Spelling suggestions: "subject:"socialinteraction"" "subject:"socialinteraktion""
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Whereabouts Screens: Supporting social interaction and location awareness at the workplace / Whereabouts Skärmar: En plattform för att understödja social interaktion och närvarokännedom på arbetsplatsen.Pantagaki, Konstantina January 2016 (has links)
The Whereabouts Screens are a minimalistic publishing system offering location awareness at the workplace. The employees can share information with their colleagues, relevant mostly to their whereabouts, by publishing it on several situated displays located around the office space. The Whereabouts Screens have been installed with minimal changes since 2012 at the Mobile Life center and as a relatively new system, it has still not reached its full potential. Despite its “primitive” characteristics however, the employees show a continued interest in using them. Based on related research on situated displays the research questions to be answered are: What do the semi-public situated displays in the workplace have to offer to their users? How can they be augmented and better integrated in their environment using the existing technology? To investigate these questions, Human-Computer Interaction methods such as in-situ observations, interviews, a design workshop and prototyping were used. The result was a prototype of an augmented system, in the form of a notice board where the users can post notes of different types (text, images, etc.). The board is extended beyond the limits of the screen with LEDs. The intensity and colors of the LEDs are affected by the use of the system, and illuminate the area around the screen. The augmented Whereabouts Screens aim to promote social interaction and location awareness at the workplace. They were evaluated through user testing and the first results show a positive reception from the users. / Whereabouts Skärmar är ett minimalistiskt publicerings-system som bjuder närvarokännedom på arbetsplatsen. De anställda kan dela information med sina kollegor, mestadels kopplat till vad de befinner sig, genom att publicera det på flera skärmar belägna runt om på arbetsplatsen. Whereabouts Skärmar har funnits installerade med minimala förändringar sedan 2012 vid Mobile Life centret men har som ett relativt nytt system ännu inte nått sin fulla potential. Trots begränsningar i systemet visar anställda ett fortsatt intresse av att använda dem. Baserat på relaterad forskning kring situerade skärmar tar sig uppsatsen an två frågeställningar: Vad har semi-publika situerade skärmar på arbetsplatsen att erbjuda sina användare? Hur kan deras funktionalitet utökas och integreras bättre i omgivningen med hjälp av befintlig teknik? För att undersöka dessa frågor, används människa-datorinteraktion metoderna in-situ observationer, intervjuer, designworkshops och prototypbyggande använts. Resultatet är en prototyp av ett system med utökad funktionalitet i form av en anslagstavla där användare kan lägga upp anteckningar av olika slag (text, bilder, etc.). Anslagstavlan sträcker sig över gränserna för skärmen med LEDljusen. Intensitet och färger hos LEDljusen påverkas av användningen av systemet, och lyser upp området runt skärmen. De utökade Whereabouts skärmarna syftar till att understödja social interaktion och närvarokännedom på arbetsplatsen. De utvärderades genom användartester och de första resultaten visar på ett positivt mottagande av användarna.
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The Impact of Indirect Social Gaze in Competitive Multiplayer GamesKarlsson, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Background. Eye-tracking has increasingly been used in games to enhance the experience and make them more accessible to a wider audience. The technology has also previously been found to give a higher sense of social presence and immersion. Objectives. The objective of this study is to review indirect social gaze and its impact on social presence, immersion and problem-solving in a competitive, multiplayer game. In this case, the game was a version of Memory. Methods. An experiment was conducted that had 28 participants. To collect the necessary data a multiplayer game was created using the game engine Unity and the Tobii Unity SDK. The game was used to collect in-game data and separate questionnaires were created and used to collect qualitative answers regarding the participants' game experience and preferred input. During the experiments, participants got to play three different versions of the game using gaze control with blinks, gaze control without blinks and mouse control in varying order to give feedback on all versions of the game. Results. The collected results from the experiment show that indirect social gaze seems to be beneficial in terms of social presence and immersion but worse compared to mouse control in terms of problem-solving. These results found statistical significance in a subset of the data. Conclusions. While limited to a specific group of people specifically young adults with an academic background, the study has found that by simply using a small subset of the functionality that an eye tracker can bring, positive effects on social presence and immersion can be found. Gaze control in terms of problem-solving, however, seems to fit better in some game genres than others and the first person controls in this experiment performed the best using mouse control when reviewing problem-solving.
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Det räcker med ett hej. : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning om betydelsen av hälsningar. / A hello is enough. : A quantitative and qualitative study about the importance of greetings.Andrésen, Samuel, Karlsson Dahlgren, Robin January 2021 (has links)
I vår samtid är det lätt att ibland känna sig ensam. Pandemin har försvårat möten mellan människor och påverkar väldigt många psykiskt. Men pandemin kommer att passera, och då får vi inte låta återhållsamhet bli det nya normala. Vi behöver bekräfta, se och hälsa på varandra. Människor behöver känna tillhörighet. Den här studien syftar därför till att undersöka människors attityder till hälsningar och vidare använda den kunskapen för att skapa en effektiv visuell kampanj för att främja mer hälsningar i samhället. Genom en enkätundersökning har vi kunnat samla in data som med stöd av tidigare forskning och teoretiskt ramverk hjälpt oss påvisa att hälsningar kan göra en stor positiv skillnad i vardagen för människor. Enkätundersökningen fungerade även som en målgruppsanalys som visade att unga människor, som bor/vistas ofta i stadsmiljö och som nyttjar sociala medier är de som hälsar i lägst utsträckning. Med kunskap om målgruppen och dess attityder kunde vi genom två fokusgruppsdiskussioner och teoretiskt ramverk skapa en annonskampanj som på ett visuellt tilltalande och effektivt sätt uppmanar målgruppen till mer hälsningar. / Nowadays it is easy to feel lonely. The pandemic has made meetings between people more difficult which affects many people mentally. But the pandemic will pass, and then we do not want the restrained attitude to become the new normal. We need to confirm, see, and welcome each other. People need to feel a sense of belonging. This study therefore aims to examine people's attitudes towards greetings and further use that knowledge to create an effective visual campaign to promote more greetings in society. Through a survey, we have been able to collect data that, with the support of previous research and theoretical framework, has helped us show that greetings can make a big positive difference in everyday life for people. The survey also served as a target group analysis, and showed that young people, who often live / stay in an urban environment and who use social media, are the ones who greet to the least extent. With knowledge of the target group and its attitudes, we were able to create an advertising campaign through two focus group discussions and a theoretical framework that in a visually appealing and effective way encourages the target group to open up to greet each other more.
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Functioning and Connection in a Virtual World: A Generalized Anxiety Disorder PerspectiveBuhk, Alex H. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Reproductive Behavior and the Maintenance of All-Female PoeciliaBalsano, Joseph S., Randle, Edward J., Rasch, Ellen M., Monaco, Paul J. 01 April 1985 (has links)
There are four members involved in the breeding complexes of poeciliid fishes found in the freshwaters of northeastern Mexico: males and females of a bisexual species, and diploid and triploid unisexuals. Both unisexuals reproduce by gynogenesis, i.e., an asexual type of reproduction where the sperm triggers egg development but the male genome is excluded to produce clonal offspring. The three types of females are closely related, which suggests that they are potential competitors since all three require the service of the same males. The potential for competition is compounded by a highly skewed sex ratio in favor of females. On the average the unisexuals comprise about 30% of the Poecilia females. This high frequency coupled with a close genetic relatedness to their bisexual hosts, raises the question of how the unisexuals are maintained in nature. Other investigators who work with bisexual/unisexual complexes in the related genus, Poeciliopsis, have postulated that male dominance hierarchies are responsible for restricting the access of subordinate males to their conspecific females. Consequently, these subordinate males mate with unisexual females. The current report tests whether or not this hypothesis applies to bisexual/unisexual complexes of Poecilia. We have found that linear dominance hierarchies appear to function in the defense of home ranges and do not restrict access of males to females. Dominant males exhibit less mating activity than subordinate males towards females. Previous reports showed that males are reproductively competent throughout the year, whereas females show striking asynchrony in their reproductive readiness. Such asynchrony limits the proportion of receptive females at any one time. Consequently, there are more males ready to mate than there are females receptive to their mating attempts. This may lead to mating frenzies. We postulate that these indiscriminate matings maintain the fertility of both unisexuals. When the relative reproductive outputs of adult females are compared, both unisexuals appear as fit as their bisexual congeners.
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Vad gör banken för att hållaångan uppe? : En fallstudie om hur Handelsbanken Linköping styr sittkontor på distans / What does the bank do to keep the steam up?Engelberg, Jens, Öman, Albin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banksektorn har en viktig funktion i dagens ekonomiska system, främst genom att erbjuda kapitalförsörjning vilket bidrar till ekonomisk tillväxt (Svenska bankföreningen, 2016). Konsekvensen av Corona pandemin har inneburit att flera företag och organisationer har tvingats stänga ner större delar av sina fysiska verksamheter, samt att anställda tvingats arbeta på distans. Vilket även drabbat Handelsbanken Linköping. De arbetar därför med hälften av personalstyrkan på distans för att följa restriktionerna och undvika smittspridning. Denna plötsliga omställning till distansläge har medfört flera olika utmaningar med bland annat kommunikationen, samarbetet och gemenskapen (Lepsinger, R. 2010). Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Handelsbanken Linköping arbetar med ledarskap och styrningen för att få ett så effektivt distansarbete som möjligt. Samt undersöka vad ledarskapet och styrningen får för effekter på den sociala interaktionen, motivationen och prestationen hos de olika anställda inom Handelsbanken. Frågeställningarna: “Vad innebär styrning i allmänhet och styrning på Handelsbanken på distans i synnerhet?” “Hur jobbar ledningen med styrning och ledarskap på Handelsbanken Linköping, som tvingats arbeta på distans?” “Hur fungerar styrningen och ledarskapet, prestationsmässigt såväl som socialt inom Handelsbanken Linköping under distansläget?” Resultat & bidrag: Den här studien har resulterat i hur ledningen, på ett av Handelsbankens kontor, styrs och hur personalen fortsätter att bidra på distans. Ledningen på kontoret är överens om att distansarbetet har fungerat bra, prestationsmässigt och socialt, även om det har varit utmanande. Det har dessutom lett till flera nya insikter och ökad utveckling av socialt och tekniskt kapital. Medarbetarna upplever enligt enkäten att deras prestationen hos de själva är oförändrade och i teamen marginellt försämrad. Studien har även bidragit med olika insikter och varningstecken som organisationen kan ha i åtanke så som bland annat ”anställda upplever brist på tid för att utföra sitt arbete på distans”. / Background: The banking sector has an important function in today's economic system, mainly by offering capital supply, which contributes to economic growth (Swedish Bankers' Association, 2016). The consequence of the Corona pandemic has meant that several companies and organizations have been forced to close larger parts of their physical operations, and that employees have been forced to work remotely, which also affected Handelsbanken Linköping. They therefore work with half of the staff at a distance to comply with the restrictions and avoid the spread of infection. This sudden transition to distance mode has led to several different challenges, including communication, cooperation and community (Lepsinger, R. 2010). The purpose: The purpose with this study is to investigate how Handelsbanken Linköping works with leadership and governance to get as efficient distance work as possible. As well as examining the effects of leadership and governance on the social interaction, motivation and performance of the various employees within Handelsbanken. The research questions: "What does management control in general mean and management control at Handelsbanken mean for telework in particular?" "How does the management work with governance and leadership at Handelsbanken Linköping, which has been forced to work remotely?" "How does governance and leadership work, both in terms of performance and socially within Handelsbanken Linköping during the distance situation?" Results & contributions: This study has resulted in how the management, at one of Handelsbanken's office, is managed and how the staff continues to contribute remotely. The management in the office agrees that the telework has worked well, in terms of performance and socially, even though it has been challenging. It has also led to several new insights and increased development of social and technical capital. According to the survey, the employees feel that their performance with themselves is unchanged and in the teams marginally deteriorated. The study has also contributed various insights and warning signs that the organization may have in mind, such as "employees experience a lack of time to perform their work remotely".
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Designing for Stimulating Social Interaction in Outdoor GymZhang, Xiwen January 2020 (has links)
In the world where the Internet has nearly linked people in every corner, for some people, the nearby places seem to disappear. It might also lead to the alienation of friends and neighbours. For addressing the disadvantages of the change, this study aims to design for stimulating social interaction in outdoor gyms that are distributed in most communities and parks. Towards this goal, I engaged in designing and evaluating a movement-based interaction project. I invited 5 participants to work as designers for generating design ideas, using reflecting somaesthetics and bodystorming design methods. The bodystorming braid was used for depicting how design ideas generated and evolved. Design ideas were packaged into 3 types of design solutions -- cooperative play, competition and just talking. The most practical solutions for each kind were selected for building prototypes. These prototypes were evaluated with Wizard-of-Oz techniques by 4 participants, followed by a focus group. The qualitative analysis surfaced the important factors that impacted social interaction and major users, including the target users, usage, interaction, and maintenance.
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Encouraging social interaction in public spaces through interactive lightAntic, Dusan January 2019 (has links)
Interactive light systems create unique opportunities for different kinds of social interactions in public places. This thesis explores movement as the main interaction to discover and create new ways of engaging in social interaction as well as to encourage people of different age groups to come together and participate. To further explore and answer the questions in mind, different field studies such as interviews and user tests were implemented to gather information on how the pedestrian’s thoughts and actions were. The outcome of these field studies showed that there is a slight shyness in the Swedish people and that they need to be encouraged to start socially interacting. Which through the presented prototype and its mechanics worked and allowed the participants to express their thoughts and feelings regarding an interactive light system that could encourage social interaction in public spaces.
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The Micro-Characteristics of Adult-Neonate Social InteractionBerghout-Austin, Ann Marie 01 May 1977 (has links)
In order to dissect social behaviors into their smallest components, five interactions, each involving one neonate and one adult, were video taped and kinescoped into 16mm black and white film exposed at 24 frames per second. The film was analyzed frame by frame and all starts, stops, and changes in direction of movements were scored. Adult movement durations were significantly shorter during vocalization and longer during nonvocalization. Each infant and adult body part had its own characteristic movement rate. Almost two-thirds of the dyadic movements were interactionally synchronous and most of the synchronization occurred during vocalization. It is suggested that this behavior comprises an interactional code, innately biased to encourage mutual attachment between parents and infants. Further, it is suggested that the neonate is continually decoding incoming family socialization messages and encoding and relaying her/his own temperament messages which may or may not be harmonious with the overall family temperament.
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Using Music in Teaching Social Skills to Mentally Retarded SubjectsBarron-Johnson, Tamara 01 May 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which Melodies to Assist Social Interaction (MASI) would affect the social skills performance of the educable mentally retarded.
The study employed a pretest-posttest control group design with an N of 27 mentally-retarded subjects. It also employed a one-group pretest-posttest design with an N of 8 non-mentally retarded subjects.
All of the subjects received a pre- and post-score for their social skills performance level. Nineteen of the mentally-retarded subjects and all eight non-mentally retarded subjects received the MASI social skills teaching program as part of their regular curriculum.
The pre- and post-treatment performance was analyzed by a correlated means t-test. An analysis of covariance was used in which the posttest means were compared using the pretest means as a covariate.
It was concluded that MASI did not have an impact, positive or negative, on the social skills performance level of the subjects.
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