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MobiAnn : androidapplikationen som underlättar lärares arbetsuppgifterAhlgren, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Examensarbetet diskuterar behovet av ett stödsystem för lärare vid undervisning och tar upp olika aspekter utifrån lärarnas arbetssituation. Som en del av denna diskussion finns en implementation av ett system i form av en Androidapplikation. Applikationen ger lärarna möjlighet till ett stödsystem med olika användningsområde som närvarokontroll, anmärkningsmöjligheter om förseningar och stök under lektionstid, verktyg för att anteckna elevarbete och motivera betyg direkt på plats. Stor vikt har lagts på att göra applikationen lättanvänd och användarvänlig och därför har tester med användare varit en stor del under utvecklingen.
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Designing an Augmented Reality Based Navigation Interface for Large Indoor SpacesCurtsson, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
Navigating from one place to another is something we as humans do on an everyday basis, and modern technology has made it easier than ever by providing navigation tools in our mobile devices. In indoor spaces, augmented reality (AR) based navigation interfaces have shown a lot of potential, as it has been proven to increase efficiency and overall usability. However, there is a lack of research investigating how these types of interfaces should be designed to create a good user experience. This study aimed at providing more insight into this by exploring the usability of a mobile AR interface for indoor navigation through the Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (RITE) method. In total, six participants tested the interface in three rounds of user testing and iteration, with two participants taking part in each round. The results showed that the usability increased with each iteration. Findings also reaffirmed the importance of minimizing the amount of information presented in the AR interface, by for example presenting information prior to the AR interface, as well as the value of adding support for occlusion. Moreover, confusion caused by how the virtual objects aligned with the real physical space showed the importance of testing on-site. / Att navigera från en plats till en annan är något vi människor gör varenda dag, och modern teknologi har gjort detta enklare än någonsin genom att erbjuda navigationsverktyg i våra mobila enheter. I inomhusmiljöer så har navigationsverktyg som använder förstärkt verklighet (AR) visat mycket potential, då det har visats ökat effektiviteten och den övergripliga användbarheten. Däremot finns det en brist på forskning som undersöker hur dessa typer av gränssnitt ska designas för att skapa en bra användarupplevelse. Denna studie syftade till att ge mer insikt i detta genom att utforska användbarheten av ett mobilt AR-gränssnitt för inomhusnavigering med hjälp av metoden Rapid Iterative Testing and Evaluation (RITE). en iterativ design och utvärderingsmetod. Totalt testade sex deltagare gränssnittet i tre omgångar av användartester, där två deltagare deltog i varje omgång. Resultaten visade att användbarheten ökade med varje iteration. Resultaten bekräftade även vikten av att minimera mängden information som presenteras i AR-gränssnittet, till exempel genom att presentera information innan AR-gränssnittet, samt värdet av att lägga till stöd för ocklusion. Vidare så visade även förvirringen kring hur de virtuella objekten relaterade till det riktiga fysiska utrymmet värdet av att testa på plats.
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Study of the impact and usage of an audience engagement tool at live eventsFunkquist, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This paper describes the process of evaluating an audience engagement tool developed by a company called Stagecast. It is evaluated using the system usability scale, which is a common and simple way of measuring the usability of an application. The process starts with developing a feedback moment for the application that includes questions from the system usability scale. The application is then first tested in a laboratory setting with the feedback moment launched after an event, and second, it is tested in a real live event. The results in this paper indicate that the overall satisfaction with the Stagecast application was average, based on scoring of previous usability tests, with a score of 65.96 for the SMASK live event, though the participation in the feedback moment was limited. / Den här rapporten beskriver processen för utvärderandet av en produkt för att engagera publiken under live event som utvecklats av företaget Stagecast. Produkten är utvärderad med hjälp av system usability scale (SUS), vilket är ett vanligt och simpelt sätt att mäta användarvänlighet för applikationer. Processen börjar med att utveckla en feedback moment för applikationen som innehåller frågor från system usability scale. Applikationen är sedan testad i en studio där feedbackmoment lanseras efter eventet. Steg nummer två är att lansera feedbackmoment efter ett live event. Resultaten i den här rapporten indikerar att generella tillfredsställelsen med Stagecast applikationen var medel, baserat på en sammanställning av tidigare undersökningar med SUS. Poängen blev 65.96 för SMASK eventet, men deltagandet i feedbackmoment var begränsat.
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Utveckling av en mobilvänlig applikation / Development of a Mobile-Friendly ApplicationForsberg, Rikard January 2022 (has links)
Marknaden för mobila applikationer är mycket stor och växer hela tiden. För att kunna konkurrera på en sådan marknad behöver en applikation ha en hög nivå av användbarhet, den behöver vara lättanvänd och ha ett genomtänkt användargränssnitt. I detta arbete har en mobilvänlig applikation utvecklats från idé till färdig produkt. Med hjälp av ett för mobila applikationer anpassat utvecklingsramverk och användartester har en produkt med en verifierad hög nivå av användbarhet utvecklats.
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A shared physical workspace at a distanceWinge, Björn January 2021 (has links)
In the year 2020, we saw an increase in people working from home and practicing social distancing due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. It became clear that common tools used to substitute for this physical presence might be considered lacking. The objective of this work was to explore and evaluate a tool for improving communication at a distance and contribute with insight and knowledge to the field of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Supported Cooperative Work. A prototype system was constructed with commonly accessible and low-cost projectors and web cameras to provide a shared workspace at a distance as a complement to commonly used video calls. A user study was held including seven pairs of participants in which each pair performed collaborative tasks using the system while spatially separated. The System Usability Scale together with a Thematic Analysis of follow-up interviews was utilized to evaluate how the participants perceived the systems usability and affordances. The construction of the prototype system also led to insights on some of its challenges. The results show that the system embodies a high usability and a variety of affordances. The system could therefore be considered as a valid substitute for physical presence in spatially distant collaborative meetings or as an alternative to some commonly used groupware. / Under år 2020 såg vi en ökning av antalet människor som arbetade hemifrån och socialt distanserade sig till följd av pandemin som orsakades av COVID-19. Det blev tydligt att vanligt använda verktyg för att kompensera för denna fysiska närvaro kan anses som bristfälliga. Målet med detta arbete var att utforska och utvärdera ett verktyg för att förbättra distanskommunikation samt bidra med insikter och kunskap till området för människa-datainteraktion och datorstött samarbete. Ett prototypsystem byggdes av allmänt tillgängliga och billiga projektorer och webkameror som ett komplement till ett vanligt videosamtal för att fungera som en delad arbetsyta på distans. Sju par av deltagare deltog i en användarstudie där de fick utföra uppgifter genom systemet samtidigt som de var separerade till olika rum. Deltagarnas uppfattning av systemets användbarhet och användningsmöjligheter utvärderades med hjälp av System Usability Scale och en tematisk analys av uppföljningsintervjuer av användarstudier. Konstruerandet av systemet ledde också till en rad insikter om dess utmaningar. Resultaten visar att systemet innefattar en hög användbarhet samt en variation av olika användningsmöjligheter. Systemet kan därför anses vara ett passande substitut för fysisk närvaro i distansmöten som kräver samarbete eller som ett alternativ för vanligen använda samarbetsverktyg.
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Standardizing Usability Evaluation : Case study of objective measures as complements to user satisfaction surveysvon Sydow, Tom January 2022 (has links)
Standardized methodologies for usability evaluation have been of interest to the Human-Computer Interaction(HCI) community for years due to their perceived advantages over non-standardized ones. Such methodologies include standardized questionnaires designed to measure usability, although it has been argued that such questionnaires can only measure user satisfaction and not usability in general. This study was conducted together with the editorial experience (EDX)team at Sveriges Television AB (SVT) in order to identify appropriate standardized methods for usability evaluation of the content management system they are currently developing, while at the same time exploring how questionnaire formats such as the System Usability Scale(SUS) could benefit from being complemented by objective measurement methods such as the keystroke-level model (KLM) and productive time. The project ran test sessions with participants using a benchmark version of the current content management system and a prototype of a redesigned version. SUS, KLM and productive time were then applied to both versions and compared. The results showed no significant difference in the usability of the two versions, although the study lacks reliable data to draw any strong conclusions. However, the data does raise interesting questions that may provide the groundwork for future research. This includes findings that may question the validity of SUS when used for the evaluation of prototypes and the benefits of objective measures to self-administered questionnaires.
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The Design, Prototyping, and Validation of a New Wearable Sensor System for Monitoring Lumbar Spinal Motion in Daily ActivitiesBischoff, Brianna 11 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Lower back pain is a widespread problem affecting millions worldwide, because understanding its development and effective treatment remains challenging. Current treatment success is often evaluated using patient-reported outcomes, which tend to be qualitative and subjective in nature, making objective success measurement difficult. Wearable sensors can provide quantitative measurements, thereby helping physicians improve care for countless individuals around the world. These sensors also have the potential to provide longitudinal data on daily motion patterns, aiding in monitoring the progress of treatment plans for lower back pain. In this work it was hypothesized that a new wearable sensor garment that makes use of high-deflection strain gauge technology--called the Z-SPINE System--will be capable of collecting biomechanical information capable of detecting characteristics of motion associated with chronic lower back pain from subjects as compared to skin-adhered wearable sensor systems. The initial prototyping development of the Z-SPINE System focused on optimizing the device's conformity to the skin, as well as the ease of use and comfortability of the design. Preliminary motion capture tests concluded that a waist belt made of an elastic four way stretch material with silicone patches and no ribbing had the highest skin conformity of the garment types tested, and further design decisions were made utilizing this knowledge. A human subject study was conducted with 30 subjects who performed 14 functional movements with both the Z-SPINE System, and the SPINE Sense System--a pre-existing wearable sensor system that utilizes the same high-deflection strain gauge technology and is adhered directly to the back. Multiple features were extracted from the strain sensor datasets for use in machine learning modeling, where the model was trained to distinguish the different movements from each other. The accuracy of the model was assessed using 4 different category number variations--two 4 category, one 7 category, and one 13 category variation. Four different machine learning models were used, with the random forest classifier generally performing the best, yielding prediction accuracies of 85.95% for the SPINE Sense System data, and 71.23% for the Z-SPINE System data in the 4 category tests. As an additional part of the human subject study, the usability of the Z-SPINE System was also assessed. Each participant filled out a system usability scale questionnaire in regards to their opinion and experience with the system after having used it; the average score given by participants was 83.4, with general feedback consisting of positive remarks about the comfort and ease of use of the current design and suggestions for improving the battery placement and fit of the Z-SPINE system. It is concluded that a machine learning model of the data from the Z-SPINE System can identify biomechanical motion with reasonable accuracy as compared to a skin-adhered wearable sensor system when the number of categories is limited. It is also concluded that the system is simple and intuitive to use.
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Från papper till pixel : En studie om hur digitalisering kan förbättra användbarheten av bruksanvisningar för maskinförare i utomhusmiljöer.Ulfves, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker förbättring och framtida möjligheter för digitala bruksanvisningar genom en analys. Det primära syftet är att utvärdera hur digitalisering kan förbättra tillgängligheten och användbarheten av bruksanvisningar, särskilt för maskinförare som huvudsakligen arbetar utomhus, såsom de som är involverade i vägarbete, anläggning och jordbruk. Dessa användare valdes eftersom de ofta befinner sig i situationer där omedelbar service eller reparationshjälp inte är tillgänglig, vilket kräver att de själva kan lösa problemen. Studien jämför traditionella pappersbruksanvisningar, PDF-format och en nyutvecklad interaktiv digital prototyp. Metoder som Time-on-task och System Usability Scale (SUS) användes för att mäta effektivitet och användarnöjdhet hos dessa format. Resultaten visar att digitala bruksanvisningar avsevärt förbättrar användbarheten samt sökeffektiviteten, och erbjuder funktioner som interaktiva guider, klickbara sektioner och multimediala element. Den sekundära målgruppen består av byggledare och närmaste chefer, valda för att underlätta deltagandet av studieobjekt. Forskningen belyser den viktiga roll som interaktionsdesign spelar i skapandet av intuitiva och effektiva digitala bruksanvisningar, vilket slutligen ger betydande fördelar för både användare och tillverkare genom möjligheten till snabbare uppdateringar, kostnadsbesparingar och global tillgänglighet. / This study explores the enhancement and future potential of digital user manuals through a quantitative analysis. The primary objective is to evaluate how digitalization can improve the accessibility and usability of user manuals, particularly for machine operators working predominantly in outdoor environments, such as those involved in roadwork, construction, and agriculture. These users were chosen because they often face situations where immediate service or repair assistance is unavailable, necessitating self-reliance in problem-solving. The study compares traditional paper manuals, PDF formats, and a newly designed interactive digital prototype. Methods such as "Time-on-task" and "System Usability Scale (SUS)" were employed to measure efficiency and user satisfaction across these formats. Results indicate that digital manuals significantly enhance usability and search efficiency, offering features like interactive guides, clickable sections, and the integration of multimedia elements. The secondary target group includes construction managers and immediate supervisors, selected to facilitate the participation of study subjects. The research highlights the critical role of interaction design in creating intuitive and effective digital manuals, ultimately providing substantial benefits to both users and manufacturers by enabling faster updates, cost savings, and global accessibility.
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Perceived Usability Evaluation Of Hands-On And Virtual Science Laboratories: Using The System Usability Scale (SUS) To Determine Adult Learners’ Preferred At-Home Laboratory ExperienceWagner, Amiee M. 01 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Detecting Lumbar Muscle Fatigue Using Nanocomposite Strain GaugesBillmire, Darci Ann 26 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Introduction: Muscle fatigue can contribute to acute flare-ups of lower back pain with associated consequences such as pain, disability, lost work time, increased healthcare utilization, and increased opioid use and potential abuse. The SPINE Sense system is a wearable device with 16 high deflection nanocomposite strain gauge sensors on kinesiology tape which is adhered to the skin of the lower back. This device is used to correlate lumbar skin strains with the motion of the lumbar vertebrae and to phenotype lumbar spine motion. In this work it was hypothesized that the SPINE Sense device can be used to detect differences in biomechanical movements consequent to muscle fatigue. A human subject study was completed with 30 subjects who performed 14 functional movements before and after fatiguing their back muscles through the Biering-Sørensen endurance test with the SPINE Sense device on their lower back collecting skin strain data. Various features from the strain gauge sensors were extracted from these data and were used as inputs to a random forest classification machine learning model. The accuracy of the model was assessed under two training/validation conditions, namely a hold-out method and a leave-one-out method. The random forest classification models were able to achieve up to 84.22% and 78.37% accuracies for the hold-out and leave-one-out methods respectively. Additionally, a system usability study was performed by presenting the device to 32 potential users (clinicians and individuals with lower back pain) of their device. They received a scripted explanation of the use of the device and were then instructed to score it with the validated System Usability Score. In addition they were given the opportunity to voice concerns, questions, and offer any other additional feedback about the design and use of the device. The average System Usability Score from all participants from the system usability study was 72.03 with suggestions of improving the robustness of electrical connections and smaller profiles of accompanying electronics. Feedback from the potential users of the device was used to make more robust electrical connections and smaller wires and electronics modules. These improvements were achieved by making a two-piece design: one piece contains the sensors on kinesiology tape that is directly attached to the patient and the other one contains the wires sewn into stretch fabric to create stretchable electronic connections to the device. It is concluded that a machine-learning model of the data from the SPINE Sense device can classify lumbar motion with sufficient accuracy for clinical utility. It is also concluded that the device is usable and intuitive to use.
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