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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Chirinos Zevallos, Diego Martin, Lujan Rojas, Nathaly Gladys, Salcedo Janampa, German Salvador, Soto Vasquez, Adrian Nicolas 31 July 2020 (has links)
Diversos ciudadanos de Lima tienen adversidades en los servicios básicos del hogar. Problemas comunes como el atoro de inodoros, una volada de fusible e inclusive daño que imposibilite realizar su vida de manera cotidiana. Así mismo, hay muchos trabajadores informales que pueden dar solución a estos problemas. Las cuales son personas que viven del día a día, y mientras más trabajo tenga, mejor calidad de vida podría alcanzar. Por ello, el objetivo de nuestro proyecto es conectar a estos dos segmentos, a través de una plataforma web, donde podrán encontrar personal capacitado para lo que se requiera. Los proveedores del servicio decidirán entre dos tipos de suscripciones mensuales / y por el lado de los clientes, pagarán una tarifa plana para la revisión de sus problemas. Se tiene la convicción de la viabilidad de este proyecto, basados en los resultados de la investigación de mercado, focus group, entrevistas a expertos y resultados del concierge.

Molnets roll i svenska startup-företag : En kvantitativ enkätstudie om molntjänster

Vaughn, Benjamin January 2021 (has links)
This study outlines the use of cloud computing services in Swedish startup companies and draws comparisons with the situation in other countries. The study uses results from a quantitative survey, sent to 545 companies and answered by 100. The survey dealt with opinions on the role of cloud computing in the company, common uses of the cloud and important advantages and disadvantages. Results and comparisons pointed to a relatively significant role for cloud computing in Swedish startup-companies. Common uses, choice of cloud service and opinions on advantages/disadvantages followed similar patterns as in international studies. Some results differed, for example with regards to cost efficiency which was seen as relatively unimportant by Swedish startup-companies as compared to companies in other countries. / Den här undersökningen kartlägger användningen av molntjänster i svenska startup-företag och gör en jämförelse med situationen i andra länder. För att göra detta används resultaten från en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 550 startup-företag, varav 100 svarade. Enkäten behandlade synen på molnets betydelse för företaget, vanliga användningsområden för tjänsterna samt fördelar och nackdelar med användningen. Resultat och jämförelser visade på en relativt stor roll för molntjänster i svenska startup-företag. Användningsområden för molnet, val av molntjänst och vanligt nämnda fördelar och nackdelar följde till stor del samma mönster som framgått i internationella undersökningar. Vissa resultat skiljde sig dock åt - exempelvis ansåg inte svenska företag att kostnadseffektivitet var en viktig fördel till den grad som kunde förväntas utifrån den internationella forskningen.

Integrating Circular Economy in the Innovation Process for Startups. / Integrerar cirkulär ekonomi i innovationsprocessen för företag i uppstart.

LARSELL AYESA, MIKAELA January 2019 (has links)
Most people are aware of the environmental issues that planet Earth is facing, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, expanding deserts and rising sea level. A report from CDP (2017) shows that 100 companies stand for over 70% of the industrial greenhouse gases in the world. The purpose of the study is therefore to facilitate the innovation process of building a sustainable business and addresses the potentials with it. The target group of the study is startups in Sweden developing physical products. Startups were chosen so that already from the beginning of a business, they could be able to build it sustainable. The innovation process explored in the study is the Lean Startup, as it is the most used innovation process by startups (Bortolini et al., 2018). Circular economy is a concept that optimizes the use of resources, eliminates waste and preserves nature. It has been recognized to have big innovation potentials and opens for new business opportunities. In the circular economy, innovation is co-created with all involved stakeholders related to the business, not the least the customers. Earlier research has developed tools, methods and strategies for circular economy that can be used to develop circular projects. With this in consideration, the author addresses the following research questions. • Have startups in Sweden used the Lean Startup process to develop their businesses? • Have startups in Sweden considered circular economy strategies when creating, capturing and delivering value? • Which circular economy tools, methods and strategies can be integrated into the Lean Startup process for startups to develop environmentally friendly businesses? • How would the Lean Startup process with integrated circular economy tools, methods and strategies look like? The study was an exploratory study that gathered data from the literature review on circular economy and the Lean Startup, and from qualitative interviews with startups and experts in different areas within circular economy. The study resulted in a new framework called the Lean Circular Framework, adapted from the Lean Startup process, but with integrated tools, methods and strategies from the circular economy. / De flesta människor är idag medvetna om miljöproblemen som planeten Jorden står inför, så som klimatförändringar, vattenbrist, expanderande öknar och stigande havsnivåer. CDP (2017) visar att 100 företag står för över 70% av alla industriella växthusgaser i världen. Syftet med studien är därför att underlätta innovationsprocessen till att utveckla hållbara affärer och adressera potentialen för dessa. Målgruppen är företag i uppstart i Sverige som utvecklar fysiska produkter. Företag i uppstart blev den valda målgruppen så att man redan från starten av ett företag ska kunna bygga upp hållbara affärer. Innovationsprocessen som undersöktes i studien var Lean Startup eftersom det är den mest använda processen för företag i uppstart (Bortolini et al., 2018). Cirkulär ekonomi är en metodik som optimerar användandet av resurser, eliminerar spill och avfall och bevarar naturen. Den har blivit känd för att ha stor innovationspotential och öppnar upp för nya affärsmöjligheter. I cirkulär ekonomi är innovation skapat tillsammans med alla intressenter inblandade, inte minst kunderna själva. Tidigare forskning har utvecklat verktyg, metoder och strategier för cirkulär ekonomi som kan användas till att utveckla cirkulära projekt. Med detta i åtanke så har författaren svarat på följande forskningsfrågor. • Har företag i uppstart i Sverige använt sig av Lean Startup processen för att utveckla deras företag? • Har företag i uppstart i Sverige övervägt strategier för cirkulär ekonomi när de skapat, fångat och levererat värde? • Vilka verktyg, metoder och strategier från cirkulär ekonomi kan integreras i Lean Startup processen för företag i uppstart för att utveckla miljövänliga företag? • Hur skulle Lean Startup processen med integrerade verktyg, metoder och strategier från cirkulär ekonomi se ut? Studien var en utforskande studie som samlade data från tidigare litteratur om cirkulär ekonomi och Lean Startup, samt från kvalitativa intervjuer med företag i uppstart och experter inom olika områden för cirkulär ekonomi. Studien resulterade i ett nytt ramverk som kallades Lean Circular Framework, anpassad från Lean Startup men med integrerade verktyg, metoder och strategier från cirkulär ekonomi.

Consulting business startup

Sandburg, Sabrina Louise January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science / Charles L. Burton / Most of our education in college is focused on producing students that will graduate and go on to work for someone else. Most classes taken in college are based on theory and technical subjects, which are very important to understand. Where the education falls short on is showing the opportunity of owning and running your own business. This report describes basic steps necessary to start up a consulting business. The report concentrates on the challenges involved, deciding on the right type of business ownership, location and equipment, and extensively on the business plan. Engineering is typically considered a technical field with little interaction with people, which is only half right. There is a lot of interaction between the engineer and the architect, client, contractor, and any other consultants for any particular project. This report will also talk about relationships and how to convey a professional image. The emphasis of this report is to describe basic steps to get started on owning your own company.

Getting engaged with Incubators : The Case of Startplatz

Stock, Ingmar January 2016 (has links)
In modern, fast moving business environments it is crucial for established corporations to find new sources of innovativeness in order to secure their competitiveness and long-term survival. Startups could be such a new source of innovativeness. Unfortunately, it is difficult for startups and corporations to cooperate. Mostly, this is because of the companies’ organization and the different way they operate. To overcome this gap, corporations started to get engaged with business incubators. Even though this phenomenon can be observed in practice already, little research has been done to better understand the forms this collaboration could have or the motives leading to such a cooperation. By studying an incubator that is engaged with established companies in many different ways, various forms of relationships could be identified. Moreover, based on the descriptions of those types of collaboration and in depth interviews, the motives leading corporations and incubators to get involved in various ways could be identified. The empirical contribution of this thesis is to better understand how established corporations can get engaged with entrepreneurial activity and startups in particular.

加速器對新創企業影響之研究 / A study on the Function of Accelerator to New startups

蕭傳議, Troy Unknown Date (has links)
新創加速器主要功能取向為Mentoring、Funding、Networking。以創業加速器而在今日創業團隊的發展中扮演了重要角色。各創業加速器各自有一套運作的模式,但整體而言,它們能為創業者提供全球性的事業網絡、優秀的Mentor、紮實的創業訓練、工作的空間、創業團隊組合,以及可以曝光的場合。新創加速器主要的目的推動新創事業快速成長,提高企業價值。 全球加速器網絡(GAN)統計全球加速器集中在北美,而產業的成長在亞洲,表示在亞洲的新創加速器仍有相當大的成長空間。 國際加速器串聯形成網絡時,網絡內因連結豐厚的創業資金與產業關係,可協助新創公司的營運快速發展;而加速器間也建立優質個案分享的機制與管道,能促使有潛力的新創企業更快取得市場發展的必要資源,以致高成長中小企業可透過進入國際市場策略,以達到加速營收成長及擴大營運據點的成效。 市場上評斷商業加速器成功與否,募資與對加速計畫中企業是否引入股權投資以及其投資回報、財務活動、網絡關係、出場機制的設計是否符合期望,皆是相當 關鍵的衡量指標,亦是加速器之主要功能與核心要點。 全球加速器趨勢朝向專業化、亞洲成長及資源聯結功能強化等趨勢。。加速器未來的發展朝向加速器差別化發展,亦著重Valuation價值提昇在資本市場的重要性。未來在大企業型的定向培育、天使投資合作將有更密切合作。新創企業的經營與出場策略將更靈活,而已穩定經營企業的成長轉型,都將與加速器平台緊密結合。

Lean Startup, en svensk flerfallsstudie : Effekter från implementering av Lean Startup teori och konsekvenser för beslutsfattande / Lean Startup, a Swedish multiple case study

Ågren, Adam, Ljungblom, Filip January 2016 (has links)
Lean Startup Teori (LST) har kommit att växa i popularitet inom entreprenörskap världen över. LST är en teori som för startup- företag skall minska kostnader och tid samt för entreprenörer skapa en arbetsprocess som underlättar beslutsfattande. I denna studie har länkar mellan problematik inom beslutsfattande (overconfidence, prospektteori, gloriaeffekten samt escalation of commitment) och LST undersökts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med entreprenörer i Sverige. Vidare har generella lärdomar från de olika fallen  undersökts för att belysa fördelar och svagheter inom LST. Då pionjärer inom LST hävdat att teorin lämpar sig inom alla  sektorer och branscher har även detta  påstående granskats. Studien fann att LST- processer motverkar de negativa effekterna associerade med overconfidence och  gloriaeffekten men kan inte hantera de  problem som introduceras i samband med prospektteori samt escalation of commitment. Vidare når studien slutsatsen att LST kräver en fit med varje enskilt startup - företag och fungerar bäst inom branscher och industrier som har låga inträdesbarriärer form av kapitalkrav. / Lean Startup theory (LST) has been growing in popularity in entrepreneurship worldwide. LST is a theory for startup companies to reduce costs and time, and for entrepreneurs to create a process that eases decision-making. In this study, links betweenproblems of decision making (overconfidence, prospect theory, the halo effect and escalation of commitment) and LST has been examined through semi-structured interviews with  entrepreneurs in Sweden. Furthermore, general lessons from the cases has been studied to illustrate advantages and  weaknesses of LST. As pioneers of LST argue that the theory is suitable for all  sectors and industries, this claim has also been examined. The study found that LST processes counteract the negative effects associated with overconfidence and the halo effect, but cannot handle the problems that areintroduced in conjunction with the  prospect theory and escalation of  commitment. Furthermore, the study reaches the conclusion that LST requires a fit with each startup company, and functions best in sectors and industries where the entry barrier of capital requirement is low.

Gründung der innovativen Firma / Set up of innovative company

Al Abiad, Waleed January 2010 (has links)
The present Study deals with the establishment of growth companies (Startups) under the assumption, which not only the innovative product leads to the success of the new Company but a Combination of innovative products and innovative organizational design. First the five decision areas of a predecessor company (Leadership (management), financing, controlling, marketing and human resources) were examined, and then five hypotheses identified, which were then analyzed by an empirical study of their validity. The results of the theoretical part are five proposals for the innovative design of the five areas of decision. Complementary occupied founding team for the leadership, bootstrapping for the financing, BSC for controlling, Alpha-communicators to the marketing and finally an employee share ownership for the human resources. Ten founders of the following technology fields: biotechnology, nanotechnology, navigation technology, satellite communications, Network-software-technology, medical technology, internet, technology and funding-Software-development were asked to participate on a questionnaire and then on an expert interview to the above design proposals. The study results have shown that there is a significant correlation between success on one side and the organization of a growth company on the other side. They have also shown that the proposed method and instruments for shaping the decision-making areas because of their particular suitability contributions to the success of the Establishment and ensure the survival of the company.

以網頁與APP創業成功之個案研究 / Growth Engines of Extraordinary Online Startups

姜道潤, Kang, Doyoon Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis has been prepared to provide the reader with information about how some of most successful web/app startups has built their growth engines and optimized business models in their early stages of entrepreneurship. “What are the key success factors of the successful web/app startups, and how they sculpted their growth engines in the early stages of business?” To find answers to this key question, not only tens of books, industry reports, papers and blogs were recapitulated, but also some of most renowned startups were case studied to benchmark their best practices, trial and errors in their journey for rapid growth. While success of a startup not only involves technical or behavioral attribution in their growth trajectory, but also lots of qualitative factors like vision and team DNA, and external or environmental factors, this study will focus on their behavioral attributions that lead to fast growth in their early days.

Do desejo ao artefato: avaliando a gestão de valores no desenvolvimento ágil de software

Silva, Erton Wagner Vieira da 02 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Henrique Rodrigues (pedro.henriquer@ufpe.br) on 2015-03-05T16:35:08Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Diss_ErtonVieira_CIn_ver15.pdf: 2382882 bytes, checksum: d1e777ff7ba604062683924e611071fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T16:35:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Diss_ErtonVieira_CIn_ver15.pdf: 2382882 bytes, checksum: d1e777ff7ba604062683924e611071fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02 / Com a estabilidade da economia brasileira, ela se tornou propícia a uma forma de empreendedorismo denominada de startup. Pequenos empreendimentos com um grupo de pessoas com uma ideia, à procura de um modelo de negócio que possa ser replicado e que trabalham em condições de incerteza se vão ou não gerar lucros, esse é a realidade de muitos startups. Para que essas incertezas diminuam o usuário do produto ou serviço de um startup deve ser analisado e estudado. Este Estudo de Caso acompanha o REDU, startup pernambucano, em sua jornada de conhecer a si mesmo como empresa, o seu produto, a rede social REDU, e conhecer os seus usuários. A pesquisa focou-se nos valores que a empresa definiu para o seu produto e como esses valores estão impactando na experiência do usuário ao utilizar o sistema. Levando em consideração que a equipe utilizou metodologia ágil de desenvolvimento de software, o que poderia dificultar o projeto de design da experiência. Através de entrevistas, questionários e observações dados foram coletados para avaliar se o projeto da experiência nesse ambiente ágil de desenvolvimento e a própria experiência do usuário é eficiente, eficaz e satisfatória. Para isso foram utilizados definições do que é experiência e como definir a qualidade de uma experiência com o usuário. A discussão dos resultados apontam características de desenvolvimento e experiência que podem ser replicadas por qualquer startup que esteja nas mesmas condições que o REDU. Adaptações essas que podem ser na metodologia de desenvolvimento ou em um maior cuidado na integração entre os valores da empresa e o experiência do usuário.

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