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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Dashboard For Monitoring Of Online Media Applications : Presenting Microservice Monitoring Data To Non-Developers

Sonebo, Christina January 2022 (has links)
Microservice architecture is an emerging approach to application development. While the decentralized nature of microservices comes with advantages it also introduces new challenges to monitoring as the graph of interactions between services can be complex. We explore how a dashboard for microservice monitoring can support first-line operators with limited experience in software development and microservice architecture. We apply a participatory design approach and create a prototype in an iterative fashion together with developers, operators and stakeholders. The final prototype is evaluated through a think-aloud protocol and a system usability scale survey. A thematic analysis of the think-aloud renders three prevalent design lessons: (1) automation and context-switches; (2) consistency across views and states; and (3) language differences between developers and operators. / Mikrotjänstarkitektur används alltmer inom applikationsutveckling. Även om dess decentraliserade natur kommer med vissa fördelar, introducerar den också nya utmaningar inom övervakning, då den samtidigt kan medföra komplexa beroenden mellan tjänster. Vi utforskar hur en dashboard för mikrotjänstövervakning kan stödja first-line operatörer med begränsad erfarenhet av mjukvaruutveckling och mikrotjänstarkitektur. Vi närmar oss problemet med hjälp av participatory design och skapar en prototyp på ett iterativt sätt tillsammans med utvecklare, operatörer och intressenter. Den slutliga prototypen utvärderas genom ett think-aloud-protokoll och en System Usability Scale-enkät. En tematisk analys av think-aloud sessionerna resulterade i tre teman: (1) automatisering och kontextväxling; (2) att vara konsekvent mellan vyer och tillstånd; och (3) språkskillnader mellan utvecklare och operatörer.

En digital upplevelse för seniorer! : En studie i seniorers navigering och subjektiva upplevelse av webbplatser med digitala samhällstjänster / A digital experience for seniors! : A study in seniors navigating and subjective experiences of websites with digital community services

Christensen, Pia, Stareborn, Anne-Christine January 2020 (has links)
Previous research into the usability of public websites indicate that with increasing age, people’s use of websites decreases. It is unclear whether the elderly are able to use website to derive vital information, specifically from websites Vårdguiden 1177, Pensionsmyndigheten and Skatteverket. The aim of the current study is to investigate the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of tree vital public websites in the elderly population (age >59). The paper covers previous research and defines the concept of usability. In order to assess senior’s impressions of the websites’ navigational usability, and the participants subjective experience, both quantitative and qualitative measures are used. Quantitative methods used for this study are a web questionnaire and system usability scale (SUS) surveys. Whereas observation of study participant is used as a qualitative measure. Results indicate that usability of the 3 websites is not satisfactory in the elderly population.

Virtual Reality Substitute inWoodworking Education for Students with Physical Disabilities / Virtuell verklighet som alternativ till träslöjdsutbildning för studenter med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar

Johansson, Linus, Jensen, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Physical disabilities hinder some students when performing physically demanding school subjects. Virtual reality could provide students with the maneuverability and accessibility which they lack. What do teachers think of Virtual Reality as a substitute for educational woodworking? Prior research show teachers are overall supportive of virtual reality but certain aspects make the integration difficult. As part of the project, a virtual woodworking tool will be developed. Upon watching a video of a student performing tasks in said virtual woodworking environment, to understand the opinion of teachers, the system usability scale shall be utilized. The results show a resemblance to prior research. Teachers state certain positives with virtual reality, usability for example. However they also bring up negatives, for example, the complexity of the tool. Overall teachers saw the virtual reality woodworking environment as a below-average tool.

Utvärdering av ett testverktyg för tillgänglighet på webben

Kassar, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The guidelines for accessibility are many and it can be difficult to keep track of all of them. Therefore, test tools for evaluation are available to help developers identify accessibility problems. This study has aimed to investigate how useful one of these test tools is for developersand what strengths and weaknesses comes with such a tool. Five professional developers and five web development students performed a usability teston a selected accessibility test tool (Lighthouse). The result indicates that the test tool has high usability with strengths such userfriendliness, provides clear feedback of test results and can teach the user more about accessibility. The results also showed weaknesses in that the test tool did not find all the accessibility problems and it is unclear which criterias are being tested. The results of the study indicate that there are test tools that are useful for developers and students. The test tool can also make the user expand their knowledge regarding accessibility. Introducing the test tool to developers and students can contribute to more people thinking about accessibility in development. This can hopefully in turn lead to more web acessibility. / Riktlinjerna för tillgänglighet är många och det kan vara svårt för utvecklare att hålla koll på samtliga riktlinjer. Det finns därför testverktyg som utvärderar tillgänglighet och därmed hjälper utvecklare att identifiera tillgänglighetsbrister. Den här studien har syftat till att ta reda på hur användbart ett testverktyg är för utvecklare samt vilka styrkor och svagheter det finns i verktyget. Fem yrkesverksamma utvecklare och fem studenter inom webbutveckling har fått utföra användningstest på ett utvalt testverktyg för tillgänglighet (Lighthouse). Resultatet av studien indikerar att testverktyget har en hög användbarhet med styrkor så som att det är enkelt att använda, ger tydlig återkoppling av testresultat och kan lära användaren mer om tillgänglighet. Resultatet visade även på svagheter i form av att testverktyget inte hittade alla brister och att det var otydligt vilka kriterier som testas. Resultatet av studien indikerar på att det finns testverktyg som är användbara för utvecklare och studenter. Testverktyget kan även bidra till kompetensutveckling. Att introducera testverktyget till utvecklare och studenter kan bidra till att allt fler tänker på tillgänglighet vid utveckling. Detta kan förhoppningsvis i sin tur leda till mer tillgänglighet på webben.

Optimizing the usability of reading assessments with eye-tracking on a mobile device

Tavakoli, Mina January 2021 (has links)
An estimated 20% of Swedish schoolchildren suffer from some form of reading difficulty such as dyslexia. Late diagnosis of dyslexia leads to consequences for both the individual and society. To identify such reading difficulties, over 50 different forms of reading assessments are being used in schools around Sweden. By using eye-tracking technology, one could minimize the time for these assessments and make them less prone to external biases. In this study such a solution is evaluated with regards to usability. Using widely available technology, mobile devices with built-in front-facing cameras, a reading assessment with integrated eye-tracking was developed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usability of the solution and find areas to be improved. This was done through allowing 14 participants to use the application and answer a usability survey based on the System Usability Scale (SUS). The results showed an average SUS-score of 87.0, equivalent to a grade of A+, which reflected the positive responses in the open questions of the survey. The main area of improvement found was the speed of the calibration process, as this solution was found too slow. To further improve this solution, head and hand movement must be taken into consideration by the eye-tracker to allow free hand-held usage with less supervision. Further improvements such as larger screens and added machine learning are also suggested. Conclusively the results of this study show promise if such improvements are accomplished. / Uppskattningsvis lider 20% av svenska skolbarn av någon form av lässvårighet, däribland dyslexi. En sen diagnos av dyslexi leder till konsekvenser för både individen och samhället. För att identifiera sådana läsproblem används över 50 olika läsförståelsetest i skolor runt om i Sverige. Genom att använda ögonspårning (eye-tracking) kan man minimera tiden för dessa bedömningar och göra dem mindre benägna att påverkas av yttre faktorer. I denna studie utvärderas en sådan lösning med avseende på användbarhet. Med hjälp av allmänt tillgänglig teknik, mobila enheter med inbyggda framåtvända kameror, utvecklades en läsanalys med integrerad ögonspårning. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera användbarheten av denna lösning och hitta områden som skulle kunna förbättras. Detta gjordes genom att låta 14 deltagare använda applikationen och svara på en användbarhetsenkät baserad på System Usability Scale (SUS). Resultaten visade en genomsnittlig SUS-poäng på 87,0, vilket motsvarar betyget A +, samt återspeglade de positiva svaren i enkäten i undersökningen. Det främsta förbättringsområdet som hittades var kalibreringsprocessens hastighet, eftersom denna ansågs vara för långsam. För att ytterligare förbättra denna lösning måste huvud- och handrörelser tas i beaktande av eye-trackern för att möjliggöra fri handhållen användning med mindre översyn. Ytterligare förbättringar såsom större skärmar och tillagd maskininlärning föreslås också. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten av denna studie lovande framtidsutsikter för den utvecklade lösningen om sådana förbättringar tillämpas.

The Proband Usability Study: Investigating the Use of a Family Health History Application in Genetic Counseling

Tipsword, Meghan, B.S. 27 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Augmenting Incident Command System for Improved Emergency Response

Nagarajan, Meenakshi 05 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Virtuell verklighet för kommunikation och interaktion : Interaktiva rum som kommunikationsverktyg

Fransson, Axel, Börjesson, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Kandidatarbetet undersöker virtuell verklighet som ett spatialt och interaktivt realtids-medium för den arkitekturella domänen. Media används vanligtvis inom mäklar-, visualiserings-, och designindustrin för att representera föremål på ett förståeligt och övertygande vis genom bilder eller animerade filmer. Utgångsproblemet har varit användbarheten av högdetaljerad arkitekturell visualisering som representeras i 2D. Studier visar att 2D passar för viss abstrakt information som kronologisk sekvens eller data trender, men för komplicerad information som lokalisering och spatiala relationer är 2D för abstrakt. Målet är att skapa en prototyp i form av ett virtuellt rum vars syfte tjänar kommunikationsverktyg mot intressenter eller inom organisationen för tydligare beslutsförmåga. Fokus låg på användbarhet för att evaluera prototypens design-aspekter navigation, selektion/manipulation och indirekta kontroller. Utgångspunkten var en pragmatisk filosofi med användningen av mixade metoder för att nå djupare insikter i prototypen. Med hjälp av texturerings-  och 3D modelleringsprogram samt spelmotorn Unreal Engine 4 har en virtuell nybyggnation skapats. Därefter har tre användbarhetstester formats som evalueras med hjälp av system usability scale. Detta expanderas på med en kvalitativ intervju där resonemang om användbarhet, kostnadseffektivitet och lämplighet framkommer. Utvärderingen indikerar att användarna är nöjda, men riktad evaluering av interaktions-teknikerna var för sig hade skapat insikter i specifika fallgropar av systemets designområden. / The bachelor thesis investigates virtual reality as a spatial and interactive real-time medium for the architectural domain. Media is usually used in the brokerage, visualization and design industry to represent objects in an understandable and compelling manner through images or animated films. The starting problem has been the usability of high-detailed architectural visualization represented in 2D. Studies show that 2D fits for some abstract information like chronological sequence or data trends, but for complex information such as location and spatial relationships, 2D is too abstract. The goal is to create a prototype in the form of a virtual space whose purpose serves as communication tools with stakeholders or within the organization for patent decision-making. The focus was on usability to evaluate the prototypes design aspects navigation, selection / manipulation, and indirect controls. A pragmatic philosophy was employed with the use of mixed methods to reach deeper insights into the prototype. With the help of texturing and 3D modeling programs and the Unreal Engine 4 game engine, a virtual room has been constructed. Thereafter, three usability tests were formatted and evaluated using system usability scale. This is expanded with a qualitative interview where reasoning about usability, cost-effectiveness and appropriateness emerges. The evaluation indicates that the users are satisfied, but targeted evaluation of the interaction techniques had created insights into specific pitfalls of the system's design areas.

Usability Testing Of A Family Medicine Information System

Oz, Saba 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Healthcare is an important part of life in most societies that attract a significant amount of public investment. Primary healthcare is a fundamental branch of the healthcare system where patients and doctors initially meet. Family Medicine Information Systems are developed in an effort to ease the daily work of family doctors with the help of information technology. Such systems are generally used for handling critical tasks such as managing health records of patients, monitoring pregnancy and keeping track of children&rsquo / s vaccination. Like any medical information technology, the usability of such systems is a vital concern for enabling efficient and effective primary healthcare operations. Family Medicine is a recently established practice in Turkey and there are a number of systems in service to aid the daily work of family doctors. However, none of these systems have been subjected to a systematic usability analysis. In this study, a usability analysis of a popular Family Medicine Information System used in Turkey is conducted. By combining several usability evaluation techniques, the study identified several important usability issues and provided recommendations for further improving the system. The main usability issue observed in the system was the overall complexity of the information presented at the main interface that often confused and misled the users. In order to address this problem, it is suggested that features related to the most frequent family medicine operations should be placed on the main screen, whereas remaining features should be organized under auxiliary pages with clear navigation aids.

The relationship between perceived usability of a beautiful interface and of an ugly interface

Mohammed, Naitullah, Syed.Mohammed, Mahamood Ur Rahman January 2012 (has links)
The relationship between the perceived usability of a beautiful interface and of an ugly interface is analyzed in this study. This study correlates the visual aesthetics of the website with perceived usability. This research is performed to know the significance of visual aesthetics on perceived usability. A website is designed with two interfaces. One interface is designed by following design guidelines with respect to usability and the other interface is designed without following guidelines. To measure the aesthetic value of these website interfaces, visual aspect questionnaire is used in classical aesthetic sense. After drawing a conclusion on aesthetic values i.e. beautiful interface and of an ugly interface, a survey performed using System Usability Scale (SUS scale) to measure the perceived usability of the beautiful interface and an ugly interface of the website. From the results we found that perceived usability of the beautiful interface is significantly higher than the ugly interface. System Usability Scale turns out sensitive to measure the beauty of the website. Results also show that the design principles have some overlapping with the visual aesthetic of the website.

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