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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MULTIMEDIÁLNÍ VÝUKOVÝ PROGRAM PRO VÝUKU EVROPY NA 1. STUPNI ZŠ / A multimedia Educational Programme for Teaching European Geography at Primary School

VOKOUNOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is called A Multimedia Educational Programme for Teaching European Geography at Primary School. It includes also a CD with the programme that is focused on the educational process of Homeland Studies in the fifth class and describes the states neighbouring with the Czech Republic. The diploma thesis was made in accordance with the Educational Framework Programme, the School Educational Programme and the Year Thematic Plan for the teaching of Homeland Studies in the fifth class from Grunwaldova Primary school in České Budějovice, where the programme was used and presented to children. The part called Geographical characteristics is dividend into four parts that describe concrete states and contain chapters such as Location, Hydrological conditions, Industry, Socio-Economical characteristics, History etc. A part of the diploma thesis is the educational programme. Each state in this programme is presented by a personality born in that state. The educational programme also includes interactive tasks for children that facilitate learning new information. It is possible to use this programme in connection with the Smart Board (interactive) Board, but there is an opportunity to work with this programme on computers too.

O Brasil no debate estratégico franco-alemão : uma análise do discurso dos principais think tank da Alemanha e da França a respeito da inserção internacional do Brasil (2003-2014)

Mattos, Fernando Preusser de January 2016 (has links)
As iniciativas de política externa, de defesa e de segurança que compõem a inserção internacional do Brasil no período 2003-2014 repercutiram nas relações do país com as grandes potências, suscitando uma intensa produção discursiva que busca traduzir o significado da recente inserção internacional do país e informar estratégias que possam dar conta das demandas de um novo relacionamento com o Brasil. Nesse contexto, há um conjunto de instituições de importância crescente, cujas práticas, representações e discursos precedem, informam e pretendem influenciar os processos de definição de agenda, formulação de política e tomada de decisão no âmbito das políticas externa, de defesa e de segurança, sobretudo das grandes potências: os think tanks, instituições dedicadas à produção e à articulação de conhecimentos voltados a políticas públicas de âmbito doméstico e internacional. Assim, o problema de pesquisa que orienta o trabalho refere-se ao seguinte questionamento: como os principais think tanks que buscam influenciar as formulações estratégicas para as políticas externa, de defesa e de segurança na Alemanha e na França têm representado a inserção internacional recente do Brasil e o papel desempenhado pelo país no seu entorno estratégico? O objetivo geral da dissertação é, portanto, fornecer uma análise do discurso acerca da inserção internacional recente do Brasil (2003-2014) veiculado por publicações selecionadas dos quatro principais think tanks da Alemanha e da França. O trabalho lança mão da fundamentação teórico-metodológica da análise de discurso pósestruturalista e busca sustentar a tese de que é possível depreender da análise das publicações selecionadas um conjunto de discursos básicos que estruturam as principais representações desses atores sobre a recente inserção internacional do Brasil, dentre os quais se destacam o discurso da inovação diplomática, do ineditismo e do soft power socioeconômico dos governos Lula; o discurso do reformismo moderado, que associa as identidades de “parceiro responsável” e “líder pragmático” ao Brasil, em contraposição ao “radicalismo” e ao “populismo” da Venezuela; e o discurso da pretensão de projeção global de poder. / Brazil’s foreign, defense and security policies between 2003-2014 affected its relations with the great powers, raising a variety of discourses that seek to translate the country’s recent international insertion and inform strategies that may cope with the demands of a new relationship with Brazil. In this context, there is a set of increasingly important institutions whose practices, representations and discourses precede, inform and seek to influence agenda setting, as well as policy and decision making processes in the fields of foreign, defense and security policies, especially of great powers: think tanks, institutions whose activities are mainly focused on producing and engaging knowledge on domestic and international public policies. The research problem orienting this monograph is, thus, the following: how do the most important foreign, defense and security policy think tanks in Germany and France represent Brazil’s recent international insertion and the role it plays in its regional surrounding area? The main aim of this project is, therefore, to offer an analysis of the discourse on Brazil’s recent international insertion (2003-2014) produced and disseminated by four of the most important think tanks in Germany and France. The monograph adopts post-structuralist discourse analysis as its theoretical and methodological foundation and lays out the argument that the analysis of selected think tanks’ publications reveals a set of basic discourses structuring key-representations of identity attributed to Brazil. Among them, three basic discourses are highlighted throughout the discussion: Lula’s diplomatic innovation and socioeconomic soft power discourse; the moderate reformism discourse, which links the identities of a “responsible partner” and “pragmatic leader” to Brazil in opposition to the “radicalism” and “populism” attributed to Venezuela; last but not least, the discourse on Brazil’s alleged claim to global power projection.

A interceptação de comunicação entre pessoas presentes como meio de investigação de prova no direito processual penal brasileiro / The interception of communications between present people as means of investigation of evidence in the Brazilian criminal procedural law.

Marcio Geraldo Britto Arantes Filho 29 April 2011 (has links)
As comunicações entre pessoas presentes são tuteladas na Constituição brasileira, como decorrência da liberdade de manifestação do pensamento, do direito à intimidade e à vida privada, da inviolabilidade do domicílio e do direito a não autoincriminação. Embora sejam constitucionalmente tuteladas, as comunicações entre pessoas presentes podem ser restringidas, desde que sejam observadas as exigências de reserva de lei, de reserva de jurisdição e de proporcionalidade. A interceptação de comunicação entre pessoas presentes é meio de investigação de prova, que, por meio de restrição a direitos e garantias fundamentais, visa a descoberta de fontes de prova para a persecução penal. Trata-se de instrumento processual que consiste em atividade de captação e de registro de comunicação entre pessoas presentes de caráter reservado, por um terceiro, com o emprego de meios técnicos, utilizados em operação oculta e simultânea à comunicação, sem o conhecimento dos interlocutores ou com o conhecimento de um ou de alguns deles. A interceptação domiciliar e a interceptação ambiental são espécies de interceptação de comunicação entre pessoas presentes. O objeto e o caráter insidioso desta modalidade de interceptação impõem a necessidade de uma disciplina jurídica autônoma, sob enfoques da admissibilidade e do procedimento probatório, que devem ser previstos em lei precisa e clara. / The communications between present people are protected by the Brazilian Constitution, arising out of the freedom of expression of ones thoughts, the right to intimacy and privacy, the dwelling defense and by the right not to produce self-incrimination. Despite being protected constitutionally, the communications between present people can be restricted as long as in accordance with the demands in reserve of law, in reserve of jurisdiction and of proportionality. The communications interception between present people is a means of investigation of evidence, which by means of restriction of rights and fundamental guarantees, objectives uncovering the sources of evidence for accusatory procedure. It is a question of procedural tool which consists in the activity of registering and recording communications between present people with secretive nature, by a third person, with the use of technical means, applied in concealed action and concurrent to the communication without the knowledge of the interlocutors or just the knowledge of one or few of them. Dwelling - interception and surrounding-interception are types of interception of communications between present people. The object and deceitful nature of this modality of interception imposes the need of an autonomous juridical regulation, under the perspectives of admissibility and of probatory procedure, which must be foreseen by clear and precise law

Análise da estrutura da paisagem e fitofisionomias do Parque Estadual dos Pirineus, Góias, Brasil / Structure of the landscape analysis and phytophysiognomies of the Parque Estadual dos Pireneus, Goiás, Brazil

Lorrayne de Barros Bosquetti 17 October 2008 (has links)
Remanescentes vegetais ocorrem desde o extremo norte até o extremo sul do Estado de Goiás existindo a necessidade de informações básicas sobre a florística dessas comunidades. O Parque Estadual dos Pireneus situa-se nos municípios de Pirenópolis, Corumbá de Goiás e Cocalzinho de Goiás e está dentro das áreas prioritárias para conservação e uso sustentável da biodiversidade do Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Apesar dos vários níveis de inter-relação e sobreposição a outras áreas do entorno, a área do Parque apresenta características físicovegetacionais próprias e particularidades no seu processo de degradação e de fragmentação. Neste contexto, os remanescentes vegetais, assumem importante papel na manutenção da diversidade restante, por isso, objetivamos fazer o mapeamento das fitofisionomias do Parque e estudos florísticos complementares de campos rupestres nele existentes. Assim, este trabalho foi realizado trazendo a perspectiva do uso destes conhecimentos na definição teórica, prática e metodológica da conservação, restauração e manejo destes remanescentes. A caracterização da estrutura da paisagem foi obtida por meio de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto orientadas pelas coletas mensais de material botânico em áreas representativas das unidades fitofisionômicas identificadas nas imagens orbitais, elaborando-se o mapa destas unidades. O estudo florístico das formações rupestres foi conduzido em áreas escolhidas de acordo com as imagens obtidas. Foram utilizados os parâmetros usuais de florística, com objetivo de, futuramente, analisar estes fragmentos de vegetação de toda a Serra que apresentam restrições ambientais. Pesquisas identificadoras das peculiaridades das espécies vegetais do Parque, como as raras, as endêmicas, dentre outras, foram especuladas para que possam contribuir na recuperação destas formações e servir como indicadores para avaliação e monitoramento dessas áreas remanescentes. As variações fitofisionômicas do Cerrado foram classificadas segundo o sistema de vegetações de Fernandes e, dentro do Parque, encontramos quatro ecossistemas: cerradão (8,0%), cerrado (25,7%), campo (41,0%) e manchas vegetacionais (veredas e florestas de galeria) (18,7%). Dentre os quais foram mapeadas onze fitofisionomias e suas áreas relictuais, juntamente com algumas áreas degradadas (6,5%). Adicionalmente, a população local também foi abordada e entrevistada para obter seu conceito de paisagem e meio ambiente, concomitantemente, verificando os problemas sociais da área e desenvolvendo neles a idéia da conservação dos recursos naturais e do Parque. / Vegetation remnants are present from the north to the south of the State of Goiás, and the need of basic information about these floristic communities is extremely important. The Parque Estadual dos Pireneus is located in the municipalities of Pirenópolis, Corumbá de Goiás and Cocalzinho de Goiás and it is inside of the priority areas for conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity of the Ministry of the Environment of Brazil. In spite of the several interrelation levels and overlapping with surrounding areas, the park presents its own physico-vegetational characteristics and peculiarities in the process of of degratation and fragmentation. In this context, the vegetation remnants assume important function in the maintenance of the remaining diversity of the park. With this in mind, our main goal was to map the phytofisiognomies present in the park, which were complemented by floristic studies of the sandstone outcrops (formações rupestres) occurring in the area. Therefore, this study was realized with the perspective of the use of these knowledge in the theoretical, practical and methodological definitions of the conservation, restoration and management of these remnants. The characterization of the landscape structure was obtained through techniques of remote sensing complemented by the monthly collections of botanical material in representative areas of the phytophysionomic units identified in the orbital images, being elaborated the map of these units. The floristic study of the sandstone outcrops (formações rupestres) was led in areas chosen in agreement with the obtained images. The usual floristic parameters were used, with objective to analyze these vegetation fragments of the whole mountain range that present environmental pressure. This research identified the peculiarities of the plant species of the park, as, for example, the rare ones, the endemic ones, among others, they were speculated so that they can contribute in the recovery of these formations and to serve as indicators for evaluation and monitoring of those remaining areas. The phytophysionomic variations of the Cerrado wer classifies according to the system of vegetations of Fernandes and, inside of the park, we found four ecosystems: cerradão (8,0%), cerrado (25,7%), field (41,0%) and vegetation patches (palm swamps and gallery forests; 18,7%). Among these ecosystems, eleven phytophysiognomies were detected and relictual areas were mapped, together with some degraded areas (6,5%). In addition, local populations were also approached and interviewed, in order to obtain their landscape and environment concepts, and to verify the social problems of the area and introduce the concepts of the conservation of the natural resources and of the Park.

Vit är människa, svart är svart : En postkolonial analys av synen på ”den andre” i Joseph Conrads Mörkrets hjärta

Elander, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this paper was to examine how ”the other” is portrayed in Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of darkness from a postcolonial perspective. Thru this analysis determine if and in what way the novel may be beneficial to education surrounding postcolonial perspectives in the subject Swedish at upper secondary school. Thru close reading of the text focusing on the novels portrayal of “the other”, the analysis concludes that the novel gives a stereotypical and dichotomous picture rooted in the novels contemporary science and culture of the western world. The way “the other” is portrayed in Joseph Conrad´s Heart of darkness does not consist with the fundamental values of the Swedish upper secondary school. The analysis has concluded that the novels potential as an educational tool in the education surrounding postcolonial perspectives is limited due to it´s lack of non-European perspectives.

Habiter au gré des vents en Méditerranée nord-occidentale / To live with the winds in the North Western Mediterranean area

Barniaudy, Clément 02 December 2016 (has links)
Notre thèse part d’un constat issu de nos enquêtes et observations de terrain : les pratiques socio-spatiales et les discours d’une majorité des acteurs géographiques en Méditerranée occidentale semblent aujourd’hui marquées par une mise à distance et une mise en scène des phénomènes éoliens (partie 1). Or cette distanciation peut être mise en relation avec une géohistoire de l’anémologie soit l’évolution des discours scientifiques ayant conduit à une « mise en objet » du vent (partie 2). Notre hypothèse consiste à souligner l’intérêt d’une approche sensible et phénoménologique (partie 3 : perception sensible, imaginaire symbolique, expressions artistiques) afin de remettre au centre l’expérience des sociétés méditerranéennes ayant développées un savoir-habiter avec les vents. La dernière partie analyse les possibilités offertes à l’action par la prise en compte de cette approche à travers de nouvelles pratiques habitantes (architecture, énergie). / My doctoral research work is based on observations and field interviews. I revealed that thesocio-spatial practices of most of the geographical actors dealing with the winds, in the NorthWestern Mediterranean area, are characterized by technological hybridization anddeterritorialization (part 1). Change in the practices of interactions with the winds can belinked to the geohistory of anemology: overtime, scientific progresses built a paradigm ofwind modelling (part 2). My doctoral work stresses the importance of an esthetical andphenomenological approach that would include sensitive perception, symbolic imaginary, andartistic expressions (part 3). This approach would re-centre the relations between humanbeings and the winds: the very experience that North Western Mediterranean societies haveshaped by living with the winds. The last part of my dissertation analyses to which extent thisapproach based on those new ‘human’ practices (architecture, energy) could be useful forpublic action purpose (part 4).

Framhävning av urbana objekt: Bakgrundsljusets påverkan på upplevelsen av ett landmärke / Emphasizing of urban objects: The influence of background light on the experience of a landmark

Hallner, Ellen, Forsberg, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Urbana miljöers komplexitet och rörelse kräver noga planerad ljussättning och omsorgsfull prioritering i samspelet mellan att lyfta fram viktiga element och lämna andra åt sidan. För att minska risken för överbelysning genom ljussättning av objekt med stor ljushetskontrast mot dess bakgrund bör alternativa metoder för att framhäva landmärken i stadsrum utredas. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur upplevelsen av mindre urbana landmärken påverkas av ljushetskontraster i dess bakgrund. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur landmärkenas bakgrundsbelysning utformas idag, samt hur framhävning av landmärken påverkas av ljuskontrasten i dess bakgrund. Genom att använda ljussättning av landmärkenas bakgrundsmiljö som ett verktyg, syftar studien till att bidra till att skapa en tydlig och lättförståelig orientering genom stadsmiljön under mörka timmar.  Studien genomfördes i tre delmoment genom ett fältexperiment, intervjuer och ett kvasi-experiment. Observation av utvalda urbana objekt och dess omgivning genomfördes i fältexperimentet. Detta följt av två semistrukturerade intervjuer kring ljusdesigners beaktningstagande av bakgrunden vid ljussättning av landmärken i urban miljö. Vid observation av studiens kvasi-experiment analyserades generella miljöer med olika bakgrundsprinciper i en iscensatt urban miljö.  Resultaten av studien visar att olika stort beaktningstagande tas angående ljussättningen av urbana objekts omgivning, beroende på tidigare erfarenhet av ljusplanering. Studiens kvasi-experiment visade att ljushetskontrasten mellan ett urbant objekt och dess bakgrund, tillsammans med ljushetskontraster och formen på ljusbilderna inom bakgrunden, påverkar hur objektet uppfattas. Resultaten indikerar att en ljussättning av en urban miljö, med hänsyn till ovanstående faktorer, har påverkan på upplevelsen av objekten i miljön. Då bakgrunden är ljussatt lågmält, symmetriskt och då hela bakgrunden är definierbar ges en uppfattning om den omgivande miljön, vilket gör att objektet framhävs. / The complexity and movement of urban environments require carefully planned lighting and prioritization in the interplay between highlighting important elements and leaving others aside. In order to reduce the risk of over-lighting by lighting objects with a large brightness contrast against their background, alternative methods for highlighting landmarks in urban spaces should be investigated. This thesis examines how the experience of smaller urban landmarks is affected by brightness contrasts in its background. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the background lighting of landmarks is designed and is being designed today, as well as how highlighting of landmarks is affected by the light contrast in its background. By using lighting of the landmarks background environment as a tool, the study aims to help create a clear and easy-to-understand orientation through the urban environment during dark hours.  The study was carried out in three phases through a field experiment, interviews and a final quasi-experiment. An observation of selected urban objects and their areas was carried out in the field experiment, followed by two semi-structured interviews regarding lighting designers consideration of the background when lighting landmarks in an urban environment. When observing the studys quasi-experiment, general environments with different background principles were analyzed in a staged urban environment.  The results of the study show that varying degrees of consideration are taken regarding the lighting of urban objects surroundings, depending on previous experience with lighting planning. The studys quasi-experiment showed that the brightness contrast between an urban object and its background, together with brightness contrasts and the shape of the light images within the background, affects how the object is perceived. The results indicate that the lighting of an urban environment, taking these factors into account, has an impact on the experience of the objects in the environment. When the background is lit softly, symmetrically, and when the entire background is definable, an idea of the surrounding environment is given, which makes the object emphasized.

Studie om individers kontrastkänslighet och preferenser för horisontell och vertikal belysningsstyrka / A Study about individual contrast sensitivity and preferences for horizontal and vertical lighting intensity

Folkesson, Phliip, Kjellström, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to survey and evaluate if the individual contrast sensitivity and preferences for horizontal and vertical lighting level correspond to the values that standard SS-EN 12464-1 recommends for the workplace- and surrounding light levels.</p><p>This study examines if lighting should be adapted after the individuals’ need or if a general value can be found that will cover every individuals’ need for a workplace and surrounding light level. This study also examines if parameters like sex, age and/or glasses/lenses have an effect on the amount of lighting that the test subjects need. Lastly we compared the values concerning the relationship between workplace- and surrounding light levels with standard SS-EN 12464-1’s recommendations.</p><p>The study is carried out with an experimental design that surveys 220 test subjects who were chosen by a selection of convenience. The test subjects did perform a test where they estimated their individual need for lighting in office environments regarding lighting for workplace and its surroundings. Every test subject carried out the test where they repeated the same attempt three times, to establish if the individual lighting need oscillated or if it was constant, whereupon the results were analyzed, compiled and compared to standard SS-EN 12464-1.</p><p>The results show that the minim- and maxim value for the test subjects is between 70 – 4300 lux. The result varies with different parameters such as sex, age and glasses/lenses. We could also state that the relationship between workplace- and surrounding light levels is slightly higher than what standard SS-EN 12464-1 recommends, which should be taken into consideration when planning future lighting constructions.</p><p>Based on the results in this study, our conclusion is that standard SS-EN 12464-1 does not cover the needs on the comfort levels that the test subjects indicated. The values that the test subjects indicated differ from the values that standard SS-EN 12464-1 recommends.</p><p>Since there is a huge spread of the experienced need for lighting between individuals and age groups, we draw the conclusion that general values of measure can’t be applied as a standard on neither workplace- nor surrounding light levels. To fulfill the needs that users have, the lighting construction should be adapted for the individual and give a lighting flood that will fill the individual needs for workplace lighting.</p>

Att stärka ett varumärke genom servicelandskapet : En studie om arkitekt- och designbyråers bakomliggande strategier vid planering av en rumslig miljö / To strengthen a brand through the servicescape : A study of the architectural and design agencies’ underlying strategies when planning a spatial environment

Lundstedt, Malin, Tunell, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Servicelandskapet och dess utformning där företagets tjänst produceras och konsumeras har kommit att bli allt viktigare ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Detta då platsen kan användas för att skapa positiva upplevelser för slutkunderna, och samtidigt fungera som en effektiv kommunikationskanal för att förmedla varumärket. Syftet med studien är därmed att generera kunskap till ämnesområdet varumärkeskommunikation, genom att undersöka hur arkitekt-och designbyråer, på uppdrag av tjänsteföretag, strategiskt planerar utformningen av servicelandskap för att stärka kundens varumärke. För att undersöka detta har en kvalitativ ansats tillämpats i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens resultat visar att en grundförutsättning för att arkitekt-och designbyråerna ska kunna förmedla en representativ bild av varumärket är att de bildar sig en förkunskap kring företaget och dess varumärke. Det har även framkommit att flera strategier kombineras vid planering av servicelandskapets utformning. Där upplevelsen och dess påverkan genom stimulering av sinnen, samt upprepning av företagets visuella uttryck och budskap i den rumsliga miljön visat sig vara viktiga strategier för att kunna stärka ett varumärke i servicelandskapet. / The servicescape and its design, where the company's services are produced and consumed, have become increasingly important from a marketing perspective. One reason is that the place can be used to create positive experiences for the guests, while also serving as an effective communication channel to communicate the brand. The aim of the study is therefore to generate knowledge in the field of brand communication, by exploring how architect-and design agencies, on behalf of service companies, strategically plan the design of the servicescape to strengthen the customer's brand. To explore this, a qualitative approach has been applied in form of semi-structured interviews. The results of the study show that one essential condition for the architect-and design agencies to be able to communicate a representative image of the brand, is that they gain an informed understanding of the company and its brand. It has also been found that several strategies are combined when planning the design of the servicescape. The experience and its influence through stimulation of the senses, as well as repetition of the company's visual expressions and messages in the spatial environment, have been found as important strategies for strengthening a brand in the servicescape.

GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL EN LA CAATINGA: Un estudio de caso de la Reserva Particular do Patrimonio Natural Serra das Almas

Holanda, Belisa Maria Veloso 21 May 2012 (has links)
A presente tese, constituída por estudo de caso, se inscreve no contexto da questão ambiental que, na atualidade, problematiza a degradação das condições de vida no planeta e as evidências segundo as quais o modelo de crescimento econômico, cuja tendência tem provocado crescente esgotamento e destruição dos recursos naturais e energéticos não-renováveis, é responsável pela perda da biodiversidade e a contaminação dos ecossistemas terrestres. Ao mesmo tempo, favorece uma crise social acentuando as discriminações, as desigualdades socioeconômicas e os processos de exclusão. Estamos vivendo uma crise socioambiental a ser abordada pela reflexão científica e pela revisão dos valores e modelos que inspiram a gestão dos recursos naturais. Os problemas ambientais têm ocupado parte significativa da agenda dos políticos, dos economistas, dos juristas, dos meios de comunicação. Ademais, estão tendo adesão da opinião pública. A cada dia os movimentos ambientalistas se fortalecem e impõem medidas de proteção e de mudanças nos comportamentos em relação aos problemas ambientais, destacando os desafios atuais para alcançarmos um equilíbrio ecológico e uma equidade social. Hoje, a proteção à biodiversidade é uma preocupação. Com esse estudo procuro mostrar como diante das pressões e ameaças advindas do predomínio de formas ambientalmente predatórias de exploração dos recursos naturais, a criação de áreas naturais protegidas está sendo considerada uma estratégia de controle do território, sobretudo por definir limites para o uso e ocupação bem específicos. Mas o estabelecimento, sua existência e gestão têm tido implicações diversas, especialmente para as condições de vida das comunidades circunvizinhas. Este estudo de caso examina o processo de criação da RPPN Serra das Almas, o trabalho desenvolvido na Reserva, as características e repercussões destas atividades nas comunidades localizadas no entorno da área de proteção ambiental. Por meio de uma metodologia qualitativa, exploratória, descritiva e interpretativa, a pesquisa de campo foi direcionada para identificar a percepção da população do entorno acerca da existência da Reserva, e as mudanças decorrentes da implantação de uma área de proteção ambiental. Palavras-chave: Questão Ambiental, Biodiversidade, Bioma Caatinga, Áreas de Proteção Ambiental, Reservas Privadas e Comunidades do Entorno. / La presente tesis, constituida por estudio de caso, se inscribe en el contexto de la cuestión ambiental que en la actualidad problematiza la degradación de las condiciones de vida en el planeta y las evidencias según las cuales el modelo de crecimiento económico, cuya tendencia ha venido provocando un creciente agotamiento y destrucción de los recursos naturales y energéticos no-renovables, es responsable de la pérdida de biodiversidad y de la contaminación de los ecosistemas terrestres. Al mismo tiempo dicho modelo económico favorece una crisis social al acentuar las discriminaciones, las desigualdades socioeconómicas y los procesos de exclusión. La sociedad vive actualmente una crisis socio-ambiental a ser abordada por la reflexión científica y por la revisión de los valores y modelos que inspiran la gestión de los recursos naturales. Los problemas ambientales han venido ocupando parte significativa de la agenda de los políticos, de los economistas, de los juristas, de los medios de comunicación y asimismo, cuentan con la adhesión de la opinión pública. A cada día los movimientos ambientalistas se fortalecen e imponen medidas de protección y de cambios en los comportamientos relacionados a los problemas ambientales, destacando los desafíos actuales que deben vencerse a fin de lograr un equilibrio ecológico y una equidad social. Hoy, la protección a la biodiversidad es una preocupación y a través del presente estudio la autora ha procurado mostrar por qué, ante las presiones y amenazas advenidas del predominio de formas ambientalmente predatorias de explotación de los recursos naturales, la creación de áreas naturales protegidas viene siendo considerada una estrategia de control del territorio, sobre todo porque define una forma de uso y ocupación con límites bien específicos. Sin embargo, el establecimiento, la existencia y la gestión de estas áreas naturales, ha tenido implicaciones diversas en las condiciones de vida de las comunidades circundantes. Este estudio de caso examina el proceso de creación de la RPPN Serra das Almas, el trabajo desarrollado en la Reserva, las características y repercusiones de estas actividades en las comunidades localizadas en el entorno del área de protección ambiental. A través de una metodología cualitativa, exploratoria, descriptiva e interpretativa, la investigación de campo ha sido orientada en el sentido de identificar la percepción de la población del entorno acerca de la existencia de la Reserva, y de los cambios derivados de la implantación de un área de protección ambiental. / This thesis consists by case study, applies in the environmental context issues that in the present, discusses the degradation of the planet’s living conditions and the evidences by which the economic growth model, has caused the growing exhaustion and destruction of natural resources and non-renewable energies, is responsible for the loss of biodiversity and the contamination of terrestrial ecosystems. At the same time, promotes a social crisis emphasizing discrimination, socioeconomic inequalities and exclusion processes. We are living a socio-environmental crisis to be broach by scientific reflection and by revision of values and models that inspire the management of natural resources. Environmental issues have occupied a significant part of the agenda of politicians, economists, lawyers and the media. Moreover, they are having the support of public opinion. Each day, the environmental movements get strengthen and imposes protection actions and also the changing of behavior regarding to environmental issues, highlighting the current challenges to reach an ecological balance and social equity. Today, the protection of biodiversity is a concern. With this study I try to show in front of all pressures and threats from the predominance of environmentally predatory exploration of natural resources, the creation of protected natural areas is considered a strategy of controlling the territory, especially to set limits for the use and a well specific occupation. But the establishment, its existence and management has had several implications, especially for the living conditions of surrounding communities. This case study examines the creating process of the RPPN Serra das Almas, the work developed at the Reserve, the characteristics and repercussions of these activities in the communities located around the area of environmental protection. Through a qualitative methodology, exploratory, descriptive and interpretive, the field research has directed to identify the perception of the surrounding population about the existence of the Reserve, and the changes resulting from an implementation of an environmental protection area.

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