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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


HUDSON LIMA MENDONCA 13 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] A transição energética se põe como um dos grandes desafios de nosso tempo. Até 2050 são previstos mais de 13 trilhões de dólares de investimentos só em energia elétrica, sendo 77 por cento em fontes renováveis. Nesse contexto o paradigma das inovações abertas deve exercer um papel fundamental, reduzindo os custos das tecnologias atuais, criando novos mercados e remodelando os existentes através da interação dos cinco principais atores desse processo: universidades, corporações, governos, empreendedores e capitalistas de risco. No nosso primeiro artigo, mostramos a importância da interação desses três primeiros atores ao redor de políticas públicas orientadas às missões. Construímos um framework capaz de endereçar as melhores práticas desse tipo de política quando estas são aplicadas à transição energética. No segundo, buscamos identificar os padrões que levaram startups de energia ao sucesso ou ao fracasso o longo dos últimos 20 anos. Descobrimos que os modelos de negócio, os valores investidos e o perfil dos investidores exerceram um papel fundamental nestas trajetórias. Por fim, dada a relevância da relação entre startups e corporações na transição energética, analisamos no terceiro artigo o papel do corporate venture capital (CVC) ao longo dos últimos 25 anos e identificamos a existência de uma quinta onda de CVC, que possui notáveis particularidades e que leva as unidades de CVC ao centro estratégico de inovação das corporações modernas. De modo geral concluímos que todos os cinco principais atores possuem papeis distintos, mas fundamentais, na transição energética. / [en] The energy transition is one of the most significant challenges of our time. By 2050, more than 13 trillion of dollars of investments are expected in the electricity sector, with 77 percent from renewable sources. In this context, the open innovation paradigm should play a key role in reducing the costs of current technologies, creating new markets and reshaping the existing ones through the interaction of the five main stakeholders in this process: universities, corporations, governments, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. In the first article, we show the importance of the interaction of the first three actors around mission-oriented public policies. We build a framework that can address the best practices of this type of policy when applied to the energy transition context. In the second, we seek to identify the patterns that have led energy startups to success or failure over the past 20 years. We find that business models, invested values, and investor profiles play a key role in these trajectories. Finally, considering the relevance of the relationship between startups and corporations during the energy transition, we analyzed in the third article the role of corporate venture capital (CVC) over the last 25 years and we recognize the fifth wave of CVC, which has many particularities and drives the CVC units to the innovation s strategic center of modern corporations. Overall, we conclude that all these main five stakeholders have a distinct but fundamental role in the energy transition.


FELIPE RANGEL CARNEIRO 14 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação é um estudo sobre o designer empreendedor e os modelos de processo de design e inovação no contexto das startups com base de design. Em um momento em que as tecnologias de manufatura digital e os meios digitais permitem ao designer projetar, produzir e distribuir de forma independente seus produtos, as possibilidades de sua atuação se transformam. O interesse pelo tema deste trabalho e pela relação entre empreendedorismo e design visa contribuir para o campo e preencher uma lacuna existente na formação dos designers no que toca as diferentes maneiras de atuação no mercado hoje. Assim, essa dissertação pesquisou os processos de design e de inovação descritos na literatura e as formas de estruturação de processos utilizados na prática diária do empreendedorismo em design.Esta pesquisa se organizou através de revisão bibliográfica sobre modelos de processo de design e modelos de processo de inovação. Posteriormente, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com designers empreendedores para compreender como sua atuação na prática social e a vivência do empreendedorismo em design moldam os processos destes profissionais. Como resultados são elencados modelos de processo de referência e feitas considerações sobre as características deste designer empreendedor e suas formas de estruturação de processos no que toca as formulações de estratégias de negócios, esquemas produtivos, esquemas de viabilização econômica dos projetos e saídas comerciais para os produtos. São assim levantados pontos a serem considerados para uma discussão alicerçada naquilo que guia os designers na realização de seus projetos, os modelos de processo de design de produto no contexto do empreendedorismo. / [en] This dissertation is a study on the entrepreneurial designer and the design and innovation process models in the context of design intensive startups. At a time when digital manufacturing technologies and digital media allow the designer to independently design, produce and distribute their products, the possibilities of their performance are transformed. The interest in the theme of this work and the relationship between entrepreneurship and design aims to contribute to the field and fill a gap in the training of designers in what concerns the different ways of acting in the market today. Thus, this dissertation investigated the processes of design and innovation described in the literature and the forms of process structure used in the daily practice of entrepreneurship in design. This research was organized through a literature review on models of the design process and innovation process models. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with entrepreneurial designers to understand how their work in social practice and the experience of entrepreneurship in design shape the processes of these professionals. As results are listed reference process models and made considerations about the characteristics of this entrepreneurial designer and its forms of process structuring in what concerns the formulations of business strategies, productive schemes, schemes of economic feasibility of the projects and commercial outlets for the products . Thus points are raised to be considered for a discussion based on what guides designers in the realization of their projects, the product design process models in the context of entrepreneurship.

Att överkomma dödens dal Tillverkarnas krav som startups behöver veta för ett affärsmässigt samarbete / Overcoming the Valley of Death Manufacturers' demands as startups need to know for business collaboration

Yoharajah, Rajisan, Ninkovic, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
Ett växande samhälle kräver ständigt behov av nya tekniska lösningar och innovationer för att fylla samhällets behov och dess fortsatta utveckling. I Sverige förekommer brister i innovationssystemet, där stöd till mindre bolag och för uppskalning är bristfälliga. Detta examensarbete består av en studie utförd för Produktionsänglar, ett koncept som stöttar startupföretag samt mindre företag som önskar skala upp en fysisk produkt från idé till serieproduktion. Produktionsänglar har tidigare lagt resurser på att förstå sig på startupföretagens perspektiv. Lika mycket tonvikt har inte lagts på tillverkarnas och därmed råder det inte samma förståelse för tillverkarnas perspektiv. Genom intervjuer med tillverkningsföretagen har kraven eller mer specifikt förutsättningar som tillverkningsföretagen sätter på startupföretagen identifierats. Detta för att båda parterna skall matchas utan svårigheter samtidigt som startupföretagens idé kan kommersialisera sig. Resultatet av studien visar att startupföretagen bör ha i överseende på fem förutsättningar för att de tillverkande företagen skall kunna ta an deras idé och samarbeta. De bör ha enekonomisk plan, matchande bransch med tydlig idé, se över marknadspotentialen, patent samt komma i kontakt med tillverkningsföretag i tidigare stadier. / A growing society requires a constant need for new technological solutions and innovations to meet the society's demands and for its continued development. In Sweden there are shortcomings in its innovation system, where support for small scale companies and for upscaling is deficient. This thesis consists of a study carried out for Produktionsänglar, a concept which supports startups and smaller companies that want to scale up a physical product from an idea to batch production. Produktionsänglar have previously invested resources in understanding the startups perspective, but the same emphasis has not been placed on the manufacturers side. Thus the same understanding does not exist regarding the manufacturers' perspective. Through interviews with manufacturing companies, the requirements, more specifically the conditions which the manufacturing company places on startups have been identified in order to match the two parties without difficulty and where the startups idea can commercialize. The results of the study show that startups need to review five conditions for manufacturing companies in order for them to adopt their idea and be willing to cooperate. They should have a financial plan, matching industry with a clear idea, review market potential, patents and get involved with the manufacturing companies in earlier stages.

La Entrepreneurial University y el constructo de Arquitectura Organizativa Emprendedora: las bases del emprendimiento universitario en la Universidad Española como componente de la tercera misión

Messana Salinas, Ignacio 21 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] Entrepreneurship from the university is a system very frequently observed in the international environment, to commercialize the research and to contribute to the society and to the growth in general. This thesis researches the capacities of a university to promote said entrepreneurship, as part of the third mission, focusing on the Architectural Entrepreneurship Organization (AOE) of some universities. Our goal is to see the influence of that entrepreneurship architecture in the birth of new companies within the university. We define AOE as the structure or organization context of the University that, as part of the third mission, is focused in promoting the entrepreneurship within the students, completing thus the transfer of knowledge task existing from the academicians in their spin-offs (to commercialize licenses, patents or other intellectual property registered). This thesis centers in the study of the entrepreneurship phenomenon, dealing with the promoting of the creation of new companies from faculty and/or students that are part of the University, in the (physical) context of the University, in a broad meaning. We use a bibliographic methodology on references about entrepreneurship, university spin-offs and third mission; and a qualitative approach interviewing 54 persons from 9 different universities, 1 from the United States and 8 from Spain, including the 5 public Valencian universities to produce a qualitative research using the case study method (complemented with secondary sources). It is interesting to think that the entrepreneurial university, in Audretsch (2014) meaning must generate and create entrepreneurship attitudes, accumulating entrepreneur capital and, as a consequence, change mentalities related to entrepreneurship, mainly amongst students (considering this factor even in mid and high school teaching). Integrating entrepreneurial attitudes, by including entrepreneurship topics (patents and company projects, etc.) in the curriculum of the studies of the students and in the DNA of the course descriptions, should be the first priority within an AOE. / [ES] El emprendimiento desde la universidad es una forma cada vez más observada en el plano internacional, para comercializar la investigación y contribuir a la sociedad y al crecimiento. Esta tesis ha investigado las capacidades de la universidad para fomentar dicho emprendimiento, dentro de la llamada tercera misión, centrándose en la arquitectura organizativa emprendedora (AOE) de diversas universidades. Nuestro objetivo es ver cómo influye dicha arquitectura emprendedora en la creación de nuevas empresas desde la propia universidad. Definimos la AOE como la estructura o contexto organizativo de la Universidad que, dentro de la tercera misión, está enfocada a promover el emprendimiento en los alumnos, completando así el papel de la transferencia por parte de los académicos en sus spinoffs (para explotar licencias, patentes u otro conocimiento no registrado). La presente tesis se centra en el estudio del fenómeno de emprendimiento, tratando en este caso el fomento a la creación de empresas nuevas por parte de profesores y/o alumnos vinculados a la Universidad, en el ámbito y contexto (físico) de la Universidad, de una manera amplia. Utilizamos metodología bibliométrica sobre referencias en el campo del emprendimiento, spin-off universitarias y tercera misión; y cualitativa entrevistando a un total de 54 personas de 9 universidades diferentes, 1 estadounidense y 8 españolas, incluyendo las 5 universidades públicas valencianas para realizar un estudio cualitativo sobre el método del caso (complementado con fuentes secundarias). Resulta relevante el plantearnos que la entrepreneurial university (Universidad Emprendedora) en el sentido de Audretsch (2014) debe generar y crear actitudes de emprendimiento, acumular capital emprendedor y, en consecuencia, cambiar mentalidades en lo que respecta al emprendimiento, sobre todo en los estudiantes (considerando dicho factor incluso en enseñanzas secundarias). El integrar actitudes emprendedoras, el introducir el emprendimiento y sus temas (generaciones de patentes, proyectos empresariales, etc.) en el currículo de los estudiantes y en el ADN de los temarios y cursos debería ser la primera prioridad dentro de una AEO. / [CA] L'empreniment desde la universitat és una forma cada volta més observada en el pla internacional, per a comercialitzar la investigació i contribuir a la societat i al creixement. Esta tesis ha investigat les capacitats de la universitat per a fomentar l'anomenat empreniment, dins de la tercera missió, centrant-se en l'arquitectura organitzativa emprenedora (AOE) de diverses universitats. El nostre objectiu és vore com influeix esta arquitectura emprenedora en la creació de noves empreses des de la pròpia universitat. Definim la AOE com l'estructura o context organitzatiu de la Universitat que, dins de la tercera missió, està focalitzada en promoure l'empreniment entre els alumnes, completant així el paper de la transferència per part dels acadèmics amb els seus spinoffs (per a explotar llicències, patents o altre coneixement no registrat). La present tesi aborda la tercera missió de la Universitat en el seu rol de transferència de coneixement a la societat i, en particular, es centra en l'estudi del fenomen d'empreniment, tractant el foment a la creació d'empreses noves per part de professors i/o alumnes vinculats a la Universitat, en seu àmbit i context d'una manera àmplia. Utilitzem metodologia qualitativa bibliomètrica sobre referències en el camp del empreniment, spin-off universitàries i tercera missió; i qualitativa entrevistant a un total de 54 persones de 9 universitats diverses, 1 americana i 8 espanyoles, incluint les 5 universitats públiques valencianes per a realitzar un estudi qualitatiu sobre el mètode del cas (complementat amb fonts secundàries). Resulta relevant el plantejar-nos que l'entrepreneurial university (Universitat Emprenedora), en el sentit de Audretsch (2014) ha de generar i crear actituds d'empreniment, acumular capital emprenedor i, en conseqüència, canviar mentalitats en allò que respecta a l'empreniment, sobre tot entre els estudiants (considerant eixe factor fins i tot en l'ensenyança secundària). El integrar actituds emprenedores, el introduir l'empreniment i els seus temes (generacions de patents, projectes empresarials, etc.) en el currículum dels estudiants i en l'ADN dels temaris i cursos hauria de ser la primera prioritat dins de una AEO. / Messana Salinas, I. (2015). La Entrepreneurial University y el constructo de Arquitectura Organizativa Emprendedora: las bases del emprendimiento universitario en la Universidad Española como componente de la tercera misión [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59067

Strategies to Accelerate B2B Sales Cycles for Startups / Strategier för att påskynda B2B-försäljningscykler för startups

Raju, Pooja January 2024 (has links)
Customer acquisition stands as a critical process for converting potential leads into customers. This study delves into the intricacies of the customer acquisition process within B2B technology-based startups, shedding light on their unique challenges and opportunities. By examining existing methodologies, identifying their effectiveness, and influencing factors, this research aims to provide valuable insights into streamlining the customer acquisition journey for technology-based startups. It draws upon theoretical concepts of the B2B selling process, the sales funnel framework, and insights from interviews. Adopting a qualitative approach, the study involves semi-structured interviews with those involved in sales and business development operations in technology-based startups. These interviews reveal the importance of targeted strategies, data-driven decision-making, and the integration between marketing and sales efforts. Additionally, the significance of KPIs in evaluating acquisition strategies is explored in depth. Various factors impacting the customer acquisition process are identified as product complexity, choice of marketing methods, strategic decision-making, brand development, managing communication channels, cost of acquisition, and building credibility. / Kundanskaffning är en kritisk process för att omvandla potentiella leads till kunder. Denna studie undersöker detaljerna i kundanskaffningsprocessen inom B2B-teknikbaserade startups och belyser deras unika utmaningar och möjligheter. Genom att granska befintliga metoder, identifiera deras effektivitet och påverkningsfaktorer, syftar denna forskning till att ge värdefulla insikter för att effektivisera kundanskaffningsresan för teknikbaserade startups. Den bygger på teoretiska koncept av B2B-försäljningsprocessen, säljtrattens ramverk och insikter från intervjuer. Genom att anta en kvalitativ metod innefattar studien halvstrukturerade intervjuer med personer involverade i försäljnings- och affärsutvecklingsoperationer i teknikbaserade startups. Dessa intervjuer avslöjar vikten av riktade strategier, datadrivet beslutsfattande och integration mellan marknadsförings- och försäljningsinsatser. Dessutom utforskas betydelsen av nyckeltal för att utvärdera anskaffningsstrategier på djupet. Olika faktorer som påverkar kundanskaffningsprocessen identifieras, såsom produktens komplexitet, val av marknadsföringsmetoder, strategiskt beslutsfattande, varumärkesutveckling, hantering av kommunikationskanaler, förvärvskostnad och att bygga trovärdighet.

Great Expectations: Twenty-First Century Public Institutions and the Promise of Technology Based Economic Development: A Case Study

Baas, Tara K. 01 January 2013 (has links)
American research universities, especially over the past 30 years, have increasingly become involved in technology transfer activities. For public land grant institutions, involvement is largely inspired by a desire to maximize revenue opportunities and demonstrate economic relevance. This intrinsic case study addresses the efforts of a public, land grant and flagship institution, the University of Kentucky, to augment its technology transfer activities, with a specific focus on its attempts to spin off university technology-based firms. The data were gathered primarily through oral history interviews with technology transfer personnel, entrepreneurs, and spinoff personnel. Its purpose is to understand better the structure of the university’s technology transfer operations, the impact of changes in institutional administration and priorities on these efforts, and variables that challenge and accommodate accomplishment of organizational goals. The findings of this study indicate that the structure of technology transfer operations at the university is complex, and somewhat confounding. Administrative changes impact various groups differently than others, and a major challenge to the accomplishment of goals is funding. Moreover, distinct but related groups seem to lack consistent, overarching goals.

Thrown in a Spirit of Design: Internationalisation Influencing the Business Model

Antolín Andérez, Patricia, Das, Senjuti January 2016 (has links)
BACKGROUND. The relaxation of the global conditions, mainly but not reduced to the introduction of the Internet, and the demanding competitive pressures have triggered the expansionary phenomenon of startups that seek to compete internationally right after its birth. This urge for a mechanism to facilitate the internationalisation process, namely the business model. In this regard, there is a need to elaborate on the field of the business model in combination to the internationalization literature, which has tended to develop in isolation. PURPOSE. The purpose of this master thesis is to expand the knowledge about the process of designing the business model of a new international venture and how the drivers of internationalisation affect this process. METHODOLOGY. The research problem was identified by exploring two major streams of theory, the business model and the internationalisation, which were developed jointly in a visual representation. In the next step, from two Sweden-based international new ventures, named Againity AB and MIMSI Materials AB, empirical information was collected from diverse stakeholders. The technique was qualitative research method, which was scrutinized following a process model approach. Finally, a model proposition was constructed by analysing the realities of the practical and theoretical phenomenon to serve the purpose of enhancing knowledge. RESULT. The BMD process is composed by three stages, namely initiating, generating and refining, of iterative and interdependent nature. Each driver of internationalization, when scrutinized using the empirical realities of the INVs, tends to have different influential roles at different stages of the business model. This is integrated into a conceptual model of the key internationalization drivers and BMD stages, which reflects the strategic fit from which new ventures benefit.

Sailing through storms : A practical exhibition of entrepreneurial leadership methods

Hagert, Simon, Lantz, Gustav January 2017 (has links)
Weathering the entrepreneurial storm is considered by many an art form in itself but an undeniable, universal truth is the unilateral impact of an extraordinary leader on the chances of triumph in the face of great adversity. Yet the focus of academic studies all too often concerns the understanding of the weather patterns, the choice of captain and the direction of the ship rather than how to turn the wheel, raise the mast or set the sails. This study has the aim of deciphering the routines, actions and methods of entrepreneurial leaders so as to produce tangible, actionable knowledge which real practitioners can bestow upon themselves. This is a collective case study which examines ten entrepreneurial leaders from various cities throughout Sweden using semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The findings pertain to routines, activities and methods that they use to fulfil five roles of effective entrepreneurial leadership which are further boiled down to 52 thematic strategies. These strategies are then aligned into five fundamental skills; encompassing a collective approach, building individual relationships, fragmentation, dynamic perspective and utilising feedback. We believe that through developing these skills that entrepreneurial leaders can better cultivate their own routines, activities and methods contingent to their particular circumstance and transaction set.

Mensura??o de resultados em comunica??o : conceitos e pr?ticas em ambientes de inova??o

Suminski, Luciano Nunes 28 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-10T17:25:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LUCIANO_NUNES_SUMINSKI_COMPLETO.pdf: 3578352 bytes, checksum: 40b612a84fa9db5857c610dcb0a607ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-10T17:25:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_LUCIANO_NUNES_SUMINSKI_COMPLETO.pdf: 3578352 bytes, checksum: 40b612a84fa9db5857c610dcb0a607ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-28 / Working with measurement of results in communication consists of monitoring the development of research strategies and management of business communication, transforming the approach to the subject into a contemporary interest whilst being bonded to a need of contemplating technological advances, which are multiplying fast. More than relevant, the measurement of results in communication is a real and promising possibility for the partial understanding of the influences of these multiple changes, including in the Organizational Culture. This study treats the subject by approaching concepts and practices geared up for innovation and creativity, which are increasingly part of the organizational environments, making the management of relationships a challenge for media professionals, who need to reconcile new concepts of production and services with the traditional search for immediate results. In its development, the study establishes relationships between theory and practice of measurement of results in communication in environments of innovation, contemplating the execution of exploratory research with a Startup. This dissertation intends to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomena of business communication results, investigating the Startups as companies that are open to learning and to uncertainties, and that may represent a laboratory of experimentation on new organizational concepts and practices with regards to communication. / Trabalhar com Mensura??o de Resultados em Comunica??o representa acompanhar a evolu??o das estrat?gias de pesquisa e gest?o da Comunica??o Empresarial, tornando a abordagem do assunto um interesse contempor?neo e aderente ? necessidade de contemplar os avan?os tecnol?gicos, que se multiplicam com velocidade. Mais do que relevante, a Mensura??o de Resultados em Comunica??o ? uma possibilidade real e promissora para o entendimento parcial das influ?ncias dessas transforma??es, inclusive na Cultura Organizacional. Este estudo trata do assunto com conceitos e pr?ticas voltados ? Inova??o e criatividade, que cada vez mais fazem parte dos ambientes organizacionais, tornando a gest?o dos relacionamentos um desafio para os profissionais de Comunica??o, que precisam conciliar novos conceitos de produ??o e presta??o de servi?os com a tradicional busca por resultados imediatos. Em seu desenvolvimento, o estudo estabelece rela??es entre a teoria e a pr?tica da Mensura??o de Resultados em Comunica??o nos ambientes de Inova??o, contemplando a realiza??o de pesquisa com uma Startup. Com esta disserta??o pretende-se contribuir para uma melhor compreens?o dos fen?menos de Comunica??o Empresarial e seus resultados, abordando as Startups como empresas abertas ao aprendizado e ?s incertezas, e que podem vir a representar um laborat?rio de experimenta??o sobre novos conceitos e pr?ticas organizacionais com rela??o ? Comunica??o.

Why pricing matters: a design research on brazilian startups

Sielichoff, Larissa 09 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-07-12T16:39:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Larissa Sielichoff_.pdf: 4293368 bytes, checksum: aa8e305a4838e017c10663916d55dda7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-12T16:39:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Larissa Sielichoff_.pdf: 4293368 bytes, checksum: aa8e305a4838e017c10663916d55dda7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-09 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study analyzes which elements affect startups’ decision making in pricing process and understand how this process could be improved by a framework. The literature reviewed the concepts of pricing, startups and decision making process. The method chosen was the Design Science Research (DSR), mainly because the method is recommended for finding adequate – not perfect - solutions for real problems, therefore bringing theory and practice close together. The artifact chosen for this research was a processual framework. The artifact was developed to be a useful, practical, flexible, timeless and engaging tool for Brazilian startups with digital solutions. The processual framework proposes the startups decide what is their most suitable revenue model – and pricing – after concluding a six-step-process. Each step proposes questions to be answered and actions to be taken by the startups, and after completing the six steps process, the startup is able to make a decision about their revenue model and pricing. There were two data collection stages: prequalification and artifact testing. The prequalification interviews explored individuals with relevant roles in the startups ecosystem, and the second phase tested and evaluated the artifact with Brazilian startups. This study practical contribution is to bring attention to pricing as a possible strategic ally for startups, and providing them a new tool for evaluating their pricing definition process. The academic contribution of the study is to advance the discussion on startups, bringing the Design Science Research – a mainstream method only in Information Systems and Production Engineering – to the Administration field; and also by expanding the discussion of pricing from a static concept born in economics to a term applicable to the strategy field

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