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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekologinio požiūrio taikymas, tenkinant ankstyvojo ir ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų specialiuosius poreikius / Ecological approach in meeting special needs of pre-school age children

Mikalajūnienė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė ekologinio vaiko pažinimo ir vertinimo modelio sampratos, raiškos dokumentuose, vaikų raidos ypatingumų ir specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių įvertinimo pokyčių analizė. Empirinėje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami prioritetai, kuriuos teikia specialistai vertindami ir ugdydami vaiką, tėvų pasirengimas teikti informaciją apie savo vaiką, ekologinio požiūrio taikymo prioritetai ir teorinių nuostatų į vaiko pažinimą raiška praktikoje. Iškeltos hipotezės, kad specialistų teorinės nuostatos į vaiko pažinimą ir ugdymą grindžiamos ekologinio sisteminio modelio elementais, kurie praktikoje gali būti keičiami tradiciniu vaiko vertinimo modeliu bei, kad specialistų diskusijos grupėje, refleksijos bei tinkamas teorinis ir praktinis pasirengimas leidžia pažinti vaiką šeimos kontekste. Anketinės apklausos bei sutelktos grupės metodais atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – įvertinti specialistų nuostatas į vaiko pažinimą, vertinimą ir ugdymą, šių nuostatų raišką praktikoje bei jų sąsajas su ekologiniu sisteminiu požiūriu, ir pateikti vaiko pažinimo šeimos kontekste praktinį modelį. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji dažnių, vidurkių, Kruskal- Wallis neparametrinio testo) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 112 darželių ir 39 ankstyvosios reabilitacijos tarnybų specialistai bei 106 specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių vaikų tėvai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Vertindami ir ugdydami ankstyvojo ir ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaiką, turintį specialiųjų poreikių, specialistai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theoretical analysis of the ecological systemic model conception and it‘s expression in the official documents, as well as the changes in the process of identification and assessment of children special needs/special educational needs have been analyzed and presented in the master thesis. In the empirical part of the paper the professional priorities in childs‘ assessment and education, parents preparedness to share information with professionals about their child, priorities of ecological approach used, as well as attitudes towards the child in a practice have been analyzed and described. Hypothesis has been formulated that theoretically the professionals‘ attitudes towards a child, towards the recognition of his/her developmental peculiarities as well as towards the training are based on the elements of ecological systems approach. However in the educational practice the elements of ecological model can be combined with the elements of traditional child‘s estimation model. Discussions in a focus groups, reflections and relevant theoretical and practical preparedeness enable professionals to know the child in the context of his/her family. The research has been based on the methods of questioning in written as well as on focus group method. The main purpose of the inquiry was to evaluate professionals’ attitudes towards the assessment and the education of the child as well as the expression of these attitudes in the practice and their links with ecological systemic... [to full text]

Modélisation et évaluation des performances de la chaine de transport intermodal de porte à porte : le cas du corridor de la Vallée de Seine / Modeling and evaluating the performance of the intermodal freight transportation chain based on door-to-door service : case study of the corridor of the Seine Valley

Gouiza, Fairouz 08 March 2016 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire contribue au domaine de l’entreprise étendue et le développement des systèmes d’informations distribués. et le développement des systèmes d’informations distribués. C’est bien évidemment un sujet d’étude important pour la communauté Logistique (chaîne logistique), mais aussi pour la communauté Génie logiciel. C’est dans cette perspective que se situent les objectifs de proposer une modélisation de la chaîne logistique globale dans un environnement de transport intermodal de porte à porte en vue de résoudre les problèmes : (i) d’interfaces entre les différents acteurs intervenants le long de la chaîne et (ii) de rupture des charges engendrés par les opérations de transfert de marchandises d’un mode de transport à l’autre. Ainsi, l’amélioration de performance de la chaine logistique dépend fortement du niveau de coopération et de coordination, et surtout du partage et de la validité des informations et des connaissances, entre ces différents acteurs de la chaîne (organisateur du transport, transitaire, fournisseur, etc.). L’applicatif se situe dans le corridor de la vallée de Seine. Le travail s’inscrit dans le projet APLOG (Amélioration et Performance de la LOgistique Globale) financé par la région Haute Normandie. / The work presented in this thesis contributes to the field of the extended enterprise and the development of distributed information systems. This is obviously an important subject of study for the logistics community (supply chain), but also for the software engineering community. It is in this context that the objectives are to provide a model of global supply chain in an intermodal environment door to door service to solve the problems: (i) interfaces between the different actors involved along the chain and (ii) trans-loading operations generated by the goods transfer operations from one mode of transport to another. Thus, improved performance of the supply chain depends heavily on the level of cooperation and coordination, and especially sharing and validity of information and knowledge between the different actors in the chain (transport organizer, forwarding, Supplier, etc.). The application is located in the corridor of the Seine valley. The work is part of the project APLOG (Performance Improvement and global logistics) financed by the Haute Normandie region.

Analyse comparative de systèmes de construction industrialisés et leur applicabilité à une habitation multifamiliale verticale pour la classe moyenne à Recife (Brésil)

Campelo Nogueira, Matheus 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Competitividade e gestão de sistemas de informações: um estudo de caso de instituições de ensino superior

Palaia, Ronaldo Tavano 19 April 2001 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:08:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2001-04-19T00:00:00Z / O projeto procura demonstrar a relação íntima entre a Competitividade das organizações e a Gestão de Sistemas de Informações. Inicialmente estuda os aspectos ambientais que cercam a existência das organizações procurando caracterizar a tecnologia como elo fundamental no processo evolutivo das sociedades dentro do processo civilizatório. Desloca no tempo os conceitos estudados e discutidos na introdução, e centra-o ao longo das últimas décadas, destacando os fenômenos Tecno-Econômico-Socio-Culturais responsáveis por alterações nas práticas de negócios, indicando os movimentos e tendências que apontam para um Panorama Global de Competitividade crescente. Nesse sentido desenvolve uma proposta de Modelo Organizacional de natureza sistêmica, no qual infere a importância dos Sistemas e Tecnologia da Informação, que respondam adequadamente à um contexto de rápidas mudanças. Em seguida através de uma abordagem sistêmica desenvolve um estudo sobre o Sistema de Informações, a Gestão de Sistemas de Informações e sua relação com a Competitividade das Organizações. De acordo com o desenho dos cenários mais atualizados no ambiente empresarial faz um estudo de caso da influência da gestão de sistemas de informações sobre a competitividade de organizações do conhecimento mais especificamente das Instituições de Ensino Superior. / The aim of this project is to show the intimate relationship between the competitively of Organizations and the Management Information Systems. First studies the environmental aspects that respond for the existence of the organizations trying to characterize the technology as a fundamental link at the evolutive process of socialization. The conceptual aspects analyzed into the introduction are seeing trough the last decades, showing up the techno-economical-social and cultural phenomena that are responsible for business changes pointing out the movements and tendencies that draw a Global Panorama of increasing competitiveness. Then presents a proposal of an Organizational Model of systemic nature that respond with adequacy to nowadays fast changes. After this develops a study of the data systems, the managements of data systems and its relationship with the competitiveness of the organizations. According to actual economic environment draws a case study of the influence of the management of data systems at the competitiveness of organizations of knowledge more specifically of the Universitary institutions.

Evolution et différences dans l’ajustement des couples au cancer du sein : rôle des facteurs psychosociaux et influence réciproque des deux membres de la dyade / Changes and differences in couples’ adjustment to breast cancer : role of psychosocial variables and mutual influence of both members of the dyad

Segrestan-Crouzet, Carine 18 October 2010 (has links)
Introduction : Les premiers mois qui suivent un diagnostic de cancer du sein représentent un temps critique pour les patientes et leur partenaire. Les objectifs de cette étude sont de décrire l’évolution de variables psychosociales et d’examiner les effets individuels et dyadiques de ces variables sur l’ajustement des couples. Méthode : 83 patientes atteintes d’un cancer et 76 couples touchés par cette maladie ont été rencontrés au début, au milieu et à la fin du traitement, puis 1, 3 et 6 mois après la fin du traitement. Ils ont complété des mesures de contrôle émotionnel, de détresse psychologique, de qualité de vie, d’ajustement dyadique, de soutien social et de coping face à la maladie. Résultats: Les résultats montrent que les sujets rapportent des niveaux élevés d’anxiété, avec un court déclin pour les patientes durant le traitement. Le soutien social, l’esprit combatif et les préoccupations diminuent avec le temps.En utilisant l’Actor and Partner Interdependence Model, nos résultats révèlent que la détresse psychologique, le contrôle émotionnel, le soutien social négatif et les stratégies de coping émotionnelles ont des effets acteurs et partenaires négatifs sur l’ajustement des patientes et des conjoints, et que l’ajustement dyadique et le soutien social ont des effets acteurs et partenaires positifs sur ce même ajustement. De plus, la détresse psychologique des patientes, le soutien social négatif et les stratégies de coping émotionnelles jouent un rôle positif et significatif sur l’ajustement des partenaires. Le soutien social a des effets acteurs et partenaires sur le choix des stratégies de coping. Conclusion : Ces résultats montrent l’importance de combiner les approches transactionnelle individuelle et systémique. Les résultats suggèrent également que les couples pourraient bénéficier d’interventions qui augmentent le soutien social et les compétences de communication et qui aident à gérer la détresse psychologique. / Introduction: The first months following breast cancer diagnosis is a critical period for patients and their partners. The objectives of the study were to describe the course of psychosocial variables and to examine the individual and dyadic effects of these variables on the adjustment of couples.Method: 83 breast cancer patients and 76 couples dealing with breast cancer were interviewed at the biginning, half way through, at the end of the treatment, and 1, 3 and 6 months after treatment completion. They completed measures of emotional control, psychological distress, quality of life, dyadic adjustment, social support and coping.Results: Results showed that subjects endured high levels of anxiety, with a short decline for women during treatment. Social support, fighting spirit and anxious preoccupations decreased over time.Using the Actor and Partner Interdependence Model, results revealed that psychological distress, emotional control, negative social support and emotional coping strategies had similar negative actor and partner effects on respective adjustment, and that dyadic adjustment and social support had similar positive actor and partner effects on patients’ and partners’ adjustment. Patient’s psychological distress, negative social support and emotional coping strategies play significant and positive roles in partner’s adjustment. Social support had actor and partner effects on choices of coping strategies.Conclusion: These findings show the importance of combining individual transactional and systemic approaches. Results also suggest that couples may benefit from interventions that enhance social support and communications skills and manage psychological distress.

Évaluation des performances environnementales de l'insertion d'une filière de méthanisation centralisée au sein d'un territoire / Environmental design and assessment of anaerobic digestion schemes that are consistent with the territory

Laurent, Faustine 06 March 2015 (has links)
En France, le développement rapide de la méthanisation, procédé de production d'énergie renouvelable par dégradation de résidus organiques, soulève la question de la pertinence environnementale de la filière. Cette dernière mérite d'autant plus d'être évaluée que le développement de la filière est inscrit dans les plans climatiques et énergétiques nationaux. La méthanisation centralisée s'insère d'ailleurs de manière profitable dans diverses démarches d'écologie industrielle et territoriale (EIT), au sein desquelles la multifonctionnalité du procédé constitue un atout substantiel en faveur du bouclage des flux de matière et d'énergie. Cette multifonctionnalité représente néanmoins la principale source de difficultés méthodologiques rencontrées lors de l'évaluation des performances environnementales de systèmes de méthanisation. Sa résolution, à savoir la définition de la fonction principale d'un système, passe par la contextualisation de la méthode. Pour l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV), cette contextualisation se révèle pertinente dès la première étape de la méthodologie. Ce travail de thèse propose un cadre conceptuel visant à définir des scénarios de méthanisation contraints par leur territoire d'implantation. Pour cela, une approche systémique territoriale, impliquant les systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) et la modélisation orientée objet, a été développée. Elle résulte en un modèle spatial de l'insertion territoriale d'une filière de méthanisation centralisée, qui intègre l'ensemble de ses éléments constitutifs, réseaux ou variables. A l'issue de l'approche systémique a lieu une phase d'optimisation fonctionnelle et spatiale qui met en jeu trois séries successives d'indicateurs, permettant de définir : (i) la fonction principale que remplirait un système de méthanisation au sein du territoire étudié, (ii) les configurations possibles d'un système de méthanisation qui puissent satisfaire à cette fonction principale et (iii) les zones préférentielles d'implantation des scénarios élaborés. Cette méthodologie, conçue de manière à être transposable à tout territoire français, s'intègre aux étapes de l'ACV de définition des objectifs et d'inventaire du cycle de vie. Afin de valider l'applicabilité de la méthode développée, deux territoires contrastés ont été soumis à l'approche systémique territoriale. Ces cas d'étude ont mis en évidence les liens entre spécificités territoriales et conception de la filière. L'influence de la fonction principale retenue pour un système de méthanisation sur la réalisation et les résultats de l'ACV a par ailleurs été étudiée pour l'un de ces territoires. Les différences les plus notoires tiennent aux substitutions et montrent l'importance de développer la méthanisation en priorité lorsque le contexte local permet aux fonctions multiples de la filière de remplacer des filières existantes dont les impacts sur l'environnement sont particulièrement préjudiciables. / In France, the rapid development of anaerobic digestion (a process used to generate renewable energy by breaking down organic residues) has led to the environmental relevance of this solution being questioned. It is particularly worthwhile evaluating inasmuch as development of the sector forms part of national climate and energy plans. Centralised anaerobic digestion also fits in profitably with various industrial ecology approaches, with the multifunctionality of the process constituting a substantial asset in that it favours circular flows of materials and energy. However, this multifunctionality also represents the main source of the methodological difficulties encountered in the evaluation of the environmental performance of anaerobic digestion systems. Resolving this, i.e. defining the main function of a system, requires the environmental evaluation method to be contextualised. For life cycle assessment (LCA), this contextualisation emerges as being appropriate to the first stage of the methodology. This thesis puts forward a conceptual framework, aimed at defining anaerobic digestion scenarios that are consistent with the particularities of the territory in which they are located. To do this, a territorial systemic approach, involving geographic information systems (GIS) and object-oriented modelling, was developed. The approach has resulted in a spatial model for territorial location of a centralised anaerobic digestion solution, incorporating all its component parts, networks and variables. The systemic approach was followed by a phase of functional and spatial optimisation involving three successive sets of indicators, enabling the following to be defined: (i) the main function to be played by an anaerobic digestion system within the territory studied, (ii) the possible configurations of an anaerobic digestion system capable of fulfilling this main function and (iii) the preferential zones for locating the scenarios envisaged. This methodology, designed to be transposable to any territory within France, forms part of the first two LCA stages, i.e. definition of objectives and life cycle inventory. In order to validate the applicability of the method developed, the territorial systemic approach was applied to two different territories. These case studies highlight the links between specific territorial characteristics and the design of the local solution. The influence of the main function selected for an anaerobic digestion system on the performance and results of the LCA was also studied for one of these territories. The most noteworthy differences relate to substitution, highlighting the importance of developing anaerobic digestion as a priority when the local context makes it possible for the multiple functions of the solution to replace existing sectors with particularly harmful effects on the environment.

'n Sistemiese konstruksie van die gesinsdinamika van die laerskoolkind wat dwelmmiddels gebruik (Afrikaans)

Aucamp, Ella Josina 28 May 2008 (has links)
The use of drugs by children are increasing in all communities and children who are using drugs for the first time are getting younger. This contributes to the fact that the use of drugs by primary school children in the pre-adolescent developing phase is increasing. During this developmental phase, the family of the child in which he/she grows up, plays an important role in the socialization of the child. Early exposure of the child to dysfunctional patterns within the family may contribute to the possible experimentation with drugs as a way for the child to compensate for the loss of emotional security. Due to the increasing reports of the pre-adolescent who uses drugs, the researcher was motivated to explore the factors that probably maintain this phenomenon. A research question to guide this research was formulated as follow: To what extent can the family's dynamics and functioning contribute to the experimentation and upkeep of drug abuse by the child in the primary school? A qualitative research design was used in order to explore the research question. Findings showed that the quality of the family system and the way in which the family functions, may contribute to the drug use of the child who is in the pre-adolescent developmental phase. / Dissertation (MSD (Research))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Développement numérique, territoires et collectivités : vers un modèle ouvert / Digital development, territories and public bodies : towards an open model

Houzet, Sophie 23 April 2013 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d'année, les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) se diffusent dans notre quotidien autant que dans les territoires. Leur appropriation massive, combinée à la déréglementation des télécommunications et à l'évolution continue du web pose la question de leurs effets sur les organisations spatiales. L'objet de cette recherche est d'apporter aux territoires une lecture de leur évolution dans les domaines de l'aménagement numérique, de l'innovation dans les services et dans l'appropriation des usages de TIC, ainsi que dans la co-construction de biens publics et la création d'écosystèmes basés sur les valeurs d'une " Société de la Connaissance ". Une première partie est consacrée au contexte très évolutif de la diffusion des TIC dans la société. Par une approche combinant des dimensions législatives, technologiques, économiques et organisationnelles, les enjeux de la Société des Connaissances sont posés au niveau national et en référence aux cadres d'orientation stratégique européens. Une seconde partie analyse la diffusion des TIC dans les territoires. Celle-ci ne relevant pas d'une simple présence ou absence des technologies disponibles, elle rend aussi compte des stratégies commerciales d'opérateurs, des priorités politiques et d'appropriations différenciées des usages. Tous ces éléments n'opèrent pas au même rythme et ne s'articulent pas de manière équivalente. La méthode est basée sur l'analyse des réseaux en trois niveaux, explicitée par G. Dupuy en 1991. La douzaine d'indicateurs pris en compte pour cette analyse et ont été choisis pour leur caractère structurant : déploiement de Réseaux d'Initiative Publique, localisation des entreprises de TIC, mise en réseau d'Espaces Publics Numériques,... Des croisements de ces indicateurs permettent de brosser le paysage de la diffusion spatiale des TIC sur une période de 10 ans (2002- 2012). La complexité induite ne pouvait être explicitée sans adopter une approche systémique pour modéliser l'évolution des territoires dans le temps ainsi que les enjeux auxquels les décideurs sont confrontés. Le socle théorique de référence de la troisième partie est celui de l'approche systémique dont les travaux de Joël de Rosnay dans Le Macroscope (1975), ont été précurseurs de l'évolution de la société avec les TIC. L'objectif est d'apporter des clés de lecture aux décideurs et de susciter une approche globale de l'évolution de leurs territoires dans une Société des Connaissances. A l'heure où le web évolue vers le web sémantique, où les modèles de création et diffusion de l'énergie évoluent vers des modèles distribués, un changement de modèle dans les réseaux de télécommunication est également possible : d'un modèle dominant " intégré " orienté opérateur, vers un modèle transversal, " ouvert ", orienté utilisateur. Les choix d'aujourd'hui qui engageront les territoires de demain sont explicités par la modélisation systémique. / Over the past twenty years or so, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has spread into our everyday lives and throughout our land. Its mass take-up, combined with the deregulation of telecommunications and the continuous development of the Internet, raise the issue of its impact on spatial and territorial organisation. The object of this research is to offer particular areas an interpretation of what has changed for them in the fields of digital planning, service innovation and the take-up of ICT facilities, as well as in the joint construction of public goods and the creation of ecosystems based on the values of the knowledge society. The first part is devoted to the fast-moving context of the spread of ICT throughout society. Employing an approach that combines legislative, technological, economic and organisational dimensions, the challenges of the knowledge society are examined at a national level and with reference to European strategic policy frameworks. The second part analyses the geographical distribution of ICT, which does not equate merely to whether the technologies available are present or absent. It also addresses operators' commercial strategies, political priorities and the differential take-up of use. Not all these factors operate at the same pace or are structured in the same way. The methodological basis is a three-tier analysis of networks, presented by G. Dupuy in 1991. The dozen indicators that contribute to this analysis were selected for their structural character: roll-out of alternative PPP broadband networks, location of ICT businesses, networking of Digital Public Spaces, deployment of e-administration service platforms, pooling of geographical data, digital sector leadership, access to public data etc. The intersections between these indicators have allowed a landscape to be painted of the spatial distribution of ICT within France over time, spanning a 10-year period between 2002 and 2012. The complexity generated could not be explained in detail without adopting a systemic approach so as to model the development of different areas over time and without citing the challenges that face decision-makers. The theoretical benchmark used as the basis for part three arose from a systemic approach, for which the work of Joël de Rosnay in "Le Macroscope" (1975) was a precursor as regards the development of an ICT-equipped society. The objective is to provide decision-makers with keys to assist comprehension as well as to encourage a global approach to the development of their areas under the knowledge society. At a time when the Internet is evolving towards a semantic web, whereby energy creation and distribution models are becoming distributed models, it is possible to change the model of telecoms networks: from the dominant, operator-oriented "integrated" model towards a more horizontal, user-oriented "open" model. A systems modelling approach explains today's choices which will affect the territories of tomorrow.

O nexo água-alimento-energia aplicado à rede de influência entre as cidades : análise centrada no município de Cunha, São Paulo /

Moraes-Santos, Eliana Cristina January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: José Antônio Perrella Balestieri / Resumo: A abordagem do nexo água-alimento-energia (AAE) leva em consideração a interdependência do uso desses recursos, essenciais para o bem-estar humano, e possibilita analisar os indicadores dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Nesta inter-relação é necessária uma abordagem sistêmica para compreender como a interação de cada componente funciona e se estrutura. Na presente tese foi analisado o nexo AAE e a rede de influências entre as cidades, no atendimento aos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, tendo o município de Cunha, no Estado de São Paulo, em posição central entre os demais municípios estudados. A vertente analisada encontra-se na transição entre o extenso Vale do Paraíba, situado entre duas metrópoles (São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro) e a baixada litorânea (Paraty e Ubatuba), tendo o município de Cunha em posição intermediária. A região estudada é drenada pelos rios Paraibuna, Paraitinga e seus afluentes que constituem fonte significativa de abastecimento de grandes cidades do sudeste brasileiro e oferece suas águas para irrigação, abastecimento, indústria e produção de energia hidroelétrica. Para análise do nexo AAE, os parâmetros da produção de alimento e o consumo de água e energia foram avaliados estatisticamente, com uso do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (cP). A análise considerou a produção agrícola e a relação com o consumo de água e energia, assim como a produção pesqueira frente aos referidos parâmetros, em escala de municípios. Dentre as an... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The water-food-energy (WFE) approach takes into account the interdependence of the use of these resources, which are essential for human well-being, and makes it possible to analyze the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In this interrelation, a systemic approach is required to understand how the interaction of each component works and is structured. In this thesis, the AAE nexus and the network of influences between cities were analyzed, in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, with the municipality of Cunha, in the State of São Paulo, in a central position among the other municipalities studied. The analyzed slope is found in the transition between the extensive Vale do Paraíba, located between two metropolises (São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) and the coastal lowland (Paraty and Ubatuba), with the municipality of Cunha in an intermediate position. The studied region is drained by the Paraibuna, Paraitinga Rivers and their tributaries, which constitute a significant source of supply for large cities in southeastern Brazil and offers their waters for irrigation, supply, industry, and hydroelectric power. For analysis of the WFE nexus, the parameters of food production and the consumption of water and energy were evaluated, statistically with use of Pearson's correlation coefficient (cP). The analysis considered agricultural production and the relationship with water and energy consumption, as well as fishery production against these parameters, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Évaluation de la durabilité d’un projet d’aménagement et de développement durable dans la commune rurale d’Ain Leuh -Moyen Atlas- Maroc

El Mamouni, Samira 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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