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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metody pro řešení spínaných obvodů / Methods for Analysis of Switched Circuits

Kovář, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The dissertation deals with simulations of the DC-DC converters in their basic configurations (Buck, Boost, Buck-boost, Cuk, SEPIC). In the first part of the thesis derivation of transfer functions Line-to-Output (LTO) and Control-To-Output (CTO) can be found. These symbolic responses are derived for three types of basic converters (Buck, Boost, Buck-boost) using well-known average model [1]. Derived expressions are very complicated. For reduction of these expressions symbolic approximation method was used, however the generality is lost. The average model was used to for decreasing the computational effort of analysis of DC-DC converters in the time domain. For these simulations VHDL-AMS language was used. The main topic of the thesis is harmonic balance method, which was adapted to DC-DC converters. Because conditions and assumptions for LTO and CTO functions are very different, harmonic balance method was derived into two variants. For obtaining of LTO response, duty cycle of switching signal can be considered as constant in time. Spectrum of this signal is simple as follows from well-known sinc function. For obtaining of CTO response PWM modulation must be used. Compared to sinc function spectrum of PWM modulation is richer (contains more combination frequencies). Many types of PWM modulation is described in [31]. For simulation PWM modulation with uniform sampling in two variants (single and double edge) was used. Non-ideal switching of PWM switch was modeled by PWM pulse with defined slew rate. Last section deals with comparison of all derived functions (LTO, CTO, modulation type, defined slew rate) with well-known averaged model.

Measuring Snow Specific Surface Area Finding the True Margins of Error of the IceCube

Meyer, Kaitlin 09 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Structural responses due to underwater detonations : Validation of explosion modelling methods using LS-DYNA

Blomgren, Gustav, Carlsson, Ebba January 2023 (has links)
Modelling the full event of an underwater explosion (UNDEX) is complex and requires advanced modelling methods in order to achieve accurate responses. The process of an UNDEX includes a series of events that has to be considered. When a detonation is initiated, a shock-wave propagates and the rest products from the explosive material creates a gaseous bubble with high pressure which pulsates and impacts the surroundings. Reflections of the initial shock-wave can also appear if it hits the sea floor, water surface or other obstacles. There are different approaches how to numerically model the impact of an UNDEX on a structure, some with analytical approaches without a water domain and others where a water domain has to be modelled. This master’s thesis focuses on two modelling methods that are available in the finite element software LS-DYNA. The simpler method is called Sub-Sea Analysis (SSA) and does not require a water domain, thus it can be beneficial to use in an early design stage, or when only approximated responses are desired. To increase the accuracy, a more complex method called S-ALE can be used. By implementing this method, the full process of an UNDEX can be studied since both the fluid domain and explosive material are meshed. These methods are studied separately together with a combination of them. Another important aspect to be considered is that oscillations of a structure submerged in water differs from the behavior it has in air. Depending on the numerical method used, the impact of the water can be included. Natural frequencies of structures submerged in water are studied, how it changes and how the methods takes this into account. To verify the numerical models, experiments were executed with a cylindrical test object where the distance and weight of charge were altered through out the test series. It was found that multiple aspects affects the results from the experiments, that are not captured in the numerical models. These aspects have for instance to do with reflections, how accurate the test object is modelled and the damping effects of the water. It is concluded that the numerical models are sensitive when small charges and fragile structures are studied. High frequency oscillations were not triggered in the experiment but found for both methods. It should be further investigated if the methods are more accurate for larger charges and stronger structures. Experiments with larger water domain would also be beneficial to reduce effects from reflections, as well as a more accurate model of the cylinder in the simulations.

Forward Modelling of Ground Based SST Telescope Images

Hidalgo Larsson, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Space debris is becoming an increased threat to the future use of space orbits. In order to counteract this threat, the field of Space Situational Awareness (SSA), and the sub-field Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST), have been developed to gather knowledge about the space debris and satellites surrounding Earth. The orbit of a satellite can be determined by acquiring images of the satellite using a telescope and a sensor. During this thesis, a tool has been programmed in Python. This tool can simulate these types of images of satellite passes, at a given time and location. The simulator takes the system parameters of the telescope and camera sensor into account, together with several different types of disturbances which affect these images. The project has been carried out at the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), which recently launched an SSA initiative. They plan to use these images to learn more about their upcoming observations, and possibly to test an orbit determination software. / Rymdskrot är ett allt mer påtagligt hot mot den framtida användningen av om-loppsbanor i rymden. För att motverka detta hot har det blivit viktigt att kartlägga rymdlägesbilden och de objekt som ligger i omloppsbana runt jorden. Detta görs genom att observera, identifiera och banbestämma satelliter. En satellits omlopps-bana kan bestämmas genom att ta bilder av satelliten med hjälp av ett teleskop och en sensor. Under detta examensarbete har ett verktyg för att kunna simulera sådana bilder utvecklats. Simuleringsverktyget har programmerats i Python och kan simulera bilder av satellitpass vid en given tidpunkt och från en given plats. Verktyget tar hänsyn till systemparametrarna för teleskopet och kamerasensorn, samt effekterna av ett flertal olika typer av störningar som påverkar dessa bilder. Projektet har genomförts hos företaget Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), som nyligen lanserade ett initiativ för att bättre förstå rymdlägesbilden. De planerar att använda dessa bilder för att lära sig mer om deras kommande observationer, samt att eventuellt testa en programvara för att bestämma banparametrar.

Navigating Chaos: Resonant Orbits for Sustaining Cislunar Operations

Maaninee Gupta (8770355) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The recent and upcoming increase in spaceflight missions to the lunar vicinity necessitates methodologies to enable operations beyond the Earth. In particular, there is a pressing need for a Space Domain Awareness (SDA) and Space Situational Awareness (SSA) architecture that encompasses the realm of space beyond the sub-geosynchronous region to sustain humanity's long-term presence in that region. Naturally, the large distances in the cislunar domain restrict access rapid and economical access from the Earth. In addition, due to the long ranges and inconsistent visibility, the volume contained within the orbit of the Moon is inadequately observed from Earth-based instruments. As such, space-based assets to supplement ground-based infrastructure are required. The need for space-based assets to support a sustained presence is further complicated by the challenging dynamics that manifest in cislunar space. Multi-body dynamical models are necessary to sufficiently model and predict the motion of any objects that operate in the space between the Earth and the Moon. The current work seeks to address these challenges in dynamical modeling and cislunar accessibility via the exploration of resonant orbits. These types of orbits, that are commensurate with the lunar sidereal period, are constructed in the Earth-Moon Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem (CR3BP) and validated in the Higher-Fidelity Ephemeris Model (HFEM). The expansive geometries and energy options supplied by the orbits are favorable for achieving recurring access between the Earth and the lunar vicinity. Sample orbits in prograde resonance are explored to accommodate circumlunar access from underlying cislunar orbit structures via Poincaré mapping techniques. Orbits in retrograde resonance, due to their operational stability, are employed in the design of space-based observer constellations that naturally maintain their relative configuration over successive revolutions. </p><p dir="ltr"> Sidereal resonant orbits that are additionally commensurate with the lunar synodic period are identified. Such orbits, along with possessing geometries inherent to sidereal resonant behavior, exhibit periodic alignments with respect to the Sun in the Earth-Moon rotating frame. This characteristic renders the orbits suitable for hosting space-based sensors that, in addition to naturally avoiding eclipses, maintain visual custody of targets in the cislunar domain. For orbits that are not eclipse-favorable, a penumbra-avoidance path constraint is implemented to compute baseline trajectories that avoid Earth and Moon eclipse events. Constellations of observers in both sidereal and sidereal-synodic resonant orbits are designed for cislunar SSA applications. Sample trajectories are assessed for the visibility of various targets in the cislunar volume, and connectivity relative to zones of interest in Earth-Moon plane. The sample constellations and observer trajectories demonstrate the utility of resonant orbits for various applications to sustain operations in cislunar space. </p>

United States counter-narcotics policies towards Burma, and how the illegal myanmar regime is manipulating those policies to commit ethnic genocide.

Hochstedler, Robert. 06 1900 (has links)
US counter-narcotic policies towards Burma have possessed a singular-focus. In other words, they have been based on the traditional bilateral triumvirate strategies of eradication, education, and interdiction. Eradicate the crops used to produce illicit narcotics, interdict the flow of illicit drug traffickers, and educate the general population on the dangers of continual drug usage. In the country of Burma though, there are other US policies which also have a singular focus, which have undermined the effectiveness of these policies. Since the Burmese military regime's brutal suppression of the pro-democracy movement in 1988, the US has severed all economic relations with the country. The Burmese economy, which was already far from stable, fell into a downward spiral as a result of these US-led policies. This did not result in a democratic transition. Over seventeen years since these economic sanctions have been in place, the US has not achieved a peaceful regime change in Burma. Furthermore, the attempts to remove the significant flow of illicit narcotics from the country have failed as well. The reason these two singular-oriented policies have failed is that they are targeted at a country much more complex than these strategies have been designed to handle. First of all, there are 135 ethnicities in Burma, while only a small portion of the Burman population maintains political and economic control. Although this would result in ineffective policies with little collateral impact, the ruling Tatmadaw regime has manipulated these policies to commit ethnic genocide upon the ethnic minorities within their territory. Unless a re-assessment of these policies is undertaken by the US and its allies, the only result of their policies will be the elimination of millions of ethnic minorities in this totalitarian state. Therefore, the US must re-assess its position of isolating the Myanmar regime, and focus on a policy of engagement. Only if a structured and progressive incentive policy of economic development is created in conjunction with the regime, can the separate triumvirate policies of counter-narcotics against the ethnic minorities in Burma become effective. / US Navy (USN) author.

Comportamiento térmico y mecánico del poli(etilén tereftalato) (PET) modificado con resinas poliméricas basadas en bisfenol-A

Sánchez Mora, Johan José 07 November 2003 (has links)
Se realizó el estudio de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de mezclas de Poli(Etilén Tereftalato) (PET) con resinas poliméricas basadas enl Bisfenol-A: Poli(Carbonato de Bisfenol-A) (PC) y Poli(Hidroxi-Éter de Bisfenil-A) (PHEB), en contenidos no superiores a un 30% en peso de estos polímeros y preparadas por extrusión doble-husillo.Una evaluación físico-química (ft-IR, densidad y MVR) de ambos sistemas indicó que pueden ocurrir reacciones de transesterificación, principalmente entre el PET y el PC y verificado vía DSC y DMTA, mientras que dichas reacciones tienen una baja extensión en el caso del PHEB, principalmente evidenciado en la pérdida de la capacidad de cristalización del PET (sin mayores cambios en su transición vítrea) en presencia de PC y casi invariabilidad al adicionar PHEB. Con el apoyo de SEM se verificó la presencia de fases ricas de ambos componentes en las mezclas en todo el rango de composiciones, verificándose el carácter inmiscible de ambos sistemas.A través de un fraccionamiento térmico por Autonucleaciones y Recocidos Sucesivos (SSA) y medidas del MVR, ensayos que favorecieron la transesterificación, se estableció que ésta promueve un aumento de la masa molecular en ambos sistemas, donde en las mezclas PET/PC esto se da por reacciones de extensión de cadena y que en las mezclas PET/PHEB conducen a la formación de ramificaciones largas y entrecruzamientos.Las propiedades mecánicas a tracción y flexión indicaron un aumento de la resistencia mecánica y deformabilidad a mayor contenido de fase bisfenólica, al observarse un aumento de los parámetros característicos de estos ensayos, donde módulos elásticos y tensiones siguieron generalmente una desviación positiva de la "Ley Aditiva de Mezcla" (LAM). Tales tendencias indicaron un efecto rigidizante de la fase bisfenólica combinado con interacciones fuertes entre los componentes que favoreció la transmisión de tensiones y la deformabilidad de la mezcla, existiendo una compatibilidad mecánica aceptable al menos a bajas velocidades de deformación, principalmente en las mezclas PET/PC en donde hay evidencias de un aumento en la tenacidad. Se verificó que hay mejoras en la Resistencia al Impacto tanto caída de dardo como pendular al menos hasta un 20% de PC, superando a las mezclas PET/PHEB las cuales manifestaron una fuerte sensibilidad a la entalla.En el análisis de la fractura a través de la Mecánica de la Fractura Elástico Lineal (LEFM) a altas velocidades y el Trabajo Esencial de Fractura (EWF) a bajas velocidades de solicitación, para contenido no superiores a 10% de fase PC y PHEB donde la morfología de fases fue comparable (partículas), se tiene que los parámetros de fractura fueron siempre superiores para las mezclas PET/PC, con una tendencia general de que el PC aporta mejoras a estos parámetros respecto al PET, mientras que el PHEB no los afecta o tiende a disminuirlos. Esto sugiere que que la adhesión interfacial es un factor determinante que favorece la transmisión de tensiones, particularmente favorable en las mezclas PET/PC por su mayor reactividad.A mayores contenidos de fase bisfenólica, el comportamiento es más complejo como consecuencia del particular balance entre tamaño, geometría y orientación de la fase dispersa que tiende a dominar sobre la adhesión interfacial, detectándose procesos de cavitación en la mayoría de las condiciones de ensayos que promovieron pocas mejoras o decaimiento en los parámetros de fractura respecto al PET. Cabe destacar que los parámetros de fractura LEFM indicaron que todos los materiales presentaron una fractura en condiciones mixtas con una componente importante de tensión plana, con excepción de las mezclas PET/PHEB que corresponderían a condiciones de deformación plana, todo lo cual fue corroborado a través del análisis fractográfico.

The Retrieval of Aerosols above Clouds and their Radiative Impact in Tropical Oceans

Eswaran, Kruthika January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aerosols affect the global radiation budget which plays an important role in determining the state of the Earth's climate. The heterogeneous distribution of aerosols and the variety in their properties results in high uncertainty in the understanding of aerosols. Aerosols affect the radiation by scattering and absorption (direct effect) or by modifying the cloud properties which in turn affects the radiation (indirect effect). The current work focuses only on the direct radiative effect of aerosols. The change in the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflected flux due to the perturbation of aerosols and their properties is called direct aerosol radiative forcing (ARFTOA). Estimation of ARFTOA using aerosol properties is done by solving the radiative transfer equation using a radiative transfer model. However, before using the radiative transfer model, it has to be validated with observations for consistency. This is done to check if the model is able to replicate values close to actual observations. The current work uses the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART) model. The output radiative fluxes from SBDART are validated by comparing with the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite data. Under clear-skies SBDART agreed with observed fluxes at TOA well within the error limits of satellite observations. In the shortwave solar spectrum (0.25-4 µm) radiation is affected by change in various aerosol properties and also by water vapour and other gas molecules. To study the effect of each of these molecules separately on the aerosol forcing at TOA, SBDART is used. ARFTOA is found to depend on the aerosol loading (aerosol optical depth – AOD), aerosol type (SSA) and the angular distribution of scattered radiation (asymmetry parameter). The role of water vapour relative to the aerosol layer height was also investigated and for different aerosol types and aerosol layer heights, it was found that water vapour can induce a change of ~4 Wm-2 in TOA flux. The relative importance of aerosol scattering versus absorption is evaluated through a parameter called single scattering albedo (SSA) which can be estimated from satellites. SSA defined as the ratio of scattering efficiency to total extinction efficiency, depends on the aerosol composition and wavelength. Aerosols with SSA close to 1 (sea-salt, sulphates) scatter the radiation and cool the atmosphere. Aerosols with SSA < 0.9 (black carbon, dust) absorb radiation and warm the atmosphere. Over high reflective surfaces a small change in SSA can change forcing from negative (cooling) to positive (warming). This makes SSA one of the most important and uncertain aerosol parameters. Currently, the SSA retrievals from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) are highly sensitive to sub-pixel cloud contamination and change in aerosol height. Using the sensitivity of OMI to aerosol absorption and the superior cloud masking technique and accurate AOD retrieval of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), an algorithm to retrieve SSA (OMI-MODIS) was developed. The algorithm was performed over global oceans (60S-60N) from 2008-2012. The difference in SSA estimated by OMI-MODIS and that of OMI depended on the aerosol type and aerosol layer height. Aerosol layer height plays an important role in the UV spectrum due to the dominance of Rayleigh scattering. This was verified using SBDART which otherwise would not have been possible using just satellite observations. Both the algorithms were validated with cruise measurements over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It was seen that when absorbing aerosols (low SSA values) were present closer to the surface, OMI overestimated the value of SSA. On the other hand OMI-MODIS algorithm, which made no assumption on the aerosol type or height, was better constrained than OMI and hence was closer to the cruise measurement The presence of clouds results in a more complex interaction between aerosols and radiation. Aerosols present above clouds are responsible to most of the direct radiative effect in cloudy regions. The ARFTOA depends not only on the aerosol properties but also on the relative position of aerosols with clouds. When absorbing aerosols are present above clouds, the ARFTOA is highly influenced by the albedo of the underlying surface. Recent studies, over regions influenced by biomass burning aerosol, have shown that it is possible to define a ‘critical cloud fraction’ (CCF) at which the aerosol direct radiative forcing switch from a cooling to a warming effect. Similar analysis was done over BoB (6.5-21.5N; 82.5-97.5E) for the years 2008-2011. Aerosol properties were taken from satellite observations. Satellites cannot provide for aerosols present at different heights and hence SBDART was used to calculate the forcing due to aerosols present only above clouds. Unlike previous studies which reported a single value of CCF, over BoB it was found that CCF varied from 0.28 to 0.13 from post-monsoon to winter as a result of shift from less absorbing to moderately absorbing aerosol. This implies that in winter, the absorbing aerosols present above clouds cause warming of the atmosphere even at low cloud fractions leading to lower CCF. The use of multiple satellites in improving the retrieval of SSA has been presented in this thesis. The effect of aerosols present above clouds on the radiative forcing at TOA is shown to be different between Bay of Bengal and Atlantic Ocean. This was due to the change in SSA of aerosols during different seasons. The effect of aerosol height, aerosol type and water vapour on the TOA flux estimation is also studied using a radiative transfer model.

Sjöräddning och obemannade autonoma farkoster, hur är det med uppgifterna? : En fallstudie om riktlinjer för datahantering i sjöräddning med obemannade autonoma farkoster / Maritime rescue and unmanned autonomous vehicles, what about the data? : A case study on guidelines for data management in maritime rescue with unmanned autonomous vehicles

Flodin, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Sjöräddning i Sverige sker genom samverkan mellan statliga verksamheter, kommuner och frivilligorganisationer för ett gemensamt mål att rädda personer som råkat i sjönöd. Tid är ofta en kritisk faktor i räddningsuppdragen men ett snabbt och oplanerat utryck riskerar samtidigt att sätta räddningsaktörerna själva i farozonen. Utvecklingen av obemannade autonoma farkoster för SAR (eng. Search And Rescue) ses som en lösning på behovet att kunna snabbt skicka hjälp till samt få ögon på incidentplatsen utan att försätta räddningsaktörerna för onödig risk. Nuvarande kommunikationssystem inom svensk sjöräddning kan dock inte hantera annan typ av information än muntlig varav räddningsaktörer endast känner till riktlinjer för hantering av muntlig information. Med ett framtida införande av autonoma farkoster kommer dock fler informationstyper att behöva hanteras i sjöräddningar varav oklarheten om vilka informationstyper autonoma farkoster samlar in och vilka datahanteringskrav som finns är problematiskt. Oklarhet om informationstyperna och deras datahanteringskrav är vidare problematiskt för utvecklingen och implementeringen av autonoma farkoster då risken finns att farkoster och tekniker utvecklas men inte får användas för att de inte är anpassade efter lagkraven på hantering av olika datatyper. I denna studie undersöks därför vilka informationstyper som autonoma farkoster kan samla in vid sjöräddning. Detta för att komma fram till vilka riktlinjer för datahantering som gäller vid sjöräddning med autonoma farkoster. Studien undersöker också vilka informationstyper som är kritiska för en SAR-sjöräddningssamverkan samt vilka informationsdelningsutmaningar som finns i dagens sjöräddning. Studien genomfördes i form av en kvalitativ fallstudie och har tillämpat ett socio-tekniskt systemperspektiv för att bättre se till helheten och besvara frågeställningarna. Resultatet av denna studie visar att autonoma farkoster kan samla in information om sin omgivning, vilket utgör grunden för att skapa en medvetenhet om situationen som är kritiskt för SAR-operationer, och kan även samla in information om sitt eget tillstånd. De lagverk som identifierats utgöra de huvudsakliga restriktionerna är kamerabevakningslagen, lagen för skydd av geografisk information, offentlighets- och sekretesslagen, GDPR och dataskyddslagen. Dessa lagverk innehåller riktlinjer för delning av information och personuppgiftsbehandling i SAR-sjöräddning. Kunskapsbidrag studien har genererat inkluderar bland annat identifiering av datatyper som kan samlas in av autonoma farkoster i en SAR-sjöräddning, och sannolikt andra typer av räddningsinsatser, och delning och hanteringskraven på de datatyperna i räddningsinsatser och därmed kunskap om vilka datatyper som är mest reglerade. Vidare kunskapsbidrag är kunskap om vilka informationstyper som är mest kritiska för SAR-sjöräddningar, och därför bör prioriteras att samlas in och delas, och identifieringen av utmaningar för informationsdelning mellan statliga verksamheter och frivilligorganisationer. / Maritime rescue in Sweden is performed through a cooperation between government agencies, municipalities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with the common goal of saving people in distress. Time is often a critical factor in the rescue missions but a fast and unplanned response may at the same time put the rescue workers in danger. The development of unmanned autonomous vehicles for SAR is seen as a solution to the need of being able to quickly sendhelp as well as get eyes on the scene of the incident without exposing the rescue workers for unnecessary risks. However, the current communications systems in Swedish maritime rescue are unable to handle any other type of information except verbal, meaning that rescue workers only know guidelines for handling verbal information. However, with a future implementation of autonomous vehicles, there will be a need to handle more information types in maritime rescue whereas the uncertainty regarding what kind of information autonomous vehicles collect and which data management requirements exist is problematic. The uncertainty about the information types and their data management requirements is also problematic for the development and implementation of autonomous vehicles as there is a risk that vehicles and technologies are developed but not allowed to be used because they are not adapted to the legal requirements on management of the different types of data. Therefore, in this study I examine what information types that autonomous vehicles can collect in a maritime rescue to find out what guidelines for data management that applies during a maritime rescue with autonomous vehicles. The study also examines what kind of information’s are critical for a SAR maritime rescue cooperation as well as what information sharing challenges exist in current maritime rescue. The study was performed as a qualitative case study and has used a socio-technical systems perspective so as to better see the overall picture and answer the research questions. The result shows that autonomous vehicles can collect information about their surroundings, which is the foundation for establishing situation awareness that is critical for SAR-operations, and that they can collect information about their own status. The main laws and regulations that have been identified as constituting the main restrictions are (translated from Swedish) the law of camera surveillance, the law for protection of geographical information, the public access to information and secrecy act, the GDPR and the data protection act. These contains guidelines for sharing information and the processing of personal data in SAR maritime rescue. The knowledge contributions of this study includes among others the identification of datatypes that can be collected by autonomous vehicles in SAR maritime rescue, and probably other types of rescue operations, and the sharing and management requirements on those datatypes in rescue operations and thus knowledge of what datatypes that are the most restricted. Further knowledge contributions is knowledge about which information types that are the most critical for SAR maritime rescue and thus should be prioritised for collection and sharing as well as the identification of challenges for information sharing between government agencies and NGOs.

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