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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förskolan - en arena för social språkmiljö och språkliga processer

Norling, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Title: Preschool – a social language environment and an arena for emergent literacy processes. Author: Martina Norling By focusing on preschool, as an arena for emergent literacy and language learning processes, this thesis put the lens on preschool staff´s approaches and strategies in the social language environment in Swedish preschools. Taking its point of departure in real preschool settings, the overall purpose of this thesis is to develop a greater understanding of this social language environment, with particular emphasis on the quality dimensions of strategies, such as the preschool staff´s sensitivity and approaches in the preschool environment. Two didactic issues are of special importance to the thesis: preschool staff´s descriptions of what kind of strategies and approaches they use in the social language environment as well as how preschool staff support children’s language learning processes in literacy-related activities. The thesis consists of four articles aimed at capturing, variations of dimensions of preschool staff strategies as well as approaches that contribute to highlighting essential strategies for supporting children in the social language environment. The theoretical framework in this thesis consists of social constructivism (Vygotsky, 1997) and bioecological theory (Bronfenbrenner, 2005). The four empirical studies in this thesis have made possible a mixed method design. The data production consists of questionnaires with questions regarding background information of the participants, observation instruments (scoring the quality of the social language environment), focus group interviews, video observations as well as a systematic literature review. In this thesis, three dimensions of preschool staff strategies in social language environment emerged: play strategies, emotional strategies and communicative strategies. The social language environment in Swedish preschool can be described in terms of those three strategy dimensions and continuous interplay processes among children, peers and preschool staff, over time. The quality dimensions of strategies focus, on preschool staff efforts and children’s prerequisites of learning processes, rather than focusing on children’s individual performance. Keywords: Preschool, social constructivism, bioecological theory, preschool staff, emergent literacy, social language environment, language learning processes

Att ligga som föräldrarna bäddar : En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars sexuella handlingsutrymme

Hellberg, My, Sarin, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie avser att undersöka ungdomars sexuella handlingsutrymme. Syftet är att studera om det sexuella handlingsutrymmet uppfattas olika när det gäller ungdomar med, respektive utan, en lindrig intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. I analysen har särskild hänsyn tagits till tre bakgrundsfaktorer; ungdomars kön, föräldrars födelseland samt föräldrars religiositet. Definitionen av det sexuella handlingsutrymmet bygger på den unges uppfattning om vårdnadshavarens restriktioner gentemot den unge inom fyra områden; restriktioner i skolan och på fritiden, begränsningar i heterosexuella föräktenskapliga relationer, begränsningar i val av framtida äktenskapspartner samt begränsningar i sexuella relationer innan äktenskap. Studien bygger på en sekundäranalys av kvantitativt datamaterial hämtat från två tidigare studier, Schlytter m.fl. (2009) samt Davidian m.fl. (2012). Det sammanslagna datamaterialet består av 2576 respondenter från årskurs nio i Stockholms stad samt från det nationella programmet på gymnasiesärskolor i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Uppsala. Frågor som i datamaterialet berör restriktioner i skolan och på fritiden, begränsningar i heterosexuella föräktenskapliga relationer, begränsningar i val av framtida äktenskapspartner samt begränsningar i sexuella relationer innan äktenskap har bearbetats. Analysen av materialet har gjorts utifrån tidigare forskning samt teorin om socialkonstruktivism där respektabilitet, sexuella script samt det romantiska kärlekskomplexet och kärleksideologin varit framträdande begrepp/teorier. Studien visar tre huvudsakliga resultat. För det första att ungdomar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning uppfattar större begräsningar när det gäller sexuella relationer innan äktenskap än vad ungdomar utan en intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. För det andra att ungdomar utan intellektuell funktionsnedsättning uppfattar större begränsningar i valet av sin framtida äktenskapspartner. Slutligen indikerar resultatet att när hänsyn tas till om ungdomar har föräldrar med hög religiositet, eller två utlandsfödda föräldrar, så är skillnaderna mellan ungdomar med och utan intellektuell funktionsnedsättning små. / Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate adolescents’ understandings of opportunities to enact their sexuality both when a mild intellectual disability is present, and is not. In addressing the aim, three background factors have been taken into consideration; gender, parents country of birth and parents religiosity. In determining adolescents understanding of opportunities to enact their sexuality, the study looked at four outcomes; restrictions on schooling and leisure time, the restriction of heterosexual relations before marriage, restrictions in the choice of future husband or wife and restrictions in sexual relations before marriage. The study is based on quantitative data from two previous studies; Schlytter et.al. (2009) and Davidian et.al. (2012). The database contains 2576 respondents from the ninth grade in Stockholm and from the national programs in secondary special school in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo and Uppsala. Variables that handles restrictions in school and on leisure time, restriction in heterosexual relation before marriage, restrictions in the choice of future husband or wife and restriction in sexual relations before marriage has been processed. The results of the study is analysed based on the theory of social constructivism where respectability, sexual script and romantic love and love ideology has been prominent. The study has three major findings. Firstly, adolescents with a mild intellectual disability experience restrictions in sexual relations before marriage more frequently than adolescents without an intellectual disability. Secondly, adolescents without an intellectual disability experience more limitations concerning the ability too freely choose a future husband or wife by themselves in comparison to adolescents with an intellectual disability. Lastly, the results indicate that the difference between adolescents with or without an intellectual disability and ‘room to act’ in relation to sexuality are small when the adolescents’ parents are born outside of Sweden or are considered by the adolescent to be very religious.

The impact of collaborative technology-enhanced learning on concepts of teaching (or developing eCompetent professionals)

Churchill, Tony John January 2011 (has links)
Much has been written about the way in which e-learning has changed learning in higher education without transforming it to meet the changing needs and expectations of stakeholders in the sector. The beliefs and practices of teachers in the sector have remained largely unchanged despite the widespread adoption of e-learning tools. This study used a phenomenographic approach to identify the conceptual frameworks of practitioners. Among the indicators used to define these frameworks were practitioners’ levels of engagement with e-learning tools and the broader concept of technology-enhanced learning. The study identified limited evidence of the transformation of beliefs and practices in the sector to a more student-centred paradigm, despite the adoption of the language associated with such a change by the majority of practitioners interviewed. It showed how many e-learning initiatives had led to the internalization of such change with the adoption of exemplars and best practice. Examples of externalization (where exemplars were adapted to context and the modifications passed to others) were much more limited. Cases were identified where practitioners had used e-learning as a means of reinforcing the existing, teacher-centred paradigm. The majority of practitioners, however, were identified as being in a ‘transitionary’ state, adopting the language and some of the practices of a ‘transformed’ state. This study, therefore, considered factors influencing the adoption of a more student-centred paradigm through the use of e-learning. Using Activity Theory, the barriers to such change were explained and lessons for future approaches to professional development derived. Through an exploration of collaborative technology-enhanced learning initiatives, the nature of learning communities that should be at the heart of such transformation were identified. This study should, therefore, be of value to practitioners wishing to innovate, those who design and deliver the professional development programmes to support them and those managing such change in HE.

Manliga pedagoger i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur manliga pedagoger  känner sig bemötta av kollegor, barn och föräldrar.

Fröling, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates whether male workers at the preschool feel treated differently from their female colleagues. My theoretical perspectives are gender and social constructivist theories are used in this study. When analyzing the results of the interview, variation is used as it highlights the understandings, attitudes and discourse of how people view each other in terms of their gender. During this study, I interviewed six male preschool workers and categorized their response in different themes. I formulated open ended interview questions in order to answer my research questions. The descriptions of the interviewees’ response were analyzed and the findings were written down.   My findings from the interviewees shows that gender perception influence and affect how women and men are treated at the preschool. The results also shows that male workers at the preschool interact differently with children compared with the female ones.

The pedagogical affordances of a social networking site in higher education

Al Ibrahim, Amal Abdullah January 2014 (has links)
In recent times, higher educational institutions have faced a challenge from the radical demands of their students. With the spread of students’ use of Web 2.0 applications, educational institutions also need to move with this trend and adopt Web 2.0 applications in education. As a contribution to the field of innovation in higher education, this study explores the pedagogical affordances of a social networking site (SNS) in higher education in Saudi Arabia. A case study methodology informed by Design-Based Research DBR approach was used. This approach was characterized by iterations of design and evaluation. The study was applied in two phases: Phase One was applied in the University of Exeter to evaluate a previously designed course, “The ICT Future”, with the innovation of a social networking site. The result of this phase was a framework which was applied in Phase Two, in King Saud University, which contributed to the design of an innovative course using social networking site, on "Web design". The data were collected by mixed methods: using stimulated recall interviews, reflexive report, and observation of the interaction on the social networking site. The findings of the study were used to help revise the framework for the design of a course which utilised the social networking site. The framework developed in this study was based on the findings of the pedagogical affordances of the SNS. The study concludes that the pedagogical affordances of the social networking sites are: reflection, stimulation, content-creation, collaboration, and online discussion. These affordances support students in higher education. Some important challenges in implementing the social networking site in higher education were highlighted. The study presents the need to change pedagogical practices in universities, and discusses various ways in which these changes could be implemented.

Jag blir kränkt till följd av den jag är : En kvalitativ studie av individers upplevelser av att utsättas för hatbrott

Torgalsböen, Emma, Rääf, Linda January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examineindividuals talk about their experience of being exposed to hate crimes, how their exposure has influenced their everyday lives, how the individuals experience the policeinteraction, what affects the choice to report or not, but also to see if there is any difference between theexposure for females and males. Themain results that individuals feel because of the exposure, are a great concern and a limitation on everyday life. Individuals experience a positive first impression of the police, which turns to negativity when the investigation is not completed. This is often given as reason not to file a report. A view also develops that shows that females are both more concerned and exposed. One of the most important conclusionsare that social constructs in society have an impact on how the surrounding society, and the victim in person view their exposure. / Syftet är att studeraindividers berättelser om sina upplevelser av att utsättas för hatbrott. Hur utsattheten påverkat individer i deras vardag, hur individerna upplever bemötandet av polisen, vad som har betydelse för om man väljer att inte anmäla en händelse men också om man upplever skillnader mellan kvinnor och mäns utsatthet. Huvudresultaten visar att individer till följd av utsattheten känner en stark oro samt begränsning i vardagen. Individer upplever ofta första intrycket med polisen positivt vilket förändras till negativt då utredningen inte fullföljs. Detta anges ofta som förklaring till varför man inte anmäler. Framkommer gör också uppfattningen om att kvinnor både är mer rädda och utsatta. En av de viktigaste slutsatser som gjorts är att sociala konstruktioner i samhället har betydelse för hur omgivningen och offret själv ser på sin utsatthet

Den onormala kvinnan : En kvalitativ studie av konstruktionen av kvinnliga våldsbrottslingar och hur detta kan ta sig uttryck i svensk press

Hägglund, Chris January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur kvinnliga våldsbrottslingar porträtteras i media med en vetenskapsteoretisk utgångspunkt i socialkonstruktionismen. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i olika stereotyper som kan användas i medias framställning av kvinnliga gärningspersoner. För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats vilket innebär att kvinnligt och manligt ses som något som är socialt konstruerat. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna ligger i olika konstruktioner som förekommer i medias framställning av den kvinnliga brottslingen samt i genusteori. Media kan använda olika stereotypa beskrivningar av kvinnliga våldsbrottslingar och kan därför också reproducera uppfattningen om den kvinnliga brottslingen som en avvikande kvinna. Slutsatsen som dragits är att media bidrar till en ensidig bild av den kvinnliga brottslingen och att det krävs ytterligare forskning kring kvinnor och brottslighet i media då detta forskningsfält idag är förhållandevis litet. / The aim of this study was to investigate how the female criminals are portrayed in media, with a scientific theoretical basis of social constructionism. The study is based on various stereotypes that can be used in media's representation of female offenders. To investigate this, a qualitative content analysis was used. The essay is based on a social constructivist approach, which means that female and male is seen as something socially constructed. The theoretical bases are located in gender theory and the various designs which exist in Media’s image of the female offender. Media can use various stereotypical descriptions of violent female offenders and can also reproduce the perception of the female offender as a abnormal woman. The conclusion drawn is thatmedia contributes to a one-sided picture of female offenders and that further research on women and crime in media is needed as this field of research is relatively small.

Hemlöshet - en definitionsfråga? / Homelessness - a matter of definition?

Rosell, Angelica, Gunnarsson, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to elucidate representations of how homelessness and interventions against homelessness is perceived in a Swedish municipality from socialconstructivistic perspective. The questions it aimed to answer were: How is homelessness represented in the municipality by participants of the local housing market and public and non-profit sectors? How can representations of homelessness from the participants be deconstructed and understood? Homelessness has been considered a social problem since the middle of the 18th century. The ways to explain why homelessness exists and how to rectify and define homelessness has been in continuously transformation in different extensions since then. Even so, some of these explanations, definitions and actions has returned or possess similarities across time. The used method of this paper was case study in order to concentrate on the municipality specifically. The analyzed material consisted of qualitative, semistructured interviews with seven participants. Public documents were also reviewed from the social service center in the municipality and reports from the county administrative board to understand the representations in its context. The participants that attended on interviews was one participant from a non-profit- organisation, one from the local housing market and five municipalityworkers. We found that some of the participants had both similarities and discrepancies in their representations but all of the participants had tendency to construct additional categories to deal with homeless persons divergent needs.

'Exporting Paradise'? : EU development policy towards Afica since the end of the Cold War

Andrade Faia, Tiago January 2010 (has links)
The central aim of the thesis is to define the approach of EU development policy towards Africa since the end of the Cold War. It focuses on the unexplored areas of the available literature on the subject, specifically the impact of EU development policy on the domain of international development and the objective of the EU to become a prominent international actor. The thesis relies on Martha Finnemore’s Social Constructivist research. It concentrates on the dynamics maintained by the EU with the normative basis that characterises the structure and agents of international development, and assesses how it affected EU behaviour, as expressed through its development policy towards Africa in the considered timeframe.1 By doing so, the thesis exposes both the marked effect of EU development policy in the domain of international development, and the form of ‘paradise’ (model of development) the EU promoted in Africa. The empirical support in the thesis is comprised of archived data, official documents, press releases, published reports, speeches, and personally conducted interviews. Following the method of research, the thesis focuses on tracing the norms that characterise EU development policy towards Africa over time. Therein, the thesis largely confirms the identified agents as the source of the norms that define the structure of international development, and the EU as its derivative. It argues that EU development policy is currently a general projection of the normative structure of international development, specifically regarding the policy orientation of its identified agents. As a result, it contends that the EU fell short of its efforts to export its form of ‘paradise’ to Africa in the proposed timeframe as a corollary of its limitations to stand as a distinct and leading actor in the domain of international development. Thus, the thesis makes a fresh contribution to the understanding of EU development policy towards Africa and the objective of the EU to become a prominent international actor in the twenty-first century.

En svensk konstruktion av klimatförändringar : Ramanalys av Svenska Dagbladets bevakning av klimatfrågan

Befrits, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
This paper concerns the framing of climate change in Svenska Dagbladet, during the period of January 1st to November 30th, 2018. Climate change has been described as the challenge of our time, perhaps even the biggest to ever face humanity. Though Sweden has, for a long time, expressed a general consensus regarding the existence and gravity of climate change the importance of how the question is handled remains. Media plays a crucial role in defining and explaining the issue, including causal interpretations and what ought to be done. The outset of the current study was to explore how one of Sweden’s leading newspapers constructs and represents this issue of climate change. Through a method of framing analysis, using Nisbet’s framing typology, the study examined 69 articles in Svenska Dagbladet within the chosen time frame. Two research questions guided the study: Q1 - Which are the primary frames used in the articles? Does frequency differ among the frames? Q2 - What constitutes each frame? Which defining features and arguments can be identified for each frame? The results show that climate change is portrayed as an advanced crisis with the need for immediate and massive efforts to limit the consequences. The newspaper highlights the importance of lowering individual footprint, the need for a green approach in markets and above all, the pivotal role of the UN and transnational agreements for a global solution. More work is needed within the research field to further investigate the findings concluded in this paper.

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