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Efeitos do substrato e da densidade populacional sobre as atividades comportamentais e n?veis de hom?citos em rela??o ? densidade em Litopenaeus vannamei (BOONE, 1931)Ferreira, Eric Silva 28 June 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-06-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Carciniculture in Brazil occupies world-wide prominence due to shrimp culture, and the state of Rio Grande do Norte has presented the best results in the culture of the Litopenaeus vannamei in the last decade. This species has been shown to adapt easily to different environments and is between the five most cultivated penaeids of the world. The ponds are usually constructed in areas close to water courses and estuaries. Stock density and substrate ponds can pollute environment, causing losses in the growth and survival of the shrimps, being considered stress factors. Shrimps in inadequate densities and substrates can result reduced productivity of the farm; and favor diseases. So, it is important to verify how these variables influence the development of the animals in the culture farms. Our objective was to study the influence of the type of substrate and the stock density on the behavior and haemocyte count of the L. vannamei. Individually marked juvenile shrimps were kept in aquaria with 30 L of seawater and continuous aeration, in 12L-12D photoperiod. They were observed through Ad libitum and focal sampling instantaneous methods during thirty days, five times per week, six times per day (8:00 to 18:00) in windows of 15 minutes every two hours. The marking of carapace permitted quantifying molting and the feeding was supplied three times a day. Two experiments were carried out: the first one tested animals in the three different substrates (fine sand, smaller rocks-SPP and biggest rocks-SGR) with 33 shrimp/m2. In the second one, the animals were tested in three stock densities (26, 52 and 66 shrimp/m2) in fine sand substrate. At the end of experiment, biometry (first and second ones) and haemocyte count (second one) were made. The behavior of the L. vannamei seems to have been influenced by substrate and stocking density. In low granulometry of the substrate; the exploratory behavior became more frequent and inactivity of the shrimps was reduced. Burrowing was registered in sand substrate, specially in the initial period of the day. Cleaning was gradually higher along the day, presenting the biggest levels as the dark phase approached. The ingestion of feeding was more frequent in low density, and the animals were bigger and heavier at the end of the experiment. In the fine sand condition, the animals presented better growth, probably associated with the burrowing. The molting was equivalent in all types of substrate, but it was more frequent in high densities. Mortality of the shrimps was more frequent in high densities, and cannibalism and diseases were also registered in that condition. The clinical signals were similar to the ones of infectious mionecrosis (IMNV), generally associated with environment and physical stress. The haemocyte count was low for the hematologic standards of the penaeid, which we attributed for greater dilution of haemolymph in the postmolting phase. Smaller shrimps presented lower levels of haemocytes in relation to the bigger animals, count was also low in 26 shrimp/m2 density. The study demonstrates that stocking density and the granulometry of the substrate can affect the welfare, the health and the behavior of the L. vannamei. The sand substrate and low stocking density can be important tools in the management systems of shrimp production / A carcinicultura brasileira ocupa lugar de destaque mundial devido ? cria??o de camar?o, sendo o Rio Grande do Norte o maior produtor no cultivo de Litopenaeus vannamei. Essa esp?cie apresenta grande adapta??o ambiental e est? entre os cinco pene?deos mais cultivados do mundo. A cria??o ? realizada em viveiros nas ?reas pr?ximas a cursos d ?gua e estu?rios. Altas densidades populacionais e o substrato dos viveiros acarretam o aumento da polui??o e promovem perdas no crescimento e na sobreviv?ncia dos camar?es, sendo considerados fatores estressantes. Esses fatores podem comprometer a produtividade dos viveiros e favorecer doen?as, sendo importante verificar como essas vari?veis influenciam no desenvolvimento dos animais nas fazendas de cultivo. Nosso objetivo foi estudar a influ?ncia do tipo de substrato e da densidade populacional sobre o padr?o de atividades comportamentais e os n?veis de hem?citos (CHT) de L. vannamei. Em aqu?rios com 30 litros de ?gua salgada com aera??o cont?nua e em fotoper?odo 12C 12E (claro das 06:00 ?s 18:00), camar?es juvenis marcados individualmente foram observados pelos m?todos Ad libitum e focal instant?neo durante 30 dias, 5 vezes por semana, 6 observa??es di?rias (iniciando a primeira ?s 8:00 e a ?ltima ?s 18:00) em janelas de 15 minutos a cada duas horas, sendo registrado a cada minuto os seus comportamentos e localiza??o. Tamb?m foi feita a marca??o da carapa?a para quantificar as ecdises e a alimenta??o foi fornecida tr?s vezes ao dia. Dois experimentos foram realizados: tr?s substratos diferenciados (Areia, Seixos Pequenos e Seixos Grandes) com 33 animais/m2; e outro com tr?s densidades populacionais (26, 52 e 66 animais/m2) em substrato arenoso. Ao final dos experimentos, foram feitas a biometria dos camar?es e a contagem de hem?citos (apenas no 2? experimento). O padr?o geral de atividades comportamentais de L. vannamei n?o foi influenciado pelo substrato e densidade populacional. Contudo, ? medida que diminuiu a granulometria do substrato, o comportamento de explora??o tornou-se mais freq?ente e reduziu a inatividade dos camar?es. O enterramento foi registrado em substrato arenoso, sendo maior no per?odo inicial do dia. A limpeza distribuiu-se de forma crescente ? medida que a fase escura se aproximava, sendo maior ? noite. A ingest?o alimentar foi mais freq?ente em densidade baixa; acarretando maior crescimento nos camar?es. Houve maior ganho de peso nos animais em substrato arenoso, podendo estar associado com o enterramento e a taxa de crescimento dos animais. A taxa de ecdise foi igual em todos os substratos testados, mas a taxa de ecdise foi maior em maiores densidades. A mortalidade foi mais elevada em condi??es de maiores densidades, sendo registrados canibalismo e enfermidades nos animais. Os sinais cl?nicos foram semelhantes aos da mionecrose infecciosa (IMNV), geralmente associada ao estresse ambiental. Os n?veis de hem?citos foram baixos para os padr?es dos pene?deos, atribu?da pela maior dilui??o da hemolinfa na fase de p?s-ecdise. Camar?es menores apresentaram n?meros de hem?citos reduzidos em rela??o aos maiores, sendo tamb?m baixos em densidade de 26 camar?es/m2. O estudo demonstrou que os efeitos da densidade populacional elevada e a gramulometria do substrato podem afetar o bem estar, a sa?de e o comportamento de L. vannamei. O uso de substrato arenoso e baixa densidade populacional parecem ser medidas de manejo importantes em um sistema de produ??o de camar?o
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Rotatinuous stocking : an innovation in grazing management based on animal behaviour and implications to pasture production, foraging behaviour, herbage intake and methane emission by grazing sheepSavian, Jean Victor January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate contrasting pasture management strategies on the foraging behaviour, pasture production, carcass characteristics, herbage intake, faecal gas emissions and methane emission by sheep grazing Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) pastures. The experiment was carried out in 2014 and 2015. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates and two grazing strategy treatments (traditional rotational stocking method – RT meaning pre- and post-grazing target heights of 25 and 5 cm, respectively and, “rotatinuous stocking” – RN with pre- and post-grazing target heights of 18 and 11 cm, respectively). The grazing management was based on a 1-day strip-grazing regime. Male castrated sheep were used. The actual average sward heights for the RN treatment were 17.9 and 11.1 cm (pre- and post-grazing, respectively) and 27.1 and 7.8 cm for the RT (pre- and post-grazing, respectively). The stocking period in 2014 was 146 and 140 days (RN and RT, respectively) and in 2015 it was 155 and 146 days (RN and RT, respectively). The diurnal animal activities (grazing, ruminating and resting time) did not differ between treatments, with average of 439.6, 166.9 and 85.0 minutes, respectively. The bite rate, feeding station per min and steps per min were greater at the RN than the RT treatment. Grazing time and bite rate were greater in the afternoon than morning in both treatments. Therefore, the daily herbage intake by sheep grazing Italian ryegrass was greater for the RN than the RT treatment (CHAPTER II). The herbage production in the RN was 28% higher than the RT treatment. Individual average daily gain and live weight gain per hectare were greater in the RN than the RT treatment (CHAPTER III). RN treatment presented greater final live weight, carcass and commercial cut weights from grazing sheep than RT treatment (CHAPTER IV). RN treatment had a faecal chemical quality greater than RT treatment, resulting in a greater daily nitrogen excretion per animal and greater faecal CH4 and N2O emissions (CHAPTER VI). The “rotatinuous stocking” (RN) was the better grazing management strategy for mitigation of CH4 emissions by sheep grazing Italian ryegrass, emitting 64% less CH4 per unit area and 170% less CH4 per unit of animal product than the traditional rotational stocking method (RT) (CHAPTER V).
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Intensificação de sistemas de cria de bovinos de corte com uso de feno de palha de arroz / Intensification of cow-calf systems feeding with baled rice strawHoerbe, Juliana Brendler January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as consequências bioeconômicas do aumento da taxa de lotação de vacas de cria em campo nativo com o uso de feno de palha de arroz. O experimento foi realizado em uma propriedade rural de Cachoeira do Sul 30º14’29” S 52º58’47” O, sul do Brasil, utilizando 110 vacas prenhas cruza Angus, com idade entre três e seis anos e alocadas nos tratamentos experimentais: SPF10 2.000 kg de peso vivo (PV/ha) e oferta de 10 kg feno/animal/dia; SPF5 1.000 kg PV/ha e oferta de 5 kg feno/animal/dia; SPF0 1.000 kg PV/ha sem oferta de feno. No início do experimento as vacas foram pesadas e avaliadas quanto ao escore de condição corporal (ECC) e distribuídas nos tratamentos: SPF10 (464 kg; 2,74); SPF5 (457 kg; 2,69); SPF0 (459 kg; 2,75) para PV e ECC, respectivamente. Todos os animais receberam um suplemento diário de 0,200kg/animal/dia de sal proteinado com 40% de PB. O período de suplementação com feno foi realizado no pré-parto das vacas, de 08 de maio a 01 de agosto. A partir do parto, os três grupos de vacas foram reunidos em um único lote e alocadas em pastagem anual de inverno (Lolium multiflorum e Avena strigosa). O acasalamento subsequente foi por meio de IATF e posterior repasse com touros na relação de 1:30 por um período de 60 dias. Foram avaliados o peso ao parto (PP; Kg), escore de condição corporal (ECC; 1-5), peso ao nascer (PN; kg), intervalo parto cio (IPC; dias), taxa de prenhez (TP; %) e produtividade (kg PV/ha) e resultado econômico (R$). Os sistemas não afetaram (P>0,05) o PP (492,0; 491,1; 479,7 kg), ECC (2,867; 2,692; 2,778) e PN (36,5; 35,9; 35,8 kg) para SPF10, SPF5 e SPF0, respectivamente. O IPC (52,2; 54,0; 56,1 dias) e a TP (65; 65; 72%) também não diferiram (P>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais. Contudo, no SPF10 a produtividade foi maior do que SPF5 E SPF0 (557,1 kg vs 288,9 e 320,0 kg) e o resultado econômico foi 181 e 190% superior aos sistemas SPF0 e SPF5, respectivamente. Esses resultados revelam o potencial nutricional do feno de palha de arroz como alternativa para viabilizar o aumento da taxa de lotação no pré-parto de vacas em sistemas de cria, mantidas em campo nativo, e assim produzir um maior número de bezerros por área associados ao benefício econômico. / The objective of this research was evaluate the effect of the baled rice straw in the beef cows pre-partum supplementation on the performance productive of the cow-calf systems. The 110 Angus cows between three and six years old allocated at experimental treatments on the farm at southern Brazil: SPF10 2.000 kg LW/ha and 10 kg of rice straw/cow/day; SPF5 1.000 kg LW/ha and 5 kg rice straw/animal/day; SPF0 1.000 kg LW/ha without rice straw offer. At the start of the experimental period the cows were weighed and evaluated in BCC. Thereby, the cows were allotted in the treatments according: SPF10 464 kg LW and 2,74 BCC; SPF5 457 kg LW and 2,69 BCC; SPF0 459 kg LW and 2,75 BCC. All the experimental groups received 0.200 kg/cow/day the protein salt with 40% CP. The supplementation period was the pre-partum phase, between May 8 and August 1 (85 days). The cows was kept in one lot in the start de parturition and transferred to a winter pasture (Lolium multiflorum e Avena strigosa). The breeding season period was by IATF and natural mount with bulls during 60 days. Was evaluated the cows weight at calving (PP;kg), body condition score (1-5), calf birth weight (BW: kg), resumption cyclicity postpartum interval (IPC;days), pregnant rate (PR;%) and productivity. The systems supplementation has no effect (P>0.05) on the cows PP (492.0; 491.1; 479.7kg), BCS (2.86; 2.69; 2.77) and calf BW (36.5; 35.9; 35.8 kg) to SPF10, SPF5 and SPF0, respectively. The IPC were 52.2; 54.0; 56.1 days and PR 65; 65; and 72%, to SPF10, SPF5 and SPF0, respectively (P>0.05). However, in SPF10 the productivity was higher (557.1 kg vs 288.9 e 320.0 kg) than SPF5 and SPF0, respectively, and your economics results evidenced the superiority of the 180% in ratio the other systems. Therefore, this results showed the potential of baled rice straw as an alternative to enable the increase of the stocking rate pre-partum cows, maintained in the natural pastures, and thus increase the productivity in cow-calf operations.
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Správná výrobní a hygienická praxe při zpracování sladkovodních ryb. / Good manufacturing and hygienic practices with processing of freshwater fish.SMOLA, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
HACCP and good manufacturing practices are tools to the safeguard of food safety. Technologic process of fish processing begins by receiving of live fish and ending with stock and expedition of fish products. Stocking is the operation, whereat is able to get to consumer{\crq}s health hazard. Wrong temperature regulation causes multiplication of microorganisms. Stocking proceed at temperature 0 {--} 2 °C, which is stopping increasing of microorganisms. Practically were tracked difference course temperatures during hours and days. During monitoring was average temperature at 10 AM 2.33 {$\pm$} 1.25°C and average temperature at 10 PM was 2.11 {$\pm$} 1.19°C. During monitoring was average temperature 2.10 {$\pm$} 1.03°C. Maximum temperature was monitored in the morning. The temperature raised trough storage of new products. This short - period increasing is able to influence quality of products.
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Flavomicina e ureia protegida na suplementação de novilhas em pastagem diferida de capim-marandu / Flavomycin and coated urea on protein supplementation of heifers in deferred pastures of palisadegrassJoão Marcelo Dalmazo Sanchez 19 February 2014 (has links)
O uso de aditivos alimentares promotores de crescimento em bovinos de corte tem aumentado, porém, existem relativamente poucos estudos sobre uso de aditivos para bovinos em pastagem. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de flavomicina (FL) e uma mistura de ureia comum e ureia protegida no desempenho (GMD), produtividade (GA) e consumo de suplemento (CS) por novilhas em pastagem diferida de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), de julho a novembro de 2010. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e três repetições, arranjados num fatorial 2x2, mais um tratamento controle (suplemento mineral). Os fatores foram a inclusão de FL e a fonte de nitrogênio não proteico (NNP), adicionados a um suplemento proteico. O fator FL foi avaliado nos níveis de inclusão 0 e 100 mg kg-1 de suplemento. Foram avaliadas duas fontes de NNP: ureia comum (U) e uma mistura (M) de ureia comum (2/3 do NNP) e ureia protegida (1/3 do NNP), ambas fornecendo 365 g kg-1 de equivalente proteico ao suplemento. Foram utilizadas 120 novilhas da raça Nelore, peso médio de 206 kg, distribuídas em 15 unidades experimentais. As variáveis resposta da forragem foram massa de forragem, oferta de forragem, composição morfológica e concentração de PB, FDN e FDA. Os animais foram manejados em lotação rotativa, com 7 dias de ocupação e 28 dias de descanso, usando taxa de lotação variável para se chegar a ofertas de forragem semelhante entre tratamentos. Os animais do tratamento controle tiveram o menor GMD (-0,054 kg de peso vivo animal-1 dia-1) e tiveram o menor GA (-29,1 kg de peso vivo ha-1), enquanto ocorreu interação entre FL e fonte de NNP para as mesmas variáveis. No desdobramento da interação, o uso de FL aumentou o GMD e GA apenas na presença de U (0,055 vs. 0,116 kg animal-1 dia-1 e 29,4 vs. 59,4 kg ha-1). O uso de M no suplemento não amento GMD e GA quando comparado com U. CS não foi afetado pelos tratamentos, com médias de 0,184, 0,289 e 0,104 kg animal-1 dia-1 para os ciclos de pastejo 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente, todas diferentes entre si. A forragem não apresentou variação entre tratamentos para a maioria das variáveis estudadas. A lotação não variou entre tratamentos nem entre ciclos de pastejo (media = 2.24 AU ha-1). A inclusão de FL tem o potencial de melhorar desempenho e produtividade de novilhas e a fonte de NNP e FL não afetam o CS. / The use of growth promoter feed additives in beef cattle has increased, however, there are relatively few studies about using additives in grazing cattle. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of flavomycin (FL) and a mix of common and coated urea on average daily gain (ADG), gain per area (GA) and supplement intake (SI) of heifers grazing stockpiled palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu), from July to November of 2010. The experimental design was randomized complete block, with five treatments and three replicates, arranged on a 2x2 factorial plus control (mineral supplement). The factors were the inclusion of FL and the source of non protein nitrogen (NPN), added to a protein supplement. The FL factor was assessed at the inclusion levels 0 and 100 mg kg-1 of supplement. Two sources of NPN were assessed: common urea (U) or a mix (M) of common urea (2/3 of NPN) and coated urea (1/3 of NPN), both providing 365 g kg-1 of protein equivalent to the supplement. A hundred and twenty Nellore heifers weighting 206 kg were distributed 15 experimental units. Forage response variables were herbage mass, herbage allowance, morphological composition and CP, NDF and ADF concentrations. The animals were managed in a rotational stocking, with 7 d grazing and 28 d resting period using a variable stocking rate to achieve similar herbage allowance among treatments. The animals receiving control treatment had the least ADG (-0,054 kg animal-1 day-1) and GA (-29.1 kg ha-1), while there was significant interaction between FL and source of NPN. In the interaction unfolding, the ADG and GA were greater in animals receiving FL in the presence of U (0.055 vs. 0.116 kg anim.-1 day-1 and 29.4 vs. 59.4 kg ha-1). The use of M in the supplement did not increase ADG and GA when compared to supplement with U. SI wasn\'t affected by treatments, with averages of 0,184, 0,289 and 0,104 kg animal-1 day-1 to grazing cycles 1, 2 and 3, respectively, all different among themselves. In general, the forage characteristics were similar among treatments. Stocking rate wasn\'t affected by both treatments and grazing cycles (mean = 2.24 AU ha-1). The inclusion of FL in the supplement has potential to improve performance and productivity of heifers and source of NPN and FL did not affect SI.
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Dinâmica de deposição de fezes em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha submetida à intensidades de pastejo / Dynamics of feces deposition in Brachiaria brizantha pasture under grazing intensitiesWilson Aparecido Marchesin 20 January 2006 (has links)
A presente linha de pesquisa objetivou caracterizar a distribuição dos bolos fecais de bovinos depositados em uma pastagem de capim-braquiarão [(Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Marandu], sob lotação rotacionada e intensidades de pastejo e verificar as alterações na fertilidade do solo e no acúmulo de foragem. O experimento foi conduzido na Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos - FZEA/USP em pastagem com 25,2 ha, dividida em 80 piquetes de 3150 m². O ciclo de pastejo foi de 35 dias, sendo a ocupação de 7 dias e o período de descanso de 28 dias durante o verão. Os piquetes avaliados eram aqueles utilizados com ofertas de forragem de 5 e 10 % (5 kg de massa de forragem para cada 100 kg de peso animal dia-1). Assim, foram dois tratamentos com quatro blocos (repetições). Em cada piquete avaliado houve a demarcação de três círculos de 12,5 metros de raio. Cada círculo recebeu uma letra (A, B, C) para identificação. Após o período de ocupação de 7 dias houve a contagem dos bolos fecais e o registro do respectivo circulo de ocorrência. Houve a amostragem de fezes para análise da composição em matéria seca, matéria orgânica, matéria mineral, macro e micronutrientes, além da coleta dos dados de peso e da área ocupada pelo bolo fecal. Houve a marcação de áreas em cada piquete, ao lado do bolo fecal, para avaliação de acúmulo de forragem, da fertilidade solo quanto aos nutrientes que retornam ao solo nas profundidades de 0-5, 5-10, 10-15,15-20, 20-25 cm abaixo do bolo fecal. As porcentagens de bolos fecais presentes nas áreas de descanso foram de 33,5 e 18,9% para 5 e 10% OF e de 4,2 e 13,8% para as áreas de rejeição. As áreas cobertas pelos bolos fecais por dia para cada unidade animal nos tratamentos de 5 e 10% OF foram 0,248 e 0,214 m² respectivamente, e que uma unidade animal defeca em média 5,63 e 4,84 vezes ao dia para as OF de 5 e 10%. Os valores de densidade de bolos fecais presentes na pastagem foram de 0,100 e 0,065 bolos fecais por m², nos tratamentos 5 e 10% de OF. Sendo que os valores da porção da pastagem coberta sem e com a sobreposição da pastagem indicando que ao final de um ano a pastagem pode ser coberta de 5,7 a 10,6%. O acúmulo de forragem na pastagem, para os pontos com a presença do bolo fecal, foi da ordem de 685,62 kg de MS/ha e de 242,87kg de MS/ha sem a presença do bolo fecal, portanto, cerca de 2,8 vezes superiores. O número de bolos fecais presentes nas áreas de avaliação é determinado pela taxa de lotação. A sua deposição na área de descanso e de rejeição foi de maneira inversa. Nas ofertas de forragem estudadas durante os anos de 2003-2004, o modelo de distribuição espacial dos bolos fecais foi o agregado e sua contribuição para a fertilidade é concentrada em pequenas áreas. O bolo fecal na oferta de forragem de 5% apresenta maior contato com o solo, portanto teve participação significativa no aumento de pH em superfície, o que contribuiu com a disponibilidade de macro e micronutrientes e com a indisponibilidade de Al. Os macronutrientes primários fósforo e potássio apresentaram-se mais disponíveis no tempo e nas camadas superficiais do solo devido às alterações de pH pela presença do bolo fecal. A área de influência do bolo fecal (fertilidade) teve papel importante para melhorar o acúmulo de forragem na pastagem. No entanto, essa área é concentrada e pontual. / The objective of research was characterize the distribution of bovines dung pats deposited in a palisadegrass pasture [(Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Marandu], under rotational stocking and grazing intensities and the influence of dung pats in fertility of soil and the herbage accumulation. The experiment was carried out at Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos - FZEA/USP in a pasture with 25,2 ha, divided in 80 plots with 3150 m². In the grazing cycle of 35 days, 7 days of grazing and 28 days of rest, during the summer. The evaluated plots was the used two levels of herbage allowance 5 and 10% (5 kg of dry matter per 100 kg live weight per day). Them, two treatments with four blocks (repetitions). Each evaluated plots, the ground was located three circles of 12.5 meters of ray. Each circle received a letter (A, B, C) for identification. After 7 days of occupation, dung pats was counting and register in the respective circulate of occurrence. Samples of feces was collected to analysis to determine the dry matter, organic matter, mineral matter, macro and microminerals and data of weight and the area covered by dung pats. Each plots, areas was located the side of the dung pats, to evaluation of the herbage accumulation, and the fertility of soil and nutrients that return in the depths of 0-5; 5-10; 10-15;15-20; 20-25 cm under of the dung pats. The dung pats percentage in resting areas was 33.5 and 18.9% to 5 end 10% HA and the 4.2 and 13.8% to reject areas. Covered areas by animal unit dung pats by day was 0.248 and 0.214 m² to treatments of 5 and 10% HA respectively, a animal unit deposit feces 5.63 and 4.84 times by day to the HA of 5 and 10%. The values of density in the pasture was 0.100 and 0.065 dung pats by m², in the treatments of 5 e 10% of HA. And the portion of pasture covered in one year can be 5.7 to 10.6%. The herbage accumulation in the pasture, in area with the dung pats was 685.62 de DM/ha and the 242.87 kg DM/ha without the dung pats. The number of dung pats presents in areas of evaluation is determinates by stocking rate. Its deposition in resting areas and the reject areas are different. In the herbage allowance studded during the years 2003-2004, the spatial model distribution of dung pats was aggregate, and contribution to the soil fertility is concentrated in small areas. The dung pats in herbage allowance of 5% had more contact with the soil, had participation in the increase of pH in surface, change the available of micro and macronutrients. The primary macronutrients phosphorus and potassium more available in the time and the layer of the soil due the alteration of the pH. The influence area to the dung pats (fertility) had important contribution to the herbage accumulation in the pasture, but this area is concentrated and small.
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Densidade de estocagem de piracanjuba (Brycon orbigniannus) em tanques-rede de pequeno volume / Density of stocking of piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyannus), in cages of small volumeLorenz, Evandro Kleber 23 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The density of stocking (DS) is a factor that can affect the development of fish. The aim of this current study was to analyze the effect of DS over the survival, weight, growth, and biomass hematology and chemical composition of juveniles Brycon orbignyannus farmed in cages. The experiment was realized in the area of transition of the tank of Itaipu Binational in the center of research development to fish farm in cages located in the Biological Refuge in the city of Santa Helena-PR, for a period of five months. It was used 750 juveniles with an initial average weight and length of 26.72+-5,99 g and 13.45+-0,99cm, respectively distributed in twelve cages of 1,00m3 randomly in a design completely casualized and three repetitions. The animals received commercial food extruded containing 36% of rough protein and they were feed three times a day until the visible satiety. At the end of the experimental period, the fish were kept in fasting for a period of 24 hours. Subsequently, they were realized the proceeding of blood collection assessment of the parameters of performance, income and chemical composition of the animals carcass. The survival and the final biomass increased straightly with the increase number of animals stocked for unit productive. The values of income of carcass as gutted weight, clean barrel, fillet, head and grease visceral didn t present significant difference (p>0.05) between the treatment. However, the total length and pattern, gain weight, total weight and hipathossomatic indices presented significant difference (p<0.05) and effect quadratic of the treatment. The chemical analyzes of the animals carcass didn t differ, statistically (p>0.05) to the variable dry material, protein and mineral material, so that, the higher lipic deposition was watched at fish produced in density 50 fish per m3. The varieties erythrocitics as hemoglobin and hematocrito didn t present difference statistics (p>0.05) to the treatment used, however, the total erythrocitics and the glucose differed significantly (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively) between the densities. It was concluded that the best density to the farm of piracanjuba in cages is between 58and 75 fish per m3 / A densidade de estocagem (DE) é um fator que pode afetar o desenvolvimento dos peixes. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a densidade de estocagem de juvenis de Brycon orbignyanus cultivados em tanques-rede sobre a sobrevivência, peso, crescimento, biomassa, hematologia e composição química. O experimento foi realizado durante cinco meses na área de transição do reservatório da Itaipu Binacional no Centro de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisa para Piscicultura em Tanques-rede localizado no Refúgio Biológico do município de Santa Helena PR. Foram utilizados 750 juvenis com peso e comprimento médio inicial de 26,72±5,99g e 13,45±0,99cm, respectivamente, distribuídos em 12 tanques-rede de 1,00 m3 em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foram utilizados quatro tratamentos (25, 50, 75 e 100 peixes/m3) e três repetições. Os animais receberam ração comercial extrusada contendo 36% de proteína bruta e foram alimentados três vezes ao dia até a saciedade aparente. Ao final do período experimental, os peixes permaneceram em jejum por um período de 24 horas para, posteriormente, serem realizados os procedimentos de coletas de sangue e avaliações dos parâmetros de desempenho, rendimento e composição química da carcaça dos animais. A sobrevivência e a biomassa final aumentaram linearmente com o aumento do número de animais estocados por unidade produtiva. Os valores de rendimento de carcaça como peso eviscerado, tronco limpo, filé, cabeça e gordura visceral não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p>0,05), entre os tratamentos. Entretanto, o comprimento total e padrão, ganho de peso, peso total e índice hepatossomático apresentaram diferenças significativas (p<0,05) e efeito quadrático para os tratamentos. A análise química da carcaça não diferiu estatísticamente (P>0,05) para as variáveis matéria seca, proteína e matéria mineral, no entanto, a maior deposição lipídica foi observada nos peixes produzidos na densidade de 50 peixes/m3. As variáveis eritrocitárias como hemoglobina e hematócrito não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas (P>0,05) para os tratamentos utilizados, porém, o eritrócito total e a glicose diferiram significativamente (P<0,01 e P<0,05, respectivamente) entre as densidades. Concluiu-se que a densidade ótima para o cultivo de piracanjuba em tanques-rede fica entre 58 e 75 peixes/m3
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Padrões de crescimento de pastos de capim-mulato submetidos a estratégias de pastejo rotativo / Growth patterns of mulato grass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking managementVeridiana Aparecida Limão 31 August 2010 (has links)
A utilização de plantas forrageiras em pastagens sem considerar os aspectos básicos relacionados com o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas leva ao desconhecimento de seus requerimentos em termos de ambiente e limites de resistência ao pastejo e, consequentemente, ao processo de degradação de grandes áreas de pastagens cultivadas. Dentro desse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o padrão de crescimento de pastos de capim-mulato submetidos a estratégias de pastejo rotativo, buscando gerar interpretações fisiológicas importantes para o planejamento e idealização de práticas de manejo do pastejo. Os tratamentos corresponderam às combinações entre duas severidades (alturas pós-pastejo de 15 e 20 cm) e dois intervalos de pastejo (tempo necessário para o dossel atingir 95 e 100% de interceptação de luz durante a rebrotação IL) e foram alocados às unidades experimentais (piquetes de 1200 m2) segundo um delineamento de blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis-resposta de janeiro de 2008 a abril de 2009:índice de área foliar (IAF), taxa de crescimento da cultura (TCC), taxa assimilatória líquida (TAL), taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR), razão de área foliar (RAF), área foliar específica (AFE) e razão de peso foliar (RPF). No verão 1 o tratamento 100/20 foi o que proporcionou maior TCC relativamente aos demais tratamentos, resultado da combinação entre alto IAF residual da altura pós-pastejo de 20 cm e maior intervalo de pastejo correspondente à meta de 100% de IL. Foi registrada redução na TCC do outono/inverno/início de primavera ao final de primavera. Já no verão 2 o tratamento 95/15 apresentou maiores valores de TCC relativamente aos tratamentos 100/15 e 100/20, resultado da maior TCR e maior IAF residual dos pastos mantidos a 95% de IL. Para os componentes TAL e RPF foi observado apenas efeito de época do ano, imprimindo as variações sazonais no padrão de respostas das plantas ao longo do ano. Com exceção do verão 1, os pastos manejados a 95% apresentaram maior RAF que pastos manejados a 100% de IL, resultado de ajustes morfológicos determinados principalmente em AFE. De forma geral, o intervalo de pastejo foi mais efetivo que a severidade de pastejo na expressão das variáveis-resposta estudadas. Assim, a estratégia de manejo mais efetiva e eficiente para o pastejo rotativo do capim-mulato corresponde ao uso de período de descanso equivalente ao tempo necessário para que o dossel atinja 95% de IL durante a rebrotação, condição que corresponde a uma altura pré-pastejo de 30 cm, e altura pós-pastejo de 15 a 20 cm. / Use of forage grasses on pastures without taking into account basic information related to their pattern of growth and development results in lack of knowledge regarding their morphophysiological limits to grazing, which may result in degradation of large areas of cultivated grasslands. Against that background, the objective of this study was to evaluate the growth patterns of mulato grass subjected to strategies of rotational stocking management, aiming at providing important physiological interpretations for planning and structuring grazing management practices. Treatments corresponded to combinations between two grazing severities (post-grazing heights of 15 and 20 cm) and two grazing intervals (time necessary for swards to intercept 95 or 100% of the incident light during regrowth LI), and were allocated to experimental units (1200m2 paddocks) according to a 2x2 factorial arrangement and a randomised complete block design, with four replications, from January 2008 until April 2009. The following response variables were studied: sward leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), net assimilatory rate (NAR), relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf weight ratio (LWR). During summer 1, treatment 100/20 resulted in the largest value of CGR, consequence of large remaining LAI associated with the post-grazing height of 20 cm and of the long grazing interval associated with the pre-grazing target of 100% LI. CGR decreased throughout autumun/winter/early spring and late spring. During summer 2, treatment 95/15 showed larger values of CGR than treatments 100/15 and 100/20, consequence of larger values of RGR and residual LAI of swards managed at 95 relative to those managed at 100% LI. NAR and LWR varied only with season of the year. Except during summer 1, swards managed at 95% LI showed larger values of LAR than those managed at 100% LI, a result of morphological adjustments mainly characterised by variations in SLA. Overall, grazing interval was more effective than grazing severity in interfering with most of the response variables studied. Therefore, adequate management of mulato grass under rotational stocking conditions correspond to a pre-grazing height of 30 cm (equivalent to the pre-grazing target of 95% LI) and post-grazing height of 15 to 20 cm.
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Towards understanding the effects of stocking density on farmed South African abalone, Haliotis Midae / Towards understanding stocking density of farmed South African abalone Haliotis midaeNicholson, Gareth Hurst January 2014 (has links)
The profitability of abalone farms is heavily influenced by their production per unit of grow-out space. With farms having physically expanded to the maximum, and with increasing production costs, one of the most realistic ways for farms to increase their production is through optimizing stocking densities. The effect of stocking density on Haliotis midae performance is undocumented and optimal stocking densities for this species have not been determined. Experiments were conducted under farm conditions to investigate the effects of four different stocking densities (16 %, 20 %, 22 % and 24 % of available surface area) on growth, production and health of three different size classes of abalone (15-35 g, 45-65 g, and 70-90 g start weight). Each treatment was replicated four times and trials ran over a period of eight months with measurements being made at four month intervals. Abalone behaviour was observed during the trials in the experimental tanks. Weight gain per abalone decreased with an increase in density for all tested size classes (5.04 ± 0.18 to 2.38 ± 0.17; 5.35 ± 0.21 to 4.62 ± 0.29; 7.97 ± 0.37 to 6.53 ± 0.28 g.abalone-1.month-1 for the 15-35, 45-65 and 70-90 g classes respectively, with an increased density of 16 to 24 %). Individual weight gain of 15-35 g abalone was similar at stocking densities of 16 % and 20 % while weight gain of 45-65 g and 70-90 g abalone decreased when density was increased above 16 %. Biomass gain (kg.basket-1.month-1) was not affected by stocking density in the 15-35 g and 45-65 g size classes (1.29 ± 0.02 and 0.97 ± 0.02 kg.basket-1.month-1 respectively). However, the biomass gained by baskets stocked with 70-90 g abalone increased with stocking density (1.08 ± 0.02 to 1.33 ± 0.02 kg.basket-1.month-1) with an increased density of 16 to 24 %) and did not appear to plateau within the tested density range (16 to 24 %). Food conversion ratio did not differ significantly between densities across all size classes. Stocking density did not have a significant effect on abalone condition factor or health indices. The proportion of abalone above the level of the feeder plate increased with density (7.26 ± 1.33 to 16.44 ± 1.33 with an increased density of 16 to 24 %). As a proportion of abalone situated in the area of the basket, the same proportions were situated on the walls above the feeder plate and on the feeder plate itself irrespective of stocking density (p > 0.05). Higher proportions of animals had restricted access to feed at higher stocking densities (p = 0.03). The amount of formulated feed available on the feeder plate did not differ between stocking densities throughout the night (p = 0.19). Individual abalone spent more time above the feeder plate at higher stocking densities (p < 0.05). The percentage of time above the feeder plate, spent on the walls of the basket and on the feeding surface was not significantly different at densities of 20 %, 22 % and 24 % (p > 0.05) but abalone stocked at 16 % spent a greater percentage of time above the feeder plate on the feeding surface (83.99 ± 6.26 %) than on the basket walls (16.01 ± 6.26 %). Stocking density did not affect the positioning of abalone within a basket during the day or at night. Different size H. midae are affected differently by increases in stocking density in terms of growth performance. Findings from this research may be implemented into farm management strategies to best suit production goals, whether in terms of biomass production or individual weight gain. The fundamental mechanisms resulting in reduced growth at higher densities are not well understood, however results from behaviour observations suggest that competition for preferred attachment space and feed availability are contributing to decreased growth rates. With knowledge of abalone behaviour at different densities, innovative tank designs may be established in order to counter the reduction in growth at higher densities.
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Optimalizace řízení výrobního procesu / Optimization of Process ControlVoříšek, Dušan January 2010 (has links)
Presented master’s thesis is focused on production process with direct relation on its input optimization. Theoretical part summarizes pieces of information about important characteristics of industrial process and its connections on another no less significant field of economical life of company such as marketing or logistics. Practical part is a result of analytical and creative work in industrial copany Brück AM that is an object of research in project part. An analysis and proposed precausions are based on understudied literature and attitude incident to author. Main output is calculations-backed project of change in the field of stocking system, store accounting and weight yield that can become a concrete way for improvement of present situation.
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