Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nationella minoritet""
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”Viktigare än någonsin!” : En granskning av SVT som Public Service-aktör, med fokus på samiskt utbudEriksson, Lotta, Koivuniemi, Juulia January 2007 (has links)
<p>Det har under senare år flitigt debatterats om Public Service vara eller inte vara. Vissa hävdar att Public Service är en föråldrad kvarleva av monopoltiden som borde avvecklas och att TV-utbudet ändå skulle hålla en hög kvalitet. Andra däremot menar att Public Service idag är ”viktigare än någonsin”. Vad man än tycker om programutbudet som SVT, SR och UR har kan man inte förneka att det ligger mycket tid och arbete bakom deras produktioner.</p><p>Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Public Service i relation till det samiska programutbudet i Sveriges television. Syftet med denna studie är att granska Public Service-relaterade dokument, så som propositioner rörande ämnet, vilka krav Sveriges television har på sig samt om de uppfyller dessa. Med den nationella minoritetsgruppen samer som exempel har vi för avsikt att skildra komplexiteten runt minoritets-ansvaret. Exempel på frågor som behandlas är:</p><p>Vem formulerar detta minoritetsansvar och vad innebär det?</p><p>Hur definierar staten och SVT vem som är same, om man utgår ifrån styrdokument för Public Service?</p><p>Via systematisk undersökning av dessa texter, med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys samt kritisk granskning, har vi analyserat innehållet utifrån våra frågeställningar.</p>
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De osynliga minoriteterna : En studie om minoritetsrättigheter i svensk politik mellan år 1970 och 2010Gullberg, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
This essay examines the historical development of group rights for cultural minorities in Sweden between the years 1970 and 2010. The purpose of the study is to analyze the development of political measures taken at government level for different minority groups, foremost explaining the division that have arisen between measures aimed at the five national minorities, the Sámi, the Swedish Finns, the Roma, the Jews and the Tornedalians, and measures directed at other ethnic groups. My conclusions are that the division in Swedish public policy between one the one hand national minorities, and on the other hand immigrant groups, is in no way self-evident. The division has arisen from an international standard on how democratic states, such as Sweden, should treat their cultural minorities. Further, this division has had an immense impact in shaping public policy as well as determining the type of group rights introduced for minority groups in Sweden. A difference has also been found in how the minorities are perceived by state actors. Immigrant groups are currently perceived as less entitled to group rights due to their short presence in Sweden, whereas national minorities are seen as more entitled to group rights due to their long historic presence in the country. However, as this essay shows, this view has not always been the prevailing view in Swedish politics in the 1970s and the 1980s, a time when national minorities had little or no say in matters concerning minority rights.
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”Viktigare än någonsin!” : En granskning av SVT som Public Service-aktör, med fokus på samiskt utbudEriksson, Lotta, Koivuniemi, Juulia January 2007 (has links)
Det har under senare år flitigt debatterats om Public Service vara eller inte vara. Vissa hävdar att Public Service är en föråldrad kvarleva av monopoltiden som borde avvecklas och att TV-utbudet ändå skulle hålla en hög kvalitet. Andra däremot menar att Public Service idag är ”viktigare än någonsin”. Vad man än tycker om programutbudet som SVT, SR och UR har kan man inte förneka att det ligger mycket tid och arbete bakom deras produktioner. Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Public Service i relation till det samiska programutbudet i Sveriges television. Syftet med denna studie är att granska Public Service-relaterade dokument, så som propositioner rörande ämnet, vilka krav Sveriges television har på sig samt om de uppfyller dessa. Med den nationella minoritetsgruppen samer som exempel har vi för avsikt att skildra komplexiteten runt minoritets-ansvaret. Exempel på frågor som behandlas är: Vem formulerar detta minoritetsansvar och vad innebär det? Hur definierar staten och SVT vem som är same, om man utgår ifrån styrdokument för Public Service? Via systematisk undersökning av dessa texter, med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys samt kritisk granskning, har vi analyserat innehållet utifrån våra frågeställningar.
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”Mä oon niinko… ruotsinsuomalainen” ”Jag är liksom... sverigefinsk” : Om sverigefinska barns identitetssarbeteUljas, Tuuli January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis is a study on identity construction of a group of 9-14 year old children with Finnish origin in Sweden. In 2000 Sweden granted a special status of a national minority to five indigenous minorities, of which the Sweden-Finns are one, by ratifying European council’s framework convention for protection of national minorities. The status was further strengthened in 2010 with law 2009:724 giving Sweden’s five national minorities right to preserve and promote their own cultures and languages considered to be endangered due to centuries-long marginalisation, discrimination and forced assimilation to the Swedish society. The law emphasises particularly children’s right to a cultural identity and the minority language. Majority of the Sweden-Finnish children today are second or third generation decendants of the large group of work-related immigrants who migrated from Finland to Sweden during the 1960s-70s. Due to various socio-political reasons, the Sweden-Finns have assimilated culturally and linguistically to the Swedish society and children are predominantly Swedish-speaking. The theoretical framework in this thesis is a constructionist view on identity and ethnicity as ever-changing and in a constant process of being reproduced. There is an aspect of hybridity in identity; one person can have different identities during his or her lifetime. By using qualitative group interviews as a research method this thesis studies how a group of eleven Sweden-Finnish children relates to and identifies with “Finnishness” or “Sweden-Finnishness”. The study focuses on how these identity categories are reproduced by children and how they are used to mark and symbolise different aspects of the children’s identities. According to the sociology of childhood, children are seen as active social actors. Therefore this thesis presents a child’s perspective and it is the children’s own stories, opinions and insights to identity construction that form the basis to the analysis. The conclusion drawn is that the Sweden-Finnishness is constructed through children’s relations to Finland and how they relate to their Finnish origin even though their lives are preconditioned in a Swedish-speaking environment. Children describe Sweden-Finnishness as a relatively new identity category that is still under construction but a majority identify themselves as Sweden-Finns for their lives are in Sweden. Children have a limited access to other Finnish-speaking children and children’s cultures outside the group meetings where the interviews were conducted and Finnish language is mostly used with the Finnish-speaking parent or more seldom with relatives. The children consider their bilingualism as an advantage but the limited contacts to Finnish-speaking friends and the dominance of Swedish, and increasingly English, through social media in their daily lives decreases the possibilities to use Finnish in social relations. / Det här examensarbetet skrivs inom barn och ungdomsvetenskap och handlar om sverigefinska barns identitetsarbete. Sverigefinnar är i Sverige bosatta personer med finsk härkomst och en av de fem nationella eller historiska minoriteterna som Sverige erkände i februari 2000. Lagen (2009:724) om nationella minoriteter och minoritetsspråk fastställer bland annat att allmänheten ska särskilt främja minoritetsbarns rätt till utveckling av en kulturell identitet och användningen av det egna språket. Majoriteten av dagens sverigefinska barn och unga tillhör den andra- eller tredje generationen av den stora arbetskraftsinvandrargruppen som emigrerade från Finland till Sverige under 1960-70-talet. Dåtidens minoritetspolitik och bristen på finsk kulturell- och språklig kontext i vardagen har gjort att inte bara en, utan flera generationer sverigefinska barn saknar idag kunskaper om den finska kulturen samt kunskaper i det finska språket. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt utgörs av begreppen identitet, etnicitet och kultur. Studien använder sig av ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv, att identiteter konstrueras hela livet i olika korsade och även motsatta diskurser. Identitetens hybriditet betyder att en och samma person kan uppleva och anamma olika identiteter under sitt liv. Inom barndomssociologi anses barn vara aktiva aktörer som själva konstruerar sin verklighet och det är därför att barnens egna funderingar och berättelser får företräde i redovisningen av den insamlade empirin. Med kvalitativ gruppintervju som forskningsmetod har en grupp av 11 sverigefinska barn i åldersgrupp 9-14 år intervjuats i syfte att kunna presentera ett sverigefinskt barns perspektiv som belyser hur barnen själv upplever och uppfattar sin identitet samt hur den kan kopplas till sverigefinskhet eller finskhet. Självidentifikation är en strategisk positionering som görs i relation till andra människor och att identifiera sig som finsk eller sverigefinsk är därmed en högst individuell uppfattning eller upplevelse om vem man är. Forskningsresultaten fastställer att sverigefinskhet skapas genom barnens relationer till Finland och den finska härkomsten trots att barnens levnadsmiljö huvudsakligen är svenskspråkig. De flesta kan identifiera sig med sverigefinskhet även om den uppfattas som en relativ ny identitetskategori som håller på att utvecklas och fyllas med innebörd. Barnen upplever att det finns få möjligheter att skapa sverigefinska kamratkulturer utöver den fritidsverksamheten där intervjuerna genomfördes och det finska språket används nästan uteslutande med den finskspråkiga föräldern eller mer sällan med släktingar. Flerspråkighet anses som en resurs som gynnar barnen i olika livssituationer men kompisrelationer är till stor del svenskspråkiga och användning av social media på engelska minskar tillfällena och möjligheterna till att använda finska.
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Det felaktiga folket : Svenska kyrkans roll i försvenskningen av kvänerna 1840–1950 / The Faulty People : The Role of the Church of Sweden during the Assimilation Policy against the Kvens 1840–1950Fjällborg, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is about the Assimilation Policy against the minority Kvens in the years 1840-1950. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which role the Church of Sweden played in the assimililation and what made bishops and priests to take this role. The base is the theoretical concepts of nation and nationalism, identity and etnicity, minority and majority and authority. This study is mainly a collocation of previous research. In november 2023, the Swedish state finished a commissionwork about the Assimilation Policy against the Kvens and gave an account for the discrimination, excesses and assimilation from the state and the Church of Sweden against the Kvens. (SOU 2023:68) That work is the main source in this thesis. During the investigated period, the church was intertvined with the state which made it a part of the nationalistic endeavor to make every person in Sweden a good citizen and a good Evangelic-Lutheran Christian. The church contributed in coercive methods such as language compulsion to teach every person Swedish, Racial biology and Eugenics and to make the Kvens change place for worship. The only approved language in both the state and the church was Swedish and this enforced the Kvens to learn a new language and stop using their own minority language Meänkieli. It started with the children, but with time every Kven was affected by the Assimilation Policy. The Religious Revivial movement the Laestadianism became a safe haven for the Kvens because during their services Meänkieli was allowed. Thanks to the Laestadianism the Kvens could continue to meet Kvens in Finland and Norway in a transnational community. Both the Swedish state and the Church of Sweden felt treatened by this transnational community which they feared was a threat to the nation and the homogenization. The church became a part of the nationalistic struggle to make Sweden strong and independent. Both the state and the church believed in "one nation–one language–one church". A strong nation was homogenous with all citizens sharing in traditions, history, religion and language of the majority. The Kvens were faulty people according to race, language and worship. The period with Assimilation Policy is a dark chapter in the history of both the Kvens and the Church of Sweden.
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“They only phoned when there where trouble” : Parents- and adults experience of parental co-operation with school / 'De ringde bara då det var trubbel' : Vuxna romers erfarenhet av samarbete hem och skolaBorg, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this study is to investigate the experiences some adult Romans have of co-operation between Romani parents and school. The study is based on interviews and has been inspired of critical ethnography and hermeneutic theories. What views have the Romani adults and parents on parental co-operation with school? Which strategy do they see as a practical way for improved parental co-operating with school? The study show that the Romani parents who participated in this study do want a very close co-operation and have used strategies of open communication and giving suggestion on how to co-operate with the schools. One of the informants has had the opportunity to give an in-dept interview and this gives an example of a more diversified picture of the Romani parental patterns in relation to school. The adult Ro-mani group that has been interviewed thinks that a close co-operation with school is very im-portant. One suggestion of improvement from the interviewers is teacher-assistans to improve the schools parental co-operation. There where also suggestions that educational efforts of the school is needed for all students and to include knowledge about who the Romani people are and about their history, culture and language. Some of the parents even showed examples of giving suggestions to teachers to increase the contact by writing in a dairy for each student. The parents in this study also reports of institutionalized antigypsyism and discrimination. In that view the in-dept interview gives an explanation to why the co-operation is believed to be so crucial. There is a fear that the public authorities in somewhat way would hurt the Romani children.</p>
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“They only phoned when there where trouble” : Parents- and adults experience of parental co-operation with school / 'De ringde bara då det var trubbel' : Vuxna romers erfarenhet av samarbete hem och skolaBorg, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to investigate the experiences some adult Romans have of co-operation between Romani parents and school. The study is based on interviews and has been inspired of critical ethnography and hermeneutic theories. What views have the Romani adults and parents on parental co-operation with school? Which strategy do they see as a practical way for improved parental co-operating with school? The study show that the Romani parents who participated in this study do want a very close co-operation and have used strategies of open communication and giving suggestion on how to co-operate with the schools. One of the informants has had the opportunity to give an in-dept interview and this gives an example of a more diversified picture of the Romani parental patterns in relation to school. The adult Ro-mani group that has been interviewed thinks that a close co-operation with school is very im-portant. One suggestion of improvement from the interviewers is teacher-assistans to improve the schools parental co-operation. There where also suggestions that educational efforts of the school is needed for all students and to include knowledge about who the Romani people are and about their history, culture and language. Some of the parents even showed examples of giving suggestions to teachers to increase the contact by writing in a dairy for each student. The parents in this study also reports of institutionalized antigypsyism and discrimination. In that view the in-dept interview gives an explanation to why the co-operation is believed to be so crucial. There is a fear that the public authorities in somewhat way would hurt the Romani children.
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Att möta fördomar : En kvalitativ studie om några finska och utomnordiska romers upplevelser på bostads- och arbetsmarknadenLjungqvist, Jonna, Filhm, Karin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to examine how a few members of the Finnish and non- Scandinavian Romani subgroups experience their own, and their groups, situation on the Housing- and Labour Market. We´ve studied our respondents’ experiences of discrimination, which difficulties they think there are, what strategies can be used to deal with these difficulties and also their own ideas on how to improve the situation for the Romani people in the Swedish society. This has been done by six individual structured interviews which have been analyzed with concepts from Symbolic Interactionism, including Goffman’s Dramaturgical Role Theory, definition of Stigma and Kelly’s theory of Personal Constructions. Our results show that the respondents either have been victims of discrimination themselves, or have family/friends that have, which has led to adjustments to the expectations of how an employee or a houseguest should be. Our respondents believe that difficulties getting/keeping a job/house are a result of prejudice towards the Romani people and the main strategy that can be used is hiding their ethnic identity on these arenas. Ideas for improvement include members of the majority population and Romanies working together long term to develop knowledge about the Romani people.
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