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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

FORMULATING A CHANGE STRATEGY : How to introduce a tracking system in an organization / FORMULERING AV EN FÖRÄNDRINGSSTRATEGI : Hur ett spårningssystem kan införas i en organisation

Carlsberg desires to increase the traceability of their goods and this can be achieved with a tracking system. Therefore, this research aimed to create a model suitable to use when formulating a change strategy to implement a new technology in an organization. This model was then applied on Carlsberg to investigate how they should introduce a tracking system in their distribution system. The research was conducted in two phases, where the first phase included to create the suitable change model and to identify the current state in Carlsberg. This was achieved by collecting data from literature, observations and interviews. In phase two the model was applied to Carlsberg and thus, the change strategy to introduce a tracking system in Carlsberg was formulated. In this phase, data collection methods were literature and interviews with stakeholders and specialized consulting agencies in change management of IT systems. The research resulted in a model based on three questions that must be answered to create a change strategy; "What is the required change?", "How to build up the change process?" and "How will the change be measured?" In order to transform from the current state to the desired future, Carlsberg needs to introduce a tracking system with associated informational support, in the form of a website. This introduction results in changed work tasks and new features for truck drivers, administrative staff and collaboration partners. To succeed with this change, it is crucial that the stakeholders are willing to change. Carlsberg can increase the stakeholder’s willingness by a number of activities that have been identified in this research. Risks with the introduction of the tracking system have been identified and since this is a new system, start-up problems are likely to occur. These can be minimized through testing the system with a small group of truck drivers. Also, the introduction to the entire organization should then be done in one cross-dock at the time, partly to minimize the risk but also to be able to focus the resources. During and after the tracking system has been introduced in the organization, the change process needs to be measured in order to demonstrate that the desired improvements are met. Short-term measurements aim to motivate stakeholders for further implementation efforts and long-term measurements to consolidate the change in the organization. / Carlsberg vill öka spårbarheten på sina varor och detta kan uppnås med ett spårningssystem. Denna forskning har därför syftat till att skapa en modell lämplig för att använda vid utformningen av en förändringsstrategi ämnad till att införa en ny teknik i en organisation. Modell applicerades sedan på Carlsberg för att undersöka hur de ska införa ett spårningssystem i sitt distributionssystem. Forskningen genomfördes i två faser, där den första fasen inkluderade att skapa en lämplig modell för förändringsarbete och analysera den nuvarande situationen i Carlsberg. Detta uppnåddes genom att samla in information från litteratur, observationer och intervjuer. I fas två applicerades denna modell på Carlsberg och därmed formulerades förändringsstrategi för att införa ett spårningssystem i organisationen. I denna fas var metoder för datainsamling litteratur samt intervjuer med intressenter och specialiserade konsultbyråer i förändringsarbete av IT-system. Forskningen resulterade i en modell som bygger på tre frågor som måste besvaras för att skapa en förändringsstrategi; "Vilken förändring krävs?", "Hur ska förändringsprocessen utformas?" och "Hur kan förändringen mätas?" För att transformeras från det nuvarande läget till den önskade framtiden måste Carlsberg införa ett spårningssystem med tillhörande informationsstöd, i form av en hemsida. Införandet leder till förändrade arbetsuppgifter och nya funktioner för lastbilsförare, administrativ personal och samarbetspartners. För att lyckas med denna förändring, är det viktigt att de berörda parterna är villiga att förändras. Carlsberg kan öka intressenternas vilja genom en rad aktiviteter som har identifierats i denna forskning. Även risker med införandet av spårningssystemet har identifierats och eftersom detta är ett nytt system, kan uppstartsproblem förekomma. Dessa kan minimeras genom testning av systemet med en liten grupp av lastbilsförare. Dessutom bör införandet till hela organisationen sedan ske i en distributionslokal åt gången, dels för att minimera risken men också för att kunna fokusera resurserna. Under och efter spårningssystemet har införts i organisationen, behöver förändringsarbetet mätas för att visa att de önskade förbättringarna är uppfyllda. Kortsiktiga mätvärden syftar till att motivera intressenter för ytterligare förändringsarbete och långsiktiga mätvärden att befästa förändringen i organisationen.

De Kluvnas Rester : Uppfattningar om kärnavfall och framtiden i Statens Offentliga Utredningar 1956-1980

Bergkvist, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
En viktig del i diskussioner av kärnkraft är frågan om det avfall som skapas i driften av kärnreaktorer. Undersökningen har identifierat en förändring i uppfattningen av avfall under perioden mellan 1956, då kärnkraften var i sitt tidiga stadium, och 1980 då densamma har implementerats kommersiellt i Sverige. Uppsatsens syfte är att närmare förstå vilken roll diskussioner om kärnenergins restprodukter hade under denna förändring. Detta görs genom att använda sig av statens offentliga utredningar som material och användning av Sheila Jassanoff och Sang-Hyun Kims teoretiska ramverk sociotechnical imaginaries. Dessa används båda för att belysa utvecklingen av synen av avfallet som skapas av kärnenergin. Materialet visar hur avfallsfrågan diskuterades av experter och hur problematik eller icke-problematik togs upp till regeringen som hade beställt utredningen.

Framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar vid utveckling av energisystem i nya stadsdelar : En fallstudie på Ebbepark i Linköping / Success factors and difficulties in the development of energy systems in new districts : A case study at Ebbepark in Linköping

Martinsson, Lovisa, Schill, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Två tredjedelar av världens växthusgasutsläpp kommer från energianvändning varpå de klimatutmaningar som världen står inför till stor del är en energirelaterad utmaning. Sverige har som mål att uppnå 50% effektivare energianvändning till 2030 jämfört med 2005. Eftersom bostads- och servicesektorn står för 40% av landets totala energianvändning behöver sektorn genomföra förändringar för att målen ska kunna uppnås. Även byggsektorn blir berörd och där finns behov av att gå ifrån traditionella metoder. Nuvarande projekt behöver utvärderas för att kunna dra lärdomar till kommande projekt. Kommuniceras inte lärdomar vidare finns risk att misstag återupprepas.  Sankt Kors, ett kommunalt fastighetsbolag med fokus på kontorsverksamhet, är drivande i utvecklingen av stadsdelen Ebbepark i Linköping. Stadsdelen ska vara energisnål med fokus på innovation för att energieffektivisera energianvändningen. Denna studie bidrar till att, genom utvärdering av energisystemet i Ebbepark, identifiera framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar som kan beaktas vid kommande utformning av energisystem i nya stadsdelar. Utvärdering har gjorts i förhållande till funktion, miljömässig hållbarhet och socioteknisk utformning. Studiens kartläggning av energisystemet och undersökning av dess framväxt visat att det finns flertalet såväl tekniska som sociala aspekter som påverkar utformningen av energisystem. Det är därför av hög relevans att applicera ett sociotekniskt perspektiv.  Kartläggning av Ebbeparks energisystem visade att det tekniska systemet inkluderar flöden för att tillgodose byggnadens energibehov vilka i fallet är fjärrvärme, fjärrkyla, el från kraftnätet, el från solceller samt värme och kyla från geolager. Det sociala systemet inkluderar bland annat projektledning, beslutsfattare, driftpersonal och användare. Med andra ord både de som utvecklar systemet liksom de som i slutändan brukar det. Sociala systemet inkluderar genom dessa grupper också kommunikation, dokumentation och icke-tekniska artefakter.  Utvärdering av energisystemet och dess framväxt visar på flera fallspecifika faktorer som bidrar till att uppnå funktion och miljömässig hållbarhet, men att systemets utformning och därmed användning kan vara suboptimerat och därmed till viss del inte uppfylla socioteknisk utformning. Främst konstateras fallspecifika fallgropar gälla driftöverlämning och infasning för systemet vilka varit korta i förhållande till systemets komplexitet och omfattning. Vidare konstateras problem kring hur kunskap integreras i verksamheten, resursåtgång vid framtagande av dokument samt relevans av dokument också bli fallgropar. Fallspecifika framgångsfaktorer rör främst de tekniska komponenterna där komponenterna kan ses som framgångsfaktorer i sig men där kombinationen och helheten bidrar till att både minskad klimatpåverkan, flexibilitet, energieffektivisering och energiprestandamål uppnås.  Flera av de framgångsfaktorer och fallgropar som identifierats för Ebbepark anses inte vara generaliserbara eftersom varje stadsdel har sina unika förutsättningar. De framgångsfaktorer som identifierats kan konstateras främst röra den tekniska delen av energisystemet medan fallgroparna rör den sociala delen. Det tycks generellt finnas ett större fokus på optimering av det tekniska systemet än det sociotekniska. / Two thirds of the world ́s green gas emissions emerge from energy use, whereupon the climate challenges facing the world are largely an energy related challenge. Sweden aims to achieve a 50% more efficient energy use by 2030 compared with 2005. Since the housing and service sector accounts for 40 % of Sweden’s total energy use, the sector needs to implement changes in order to achieve the goals. The building sector is also a relevant part and it needs to change its’ traditional methods. Evaluation of current projects enables for lessons to be learned which can be used in future projects. If lessons are not communicated to future projects, there is a risk that mistakes will be repeated.  Sankt Kors, a municipal real estate company with a focus on office operations, is a driving force in the development of the Ebbepark district in Linköping. The district will be energy-efficient with focus on innovation to make energy use more efficient. This study helps to, through evaluation of the energy system in Ebbepark, identify success factors and difficulties that can be considered in the future design of energy systems in new districts. Evaluation has been made in relation to function, environmental sustainability and sociotechnical design. By mapping the energy system and examining its emergence, the study has shown that there are several technical and social aspects that affect the design of energy systems. It is therefore of high relevance to apply a socio-technical perspective.  Mapping of the energy system shows that the technical system includes flows intended to meet the building's energy needs, which in the case of Ebbepark means district heating, district cooling, electricity from the power grid, electricity from solar cells and heating and cooling from geoenergy storage. The social system includes, among others, project management, decisionmakers, operating staff and users. In other words, both those who develop the system as well as those who ultimately use it. Through these groups, the social system also includes communication, documentation and non- technical artifacts.  Evaluation of the energy system and its emergence shows several case specific factors that contribute to achieve function and environmental sustainability, but that the design of the system and thus its use, may be sub optimized and therefore partially not achieve sociotechnical design. Identified case specific difficulties mainly regard operational handover and technical adjustment. Technical adjustment and learning period of the system has been too short in relation to the system's complexity and scope. Furthermore, problems regard how knowledge is integrated into the business, resource consumption when bringing forth documents and the relevance of documents. Case specific success factors mainly concern the technical components where the components can be seen as sucessfactors themselves, but that the combination of the technologies and the system as a hole contributes to both reduced climate impact, flexibility, energy efficiency and achieving energy performance.  Several of the success factors and difficulties identified for Ebbepark are not generalizable because of each districts’ unique conditions. The success factors mainly concern the technical part of system while the difficulties concern the social part. In general, there seems to be a greater focus on optimizing the technical system rather than the sociotechnical one.

Institutional Management for Infrastructure Resilience

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: To improve the resilience of complex, interdependent infrastructures, we need to better understand the institutions that manage infrastructures and the work that they do. This research demonstrates that a key aspect of infrastructure resilience is the adequate institutional management of infrastructures. This research analyzes the institutional dimension of infrastructure resilience using sociotechnical systems theory and, further, investigates the critical role of institutions for infrastructure resilience using a thorough analysis of water and energy systems in Arizona. Infrastructure is not static, but dynamic. Institutions play a significant role in designing, building, maintaining, and upgrading dynamic infrastructures. Institutions create the appearance of infrastructure stability while dynamically changing infrastructures over time, which is resilience work. The resilience work of different institutions and organizations sustains, recovers, adapts, reconfigures, and transforms the physical structure on short, medium, and long temporal scales. To better understand and analyze the dynamics of sociotechnical infrastructure resilience, this research examines several case studies. The first is the social and institutional arrangements for the allocation of resources from Hoover Dam. This research uses an institutional analysis framework and draws on the institutional landscape of water and energy systems in Arizona. In particular, this research illustrates how institutions contribute to differing resilience work at temporal scales while fabricating three types of institutional threads: lateral, vertical, and longitudinal threads. This research also highlights the importance of institutional interdependence as a critical challenge for improving infrastructure resilience. Institutional changes in one system can disrupt other systems’ performance. The research examines this through case studies that explore how changes to water governance impact the energy system in Arizona. Groundwater regulations affect the operation of thermoelectric power plants which withdraw groundwater for cooling. Generation turbines, droughts, and water governance are all intertwined via institutions in Arizona. This research, finally, expands and applies the interdependence perspective to a case study of forest management in Arizona. In a nutshell, the perilous combination of chronic droughts and the engineering resilience perspective jeopardizes urban water and energy systems. Wildfires caused by dense forests have legitimized an institutional transition, from thickening forests to thinning trees in Arizona. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Environmental Social Science 2019

Framtidens män(niskor) : En bild- och diskursanalys av Ex Machina utifrån kritiska framtidsstudier / The future (hu)man : The film Ex Machina from a critical future studies perspective

Li, Cäcilia January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines visions of the future in Alex Garlands 2015 film Ex Machinausing critical futures studies and posthumanist theories. The aim is to make visible howfutures are constructed and how artificial bodies are coded based on ideas of the future.Through an image and discourse analysis, the essay shows how “Western” society isstructured and how it is expected to be structured in the future. While the previous researchmainly focuses on phenomenology and gender, this essay shows that intersectional methodscan be helpful in making visible how power structures influence how we construct and viewbodies. In addition, the analysis shows how images of the future are multifaceted andcomplex, while at the same time they reproduce hegemonic visions of the past, present andfuture. In summary, this essay shows how the visions of the future in Ex Machina areprimarily based on a “Western” scientific tradition that reproduces colonial and patriarchalideals, though they are consistently challenged by the existence and actions of the cyborgs.

Imagining Arms : Rationality and the Sociotechnical Imaginary of Swedish Defense Requirements Engineering

Welsh, John January 2023 (has links)
Despite significant efforts at improving requirements engineering in the development of military systems, defense procurement is still plagued by expensive, well-publicized failures. Central to requirements engineering is the concept of rationality – more reason is assumed to eventually ‘solve’ the problem of defense requirements engineering. This thesis suggests that rationality, instead of being an objective standard, might be part of a socially constructed framework for action. Leaning on Science and Technology Studies for a theoretical framework, it is suggested that rationality and irrationality is part of a larger sociotechnical imaginary which outlines desirable outcomes, actions, and values in military systems development. This thesis presents an interview study of requirements analysts in the Swedish defense sector to outline if and how rationality relates to the narrative of this potential imaginary. The results indicate that a Swedish defense requirements engineering imaginary consists of a rationality/irrationality dichotomy which sets the stage for action in a state of chaos, and that the narrative associated with that imaginary enables the

Utopias in the Digital Age: Uncovering the Sociotechnical Imaginaries of Facial Recognition

Meng, Zimo 06 December 2023 (has links)
The concept and practice of surveillance has long existed in our society, yet with the development of technology, it has taken on new forms and capabilities. As a result, surveillance technology has become integrated in our society, influencing norms and shaping imaginaries surrounding it. While many existing studies have thoroughly examined people's experiences with surveillance technologies, there has been little attention paid to the efforts of advocacy groups in challenging and reshaping the mainstream imaginaries regarding surveillance technology. Using narrative analysis, this thesis aims to address this gap and explore the sociotechnical imaginaries surrounding facial recognition technology of four advocacy groups: a) Fight for the Future, b) Big Brother Watch, c) Electronic Frontier Foundation, d) Surveillance Technology Oversight Project. This study uncovers that these groups' shared sociotechnical imaginary aligns closely with modern liberal ideals, highlighting the possibility of separating public and private life, the necessity for not only moderate government intervention, but healthy commercial competitions, as well as public education. In other words, I argue that resisting against a particular technology and its associated power dynamics does not always represent a challenge to the fundamental power structure.

Workers in Canada's Energy Future: Sociotechnical Imaginaries, Settler-colonialism, and the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline

Lajoie O'Malley, Alana 09 January 2024 (has links)
In recent years, scholars of science and technology studies (STS) have increasingly turned their attention to the role of collective imagination in shaping sociotechnical futures. This scholarship leaves open the question of how the collectives involved in bringing these futures to life come into being. Starting with one episode in the ongoing conflict over the construction of Coastal GasLink pipeline on Wet’suwet’en territory in settler-colonial Canada, this discourse analysis draws on scholarship in feminist, anticolonial, and co-productionist STS to study this process of collective formation in relation to sociotechnical futures. It does so by examining how oil and gas workers become enrolled into a sociotechnical imaginary I call Canadian resource techno-nationalism. Comparing media and politicians’ representations of oil and gas workers with White workers’ representations of themselves indicates that they can end up participating in this imaginary regardless of their affinity to it. Examining policy documents and scholarly literature about the inclusion of Indigenous knowledges in impact assessment, as well as political debates and mainstream media coverage about the conflict over the Coastal GasLink pipeline, draws attention to how elites’ active construction and protection of the boundary between knowledge and politics works to enroll Indigenous people into oil and gas jobs and, therefore, into the collective performing Canadian resource techno-nationalism. In both cases, elite actors deploy the resources at their disposal in ways that help funnel oil and gas workers into lives imagined for them, securing the power of the settler state in the process. This dynamic illustrates the importance of disentangling participation in the collective performance of sociotechnical imaginaries from freely given consent. Residents of liberal states can end up performing dominant imaginaries less out of any sense of affinity to them than as a response to the disciplinary power these imaginaries help sustain.

Bridging the Gap: Exploring the Need for Better System Representations in Higher Education

Wright, Corinne P. 01 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Washington, Montressa L. 04 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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