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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Po universitetinių (tęstinių) studijų efektyvumo tyrimas šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje / Research of efficacy after university (continuity) studies in contemporary educated system of Lithuania

Gudonavičienė, Dalia 13 June 2006 (has links)
Research of efficacy after university (continuity) studies in contemporary educated system of Lithuania Master’s work. This master’s final work in social – educated aspect analyses adult’s attitude in continuity their educate, educate qualify increase action, collected and evaluated information, give recommendations how further create efficacy of continuity studies in educated system of Lithuania. Fulfiled theoretical and quantity date analysis ascertain, that educated reform common aim – aspire that everyone has to acquire appropriate qualifications and it always perfect. Summed results, maintain that educate qualify and their plan system has to become part of constant educated system. It is carefully analyses adult’s educate motivation. It is confirmed author’s formulated hypothesis of research, that continuity studies extend conditions for each teacher to receive new knowledge, deep understanding, skills, widen attitude, interests and received knowledge ideal adapt in practice.

Kauno medicinos universiteto vidinės studijų kokybės vertinimas / The Kaunas University of medicine study quality assesment

Simaškaitė, Ieva 26 October 2005 (has links)
Aim of the Research is to substantiate the model of the Kaunas University of Medicine internal quality assessment. Objectives 1. To ground the Kaunas University of Medicine internal study quality assessment model; 2. To determine the internal study quality assessment criteria; 3. To performe a pilot investigation of Kaunas University of Medicine internal study quality assessment. Methods of the Research The object of the research is Kaunas University of Medicine study quality The methods: scientific literary analysis, case analysis (documental analysis and questionnaire), analysis of statistical data, done the basis of the package of programs „SPSS 8.0“. Results The activities of Kaunas University of Medicine in ensuring the quality of study is oriented at development of the competence of future professionals: The student’s development and experience are inseparable from the quality of the content of the studied courses, from the teaching process, from the educational competence level of the instructors. These four directions of action form the studying enabling environment, in which competences material and psychological conditions confluence. The significance of these conditions is in great part predestined by the university culture as an important educational factor. During the investigation of the internal study at the environmental level it has been revealed that student do not know how to plan their time for self depending learning, as they study nights. A hypothesis... [to full text]

Studijų kokybė Šiaulių universitete – studentų požiūris / Quality of Studies at Šiauliai university – the Attitude of Students

Pupelytė, Giedrė 05 June 2006 (has links)
The attitude of students towards the quality of studies at Šiauliai university is analysed in the Master’s degree work. The quality of studies is becoming a more important aspect of higher education every day, so all institutions of higher education are putting more and more efforts when seeking for reasons of failures and trying to find new and reliable methods for its improvement. Students – very important part of every educational institution, so their opinion concerning things that should be changed, developed and stimulated is very important. Analysis of the research data of implemented questionnaire revealed the attitude of the biggest integral part of every university – the students – about the quality of studies at Šiauliai university, the quality of their chosen study programmes, factors, motivating them to study and deepen the acquired knowledge, the material basis of the university, relationships of students with lecturers, the competition among students and its impact on studies, future plans, connected with matching the chosen study programme with a future job. All these aspects allow to describe how students evaluate the quality of studies at Šiauliai university, analyse their opinion following their faculties. The scientific hypotheses, formulated by the author of this work were true: the attitude of students towards the quality of studies at different faculties differs and that the positive atmosphere at the auditorium and good relations with lecturers has an... [to full text]

Universitetinių turizmo studijų organizavimas (bakalauro) / Academic tourism studies planning (bachelor)

Dapkutė, Inesa 08 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this work- to explore academic tourism studies (bachelor) in Lithuania and foreign countries. In master‘s work were traversed academic bachelor tourism studies programmes, presented its points and limitations, refered perfection occasions. Were explored academic bachelor tourism programmes of foreign countries, was done comparison with dublicate studies in Lithuania. An experience of foreign countries could be successfull used preparing and developing Lithuanian tourism studies programmes: raising specialities number, sceduling specializations, perfecting tourism students practical preparation, introducing in foreign countries academies applicated „3+2“ system (bachelor studies 3 years and master‘s degree 2 years).

Perimamumo principo realizavimas aukštajame moksle / The continuity principle realization in the higher education

Kamantauskienė, Laura 29 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje aukštosios mokyklos yra dviejų tipų: universitetai ir kolegijos. Studentai, po kolegijos norintys tęsti studijas universitete, susiduria su begale problemų, tokių kaip programų nesuderinimas abiejose aukštosiose mokyklose, kas sąlygoja dalykų pasikartojimą ir neleidžia studentams efektyviai išnaudoti studijoms skirto laiko. Norint pagrįsti šias problemas, buvo atlikti teorinis ir empirinis tyrimai. Teoriniame tyrime apibrėžta aukštojo mokslo samprata, misija ir pagrindiniai tikslai, išskirti skirtumai tarp kolegijų bei universitetų, apibūdintos subjektyviosios ir objektyviosios studijų prieinamumo sąlygos. Kaip vieną iš pagrindinių skirtumų universitetinėse ir neuniversitetinėse studijose galima būtų išskirti tai, jog universitetuose pabrėžiamas gilesnis teorinis išsimokslinimas, o kolegijose daugiau dėmesio skiriama praktinei veiklai. Skiriasi ir universitetinės bei neuniversitetinės studijų programos studijų trukme, apimtimi, studijuojamų dalykų blokų pasiskirstymu. Prieinamumas aukštojo mokslo sistemoje (ir ne tik) pasireiškia per objektyviąsias ir subjektyviąsias sąlygas. Išskiriamos dvi pagrindinės subjektyviosios prieinamumo sąlygos: psichologinė-edukologinė, kuri apima asmens motyvaciją mokytis ir socialinė-edukologinė – pradinių įgūdžių svarbą, kad besimokantieji galėtų prisiimti naujas mokymosi vertybes, ir mokymo turinio pritaikymą individualiems besimokančiojo poreikiams. Objektyvioji švietimo prieinamumo pusė pasireiškia teisiniu, geografiniu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The high education schools there are two types in Lithuania: university and college. When the student’s graduate college and want continue studies in university, they conform to a lot of difficulties, such as program incompatible in both high schools. These incompatibles determinate same educational skills repeat in this way student can use this designed time effectively, so there are no continuity between these type high education schools. On purpose to validate this problem, ware made theoretical and empirical research. In theoretical research defined high education conception, mission and the main aim, were discern different between universities and college and described subjective and objective studies continuity circumstance. Like one of the main different between universities and college may distinguish, that in universities prevailing deeper theoretical education, or in college prevailing practical skills. The academic and non-academic studies different such a subject likes studies duration, extent, distribution of study object block. Continuity in high education system (and in others) display through objective and subjective circumstance. Two main subjective continuity circumstances were distinguished: psychological – educational continuity circumstance includes personal motivation to learn and sociological – educational continuity circumstance include involve basic skills importance, that students could get new learning value. The objective education continuity... [to full text]

Doktorantūros studijos ir jų efektyvumo įvertinimas / Doctoral studies and evaluation of its efficacy

Šneider, Julija 03 August 2007 (has links)
Pagrindinis lietuvos doktorantūros tikslas yra išmokyti doktorantus vykdyti aukščiausios kokybės, originalius mokslinius tyrimus. Kokie studijų aspektai turi įtaką šiam procesui? Šiai problemai analizuoti ir skirtas atliekamas tyrimas. Darbo tikslas: įvertinti kmu doktorantūros studijų organizacinius aspektus ir jų efektyvumą. Uždaviniai: Išanalizuoti doktorantų požiūrį į vadovo, universiteto ir jų pačių vaidmenį doktorantūros studijų procese. Išsiaiškinti doktorantų nuomones apie studijose dėstomus dalykus ir atsiskaitymą. Palyginti atskirų mokslo krypčių ir skirtingų metų doktorantų nuomones apie doktorantūros studijų proceso organizacinius aspektus. Įvertinti kmu doktorantūros studijų efektyvumą. Tyrimo metodika. Norėdami ���vertinti doktorantūros studijų efektyvumą atlikome kauno medicinos universiteto doktorantų anoniminę anketinę apklausą. Kmu doktorantams buvo išdalyta 222 anketos, gautos užpildytos 137. Atsakymų į anketas dažnis – 61,7 proc. Surinktų duomenų matematinė statistinė analizė atlikta taikant ,,spss/w 13.0“ programą. Skirtumas tarp grupių vertintas taikant tradicinį statistikos metodą χ2. Skirtumas laikytinas statistiškai reikšmingu, kai p <0,05. Rezultatai. Analizuojant apklausos duomenis galima teigti, kad didžioji dalis doktorantų domisi moksliniu tiriamuoju darbu, tikisi pagilinti savo žinias, užsiimti moksline veikla ateityje. Net 74 proc. Doktorantų mano, jog vadovas savo pareigas atlieka kokybiškai. Beveik pusė (48 proc.) Doktorantų nurodė, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aim of the doctoral studies in lithuania is to teach the students to pursue the original scientific studies of highest quality. This study was designed to analyze which aspect of doctoral studies may influence the process. The aim of the study: to evaluate the organizational aspects and the efficacy of the doctoral studies in kaunas university of medicine. The goals: To analyze the view of the doctoral students on the role of their supervisor, university and the student himself in the process of doctoral studies. To find out the view of the doctoral students on the disciplines of the doctoral studies and accounts of them. To compare the view on the organizational aspects of the doctoral study process between the students in different science trends and in different years of studies. To evaluate the efficacy of the doctoral studies in kaunas university of medicine. Methods. In order to evaluate the efficacy of doctoral studies the anonymous inquiry by questionnaire was performed in kaunas university of medicine. 222 forms were distributed, and 137 forms were received back. The incidence of the answers was 61.7 %. The statistical analysis of collected data was performed by ,,spss/w 13.0“. The difference between groups was evaluated using χ2 criteria. The difference considered to be statistically significant if p <0.05. Results. The data analysis suggests that most of the doctoral students are interested in scientific work; they hope to deepen their knowledge and be... [to full text]

Universitetinių turizmo magistrantūros studijų organizavimas / The organization of the university tourism master study

Miežinienė, Dovilė 08 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of this work – to investigate organization of tourism master study in Lithuania and foreign countries. In the master work there are investigated the programs of the tourism master study, analyzed the organization of the tourism master study, formulated the deficiency of formation of the tourism master study programs, offered the suggestions how to improve the organizations of studies and proposed the alternative model of the tourism master study program. There are analyzed foreign countries and Lithuanian Universities tourism master study programs and done the comparable analysis. The questionnaire inquest is done in the Lithuanian Universities which qualify tourism masters. The author confirms the hypotheses what tourism masters in the Lithuanian Universities take only theoretical information and the tourism master study programs of the Lithuanian Universities are not liberal with respect to students.

Stojimo į magistrantūrą motyvacijos ypatumai / Pecularities of motivation to enter postgraduate studies

Dubosas, Mindaugas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The main aim of higher education goal is well educated society and personalities with capacious mind and orientation to knowledge and cultural values. The alterations of ourdays society determinate rethinking of education conception and therefore reform of system of higher education. The dynamic development of information technologies changing the usual lifestyle is intensively creating new opportunities for life long learning and for person to learn at any stage of his age in any geographical place. The goal of this final master thesis is to analyse the motivation of postgraduate studies. During data collecting period the applicants for master studies (n=227) from Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Kaunas University of Technology and Klaipeda University were interviewed. According this study respondents prefer the university which awarded bachelor’s degree for master studies to another university. Studies in master programs are motivated mainly by prospect of future job and improving professional skills.

Mokymosi magistrantūroje motyvacijos ypatumai / Peculiarities of learning motivation of students in master courses

Meškauskienė, Dovilė 20 May 2005 (has links)
Learning motivation should be analysed as complex structure of personality, containing cognitive attitudes, needs, interests and motives. Any effective pedagogical correction is possible if focus is made only on the main (at that moment) structural element of learning motivation. Every student would be motivated for high-level studies if the university creates correspondent conditions of learning environment. Object of this study is learning motivation of the first year students of Master courses in the universities of Kaunas. Task of study is to analyse prevailing and dominant learning motives of students (n=142). After investigating peculiarities of learning motivation of studies of the first year Master students two main motives (future and intrinsic/ cognitive and social) were identified. Our respondents named such factors which determinate their successful studies – study tasks corresponding to interests and predispositions, stuff’s permanent stimulation for student to have in contemplation their own learning motivation Key words: learning motivation, master studies.

Šiaulių Universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakulteto studijų kokybės vertinimas absolventų požiūriu / Assessment of Studying quality at Siauliai University Social Science faculty, graduates attitude

Moskevičiūtė, Agnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti studijų kokybės lygį Šiaulių Universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakultete absolventų nuomone. Tai tęstinis projekto “Studijų kokybės plėtotė regioniniame Šiaulių Universitete��� tyrimas. Jo metu vertinta Šiaulių universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakulteto studijų kokybė, ir gauti rezultatai lyginti su projekto metu gautais rezultatais. Šio darbo metu buvo išanalizuota mokslinė literatūra studijų kokybės klausimu, suformuotas studijų kokybės apibrėžimas, bei komponentai. Iš dalies patvirtintos dvi hipotezės. Nustatyta, kad ankstesniais metais baigusieji studijas šiame fakultete vertina geriau, ir kad universiteto suformuota studijų kokybės plėtotės kryptis atitinka Socialinių mokslų fakulteto kryptį. / The goal of this work is to make assessment of studying quality in Šiauliai University Social Science faculty. This research is the continues work of the project „The development of studying quality at Regional Šiauliai University“. It has been assessed the studying quality at Social Science faculty and the results compared with the ones of the project. It has been analized the scientific literature about studying quality, and has been determined the definition of studying quality and it‘s dimensions. It has been partly proved two hipotezes. It has been determened that the graduates of earlier years assessed the quality higher, and also that development of University studying quality matches the tendency of Social Science faculty studying quality.

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