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Společenská odpovědnost podniku: spolupráce firem a neziskových organizací / Corporate Social Responsibility: cooperation between businesses and non-profit organizationsBajerová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to define key points of successful cooperation between businesses and non-profit organizations. The thesis is focused on Corporate Social Responsibility in terms of cooperation with a nonprofit sector. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the introduction into CSR topic, the introduction into non-profit organizations, types of cooperation, partnership of both sectors and criticism of CSR.
The practical part of the thesis consists of a research, which is made by three research surveys. The first research survey uses the method of the secondary document analysis. Another two surveys are realized through semi-structured interviews. The interviews are taken with both sectors to deliver complex research results. Firstly with specialists from businesses and secondly with non-profit organizations specialists. Four key results come from the research and these significantly increase the success of mutual cooperation. These are accuracy prepared strategy, clear expectations on both sides, equal partnership and mutual respect of the expected standard.
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Společenská odpovědnost podniku / Corporate Social ResponsibilityFousek, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issues of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This topic is quite wide and the concept of sustainability is currently considered to be very important and actual.The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the CSR in the company TNT Express focusing on the perception of the CSR concept, the motives for implementation of CSR and the effectiveness of the communication channels. There are described the current CSR activities of TNT Express in the Chapter 4. The thesis comprises two key parts. The Chapter 3 is dedicated to the theoretical basis. Especially the stakeholders theory, the three pillars of CSR, the arguments of proponents and opponents of the CSR approach, the CSR communication tools and a brief summary of the new conceptions of CSR are described in this part.The literature review is followed by the part of the research. The research is based on the study of secondary data and the other information comes from the interviews with both internal and external stakeholders.The research results are analyzed and summarized, the strengths and the weaknesses are revealed and new company strategy in the sphere of CSR is proposed with respect to the potential opportunities and threats.
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Proposta de procedimento de identificação das interfaces críticas entre as partes envolvidas com o ciclo de vida de um sistema-produto sustentávelHoppe, Daniel Augusto January 2010 (has links)
Projetar produtos efetivamente sustentáveis é uma atividade complexa que considera a gestão das necessidades e interfaces de distintas partes envolvidas com o ciclo de vida do produto. Esta tarefa é especialmente difícil nas fase de definição do produto, quando a equipe de projeto deve trabalhar com um conjunto abrangende de informações e requisitos que deverão ser convertidas em um conceito de produto ou de seu sistema. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é propor um procedimento de identificação de interfaces críticas entre partes envolvidas com o ciclo de vida de um sistema-produto para que os objetivos da sustentabilidade sejam atingidos. Três objetivos específicos foram definidos: (I) analisar práticas e/ou procedimentos de projeto que permitam identificar as partes envolvidas com o ciclo de vida de um sistema-produto, levantar e tratar as informações provenientes dessas partes, de tal forma a reduzir a complexidade da informação e identificar o que é crítico para atingir os objetivos da sustentabilidade; (II) planejar e propor um procedimento alinhado aos interesses apresentados no item anterior; e (III) aplicá-lo e analisar resultados. O método de pesquisa teve abordagem quali-quantitativa, em um estudo de caso com propósito exploratório em um sistema de produção e consumo de produtos de higiene e limpeza do Rio Grande do Sul. Os principais resultados foram: identificação de práticas de projeto que combinadas contribuem para o projeto de sistema-produto sustentável; proposição de um procedimento, composto por oito etapas, a partir da combinação de práticas de projeto; identificação de fatores determinantes para atingir a sustentabilidade e interfaces críticas entre as partes envolvidas no sistema pesquisado sob a perspectiva de diversos entrevistados. Este é um trabalho exploratório e o pesquisador indica desdobramentos futuros para o mesmo. / The design of effectively sustainable products is a complex activity that involves the management of needs and interfaces among distinct stakeholders from all product lifecycle. This task is specially difficult in the product definition phase, in which the team has to deal with a broad spectrum of information that will be converted in a product or system concept. The general objective of this dissertation is the proposition of a procedure to identify critical interfaces among stakeholders from all life cycle of product-system allowing sustainability objectives are achieved. Three specific objectives were defined: (I) to review a set of practices and / or project procedures adequate to the identification of stakeholders and their needs, to reveal what is critical for achieving the goals of sustainability, from their points of view; (II) to plan and propose a sistematic procedure in line with the interests presented in the previous item; and (III) to experience the procedure in a real case to analyze results. The research method was a case study with exploratory purposes using a qualitative and quantitative approach. Interviews were performed with stakeholders from a hygiene and cleanliness production and consumption system, from Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil. The main results were: the identification of project development practices usefull for stakeholders‟ interfaces and needs analysis; the propositon of a procedure, consisting of eight stages; and from the use of such procedure it was possible to identify factors for achieving sustainability and critical interfaces among the stakeholders in the system studied. The study is exploratory and future directions were indicated by the researchers.
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...Do you? #MeToo! : A study on consumer behavior towards sexual appeal in advertising after the worldwide #MeToo-uprisingRakocevic, Gabriella, Eliasson, David January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how stakeholders’ view of sexual advertisement has been affected by the ‘#MeToo’-uprising and Time’s Up movement. A qualitative study has been conducted in order to gather information regarding stakeholders view of sexual appeal in advertising and how they have been affected by these movements. In this study, participants have been giving their thoughts and beliefs on this subject, which later on have been compared and analyzed in relation with existing theories. The findings of this study indicates an increased resistance to sexual advertising by the society due to the ‘#MeToo’-uprising and Time’s Up. Although, the resistance was greater among females than by males in this study. This is potentially due to the fact that women are the ones who constantly are being objectified in advertisement today, and throughout history. The practical implications of this thesis is that it could be to use for marketing firms who are engaged in advertising which contains sexual elements to better understand how ‘#MeToo’ and Time’s up have affected consumers’ view of sexual appeal in advertising. The original value of the study is new insights regarding consumers’ view of sexual appeal in advertisement as an effect of the ‘#MeToo’-uprising and the Time’s Up movement, which not have been studied before.
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A construção do desenvolvimento sustentável através das relações entre as organizações e seus stakeholders : a proposição de uma estrutura analíticaHoff, Débora Nayar January 2008 (has links)
Coerente com o nível de desenvolvimento dos processos produtivos e da organização social, o progresso foi, ao longo do tempo, medido como ganhos exclusivamente econômicos, como desenvolvimento econômico e, mais recentemente, como desenvolvimento sustentável, caracterizado como a busca de equacionamento entre ganhos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, de forma a garantir que as gerações futuras tenham possibilidades de gerar seu próprio desenvolvimento. Autores referenciados relacionam esta evolução com a emergência de um paradigma centrado na sustentabilidade, o qual sintetiza posições exclusivamente preocupadas com o ser humano (antropocêntrico) e com o meio ambiente (ecocêntrico). Sendo recente, este entendimento está disseminando-se pela sociedade e seus diversos níveis (institucional, organizacional, social, individual), a necessidade de uma melhor relação das organizações com o meio ambiente natural e mais recentemente com a sociedade. Esta conjuntura expressa-se pela ampliação de atividades que identifiquem a responsabilidade social das organizações e, apesar de acompanhadas por um incremento das pesquisas científicas e da elaboração de formas de observação capazes de identificar avanços ou retrocessos no progresso econômico e social, ainda não contam com estruturas analíticas capazes de apreender ações relativas aos múltiplos objetivos desejáveis às organizações, tampouco focadas para as relações entre estas e seus stakeholders. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral da tese é propor uma estrutura analítica que, através das características das relações entre a organização e seus stakeholders, permita observar como as organizações estão posicionadas no percurso de construção do desenvolvimento sustentável. Um framework foi proposto, com a respectiva estrutura analítica interdisciplinar, sendo aplicado em uma empresa de papel e celulose localizada na Serra Catarinense. A metodologia de pesquisa contou com técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, dados quantitativos de fontes secundárias e primárias, entrevistas estruturadas e aplicação que questionários elaborados a partir da estrutura, com uso de escala Likert. Além disso, foram usados métodos de pesquisa histórica, com a proposição e aplicação de um arcabouço de path dependence, principalmente no que se refere à reconstrução do percurso da organização em direção ao desenvolvimento sustentável. A partir da aplicação da estrutura analítica, pode-se dizer que a organização observada já se encontra no percurso de construção do desenvolvimento sustentável, mas que tem um longo caminho pela frente, até conseguir alcançar todas as características desejáveis em relação a suas interações com os seus stakeholders, bem como no equacionamento dos trade-offs existentes entre objetivos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, pois ainda apresenta uma tendência a enfatizar objetivos econômicos em detrimento mais dos sociais, do que dos ambientais. Não se pode afirmar, que, em âmbito local, os stakeholders organizacionais tenham exercido a racionalidade substantiva para a Klabin SC por dois motivos bem distintos: a) existem outras demandas que exigem pressão social, de forma que a comunidade regional ainda não inclui entre as suas preocupações àquelas de cunho ambiental, salvo algumas ações específicas; b) a orientação da unidade, em grande parte, é feita pela corporativa. Mesmo assim, as alterações de percurso da organização, percebidas no seu histórico, são coerentes com o movimento internacional percebido através da construção histórica do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Aspectos relacionados à otimização do uso de recursos e busca de alternativas para resíduos e by-products são padrões de competitividade do setor produtivo, o que tende a contribui para que este desenvolva várias das características estabelecidas na estrutura analítica, como desejáveis para organizações que se orientam pelo paradigma centrado na sustentabilidade. Estas questões, entre outras, levam a ponderar que a racionalidade substantiva e instrumental podem atuar através da sociedade e também da organização, mudando de posicionamento de acordo com o estágio de evolução e das demandas desenvolvidas por cada uma delas. / Coherent with the development level of the production processes and social organization, progress has been measured exclusively by economic gains such as economic development and more recently sustainable development. The later has been characterized as a search for the balance between economic, social and environmental gains, in a way to guarantee that future generations have the possibility to generate their own development. Referred authors have related this evolution with the emergence of a paradigm centered on sustainability, which synthesizes positions exclusively concerned with the human being (anthropocentric) and with the environment (ecocentric). Being somewhat recent, this comprehension is being disseminated by the society and its several levels (institutional, organizational, social, individual), in the search for a better relation of the organizations with the natural environment and more recently society. This conjuncture is expressed by the amplification of activities that identify the social responsibility of the organizations and, despite being accompanied by an increase of scientific researches and the elaboration of forms of observation capable of identifying advances or regressions in the social and economical progress, they still do not count with analytical structures capable of apprehending actions related to the multiple desirable objectives and neither focus on the relations between organizations and their stakeholders. In this context, the general objective of the thesis is to propose an analytical structure that, through the characteristics of the relations between the organization and its stakeholders, allows the observation of how the organizations are positioned in the course of construction of sustainable development. A framework was proposed with interdisciplinary analytical structure and it was applied in a paper and cellulose company, located in the cities of Correia Pinto and Lages, in the State of Santa Catarina. The research methodology counted with bibliographical and documental research techniques, quantitative data from secondary and primary sources, structured interviews and the application of questionnaires elaborated from the structure with the use of the Likert scale. Moreover, methods of historical research were also used, with proposition and application of path dependence outline, mainly in what refers to the reconstruction of the course of the organization in the direction of sustainable development. From the application of the analytical structure, it can be said that the organization observed is already in the course of sustainable development, but still has a long path ahead until reaching all the desirable characteristics in relation to the interactions with its stakeholders as well as in the balancing of the existing trade-offs between economic, social and environmental objectives, due to the fact that it presents a tendency to emphasize economic objectives in detriment of social objectives more than environmental objectives. It cannot be affirmed that in the local ambit, the organizational stakeholders have exercised the substantive rationality for Klabin SC due to two very distinct reasons: a) there are other demands that require social pressure, in a way that the regional community still does not include among its concerns those of environmental nature, except for some specific actions; b) the orientation of the unit is in a great deal carried out by the corporative. Even so, the alterations of the organization’s course noticed in its history are coherent with the international movement observed through the historical construction of the concept of sustainable development. Aspects related to the optimization of the use of resources and the search of alternatives for residues and by-products are a standard of competitivity of the productive sector, which tends to contribute for this to develop several of the characteristics established in the analytical structure as desirable for the organizations that are oriented by the paradigm centered on sustainability.
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A gestão socioambiental no contexto do desenvolvimento (in)sustentável : uma leitura das instâncias micro, meso e macro organizacional na Aracruz CeluloseAramburú, Juliane Viégas January 2009 (has links)
Passadas quase quatro décadas desde as críticas sobre o crescimento econômico, que contribuia para um desenvolvimento insustentável a longo prazo, percebe-se que o problema da ênfase na dimensão econômica em detrimento da socioambiental permanece. Desequilíbrios ambientais continuam sendo evidenciados como consequência da atuação da humanidade. Para Ferreira (2007), as empresas têm contribuído para o aumento destes desequilíbrios. A autora aponta que os eventos naturais afetam a agricultura, a indústria e os serviços. Depreende-se disso que, se a empresa não é causadora direta de todos os males ambientais, ela sofre com eles. Tanto o agravamento dos problemas ambientais quanto sociais aumentou a pressão para que as empresas alterem a forma de conduzir seus negócios. Deste modo, muitas empresas têm adotado práticas ditas socialmente responsáveis para atender essa demanda e para sobreviverem no mercado. Nascimento et al. (2008) evidenciam que, para obter sucesso na implantação de ações, a empresa deve perceber-se como parte de um ecossistema de mercado. Isto implica compreender que as ações não dependem apenas das condições internas e de ferramentas adotadas pelos gestores; elas dependem também da interação da empresa com o macro e o meso ambiente. E, para serem sustentáveis, tanto a empresa quanto as demais partes envolvidas devem se preocupar com as diferentes dimensões do desenvolvimento, além da econômica (SACHS, 1996). Assim, torna-se relevante compreender como a atuação relacionada à sustentabilidade, de empresa modelo em responsabilidade socioambiental e das partes interessadas, impacta no alcance do desenvolvimento? Para tanto, analisa-se a gestão socioambiental da Aracruz, observando a relação com os níveis micro, meso e macro organizacional. A Aracruz Celulose é reconhecida internacionalmente por sua atuação socioambiental e considerada uma das vinte empresas-modelo em sustentabilidade do país. A empresa convive com uma questão polêmica, pois utiliza como matéria-prima florestas. Em contrapartida, declara que trabalha para reduzir os impactos ambientais em seus processos, desde o plantio de árvores, à extração, produção e exportação do produto. Revela, ainda, que considera também os aspectos sociais do processo, adotando postura socialmente responsável para com as diferentes partes interessadas. Por essas razões, considera-se um caso relevante para estudo. Com a pesquisa, visa-se a contribuir no campo teórico e prático relacionado à responsabilidade socioambiental e ao desenvolvimento. Para consecução do trabalho, adota-se o estudo de caso único. Para tanto, analisaram-se materiais institucionais e trabalhos acadêmicos sobre a responsabilidade socioambiental da Aracruz. Realizaram-se entrevistas com o diretor de sustentabilidade da empresa e com gestores envolvidos com a questão. Avaliou-se a relação da organização com diferentes stakeholders a partir de entrevistas com a comunidade, parceiros em projetos ambientais, órgão governamental e prestadores de serviços. Aplicou-se também questionário com os demais empregados da empresa. Como resultado, evidencia-se que a Aracruz trabalha questões de governança, transparência, relacionamento com partes interessadas e aspectos socioambientais e de gestão para alcançar a sustentabilidade. No entanto, a sua atuação é afetada por variáveis do macroambiente, especialmente pela variável econômica. Talvez isto dificulte a contribuição para o desenvolvimento integral proposto por Sachs (1996). / After almost four decades since the critics on economic growth which had contributed to a long-term unsustainable development, it is noted that the problem of emphasis on the economic dimension in detriment of the socio-environmental one still remains. Environmental imbalances continue to be evident as consequence of man's work. For Ferreira (2007), companies have contributed to the increase of such imbalances. The author says the natural events affect the agriculture, industry and services. It can be inferred that if the company is not the direct cause of all the environmental damages, it suffers with them. The worsening of both environmental and social problems has increased the pressures in order that companies change the way they lead their business. So, many companies have adopted the so-called socially responsible practices to meet such demand and survive in the market. Nascimento et al. (2008) say that in order to be successful with the implementation of its policies, the company must see itself as part of the market ecosystem. It implies to understand that actions do not depend only on internal conditions and the tools used by the managers; they also depend on the company's interaction with the macro and meso-environment. And, to be sustainable, the company as well as the other parts involved in the process must pay attention to the different dimensions of development, others than the economic one (SACHS, 1996). So, it's relevant to understand the way the performance related to sustainability of socio-environmental model company and its interested parties affects the attainment of development. For this reason, it's analyzed the socio-environmental management of Aracruz, taking into account the relation with micro, meso and macro-organizational levels. Aracruz Celulose is internationally recognized by its socio-environmental behavior and considered as one of the twenty most responsible companies as to sustainability within the country. The company has a controversial question: forests are its raw-material, but it also declares that it works to reduce the environmental impacts in its processes, from the trees plantation to product extraction, production and export. It also reveals that the social aspects of the process are considered using a socially responsible behavior with the different interested parties. For theses reasons it was considered a relevant case to be studied. This work aims at contributing to socio-environmental responsibility and development at the theoretical and practical fields. It was adopted the one-case study. Institutional materials and academic works on the Aracruz socio-environmental responsibility were analyzed and interviews with the sustainability director and other managers involved with the problem were done. It was evaluated the organization relation with different stakeholders from interviews with the community, partners in environmental projects, governmental body and service renderers. A questionnaire was also used with all the company's employees. After the study, it is clear that Aracruz works with issues related to governance, transparence, and relationship with interested parties and socio-environmental and management aspects to reach sustainability. However, its performance is affected by macro-environment variables, mainly the economic one. Perhaps, it makes difficult the contribution for the integral development proposed by Sachs (1996).
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Estruturas de governança corporativa e financial distress: há relação entre conselho de administração e empresas em financial distress?Oshiro, Renan Kenji 15 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renan Kenji Oshiro (renan.oshiro@gmail.com) on 2016-03-09T13:29:06Z
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OSHIRO - Estruturas de governança corporativa e financial distress.pdf: 1792395 bytes, checksum: 0816d14d773c954b257c5ad3f90312d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2016-03-11T13:13:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
OSHIRO - Estruturas de governança corporativa e financial distress.pdf: 1792395 bytes, checksum: 0816d14d773c954b257c5ad3f90312d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T16:13:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
OSHIRO - Estruturas de governança corporativa e financial distress.pdf: 1792395 bytes, checksum: 0816d14d773c954b257c5ad3f90312d1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-15 / In this master’s thesis it was analyzed if there is a significant relationship among governance structures (structure and board composition) and financial distress. This essay focused on this issue because academic studies in corporate governance and its relation to financial distress are still largely unexplored. In addition, the topic has relevance in the corporate world, since understanding which board structures and its compositions would be more efficient to avoid financial distress is attractive for many stakeholders, mainly for shareholders and creditors. To check the existence of this relationship, it was used data from Brazilian public companies and logit models of financial distress were developed. With financial distress as response variable and starting from a base model with financial control variables, new determinants and combinations of these variables were added step by step to set up intermediate models. At last, the final model included all relevant explanatory variables. The variables can be classified into governance structure variables (DUA, GOV and COF), board quality (QUA) and ownership structure (PRO1 and PRO2). The following base models were used: Daily and Dalton (1994a) and an own model, which was developed to model better financial distress and its relation to the governance structure variables. In several tested models, significant relationships were found in the percentage of dependent directors (GOV), percentage of education’s elite directors (QUA), percentage of discriminated stock (PRO1) and percentage of relevant state stock ownership (PRO2). Hence, the hypothesis that more dependent directors, less education’s elite directors and less concentrated ownership structures contribute to a future financial distress situation cannot be rejected. On the other hand, in dummy variables as duality (DUA) and supervisory board (COF) were not found statistical significance. / Nesta dissertação foi analisada se há uma relação significante entre estruturas de governança (estrutura e composição de conselho) e financial distress. Este trabalho focou neste tema porque os estudos acadêmicos em governança corporativa e sua relação com financial distress ainda são pouco explorados. Além disso, o tema tem relevância no mundo corporativo, pois entender quais estruturas e composições de conselho seriam mais eficientes para evitar financial distress é interessante para diversos stakeholders, principalmente para os acionistas e os credores. Para verificar a existência dessa relação, foram utilizados dados de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto e foram desenvolvidos modelos logit de financial distress. Sendo a variável resposta financial distress, partiu-se de um modelo base com variáveis financeiras de controle e, por etapas, foram adicionadas novos determinantes e combinações dessas variáveis para montar modelos intermediários. Por fim, o modelo final contou com todas as variáveis explicativas mais relevantes. As variáveis de estudo podem ser classificadas em variáveis de estrutura de governança (DUA, GOV e COF), qualidade do conselho (QUA) e estrutura de propriedade (PRO1 e PRO2). Os modelos base utilizados foram: Daily e Dalton (1994a) e um próprio, desenvolvido para modelar melhor financial distress e sua relação com as variáveis de estrutura de governança. Nos diversos modelos testados foram encontradas relações significativas no percentual de conselheiros dependentes (GOV), percentual de conselheiros da elite educacional (QUA), percentual de ações discriminadas (PRO1) e percentual de ações de acionista estatal relevante (PRO2). Portanto, não se descartam as hipóteses de que mais conselheiros dependentes, menos conselheiros da elite educacional e estrutura de propriedade menos concentrada contribuem para uma situação de financial distress futura. Entretanto, as variáveis dummy de dualidade (DUA) e de conselho fiscal (COF) não apresentaram significância estatística.
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Branding a country : the case of ZimbabweGumpo, Sibonokuhle January 2005 (has links)
“Almost all places are in trouble, but some are in more trouble than others"
Kotler, Haider & Rein (1993)
Kotler, Haider & Rein (1993) contend that all places are in trouble now, or will be in the near future. The onset of globalisation of the world's economy, country political dynamics and the accelerating pace of technological changes are some of the forces that require all places to learn how to compete on the world arena. Porter (1990) states that the framework for understanding a company’s sources of competitive advantage can be extended to the level of nations. It is basically concerned with the question as to why some nations succeed in global competition when others fail. Nations must learn how to think more like businesses if they are to survive and should begin by identifying their competitive advantages and building on them. As countries compete for inward investment, tourism and export of goods and services- success or failure can accurately be chartered, and questions of reputation, image, identity and hence marketing and branding become central to the competitive edge (Olins, 1999). Faced with the challenge of a negative image, a country must adopt a proactive stance to correct this image. This is where the question of country branding comes in.
Branding a country for many is misconstrued and interpreted to simply mean designing a new logo for their country and possibly a slogan to go underneath it. However country-banding proponents highlight that there is a difference between nation branding and tourism promotion. It helps even less that there are so many communications agencies that perhaps frustrated by lack of pure strategy capacity to sell to governments, have fallen into the habit of
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pandering to this misconception and simply selling logos and slogans to any government prepared to buy them (Anholt, 2003). However faced with the urgent need to address the crippling impact of a negative image, countries like Zimbabwe cannot simply wait and expect things to turn out for the better.
Kotler et al (1993) stress that places are not able to respond to negative images concerning their nations as quickly as negative perceptions are built, be it through media, word of mouth or other channels. As a result the importance of a pro-active response cannot be overemphasized. This study explores the current negative image of Zimbabwe and tries to define the root or source of this negative image. Having defined or spelt out what is thought to be the problem, the researcher than explores possible ways of how the stakeholders of Zimbabwe can rebrand their country reflecting on known success stories. Kotler et al (1993) contend that the central tenet of marketing places is that in spite of the powerful internal and external forces that buffet them, places have within their collective resources and people the capacity to improve their relative competitive positions. Zimbabweans in general believe that their situation has been sensationalised by the media and is not a reflection of what is on the ground. By adopting a proactive stance in rebranding their country, Zimbabweans will perhaps finally realise that when it comes to image, “being in possession of the truth is not enough, the truth has to be sold” (Anholt,all places are in trouble now, or will be in the near future. The onset of globalisation of the world's economy, country political dynamics and the accelerating pace of technological changes are some of the forces that require all places to learn how to compete on the world arena. Porter (1990) states that the framework for understanding a company’s sources of competitive advantage can be extended to the level of nations. It is basically concerned with the question as to why some nations succeed in global competition when others fail. Nations must learn how to think more like businesses if they are to survive and should begin by identifying their competitive advantages and building on them. As countries compete for inward investment, tourism and export of goods and services- success or failure can accurately be chartered, and questions of reputation, image, identity and hence marketing and branding become central to the competitive edge (Olins, 1999). Faced with the challenge of a negative image, a country must adopt a proactive stance to correct this image. This is where the question of country branding comes in.
Branding a country for many is misconstrued and interpreted to simply mean designing a new logo for their country and possibly a slogan to go underneath it. However country-banding proponents highlight that there is a difference between nation branding and tourism promotion. It helps even less that there are so many communications agencies ABSTRACT
“Almost all places are in trouble, but some are in more trouble than others"
Kotler, Haider & Rein (1993)
Kotler, Haider & Rein (1993) contend that all places are in trouble now, or will be in the near future. The onset of globalisation of the world's economy, country political dynamics and the accelerating pace of technological changes are some of the forces that require all places to learn how to compete on the world arena. Porter (1990) states that the framework for understanding a company’s sources of competitive advantage can be extended to the level of nations. It is basically concerned with the question as to why some nations succeed in global competition when others fail. Nations must learn how to think more like businesses if they are to survive and should begin by identifying their competitive advantages and building on them. As countries compete for inward investment, tourism and export of goods and services- success or failure can accurately be chartered, and questions of reputation, image, identity and hence marketing and branding become central to the competitive edge (Olins, 1999). Faced with the challenge of a negative image, a country must adopt a proactive stance to correct this image. This is where the question of country branding comes in.
Branding a country for many is misconstrued and interpreted to simply mean designing a new logo for their country and possibly a slogan to go underneath it. However country-banding proponents highlight that there is a difference between nation branding and tourism promotion. It helps even less that there are so many communications agencies that perhaps frustrated by lack of pure strategy capacity to sell to governments, have fallen into the habit of
Sibonokuhle GUMPO - 34462481
pandering to this misconception and simply selling logos and slogans to any government prepared to buy them (Anholt, 2003). However faced with the urgent need to address the crippling impact of a negative image, countries like Zimbabwe cannot simply wait and expect things to turn out for the better.
Kotler et al (1993) stress that places are not able to respond to negative images concerning their nations as quickly as negative perceptions are built, be it through media, word of mouth or other channels. As a result the importance of a pro-active response cannot be overemphasized. This study explores the current negative image of Zimbabwe and tries to define the root or source of this negative image. Having defined or spelt out what is thought to be the problem, the researcher than explores possible ways of how the stakeholders of Zimbabwe can rebrand their country reflecting on known success stories. Kotler et al (1993) contend that the central tenet of marketing places is that in spite of the powerful internal and external forces that buffet them, places have within their collective resources and people the capacity to improve their relative competitive positions. Zimbabweans in general believe that their situation has been sensationalised by the media and is not a reflection of what is on the ground. By adopting a proactive stance in rebranding their country, Zimbabweans will perhaps finally realise that when it comes to image, “being in possession of the truth is not enough, the truth has to be sold” (Anholt, / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL
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Teoria do Stakeholder : um estudo da aplicação do princípio de equidade do StakeholderTorres, Lucas Hoerlle January 2013 (has links)
Para aqueles que acreditam que ética e negócios são instâncias separadas (tese da separação), Freeman e outros (2010) argumentam que eles podem estar juntos (tese da integração). Os autores defendem que a teoria do stakeholder é uma forma através da qual isso pode ocorrer. Nos certames da teoria do stakeholder, Phillips (2003) propôs o princípio de equidade do stakeholder, que resumidamente consiste em uma proposta que visa garantir um relacionamento ético entre organização e seus stakeholders. No presente estudo, se considera como stakeholder aqueles grupos que possuem obrigações mútuas com uma organização que vão além daquelas determinadas pelo que a moralidade da sociedade estabelece. Assim, com o objetivo de compreender como o princípio de equidade do stakeholder está presente, ou ausente, em uma organização específica, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, através de entrevistas em profundidade. As entrevistas transcritas foram analisadas através da análise de conteúdo, com técnica categorial, se tendo, as seguintes categorias: (A) moral, ética e justiça; (B) esquema cooperativo; (C) stakeholders: meios ou fins? Durante a análise, se compreendeu que o princípio de equidade do stakeholder está presente no relacionamento da Organização em questão com seus stakeholders conforme propôs Phillips (2003). Como achados, o trabalho levanta reflexões sobre o modelo genérico de esquema cooperativo, mostrando que os stakeholders derivativos podem ser menos frequentes do que aparentam ser. Também foi percebido pelo autor do estudo que ética, moral e justiça são conceitos que causam confusão aos entrevistados, o que leva a crer que é possível que outros membros da sociedade não tenham esses conceitos assimilados, merecendo mais atenção ao ensino de tais disciplinas. Por fim, o autor da presente dissertação destaca que o uso do bom senso, assim como agir honestamente e criar laços com outros indivíduos são caminhos para se manter uma boa relação com stakeholders. De forma a concluir o estudo, é feito um apelo para maior conscientização moral, não só dos administradores, mas também da sociedade, visando um mundo melhor para todos. / For those who believe that ethics and business are separated instances (separation thesis), Freeman et al (2010) argue that it can be together (integration thesis). The authors defend that the stakeholder theory is a way by which it can happen. In the field of stakeholder theory Phillips (2003) proposed the principle of stakeholder fairness which consists in a proposal that aims to guarantee an ethical relationship between organization and its stakeholders. In the present study stakeholder is considered as those groups which have mutual obligations with an organization. This obligations goes beyond those determined by what the society's morality has established. This study aims to comprehend how the principle of stakeholder fairness is, or is not, present in the management of an organization's stakeholders. For this purpose a qualitative explanatory research was done using deep interviews that were also transcript and analyzed by the categorical content analyses technique. It was proposed the following categories: (A) moral, ethics and justice; (B) cooperative scheme; (C) stakeholders: ways or endings? It was comprehended that the principle of stakeholder fairness is present in the relationship between the studied organization and its stakeholders as it was proposed by Phillips (2003). As findings the work brings thoughts about the generic model of the cooperative scheme showing that derivatives stakeholders can be less frequent as they seem to be. It was also realized by the author of the study that ethics, moral and justice are concepts that made confusion on the interviewers. It leads to believe that it's possible that other members of the society also do not have understood this concepts. This way the teaching of this disciplines deserves more attention. At the end, the author of the present dissertation detaches that the use of good sense, honest behavior and also the creation of ties with other individuals are good ways to keep a good relationship with stakeholders. In a way of concluding the study it was made an appeal for more moral consciousness not only for managers but also for the society, aiming a better world for everybody.
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Avaliação ex post do novo siafi com base na satisfação dos usuários finais: uma abordagem sob a perspectiva do gerenciamento de projetos de TI no setor úblico federalSouza, Danillo Teixeira de 27 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Núcleo de Pós-Graduação Administração (npgadm@ufba.br) on 2015-12-10T20:55:46Z
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Danillo Teixeira de Souza.pdf: 2113134 bytes, checksum: 131158397c3a594f5836171e36fedab0 (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como tema a avaliação ex post (ou pós-implementação) do Projeto Novo Siafi com base na satisfação dos usuários finais do sistema de informação desenvolvido por este projeto – o Novo Siafi, como vem sendo chamado –, buscando inserir tal avaliação no âmbito dos processos de Gerenciamento de Stakeholders (ou Gerenciamento das Partes Interessadas), matéria estabelecida pela quinta edição do guia Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), publicada em 2013, como uma das áreas de conhecimento de Gerenciamento de Projetos (GP). O GP, embora não se restrinja à Tecnologia da Informação (TI), é uma das áreas de atuação mais importantes da governança deste setor e, dentro do campo de conhecimentos associados à área, o Gerenciamento de Stakeholders tem sido considerado, atualmente, como uma das suas atividades mais importantes. O Projeto Novo Siafi, gerenciado pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) mediante contratação da empresa pública Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (Serpro), visa a reconstrução de maneira gradual, em uma nova plataforma tecnológica, do Siafi Operacional – sistema estruturante desenvolvido pelo Governo Federal brasileiro, implantado em 1987, e que já fora adotado, inclusive, por outros países do mundo. Para empreender a avaliação ex post aqui pretendida, realizou-se uma pesquisa de levantamento ou survey dividida em duas etapas: a primeira para avaliar a satisfação dos usuários finais – com a aplicação de um instrumento disponível na literatura – e a segunda, como etapa complementar, com o intuito de verificar a percepção dos usuários finais quanto ao seu envolvimento no desenvolvimento do novo sistema. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, de maneira geral, os usuários, em relação ao sistema, se sentem indiferentes – considerando as duas metodologias adotadas para cálculo da satisfação: análise fatorial e média das respostas –, além de perceberem que não foram envolvidos no seu processo de desenvolvimento. No entanto, como constatado junto a gestor da STN que participou da pesquisa, houve, de fato, o envolvimento dos usuários na construção do Novo Siafi, que ocorreu diretamente, na fase de homologação do sistema e indiretamente, por meio das pesquisas de satisfação sobre o Siafi Operacional, que foram realizadas no período de 1993 a 2009, gerando, como consequência, a implementação de diversas melhorias naquele sistema, que vieram a ser utilizadas para a construção da nova plataforma tecnológica. A presente pesquisa apontou ainda pontos positivos e negativos na visão dos usuários do sistema, evidenciando oportunidades de melhoria. Assim, conclui-se que o feedback dos usuários, que nessa pesquisa fora colhido com auxílio dos dois questionários aplicados, pode ser adotado na efetivação dos processos de Gerenciamento de Stakeholders do Projeto Novo Siafi, por meio do diálogo contínuo entre as partes interessadas, de modo a contribuir para a melhoria do projeto.
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