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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tactical Operations of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron in the Civil War

Koehne, Clyde Collom 05 1900 (has links)
Of the large amount of writings concerning the Civil War only a small percentage pertains to the Federal Navy's role. This is understandable since this was primarily a land war. A few of the Navy's exploits such as the capture of New Orleans, the sinking of the Alabama, the capture of the Florida in Brazilian waters, and the Trent affair received great amounts of publicity, but the majority of the naval activities were of a routine nature, each individually warranting little notice but collectively contributing immensely to the final Federal victory. The purpose of this paper is to show in detail the role of only a portion of the Navy, the West Gulf Blockading Squadron, during this struggle.

Influence de la structure de stratégie de lancement sur le succès de nouveaux produits : le cas de l'industrie pharmaceutique iranienne / Influence of Launching Strategy Structure on New Product Success : A Case of Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry

Azadi, Mohammad 12 December 2011 (has links)
Nous présentons un modèle de recherche qui permet d'étudier de nombreuses complexités desstratégies de lancement de nouveaux produits, de tester de façon empirique les relationshypothétiques entre les décisions de lancement, de diffuser des connaissances sur les façonsdont les managers ont tendance à élaborer diverses options de décision de lancement enstratégies de lancement génériques, et de lier le succès de nouveaux produits aux stratégiesgénériques des managers. Les données de cette recherche ont été recueillies d'octobre 2010 àjanvier 2011 au sein de l'industrie pharmaceutique iranienne. La taille de l'échantillon est de500 projets de nouveaux produits. Les répondants doivent avoir une expérience de lancementd'au moins cinq nouveaux produits, depuis janvier 2007, pour pouvoir répondre à cette étude.Nous avons demandé aux managers du marketing de sélectionner des projets de nouveauxproduits introduits après janvier 2007 par leurs entreprises, définis par celles-ci commeclairement commerciaux, et de répondre à cette enquête en fonction de l'introduction de ceproduit. Ainsi, plusieurs décisions prises par les managers lors du lancement de nouveauxproduits impliquent des choix d'options de lancement cohérents avec les choix de lancementdéjà effectués. Sur la base des données, nous identifions également trois stratégies delancement génériques, en fonction desquelles la réussite du nouveau produit eststatistiquement variable. Bien que l'ensemble de décisions, que comprend chaque stratégie, estseulement une petite portion de l'ensemble étudié, nous constatons que ces ensembles dedécisions sont associés à divers niveaux de succès. Nous étudions également les effets desréactions compétitives sur la structure de stratégie de lancement et la réussite du nouveauproduit. / We present a research model that allows the investigation of many of the complexities of newproduct launch strategies, empirically test for hypothesized relationships among launchdecisions, spread knowledge on the ways in which managers tend to build choices amonglaunch decision options into generic launch strategies and link new product success tomanagers' generic strategies. The data for this research was collected from October 2010 toJanuary 2011 in Iranian pharmaceutical industry. Sample size is 500 new product projects.XIThe respondents should have experience on launching at least five or more new product sinceJanuary 2007 in order to be qualified to answer this study. We asked marketing managers toselect new product projects introduced after January 2007 by their firms, defined by the firmsas a clear commercial and answer this survey based on the case of that product introduction.Thus, several decisions managers make in the new product launch require choosing launchdecision options consistent with already made launch choices. From the data, we also identifythree generic launch strategies across which new product success statistically varies. Althoughthe set of decisions, which comprises each strategy, is only a smaller portion of the full setinvestigated, we find that these decision sets are associated with different levels of success.We also study effects of competitive reactions on launch strategy structure and new productsuccess.

L’urbanisme tactique et ses acteurs : étude de deux cas montréalais : Viaduc 375 et le Champ des Possibles

Dominique, Matthieu 05 1900 (has links)
Voué à la résolution rapide et modulable de problèmes urbains, l'urbanisme tactique permet d'intervenir de manière incrémentale et temporaire sur des espaces publics. Face à ses évolutions récentes et à l'intérêt marqué de différents types d'acteurs à son sujet, il apparaît pertinent d'appréhender l'urbanisme tactique du point de vue de ses acteurs principaux, les participants actifs et les instigateurs de projets assimilables à cette pratique. En optant pour l'étude de cas et en se basant sur des expériences d'urbanisme tactique dans le contexte montréalais, c'est cette approche que ce mémoire a adoptée. Les cas retenus pour ce mémoire sont ceux de Viaduc 375 et du Champ des Possibles, qui représentent des approches distinctes de cette pratique, permettant ainsi d'en obtenir une vision large et plurielle. Grâce à une série de dix entretiens semi-dirigés amenés auprès des membres des deux projets et à l'usage d'une littérature scientifique abordant l'urbanisme tactique sous différents angles, cette recherche a permis de faire émerger plusieurs constats sur l'état actuel de cette pratique, en particulier sur le positionnement de ses principaux acteurs. Les conclusions de ce mémoire laissent entrevoir que plusieurs écarts importants sont perceptibles entre les visions défendues par la recherche et par les acteurs de l'urbanisme tactique. Enfin, des mécanismes de récupération de l'urbanisme tactique par des acteurs originellement extérieurs à cette pratique rendent de plus en plus complexe sa définition et une forme de désunion du concept se confirme. / Tactical urbanism is dedicated to the quick and flexible resolve of urban issues and allows to operate progressively and temporally on public spaces. Considering its recent developments and the notable interest from different types of actors, it seems relevant to apprehend tactical urbanism from the point of view of its main actors, active participants and instigators of projects related to this practice. This master's thesis proposes to adopt an approach based on tactical urbanism experiences in the Montreal context through a case study. The cases selected for this master's thesis are Viaduc 375 and le Champ des Possibles, which represent distinct approaches to this practice, thus making it possible to obtain a broad and pluralistic scope. This research made evident several observations of the current state of this practice, particularly on the positioning of its main actors, through a series of ten semi-structured interviews conducted with members of both projects and the use of scientific literature discussing tactical urbanism from different perspectives. The conclusions made within this master's thesis suggest that there are some important discrepancies between the visions upheld by researchers and actors of tactical urbanism. Finally, the definition of this concept is made increasingly difficult by the distorted recuperation mechanisms used by originally external actors, confirming a disunity of the concept.

Regeringars taktiska användning av de allmänna statsbidragen till kommunerna / The tactical use of inter-governmental grants from the central government to local governments at the municipality level

Juutinen, Gabriel, Jiang, Junhao January 2021 (has links)
Modellen för röstmaximerande politiska partier i ett proportionerligt valsystem presenterad av Lindbeck och Weibull (1987) respektive Dixit och Londregan (1996) används för att testa svenska regeringens taktiska användning av de allmänna statsbidragen till kommunerna under åren 2007–2010. Resultaten tyder på att statsbidragen använts taktiskt vilket korroborerar teorin. Liknande analys för åren 2015–2018 kunde inte replikera resultaten. Svensk valundersökning används för att identifiera väljarnas ideologiska preferens för regeringen under tiden för riksdagsvalet 2006 varefter mätmodellen presenterad av Johansson (2003) och Dahlberg och Johansson (2002) används för att skatta poängen mot den latenta faktorn "ideologisk bias". Dessa poäng delas upp efter valkrets och används för att skatta den ideologiska biasens täthetsfördelning i respektive valkrets. Valresultatet används för att identifiera indifferenspunkterna där väljarna i respektive valkrets är indifferenta mellan båda politiska blocken. Täthetsfunktionerna utvärderas vid dessa punkter varefter betydelsen av tätheterna som determinant för mängden allmänna statsbidrag en kommun erhåller testas genom linjär regression. / A version of the model for voter share maximizing political parties in a proportional electoral system developed by Lindbeck and Weibull (1987) and Dixit and Londregan (1996) respectively is presented. This model is used to test if there is evidence for the tactical use of intergovernmental grants from the central incumbent government to the local governments at the municipal level during the first term of office 2007-2010 of the conservative Reinfeldt government in Sweden. The results show that such tactical use did occur, and which corroborates the theoretical framework for competing parties. Similar results were obtained for the periods 2011-2014 (conservative government) and 2015-2018 (socialist government). Data from the Swedish election studies are used to identify the voter’s ideological preferences for the incumbent central government during the time of the 2006 general election to the Swedish parliament. The theory behind the model presented by Johansson (2003) and Dahlberg and Johansson (2002) respectively was the guideline to estimate the factor scores against the latent factor “ideological bias”. The Gaussian kernel density function is used to estimate the ideological bias in each constituency: The actual election results are used to approximate the indifference cutpoint where the voters are indifferent between both political alternatives. The probability distribution functions were evaluated at these cutpoints after which the importance of these densities for the amount of intergovernmental grants a municipality receives is tested using linear regression.

Návrh podpory řízení výroby v informačním systému / Development of Production Management Support of an Information System

Hladký, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the proposal to support production management information system in the particular company. Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of the current state of the company and its surroundings, the proposal supports production management information system. The thesis includes the level of strategy, tactics and operations and areas of the planning, organizing, management and control. Proposals should lead to greater effectiveness and efficiency in the processes related to production and thereby to achieve higher profits.

Vliv střelecké polohy vstoje na přesnost opakovaných výstřelů Hard Task Rangers / Impact of standing position on the accuracy of The Hard Task Rangers pointing shooting/multiple shots

Hofmann, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Title: Effect of standing shooting position on precision of repeated shots of Hard Task Rangers. Objectives: The aim of this work is to find out in which standing stance will be the most precise shots with double tap shots. Methods: In this thesis was used descriptive analysis when collecting data about standing shooting stance problematic. Mainly through studying of literature and lecturing videos on this subject. Testing was used in the actual collecting data about shooting performance. The measurement was used to collect data on the weight, height and stability of the examined shooters. Data analysis was performed when evaluating individual shooting performance. Results: It has been found out, based on data from a group of twelve shooters from Hard Task Rangers, that even though the standing position is the furthers part of the shooting pyramid, it still provides a solid foundation for all subsequent parts of the shooters performance. Furthermore, it was found that the best standing position for firing repeated shots (double tap) was the stance called Quality universal stance. This thesis is probably the first literary study to analyze in more detail the standing shooting stance in its various forms when comparing individual attitudes and its advantages in dynamic and defensive shooting....

Finanční plánování při zakládání a vedení sociálního podniku / Financial planning for social enterprise establishment and management

Rumlová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to financial planning related to the establishment and management of a social undertaking during its lifecycle. It follows from the research focused on the issue of social undertakings in business in general. It describes various fields of social business activities and the best practices in financial planning and management recommended in literature. Along with this, it identifies the current situation in financial planning and management at social undertakings in the territory of the Czech Republic. In addition to the monitoring of the current situation, this paper deals with the results of the evaluation whether the undertakings which adhere to the recommended business administration methods of planning and management achieve better results. The aim of this work is to find and specify the differences between successful and unsuccessful undertakings on the basis of the defined best practices and their financial management and planning and to find a "manual" on how a social undertaking should plan and manage in order to achieve optimum results. Keywords Social economy, social business, strategic and tactical management, financial management, financial planning, costs, revenues, profit, breakeven point

Multivariate Financial Time Series and Volatility Models with Applications to Tactical Asset Allocation / Multivariata finansiella tidsserier och volatilitetsmodeller med tillämpningar för taktisk tillgångsallokering

Andersson, Markus January 2015 (has links)
The financial markets have a complex structure and the modelling techniques have recently been more and more complicated. So for a portfolio manager it is very important to find better and more sophisticated modelling techniques especially after the 2007-2008 banking crisis. The idea in this thesis is to find the connection between the components in macroeconomic environment and portfolios consisting of assets from OMX Stockholm 30 and use these relationships to perform Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA). The more specific aim of the project is to prove that dynamic modelling techniques outperform static models in portfolio theory. / Den finansiella marknaden är av en väldigt komplex struktur och modelleringsteknikerna har under senare tid blivit allt mer komplicerade. För en portföljförvaltare är det av yttersta vikt att finna mer sofistikerade modelleringstekniker, speciellt efter finanskrisen 2007-2008. Idéen i den här uppsatsen är att finna ett samband mellan makroekonomiska faktorer och aktieportföljer innehållande tillgångar från OMX Stockholm 30 och använda dessa för att utföra Tactial Asset Allocation (TAA). Mer specifikt är målsättningen att visa att dynamiska modelleringstekniker har ett bättre utfall än mer statiska modeller i portföljteori.

Förpackningslogistikens roll och betydelse : Strategisk, taktisk och operativ nivå

Pettersson, Linnea, Lönntorp, Clara January 2021 (has links)
Förpackningslogistiken är en viktig del av försörjningskedjan men den får ofta för lite tid och tanke. Att fokusera på förpackningar redan i ett tidigt skede i utvecklingen av produkter kan ge kostnadseffektivare förpackningar som ger produkten det skydd den behöver. Genom att lägga ner tid på utformningen och vilka egenskaper förpackningen ska ha, kan företag minska kostnader, produktskador och miljöpåverkan. Därför är syftet med denna studie att utveckla kunskap gällande förpackningslogistikens roll och betydelse på strategisk, taktisk och operativa nivå och därigenom svara på frågeställningarna kopplat till syfte där vi avgränsar oss till primärförpackningar och förpackningslogistikens övergripande roll och betydelse på strategisk, taktisk och operativ nivå med hjälp av ett fallföretag. Utifrån syftet har en fallstudie på ett möbeltillverkande företag genomförts. Fallstudien har utförts med hjälp av observationer, intervjuer och packaging scorecard för att skapa en bild av nuläget på fallföretaget och därefter jämfördes resultatet med en litteraturstudie av befintliga begrepp om förpackningens roll och betydelse på strategisk, taktisk och operativ nivå. Resultatet visar att det tidigare funnits ett större fokus på förpackningar inom fallföretaget men inte längre eftersom andra aktiviteter anses viktigare och prioriteras. Det har lett till att förpackningarna inte har utvecklats och inga speciella insatser har inrättats. Resultatet av packaging scorecard indikerar att fallföretagets förpackningsprestanda underpresterar på de flesta kriterierna. Studien har kommit fram till att det kan finnas mycket att vinna genom att se över företagets förpackningslogistik och börja se förpackningen som en värdeskapande aktivitet. När förpackningslogistiken får det utrymme och fokus som den förtjänar kan företag skapa värde genom kostnadseffektivitet, transportsäkerhet och minskad miljöpåverkan. I studien har även en tabell tagits fram som kan hjälpa företag att börja arbeta med förpackningslogistik och därefter överväga och utreda hur företaget kan arbeta med dem olika kriterierna / Packaging logistics is an important part of the supply chain, but it often gets too little time and thought. Focusing on packaging at an early stage in the development of the product can provide more cost-effective packaging that gives the product the protection it needs. By spending time on the design and what characteristics the packaging should have, the company can reduce damaged goods, get safer shipping and reduce its storage costs.   The purpose of the study is to develop knowledge regarding the role and importance of packaging logistics at strategic, tactical and operative level and thereby answer the relevant questions.   Based on the purpose, a case study of a furniture manufacturing company has been carried out. The case study was performed using observations, interviews and a packaging scorecard to create a picture of the current situation at the case company and then the findings were compared with a literature study of existing concepts on the role and significance of packaging at the strategic, tactical and operational level.   The results show that there has previously been a greater focus on packaging within the case company, but now other activities are considered more important and prioritized. As a result, the packaging has not been developed and no special efforts have been made. The result of the packaging scorecard indicates that the case company's packaging performance underperforms most criteria. The study concluded that there could be a lot to gain by reviewing the company's packaging logistics and start seeing packaging as a value added activity. When packaging logistics gets the space and focus it deserves, companies can create value by cost reduction, fewer damages and less environmental impact. In the study, we have also developed a table that can help companies start working with packaging logistics.

Planification réactive et robuste au sein d'une chaîne logistique / Reactive and robust planning within a supply chain

Gharbi, Hassen 10 November 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s’intéresse à la planification tactique de chaînes logistiques dans un environnement incertain et perturbé. Dans le cadre de relations « point-à point », nous proposons une approche permettant d’élaborer une planification tactique optimale et réactive d’un maillon d’une chaîne logistique en présence de paramètres incertains et de perturbations. Notre approche se fonde sur une structure à deux niveaux décisionnels. Le premier niveau effectue une planification agrégée en minimisant le coût global de production. Il établit ensuite « un plan de guidage » qui est transmis au niveau détaillé. Ce dernier effectue sa planification en suivant « au mieux » le plan de guidage et en prenant en compte les contraintes et données détaillées ignorées au niveau supérieur. Le niveau détaillé adopte un processus dynamique de planification à horizon glissant. Il réactualise ses données à chaque étape de planification afin d’assurer la réactivité du processus décisionnel. Nous caractérisons explicitement l’inertie du système décisionnel en distinguant deux phases : la phase d’anticipation et la phase de réalisation. Chaque phase est caractérisée par un délai temporel. Ainsi, nous proposons une modélisation originale du processus décisionnel de chaque décision via trois variables. Le niveau détaillé est formulé selon un programme linéaire.Au niveau agrégé, nous proposons un modèle global ayant l’originalité de prendre en compte les spécificités du processus décisionnel détaillé.Le couplage entre les deux niveaux est assuré par le plan de guidage. Selon les informations incluses dans le plan de guidage, le niveau agrégé accorde un certain degré d’autonomie au niveau détaillé, ceci conditionne la réactivité et la robustesse de la planification. Dans notre travail, nous considérons trois types de guidage : deux guidages budgétaires « globaux » et un guidage « prescriptif » par la sous-traitance agrégée.Notre approche est évaluée par simulation dans le cadre d’une demande incertaine. Pour cela, nous développons deux outils de simulation et un ensemble d’indicateurs de performances. Les expérimentations réalisées confirment la performance de notre approche par rapport à des approches classiques et mettent en évidence l’influence du type de guidage et du profil de la demande détaillée sur la réactivité et la robustesse des solutions trouvées. / This work focuses on the supply chain tactical planning problem in an uncertain and disrupted environment. As part of point-to-point relationships, we propose an optimal and reactive tactical planning approach of a supply chain link in the presence of uncertain parameters and disturbances.Our approach is based on a two-level decision structure. The first level performs an aggregate planning which minimizes the overall production cost. It establishes "a guiding plan" which is transmitted to the detailed level. This latter performs its planning by following a guiding plan and by taking into account detailed constraints and data.The detailed level adopts a dynamic planning process with a rolling horizon. It updates its data at every planning step to ensure a reactive decision making. We characterize explicitly the inertia of a decision making system by distinguishing two decision phases: the anticipation phase and the realization phase. Each phase is described by a time delay. Thus, we propose an original model of decision making process in which every decision is modeled by three variables. The detailed level is formulated according to a linear program.At the aggregate level, a view of the detailed decisional process is integrated by work-in-progress constraints. We propose an aggregate model whose originality is to consider the specifics of the detailed decision process.The coupling between the two levels is provided by the guiding plan. According to aggregated data included in this plan, the aggregate level gives a specific autonomy to the detailed level which conditions the reactivity and the robustness of the detailed planning. In our work, we consider three types of guidance: two “global” budget guidings and a more “precise” subcontracting aggregate guiding.Our approach is evaluated by simulation under uncertain demand. For this we develop two simulation tools and a set of performance indicators. The experiments carried out confirm the performance of our approach over conventional approaches and highlight the influence of the guiding and the detailed demand profile on the reactivity and robustness of the solutions

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