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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dispersal and habitat use of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) following egg stocking : -A case study in the river Rotälven, Sweden / Spridning och habitatval av juvenil öring med ursprung från romutsättningar : -En fallstudie i Rotälven

Larsson, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
Egg stocking in rivers and streams is a common measure to support and re-introduce salmonid populations. To ensure the success of egg stocking programs, knowledge of the early life stages of juveniles including dispersal ability and habitat preferences of fry is a prerequisite. This study was conducted to investigate downstream dispersal patterns and habitat use of young of the year brown trout in a mid-sized, channelized, boreal river in Sweden. Eyed trout eggs were stocked in February of 2021. During August of the same year, 2-3 months after emergence, trout were sampled by electrofishing within 1 km downstream of the stocking sites and each individual point of capture was recorded by GPS. In addition, data on riverbank slope, shoreline irregularity, stream bed substrate, water velocity and water depth were collected for each of the sampling sections. The results showed that trout fry were distributed throughout the 1 km long sampled sections and that the density of fry did not increase towards the stocking points. The observed variation in the distribution of trout fry was best explained by the riverbank slope. Approximately twice as high fry densities were found in reaches with gentle compared to medium and steep bank slopes. The differences are suggested to be an effect of 1) stream marginal water velocity differences during high flows affecting fry occupancy, and 2) that gentle slopes were often accompanied by shallow water, preferred by fry. These findings may provide helpful knowledge for fisheries managers to optimize the outcome of egg stocking and river restoration activities regarding fry recruitment. / Romutsättning i vattendrag är en vanlig åtgärd för att stärka och återetablera populationer av laxartade fiskar. För att lyckas med romutsättningar krävs kunskap om ynglens spridningsförmåga och habitatpreferenser. Denna studie genomfördes för att undersöka spridningsmönster och habitatval av ensomrig öring i en medelstor kanaliserad älv i Sverige. Ögonpunktad rom sattes ut i februari 2021. Under augusti samma år, 2-3 månader efter att ynglen lämnat lekgruset elfiskades 1 km långa sträckor direkt nedströms utsättningsplatserna. De fångade individernas position registrerades med GPS. Data över strandkantens lutning, strandzonens flikighet, bottensubstrat, vattenhastighet och djup samlades in för varje elfiskesträcka. Resultatet visade att öringyngel spridit sig över hela de 1 km långa elfiskesträckorna, och att tätheterna av yngel inte ökade med minskat avstånd till utsättningspunkterna. Den observerade variationen i fördelningen av öringyngel förklarades bäst av strandkantens lutning. Ungefär dubbelt så hög täthet av yngel förekom i sträckor med flack jämfört med medel och brant lutning. Skillnaderna föreslås vara en effekt av 1) skillnader i vattenhastighet under höga vattenflöden som påverkar ynglens möjligheter till att bibehålla sin position i habitatet, och 2) att flack lutning av strandkanten ofta åtföljdes av grunt vatten vilket föredras av yngel. Dessa upptäckter kan bidra med värdefull kunskap för att optimera romutsättningar och restaureringar i avseende på rekrytering av årsyngel.

Efecto del aporte de ensilaje de sorgo a la dieta de vaquillonas que pastorean verdeo de trigo

Coria, María Lucía 27 September 2010 (has links)
The objetive of this study was to evaluate the association between wheat pasture (WP) and sorghum silage (SS), from a nutritional and production viewpoint, to optimize the use of both resources. Three experiments were performed: I. Consumption, digestibility of DM, N and use of forage fiber; II. Mass of WP, weight and growth performance: average daily gain (ADG) and beef production/ha and, III. Estimation of voluntary intake by an external marker, LIPE. WP nutritional quality, %: June: 25.6, 18.1, 18.0, 88.9, 36.2, 15.6, July: 38.4, 18.2 , 17.1, 88, 8; 36, 3, 15.7, August 8: 45.6, 14.0, 16.6, 78.9, 42.1, 19 7, August 24: 41.7, 16.7, 14.7, 73.2, 52.4, 21.0, September: 25 0, 18.6, 9.7, 71.4, 60.0 and 26.5 for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), non-structural carbohydrates (CNES), in vitro DM digestibility (DMD), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), respectively. The values for the same quality parameters of SS were 30.4, 51.2, 7.8, 61.3, 35.3, 2.5, 18.9 and 1.9. In Experiment I, 24 lambs of 38+4.4 kg of body weight (BW) were placed in individual metabolism cages. The treatments were: WP ad libitum, SS ad libitum, 800WP (800g WP + SS), 600WP (600g WP + SS), 400WP (400g WP + SS) and 200WP (200g WP + SS). Total diet intake was determined by the difference between offered and rejected feed. Total fecal output (FO), as well as marker technique (LIPE) were used to estimate in vivo DMD. Other determinations included: NDF, ADF, IVDMD, NDF digestibility, ADF digestibility and balance of nitrogen (N). The Experiment II lasted 101 days (from 11/06 to 19/09, 2007). 60 heifers of 8 months of age and 200 +24.7 kg BW were used, which were distributed in six treatments in a factorial arrangement of two alternatives for availability (WP and WP + SS) and three intensities (A, M and B) with two replications. In Experiment III, 24 heifers were used. The treatments evaluated were the same as in Experiment II. SS intake was estimated by the difference between offered and rejected, and total intake of feed by an external marker, LIPE. The DMD was determined in vitro. In experiment I there was effect of diet (p <0.01) on NDF, IVDMD FDA, DIVFDA, N content in the diet, urine and N retained. Increasing WP allowances to SS basal diet showed no differences between them, nor against the pure diets, with the total DM intake in lambs. Animals that consumed WP, could replace up to 75% of this ingredient from SS, without to lower the consumption of MSD. Only in the ad libitum diet of WP N maintenance requirements of the lambs were covered, with negative balance in the other treatments. In experiment II there were differences (p <0.0001) between diets, and interaction D x I (p <0.05) for total C in WP and IVDMD. The total C was higher in WP without the addition of SS (A, M and B) for the three I with a substitution effect with depressed in consumption of WP in SS treatments. In experiment III, there were no significant differences for availability of WP between treatments (p = 0.9391 for D and p= 0.4171 for I), there was differences between dates sampling (DS) and interactions between I x DS and between I x DS x D. The average forage availability for WP was 800 kgDM/ ha. The ADG and AW differ significantly (p <0.0001) between weighing dates. The receptivity of WP increased by 83% (p ≤ 0.01) by the use of SS for AS and 69% for MS, the effect was not significant for BS (31%). There was variation in the relationship PB: CNES between diets with SS respect to the diets based only on WP, however AG of the heifers did not differ between treatments. The use of high grazing intensities of WP would not affect the ADG in heifers, which would increase the stocking rate or extend the grazing period of WP without affecting production. The enclosure for 20 h in SS and grazing WP for 4 h in growing heifers increases the receptivity of WP, may improve the stability of the productive results and thus increase the benefits of farms. / El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las interacciones entre el verdeo de trigo (VT) y el silaje de sorgo (SS), desde el punto de vista nutricional y productivo, para optimizar el aprovechamiento de ambos recursos. Para esto se realizaron tres experimentos: I. Consumo, digestibilidad de la MS, uso del N y de la fibra del alimento; II. Disponibilidad del verdeo, peso vivo y respuesta productiva: ganancia diaria de peso y peso acumulado por hectárea; y III. Estimación del consumo voluntario por medio de un marcador externo, LIPE. Calidad nutritiva del VT en %: junio: 25,6; 18,1; 18,0; 88,9; 36,2; 15,6; julio: 38,4; 18,2; 17,1; 88,8 36;3; 15,7; 08 de agosto: 45,6; 14,0; 16,6; 78,9; 42,1; 19,7; 24 de agosto: 41,7; 16,7; 14,7; 73,2; 52,4; 21,0; septiembre: 25,0; 18,6; 9,7; 71,4; 60,0 y 26,5 para materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), carbohidratos no estructurales (CNES), digestibilidad de la MS (DIVMS), fibra detergente neutro (FDN) y fibra detergente ácido (FDA), respectivamente. Los valores para los mismos parámetros de calidad del SS fueron: 30,4; 51,2; 7,8; 61,3; 35,3; 2,5; 18,9 y 1.9. En el Experimento I se utilizaron 24 corderos de 38+4.4 kg de peso vivo (PV), que se ubicaron en jaulas de metabolismo individuales. Las dietas evaluadas fueron: VT ad libitum, SS ad libitum, 800VT (800g de VT+SS), 600VT (600g de VT+SS), 400VT (400g de VT+SS) y 200VT (200g de VT+SS). Mediciones: consumo de MS (C) de SS y VT por oferta y rechazo y con el marcador, FDN, FDA, DIVMS, DIVFDN (digestibilidad de la FDN) y DIVFDA (digestibilidad de la FDA); producción de heces (PH) y balance de nitrógeno (N). El Experimento II duró 101 días (del 11/06 a 19/09 de 2007). Se utilizaron 60 vaquillonas de 8 meses de edad y de 200 +24,7 kg PV, que se distribuyeron en 6 tratamientos en un arreglo factorial de dos alternativas de Disponibilidad (VT y VT+SS) y tres Intensidades (A, M y B), con dos repeticiones. En el Experimento III se utilizaron 24 vaquillonas. Los tratamientos fueron los mismos que en el Experimento II. Se estimó el C de SS por oferta y rechazo y C total con un marcador externo, LIPE. La digestibilidad se determinó in vitro. En el Experimento I hubo efectos de dieta (p<0.01) sobre contenido de FDN, FDA DIVMS, DIVFDA, contenido de N en la dieta, en la orina y retenido. Asignaciones crecientes de VT a una dieta basal de SS no mostraron diferencias entre sí, ni tampoco frente a las dietas puras, en el consumo de MS total con corderos. Animales que consumieron VT, pudieron reemplazar hasta un 75% de este ingrediente por SS, sin que decayera el consumo de MSD. Solamente en la dieta de VT ad libitum se cubrieron los requerimientos de mantenimiento de N de los corderos, siendo el balance negativo en los demás tratamientos. En el Experimento II, no hubo diferencias significativas para disponibilidad de VT entre los tratamientos (p= 0,9391 para D y p= 0,4171 para I), sí hubo entre fechas (F) de muestreo y para las interacciones entre I*F y entre I*F*T. La disponibilidad promedio del VT fue de 800 kgMS/ha. La GP y el ADP presentaron diferencias significativas (p<0,0001) entre fechas de pesadas. La receptividad del verdeo aumentó en 83% (p≤ 0,01) por el uso de SS para AS y un 69% para MS, no siendo significativo el efecto para BS (31%). En el Experimento III hubo diferencias (p<0.0001) entre D, y para la interacción D x I (p<0.05) para C total, de VT y para DIVMS. El C total fue mayor en VT sin aporte de SS (A, M y B) para las tres I, con un efecto de sustitución con depresión del consumo del VT en los tratamientos con SS. Hubo variación en la relación PB:CNES entre las dietas a base de SS con VT respecto a las dietas basadas únicamente en VT sin embargo las GP de las vaquillonas no difirieron entre tratamientos. La utilización de altas intensidades de pastoreo de VT no afectarían las GP en vaquillonas, lo cual permitiría aumentar la carga animal o prolongar el período de pastoreo del VT sin afectar la producción. El encierre durante 20 horas en SS y pastoreo de 4 horas en VT en recría de vaquillonas aumenta la receptividad del mismo, pudiendo mejorar la estabilidad de los resultados productivos y aumentar de esta forma los beneficios de la explotación.

Great Eggs-pectations: Understanding Markers of Stress and Welfare in Pullets Using Feeder Space and Stocking Density Stressors

Meagan E Abraham (14206337) 09 December 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Little is known about pullet stress and welfare and even less is known about pullets in cage-free housing. The studies included in this dissertation evaluated bird responses to stocking density, feeder space, and ACTH stressors in pullets. The project and procedures were reviewed and approved by the Purdue University Animal Care and Use Committee (Protocol#:2001002002 and # 1908001938).  </p> <p>Two studies of external stressors and one study of an internal stressor were applied to Lohmann LB-Lite (Brown) and Lohmann LSL-Lite (White) pullets. For both studies of an external stressor, bird-based welfare parameters included evaluation of bird appearance through feather coverage, foot condition, and keel condition; blood parameters, i.e., cholesterol, corticosterone, cortisol, NDV/IBV IgG/IgY titer, and differential WBC (%) and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio; measurements of the spleen, bursa, thymus, and liver; and production values measured through body weight, body weight uniformity, shank length, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Birds were followed from 2-16 weeks of age (WOA) for the external stressors and were housed on the floor.</p> <p>The first external stressor was applied through a 2 x 2 factorial randomized complete block design (RCBD) using Brown and White strains and two stocking densities- high (HSD) and low (LSD). Stocking densities were adjusted over time, with the ending density of 670 cm2/bird for HSD and 1352 cm2/bird for LSD at 16 WOA. Density alone affected relative bursal weight (%), with LSD generating heavier bursas. LSD also generated lower, better FCR for both white and brown strains though this difference was not statistically significant. Within a density, opposing strain effects were seen for body weight uniformity and feather coverage. White was improved at HSD while Brown was improved for LSD. </p> <p>The second external stressor study was a 2 x 2 x 3 factorial RCBD with Brown and White, 2 feeder space allocations (3.5 or 7 cm/bird), and 3 stocking densities. The ending stocking densities were 154.45, 518.76, and 1,247.38 cm2 for the high (HSD), medium (MSD), and low (LSD) stocking density treatments, respectively, at 16 WOA. In this study, less space per bird was associated with poorer feather condition but improved FCR. Reduced feeder space was associated with elevated or worse FCR.</p> <p>In a study of internal stressors, ten each of Lohmann LSL-Lite hens received either a saline-mannitol or synthetic human ACTH injection at 6, 17, and 26 weeks of age. Blood was collected prior to injection and 1- and 2-hours post-injection. H:L ratio, WBC differential counts, corticosterone, and cortisol were measured in blood. Albumen samples were collected to measure corticosterone and cortisol at 26 WOA only but were unaffected by treatment. Serum corticosterone and H:L ratio were also unaffected by treatment. Serum cortisol was increased 1 hour after ACTH injection at 17 and 26 WOA and percent heterophils and lymphocytes were affected by ACTH at 26 WOA indicating potential utility as a measure of stress for adult birds only. </p> <p>The results of these studies show that pullets are resilient and resistant to several stressors. Both acute and chronic as well as internal and external stressors were tested in these studies with limited effects on the birds’ physiology, immunity, condition, or production. Feather coverage and bursal size were improved at lower stocking densities and FCR was improved at greater feeder space but the implications of these differences are unclear. Further research is needed to identify why there are reduced stress responses in pullets; it is possible that domestication or preserved evolutionary pathways explain some of the differences between pullet and adult stress responses. And while the majority of parameters were unaffected by the stressors used, the results of this study presented baseline values for Lohmann LB-Lite and Lohmann LSL-Lite pullets that will help guide future research. Additionally, the results of these studies left perhaps more questions than answers but illustrate perfectly that more research will be critical to an understanding of pullet stress and welfare.</p>

Evaluation of the Certus, Inc. and Lone Mountain Processing, Inc. Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Cases to Restore Mussels in the Clinch and Powell Rivers in Virginia and Tennessee

Hyde, John Murray 18 January 2022 (has links)
Freshwater mussels are particularly susceptible to injury from exposure to hazardous substances due to their sessile nature and filter feeding biology. There have been various Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) cases in the United States involving injury to freshwater mussels due to releases of hazardous substances into rivers and streams. Restoration of mussels in these cases typically involves propagation of mussels at a hatchery facility and their subsequent stocking or release at restoration sites. However, determination of the services lost due to injury to mussel populations and the appropriate level of restoration (and associated costs) to recover those losses has varied among NRDAR cases. Standardized methods would facilitate injury determination and restoration planning for future cases involving injury to mussels. The purpose of this research was to use two of the earliest and largest NRDAR cases (Certus, Inc. and Lone Mountain Processing, Inc. (LMPI)) involving injury to mussels to: 1) determine whether restoration for these cases was sufficient and 2) analyze restoration efforts for application in future NRDAR cases (i.e., lessons learned and development of standardized methods). This study represents the first evaluation of mussel restoration efforts in a NRDAR context. In general, 4.8% to 6.1% of juvenile mussels that excysted from host fishes in the hatchery survived to be eventually released at restoration sites. Further, based on expected survival and recruitment rates of released mussels, monitoring of restoration sites found 43% to 15% of the expected number of mussels. Understanding reasons for this discrepancy between expected and estimated survival is critical for determining the level of restoration success. If released mussels are either establishing and/or recruiting outside of monitoring area but otherwise alive and breeding, then they should count towards successful restoration. In contrast, if released mussels have either high mortality over time or are dying shortly after release, then expected gains from these mussels should not count towards successful restoration. I developed a mussel-specific Resource Equivalency Analysis (REA) for use in future NRDAR cases that compares the loss of services, using Discounted Mussel Years (DMYs) as units, to the expected gain in services from restoration. Applying this analysis to the Certus and LMPI NRDAR cases suggests that mussel restoration was successful (i.e., expected DMYs gained are greater than those lost), even when it was assumed that 75% of released mussels were dying after being released at restoration sites. Finally, a cost analysis of two mussel propagation facilities found that the yearly cost per mussel released at a restoration site ranged from $4.36 to $96.48. The suite of species propagated each year varied. As some species are more difficult to propagate than others, the cost per mussel varied widely. These data will facilitate the determination of restoration costs in future cases. Together, this information provides a starting point for consistently estimating restoration effort and costs for future NRDAR cases involving freshwater mussels. / Doctor of Philosophy / Freshwater mussels provide numerous ecosystem services. Most importantly, they purify large volumes of water, and provide habitat and food for other animals. However, they are highly vulnerable to chemical spills because they cannot move long distances quickly and they are directly exposed to toxic substances if they filter water. There have been many cases in past decades where vulnerable mussel populations were exposed to chemical spills. When these populations are injured, the services they provide are lost until the population can be restored to pre-spill conditions. Restoration of mussel populations usually involves raising juvenile mussels in hatchery facilities and then releasing them in areas where populations were injured. Determining the appropriate level of restoration needed to restore populations has varied widely among cases. A standardized approach would facilitate determination of restoration and restoration costs. I used data from two cases (Certus, Inc. and Lone Mountain Processing, Inc.) where mussel populations were injured due to a chemical spill to: 1) determine whether restoration for these two cases was successful and 2) develop tools and draw insights for use in future cases where mussels are injured. This study represents the first evaluation of restoration success of freshwater mussels in a NRDAR context. On average, 4.8% to 6.1% of juvenile mussels produced at two Virginia hatchery facilities survived to be released at restoration sites. Further, of the mussels released, only 43% to 15% of the expected mussels were found in later years. These "missing" mussels are either leaving and/or breeding outside of their release areas, or they are dying and failing to provide important ecosystem services. Further study is needed to determine the degree to which each of these is the case. I also developed a mussel-specific method of determining how much restoration is needed to provide the amount of ecosystem services as pre-spill conditions (called Resource Equivalency Analysis or REA). Application of REA to these two test cases (Certus, Inc. and Lone Mountain Processing, Inc.), I showed that restoration for these cases was successful, even if as much as 75% of released mussels are dying after being released at restoration sites. Finally, I found that the cost of successfully releasing a mussel ranged from $4.36 to $96.48 per mussel. This information is useful for estimating the cost of restoration plans in future chemical spills that injure freshwater mussels.

An ecological approach to management of an important reservoir fishery

Kallis, Jahn L. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Grazing and Feeding Management of Lactating Dairy Cows

Soriano, Felix Diego 12 August 1998 (has links)
Two studies were conducted during the grazing season of 1997. Study 1 consisted of three Experiments, and the objectives were to compare milk production and composition, body weight change and body condition score, and to determine time patterns of grazing between cows supplemented with different forms and amounts of corn. Also rumen fermentation parameters were measured in cows supplemented with two different types of corn. In study 2, milk yield was measured when grazing pasture was supplemented to lactating Holstein cows fed a typical TMR diet. Predominantly orchardgrass pastures with lesser amounts of white clover and Kentucky bluegrass were grazed during both studies. In Experiment 1, 36 Holstein cows were supplemented either with 6, 6, 6, or 4 kg/d DM of high moisture corn, coarsely ground corn, finely ground corn, or high moisture corn in two equal feedings, respectively. Milk yield was similar (30.3 kg/d) among treatments. Milk protein (2.97%) and MUN (14.7 mg/dl) did not differ among treatments. Body weight change and body condition score change were similar among treatments (23.1 kg and -0.24). During Experiment 2, four rumen-cannulated cows in mid-lactation were supplemented 6 kg/d DM of either coarsely ground corn or high moisture corn in two equal feedings. After the p.m. milking, ruminal pH was measured and rumen fluid samples were collected to determine ammonia N and VFA. While grazing, this was repeated at 0.5, 1, 2, 3,...8 h post-corn feeding (0 h). Ruminal pH was similar for both corn supplements and was lowest (5.9 and 5.8) at 5 and 8 h, respectively. Rumen ammonia N concentrations started to increase approximately 2 h after cows began grazing, reaching maximum levels 5 h later. In Experiment 3, the number of cows grazing, lying, or standing were recorded every half hour, for two consecutive days, while grazing. Cows grazed an average of 6.4 h/d, 4.1 h in the afternoon and 2.3 h in the morning. Similarity in milk production, milk composition, BW change, and BCS between treatments indicates that the quality and availability of pasture permitted equal response regardless of the type or amount of corn supplemented. Fifty four Holstein cows in mid lactation were used in Study 2. Cows were fed either a TMR diet only, or were fed TMR during half of the day (after the a.m. or p.m. milking according to the treatment) and supplemented with grazing pasture during the other half of the day. Milk production was slightly but significantly higher for cows on the TMR treatment (29.1 vs. 28.2 and 27.6). No significant difference between treatments was observed in FCM (27.7 kg/d), and milk fat (3.47) and protein percentage (3.23). While BW change did not differ among treatments (25.7 kg), body condition score increased more in cows fed only a TMR diet (0.14 vs. -0.06 and 0.01). The TMR intake was significantly different between treatments, being highest for cows on the TMR treatment and lowest for cows grazing after the p.m. milking (26.6 vs. 20.3 vs. 17.5 kg/d DM). Income over feed cost differed between treatments, and was approximately 15.3% higher for cows supplemented with high quality pasture during the afternoon compared to cows on TMR. Dairy farmers may obtain economical benefits by practicing this type of management during the grazing season with little effect on milk yield. / Master of Science

Produção intensiva de cordeiros suffolk em pastagem com ou sem desmama e comportamento seletivo de ovelhas coopworth em pastejo /

Ribeiro, Ticiany Maria Dias, 1980- January 2010 (has links)
Resumo: O trabalho objetivou avaliar as características da pastagem de Azevém sobressemeada em Tifton-85 e a produtividade de cordeiros desmamados submetidos a três níveis de suplementação. Os cordeiros pastejaram azevém sobressemeado em Tifton-85 e foram avaliados de acordo com a suplementação recebida: sem suplementação, suplementação em 0,9% do peso corporal (PC), suplementação em 1,8% PC e suplementação ad libitum. Os cordeiros foram pesados a cada 14 dias com jejum prévio de 16 horas. O método de utilização da pastagem foi o de pastejo com lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável, procurando manter a altura da pastagem em 15 cm, sendo mensurada a cada 7 dias. A taxa de crescimento da pastagem foi mensurada pela técnica do triplo emparelhamento. Foi calculada a disponibilidade de forragem, o número de cordeiros/ha e a carga animal. O ganho de peso médio diário aumentou linearmente com a elevação do nível de suplementação concentrada oferecida aos cordeiros. Os níveis de suplementação concentrada tiveram relação linear negativa com a taxa de acúmulo, a matéria seca acumulada e a disponibilidade de matéria seca da forragem; e relação quadrática com a altura da pastagem, a taxa de lotação de cordeiros/ha e a carga animal (kgPC/ha). Concluise que a suplementação dos cordeiros em pastagem proporcionou melhor ganho de peso diário dos animais. Os níveis de suplementação interferem na altura e na disponibilidade de forragem. O efeito de substituição da pastagem pelo concentrado promoveu diminuição do crescimento da pastagem e da produção acumulada de forragem. Níveis de suplementação ad libitum possibilitaram aumentar o número de animais/ha e a carga animal / Abstract: This study objected to evaluate ryegrass pasture characteristics oversowned on Tifton-85 and the performance of grazing weaned lambs supplemented in three levels of concentrate. The lambs grazed in ryegrass oversowned on Tifton-85 and were evaluate according to the supplementation that they had fed: no supplementation (control), 0,9% of body weight (BW), 1,8% of BW and ad libitum. The animals were weighted to each 14 days with 16 hour of water fasting. Grazing management was continuous variable stocking to keep pasture in 15 cm, being taken every 7 days. The herbage accumulation rate was measuredby triple cage technique. Availability of forage, number of lambs per hectare and animal stocking were calculated. The average daily weight gain increase linearly with increasing levels of concentrate supplementation offered to lambs. The level of concentrate supplementation had a negative linear relation with herbage growth rate, accumulated dry mater and available forage dry matter; and a quadratic relation with pasture height, number of lambs per hectare and animal stocking rate (kgBW/ha). It could be concluded that supplementation for grazing lambs provided better daily weight gain animals. The levels of supplementation interfered in height and availability of forage. The effect of substitution of grazing for concentrate promoted decreased of pasture daily growth and availability of forage dry matter. Levels of supplementation ad libitum increase number of animal/ha and animal stocking / Orientador: Ciniro Costa / Coorientador: Alda Lucia Gomes Monteiro / Banca: Cledson Garcia / Banca: Wagner dos Reis / Banca: Paulo Meirelles / Banca: Mario Arrigoni / Doutor

Acúmulo, composição morfológica, e valor nutritivo da forragem do capim Convert HD 364 em resposta ao manejo do pastejo sob lotação contínua e rotativa / Forage accumulation, plant-part composition, and nutritive value of Mulato II brachiariagrass in response to grazing management under continuous and rotational stocking

Almeida, Otávio Goulart de 09 February 2018 (has links)
Métodos de pastejo, tanto por lotação contínua quanto rotativa, visam controlar a altura do dossel, que tem sido relacionada de maneira consistente com respostas em produtividade e valor nutritivo da forragem. O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever e explicar variações em acúmulo e valor nutritivo da forragem, assim como em estrutura do dossel forrageiro de Brachiaria híbrida Convert HD 364 (cv. Mulato II) sob lotação contínua e rotativa, com taxas de lotação variável. O experimento foi realizado em área do Departamento de Zootecnia da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", Universidade de São Paulo, em Piracicaba, SP, no período de 09 de janeiro a 06 de abril de 2017. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados, com tratamentos em arranjo fatorial 2 × 3, correspondendo a duas alturas médias de dossel (20 e 30 cm) e três métodos de pastejo, sendo eles LC = lotação contínua, LRL = lotação rotativa leniente e LRS = lotação rotativa severa, com três repetições, totalizando 18 unidades experimentais de 200 m2 cada. O método de pastejo por LC foi imposto por variação de ±10% entorno das alturas médias; o método de pastejo por LRL foi imposto por 40% de intensidade de desfolhação, ou seja, pastos com altura média de 20 cm tiveram alturas de 25 e 15 cm para pré- e pós-pastejo, respectivamente, e pastos com altura média de 30 cm tiveram alturas de 37 e 23 cm para pré- e pós-pastejo, respectivamente; o método de pastejo por LRS foi imposto por 57% de intensidade de desfolhação, ou seja, pastos com altura média de 20 cm tiveram alturas de 28 e 12 cm para pré- e pós-pastejo, respectivamente, e pastos com altura média de 30 cm tiveram alturas de 42 e 18 cm para pré- e pós-pastejo, respectivamente. As variáveis avaliadas foram massa, acúmulo e taxa de acúmulo de forragem, composição morfológica, índice de área foliar, interceptação de luz pelo dossel, ângulo da folhagem, distribuição vertical dos componentes morfológicos e valor nutritivo da forragem. A interceptação de luz pelo dossel apresentou pequena variação entre as alturas médias, entretanto, entre os métodos de pastejo, houve efeito significativo. Os maiores valores de acúmulo e taxa de acúmulo de forragem foram registrados para LC, 7409 kg MS ha ano-1 e 86 kg MS ha dia-1, respectivamente, enquanto a LRL apresentou os menores valores e a LRS, valores intermediários. Os pastos manejados sob LC apresentaram maior proporção de colmos e material morto, e menor proporção de folhas para ambas as alturas médias. A distribuição vertical dos componentes morfológicos do dossel diferiu entre os métodos de pastejo, de modo que à medida que se aumenta a altura de manejo, os componentes colmo e material morto aparecem em mais estratos do dossel. Os pastos manejados sob LC tiveram maior concentração de proteína bruta (PB), digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) e menor fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). Para a condição de pós-pastejo, pastos manejados sob LRL apresentaram maior índice de área foliar (IAF) e, consequentemente, maior proporção de folhas. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos nesse experimento mostram que, tanto sob lotação contínua quanto sob lotação rotativa, o capim Mulato II, quando manejado mais baixo (altura média de dossel de 20 cm), apresenta melhor desempenho. / Stocking methods, continuous or rotational, aim at controlling canopy heights, which have been consistently related to forage productivity and nutritive value. The objective of the present study was to describe and explain variations in canopy structure, forage accumulation and nutritive value of Mulato II brachiariagrass (Convert HD 364) under continuous and rotational stocking with variable stocking rates. The experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, at the Department of Animal Science of the \"Luiz de Queiroz\" College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo, from 09 January to 06 April 2017. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, with treatments composed by 2 x 3 factorial arrangement between two mean canopy heights (20 and 30 cm) and three stocking methods (continuous stocking - CS, lenient rotational stocking - LRS - and hard rotational stocking - HRS), with three replications, totaling 18 experimental units of 200 m2. The CS treatments were imposed with ±10% variations around the mean canopy heights; LRS treatments were imposed with defoliation intensities of 40%, so that canopies with mean heights of 20 cm had 25 and 15 cm as pre and post grazing canopy heights, respectively, and canopies with mean heights of 30 cm had 37 and 23 cm as pre and post grazing canopy heights, respectively; HRS treatments were imposed by defoliation intensities of 57%, so that canopies with mean heights of 20 cm had 28 and 12 cm as pre and post grazing canopy heights, respectively, and canopies with mean heights of 30 cm had 37 and 23 cm as pre and post grazing canopy heights, respectively. The variables assessed were: forage mass, forage accumulation, forage accumulation rate, canopy morphological composition, leaf area index, canopy light interception, leaf angle, vertical distribution of morphological components and forage nutritive value. Canopy light interception varied slightly between mean canopy heights, but there were significant effects of stocking methods. The highest values for forage accumulation and forage accumulation rate were recorded for CS (7,409 kg DM ha year-1 and 86 kg DM ha day-1, respectively), while LRS and HRS presented the lowest and intermediate values, respectively. Canopies in the CS treatment presented the highest proportions of stems and dead material, and the lowest proportions of leaves for both mean canopy heights. The vertical distribution of canopy morphological components differed between stocking methods, in a way that, as pre-grazing canopy heights increased, so did the presence of stems and dead material on higher canopy layers. Canopies under CS showed greater concentrations of crude protein, in vitro organic matter digestibility and lower concentrations of neutral detergent fiber. In the post-grazing conditions, canopies under LRS had greater leaf area index and, consequently, greater proportions of leaves. Additionally, the results obtained in this study show that under both stocking methods Mulato II brachiariagrass performed better when kept with lower canopy heights (mean canopy heights of 20 cm).

Análise de densidades de alojamento nos sistemas convencional e cage-free de produção de ovos comerciais / Analysis of housing densities in conventional and cage free commercial egg production systems

Queiroz, Livia Maria Soares 01 December 2017 (has links)
Inovação em produção animal tem sido cada vez mais exigido pelos consumidores. No ambito de produção de postura, a maior demanda é por ovos provenientes de sistemas alternativos às gaiolas tradicionais, majoritariamente pelas tendencias observadas na Europa, e dessa forma, pesquisas ressaltando a realidade brasileira estão sendo realizadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parametros produtivos e de bem-estar em dois contextos de sistemas produtivos, sob variadas densidades de alojamento. Para isso 250 aves Lohmann Brown&reg; foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com os tratamentos organizados em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, sendo 2 sistemas de alojamento (convencional e cage-free) e 4 densidades (375,00; 450,00; 562,50 e 750,00 cm2/ave), com 6 repetições. O período experimental foi de 21 a 36 semanas de idade das poedeiras, totalizando 4 ciclos de 28 dias cada. Foram avaliados desempenho produtivo (produção de ovos, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar por kg de ovos), qualidade de ovos (peso, coloração de gema, índice gema, % de gema, % albumen, % casca, espessura e resistência a quebra, e unidade Haugh) e indicadores de bem-estar (frequência respiratória e cardíaca, temperatura clocal, escore de lesão corporal, concentração d eIgY na gema) Observou-se interação entre sistema de produção e densidade de alojamento para: % postura, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar por kg de ovos, peso do ovo, % de gema, % albúmen, espessura de casca. O aumento de densidade promoveu efeito significativo para % postura, consumo de ração, temperatura cloacal, lesão em quilha e em pés. O tipo de sistema de produção afetou consumo de ração, conversão alimentar por kg de ovos, peso do ovo, coloração de gema, índice gema, resistência à quebra, frequência cardíaca temperatura cloacal, lesões de quilha e pés e concentração de IgY na gema. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que tanto o sistema de produção quanto a densidade de alojamento estão ligados a efeitos produtivos, de qualidade de ovos, e de bem-estar animal. / Innovation in animal production has been increasingly demanded by consumers. In the field of egg production, the greatest demand is for eggs coming from alternative systems to traditional cages, mostly from the trends observed in Europe, and thus, research highlighting the Brazilian reality is being carried out. The objective of this study was to evaluate productive and welfare parameters in two contexts of productive systems, under different stocking densities. For this purpose, 250 Lohmann Brown&reg; birds were distributed in a completely randomized design with treatments arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, with 2 housing systems (conventional and cage-free) and 4 densities (375.00; 450.00, 562.50 and 750.00 cm2 / bird), with 6 replicates. The experimental period was 21 to 36 weeks of age, totalling 4 cycles of 28 days each. (Egg weight, feed intake, feed conversion per kg of egg), egg quality (weight, yolk color, yolk index, % yolk,% albumen,% shell, shell thickness and resistance to breakage, and Haugh unit) and indicators of welfare (respiratory rate and heart rate, body temperature, body lesion score, IgY concentration in the yolk). The interaction between production system and housing density was observed for: % laying, feed intake , feed conversion per kg of eggs, egg weight, % yolk, % albumen, shell thickness. The increase in density had a significant effect on % laying, feed intake, cloacal temperature, keel and foot injury. The type of production system affected feed intake, feed conversion per kg of egg, egg weight, yolk color, yolk index, breaking strength, cloacal temperature, keel and foot lesions, and IgY concentration in the yolk. The results of this study demonstrate that both the production system and housing density are linked to productive effects, egg quality, and animal welfare.

Produção e produtividade animal em capim-marandu submetido a estratégias de pastejo rotativo e adubação nitrogenada / Animal performance and productivity on marandu palisadegrass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management and nitrogen fertilisation

Gimenes, Flávia Maria de Andrade 06 August 2010 (has links)
Experimentos em grande escala para avaliação do manejo do pastejo são raros, apesar de sua importância. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar metas de manejo para o capim-marandu submetido à pastejo rotativo definidas em série de experimentos de menor escala (piquetes), utilizando o nitrogênio para amplificar contrastes entre as estratégias de pastejo avaliadas. As avaliações ocorreram de fevereiro de 2009 a abril de 2010 e os tratamentos corresponderam a duas alturas pré-pastejo (25 e 35 cm) e duas doses de fertilizante nitrogenado (50 e 200 kg ha-1 ano de N) (designados como 25/50, 25/200, 35/50 e 35/200) e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (UE) segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Cada UE foi formada por 6 piquetes de 0,5 ha cada, os quais foram manejados como mini-fazendas. Cada uma das 16 minifazendas recebeu três novilhos Nelore (média 327 kg) como animais-teste para mensuração do ganho de peso diário (GMD) e mais um número variável de animais para ajustes na taxa de lotação. A meta de altura pós-pastejo foi comum a todos os tratamentos (15 cm), porém foi permitido variar acima desse valor como forma de gerar flexibilidade e permitir a manutenção das metas de altura prépastejo. Pastos manejados na altura pré-pastejo de 25 cm apresentaram maior número de pastejos, menor intervalo de pastejo e menor período de ocupação que pastos manejados com a altura de 35 cm. Maiores valores de GMD (0,629 e 0,511kg animal-1 dia), ganho de peso por unidade de área (GP) (886 e 674 kg ha-1) e de taxa de lotação (3,13 e 2,85 UA ha-1) foram registrados nos pastos manejados com a altura pré-pastejo de 25 relativamente àquela de 35 cm, respectivamente. Por outro lado, pastos manejados com a altura pré-pastejo de 35 cm apresentaram maiores valores de massa de forragem pré (6.680 e 4.800 kg ha- 1 de MS de vivo) e pós-pastejo (4.010 e 3.320 kg ha-1 de MS de vivo) e de perdas por pastejo (24,1 e 20,3% da massa de forragem pré-pastejo) que pastos manejados com a altura de 25 cm, respectivamente. A aplicação de 200 kg ha-1 de N resultou em aumentos na porcentagem de folhas na massa de forragem póspastejo (11,9 para 15,6%), na taxa de acúmulo de forragem (29,1 para 51,9 kg ha- 1 dia-1), na taxa de lotação (2,55 para 3,44 UA ha-1), conseqüentemente, no GP (697 e 863 kg ha-1) relativamente à aplicação de 50 kg ha-1. Somente variações em estratégia de manejo do pastejo resultaram em um aumento de 31% no GP, valor maior que os 24% resultantes da aplicação de N, realçando a importância de manejo do pastejo adequado como forma de aumentar desempenho animal e produtividade do sistema. Este correspondeu às metas de pastejo rotativo caracterizadas pela altura pré-pastejo de 25 cm e de pós-pastejo de 15 cm. Nesse contexto, o uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados, irrigação e de suplementos deveriam ser considerados em experimentos futuros desta natureza como uma forma de aumentar a produção e a produtividade animal. / In spite of their importance, large scale experiments to evaluate grazing management strategies are rare. The objective of this experiment was to test targets of rotational stocking management for marandu palisadegrass defined in a series of paddock scale experiments, using nitrogen to amplify contrasts between grazing strategies evaluated. Treatments corresponded to combinations between two pre-grazing heights (25 and 35 cm) and two levels of nitrogen application (50 and 200 kg ha-1 year-1) (designated as 25/50, 25/200, 35/50 and 35/200), and were allocated to experimental units according to a complete randomised block design, with four replications. Each experimental unit was comprised of six 0.5 ha paddocks, and were managed as farmlets. Each farmlet received three Nellore steers (initial body weight of 327 kg) as test animals for measuring weight gain plus a variable number of extra steers to adjust stocking rate and allow grazing to be executed according to management specifications for individual treatments. Target post-grazing height was 15 cm, but fluctuated above that as a means to contribute to maintain target pre-grazing heights. Farmlets managed at 25 cm pre-grazing height showed larger number of grazings, shorter grazing interval and occupation period of paddocks than those managed at 35 cm. Larger values of weight gain per animal (0.629 and 0.511 kg animal-1), per unit area (886 and 674 kg ha-1) and of stocking rate (3.13 and 2.85 AU ha-1) were recorded on farmlets managed at 25 cm pre-grazing height relative to those managed at 35 cm, respectively. On the other hand, farmlets managed at 35 cm pre-grazing height showed larger values of herbage mass pre- (6680 and 4800 kg ha-1 green DM) and post-grazing (4010 and 3320 kg ha-1 green DM) and grazing losses (24.1 and 20.3% of the pre-grazing herbage mass) than those managed at 25 cm, respectively. Application of 200 kg ha-1 of N resulted in increased percentage of leaves on herbage mass post-grazing (11.9 to 15.6%), in rates of herbage accumulation (29.1 to 51.9 kg ha-1 day-1), in stocking rate (2.5 to 3.44 AU ha-1) and, consequently, in weight gain per unit area (697 to 863 kg ha-1) relative to the application of 50 kg ha-1. Grazing management alone resulted in a 31% increase in weight gain per unit area, larger than the 24% increase generated by N application, highlighting the importance of adequate grazing management to increase animal performance and systems productivity. This corresponded to targets of rotational stocking management corresponding to 25 cm of pre-grazing height and 15 cm of post-grazing height. In this context, nitrogen fertiliser, irrigation and use of supplements should be considered in future experiments of this nature as a means of augmenting animal production and productivity.

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