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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Aragonese resistance : A qualitative study on the attitudes and motivations of new speakers of an endangered language in Zaragoza

Fau Blimming, Erik January 2019 (has links)
While the number of Aragonese speakers is in steady decline in the rural areas of Spain where it was traditionally spoken, the efforts of grassroots movements since the end of Franco’s dictatorship in 1975 have contributed to create a community of new speakers in Aragon’s largest cities, mostly thanks to courses for adults organized by cultural associations. The capital, Zaragoza, which has been practically monolingual for centuries, after Spanish became the language of power and prestige in the 15th century, is now home to several thousand Aragonese speakers. Despite their growing importance, very little research has been done on the views and experiences of these individuals. Drawing on data from focus groups and interviews, the aim of this thesis is to analyze their language ideologies, motivations, frustrations, political engagements, language use and challenges. Hopefully, this information will be valuable in the design of an effective language policy in the future.

Pour une approche interculturelle de l'enseignement/apprentissage du FLE en milieu universitaire colombien : contexte, manques, besoins, propositions / For the integration of the intercultural component in the teaching / learning process of the FLE in the Colombian academic world : context, missings, needs, proposals

Soler Millan, Germana 28 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail propose de décrire le contexte de l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE en milieu universitaire colombien à travers l’exemple de l’université de Caldas, d’en identifier les manques, les besoins et de faire des propositions pour y remédier. Pour ce faire, il s’agira de décrire la situation du FLE en Colombie, puis de développer les notions théoriques qui guideront ce travail : interculturel, représentations, stéréotypes, didactique du FLE, etc. Nous décrirons ensuite notre méthodologie basée sur l’étude de deux terrains. Le premier est composé de deux corpus : étudiants et enseignants de l’université de Caldas à Manizales. Chaque corpus est constitué de deux enquêtes, un questionnaire sociolinguistique diffusé auprès de 258 apprenants et 20 entretiens d’étudiants ; un questionnaire diffusé auprès de l’ensemble des enseignants de FLE de l’université et l’entretien de tous ces enseignants. Enfin, le corpus du deuxième terrain est composé des entretiens de 6 professeurs de FLE colombiens installés en France. L’étude quantitative des questionnaires, et l’étude lexicométrique et de contenu de ces corpus nous aident à décrire un contexte d’enseignement où l’interculturel a peu de place dans l’enseignement du FLE, où le matériel et les conditions requis facilitant le travail d’une telle composante font défaut et où les représentations des apprenants et des enseignants peuvent influencer négativement la motivation et l’apprentissage du français. Par ailleurs, le deuxième terrain permet de confirmer que l’enseignement du FLE dispensé dans les universités colombiennes ne transmet pas les compétences interculturelles ni pragmatiques pour évoluer en contexte réel. A partir de ces résultats, nous ferons des propositions au niveau didactique comme politique pour l’amélioration de l’enseignement/apprentissage du FLE dans les universités colombiennes et pour une mise en valeur du FLE dans le pays. / The piece's aim is to describe the teaching and learning of French as a Foreign Language (FLE) in Colombia using the University of Caldas as an example. It is about identifying what is lacking, the needs and proposing what is necessary to remedy the situation. We will first describe the situation of FLE and develop theoretical concepts that guide this work : intercultural, representations, stereotypes, FLE teaching, etc. Furthermore, we describe our methodology based on the study of two fields. The first one is composed of two bodies of work: students and teachers of the University of Caldas. Each data consists of two surveys, a sociolinguistic questionnaire distributed to 258 students and 20 semi-structured interviews; a questionnaire distributed to all the FLE teachers of the university and an interview of all these same teachers. Finally, the body of the second field consists of 6 expatriate Colombian FLE teachers who have settled in France. The quantitative study of the questionnaires, and the lexicometric and content study of the data help us to describe an educational context where the intercultural does not have enough emphasis in the teaching of FLE, where the right material and the right conditions to aid the development of this skill do not exist and where representations of learners and teachers can negatively influence the motivation for learning French. Moreover, the second field confirms that the teaching of FLE in Colombian Universities does not transmit intercultural and pragmatic skills to evolve as one would receive living in France. From these results, we will make didactic and political proposals for improving the teaching/learning of FLE in the Colombian universities and for the development of the status of French in the country.

The dilemma of the language-minority stud

Unknown Date (has links)
If we define language fluency as more than simply a way of speaking, but also a way of thinking, acting, and being, then we enter a conversation of language as ‘Discourse’ that was sparked by James Paul Gee. This conversation invokes discrete designations of Discourse as home-based, school-based, dominant, and non-dominant. These designations reveal divisions between Discourses that are believed to manifest themselves in the identity formation of ‘language-minority students:’ those whose home Discourse is non-dominant. The dominant Discourse that these students encounter in school generates two documented paths: Richard Hoggart’s scholarship boy and Herbert Kohl’s not-learner; both paths reflect the limited agency of these students within academia. In order to counteract this delimiting of student agency, this project proposes a progressive shift towards a post-modern conception of identity formation; this can be accomplished by opening the Composition classroom to student authored, non-traditional, ‘hybridized’ Discourses. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.

Estudo dos efeitos interacionais das repetições: colaboração e conflito / Study of interactional effects of repetitions: cooperation and conflict

Silva, Vanessa de Freitas 04 November 2008 (has links)
A repetição representa, certamente, uma das marcas da língua falada, cuja relevância para a produção e a compreensão do texto falado é atestada por diversos estudos, concernentes à Análise da Conversação, que se voltam à observação de tal fenômeno, principalmente no que se refere a seus aspectos formais e funcionais. O presente trabalho pauta-se na tipologia funcional das repetições proposta por Luiz Antônio Marcuschi, um dos mais renomados estudiosos da conversação, para analisar os seus efeitos interacionais. Assim, a partir do arcabouço teórico fornecido pela Análise da Conversação e pela Sociolingüística Interacional, procuramos compreender a relação existente entre diferentes tipos de repetição e dois traços qualitativos que podem permear as interações verbais: a colaboração e o conflito. / Repetition is a trait of spoken language whose relevance, both for production and comprehension of the spoken text, is highlighted in a number of studies on Conversation Analysis concerned with observing this phenomenon, especially with reference to its formal and functional aspects. This current study focuses on the functional typology of repetition proposed by Luiz Antônio Marcuschi, one of the most renowned academics of conversation, to analyze its interactional effects. Through the theoretical framework provided by Conversation Analysis and Interactional Sociolinguistics, we seek to comprehend the relationship between different types of repetition and two qualitative traits which can permeate verbal interactions: collaboration and conflict.

(Des)estabilida(des) da produção Sociolinguística: contra a manutenção da ordem. / Destabilization of sociolinguist production: against the maintenance of order.

Prado, Rafael Barreto do 05 August 2010 (has links)
Nosso objetivo é analisar a produção acadêmica acerca da Sociolingüística no Brasil, a fim de verificar quais valorações sociais, relações de poder e imagens percorrem tal produção. Para tanto, tomamos algumas expressões características e, a princípio, imprescindíveis às conceitualizações dessa área do conhecimento. O corpus da pesquisa foi constituído de maneira a focar a reflexão no interior da própria produção acadêmica, a partir de uma coletânea de textos de grande circulação, que abordam de diferentes formas o tema das variações na língua: em material didático, na literatura, na formação histórica do português brasileiro e no uso cotidiano da língua pelos falantes. Pressupomos que, apesar da alegada respeitabilidade a todas as variedades, encontrada nos textos analisados, advinda das reflexões opositoras à Gramática Tradicional, ainda estava presente a imposição de apenas uma forma legítima de variedade; além disso, a posição das novas reflexões lingüistas permanecia como autoridade oferecedora de uma língua mais adequada à realidade nacional, expropriando do falante sua própria língua. Para realizar nosso exame, recorremos às reflexões da Análise do Discurso, essencialmente a Michel Pêcheux, do qual trabalhamos a ideia de processo de produção de um discurso, envolvendo nesse sentido as condições sócio-históricas para tal produção; e a ideia de espaços estabilizados, em que os discursos trabalham pela manutenção dessa estabilidade. Concluímos que: a) possibilidade de um pacto tácito que impede um uso homogêneo dos termos para que não se discuta seu significado; b) uma postura de oferecimento de uma determinada língua aos falantes, movimento parecido ao dos gramáticos, anteriormente lugar de crítica dos sociolinguistas. Por fim, pensamos que a produção acerca da variação linguística procura garantir a estabilidade dos espaços sociais (incluindo os Institucionais) recomendando a fala ao contexto (ou à situação). / Our aim is to analyze the academic production concerning Sociolinguistics in Brazil to verify which social values, power relation and images go beyond that production. To do so, we have taken some characteristically expressions, and as an essential start pointing the concepts of this field of knowledge. The research corpus was constituted in a way to focus the reflection inside the academic production, starting with a collection of texts from great circulation, which deal with in different ways the theme about the language variation: didactic material, literature, the historical formation of Portuguese in the everyday use of the language by the speakers. We think that, in spite of the alleged respectability to all varieties found in the analyzed texts, that came from of the opposition to the Traditional Grammar, it was still under the imposition of only one legitimate way of variety; in addition to this, the position of new linguistics thoughts remained as an offered authority of a more adequate language to the national reality, taking the speakers away from their own language. To realize our exam, we resort to the thoughts of the Discourse Analysis, essentially to Michel Pêcheux, from whom we work the idea of production process of a discourse, involving in this way the pre-hystorical conditions to such production; and the idea of stable spaces, in which the discourses work for the maintenance of this stability. We concluded that: a) the possibility of an implicit pact that prevent the homogenous use of the terms not to discuss their meanings; b) an attitude of offering a determined language to the speakers, movement similar to the grammarian, before under the criticism of sociolinguistics. Finally, we think that the production concerning the linguistic variation try to guarantee the stability of two social spaces (including the Institutional) recommending the speech to the context (or to the situation).

Ditongos no Português de São Tomé e Príncipe / Diphthongs in the Portuguese of Sao Tome e Principe

Silveira, Alfredo Christofoletti 07 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto deste trabalho é investigar a realização dos ditongos orais no português vernacular de São Tomé e Príncipe (pvs). Esta variedade de português está em contato com outras línguas faladas no país e difere do sistema linguístico da variedade considerada padrão, o português europeu (pe) (FIGUEIREDO, 2010; GONÇALVES, 2010; CHRISTOFOLETTI, 2011; SANTOS & CHRISTOFOLETTI, 2011). A hipótese para as peculiaridades do comportamento do sistema fonético-fonológico do pvs é o aprendizado do português como L2 (por gerações passadas recentes) (HAGEMEIJER, 2009; GONÇALVES, 2010), e a influência do contato com as línguas crioulas faladas no país, como o santome (FERRAZ, 1979), o principense (MAURER, 2009), o angolar (MAURER, 1995) e o kabuverdianu, visto que as comunidades são, em geral, bilíngues ou convivem em espaços multilíngues. As mudanças linguísticas intergeracionais e o contato também justificariam o comportamento na realização dos ditongos que possuem variações em sua realização no pvs. O corpus deste trabalho é formado por gravações de fala espontânea de 18 informantes, coletados na capital de stp por meio da sociolinguística variacionista (LABOV, 1991 [1972]). A justificativa para o estudo das realizações dos ditongos, constatada a singularidade de suas realizações, é observar o comportamento de uma variante de português em um ambiente multilíngue; aumentar o nosso conhecimento sobre essa variante; confrontar um sistema em diglossia; possibilitar outros estudos sobre o pvs e comparações com outras variantes de português nos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. Em relação às variáveis sociais, há uma relação da aplicação do processo de monotongação com a quantidade de anos de escolaridade, sendo que as pessoas mais escolarizadas tendem evitar mais a monotongação do que as pessoas menos escolarizadas. Ademais, foi constatada a singularidade do sistema fonético-fonológico dessa variedade africana de português, pois, diferente da norma europeia (MATEUS & DANDRADE, 2000; MATEUS, 2002), considerada de prestígio no país, o pvs realiza a monotongação dos ditongos [eI ], como em dinheiro [di\"ñeKU], primeiro [pri\"meKU] e feijoada [feZu\"ad5], sugerindo uma aproximação ao comportamento do português brasileiro (pb) (cf. BISOL 1991, 1994; ARAÚJO 1999; LOPES 2002 e outros), todavia, a monotongação ocorre ainda em contextos nos quais tanto nas variantes do pb, como nas do pe, ela é bloqueada. Assim, ocorre a monotongação mesmo quando a consoante seguinte é uma oclusiva alveolar surda [t], como em feitiço [fe\"tisU], leitão [le\"tãU ] e direito [di\"KetU], fato não documentado no pb ou no pe. Com relação ao ditongo [oU ] no pvs, a monotongação é categórica, assim como nos estudos apresentados sobre variação nos ditongos de outras variedades de português. No que diz respeito ao ditongo [oI ], observamos que a variação na aplicação da monotongação ocorre apenas quando seguido pela consoante [S], responsável pelo espraiamento do nó vocálico criando o glide [I ] via processo fonético. O ditongo [aI ], por sua vez, sofreu variação no processo de monotongação fundamentalmente diante de consoante palatal, nos demais contextos sua ocorrência foi pouco produtiva. Do mesmo modo, o ditongo [eU ] teve baixo índice de ocorrência de monotongação, sendo mantido em quase todos os contextos. Os demais ditongos, [EI ], [EU ], [uI ] e [iU ], tiveram raras ocorrências, e foi impossível observar variações em suas realizações. / The purpose of this work is to investigate the realization of oral diphthongs in vernacular portuguese of Sao Tome and Principe (pvs). This variety of portuguese is in contact with other languages spoken in the country and differs from the linguistic system of the considered standard variety, the european portuguese (pe) (FIGUEIREDO, 2010; GONÇALVES, 2010; CHRISTOFOLETTI, 2011; SANTOS & CHRISTOFOLETTI, 2011). The hypothesis for the behavior of the phonetic-phonological system of pvs is the learning of portuguese as L2 (from recent past generations) (HAGEMEIJER, 2009; GONÇALVES, 2010), and the influence of contact with the creole languages spoken in the country, as the santome (FERRAZ, 1979), the principense (MAURER, 2009), angolar (MAURER, 1995) and kabuverdianu, since the communities are usually bilingual or living in multilingual environment. The intergenerational linguistic changes and the linguistic contact also justify the behavior in the realization of diphthongs that have variations in their realization in pvs. The corpus of this study consists of recordings of spontaneous speech of 18 informants, collected in the capital of stp through the assumptions of sociolinguistic theory and method (LABOV, 1991 [1972]). The reason to study the achievements of diphthongs, noted the uniqueness of its accomplishments, is to observe the behavior of a variant from portuguese in a multilingual environment; increase our knowledge of this variant; confront a system in diglossia; enable further studies on the pvs and compare it with other variants in the African countries witch have portuguese as official language. Regarding social variables, there is a link to the application of the process of monophthongization with the number of years of schooling, once that people with more time of school education tend to avoid monophthongization than people with less time of school education. Moreover, it was found the uniqueness of the phonetic-phonological system of pvs, because, unlike the pe (MATEUS & DANDRADE, 2000; MATEUS, 2002), considered prestigious in the country, pvs performs the monophthongization of diphthongs [eI ], as seeing in dinheiro [di\"ñeKU], primeiro [pri\"meKU] and feijoada [feZu\"ad5], it suggests an approach to behavior of Brazilian portuguese (pb) (cf. BISOL 1991, 1994; ARAÚJO 1999; LOPES 2002 e outros), however, monophthongization still occurs in contexts in both the variants whrer it is blocked as pb, as in the pe. So monophthongization occurs even when the following consonant is an voiceless alveolar occlusive [t], as in feitiço [fe\"tisU], leitão [le\"tãU ] e direito [di\"KetU], nons-documented fact in pb or pe. Regarding the diphthong [oU ] in pvs the monophthongization is categorical, as shown in studies on diphthongs variation in other varieties of portuguese. With respect to the diphthong [oI ] we observed that the variation in the application of monophthongization occurs only when it followed by the consonant [S], responsible for spreading the vocalic feature creating the glide [I ] through phonetic process. The diphthong [aI ] suffered variation in the monophthongization process, mainly before palatal consonant, in other contexts its occurrence was not very productive. Similarly, the diphthong [eU ] had a low rate of occurrence of monophthongization, and was kept in almost all contexts. The other diphthongs, [EI ], [EU ], [uI ] and [iU ], had rare occurrences, and it was impossible to observe variations in their realizations.

Aspectos semântico-lexicais da lingua Portuguesa falada por universitários de Maputo - Moçambique / Lexical-Semantic aspects of the Portuguese spoken by university students in Maputo Mozambique.

Bergamini, Claudia 30 March 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo descrever o léxico da Língua Portuguesa falada por universitários de Maputo, Moçambique. Sob um viés sincrônico, o método de coleta de dados agrega pressupostos teóricos da Geolinguística e da Sociolinguística variacionista, cujo produto é um Questionário Semântico-Lexical QSL, de modelo onomasiológico, dividido por campos semânticos. As bases teóricas da Geolinguística são fornecidas por Brandão (1991), e as da Sociolinguística são embasadas em Tarallo (2004). O aparato cultural e histórico de Maputo é delimitado pelas considerações de Firmino (2006), Gonçalves (1995), e Mondlane (1995). O público alvo para aplicação do inquérito é constituído de sujeitos que estejam cursando ou tenham concluído o ensino superior, identificados como público universitário, com, no mínimo, 10 anos de vida escolar, divididos equitativamente em homens e mulheres de três faixas etárias (18 a 29 anos; 30 a 44 anos; 45 anos ou mais). A partir desta pesquisa será possível identificar peculiaridades intrínsecas ao processo de formação do léxico dos universitários de Maputo, contribuindo, assim, para a descrição e estudo do português falado em Moçambique. / This dissertation aims to describe the lexicon of Portuguese spoken by university students in Maputo, Mozambique. Under a synchronic bias, the method of data collection combines theoretical principles of Geolinguistics and variational Sociolinguistics, whose product is a Lexical-Semantic Questionnaire - QSL, onomasiological model, divided by semantic fields. The theoretical basis of Geolinguistics are provided by Brandão (1991), and of Sociolinguistics are based on Tarallo (2004). The cultural and historic apparatus of Maputo is delimited by considerations of Firmin (2006), Gill (1995), and Mondlane (1995). The target audience for the survey consists of persons who are completing or have completed higher education, identified as a university students, with at least 10 years of school life, divided equally in men and women, in three age groups (18 to 29 years, 30 to 44 years, 45 years or older). From this research can be identified peculiarities inherent to the formation of the lexicon of students in Maputo, thus contributing to the study and description of the Portuguese spoken in Mozambique.

Para um estudo das influências fonológicas do italiano no português falado na cidade de São Paulo / For a study of phonological influences of Italian in the Portuguese spoken in the city of São Paulo

Vieira, Marcilio Melo 28 February 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a investigar uma possível correlação entre a pronúncia de determinados segmentos fonéticos que caracterizam o dialeto de São Paulo e as variedades linguísticas trazidas à cidade pelos imigrantes italianos a partir do final do século XIX. Percorre a história da imigração, com um olhar sobretudo sociolinguistico, ressaltando o estreito contato entre as duas comunidades e seus respectivos sistemas linguísticos. Em seguida, expõe e analisa, qualitativamente, as variantes que distinguem a fala paulistana de outras variedades brasileiras, evidenciando seus pontos comuns com o italiano e suas dessemelhanças com outros dialetos regionais brasileiros. Por fim, sugere a adoção de um modelo quantitativo de análise, que permita elaborar dados sobre a variação fonológica local, conhecer a sua sistematização e verificar a possibilidade que a ocorrência de alguma das variantes constitua mudança em curso na fala do paulistano. / This master thesis discusses, qualitatively, the correlation between certain phonemes that are characteristic to the dialect spoken in Sao Paulo and linguistic variants or varieties brought to the city by Italian immigrants. This paper offers an overview of the history of immigration, mainly from a sociolinguistics perspective, focusing on the close relationship between the communities in contact, as well as their languages. It presents a qualitative analysis of the variants that distinguish the paulistano speech from others around the country, by highlighting some aspects in reference to the Italian language. In conclusion, this paper suggests a quantitative analysis that would allow us to check more thoroughly \"how much Italian\" there is in the speech recognized as paulistano.

Alagoanos em São Paulo e a concordância de número / Alagoanos in São Paulo and the nominal number agreement

Silva, Fernando Gomes da 06 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa, de acordo com as premissas teórico-metodológicas da Sociolinguística Variacionista (Labov 1972:[2008]), como se dá a concordância nominal de número (CN) na fala de alagoanos estabelecidos na cidade de São Paulo, em comparação com a fala de paulistanos. A análise multivariada é feita com as ocorrências de sintagmas nominais simples (constituídos de dois elementos), como as pessoa-s/ø. O objetivo principal é verificar quais são os fatores linguísticos e sociais que concorrem para a realização da CN nesses dois subgrupos de falantes. Os dados foram extraídos de 24 entrevistas sociolinguísticas com paulistanos e 24 com alagoanos que vivem na capital paulista. Ambas subamostras são definidas pelas mesmas variáveis sociais: sexo/gênero, faixas etárias e escolaridade. Os resultados indicam que a taxa de não realização da concordância (CN-Ø) entre alagoanos e paulistanos é praticamente a mesma. Em ambas as subamostras, os fatores sociais mostraram-se mais significativos, uma vez que todos foram selecionados para os dois grupos de falantes, com os maiores ranges. As mulheres são as mais sensíveis à variante de prestígio; no entanto, as alagoanas apresentam percentual um pouco maior de CN-Ø (23%) do que as paulistanas (17%). Não há indicativo de mudança em progresso: em ambos os subgrupos, a segunda faixa etária é a que desfavorece CN-Ø. Já para escolaridade, trata-se de um grupo de fatores mais significativo para paulistanos do que para alagoanos. Quanto aos fatores linguísticos, Classe de palavra do elemento nuclear, Processo de formação de plural do elemento nuclear e Número de sílaba do elemento não-nuclear se mostraram mais significativos. Da perspectiva da concordância nominal de número, esta dissertação mostra que alagoanos e paulistanos se assemelham mais do que se diferenciam. Nesse sentido, pode ser que façam parte de uma mesma comunidade de fala (Labov 1972 [2008]), 1996 [2006], Guy 1981 mas isso só poderá ser confirmado por estudos futuros, que se dedicarem a outras variáveis na fala destes e de outros grupos de falantes migrantes para a cidade de São Paulo. / Within the framework of variationist Sociolinguistics (Labov, 1972 [2008]), this master thesis analyzes variable number agreement within the nominal phrase (NP), in the Portuguese spoken in the city of São Paulo by Alagoanos (migrants from the northeastern state of Alagoas) and by Paulistanos (those born and raised in the city). The multivariate analysis focuses on two-word plural NPs, such as as pessoas/ø the persons. The main goal is to verify what linguistic and social factors condition the variable in use, in a comparison between these two groups of speakers. The data was extracted from 24 sociolinguistic interviews with Alagoanos and 24 with Paulistanos. Both samples are stratified by the same social variables: sex/gender, age group and level of education. Results indicate that the frequency of CN-Ø (that is, lack of agreement) is approximately the same for both groups of speakers. In both, social factors are more significant than linguistic factors, since all of the social ones included in the analysis were selected as statistically significant. Women disfavor CN-Ø (a generally stigmatized form), although the agreement is more frequent among Alagoanas than among Paulistanas. Theres no indication of change in progress: for both groups of speakers, the intermediate age group disfavors CN-Ø. As for level of education, it is more significant for Paulistanos than for Alagoanos. Among the linguistic factors, the class of the nuclear word, the morphology of plural, and the number of syllables of the NP left element were the ones selected as statistically significant This thesis shows that, from the perspective of number agreement within the NP, Alagoanos and Paulistanos are more similar than different. Therefore, they could be part of a same speech community (Labov 1972 [2008], Guy 1981) in the city something that should be discussed by further research, including other linguistic variables and groups of speakers.

Informational Aspects of Audiovisual Identity Matching

Unknown Date (has links)
In this study, we investigated what informational aspects of faces could account for the ability to match an individual’s face to their voice, using only static images. In each of the first six experiments, we simultaneously presented one voice recording along with two manipulated images of faces (e.g. top half of the face, bottom half of the face, etc.), a target face and distractor face. The participant’s task was to choose which of the images they thought belonged to the same individual as the voice recording. The voices remained un-manipulated. In Experiment 7 we used eye tracking in order to determine which informational aspects of the model’s faces people are fixating while performing the matching task, as compared to where they fixate when there are no immediate task demands. We presented a voice recording followed by two static images, a target and distractor face. The participant’s task was to choose which of the images they thought belonged to the same individual as the voice recording, while we tracked their total fixation duration. In the no-task, passive viewing condition, we presented a male’s voice recording followed sequentially by two static images of female models, or vice versa, counterbalanced across participants. Participant’s results revealed significantly better than chance performance in the matching task when the images presented were the bottom half of the face, the top half of the face, the images inverted upside down, when presented with a low pass filtered image of the face, and when the inner face was completely blurred out. In Experiment 7 we found that when completing the matching task, the time spent looking at the outer area of the face increased, as compared to when the images and voice recordings were passively viewed. When the images were passively viewed, the time spend looking at the inner area of the face increased. We concluded that the inner facial features (i.e. eyes, nose, and mouth) are not necessary informational aspects of the face which allow for the matching ability. The ability likely relies on global features such as the face shape and size. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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