness towards EDI incentives, and reward issues. The result indicates that the focus is on equal conditions for everyone, e.g., by conscious knowledge-based recruitment, to a greater extent than fulfillment of diversity, e.g., nonnuanced gender focus, and inclusion, e.g., changes in policies and job descriptions. This study contributes to and extends existing EDI literature and emphasizes codification of knowledge to increase the transferability of EDI-related perceptions and incentives between and within individual Swedish industrial companies.

Investering i social hållbarhet : Mätningsutmaningar för sociala investeringar inom fastighetsbranschen / Investment in social sustainability : Measurement challenges for social investment in the real estate industry

Forsberg, Agnes, Åkerblom, Julia January 2023 (has links)
The work with sustainability has mostly focused on the environmental and economic aspects, while the social dimension has been neglected. There is no definitive definition of what social sustainability work entails and there is a lack of financial measurement tools to assess social investments. The purpose of the essay is to report on the measurement challenge when investing in social sustainability. To achieve this, real estate actors have been interviewed, the people have shared the organization's social sustainability work and its view on measurement challenges. In total, seven operators have been interviewed who have a very varied property portfolio and ownership structure. A recurring measurement tool that the majority of the interviewed real estate operators use is survey measuring tool. These measurement tools can only measure the customer's individual experience and cannot directly demonstrate financial profitability of the investment. The essay has found a variation in terms of existing measurement tools but has also managed to identify challenges in these, such as the lack of comparability, subjective assessments, and misleading values. Financial profitability can arise in many ways from an investment in social sustainability. A common way is through cost savings or an increased willingness to pay in the form of increased market value and attractiveness. The essay has shown that a well-thought-out management can in many ways create large cost savings but also function as preventive measures that contribute to social sustainability, which in turn can generate indirect financial profitability. / Hållbarhet har under de senaste decennierna fått en allt större inverkan på fastighetsbranschen. Arbetet med hållbarhet har till största del fokuserat på de miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekterna medan den sociala dimensionen har försummats. Det finns ingen entydig definition av vad det sociala hållbarhetsarbetet innebär och det råder brist på ekonomiska mätverktyg för att bedöma sociala investeringar. Uppsatsens syfte är att redogöra för mätningsutmaning vid investering i social hållbarhet.För att uppnå detta har fastighetsaktörer intervjuats, personerna har delat med sig av organisationens sociala hållbarhetsarbete och dess syn på mätningsutmaningar. Sammanlagt har sju stycken aktörer intervjuats som har en väldigt varierande fastighetsportfölj och ägarstruktur. Ett återkommande mätverktyg som majoriteten av de intervjuade fastighetaktörerna nyttjar är enkätbaserat mätverktyg. Dessa mätverktyg kan endast mäta kundens individuella upplevelse och kan inte direkt påvisa ekonomisk lönsamhet i investeringen. Uppsatsen har funnit en variation vad gäller befintliga mätverktyg men har även lyckats identifiera utmaningar i dessa, såsom bristen på jämförelsebarhet, subjektiva bedömningar och missvisande värden. Ekonomisk lönsamhet kan uppkomma på många sätt ur en investering i social hållbarhet. Ett vanligt sätt är genom kostnadsbesparingar eller en ökad betalningsvilja i form av ökat marknadsvärde och attraktivitet. Uppsatsen har påvisat att en genomtänkt förvaltning kan i många led skapa stora kostnadsbesparingar men även fungera som förebyggande insatser som bidrar till den sociala hållbarheten, som i sin tur kan generera indirekt ekonomisk lönsamhet.

Social hållbarhet inom fastighetsbranschen : En jämförelse studie om hur olika aktörer i fastighetsbranschen jobbar med social hållbarhet / Social Sustainability in the Real Estate Industry : A comparative study on how different players in the real estate industry work with social sustainability

Makaraba, Trudy January 2023 (has links)
Inom fastighetssektorn har begreppet social hållbarhet blivit mer populär på senaste åren.Begreppet har oftast försummats i många debatter när det talas om hållbar utveckling. Även om hållbarhet som begrepp har blivit framträdande inom många områden, är social hållbarhet den minst utvecklade av dimensionerna inom hållbarhet. Många fastighetsföretag använder ordetmen oftast finns det utrymme för oklarheter om vad arbete med social hållbarhet egentligen innebär.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur olika fastighetsbolag definierar och jobbar med social hållbarhet för att analysera hur de olika definitionerna bidrar till olika social hållbarhetsförändringar. För att kunna göra det utgår studien från att titta på hur kommunala och privata aktörer inom branschen arbetar med frågor kring social hållbarhet idag. För att åstadkomma detta genomförs kvalitativa intervjuer med aktörer som har olika fastighetsinnehav och ägarstrukturer. Studien visar att social hållbarhet är ett brett begrepp med olika definitioner och arbetet med social hållbarhet kan skilja sig från aktör till aktör samtidigt har de en gemensam faktor och det handlar om människans välmående. Det finns dock en nackdel med att ha olika definitioner och det är att det skapar en viss otydlighet för många fastighetsaktörer och som följd arbetar aktörerna med social hållbarhet på olika sätt. Respondenternas huvudmål var detsamma i detta arbete när det kom till att arbeta med social hållbarhet i sin verksamhet: att utveckla platser där det primära fokuset ligger på att främja stabilitet och välbefinnande ur en långsiktig synvinkel.Med denna studie kan det konstateras att det saknas information om hur fastighetsaktörer definierar social hållbarhet och hur detta tillämpas inom företagen. Eftersom det inte finns någon "korrekt" beskrivning av begreppet då det är ett komplex begrepp som inte har undersökts noggrant, leder det till att det finns många alternativa definitioner som innehas av många individer. Just nu finns det inte heller något sätt att mäta värdet av den sociala hållbarheten, vilket behöver undersökas. Det skulle förbättra arbetet med social hållbarhet om det finns bevis på lönsamheten. / Within the real estate sector, the concept of social sustainability has become more popular in recent years. The concept has often been neglected in many debates when talking about sustainable development. Although sustainability as a concept has gained prominence in many fields, social sustainability is the least developed of the dimensions of sustainability. Many real estate companies use the word, but there is usually room for ambiguity about what work with social sustainability actually means. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how different real estate companies define and work with social sustainability in order to analyze how the different definitions contribute to different social sustainability changes. To be able to do that, the study starts from looking at how municipal and private actors within the industry work with issues around social sustainability today. To achieve this, qualitative interviews are conducted with actors who have different property holdings and ownership structures.The study shows that social sustainability is a broad concept with different definitions and the work with social sustainability can differ from actor to actor, at the same time they have a common factor, and it is about human well-being. However, there is a downside to having different definitions and that is that it creates a certain lack of clarity for many real estate actors and as a result the actors work with social sustainability in different ways. The responders main goal was the same in this work when it came to working with social sustainability in their business: to develop places where the primary focus is on promoting stability and well-being from a long-term point of view. The study also shows that there is a lack of information on how real estate companies define social sustainability and how this is applied within the companies. Since there is no "correct" description of the concept as it is a large subject that has not been thoroughly researched, it leads to the existence of many alternative definitions held by many individuals. Right now, there is no way to measure the value of social sustainability, if this could be obtained, it would be interesting to read further. It would also improve work with social sustainability as there is clear evidence of profitability.

Hur bidrar projektet Hagastaden till Vision 2040 - Möjligheternas Stockholm? / How does the project Hagastaden contribute to Vision 2040- Stockholm of opportunities?

Rouhi, Paula, Younes, Paula January 2020 (has links)
Stockholm är en stad som ständigt växer. I takt med befolkningsökningen har det skett ökad efterfrågan på bostäder och utbyggd samhällsservice, kompetens, kapital och investeringar med mera. Den kraftiga befolkningsökningen medför utmaningar vad gäller stadsplanering och växande sociala och ekonomiska skillnader mellan stadsdelar i Stockholm. Segregationen och inkomstspridningen har ökat och stockholmarna tenderar även att bo i allt mer socioekonomiskt homogena områden. För att alla stadens aktörer ska arbeta mot samma mål har Stockholm stad tagit fram en vision som ska uppfyllas till år 2040. Målet är att Stockholm blir en storstad som är mångsidig, hållbart växande och dynamisk samt smart och innovativ. Hagastaden anses av Stockholm Stad vara en viktig del av stadens förverkligande av visionen. Den nya stadsdelen ska bildas genom att sammankoppla Solna och Stockholm. Målet är att staden ska utvecklas till en inkluderade stadsdel för folk i olika livsfaser, med olika förutsättningar, behov och intressen. En utmaning med projektet benämns vara att det blir svårt att inkludera alla socioekonomiska grupper i staden, då nyproducerade bostäder är relativt dyra. Detta kan riskera att bidra till ökade sociala klyftor, ojämlika livschanser, utanförskap och minskad social sammanhållning i samhället. Denna utveckling är varken bra för enskilda individer eller för samhället i stort. Syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete har varit att, genom kvalitativa litteraturstudier och intervjuer, granska om projektet bidrar till ytterligare växande sociala och ekonomiska skillnader i Stockholm samt om bostadsbyggandet bidrar till en mer socialt inkluderande och hållbar stad. Resultatet visade att det har varit svårt att inkludera socioekonomiska grupper när det gäller bostad. Däremot inkluderas de genom att stadsdelen blir tillgänglig för fler och enkel att röra sig i. Hagastaden har lyckats med att bli en innovativ mångsidig och upplevelserik stad. Det finns en blandning av bostadsutbud, men eftersom det endast handlar om nyproduktion har inte låginkomsttagare råd att flytta dit. Det erkänns vara en utmaning att inkludera den socioekonomiska gruppen, men man pekar även på att den rådande bostadspolitiken är skälet till att situationen är som den är idag. / Stockholm is a city that is constantly growing. In line with the population increase, there has been increased demand for housing and expanded community service, skills, capital and investments etc.The rapid increase in population brings challenges in terms of urban planning and growing social and economic differences between districts in Stockholm. Segregation and income distribution have increased, and residents in Stockholm also tend to live in socio-economically homogeneous areas. Inorder for all the city's actors to work towards the same goal, the City of Stockholm has developed avision that will be fulfilled by the year 2040. The goal is for Stockholm to become a big city that isversatile, sustainably growing and dynamic as well as smart and innovative. Hagastaden is considered to be an important part of the city's realization of the vision. The new city will be formed by connecting Solna and Stockholm. The goal is to develop the city into an inclusive neighborhood for people in different stages of life, with different conditions, needs and interests. A challenge with the project is mentioned to be the difficulty to include all socio-economic groups in the city, as newly-manufactured housing is relatively expensive. This may contribute to increased social gaps, unequal life chances, exclusion and reduced social cohesion in the society. This development is not good for neither individuals nor for society at large. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis has been to, through qualitative literature studies and interviews,examine whether Hagastaden contributes to further growing social and economic differences in Stockholm and whether the housing construction in the city contributes to a more socially inclusiveand sustainable city. We have based on the goals that have been set for Vision 2040 and compared to what the project contributes to society. The results showed that it has been difficult to include socio-economic groups when it comes to housing. On the other hand, they are included by making the district accessible to anyone and easy to navigate through. Hagastaden has succeeded in becoming an innovative, versatile and experience-rich city. There is a mix of housing supply, but since the city only consists of newly-manufactured housings, low-income earners cannot afford to move there. It is acknowledged to be a challenge to include the socio-economic group, but it is also pointed out that the current housing policy is the reason why the situation is as it is today.

Avkastning eller social hållbarhet? : En studie som diskuterar unga privatsparares syn på etik och moralgällande casino- och bettingbolags sociala hållbarhet.

Schlyter, Eric, San, Martin, Ingelson, Anton January 2022 (has links)
This is a degree project made by three students at the Linnéuniversity in Kalmar with thequalitative method. The work discusses the topic of casino- and betting company´s socialsustainability and builds on previous research. The project attempts to cover the gaps thathave occurred after a study from Ekström, Hultgren and Johansson (2021) “Gamblingcompanies are digging for gold at the same time as sustainability requirements areincreasing”. The core of the work is to analyze how young private savers between the ages of20 to 24 relate to casino- and betting companies when it comes to investing using commoneconomic- and philosophical theories. The study's research question is: “how do youngprivate savers relate to casino- and betting companies, and how do young private savers thinkin their decision-making processes about socially sustainable investments?”. The workdiscusses how the decision process behind the decisions and how ethics and morality comeinto play. The legitimacy of the study is that in today's society, sustainability has become anincreasingly important part of our lifestyle. But social sustainability can easily beovershadowed by ecological sustainability, which in turn can lead to ignorance and that socialsustainability gets neglected. From there, it is important to do academic studies in the subject.The study concludes that 20-24 year olds have no problem navigating their decisions basedon their ethics and morals. However, they have difficulties to describe it in theoretical termsin the aspects of social sustainability. Furthermore the young private savers have anunderstanding of the underlying topic and have no issues discussing it. For them, thedimension of social sustainability falls into the concept of sustainability. The study alsoconcludes that 20-24 year old young private savers think that it is the savers responsibility forsocially sustainable investments and everyone should take responsibility for what they investin.

Förändrade användningsmönster av Karlstads centrum : En studie om Covid-19:s påverkan på Karlstads centrum som mötesplats / Changed patterns of use of Karlstad city center : A study on the impact of Covid-19 on Karlstad city center as a meeting place

Ekener, Jennifer, Okstam, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och undersöka på vilka sätt Karlstads centrum har en betydande roll för användare av centrum, hur människor har upplevt att Karlstads centrum som mötesplats har påverkats under Covid-19 samt vilka möjliga sociala konsekvenser detta inneburit för dessa användare. Genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och teorianknytning åsyftas följande tre frågeställningar att undersökas och analyseras:  Vilka möjliga sociala konsekvenser har Covid-19 haft på Karlstads centrum? På vilket sätt har Karlstads centrum en betydande roll för användare av centrum? Hur har nyttjandet av Karlstads centrum som mötesplats förändrats under Covid-19? Resultaten från studiens empiriska undersökning tillsammans med förankrade teorier visade att Covid-19 pandemin både påverkat det sociala klimatet i Karlstads centrum samt centrum som mötesplats. Minskad vistelse i centrum bland studiens respondenter under Covid-19 påverkar Karlstads centrum som mötesplats negativt, vilket även leder till att den sociala interaktionen parallellt får en negativ utveckling i relation till detta. Enkätens respondenter lyfte Covid-19 restriktioner som exempel på anledning till en minskad vistelse i Karlstads centrum. Studiens andra frågeställning med fokus på vilken roll Karlstads centrum har för användare av centrum visade både att centrum upplevs som en mötesplats av stor betydelse, men även att centrum utgör ett viktigt nav som ger en attraktiv bild av staden ur ett externt perspektiv. Slutsatsen av studien är att Karlstads centrum har förändrats under Covid-19 pandemin, både ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv men även som mötesplats. / The aim of this study is to describe and examine how Karlstad city center has an important role for users of the city center, how people have experienced the change of Karlstad city center as a meeting place during the Covid-19 pandemic and what possible social consequences this has resulted in for these users. Through a quantitative survey research and by the use of theories are the following three research questions meant to be examined and analyzed:  Which possible social consequences has Covid-19 had on Karlstad city center?  In what way has Karlstad city center a meaningful role for users of the city center? How has the use of Karlstad city center as a meeting place changed during Covid-19?  The result from the study’s empirical research together with presented theories, has shown that the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the social climate in Karlstad city center and the city center as a meeting place. Reduced visits in the city center among the respondents during Covid-19 affects Karlstad city center as a meeting place negatively, which also leads to a negative development regarding social interaction. The respondents of the survey stated Covid-19 restrictions as an example of reason for reduced visits in Karlstad city center. The second research question regarding the role of Karlstad city center in relation to the users of the city showed both that the city center is regarded as a crucial meeting place, but also that the city center is an important hub that provides an attractive external image of the city. The conclusion of the study shows that Karlstad city center has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic, both regarding social sustainability and as a meeting place.

Tensions and Synergies Between Tactical Urbanism and Social Sustainability : A Case Study of the Sunset Triangle Plaza / Konflikter och synergier mellan Tactical urbanism och social hållbarhet : En fallstudie av Sunset Triangle Plaza

Bäckström, Klara January 2018 (has links)
For the past several years, the term social sustainability has gained a strong foothold within urban studies and has become a pervasive and trendy term that seems to be on everyone’s lips. Public space is widely acknowledged as an important urban feature, often in association with the social sustainability. As cities around the world are experiencing rapid population growth, creating meaningful and enjoyable public spaces is more important than ever. The heightened interest in social sustainability, public spaces and placemaking (as a physical manifestation of social sustainability) has led to the emergence of several urban intervention movements, such as Tactical Urbanism. In 2012, for the first time in Los Angeles’ history, this tactic was used to transform a car trafficked street in Silver Lake into a pedestrian friendly public space: the Sunset Triangle Plaza. The aim of this thesis is to, by studying the use and function of the plaza after the conversion, highlight how a broad concept such as social sustainability can be understood from a relatively small-scale public space intervention. The case study was conducted during the spring and summer of 2018, using a variety of data sources including interviews and observations of the plaza during February and March 2018. Two interviews were conducted with managers of the businesses directly adjacent to the plaza. Moreover, street surveys were conducted on two different occasions to ask the public about their use and opinions about the plaza. The results from the case study are presented to illustrate the real-life experience of the theories about social sustainability, public space and a discussion regarding “Whose Public Space?”, when applied at a local context. The findings were then further divided into three categories: usage (what type of activities did the installation enable?), users (for whom were they enabled?) and change (indicators of how the site has changed), reflecting the notions of Tactical Urbanism. While certain changes have been merely “tactical”, others were more substantial; businesses flourished, traffic safety increased, the space has become a meeting place and therefore, it has now got an identity. Immediate change was evident in the process of the physical change when the plaza was constructed, but what has also followed is a continuous change. Even though the plaza with its painted dots may not look like much, a new space for engagement and interaction has been created, both physically and mentally. In addition, converting a street for the cars into a plaza dedicated to pedestrians is especially symbolic in a city like Los Angeles, where the automobile has been the predominant mean of transport for the last 60 years and instrumental in shaping the city’s layout. However, the case study also showed that it is one thing to launch a Tactical Urbanism initiative and another thing to maintain it and achieve long-term social changes. The examined concepts and models to evaluate whether a public space can be considered successful are not always useful. The Sunset Triangle Plaza has certainly changed, but it has implied a continuous change – for better and for worse. Thus, this study also shows that it is evident that the idea of the “organically emerged” city can imply both opportunities and limitations.

Hållbart agerande inomFacilities Management – Fem förslag på förändrade arbetssätt vid outcourcing / Sustainability within Facilities Management – Five suggestions of changed ways of working when outsourcing

Johansson, Elin, Ceder, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
Sustainability is a term that is constantly gaining focus in our society and we are becoming more and more aware of the need to take the next generation into consideration when making decisions. The sustainable activity within the core business is growing and is also connected to profitability in ways that have not been seen before. However, the activities that are not included in the core business have not yet reached this long-term perspective. These non-core businesses within an organization goes under the term Facilities Management (FM). This paper focuses onReal Estate businesses, FM-suppliers and the relation between them.The purpose is to investigate current knowledge regarding outsourced FM-services and the real estate organisation’s use of these services. Furthermore, the purpose is to analyse what obstacles are currently restraining a sustainable way of working with FM-services and finally to present substantial suggestions for change. It is commonly agreed that acting in a sustainable way is a shared responsibility, and that acting accordingly will have great impact over the coming years. The Real Estate companies are facing an obstacle with lack of knowledge and awareness of the current situation. The FM-suppliers do not have the last say in the procurement process which prohibits them from using their knowledge effectively. Collaboration between the two parties is essential in order to achieve an improved result of sustainable development within FM. Five suggestions that will develop sustainability within FM have been depicted within this paper. The first suggestion is a plan of action with the foremost purpose of promoting sustainability and FM. Next follows a suggestion that shows the importance of early influence from proficient people. The third suggestion is to make sustainability measurable by creating a certification. Fourth, a law regarding sustainability reports can show how companies act in order to enhance the three dimensions of sustainability within their organization. The last suggestion is a template that will support both parties in the process of signing FM-contracts. In an ideal world, increasing the understanding and knowledge of sustainability and FM will prevent Real Estate businesses from buying services that are not sustainable as well as keeping FM-suppliers from delivering such services. / Hållbarhet får allt större fokus i vårt samhälle. Genom ett mer eftertänksamt beteende har ett agerande för en hållbar utveckling där nästa generation ges samma förutsättningar som denna påbörjats. Tankesättet växer sig starkare inom organisationens kärnverksamhet och i takt med detta ses hållbart agerande även i större grad som en del i organisationens ökade lönsamhet. Inom stödverksamheterna har utvecklingen dock inte nått detta långsiktiga perspektiv. Sammantaget utgör stödtjänsterna en stor del av en organisations totala omsättning varför det är av stor vikt att påbörja en hållbar utveckling inom dessa. En organisations samtliga stödtjänster sammanfattas i termen Facilities Management (FM). Detta arbete är inriktat mot FM-leverantörer och fastighetsbolag samt framställs med intresse för relationen dem emellan. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka befintlig kunskap om outsourcade Facilities Management-tjänster och fastighetsbolags nyttjande av tjänsterna. Vidare är syftet att analysera vilka hinder som idag motverkar ett hållbart arbetssätt inom dessa tjänster samt framställa konkreta förslag till förbättringsåtgärder. En litteraturstudie samt sju intervjuer har legat till grund för de resultat som framställs. Ansvaret för att agera hållbart inom FM anses ligga på var och en gemensamt och intervjuobjekten är eniga om att hållbarhet kommer att bli allt viktigare i dagens samhälle. Hinder hos fastighetsbolagen är bristande kunskap och medvetenhet gällande den ohållbara situation som råder idag. För FM-leverantörerna finns ett hinder i rådande partsrelation, där fastighetsbolagen har sista ordet vid upphandling trots att FM-leverantörerna besitter mest kunskap. Det krävs ett samarbete mellan parterna för att nå ett förbättrat resultat av hållbar utveckling inom FM-tjänsterna. Fem förslag för att utveckla hållbarhetsarbetet inom FM framställs. Det första är en handlingsplan med främsta syfte att marknadsföra hållbarhet och FM. Nästa förslag belyser vikten av att ge personer med kompetens inom området möjlighet att påverka i ett tidigt skede. I det tredje förslaget framställs en möjlighet att certifiera hållbart arbete för att göra hållbarhet mätbart. Vårt fjärde förslag är att införa en lag om hållbarhetsredovisning där organisationer tvingas redovisa hur de arbetat med de tre dimensionerna av hållbarhet under året. Slutligen föreslås en mall som kan vara till stöd vid tecknande av FM-kontrakt. I den bästa av världar kommer ett aktivt arbete med att öka förståelsen och kunskapen gällande hållbarhet inom FM att leda till att fastighetsbolagen aldrig köper ohållbara stödtjänster samtidigt som FM-leverantörerna heller aldrig levererar sådana.

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