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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lillan är ingen vanlig flicka : En semiotisk analys av genusframställan i Sveriges Televisions julkalendrar 1996 och 2007 / Lillan is not an ordinary girl : - An semiotic analysis of genderdescription in children's programme 1996 and 2007

Dyrager, Malin January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur genus skapas och iscensätts i Sveriges Televisions julkalendrar 1996 och 2007 samt om det skett någon förändring över tid vad gäller skapandet och framställandet. Detta undersöks genom en semiotisk analys samt med queerteori som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Undersökningen visar att julkalendrarna i många fall bidrar till ett vidmakthållande av stereotypa könsroller. Man kan dock urskilja en förändring mellan de båda kalendrarna då den senast sända ger ett intryck av att producenten gjort medvetna val för att undvika ett reproducerande av könsstereotyperna.

"Demented people and elks are being equipped with GPS!" : A study of the news program Rapport's from 1979 to 2009 / "Dementa och älgar utrustas med GPS!" : En studie i nyhetsprogrammet Rapports tabloidisering från 1979 till 2009

Cedergren, Johanna, Marmolin, Maria January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine which effect tabloidization has had on the news content and the presentation of the Swedish news program Rapport, during the years 1979 and 2009. Rapport is broadcasted in the Public Service channel "Sveriges Television". Our main concern was to examine whether Rapport has stayed true to their assignment or if they have made changes to appeal to the popularised audience. To do so we focused on three questions: What is the journalist’s role? What becomes news? Who are interviewed? We used theories such as social representation, news value and media logic to help us perform the analysis. Qualitative methods were used to analyse the news broadcasts, of which John Langer’s story-types was the primary method. In addition to that we used the method of semiotics to reveal signs of tabloidization in the imagery of the broadcasts. Our results showed that the tabloidization of Rapport lies in the format rather than the news content. The changes in the news content are barely noticeable, even though the time span is quite long. The format however, has seen some tabloidization in 2009, with changes to the vignette and the feature structure. We also found changes in which people that Rapport chose to interview and changes among the journalists themselves. For instance we discovered that the representation of different groups of people is much more varied in 2009 than it was in 1979. The results also showed that the journalistic role has shifted from the task of educating the citizens to the task of being sensational and entertaining.

Vill du ha en snigel på ögat? : En kvantitativ undersökning om svensk public service-televisions innehåll över 34 års tid. / Would you like a snail on your eye? : A quantitative study about Swedish public service television during 34 years time.

Hermansson, Johan, Jönsson, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Our study shows if and how Swedish public service television has changed its content from the time when SVT had monopoly until this day when the competition is greater than ever. We got an insight in what has been presented to the audience by studying TV schedules from 1975 to 2009. The study examines four weeks during the years when the two main channels SVT1 and SVT2 have been broadcasting. One week each of these following years have been examined: 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2009. These years have been chosen to get an insight in what content the TV schedules presented before and after SVT got competition in the Swedish TV market. A total of 28 days and 56 TV schedules have been examined. This was done with a quantitative analysis and with an own model of ten categories that has helped us to sort the TV shows based on their content. Even though it was not a great difference, the result shows that the percentage of news has decreased since 1975. But it was not possible to see if the TV shows that replaced the news in the TV schedule was of an entertaining kind. The study also shows that a new kind of TV shows have taken a large spot in the schedules. Nowadays it is common that a TV show mix different kind of categories during its broadcasting time. One example is Gomorron Sverige. Furthermore we have seen that live debates take a large place in the TV schedules in 2009, especially during the day time. Besides that, the sizes of the categories have been pretty even during the 34 years. SVT has not made any significant changes since the monopoly was broken and the competition became a reality. We have also noticed that the broadcasting time has increased a lot since 1975. It is particularly obvious in the day time where there many years ago were no broadcasting at all. Our main purpose with the study was to examine if there is less news today in favour of TV shows of a more entertaining kind.

"Demented people and elks are being equipped with GPS!" : A study of the news program Rapport's from 1979 to 2009 / "Dementa och älgar utrustas med GPS!" : En studie i nyhetsprogrammet Rapports tabloidisering från 1979 till 2009

Cedergren, Johanna, Marmolin, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine which effect tabloidization has had on the news content and the presentation of the Swedish news program Rapport, during the years 1979 and 2009. Rapport is broadcasted in the Public Service channel "Sveriges Television".</p><p>Our main concern was to examine whether Rapport has stayed true to their assignment or if they have made changes to appeal to the popularised audience. To do so we focused on three questions: What is the journalist’s role? What becomes news? Who are interviewed?</p><p>We used theories such as social representation, news value and media logic to help us perform the analysis. Qualitative methods were used to analyse the news broadcasts, of which John Langer’s story-types was the primary method. In addition to that we used the method of semiotics to reveal signs of tabloidization in the imagery of the broadcasts.</p><p>Our results showed that the tabloidization of Rapport lies in the format rather than the news content. The changes in the news content are barely noticeable, even though the time span is quite long. The format however, has seen some tabloidization in 2009, with changes to the vignette and the feature structure. We also found changes in which people that Rapport chose to interview and changes among the journalists themselves. For instance we discovered that the representation of different groups of people is much more varied in 2009 than it was in 1979. The results also showed that the journalistic role has shifted from the task of educating the citizens to the task of being sensational and entertaining.</p><p><p><p> </p></p></p>

Vill du ha en snigel på ögat? : En kvantitativ undersökning om svensk public service-televisions innehåll över 34 års tid. / Would you like a snail on your eye? : A quantitative study about Swedish public service television during 34 years time.

Hermansson, Johan, Jönsson, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
<p>Our study shows if and how Swedish public service television has changed its content from the time when SVT had monopoly until this day when the competition is greater than ever. We got an insight in what has been presented to the audience by studying TV schedules from 1975 to 2009. The study examines four weeks during the years when the two main channels SVT1 and SVT2 have been broadcasting. One week each of these following years have been examined: 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2009. These years have been chosen to get an insight in what content the TV schedules presented before and after SVT got competition in the Swedish TV market. A total of 28 days and 56 TV schedules have been examined. This was done with a quantitative analysis and with an own model of ten categories that has helped us to sort the TV shows based on their content.</p><p>Even though it was not a great difference, the result shows that the percentage of news has decreased since 1975. But it was not possible to see if the TV shows that replaced the news in the TV schedule was of an entertaining kind. The study also shows that a new kind of TV shows have taken a large spot in the schedules. Nowadays it is common that a TV show mix different kind of categories during its broadcasting time. One example is Gomorron Sverige. Furthermore we have seen that live debates take a large place in the TV schedules in 2009, especially during the day time. Besides that, the sizes of the categories have been pretty even during the 34 years. SVT has not made any significant changes since the monopoly was broken and the competition became a reality.</p><p>We have also noticed that the broadcasting time has increased a lot since 1975. It is particularly obvious in the day time where there many years ago were no broadcasting at all. Our main purpose with the study was to examine if there is less news today in favour of TV shows of a more entertaining kind.</p>

”Viktigare än någonsin!” : En granskning av SVT som Public Service-aktör, med fokus på samiskt utbud

Eriksson, Lotta, Koivuniemi, Juulia January 2007 (has links)
Det har under senare år flitigt debatterats om Public Service vara eller inte vara. Vissa hävdar att Public Service är en föråldrad kvarleva av monopoltiden som borde avvecklas och att TV-utbudet ändå skulle hålla en hög kvalitet. Andra däremot menar att Public Service idag är ”viktigare än någonsin”. Vad man än tycker om programutbudet som SVT, SR och UR har kan man inte förneka att det ligger mycket tid och arbete bakom deras produktioner. Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Public Service i relation till det samiska programutbudet i Sveriges television. Syftet med denna studie är att granska Public Service-relaterade dokument, så som propositioner rörande ämnet, vilka krav Sveriges television har på sig samt om de uppfyller dessa. Med den nationella minoritetsgruppen samer som exempel har vi för avsikt att skildra komplexiteten runt minoritets-ansvaret. Exempel på frågor som behandlas är: Vem formulerar detta minoritetsansvar och vad innebär det? Hur definierar staten och SVT vem som är same, om man utgår ifrån styrdokument för Public Service? Via systematisk undersökning av dessa texter, med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys samt kritisk granskning, har vi analyserat innehållet utifrån våra frågeställningar.

Intern kommunikation och meningsskapande vid strategisk organisationsförändring : en studie av Sveriges Televison

Platen, Sara von January 2006 (has links)
Planned change and change-related communication are perceived very differently by the members of an organization. Strongly varying perceptions of new tasks, work processes and goals make joint action difficult and cause the failure of many change initiatives. The purpose of this study is to investigate how internal communication and sensemaking processes contribute to the perception of strategic change among the members of a public service organization. The following questions are answered: How does the management plan and perform internal communication during a strategic change of the Swedish public service television company Sveriges Television (SVT)? How do the members of the organization make sense of a strategic change and the internal communication related to the changes that are planned and carried out? A social constructivist perspective combined with theories of sensemaking, communication, social identities, roles, groups, power and status constitutes the analytical framework. The investigation is designed as two case studies of the SVT production facilities in Malmö and Örebro. The empirical material consists mainly of personal interviews. Written documents and observations have also been used. The case studies took place between 2002 and 2004. Some main conclusions are as follows: 1) Internal communication is central for how members of an organization make sense of, and participate in, major change. Yet, not even in ideal communication situations do the employees experience that the information has been sufficient and that they have been included in the change process. There are thus reasons for more balanced expectations of what is possible to achieve with internal communication during strategic change. 2) The most influential factor determining how people make sense of change-related communication is the practical everyday reality that constitutes their frames of reference. The reluctance to consider, and act upon, how other individuals conceive of a situation leads to misdirected internal communication and gaps of understanding. 3) Organizational identities, group membership, roles and status function as frames of reference when employees make sense of changes. But irrespective of whether the changes take place on an organizational, departmental or group level, personal identities are the most influential frames of reference for interpreting organizational change. The investigation thus establishes an order of precedence for frames of reference that has important implications for internal communication during strategic change. The thesis contributes to sensemaking theories by demonstrating their extensive ability to explain mutually related phenomena, such as attention, resistance and self-fulfilling prophecies. The apparent ability to explain basically all sensemaking-related issues in organizations, and thus leading to reductionism, is also concluded to be one of the weaknesses of the theories. By connecting sensemaking theories with roles, social identities and power, the study contributes to clarifying the frame concept.

"Several media reports today" – A comparative analysis of discursive practices within Swedish immigration critical media and public service media

Rossi, Gustaf January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med den här masteruppsatsen är att förstå nyhetsdiskurser i public service och invandringskritiska alternativmedier i Sverige. Uppsatsen fokuserar på hur de fyra största politiska partierna behandlar invandringsfrågan månaden före det riksdagsvalet 2018. Uppsatsen syftar mot att förstå skillnader och likheter i diskursiva praktiker om invandringsfrågan i två public service medier (Sveriges Television och Sveriges Radio) samt två invandringskritiska alternativmedier (Fria Tider och Nyheter Idag), och för att undersöka hur detta kan kopplas till minskat förtroende i traditionella medier.Uppsatsen grundar analysen på diskursteori av Fairclough i sammanhanhet av minskat förtroende för traditionella nyhetsmedier. För analys av resultaten används gestaltningteorin och dagordningsteorin, tillsammans med teorier om kommersialiserad journalistik.Metoderna som används är en kritisk diskursanalys baserad på Faircloughs tredimensionella modell, tillsammans med en retorisk analys som appliceras på Faircloughs textnivå. Dessa metoder användes på tolv medietexter som handlade om samma nyhet under augusti 2018.Resultaten visade en Överlägsenhetsdiskurs, där de invandringskritiska medierna intar en roll som överlägnsa de andra deltagarna i det politiska "spelet". Jag presebterar också en erkännandediskurs för att förklara en tredimensionell modell som innehåller politiker i botten, traditionella medier på andra nivån och invandringskritiska medier på toppen. Den sista diskursen är en "Vänskaps"-diskurs där de invandringskritiska medierna intar en "vänskaplig" roll mot andra aktörer i det politiska spelet, vilket ytterligare expanderar på teorier om politisk nyhetsjournalistik som ett spel.Framtida forskning kan riktas mot att bredda analysen och inkludera flera sorters alternativa medier, utföras i andra länder eller utveckla den model jag presenterar. / The aim of this master’s thesis is to understand news discursive practices in public service and the immigration critical alternative media of Sweden. The thesis focus on how the four largest political parties addresses the topic of immigration the month before the Swedish election in 2018. The thesis aims at identifying and understanding similarities and differences in the discursive construction of immigration as a political topic in two public service media (Sveriges Television and Sveriges Radio) and two immigration critical alternative media (Fria Tider and Nyheter Idag), and to examine how this connects to the diminished trust in mainstream media.The thesis bases the analysis on discourse theory by Fairclough, and the context of distrust in traditional news media. To analyze the result, framing and agenda setting theories are used along with the theory of commercialized journalism.The methods used are a Critical Discourse Analysis based on Fairclough’s model supported by a rhetorical analysis which is applied on the text layer in Fairclough’s model. These methods are applied to a total of twelve media texts that covered the same stories during August of 2018.The results showed a superiority discourse where the immigration critical media enters a role of superior to other actors in the political “game”. I also present an acknowledgement discourse to support a three-level model, which consists of politics at the bottom, the mainstream media on the second level, and the alternative media on the top. The final discourse is the “Friendship” discourse where immigration critical media takes on a “friendship” role towards other actors in the political game, to further expand upon political journalism as a game.Future research could be aimed at widening the analysis to cover other forms of alternative media, be placed in other countries, or develop the model I propose.

Public service vs. kommersiela medier : En jämförelse av rekryteringsprocessen för radio- och TV- programledare inom underhållningsprogram.

Stèen, Anna, Axelsson, Josefine, Svensson, Sara January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att belysa rekryteringsprocessen och kanalernas, Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Tele-vision, Mix Megapol och TV4, kriterier samt att få en bild över programledarens yrkesroll, utmärkande drag och erfarenhet av rekryteringen. Problemformuleringen består utav hur programledare väljs, utefter vilka kriterier, hur programledaren upplever sin yrkesroll och erfarenheter av rekrytering, samt vad som utmärker en programledare för underhållningsprogram inom radio och TV, public service och kommersiella medier. Vi har undersökt hur rekryteringsprocessen av programledare inom underhållning för rikstäckande radio och TV går till, och jämfört processen mellan public service och kommersiella medier. Detta såg vi som intressant, då det är en outforskad yrkesroll, som har en unik rekryteringsprocess och vi ansåg det vara tänkvärt att göra en jämförelse mellan kanalerna, public service och kommersiella medier. Under-sökningen består utav kvalitativa intervjuer med elva utvalda rekryterare och programledare i branschen. Uppsatsen bygger på tre teoretiska modeller; rekryteringsvägar enligt Lars-Åke Engblom, rekryteringsprocessen med bedömning av Lars Prien och även hans teori kring urvalet. Till uppsatsen kan vi också koppla Bourdieus teori kring det kulturella kapitalet. I slutdiskussionen har vi sammanfattat nuvarande rekrytering i punktform. Resultatet kan sammanfattas i en uppdaterad modell av rekryteringssätt, som vi presenterar. Sammanfattningsvis visar undersökningen skillnaderna mellan public service och kommersiella kanaler, både vad det gäller process och kriterier vid anställning av programledare, samt programledares syn på detta.

Public service vs. kommersiela medier : En jämförelse av rekryteringsprocessen för radio- och TV- programledare inom underhållningsprogram.

Stèen, Anna, Axelsson, Josefine, Svensson, Sara January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att belysa rekryteringsprocessen och kanalernas, <em>Sveriges Radio, Sveriges Tele-vision, Mix Megapol och TV4, </em>kriterier samt att få en bild över programledarens yrkesroll, utmärkande drag och erfarenhet av rekryteringen. Problemformuleringen består utav hur programledare väljs, utefter vilka kriterier, hur programledaren upplever sin yrkesroll och erfarenheter av rekrytering, samt vad som utmärker en programledare för underhållningsprogram inom radio och TV, public service och kommersiella medier. Vi har undersökt hur rekryteringsprocessen av programledare inom underhållning för rikstäckande radio och TV går till, och jämfört processen mellan public service och kommersiella medier. Detta såg vi som intressant, då det är en outforskad yrkesroll, som har en unik rekryteringsprocess och vi ansåg det vara tänkvärt att göra en jämförelse mellan kanalerna, public service och kommersiella medier. Under-sökningen består utav kvalitativa intervjuer med elva utvalda rekryterare och programledare i branschen. Uppsatsen bygger på tre teoretiska modeller; rekryteringsvägar enligt Lars-Åke Engblom, rekryteringsprocessen med bedömning av Lars Prien och även hans teori kring urvalet. Till uppsatsen kan vi också koppla Bourdieus teori kring det kulturella kapitalet. I slutdiskussionen har vi sammanfattat nuvarande rekrytering i punktform. Resultatet kan sammanfattas i en uppdaterad modell av rekryteringssätt, som vi presenterar. Sammanfattningsvis visar undersökningen skillnaderna mellan public service och kommersiella kanaler, både vad det gäller process och kriterier vid anställning av programledare, samt programledares syn på detta.</p>

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