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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategisk kommunikation inom museiverksamheter : En intervjustudie om hur museiverksamheter arbetar för att möta utmaningarna när omvärlden förändras. / Strategic communication within museums : An interview study of how museums work to meet the challenges when the outside world changes.

Kjellgren Schönning, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
In recent decades, the conditions for the museums have changed. The competition has become harder and bigger and their role in society have changed when new technology provides other opportunities for how visitors are to be reached. This means that the museums need to think in new paths in order to continue to stay attractive for both existing and new visitors. As part of this, it is about trying new path sand broader their activities to fulfil the goals and expectations that exist from both the audience and their own operations. Working strategically with communication is away for museums to differentiate themselves, to constantly stay up-to-date and to reach new and retain existing target groups. This study shows, through interviews with communicators, how four museums in Stockholm work with strategic communication to meet these just mentioning challenges and what effects this will have for their own organization. By trying new digital channels such as social media, actively working to be current in their time and finding new paths to create exciting visitor experiences both physically and digitally, while continuing to be institutions for knowledge dispersion within their respective areas, the museums maintain their topicality and continue to attract audiences.

Ohjärna neuromarketing : En kvantitativ studie om svenska kommunikatörers inställning till neuromarketing som innovation / Neuromarketing reluctance : A quantitative study of Swedish communications professional’s attitude towards neuromarketing as innovation

Broander, Terese January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the extent to which Swedish communications professionals are prepared to use neuromarketing as a market research method. Neuromarketing applies technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging to study the brain's responses to marketing stimuli and is considered capable of obtaining ‘hidden information’ stored in individuals' brains, which traditional market research methods cannot provide. Despite these comparative advantages, the method is relatively unknown in Sweden today. This study seeks to answer two research questions: 1) What attitudes do communications professionals have towards neuromarketing? 2) Are the necessary preconditions for communications professionals to use neuromarketing satisfied? The study uses a quantitative approach and collected data from active communications professionals in Sweden through a survey. The theoretical framework is based on the six essential criteria presented by Greenhalgh et al. (2008) that need to be met in order for an innovation to be implemented. The survey had a low number of respondents and the result is therefore a broad generalization. The result shows that the communications professionals have extensive experience and consider themselves to have significant strategic influence, which is important for developing and managing the organization's brand. On the other hand, respondents had low awareness of neuromarketing and mainly a negative attitude towards it. None of the six criteria (Greenhalgh, et al., 2008) were met. The result suggests that Swedish communications professionals are not ready to accept and adopt neuromarketing and that the conditions for incorporating the method in their work are lacking today.

Internkommunikation i en sjukvårdsorganisation under covid-19 pandemin : Ur ett medarbetarperspektiv / Internal communication within a health organization during the covid-19 pandemic : From a co-worker perspective

Hedin, Amanda, Fernkvist Melin, Sanna January 2021 (has links)
A qualitative study that examines co-workers experiences of the internal information management and communication during the covid-19 crisis and whether that perception differs from before the crisis. Previous research claims that co-workers' perceptions of internal crisis communication have not been thoroughly studied thus there is a knowledge gap. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge regarding internal communication during the crisis of the covid-19 pandemic within a public  health organization and provide an understanding of how it has been perceived by the co-workers within the ambulance and emergency department. Eight interviews were conducted and analyzed through a thematic analysis and put in relation to sensemaking. The result showed that the co-workers, perceived the internal information and communication in different ways from each other, that the leadership had an important role in facilitating the co-workers'sensemaking processes, the internal information increased during the crisis which affected the co-workers in different ways. The result also showed that the co-workers achieved new knowledge through the crisis and their sensemaking processes that could potentially benefit the organization in terms of future development.

Med Glimten i ögat : En fallstudie om hur intranätet Glimten används och upplevs ur medarbetarperspektiv

Al-Adhadh, Alaa, Lundberg, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
In an organization, there is a high requirement for internal communication to function flawlessly. In addition, effective internal communication gives all employees and managers the opportunity to communicate with each other and create a sense of belonging. Especially when not all employees work in the same building. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the intranet works at Gävle Energi from an employee perspective. What do employees have to say about what could be changed and improved regarding the intranet. Focus groups were chosen as the interview method. We chose to do a thematic content analysis to identify patterns in the participants’ responses. The most important results that emerged in the study are that the intranet should be accessed via a app on the mobile phone, and that the employees want a more personal intranet, since the employees want to be able to choose for themselves how their home page looks based on their own needs and desires. In addition, the employees felt that they received good and useful information from the organization via the intranet and that the intranet generally gave a sense of belonging, especially during these times of Covid-19.

Sustainability and branding : An analysis of Nike and H&M’s CSR-strategies

Sjöbom, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Some of the most common threats in society today are climate change, struggling world economies and starving people. Today most consumers seek out sustainable products that are produced under fair conditions. These requirements on companies mean that their work with Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming increasingly important to fit consumers demands. Previous research shows that CSR strategies are consequently used for companies work with marketing communication, partly to cope with crises but also to create a relationship with consumers and create a sustainable message to other actors. Nike and H&M are two companies that have been struggling with crises and criticism for not contributing to protection of the environment, not following standard work environment regulations and for not taking human rights into account. This study investigates, through a multimodal analysis, three separate communication materials from each company which are taken from Nike's campaign “Move to Zero” and H&M´s campaign “Buttons with impact”. This method is used to answer how the companies are implementing CSR into their campaigns. A survey is used to analyze what the consumers think of Nike´s and H&M´s work with CSR and if the two companies' CSR-strategies could be counted as successful. The results show that both Nike and H&M are well aware of how to use CSR-strategies although the customers doesn´t appear to be convinced. Apparently some of the CSR- strategies are noticed but the fact still remains, the companies profile, identity and image are not fully compliant with each other.

Hitting the Mark : The Role of Framing in Targeting Strategies for Naval Warfare

Löfgren, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the framing of the sinking of the Russian cruiser and flagship of the Black Sea fleet Moskva in 2022 during the Russo-Ukrainian War, focusing on the variation in the post-hoc battle for meaning. Specifically, the analysis explores the role of targeting and its relationship to strategic narratives. Employing a framing analysis approach, the study investigates how the framing surrounding success, failure and deterrence was communicated. By examining various textual sources, including media reports and official statements, the analysis uncovers different framing strategies employed by the different actors involved. The findings shed light on how the event was portrayed, the underlying narratives that shaped the framing and the implications of these narratives on the perception of success or failure and the concept of deterrence.

Klimatdiskursen ramar in dagens marknadsföring : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Preemshemmahörande-annonser i deras kampanj 2019-2020

Strandahl, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Syftet är att undersöka hur fossilindustrin paketerar sina reklambudskap inom det vilseledande formatet hemmahörande-annonser. Syftet är även att skapa förståelse för hur den trendande klimatdiskursen påverkar marknadsförings utformning. Det svenska petroleumoch biodrivmedelsföretaget Preems kampanj från 2019-2020 undersöks, genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hemmahörande-annonser publicerade i Dagens Nyheter. Gestaltningsteori används för att se hur det meningsbärande innehållet ramas in. Huvudteorin kompletteras av teorin om övertalning för att se hur Preem använder inramning för att nå mottagarna. Resonemang om strategisk kommunikation, greenwashing och grön profilering har inkluderats för att fördjupa kunskapen om fossilindustrins marknadsföringsstrategier. Uppsatsens resultat visar att Preem har valt att lyfta fram löften, mål och visioner samt inkludera sådant som stärker anseendet och ökar förtroendet för Preem. En gemensam nämnare är att allt innehåll ramas in för att övertyga publiken om att Preems verksamhet är miljövänlig. Resultatet av analysen visar att terminologi som tillhör klimatdiskursen är det tydligaste temat och används strategiskt för att följa den gröna marknadsföringstrenden och bygga en grön profil. Preem nyttjar kommunikativa marknadsföringsstrategier som visat sig vara effektiva i relation till samhälleliga förändringar.

Din tonåring och alkoholen : en kvalitativ studie om Systembolaget och IQ:s kommunikationskampanjer

Bårdén, Nelly, Johansson, Therese January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur vårdnadshavare till tonåringar mellan 15-18 år ser på kampanjmaterial från IQ och Systembolaget, vidare hur detta formar konversationerna från vårdnadshavarnas perspektiv om ämnet alkohol. Studien utförs i tre intervjuer i form av fokusgrupper med vårdnadshavare till tonåringar. I intervjuerna fick deltagarna ta del av fem olika kampanjer från både Systembolaget och IQ som är riktade till just vårdnadshavare kring ämnet alkohol och minderåriga. De teoretiska ramverk i studien är encoding/decoding av Stuart Hall (1973), Risksamhället av Ulrich Beck (2009) samt Tvåstegshypotesen av Lazarsfeld och Katz (1955). Målet är att se om dessa kampanjer når ut till den tänkta målgruppen, om kampanjerna används som stöd i konversationerna mellan vårdnadshavare och tonåringar samt vilka faktorer som spelar en roll i konversationerna kring alkohol. Analysmetoden som används är tematisk efter Braun och Clarkes (2006). Där ska vi generalisera mönster och hitta teman i svaren. Resultatet vi fick fram genom studien visar att kampanjmaterialet som finns är tillgängligt om behovet finns. De använder materialet till en viss del som stöd i konversationerna och de anser att det är en efterfrågestyrd kommunikation.

Ingen vill missa en bra berättelse : En analys av tre organisationers strategiska identitetsskapande berättande / Who doesn’t love a good story? : An analysis of three organizations' strategic identity-creating storytelling

Amnell, Christa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to create a deeper understanding of how organizations can create and recreate their identity through strategic storytelling on their website. The study focuses on the work of three Swedish organizations (IKEA Sweden, Klippan municipality and Luleå University of Technology) with strategic storytelling in their identity-creating communication. To investigate this, parts of the organizations' websites have been screened and analyzed based on how well their strategic storytelling contributes to building the organizations' identity. In order to collect data, said websites have been analyzed based on how they convey the organization's basic story, how they create relationships with the recipient, and how they convey and fulfill the organization's vision. This has then been investigated to determine how well the strategic storytelling works as identity creation. The results show that the investigated organizations both have a lot in common and differ in how they work with identity-creating strategic storytelling. The investigated municipality stands out as an organization whose work is not as strong, while IKEA Sweden excels in the other direction. Finally, there is much work left to do as large parts of the research field are still relatively unexplored. Above all, it would be important to present a research-based framework and a model for identity-creating strategic storytelling

Sustainability and branding: : Sustainability and branding: An analysis of Nike and H&M`s CSRcommunication strategies”

Sjöbom, Josefine January 2023 (has links)
Some of the most common threats in society today are climate change, struggling world economies and starving people. Today most consumers seek out sustainable products that are produced under fair conditions. These requirements on companies mean that their work with Corporate Social Responsibility is becoming increasingly important to fit consumersdemands. Previous research shows that CSR strategies are consequently used for companies work with marketing communication, partly to cope with crises but also to create a relationship with consumers and create a sustainable message to other actors. Nike and H&M are two companies that have been struggling with crises and criticism for not contributing to protection of the environment, not following standard work environment regulations and for not taking human rights into account. This study investigates, through a multimodal analysis, three separate communication materials from each company which are taken from Nike's campaign “Move to Zero” and H&M´s campaign “Buttons with impact”. This method is used to answer how the companies are implementing CSR into their campaigns. A survey is used to analyze what the consumers think of Nike´s and H&M´s work with CSR and if the two companies' CSR-strategies could be counted as successful. The results show that both Nikeand H&M are well aware of how to use CSR-strategies although the customers doesn´t appear to be convinced. Apparently some of the CSR- strategies are noticed but the fact still

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