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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The social dimension of stormwater management practices, including sustainable urban drainage systems and river management options

Apostolaki, Stella January 2007 (has links)
The research programme was relevant to urban planning and in particular to the design of stormwater management schemes that are more environmentally and socially acceptable. It examined social and perception issues relating to stormwater management techniques within residential areas, and in particular to the application of SUDS, mainly ponds, and river management schemes. The thesis arose from a project funded by the Environment Agency of England and Wales through SNIFFER under a programme titled “Social impacts o f stormwater management techniques including river management and SUDS”, SNIFFER Code: SUDS01. The public perception of construction is becoming a matter of increasing importance both in the UK and internationally since socio-economic parameters and public consultation both have to be taken into consideration in the planning and implementation of relevant projects. This research programme endeavoured to match the relevant legislative goals with society’s actual needs. The main aims of the research programme were to obtain an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the perceptions of popular stormwater management practices (SUDS and river management), and to evaluate these techniques from a social perspective. To satisfy these aims the following objectives were set: • To assess public awareness and perceptions of SUDS (particularly retention ponds) in the UK; • To assess professional perceptions of SUDS in the UK; • To assess perceptions of different stormwater management techniques, in three European cities; • To compare perceptions of different stormwater management techniques, SUDS and river management practices; • To link the research findings with trends in perceptions of nature and water. To meet the programme’s aims and to satisfy the objectives, the perceptions of SUDS in the UK (principally ponds) were investigated over a wide range of locations. In addition, the different river management approaches used in three heavily urbanised European cities, Glasgow, London, and Athens were investigated. The results of this research programme provide a means to understand perceptions of stormwater management and to appreciate what types of schemes will be more readily accepted by the public. The research has shown that members of the public hold strong views as to what they like or dislike about SUDS and water management installations in their local area, in spite of the fact that there were demonstrably low levels of public awareness of SUDS. The amenity, recreational value and aesthetics of new schemes seem to be of major importance for public acceptability, while function, efficiency, and maintenance are primarily important in areas facing flooding problems. Other key findings include the fact that there is a general preference for sustainable urban water management and for river restoration schemes compared with more conventional, ‘hard engineering’ approaches, such as culverting of rivers. This preference was expressed both by members of the public and by professionals involved in their planning and implementation. Another important result was that although unfamiliarity can produce negativity, education can influence attitudes positively even in sensitive issues such as safety, and can be used by authorities and planners as a means of enhancing the acceptability of new schemes. Consequently, the results of the surveys can be used as arguments towards the application of informative campaigns which should be taken into account prior to scheme implementation. This information can be utilised not only for stormwater management design, but also for other environmentally friendly constructions which the public may have a low level of awareness. Recommendations are made with respect to public and professional attitudes for improving the public acceptability of new and modified stormwater management systems. Recommendations and barriers to the uptake outlined in this thesis mainly refer to the appearance of schemes rather than technical issues. They are therefore of most use as guidance for improving aesthetics and increasing public acceptability. The outcomes of this research will be of use to policy makers, water companies, local authorities, environment agencies, planners, developers, consultants active in urban development, and researchers in applying wider-accepted practices for the assessment of public perception. Some findings from this research have been presented at several stakeholders’ meetings, at 4 conferences, and are published in the form of papers and reports, including the DTI SR 622 report titled “An Assessment of the Social Impacts of Sustainable Drainage Systems in the UK”, and the Environment Agency & SNIFFER report, SUDS01, 2005, titled “Social Impacts of stormwater management techniques including river management and SUDS”. This publication also constitutes Environment Agency R&D Technical report P2-258.

Optimization Model for Design of Vegetative Filter Strips for Stormwater Management and Sediment Control.

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Vegetative filter strips (VFS) are an effective methodology used for storm water management particularly for large urban parking lots. An optimization model for the design of vegetative filter strips that minimizes the amount of land required for stormwater management using the VFS is developed in this study. The resulting optimization model is based upon the kinematic wave equation for overland sheet flow along with equations defining the cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate. In addition to the stormwater management function, Vegetative filter strips (VFS) are effective mechanisms for control of sediment flow and soil erosion from agricultural and urban lands. Erosion is a major problem associated with areas subjected to high runoffs or steep slopes across the globe. In order to effect economy in the design of grass filter strips as a mechanism for sediment control & stormwater management, an optimization model is required that minimizes the land requirements for the VFS. The optimization model presented in this study includes an intricate system of equations including the equations defining the sheet flow on the paved and grassed area combined with the equations defining the sediment transport over the vegetative filter strip using a non-linear programming optimization model. In this study, the optimization model has been applied using a sensitivity analysis of parameters such as different soil types, rainfall characteristics etc., performed to validate the model / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil and Environmental Engineering 2015

Socialt perspektiv och ekonomiskt stöd vid utveckling av dagvattensystem för gröna trygga samhällen

Olsson, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
The introduction of sustainable stormwater management in society has proved complex. Most cities do not operate jointly planned and owned stormwater facilities and institutional barriers have proved difficult to overcome. Experience from a Swedish project where extensive changes were made in the Augustenborg area in Malmö shows that it takes many years to overcome institutional obstacles when a society undergoes transformation.   Major part of research is still based on engineering and technical function although the social perspective is of great importance for the functioning of sustainable stormwater management. In-depth knowledge is needed about sustainable stormwater management and its connection with composition of population and socio-economic conditions. Research needs to be done on how information campaigns and cooperation are best designed to simplify planning, construction, and maintenance of stormwater facilities.

Perceptions of Infrastructure, Flood Management, and Environmental Redevelopment in the University Area, Hillsborough County, Florida

Hinds, Kris-An K. 28 June 2019 (has links)
The University Area (UA), a low-income, unincorporated neighborhood in Hillsborough County, Florida, is a site of sustainable redevelopment by the local government and nonprofit organizations. Throughout the past decade, the transitions in local and state political climates have significantly impacted the residents’ ability to advocate for infrastructural and environmental improvement to the site. This thesis discusses the findings of a research project dedicated to exploring resident perspectives of stormwater management, infrastructure, and the redevelopment currently occurring the University Area. Drawing from theoretical concepts in political ecology, environmental justice, and the interplay of agency and structure, this research investigates the impacts of flooding on the UA’s residents and infrastructure; specifically, the ways it affects the population’s interaction with their environment. Data were collected using a mixed methods approach including participant observation; semi structured interviews with residents, developers, and community organization employees; ground truthing the area to verify the location of the stormwater drains present in a selection of the UA; a historical review of the area’s land use; and analysis of critical environmental justice databases. Findings indicate that flooding in the University Area is related to historical oppressive housing strategies against minority and low-income populations. Results found that flooding in UA is caused by a combination of faulty infrastructure (impervious surfaces and a subpar, unmaintained stormwater system), increasing rain events (climate change), and the lack of municipality support (power dynamics). The oppressive power dynamic present in the relationship between the residents and their respective property owners and the county municipality services exacerbates problems with flooding. Redevelopment plans in the University Area must address the effects of historical marginalization and disenfranchisement of the current residents with respect to housing segregation and lack of municipality support. Without these considerations, the cycle of disenfranchisement faced by the current residents of the UA will likely continue and worsen over time.

Hantering av extrem nederbörd i Örebro och Göteborg : En jämförande studie / Extreme precipitation management : A comparative study of Örebro and Gothenburg

Leppänen, Elsa, Koistinen, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Climate changes are causing extreme weather conditions, which is expected to increase. Extreme precipitation is an example of this, which, through flooding, affects humans and buildings. This study aims to investigate how management of extreme precipitation takes place in two Swedish municipalities, the city of Gothenburg and Örebro municipality. Based on a thematic analysis of qualitative interviews with employees in the municipalities and document analysis of the municipalities' strategic planning documents, this study takes shape. The theoretical approach is based on what the existing research considers to be the most successful strategic, practical and organizational approaches. The result of this study shows that there is a need for better knowledge and clearer regulations regarding the management of extreme precipitation. The municipalities have come further in the work with strategic planning than with practical measures. Multifunctional facilities are a priority and, based on the study material, is the most effective way to implement practical measures.

Värdet av gröna tak. En samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys av sedumtak. / The value of green roofs - a cost-benefit analysis of sedum roofs.

Falk, Anders January 2016 (has links)
Städerna i Sverige växer och med det även de miljöproblem som urbaniserade områden medför. Sedumtak är en dagvattenhanteringslösning som medför ett flertal miljöfördelar, men det är fram till idag inte klargjort om anläggningen av sedumtak i Stockholmsområdet är samhällsekonomiskt försvarbart. Syftet med denna studie är därför att avgöra om anläggningen av sedumtak är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt i Stockholmsområdet. En samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys har genomförts i Huddinge kommun där nettonuvärdet av ett sedumtak-projekt har sökts. Det finns lite värderingslitteratur gällande sedumtak och ett andra mål med uppsatsen har därför varit att undersöka om en trovärdig samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys kan genomföras i ett område där litteraturen är knapphändig.De identifierade nyttorna som sedumtak medför är minskad avrinning från tak, upptag av luftföroreningar och koldioxid, reduktion av buller, sänkt utomhustemperatur lokalt, ökat försäljningsvärde på bostäder samt förlängd livslängd på underliggande tak. Kostnaderna som uppstår är en ökad investeringskostnad, utsläpp av fosfor samt ökade underhållskostnader. Den största kostnaden är investeringskostnaden och den största nyttan är värdeökning av bostäder. Dessa nyttor och kostnader har så långt det är möjligt kvantifierats och värderats och beräkningar med nuvärdesmetoden visar på att anläggningen av sedumtak är samhällsekonomiskt lönsamt. Känslighetsanalysen visar på att resultatet är trovärdigt. Analysen har visat på att det är möjligt att genomföra en trovärdig samhällsekonomisk konsekvensanalys i ett område där litteraturen är knapphändig, förutsatt att målet är att avgöra om projektet är lönsamt eller inte och inte hur lönsamt det är. Det finns ett behov att utföra en liknande studie som denna, men som behandlar anläggningen av sedumtak i en större skala. Resultaten från detta examensarbete kan användas av beslutsfattare, planerare och andra tjänstemän inom samhällsbyggnadssektorn då det innefattar generell information om sedumtak samt en ekonomisk analys av investeringen. / The cities in Sweden are growing, and so too are the environmental problems that accompany development. Sedum roofs are stormwater management tools that come with many benefits, yet it is uncertain whether or not sedum roofs are in fact an advisable endeavor for society. This study aims to investigate whether sedum roofs in the Stockholm region are a profitable investment for society. A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been carried out in the municipality of Huddinge where the net present value of a sedum roof project is sought. The literature of green roof valuation is scarce, and a second aim is therefore to investigate if a reliable CBA can be conducted in an area where available data are limited. The identified benefits of sedum roofs are stormwater retention, air pollution and carbon dioxide removal, noise reduction, reduced outdoor temperature, increased sales value of apartments and increased life time of roof membrane. The costs that occur are an increased investment, spillage of phosphorus and increased maintenance costs. These costs and benefits have, as far as possible, been quantified and translated into monetary values. The greatest cost is that of investment, and the greatest benefit is the increased sales value of the apartments. Results from the CBA show that a sedum roof in the Stockholm region is a profitable investment for society. The sensitivity analysis indicates that these results are reliable. This study has shown that it is possible to conduct a reliable CBA in an area where the literature is scarce if the aim is to investigate whether a project is profitable for society or not, but not if the aim is to investigate how profitable a project is. A further study, in which a greater scale of sedum roof installation is considered, could be valuable. Decision makers, planners and operatives in city planning and the built environment can use the results from this master thesis in their work, as it provides general information about sedum roofs as well as an economic analysis of the investment.

Kommunernas lösningar på dagvattenhantering med hänsyn till klimatförändringarna / Municipalities solutions for stormwater management with regard to climate changes

Elin, Karlsson, Nathalie, Drotz January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Klimatförändringarna bidrar till att Sverige kommer att få ett förändrat regnmönster. Vilket leder till att större krav ställs på dagvattenhaneringen och dess funktion. När grönytor bebyggs ökar risken för översvämningar vid stora skyfall. Det är därför viktigt att anpassa städerna efter de framtida skyfallen samt att dagvattenhanteringen utvecklas och inte nedprioriteras. Syftet med studien är att ge svar på vilka lösningar som används mest och är framgångsrika i kommunerna, vilka faktorer som påverkar kommunernas beslut vid val av dagvattenlösning och hur kommunerna tar hänsyn till klimatförändringarna när det väljer dagvattenlösning.  Metod: Litteraturstudien har gett rapporten forskningsfronten inom ämnet och en bra vetenskaplig grund att baseras på. Sex olika interjuver har utförts med respondenter från VA- och samhällsbyggnadsavdelningen på tre kommuner i Skaraborg. Studiens deltagande kommuner är Lidköpings kommun, Skövde kommun och Falköpings kommun. Intervjuerna var indelade i olika huvudkategorier för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar. En dokumentanalys har gjorts utifrån ritningar och dokument på nyexploaterade bostadsområden från kommunernas hemsidor. Resultat: Den dagvattenhantering som används mest i kommunerna är öppna dagvattenlösningar så som öppna diken, fördröjningsytor och dammar. Vilket gör lösningarna till de mest framgångsrikaste. Genom öppna dagvattenlösningar säkras samhället från översvämningar då lösningen kan reglera vatten. Faktorer som påverkar kommuners val av lösning är kunskap om dagvatten, samarbetet mellan avdelningarna, teknisk funktion, tid, kapital, lagar och rekommendationer. Utformning av vägar, vattenvägar och höjdsättning i nyexploaterade bostadsområden är viktiga faktorer som kommunerna tar hänsyn till för att klara av de pågående klimatförändringarna. Konsekvenser: Slutsatser som kan tas av studien är att öppna dagvattenlösningar är det som kommunerna strävar efter att använda. Dessutom är lösningen bäst tillämpningsbar för att klara av klimatförändringarna. Genom att använda öppna dagvattenlösningar behöver inte avkall på funktion göras för att använda den billigaste lösningen. Bostadsområdena utformas med vattenvägar, strategiska utlopp och utefter klimatfaktorn. För att uppnå bra dagvattenhantering är personalens kunskapsläge och samarbete mellan avdelningar en viktig del. Rekommendationer som kommunerna kan arbeta vidare med för att få en bättre hållbar dagvattenhantering är utöka kunskap bland de anställda, förbättra samarbetet, granska konsulternas arbete och öka tillsyn samt uppföljningen i produktionen.  Begränsningar: Studien har avgränsats till tre kommuner med samma geografiska läge i Sverige. Det går att generalisera studien för att det finns städer i Sverige som har liknande antal invånare. / Purpose: The climate changes contribute to Sweden’s future change in rain pattern. This leads to a higher demand on the stormwater management and its function. When green areas are built upon the risk for flooding increase when heavy rains occur. It is therefore important to adapt the cities according to future heavy rains and the stormwater management should not be downgraded. The goal of this study is to answer what solutions are used the most and are successful in the municipalities, what factors that affect the municipalities choice of stormwater solution and how the municipalities account for climate changes when choosing stormwater solutions. Method: The literature review has given the report the research front within the subject and a good scientific base to be based upon. Six different interviews have been held with respondents from the water and plant-department and the community building department withing three municipalities in Skaraborg. The participating municipalities are Lidköpings municipality, Skövdes municipality and Falköpings municipality. The interviews are split into different main categories to answer the questions at issue. A document analysis has been done based upon blueprints and document of newly exploited residential areas from the municipalities’ websites. Findings: The stormwater management solution that is used the most in the municipalities are open stormwater solutions, such as trenches, delay surfaces and ponds. This makes these solutions the most successful. Through open stormwater solutions the society is secured from flooding since the solution can regulate the water. Factors that affect the municipalities choice of solution are knowledge of stormwater, the cooperation between departments, technical function, time, money, laws, and recommendations. The design of roads, waterways, and elevation in newly exploited residential areas are important factors that the municipalities consider, in order to manage the ongoing climate changes. Implications: Conclusions that can be drawn from the study is that open stormwater solutions are what the municipalities strive towards using. In addition, the solution is best suited to manage the climate changes. Through using open stormwater solutions, a need to waiver on function is not needed to use the cheapest solution. The residentials areas are designed with waterways, strategic outlets and along the climate factor. To achieve good stormwater management the level of knowledge within the staff and the cooperation between departments are important. Recommendations that the municipalities could continue to work with to get a more sustainable stormwater management is to expand the knowledge between the staff, improve the cooperation, review the consultants work, increase supervision and to follow up in production. Limitations: The study has been delimited to three municipalities with the same geographic location in Sweden. It is possible to generalize the study since there are cities in Sweden with similar a amount of residents.

The Effectiveness of Rain Gardens in regard to Water Management & Infiltration

Ramlo, Lydia Daphne January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Implementering och acceptans av skyfallspark i urban miljö : Gestaltningsförslag för två platser i Gävle

Villagran Ström, Amanda, Waern, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Det finns flera utmaningar i att kunna hantera klimatförändringar och nederbörd som väntas öka i framtiden. Hårdgjorda ytor och fortsatt förtätning av urbana områden försvårar samt ställer högre krav på städers dagvattenhantering. Ytor som idag har andra funktioner behöver därför anpassas för att kunna fylla så många funktioner som möjligt på grund av det begränsade utrymmet i många städer. Multifunktionella ytor kan bland annat tillhandahålla grön och blå infrastruktur i kombination med lek och rekreation. Forskning och studier visar att det finns många sätt som grön och blå infrastruktur kan implementeras i staden. Kombinationen av kostnader, estetik, funktion och vad människor i omgivningen tycker går emellertid inte alltid hand i hand.  Studien genomfördes i centrala Gävle. Målet med studien är att visa hur ett gestaltningsförslag kan användas för att öka acceptansen vid planering och genomförande när skyfallsparker implementeras i befintlig eller ny park och lekplats. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skyfallsparker kan införas i urbana parker samt lekplatser utan att påverka den mänskliga användningen av platsen negativt. För att möta syftet genomfördes sju metoder som validerade varandra. En skyfallskartering genomfördes först för att lokalisera två platser med översvämningsrisk som gestaltningsförslag skulle tas fram för, vilket blev lekplatsen Apelgatan samt Skogsfruparken. För att skapa en ökad kunskap om hur platser kan utformas för att kunna omhänderta vatten vid regn och skyfall genomfördes djupintervjuer, platsobservationer samt platsbesök i Uppsala och Stockholm. Platsobservationerna visade även tillsammans med intervjuer i fält hur platserna används i dagsläget och vad på platsen som uppskattas av användarna. Gestaltningsförslag för båda platserna utformades för att möjliggöra för både lek och rekreation samt med en ökad kapacitet omhänderta vatten. Slutligen validerade enkätsvaren om förslagen skulle påverka respondenternas användning av platsen och om förändringen accepterades av användarna.  Resultatet visar att det går att utforma skyfallshantering på flera sätt, där dagvattendamm är ett. Genom att undersöka acceptansen för de två framtagna gestaltningsförslagen gick det att bedöma att en skyfallspark bland annat kan utformas som studiens förslag för att bli accepterad av användarna. Valet av att validera med en enkät var tillräckligt för att visa på acceptansen i denna studie eftersom den grundar sig på flera metoder. Enkäten kunde dock ha utformats på ett annat sätt för att ge respondenterna en bättre bild av gestaltningarna, eller ha kompletterats med en fokusgrupp för att fördjupa sig ytterligare i acceptansen. / There are several challenges in managing climate change and precipitation, which is expected to increase in the future. Impermeable surfaces and continued densification of urban areas makes it more difficult and set higher demands on urban stormwater management. Because cities have limited space, there is a need for areas that today have other functions to be adapted and to be able to fulfil as many functions as possible. Multifunctional spaces in the city can provide blue-green infrastructures in combination with play and recreation. Research and studies show that there are many ways that green and blue infrastructure can be implemented in the city, but the combination of costs, aesthetics, functions, and what people in the surroundings think do not always go hand in hand. The study was conducted in central Gävle. The goal of the study is to show how a design proposal can be used to increase acceptance during planning and implementation, when rain parks are implemented in existing or new parks and playgrounds. The purpose of the study was to investigate how stormwater management can be implemented in urban parks and playgrounds without negatively affecting the human use of the place. Seven methods, which validated each other, were implemented to meet the purpose. A cloudburst mapping was first carried out to locate which two places have risk of flooding, for which design proposals should be made. This resulted in the playground Apelgatan and the park Skogsfruparken. Interviews, site observations and site visits in Uppsala and Stockholm, contributed to an increased knowledge of how places can be designed to manage rain and cloudburst. The site observations showed, with interviews in the field, how the sites are currently used and what elements were appreciated by users. Design proposals for both sites were then designed to allow both play as well as to increase capacity to accumulate water. A survey validated whether the proposals would affect respondents' use of the site and whether the change were accepted by the users. The result shows that it is possible to design stormwater management in several ways, of which stormwater ponds are one. By investigating the acceptance of the two design proposals, it was possible to assess that stormwater management can for instance be designed as the study's proposal to be accepted by the users.  The choice of a survey was sufficient to show the acceptability in this study as it is based on several methods. However, the survey could have been designed in a different way to give the respondents a better overall picture of the visualisations or could have been supplemented with a focus group to delve further into acceptance.

Strengths and limitations of bioretention sorbent amendments to simultaneously remove metals, PAHs, and nutrients from urban stormwater runoff

Esfandiar, Narges, 0000-0002-1528-7943 January 2022 (has links)
Bioretention is increasingly being employed as a stormwater management tool in urban areas, with the intent of using infiltration to address both water quantity and quality concerns. However, bioretention soil media (BSM) has limited removal capacity for dissolved contaminants; hence, amendments may be justified to improve performance. In this study, the potential of five low-cost sorbents as BSM amendments – waste tire crumb rubber (WTCR), coconut coir fiber (CCF), blast furnace slag (BFS), biochar (BC) and iron coated biochar (FeBC) – were investigated for removing several classes of contaminants from simulated stormwater (SSW). The contaminated SSW contained a mixture of metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn), nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate) and PAHs (pyrene (PYR), phenanthrene (PHE), acenaphthylene (ACY) and naphthalene (NAP)). First, batch studies were used to investigate the sorption capacities, kinetics, and the effects of different water quality parameters on sorbents performance. Then, a long-term vegetated column study was conducted to investigate the performance of three amendments (CCF, WTCR, and BFS) under intermittent runoff condition considering different runoff intensities and antecedent dry periods (ADP). The long-term effects of amendments on plant health and infiltration rate of all media were also investigated. Finally, HYDRUS-1D and a cost model were used to investigate longevity and cost-effectiveness of all BSM. Batch test results revealed that among all sorbents, BC and FeBC were only effective for removing PAHs; CFF had high sorption capacity for both metals and PAHs; BFS was very effective for metals; and WTCR was effective for some of metals and PAHs. Metal removal by BFS occurred primarily via precipitation was due to the BFS mineral structure and high/alkaline pH. The effectiveness of CCF for removing both metals and PAHs was due to its lignocellulose structure and diverse functional groups. CCF could remove metals through several mechanisms including cation exchange, complexation, and electrostatic attraction, and remove PAHs through hydrophobic interaction. Biochar in this study had a highly aromatic structure with less O-containing functional groups, and PAHs were sorbed through hydrophobic pi-pi interactions. The selectivity orders of sorbents for the removal of different metals and PAHs were Cr~Cu~Pb > Ni > Cd > Zn and PYR > PHE > ACY > NAP. This selectivity was mainly caused by differences in properties of metal ions (e.g., ionic radius, hydrogen energy, etc.) and PAHs (e.g., hydrophobicity). Phosphate was removed by BFS due to its Al, Fe and Ca contents, but the other sorbents were ineffective for nutrient removal. Metals sorption capacity of sorbents was greater at higher pH, lower salinity and lower DOC; however, PAHs sorption capacity of sorbents was generally not sensitive to water quality parameters. Column experiments showed that almost all amended and non-amended BSM were able to remove > 99% of influent metals over the 7-month experiment period (except Zn in WTCR media). Cu and Cr effluent concentrations in all media (except BFS media) increased to ~ 10% of influent concentrations during heavy rainfall which was probably due to decomposition of Cu/Cr-organic matter complexes. All bioretention columns removed > 99% of PHE and PYR (higher molecular weight PAHs) regardless of rain intensity and ADP, while the performance of different media for removing the lower molecular weight PAHs (NAP and ACY) varied with the rain intensity, and removal decreased when larger storms were experimentally simulated. For nutrients, among all media, BFS-amended media had high phosphate removal capacity (> 90%). Nitrate removal in all columns was notably affected by changes in stormwater intensity and ADP, likely due to difference in degree of saturation and the potential that anoxic conditions were created, which are favorable for denitrification. All media were ineffective in ammonium removal, and ammonium production occurred throughout experiment which might be due to the lack of nitrifiers in the media. Hydraulic properties of all media were appropriate over the entire experiment. BFS-amended media had the greatest negative effect on plant health, while CCF-amended media was supportive for plants. The transport model results showed that the predicted metal breakthrough times (according to EPA criteria) for different media were 6 years for non-amended media, 7 years for WTCR media, 25 years for CCF media, and 70 years for BFS media. Modeling PAHs, nutrients and some metals (Cr and Cu) under intermittent flow conditions are complicated and other processes and models need to be investigated as future study. Finally, cost analysis results showed that among all bioretention media, CCF- and BFS-amended media with the lowest capital and maintenance costs were the most cost-effective BSM. This research will improve our understanding of BSM amendments that will improve water quality while simultaneously support bioretention system hydrologic function as well as estimating costs of bioretention systems for a long-term application. / Civil Engineering

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