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Får alla vara med? : En läromedelsstudie i ämnet svenska med fokus på mångkulturell representation / Can everyone join in? : A teaching materials analysis focusing on multicultural representationKasanen, Iida January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is to investigate how today’s multicultural society is reflected in teaching materials for the elementary school’s later years in the subject Swedish. The purpose is also to investigate how the school’s mandate to develop a capacity to live with and realize the values of cultural diversity is evident in the chosen teaching materials in Swedish as a subject. The material consists of 3 teaching materials, all issued for the national curriculum in 2011 and they are also basic books for the elementary school’s later years in the subject Swedish. In addition, the lesson is published by various publishers and these three aspects, published after the 2011 curriculum, the basics and published by various publishers have been the criteria that have led to the choice of material. The idea of the paper is to get an insight into how multicultural is represented in the teaching materials used in the Swedish subject, and therefore the analysis is based on two aspects that are common regardless of teaching materials, names and authors. In order to be able to complete the essay’s purpose, it is a qualitative content analysis with quantitative elements that form the basis of the study and the teaching materials have been manually examined. A literature review shows that there are clear indications that teaching should be based on the pupils’ life worlds to create an inclusive education, where students can relate to real people with both Western and non-Western authors and example names. By reflecting both Western and non-Western, the diversity found in the classroom can identify with the content of the teaching materials. Teaching based on students’ life worlds not only benefits learning but also their self- image, which means that intercultural learning is required to accommodate the multiculturalism of classrooms. However, it turns out that the non-Western is underrepresented in all teaching materials and therefore the teacher’s role is of great importance in the content of, for example, authors and texts from different parts of the world. In addition, teaching that touches authors and texts from different parts of the world, as well as focusing on the cultural diversity events, is something that is emphasized both by the Swedish subject and the school’s value base and mission. The essay’s results suggest that multiculturalism should be better reflected in the teaching materials developed after the 2011 curriculum. / Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur dagens mångkulturella samhälle speglas i läromedel för grundskolans senare år i ämnet svenska. Syftet är också undersöka hur skolans uppdrag för att utveckla en förmåga att leva med och inse de värden som ligger i en kulturell mångfald synliggörs i de utvalda läromedlen i svenskämnet. Materialet består av tre läromedel, alla utfärdade för läroplanen 2011 och de är även grundböcker för grundskolans senare år i ämnet svenska. Läromedlen är dessutom utgivna av olika förlag och dessa tre aspekter, utgivna efter läroplanen 2011, grundbok och utgivna av olika förlag har varit de kriterier som har legat till grund för valet av material. Tanken med uppsatsen är att få en inblick i hur det mångkulturella representeras i de läromedel som används i svenskämnet och därför har analysen utgått från två aspekter som är vanligt förekommande oavsett läromedel, nämligen namn och författare. För kunna fullfölja uppsatsens syfte är det en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med kvantitativa inslag som ligger till grund för undersökningen och läromedlen har granskats manuellt. Forskningsläget visar att det finns tydliga tecken på att undervisningen bör vara baserad på elevernas erfarenhetsvärldar. Detta för att skapa en inkluderad undervisning där eleverna kan relatera till realpersoner både med icke-västerländska och västerländska författare och namnexempel. Genom att spegla både det västerländska och det icke-västerländska kan den mångfald som finns i klassrummet identifiera sig med läromedlens innehåll. Undervisning som utgår från elevernas livsvärldar gynnar inte enbart lärandet utan även deras självbild, vilket innebär att det krävs ett interkulturellt lärande för att kunna bemöta klassrummens mångkulturalitet. Det visar sig emellertid att det icke-västerländska är underrepresenterat i samtliga läromedel och därför blir lärarens roll av stor vikt vid innehåll av exempelvis författare och texter från olika delar av världen i svenskundervisningen. Att undervisningen ska beröra författare och texter från skilda delar av världen, samt fokusera på de möten som sker i en kulturell mångfald är dessutom något som både understryks i svenskämnets syfte och skolans värdegrund och uppdrag. Avslutningsvis är valet av läromedel i svenskundervisningen avgörande för den interkulturella pedagogik som ska prägla undervisningen.
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Contribution of Every Nation Mission (ENM) : opportunities for ENM missionaries in AfricaPark, Changsik January 2013 (has links)
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) is as relevant to us today, as it was
in the time of the early church. We, too, are sent by Jesus Christ to make
disciples of every nation, and to teach them to obey everything the Lord has
commanded us. ENM has taken this command very seriously, and in the past
decades numerous missionaries were dispatched to nations across the globe.
Twenty years ago ENM workers reached Africa, and have been working in
many communities on the continent – also in South Africa. The time has
come to study and evaluate the work that has been accomplished by the
ENM missionaries in Africa. There is a second reason for undertaking the
above mentioned research. It is a well-established fact that the Korean
churches, in the latter half of the 20th century, have played a major role in
evangelizing to the world. Korea has been hailed as the second largest
mission sending country in the world. But, sadly, in recent times the
missionary enthusiasm, in many churches, has waned (Park 2012: 62).
Churches and para-church organizations - including ENM - are all battling
with the problem in Korea.
However, in Africa the need to hear the Gospel of Jesus and to make disciples
of Him, for the establishing and equipping of young churches, is as urgent as
ever. Korean missionaries have a great obligation to the continent, an
obligation that ENM takes seriously. But in order to function at its best, ENM
has to evaluate the work that has been accomplished to date. In order to
learn from both the opportunities, and mistakes in a number of African
settings over the past twenty years, African Christians and their Korean colleagues need to join hands, in order to face the challenges of the future.
This will not only benefit the African churches, but the Korean churches as
well. Ideally, African and Korean Christians needed to learn from one another. / Dissertation (MA Theol)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Science of Religion and Missiology / Unrestricted
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Studijní materiály pro badatelsky orientované vyučování k tématu sinic a řas na středních školáchHNÁTEK, David January 2019 (has links)
Introduction of the thesis deals with inquiry-based science learning - from the level of research to its evaluation. The following practical advice summarize information about the possibilities of obtaining natural material for teaching, creating permanent diatom preparations and examples of suitable determination literature for teachers. The main part of this work presents 12 elaborated study materials for research teaching method divided into five phycologically oriented topics: (1) cyanobacterial and algal physiology, (2) biodiversity of standing waters, (3) algae defense mechanisms, (4) cyanobacteria and algae like bioindicators, (5) substances in cyanobacteria and algae and their importance for humans. Individual study materials contain information on the level of research, methodological guidance for teachers with a theoretical basis and introductory questions to motivate students, as well as a recording sheet for students and, in conclusion, own proposed solution for teachers. Another part of this thesis is a comparison of inquiry-based science learning with frontal education, which is done by didactic test.
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Odontogênese: construção e validação de um objeto de aprendizagem inovador / Odontogenesis: construction and validation of an innovative learning objectChao, Rosângela Suetugo 05 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Há uma demanda social de produção de material educacional interativo, flexível e visualmente atrativo; que tenha fácil acesso, comunicação e veiculação por meio das mídias e da internet, e principalmente que possibilite a difusão do conhecimento. Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivos a construção e validação de objeto de aprendizagem com uso de computação gráfica 3D sobre odontogênese. Método: Baseou-se nos princípios da educação de adultos e na aprendizagem significativa. A construção do objeto de aprendizagem partiu da revisão da literatura e da discussão com grupo de especialistas multiprofissional. A partir destes dados, foi construído um roteiro baseado em uma matriz de objetivos educacionais. Este roteiro direcionou uma produção intelectual em formato de vídeo. Para a validação dessa produção intelectual, foi construído um processo de revisão por pares com análise crítica e sistematizada aplicada a um conjunto de 22 professores e profissionais de expertise reconhecida na área e atuantes em várias universidades distribuídas pelo território brasileiro. Resultados: O objeto de aprendizagem sobre odontogênese incluiu um vídeo elaborado a partir da tecnologia de computação gráfica 3D e narração, com nove minutos de duração. A análise das respostas do grupo de validadores mostrou unanimidade de visão positiva em vários itens do instrumento de validação destacando as afirmativas relacionadas aos movimentos das cenas, entendimento de todas as fases da odontogênese, assim como o uso de imagens tridimensionais e animação auxiliaram o entendimento e aprendizado do tema. Foi considerada uma ferramenta útil para a prática, por trazer uma síntese de informações, condensando conceitos relevantes apresentados de forma dinâmica com propósito educacional. Além disto, foi considerado um objeto de aprendizado flexível por atender a diversos interesses de aprendizado, sendo adaptável a diferentes públicos e objetivos, podendo contribuir com a formação de estudantes, pós-graduandos e profissionais da área de saúde. Conclusão: O processo de validação contribui para o aprimoramento do objeto de aprendizagem considerado adequado, útil, inovador e flexível. De acordo com os validadores, ter contato com essa tecnologia durante suas graduações, teria facilitado o entendimento sobre odontogênese / Introduction: There is a social demand for the production of an interactive educational material, which is flexible and visual attractive; that has an easy access, communication, media and internet placement and primarily that makes the diffusion of knowledge possible. Objective: The aim of this study was the construction and validation of a learning object with the use of 3D computer graphics about odontogenesis. Method: It was based on adults\' education principals and on the significant learning. The construction of the learning object started on the literature review and the discussion with a group of multiprofessional specialists. From these data it was constructed a script based on an educational objectives matrix. This script has directed to an intellectual production in a video format. For the validation of this intellectual production, it was built a pair review process with a critical and systematized analysis applied to a set of 22 professors with expertise in the area and active in several universities distributed in the Brazilian territory. Results: The learning object about odontogenesis resulted a nine minute video elaborated with narration and 3D computer graphics technology. The analysis of the group of validators\' answers showed a positive view unanimity in several items of the validation instrument, highlighting the affirmations related to the movements of the scenes, understanding of all phases of odontogenesis, as well as the use of threedimensional images and animation that assisted the understanding and learning of the theme. It was considered a useful tool for the practice for bringing a synthesis of information, condensing relevant concepts presented dynamically for educational purposes. Furthermore, it was considered a flexible learning object for attending various learning interests, being adaptable to different publics and objectives; it could contribute with potenciality to undergraduate, for the learning of postgraduate students and health professionals. Conclusion: The validation process contributed to the improvement of the learning object that was considered adequate, useful, innovative and flexible. According to the validators, having contact with this technology during their graduation course would have facilitated odontogenesis understanding
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En analys av fem läromedel i svenska för årskurs ett / An analyze of five teaching materials in Swedish for year one.Nilsson, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka läromedels upplägg och utformning. Undersökningen har även som syfte att öka förståelsen för vilka förmågor, centrala innehåll och kunskapskrav som läromedel förmedlar och inkluderar skrivövningar. Undersökningen består av en läromedelsanalys av fem läromedel i svenska avsedda för årskurs ett. Innehållet i läromedlen analyseras såväl kvalitativt som kvantitativt utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Det har utförts en kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys av fem läromedel, där studien undersöker utifrån delar av kursplanens förmågor, centrala innehåll och kunskapskrav tillhörande skrivning. Det studeras vilka likheter och skillnader av läromedlens uppfyllelse av de valda analysvariablerna och faserna, men också likheter. I studien har det även försökt synliggöras vad läromedlen innehåller och hur de presenteras. Kvalitativt och kvantitativt har olika analysvariabler rörande skrivande av olika texttyper samt alfabet, alfabetisk ordning och bokstävers form utförts. Analysen visade ett resultat där läromedlen är uppbyggda på ett varierat sätt och fokuserar i varierande utsträckning på olika delar av analysvariablerna. Det är inte en självklarhet att läromedlen innehåller varje analysvariabel, utan det var endast tre av de fem utvalda läromedlen. Läromedlen har stora skillnader i variation av övningar och mängd övningar rörande uppfyllelse av kursplanens förmågor, centrala innehåll och kunskapskrav. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the study material and their structure. The study also increases the understanding of abilities, central content and knowledge requirements that the study material mediates, also including writing exercises. The study composes of a study material analysis of five materials used in Swedish education for children in grade one. The study materials content is analyzed both qualitative and quantitative from a sociocultural perspective. A qualitative and quantitative subject analysis has been performed on five study materials, where the analysis investigates the study material from the aspects of syllabus's abilities, central content and knowledge requirements associated with writing. It investigates what the similarities are between the study materials' fulfillment of the chosen analysis variables and the phases, but also their similarities. In the study, it was also tried to make visible what the study materials contain and how they are presented. Qualitatively and quantitatively analyze got different analysis variables concerning the writing of different text types as well as the alphabet, alphabetical order and lettering form. The analyze showed a result where the teaching aids are structured in a varied way and focus on varying degrees in different parts of the analysis variables. It is not obvious that the study materials contain every variable, but there were only three of the five selected study material that clearly contained them. The study material has a big difference in the variety of exercises and the number of exercises concerning the fulfillment of the syllabus's abilities, central content and knowledge requirements.
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Historia och historieskildring i det svenska skolsystemet : En studie kring läroplaner, faktaskildring och historiebegrepp, mellan 1962-2012 / History and history portrayal in the Swedish school system : A study in curricula, fact depiction and concept of history, between 1962-2012Björkman, Therese January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit tudelat, med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Den första har syftat till att undersöka vilken ställning historieämnet har haft i läro- och kursplaner, från år 1962 till 2012. Analys skulle också ske över vilken historia elever möter genom läromedel i historieundervisningen, vilket har skett utifrån Staffan Selanders definition av pedagogisk text-traduktion. Den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen har berört vilka och antalet begrepp eleverna möter i epokskildringen av häxprocesserna. Resultatet har visat att historieämnet som en del av styrdokumenten ständigt har haft en hög status, trots att det i den samhälleliga kontexten har gått att utläsa motsatt scenario. Kopplingen mellan nutid, dåtid och framtid har genom de tre granskade läroplanerna visats bli allt tydligare, likaså elevens egen påverkan av historien i morgon. Faktamässigt har historieskildringarna visats vara korrekta till text, dock skiljs läromedlen åt mellan hur stort utrymme epoken får och därmed hur utförliga texterna är. Detta har sett ut på liknande sätt över de 50 åren som de åtta utvalda läromedlen har blivit granskade, från först utgivna läromedel och det sist utgivna i undersökningen. Bilden som kunskapsbärare är en svaghet i faktatexterna om häxprocesserna då majoriteten av läromaterialen påvisar en inkorrekt faktabild, vilket motsäger texternas innehåll. Av de granskade begreppen kring häxprocesserna har ingen större förändring skett av vilka begrepp eleverna har mött över tid, däremot har utrymmet i textmassan av begreppen förändrats. Dock från ett läromedel till ett annat, ju kortare texter kring epoken desto större procentuellt utrymme tillges begreppen och vice versa. / The purpose of this essay has been twofold, with both qualitative and quantitative content analysis. The first aimed to investigate whether the status of the subject of history has changed in the curriculum, from 1962 until 2012. Analysis would also be done of the history students meet through study material in history teaching, the analysis was based on Staffan Selander's definition of pedagogical text transformation. The quantitative content analysis has touched whom and the frequency of concepts students meet in the era depiction of the witch trials. The result has shown that the subject of history as a part of the governing documents has had high status, even though the social context has been to deduce the opposite scenario. The link between present, past and future, has through the three examined curricula shown to become increasingly evident, and so has the student's own impact of the history tomorrow. Fact wise, historical depiction has shown to be accurate to the text. However, teaching materials differ between the amount of space the era gets and how detailed the texts are. This has shown to be the manner through the eight selected textbooks that have been examined in this study, from the first, of the year 1962, published study material to the last issued, in the year 2012. The image is a weakness in fact depiction of witch trials when the majority of materials use an incorrect factual picture, which contradicts textual contents. Among the examined concepts of witch trials, no major change of what concepts the students face has occurred over time. However, the space in the body of text of the terms has changed, from one material to another. The shorter the texts about the era is, the greater the percentage of space of concepts and vice versa.
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Odontogênese: construção e validação de um objeto de aprendizagem inovador / Odontogenesis: construction and validation of an innovative learning objectRosângela Suetugo Chao 05 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Há uma demanda social de produção de material educacional interativo, flexível e visualmente atrativo; que tenha fácil acesso, comunicação e veiculação por meio das mídias e da internet, e principalmente que possibilite a difusão do conhecimento. Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivos a construção e validação de objeto de aprendizagem com uso de computação gráfica 3D sobre odontogênese. Método: Baseou-se nos princípios da educação de adultos e na aprendizagem significativa. A construção do objeto de aprendizagem partiu da revisão da literatura e da discussão com grupo de especialistas multiprofissional. A partir destes dados, foi construído um roteiro baseado em uma matriz de objetivos educacionais. Este roteiro direcionou uma produção intelectual em formato de vídeo. Para a validação dessa produção intelectual, foi construído um processo de revisão por pares com análise crítica e sistematizada aplicada a um conjunto de 22 professores e profissionais de expertise reconhecida na área e atuantes em várias universidades distribuídas pelo território brasileiro. Resultados: O objeto de aprendizagem sobre odontogênese incluiu um vídeo elaborado a partir da tecnologia de computação gráfica 3D e narração, com nove minutos de duração. A análise das respostas do grupo de validadores mostrou unanimidade de visão positiva em vários itens do instrumento de validação destacando as afirmativas relacionadas aos movimentos das cenas, entendimento de todas as fases da odontogênese, assim como o uso de imagens tridimensionais e animação auxiliaram o entendimento e aprendizado do tema. Foi considerada uma ferramenta útil para a prática, por trazer uma síntese de informações, condensando conceitos relevantes apresentados de forma dinâmica com propósito educacional. Além disto, foi considerado um objeto de aprendizado flexível por atender a diversos interesses de aprendizado, sendo adaptável a diferentes públicos e objetivos, podendo contribuir com a formação de estudantes, pós-graduandos e profissionais da área de saúde. Conclusão: O processo de validação contribui para o aprimoramento do objeto de aprendizagem considerado adequado, útil, inovador e flexível. De acordo com os validadores, ter contato com essa tecnologia durante suas graduações, teria facilitado o entendimento sobre odontogênese / Introduction: There is a social demand for the production of an interactive educational material, which is flexible and visual attractive; that has an easy access, communication, media and internet placement and primarily that makes the diffusion of knowledge possible. Objective: The aim of this study was the construction and validation of a learning object with the use of 3D computer graphics about odontogenesis. Method: It was based on adults\' education principals and on the significant learning. The construction of the learning object started on the literature review and the discussion with a group of multiprofessional specialists. From these data it was constructed a script based on an educational objectives matrix. This script has directed to an intellectual production in a video format. For the validation of this intellectual production, it was built a pair review process with a critical and systematized analysis applied to a set of 22 professors with expertise in the area and active in several universities distributed in the Brazilian territory. Results: The learning object about odontogenesis resulted a nine minute video elaborated with narration and 3D computer graphics technology. The analysis of the group of validators\' answers showed a positive view unanimity in several items of the validation instrument, highlighting the affirmations related to the movements of the scenes, understanding of all phases of odontogenesis, as well as the use of threedimensional images and animation that assisted the understanding and learning of the theme. It was considered a useful tool for the practice for bringing a synthesis of information, condensing relevant concepts presented dynamically for educational purposes. Furthermore, it was considered a flexible learning object for attending various learning interests, being adaptable to different publics and objectives; it could contribute with potenciality to undergraduate, for the learning of postgraduate students and health professionals. Conclusion: The validation process contributed to the improvement of the learning object that was considered adequate, useful, innovative and flexible. According to the validators, having contact with this technology during their graduation course would have facilitated odontogenesis understanding
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Bible study materials and the video medium - a practical theological analysis of video as a Bible study communicative mediumNiven, Adam D'Arcy 27 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents a practical theological evaluation of Bible study materials which incorporate the video medium as part of their package. I begin by establishing a focus of practical theology which emphasises the importance of the development of an active reflective sojourning of the practical theologian. I conclude that: <ul> Practical theology is concerned with establishing and cultivating the rhythm of action and reflection within the experience of the Christian community of faith. This is a process of listening to the Word of God and discerning to address the community of faith through proposing change, with all these tasks operating within a current context of the Christian faith and for the purpose of maintaining and perfecting the Christian community.</ul> Following this, I present the established rhythm of action and reflection by drawing on a narrative of my experience and arrive at a perceived problem with the current development of Bible study materials that incorporate the video medium. The following thesis is proposed: <ul> The Church has a responsibility to train and equip believers within the context of the relational community interacting with the Word of God so the community may grow in discernment and maturity. The Church has, and continues, to utilise different media to provide teaching and training on a mass scale. The current products being developed as Bible study materials (especially those incorporating the video medium) are failing to meet this responsibility.</ul> From this position the study then presents a continuing sojourning through a theoretical and empirical investigation to explore the validity of the thesis and cultivate further my active reflection. The theoretical investigation provides three complimentary perspectives for evaluation: Cultural Value Systems; Communication Theories; and Pedagogical Approaches. The empirical exploration includes a Qualitative Document Analysis of the Bible Study Products which is supplemented by Qualitative Interviews of small group leaders from a local church setting. In conclusion, the thesis is re-evaluated against the outcomes of the study and a proposed change is presented for the purpose of maintaining and perfecting the Christian community. This draws attention to the tension between established cultures and the introduction of new technologies; the importance of a production focussed informed by a theology of small groups; the need for new media to be continually evaluated in their utilisation; and the need to recognise the dominant ‘message’ communicated by the combination of content and the medium. A closing narrative reflection of my experience is also included to illustrate the ongoing cultivation of the rhythm of action and reflection which this study has encouraged. Copyright / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Elektronický nástroj pro správu inovativních studijních materiálů / Electronic Tool for Managing Innovative Study MaterialsHlipala, Ľuboš January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create a mobile application that provides the users with structured, well-arranged and at the same time effective platform to share, present and practice the knowledge of various kinds. The work analyzes several existing applications and systems for education and sharing information and describes different approaches of mobile app development with the focus on multiplatformity. The main part of the work describes the gradual development of the application and documents the created format for the presentation and sharing of study materials, with the possibility of practical practice of the acquired knowledge. The result of this diploma thesis is a mobile application, which is available on the Google Play Store.
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