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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enklaver i staten : Internationalisering, demokrati och den svenska statsförvaltningen

Vifell, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
<p>The thesis has two purposes. The first is to understand the organizational forms of the public administration when it participates in international rule making processes. The second purpose investigates democratic implications of internationalization of the Swedish state administration. A theoretical framework, combining theories of governance with ideas on resource dependence and a neo-institutional approach, is applied to three empirical cases. The cases follow decision making processes within the European Employment Strategy, The Kyoto Protocol for reduction of green house gasses and negotiations on trade facilitation within the WTO. The studied processes can be described as complex and fragmented, containing multiple types of actors and parallel arenas, complex technical material and bureaucratic processes. They were also characterised by the fact that policy was created throughout the course of the processes. They also seemed to lack an ending and were to a high degree bound by their history. The administrations’ response resulted in an organisational form that is theoretically developed in the study – enclaves. Enclaves contain members from different organizations, both private and state organizations and the work within them is carried out in an informal and interactive way. They are de-coupled units with stable membership that is related to positions in the hierarchy. As opposed to networks, enclaves are not self-organizing but the membership is mainly controlled by state-actors. The second aim of the study is carried out through a number of indicators derived from the deliberative and the representative models of democracy. The blurring of responsibilities, the lack of transparency and the barriers for entrance into the enclaves made the organisational forms of the administration seem problematic in relation to the representative model. However other features of the enclaves seemed to support a more communicative logic of action, leaving the deliberative model more promising as a way of understanding the administrations’ work as democratically legitimate. Still, the analysis showed that the deliberative model also faced some challenges in terms of lack of openness and inclusion of all relevant stake holders.</p>

Enklaver i staten : Internationalisering, demokrati och den svenska statsförvaltningen

Vifell, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
The thesis has two purposes. The first is to understand the organizational forms of the public administration when it participates in international rule making processes. The second purpose investigates democratic implications of internationalization of the Swedish state administration. A theoretical framework, combining theories of governance with ideas on resource dependence and a neo-institutional approach, is applied to three empirical cases. The cases follow decision making processes within the European Employment Strategy, The Kyoto Protocol for reduction of green house gasses and negotiations on trade facilitation within the WTO. The studied processes can be described as complex and fragmented, containing multiple types of actors and parallel arenas, complex technical material and bureaucratic processes. They were also characterised by the fact that policy was created throughout the course of the processes. They also seemed to lack an ending and were to a high degree bound by their history. The administrations’ response resulted in an organisational form that is theoretically developed in the study – enclaves. Enclaves contain members from different organizations, both private and state organizations and the work within them is carried out in an informal and interactive way. They are de-coupled units with stable membership that is related to positions in the hierarchy. As opposed to networks, enclaves are not self-organizing but the membership is mainly controlled by state-actors. The second aim of the study is carried out through a number of indicators derived from the deliberative and the representative models of democracy. The blurring of responsibilities, the lack of transparency and the barriers for entrance into the enclaves made the organisational forms of the administration seem problematic in relation to the representative model. However other features of the enclaves seemed to support a more communicative logic of action, leaving the deliberative model more promising as a way of understanding the administrations’ work as democratically legitimate. Still, the analysis showed that the deliberative model also faced some challenges in terms of lack of openness and inclusion of all relevant stake holders.

Offentligt anställda, sociala medier och yttrandefrihet : Hur ser svensk förvaltning på fri och öppen åsiktsbildning över internet för de anställda?

Winberg, Michael January 2020 (has links)
Tillgången till internet har under det senaste årtiondet gått från att vara ett tecken på individens välstånd till ett mätvärde för en nations tekniska utveckling. Likväl har tillgången till ett ”öppet internet”, det vill säga ett nät som ej övervakas och begränsas av staten för att förtrycka åsikter, blivit ett mätvärde för hur fritt ett samhälle anses vara. Sverige har en långtgående offentlighetsprincip som skiljer sig markant för hur andra stater. Framförallt då det numera är, i teorin, möjligt att som medborgare begära ut obegränsade mängder information digitalt. Det finns indikationer på att svensk förvaltning står inför en rad utmaningar i hanteringen av internet i allmänhet, och sociala medier i synnerhet. Därmed finns det grund för att undersöka hur den svenska förvaltningen idag förhåller sig till hur de offentligt anställda agerar och uttrycker sig på internet. I underlaget ingår sex fall som hämtats från Justitieombudsmannens (JO) beslutdatabas. Av dessa har riktlinjer och bestämmelser för de myndigheter som fallen berör undersökts i fyra fall. Vidare har en kvantitativ undersökning genomförts för att titta på trender. Resultatet visar en svagt ökande trend över antal inkomna ärenden till JO som berör yttrandefrihet och offentlighet samt sekretess. Även antalet anmälningar riktade mot myndigheters agerande på sociala medier ökar, om än i lägre utsträckning. Den här studien har visat på att det förekommer fall där svensk förvaltning ingripit mot personalens yttrandefrihet på sociala medier och att den offentliga sektorn är i behov av tydligare riktlinjer kring vilka åtgärder de får, samt inte får, vidta när en anställd uttrycker åsikter som kan ses som problematiska för förvaltningen.

MELLAN DEFINITIONER OCH UPPLEVELSER : Korruption i offentliga upphandlingar ur tjänstepersoners synvinkel

Cederlind, Hampuz, Granlöf, Kalle January 2024 (has links)
For a long time, Sweden, as an administrative nation, has held a high international reputation from various perspectives. One of the primary perspectives has been regarding the transparency and impartiality of Swedish administrations. However, in recent times, the question of whether Sweden is more corrupt than previously believed has become a subject of public debate. Transparency and impartiality have undoubtedly been called into question, making it interesting to study the potential occurrence of corruption within Swedish administrations. This study focuses on public procurement, which is the part of Swedish administrations that generates the most revenue, making it interesting from a corruption perspective. The purpose of this study is to examine how public procurers define corruption and how they view the subject in general. To do this, we use two research questions: How do officials define and interpret the concept of corruption, and how can it be relevant in combating potential corruption risks? Also, how do officials perceive the corruption issue based on the public's and the academic community's views on public procurement? The study is conducted using a qualitative method in the form of interview responses from 4 selected officials from different municipalities. The interview material is analyzed using ideal types to categorize the officials' opinions. The results of this study provide an insight, among other things, into the fact that the interviewed officials have some difficulty defining what constitutes corruption. The outcome of this study indicates certain aspects of the officials' thoughts and opinions, which is a topic in the research field that we have so far found relatively unexplored. Hopefully, this study can contribute to raising awareness of the subject and pave the way for further research.

På uppdrag av regeringen : En studie av regeringens styrning genom myndigheternas uppdrag

Joel, Viegård January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar beskriva förändringen i formell styrning av förvaltningsmyndigheterna under tidsperioden 2006 till och med 2012. Av intresse för studien har varit styrutredningens (SOU 2007:75) kritik mot regeringens styrning av förvaltningen samt regeringens budgetproposition och förvaltningspolitiska proposition för år 2009. Studiens avsikt är således att beskriva förändringen över tid sedan styrutredningen presenterades. Centralt i studien är de av regeringen utfärdade uppdragen i regleringsbreven. I analysen presenteras ett antal mätbara variabler: antal uppdrag, storlek på uppdragen och antal återrapporteringskrav. I de fall som uppdragsdelen har förändrats eller stått oförändrad, utforskar studien dess innebörd för den sammantagna styrningen av förvaltningen.

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