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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leadership in Foreign owned Subsidiaries

Siegfrid, Karin, Johansson, Martina January 2007 (has links)
<p>In 1993 the Swedish stock exchange opened up for foreign buyers. Since then, more and more Swedish companies have become foreign owned, which in turn means that more and more employees are getting foreign employers. The ongoing globalization process is indicating this trend will continue. The question is if the foreign investor will prioritize development in Sweden or if the research and development departments will be moved out from Sweden. A common effect of foreign acquisitions of Swedish companies has been the move of head offices out from Sweden, which can cause Sweden to lose competences in how to lead a large organization. Moreover, most foreign owned companies are controlled by a foreign company or investor from any of the countries Norway, the USA, United Kingdom or Denmark.</p><p>The purpose of this study is, from a management perspective, to investigate and discuss if and how a manager’s role and leadership style is influenced by having a foreign owner. As a part of the discussion the study will also examine which impact a foreign owner has on a Swedish subsidiary according to its leader.</p><p>To accomplish the purpose of the study a qualitative approach has been applied. Telephone interviews of a semi structured character have been conducted with six managers with leading positions within middle-sized and large-sized companies.</p><p>Foreign owned subsidiaries tend to be managed rather independently from within the parent companies. In general, the subsidiaries have autonomy to a certain degree decided by the frames which have been set up by the parent company. Any larger cultural differences have not been found, which appear to be a result of the subsidiaries’ independency. To summarize, having a foreign owner do not seems to have a direct influence on the managers’ role and leadership style.</p>

Klassificering av utländska dotterföretag / Classification of foreign subsidiaries

Holmberg, Linda, Nilsson, Jessica January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: Companies often invest in foreign subsidiaries and that gives rise to translation exposure. Translation exposure arises with the consolidation of the foreign subsidiary and depends on the rate of exchange that are used for translation of the foreign subsidiary. In time several different methods of translation and recommendations has been developed. Companies listed on OM Stockholmsbörsen shall follow RR8. According to RR8 a classification of foreign subsidiaries as indipendent or integral to the parent company determines which method of translation that should be used. Therefore it is important that the classification is made correct. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to examen how the classification of foreign subsidiaries as independent or integral to the parent company is done, what criteria that are being used and if RR8 has had any influence on the classification. This should answer the question of whether RR8 is being observed or if there is a need of further explanations within the field. </p><p>Demarcations: Only companies listed on OM Stockholmsbörsen are included. Branches are not included and not special recommendations for foreign subsidiaries in countries with high rate of inflation. </p><p>Accomplishments: A questionnaire to 75 companies. Before that a small study of ten annual reports was carried out. </p><p>Results: RR8 is not being observed and there is a big spread in how the indicators in RR8 is being used. The companies do not consider the concequences of the classification. Only a few companies have reclassified their foregn subsidiaries since RR8 came into force. The companies do not seem to give any importance to the classification and therefore the effectiveness of RR8 can be questioned.</p>

An investigation of corporate responsibility practices amongst MNCs' subsidiaries in Sri Lanka : implementation and influencing factors

Beddewela, Eshani Samanthi January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the implementation of Community Corporate Responsibility (CCR) practices among ten subsidiaries of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Sri Lanka and the different factors which influence such implementation. Within this context, it specifically focuses on examining the internal factors residing within the MNC as an organisation and those factors which exist outside in the institutional environment of the host country. The study combines three broad theoretical domains: Corporate Responsibility implementation literature, International Business Strategy literature and Neo-Institutional theory. It uses a qualitative research methodology based upon the interview method. Qualitative interview data collected through sixty-two in-depth interviews with managers of the ten subsidiaries and key institutional actors in the host country were analysed using descriptive coding, interpretive coding and conceptualisation to arrive at the findings. The findings showed that non-specialist functional departments were mainly responsible for implementing CCR practices, indicating a lack of strategic and structural integration of CCR practices. The findings reinforces the dominant role of the MNC headquarters in implementing CCR practices within subsidiaries operating in a developing country, indicating that 'power' relationships between subsidiary and parent is an important denominator in internal organisational practices implementation. Furthermore, dynamic and complex relationships were found between the subsidiaries and the Sri Lankan government and other institutional actors indicating the existence of a strategic approach towards legitimisation by iii subsidiaries, using CCR practices. Based upon these findings, this research proposes the need to conduct future studies across different MNCs and their subsidiaries located in multiple developing countries to further examine the implementation of CCR practices as it would enable public policy makers and business managers to better influence the global CSR of MNCs.

How Human Resource Professionals Use Electronic Channels to Communicate CSR : A case study focused on Solvay's French industrial sites

Fournet, Clara, Pauly, Marissa January 2015 (has links)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a large concern for many companies with the rise of globalization. Oftentimes, companies are encouraged to communicate CSR externally, but not internally. This research focuses upon the internal communication of CSR, specifically how Human Resource (HR) professionals use electronic channels to communicate to employees. The scope of this research is focused solely upon HR professionals within Solvay’s French industrial sites, which produce chemicals. This research utilizes a case study to answer the research questions, which are how HR professionals electronically communicate CSR to employees, and what limitations may arise from this. Five HR Managers were interviewed from different French industrial sites. This research found that electronic channels are used as a complementary method of communication within industrial sites. HR professionals communicate to employees in two ways: directly or indirectly through an intermediary. To provide more clarity to the research problem, an electronic communication model was developed specifically for industrial sites. This model provides a framework for how HR professionals communicate CSR to employees, along with the limitations of this form of communication within industrial sites.

K3 eller IFRS för onoterade företag som har utländska dotterbolag : Skillnader mellan regelverken och dess innebörd / K3 or IFRS for unlisted companies with foreign subsidiaries : Differences between the regulations and its meaning

Lichtenberg, Petra January 2014 (has links)
I denna studie har jämförelser gjorts mellan redovisningsregelverket K3 och IFRS för att finna skillnader i regelverken. Syftet med studien var att belysa de skillnader som har störst betydelse vid upprättande av koncernredovisning för onoterade företag som har utländska dotterbolag och ett exempelföretag som befinner sig i denna situation användes. Problemet som studien har utgått ifrån är översättningen av utländska dotterbolags redovisning. Sedan 1 januari 2005 ska IFRS användas av samtliga noterade företag av EU:s medlemsländer vid upprättande av koncernredovisning. Nationella regler ska följas i onoterade företag och i Sverige ska K2 eller K3 väljas. Dock tillåts att frivilligt kliva upp till att koncernredovisa enligt IFRS. IFRS har en högre grad av öppenhet i redovisningen än nationella regelverk har. Detta leder till att en högre kvalitet samt mer jämförbar ekonomisk information presenteras i de finansiella rapporter som upprättas i enlighet med IFRS. Dessa kvaliteter har även lett till att enklare få utländska finansierare. Samtidigt kan IFRS i praktiken kännas svår och därmed onödig att använda för mindre företag. Höga kostnader har även tagits upp som argument emot en frivillig övergång. K3 har även visats utge större möjligheter till resultatmanipulation. Den empiriska undersökningen gjordes genom ett kvalitativt synsätt med induktiv ansats eftersom studiens resultat skulle utformas före teoriavsnittet. Komparativa analyser gjordes av olika principer som valdes ut i regelverken. En skillnad som uppkom i resultatet är begreppsskillnaden av bestämmande inflytande. Denna skillnad påvisar att syftet med IFRS är att gynna investerare medan betydelsen i K3 tyder på högre anpassning till mindre onoterade bolag. Andra viktiga skillnader som påträffades ansluter sig till värderingsalternativ och det visade sig att IFRS oftare än K3 tillåter olika värderingsmetoder. Fler noggranna bedömningar har även fastställts behövas i IFRS. I denna studie har detta lett till tolkningen att IFRS möjliggör en mer rättvisande redovisning än vad K3 gör. Uppställningen av principerna visade sig skilja sig ifrån varandra då K3 tolkats vara enklare att följa. IFRS är mer detaljrik och kan därför verka krångligare. I K3 finns ofta fler valmöjligheter över hur kostnader ska redovisas. Det har tolkats som att de möjliggör resultatmanipulation i högre grad än vad IFRS gör / In this study, comparisons have been made between the accounting regulatory K3 and IFRS in order to find differences in the regulations. The aim of the study was to highlight the differences that are most important in preparing the consolidated financial statements for unlisted companies with foreign subsidiaries and an example company that are in this situation were used. The study was directed against a company that find themselves in this situation and is used as an example in the study. The study is based on the problems with the translation of financial statements of foreign subsidiaries. Since 1 January 2005 IFRS shall be used by all listed companies of the EU member countries on consolidation. National regulations should be followed in unlisted companies and in Sweden K2 or K3 should be selected. However, a voluntary step up to consolidated financial statements under IFRS is permitted. IFRS has a higher degree of transparency of accounting than national regulations have. This leads to a higher quality and more comparable financial information presented in the financial statements that are prepared in accordance with IFRS. These qualities have also led to easier access to foreign financiers. Meanwhile, the IFRS in practice can seem difficult and therefore unnecessary to use for smaller companies.High costs have also been raised as an argument against a voluntary transition. K3 also has been shown to pay greater opportunities for earnings manipulation. The empirical study was conducted through a qualitative inductive approach because the results of the study would be designed before the theory section. Comparative analyzes were made of various principles that were selected in the regulations. One difference that emerged in the results is conceptual difference of control. This difference indicates that the purpose of IFRS is to benefit investors, while the significance of the concept in the K3 indicates higher adaptation to smaller private companies. Other significant differences that were found are related to the valuation option, and it turned out that IFRS often than K3 allows different valuation methods. More careful assessments have also identified required by IFRS. For this study, this has led to the interpretation that IFRS allows for more accurate reporting than K3 does. The statement of principles was found to differ from each other and the K3 interpreted to be easier to follow. IFRS is more detailed, and therefore can seem complicated. In the K3 there are often more options over how costs should be reported. It has been interpreted that this enables earnings manipulation of a greater degree than IFRS do

Gestão de multinacionais: análise de trajetórias de internacionalização de empresas brasileiras e de estratégias de gestão de subsidiárias. / Multinational management - paths of Brazilian companies internationalization and subsidiaries management strategies.

Cristina Rodrigues de Borba Vieira 18 December 2008 (has links)
As modificações do ambiente competitivo nos mercados consumidores maduros, o aumento do número de empresas competidoras e a aceleração da propagação de novos conhecimentos e tecnologias vêm provocando alterações nas estratégias das empresas e contribuindo para a ampliação do processo de internacionalização. O Brasil está inserido neste processo, ampliando a participação no mercado internacional, com o aumento do número de empresas de capital nacional com subsidiárias no exterior. As empresas decidem pela aquisição e implantação de unidades industriais no exterior com o intuito de ampliar seus mercados e rendimentos. A subsidiária contribui não apenas para o mercado ao qual serve, mas também para outros mercados, tanto como plataforma exportadora quanto como unidade que gera conhecimento a partir do relacionamento com agentes externos. Dado que o processo de internacionalização é importante tanto para empresas quanto para países, o objetivo em questão é entender qual tem sido a trajetória das empresas brasileiras. Dessa forma, este trabalho analisa a gestão das subsidiárias de empresas brasileiras e os diferentes papéis dessas unidades, pretendendo, além de obter um retrato do cenário atual destas empresas, compreender a dinâmica entre matriz e subsidiárias. Para atender aos objetivos foi realizada pesquisa de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, através de estudo de caso de quatro empresas. Foram utilizadas técnicas de entrevista em profundidade, com o apoio de fontes documentais. O trabalho com múltiplos casos foi fundamental para caracterizar as diferenças de estratégias entre as empresas, assim como para justificar a escolha das mesmas. A pesquisa mostrou que não é possível estabelecer um modelo de gestão típico para as subsidiárias, isto é, não existe alinhamento ótimo entre os elementos da estratégia de gestão da empresa atribuição da subsidiária, grau de autonomia dos gestores, nível de transações de conhecimento, nível de atividades técnicas e mecanismos de gestão. Conclui-se que o alinhamento é dependente da estratégia, que por sua vez é estabelecida em função da análise do ambiente econômico. / The changes in the competitive environment in mature consuming markets, the increase on the number of competing companies and the accelerated propagation of new knowledge and technologies have been producing alterations in company strategies and contributing for the enlargement of internationalization process. Brazil is inserted in this process, extending its participation in the international market by the increase on the number of national companies with subsidiaries abroad. These companies decide for the acquisition and establishment of subsidiaries abroad intending to extend its markets and incomes. These units contribute not only to the market which they serve, but also to other markets, as exporting platform and units that generates knowledge from the relationship with external agents. Given that the internationalization process is important both for companies and countries, the aim of this study is understanding which has been the trajectory of some Brazilian companies. In this way, it was analyzed the management of Brazilian company subsidiaries and the different functions of these units intending to visualize the current scenario of the companies, as well as understanding the dynamics between national headquarters and their subsidiaries. In order to achieve these objectives it was done a qualitative research, through a case study of four companies. Interviewing techniques were used supported by documentary sources. The work with multiple cases was fundamental to characterize different company strategies, as well as to justify the reasons of choice of the companies. The research pointed out that it is not possible to establish a typical model of management for the studied subsidiaries, that is, there is not an excellent alignment between the elements that are part of the management strategy attribution of subsidiary, management mechanisms and levels of managers autonomy, knowledge transaction and technical activities. One may conclude that the alignment depends on the strategy, which on its turn is established by the economic environment analysis.

Transferência, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento de competências organizacionais em subsidiárias estrangeiras de empresas multinacionais brasileiras / Transference, development and recognition of organizational competences in foreign subsidiaries of Brazilian multinational companies

Felipe Mendes Borini 11 November 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo procurou compreender a transferência, o desenvolvimento e o reconhecimento das competências das subsidiárias. O objetivo principal foi entender o modelo de gestão da corporação, determinante para o fenômeno da transferência, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento das competências. O modelo proposto abordou a importância das diretrizes estratégicas da matriz na relação com as subsidiárias (autonomia, integração, orientação empreendedora), a gestão da subsidiária (iniciativa própria) e a gestão da relação da subsidiária com o ambiente externo (contexto competitivo e a rede externa). Serviu de base para a elaboração desses pressupostos a teoria da visão baseada em recursos e capacidades dinâmicas; os modelos estratégicos das multinacionais em conjunto com a teoria evolucionária do papel das subsidiárias; e as teorias recentes acerca das multinacionais emergentes. Para testar os pressupostos foi conduzido um survey com as subsidiárias de multinacionais brasileiras. De 46 empresas multinacionais brasileiras identificadas, 29 aceitaram participar da pesquisa. Estas multinacionais tinham 93 subsidiárias para as quais foram enviados questionários, retornando a resposta de 66 subsidiárias. De modo geral os resultados mostram a importância das variáveis ambiente externo para a transferência, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento de competências. Deve ser salientada a necessidade de iniciativas das subsidiárias para a criação de competências não-locais em contraposição às competências específicas e locais. Os resultados mostram também como diferentes modelos de gestão refletem na presença de diferentes tipos de competências nas subsidiárias. Conclui-se que a transferência, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento de competências das subsidiárias figuram como um dos fatores essenciais para a competitividade das multinacionais brasileiras. Isso implica que as multinacionais brasileiras devem enxergar as subsidiárias como fonte de competências superado o fato da empresa ter nascido no país errado e exaltando os modelos da estratégia transnacional e metanacional como guias para os seus modelos de gestão. / The current study tried to understand the transference, the development and the recognition of the competences of the subsidiaries. The main objective was to understand the model of management of the corporation, important for the phenomenon of the transference, development and recognition of the competences. The related model approached the importance of the strategic lines of direction of the headquarters in the relation with the subsidiary (autonomy, integration, entrepreneurial orientation), the management of subsidiary (initiatives) and the management of the relation of the subsidiary with the external environment (competitive context and the business network). The dynamic theory of the resource based view was considered as base for the elaboration of these purposes; the strategic models of the multinationals together with the evolutionary theory of the role of the subsidiaries; and the recent theories concerning the emerging multinationals. In order to test the purposes, a survey was conducted with the subsidiaries of the Brazilian multinationals. Twenty nine out of forty six identified Brazilian multinational companies, accepted to participate in the survey. These multinational companies had 93 subsidiaries for which questionnaires were sent, and from which 66 were answered. In general, the results show an the importance of the variable external environment for the transference, development and recognition of competences. The necessity of initiatives of the subsidiaries for the creation of non-local competences in contraposition to the specific and local competences must be pointed out. The results also show how different models of management reflect in the presence of different types of competences in the subsidiaries. As a conclusion, the transference, development and recognition of competences of the subsidiaries appear as one of the essential factors for the competitiveness of the Brazilian multinationals. This implies that the Brazilian multinationals must see the subsidiaries as source of competences considering the fact of the company has been born in the wrong country and emphasizing the models of the transnational and metanational strategy as guides for its models of management.

Papel da subsidiária brasileira na estratégia de internacionalização dos negócios de empresas multinacionais do setor automotivo / Role of Brazilian subsidiary on the internationalization strategy of multinational companies in the automotive industry.

Renato Machado Costa 03 October 2012 (has links)
Em anos recentes, tem-se observado papeis novos para uma subsidiaria estrangeira, quando ela atua em um processo de expansão dos negócios para outro país, denotando sua relevância estratégica maior para a empresa multinacional (EMN). Nesse caso, ao invés de assumir um papel convencional, a filial participa ativamente de uma nova etapa de internacionalização da empresa, algumas vezes até liderando o processo. A singularidade do fenômeno torna-se ainda maior (e mais instigante) quando a EMN é proveniente de um país desenvolvido, e uma subsidiária localizada em um país emergente assume tal papel em sua internacionalização. Esta pesquisa se debruça sobre essa temática, abordando um fenômeno ainda pouco explorado pela literatura, ao investigar o papel da subsidiária brasileira quando esta participa da internacionalização dos negócios da EMN. Em virtude das peculiaridades citadas, a pesquisa foi conduzida por meio de dois estudos de caso realizados em subsidiárias brasileiras com reconhecida participação em processos de internacionalização, pertencentes a multinacionais do setor automotivo, uma delas de origem italiana (Magneti Marelli Cofap) e a outra alemã (Wahler). Foram identificados e analisados os fatores motivadores, facilitadores e inibidores que impactaram a participação da subsidiária brasileira, bem como as atribuições e responsabilidades assumidas pela mesma em tais processos, e as principais práticas de gestão aprendidas pela multinacional. Em um dos casos avaliados, constatou-se que o fator primordial para participação da subsidiária brasileira foi a sua iniciativa de propor à matriz a expansão dos negócios em outro país, seguida pela concessão de maior autonomia à mesma pela matriz; no outro caso estudado, verificou-se que o domínio de competências essenciais por sua unidade brasileira e o seu papel de centro de excelência foram fundamentais para que esta liderasse diversos episódios de internacionalização da empresa. A pesquisa apresenta um conjunto de considerações, que pode ser útil como subsídio para adaptação ou aprimoramento das práticas de gestão em EMNs, servindo como base para o uso adequado das competências de suas subsidiárias, na formulação e na execução de estratégias, em processos de internacionalização. / In recent years, new roles have been observed for a foreign subsidiary, when it takes part on a business expansion process to another country, indicating its bigger strategic relevance for the multinational corporation (MNC). In this case, rather than taking a conventional role, the subsidiary actively participates in a new internationalization step of the company, sometimes even leading the process. The phenomenon becomes even more unique (and more instigating) if the MNC is from a developed country, and a subsidiary located in an emerging country assumes such a role in the internationalization process. This research deals with this theme, addressing a phenomenon still little explored by literature, by investigating the role of a Brazilian subsidiary when it participates in the MNC internationalization. Because of the mentioned peculiarities, the research was conducted through two case studies in Brazilian subsidiaries with recognized involvement in the internationalization, owned by MNCs of the automotive industry, one of Italian origin (Magneti Marelli Cofap) and the other German (Wahler). The motivating, facilitators and inhibitors factors which impacted the participation of the Brazilian subsidiary were identified and analyzed, as well as its roles and responsibilities in such processes, and the key management practices learned by the multinational. In one of the studied cases, it was found that the most important reason for the Brazilian subsidiary participation was its initiative to propose to headquarters the business expansion in another country, followed by headquarters granting more autonomy to it; in the other case, it was found that the core competences\' domain by the Brazilian unit, and its role as a center of excellence, were fundamental to have it leading several internationalization experiences of the company. The research presents a set of considerations, which can be useful as a support for adapting or improving the management practices in MNCs, serving as the basis for the proper use of its subsidiaries\' competences in defining and implementing their internationalization strategies.

O impacto conjunto do empreendedorismo e das redes interorganizacionais sobre o desenvolvimento de inovações globais: evidências das subsidiárias estrangeiras operando no país / Risk options as a tool for managing risks of complex information technology insfrastructure projects

Sidney Costa 30 March 2016 (has links)
As subsidiárias de corporações multinacionais sofrem pressões do ambiente interno e externo. Internamente competem por recursos e reconhecimento da matriz, externamente precisam se preocupar com os concorrentes e demais forças do mercado, de maneira que para desenvolver-se a subsidiária deve explorar as oportunidades de mercado e mostrar o potencial empreendedor que possui. Essas oportunidades podem estar num produto ou processo novo ou substancialmente aprimorado no qual a subsidiária teve o auxílio de um parceiro da rede em que está inserida. Particularmente, essa pesquisa analisa as inovações desenvolvidas localmente (dentro do país hospedeiro) através das subsidiárias instaladas no país, essas inovações são passíveis de serem transferidas para as suas matrizes e então utilizadas pelas demais subsidiárias espalhadas pelo mundo, tornando-se inovações globais. O foco principal deste estudo está em compreender a influência do empreendedorismo e das redes de empresas sobre o desenvolvimento e transferência dessas inovações. Para tanto, o presente estudo analisa uma amostra de 172 subsidiárias estrangeiras que operam no Brasil, a qual foi modelada utilizando-se a técnica de equações estruturais para o teste das hipóteses, mensuração do efeito mediador e comparação multigrupos visando avaliar o efeito moderador referente ao porte das subsidiárias. Os resultados sugerem que o empreendedorismo da subsidiária exerce influência significativa sobre o desenvolvimento das parcerias e consequente enraizamento da subsidiária na rede de empresas do mercado emergente, esse enraizamento na rede é um fator determinante para o desenvolvimento de inovações na subsidiária as quais podem ser transferidas para a matriz e então tornarem-se inovações globais. A partir desses resultados, a pesquisa contribui para um maior entendimento dos direcionadores de inovação nas subsidiárias e aprofunda a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento de inovações globais, particularmente àquelas provenientes de mercados emergentes. / The subsidiaries of multinational corporations are under pressure from internal and external environment. Internally compete for resources and recognition of the headquarters, externally have to worry about competitors and other market forces, so that to develop the subsidiary should explore market opportunities and show the potential entrepreneur has. These opportunities may be a product or new or substantially improved process in which the subsidiary had the help of a partner network in which it operates. In particular, this research analyzes the locally developed innovations (within the host country) through subsidiaries established in the country, these innovations are likely to be transferred to their headquarters and then used by other subsidiaries around the world, becoming global innovations. The main focus of this study is to understand the influence of entrepreneurship and business networks on the development and transfer of these innovations. Thus, the present study analyzes a sample of 172 foreign subsidiaries operating in Brazil, which was modeled using the technique of structural equation for the test case, measurement of the mediating effect and multi-groups comparison to assess the moderating effect regarding the size of the subsidiaries. The results suggest that entrepreneurship subsidiary has significant influence on the development of partnerships and consequent rooting subsidiary network of emerging market companies that rooting is a determining factor for the development of innovations in the subsidiary which can be transferred to the headquarter and become global innovation. From these results, the research contributes to a better understanding of the innovation drivers in subsidiaries and deepen the discussion on the development of global innovations, particularly those from emerging markets.

Responsabilidade socioambiental corporativa: um estudo em subsidiárias brasileiras / Corporate social responsability: a study in Brazilian subsidiaries

Karen Esteves Fernandes Pinto 08 December 2011 (has links)
PINTO, K. E. F. Responsabilidade Socioambiental Corporativa: um estudo em subsidiárias brasileiras. 2011. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. Aborda-se nesta dissertação a relação entre subsidiárias de corporações multinacionais estrangeiras no Brasil e Responsabilidade Socioambiental Corporativa (RSC). Inicialmente caracteriza-se o surgimento de corporações multinacionais e a crescente preocupação com questões socioambientais. Fundamenta-se o estudo, basicamente, nas literaturas referentes a multinacionais, matrizes, subsidiárias, gestão socioambiental e RSC. Apresenta-se, num primeiro momento, a identificação de RSC nas subsidiárias para, depois, apresentar a relação entre RSC e outros aspectos organizacionais como autonomia, integração e relevância estratégica. Além de realizar essas análises, estuda-se também a possível relação entre a RSC da subsidiária e o nível do desenvolvimento do país-sede da matriz. Para a realização do estudo, enviou-se um questionário eletrônico para os presidentes e vice-presidentes das 1200 maiores subsidiárias por faturamento e obteve-se 172 respostas. Conclui-se, por meio de análise multivariada, que a RSC encontra-se positivamente relacionada à integração entre a matriz e sua subsidiária e também à relevância estratégica atribuída à subsidiária pela matriz. Ou seja, quanto maior a integração com a matriz e quanto mais relevante estrategicamente, mais a subsidiária desenvolve RSC. Entretanto, a RSC encontra-se negativamente relacionada à autonomia da subsidiária e ao desenvolvimento do país-sede da matriz, o que resulta nas afirmações: (i) quanto mais autônoma, menos a subsidiária desenvolve RSC; e (ii) o desenvolvimento do país-sede não influi no fato de a subsidiária possuir ou não RSC. / PINTO, K. E. F. Corporate Social Responsibility: a study in Brazilian subsidiaries. 2011. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. In this dissertation the relationship between subsidiaries of foreign multinational corporations in Brazil and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is analyzed. Herein the emergence of multinational corporations is characterized, as well as the actual concern about social and environmental issues. The study is basically based on the literatures about multinational corporations, headquarters, subsidiaries, social and environmental management and CSR. Firstly, the identification of CSR in subsidiaries is showed; and, secondly, its relation to organizational aspects such as autonomy, integration between headquarters and their subsidiaries and subsidiary strategic relevance. Besides these analyses, the possible relationship between CSR and the development of the headquarters\' country of origin is also investigated. To accomplish this study, an electronic survey was sent to presidents and VPs of the 1200 largest subsidiaries in Brazil in terms of revenue; 172 answers were received. One may conclude, due to a multivariate analysis, that CSR is positively related to the headquarters-subsidiary integration and to subsidiary strategic relevance. It indicates, therefore, that the better integrated the subsidiary is to its headquarters and the more relevant the subsidiary becomes, then the more CSR the subsidiary develops. On the other hand, CSR is negatively related to subsidiary autonomy and to the development of the headquarters\' country of origin, which leads to the final statements: (i) the more autonomous it becomes, the less the subsidiary develops CSR; (ii) the development of the headquarters\' country of origin does not influence the emergence of CSR in the subsidiary.

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