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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Thiele, Maik, Lehner, Wolfgang 26 January 2023 (has links)
Die stets zentraler werdende Rolle der Data Warehouses, in allen Entscheidungsebenen eines Unternehmens, führt zu der Forderung nach hochaktuellen Daten bzw. echtzeitfähigen Data-Warehouses-Systemen. Dieser Artikel stellt die Frage inwieweit mit bestehenden Data-Warehouse-Architekturen eine Informationsversorgung in Echtzeit zu gewährleisten ist, deckt die Schwächen dieser Architekturen auf und diskutiert verschiedene Lösungsansätze.

Towards enhanced sales and operations planning : Using machine learning for decision support in an engineer-to-order context

Ohlson, Nils-Erik January 2023 (has links)
All companies deal with tactical planning questions and decisions, for example balance demand and supply, to be able to create an acceptable delivery ability without too much inventory or resources/capacities. For that, some companies use Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) as their tactical planning process. The ongoing customization wave applies to more and more products and there is a general displacement from standard products, manufactured to stock, towards more customized ones where the product is either assembled-, manufactured-, or engineered-to-order (ETO). This displacement brings an increased complexity into tactical planning questions and decisions, which might be new to a company and must be handled efficiently. The use of S&OP in an ETO context is, however, rarely documented. The possibility for companies to store large amounts of data and the availability of technologies such as Machine Learning (ML) to make predictions, opens up for an improved decision support for S&OP. ML models are normally trained with large datasets, and this is a challenge in an ETO context since there are normally small datasets to work with. Moreover, the use of ML in S&OP and ETO contexts are rarely documented. The purpose of this thesis is, thus, to explore where and how ML can be a useful tool for tactical planning, such as in S&OP in an ETO context. This thesis takes the first steps toward using ML as a decision support for S&OP in an ETO context. Three studies have been performed to map the current state of ML in S&OP in ETO contexts, to understand the challenges and tasks connected to S&OP in an ETO context, and to explore some of the considerations required when implementing ML in S&OP in an ETO context. The main findings indicate that implementing ML in an ETO context with the purpose of improving S&OP requires an understanding of challenges and related tasks before starting any ML implementation projects. Further, considerations are required before starting to understand available data and to build data models. Tasks for ML must also be understood and agreed. Mechanisms behind occurring challenges need to be understood as well. What is driving trust for a technology and the business process is also important to understand and prepare for, ahead of an ML implementation. The results of the studies are (i) a model presenting the different parts of S&OP in an ETO context, (ii) specific challenges and related tasks, (iii) a model of critical aspects of trust connected to the process, the technology, and the combination of the two, and finally, (iv) a model for assisting in understanding the mechanisms behind capacity and load in engineering. / Alla företag hanterar taktiska planeringsfrågor och beslut för att till exempel balansera tillgång och efterfrågan för att kunna skapa en tillräckligt bra leveransförmåga utan för mycket lager eller resurser/kapacitet. Vissa företag använder sälj och verksamhetsplanering (SVP) som sin taktiska planeringsprocess. Den pågående vågen mot ökad kundanpassning gäller för allt fler produkter vilket ger en förskjutning från standardprodukter, tillverkade mot lager, till mer kundanpassade produkter där produkten antingen är monterad, tillverkad eller konstruerad mot order (engineer-to-order, ETO). Denna förskjutning medför en ny ökad komplexitet i frågor och beslut kopplade till taktisk planering för företag och måste hanteras på ett effektivt sätt. Litteraturen är fåtalig avseende användningen av SVP i en ETO-kontext. Möjligheter för företag att lagra stora mängder data och tillgänglighet av teknologier som maskininlärning (ML) ger möjligheter att använda ML-prediktioner som beslutsstöd i affärsprocesser som SVP. ML-modeller tränas normalt med stora datamängder, och det är en utmaning i en ETO-kontext eftersom det normalt är förknippat med små datamängder. Litteratur avseende användningen av ML i SVP och i ETO-kontext är också den fåtalig. Syftet med denna forskning är att utforska var och hur ML kan vara ett användbart verktyg för taktisk planering såsom SVP i en ETO-kontext. Här tas de första stegen mot användningen av ML som beslutsstöd för SVP i ett ETO-sammanhang. Tre studier har genomförts för att kartlägga litteratur kring ML för SVP i ETO-kontext, för att förstå utmaningarna och uppgifterna kopplade till SVP i en ETO-kontext och för att utforska några av de överväganden som krävs vid implementering av ML i SVP i en ETO-kontext. De viktigaste resultaten indikerar att implementering av ML i ett ETO-sammanhang med syftet att förbättra SVP kräver en förståelse för utmaningar och relaterade uppgifter innan man startar ML-implementeringsprojekt. Vidare krävs överväganden innan tillgängliga data analyseras och datamodeller byggs. De som ska utföra implementeringen behöver förstå och komma överens om vad uppgiften är. Förståelse för mekanismer bakom utmaningar som uppkommer krävs också. Vad som driver förtroende (trust) för en teknik och affärsprocess är också viktigt att förstå och vara förberedd på inför en ML-implementering. Resultaten av studierna är (i) en modell för att presentera de olika delarna av SVP i en ETO-kontext, (ii) specificerade utmaningar och relaterade uppgifter, (iii) en modell med kritiska aspekter av trust kopplat till processen, teknologin, och kombinationen av de två och slutligen (iv) en modell för att förstå mekanismerna bakom kapacitet och beläggning inom orderkonstruktion.

Street Smarts: An examination of the nature of local media coverage of recent street conversion programs in New York City and Stockholm / Street Smarts: En undersökning av karaktären av lokal mediebevakning av nya program för ombyggnad av gator i New York City och Stockholm

Kassing, Regan Maureen January 2023 (has links)
The twin crises of the Covid pandemic and the climate emergency have led to a need to reconsider the way we use our cities. Many cities have implemented street conversion programs, aimed at shifting away from prioritization of cars in street usage. Two fairly successful examples of these types of programs are the Open Streets program in New York City and the Future Streets program in Stockholm.This study uses thematic coding to examine how local journalism portrayed these programs to readers, supplemented by interviews with the planners in charge of the programs as well as academics studying the programs.The outcome of this study reveals differing local coverage of the programs in New York City and Stockholm. Local coverage in New York City tended to be more detailed and focus more on the theory behind various decisions. This coverage also relied heavily on opinion. Local coverage in Stockholm was more sparse, and relied more on close reporting of practical details of the program, as well as direct quotes from residents. The reporting in both instances provides insight on how planning projects are written about in local media, as well as the way public participation plays out with the help ofreporting.

La resignificación del espacio público contemporáneo: experiencias alternativas emergentes

Bueno Carvajal, Juan Manuel 01 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación explora y presenta formas contemporáneas del espacio público que han sido denominadas experiencias alternativas emergentes, las cuales cuestionan distintas prácticas de la planeación y gestión urbana convencional, y los conceptos tradicionales que han definido y caracterizado al espacio público como ámbito de estudio urbano. Las experiencias emergentes surgen de manera espontánea con iniciativas participativas, son más cercanas a las realidades de las comunidades y barrios, y generan identidad, apropiación y empoderamiento de la ciudadanía. Se contemplan a partir de varios métodos como el placemakig, el urbanismo táctico y el urbanismo hecho a mano; se desarrollan a partir de las acciones resultantes de procesos participativos; se conciben a partir de medios como el reciclaje urbano y el reciclaje desde la materialidad; e incluyen expresiones provenientes del arte urbano. Se explican en la tesis a partir de diversas posturas teóricas y un amplio ejercicio de casos de estudio de diversas ciudades en el mundo, expuestos en cuatro grupos: los efímeros, los consolidados desde la escala barrial, los estructurados desde el arte y los semilleros. La resignificación del espacio público es la conclusión de este trabajo, desarrollada por nuevos insumos provenientes de estas manifestaciones, abriendo un debate sobre otros caminos de concebir el espacio público, resaltando las características de cohesión, de la prioridad de las actividades por encima de la infraestructura física, de la posibilidad de gestión a través de tácticas y formas efímeras que permiten ser escalones para el mejoramiento, lo fundamental de la participación ciudadana e intermediación de colectivos en las distintas etapas de los proyectos, la pequeña escala de las intervenciones, y la importancia del espacio público como factor de bienestar para las personas como interfaz social y de calidad de vida de las ciudades. / [CA] Este treball d'investigació explora i presenta formes contemporànies de l'espai públic que han sigut denominades experiències alternatives emergents, les quals qüestionen distintes pràctiques de la planeación i gestió urbana convencional, i els conceptes tradicionals que han definit i caracteritzat a l'espai públic com a àmbit d'estudi urbà. Les experiències emergents sorgixen de manera espontània amb iniciatives participatives, són més pròximes a les realitats de les comunitats i barris, i generen identitat, apropiació i apoderament de la ciutadania. Es conceben a partir de diversos mètodes com el placemakig, l'urbanisme tàctic i l'urbanisme fet a mà; es desenrotllen a partir de les accions resultants de processos participatius; es conceben a partir de mitjans com el reciclatge urbà i el reciclatge des de la materialitat; i inclouen expressions provinents de l'art urbà. S'expliquen en la tesi a partir de diverses postures teòriques i un ampli exercici de casos d'estudi de diverses ciutats en el món, exposats en quatre grups: els efímers, els consolidats des de l'escala vaig agranaral, els estructurats des de l'art i els iniciadors. La resignificació de l'espai públic és la conclusió d'este treball, desenrotllada per nous insumos provinents d'estes manifestacions, obrint un debat sobre altres camins de concebre l'espai públic, ressaltant les característiques de cohesió, de prioritat de les activitats per damunt de la infraestructura física, de la possibilitat de gestió a través de tàctiques i formes efímeres que permeten ser escalons per al millorament, el més important de la participació ciutadana i intermediació de col·lectius en les distintes etapes dels projectes, la reduïda escala de les intervencions, i la importància de l'espai públic com a factor de benestar per a les persones com a interfície social i de qualitat de vida de les ciutats. / [EN] This research explores contemporary forms of public space that have been called emerging alternative experiences, which question different practices of conventional urban planning and management, and the traditional concepts about the characterization and definition of public space as a field of urban study. Emerging experiences arise spontaneously with participatory initiatives, are closer to the realities of communities and neighborhoods, and generate identity, ownership and empowerment of citizens. They are conceived from some methods like the placemaking, the tactical urbanism and the handmade urbanism; they have been developed by initiatives and actions of participatory processes; they are conceived through the urban recycling and recycling from materiality; and include expressions from urban art. The thesis explains the alternative experiences based on theoretical positions and a wide exercise of case studies from different cities in the world, exposed in four groups: ephemeral, consolidated from the neighborhood scale, structured from art and initiators. The resignification of public space is the conclusion of this work, developed by new inputs from these manifestations, creating questions about other ways of conceiving public space, the characteristics of cohesion, the priority of activities over physical infrastructure, the possibility of management through tactics and ephemeral forms as a previous steps for improvement, the fundamentals of citizen participation and mediation of organizations in the different moments of the projects, the small scale of the interventions, and the importance of public space as a factor of well-being for people as a social interface and quality of life in cities. / Bueno Carvajal, JM. (2022). La resignificación del espacio público contemporáneo: experiencias alternativas emergentes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185056

L'effet de la disponibilité des armes à feu sur le taux d'homicide au Canada de 1974 à 2006

Reeves-Latour, Maxime 12 1900 (has links)
L’effet de la disponibilité des AAF sur le taux d’homicide est un sujet qui n’a jamais su faire consensus au sein du corpus scientifique. En tenant compte des réalités canadiennes relatives à l’utilisation d’une arme à feu dans les homicides, la présente étude évaluera la relation entre la disponibilité des armes à feu et le taux d’homicide au Canada, par le biais de séries chronologiques simples et multiples. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de la recherche proviennent de l’Enquête sur l’homicide effectuée par Statistiques Canada, du programme de la déclaration uniforme de la criminalité (DUC), des catalogues Juristats et des catalogues produits par Statistiques Canada sur les causes de décès au pays. Globalement, des relations positives et significatives sont observées entre les deux phénomènes au temps t. Au temps t-1 et t-2, des relations négatives sont observées entre la disponibilité des armes à feu et le taux d’homicide, tandis que des relations positives sont constatées entre le taux d’homicides et la disponibilité des armes à feu. Les résultats confirment que le taux d’homicide et la disponibilité des armes à feu sont des phénomènes qui s’influencent mutuellement dans le temps. En raison du niveau d’agrégation des données, il n’est pas possible de départager l’influence respective des deux phénomènes. Les résultats soutiennent toutefois davantage les thèses de l’autoprotection et de l’autodéfense. Enfin, les résultats montrent l’importance de développer des indices de disponibilité propres aux deux types d’armes à feu impliqués dans les homicides au Canada. / The debate surrounding the effects of gun availability on homicide rates have continuously been going on between scholars for the last decades. Relying on the Canadian context regarding the use of a firearm in homicides, this study evaluates the relationship between gun availability and homicide rates in Canada using pooled-time series analyses. Data used in this study comes from Statistics Canada’s Homicide Survey, the Uniform Crime Report Survey (UCR), Juristat’s catalogues and from catalogues produced by Statistics Canada on the causes of death in the country. Globally, results show positive and significant relationships between the two phenomena over time. Analyses at time t-1 and t-2 allow us to, on one hand notice negative and significant relationships between homicide rates and gun availability. One the other hand,positive and significant relationships were found between gun availability and homicide rates. Analyses suggest that there is a reciprocal relationship between homicide ratesand gun availability in Canada for the period under study. Additional studies using different aggregation levels are needed to pinpoint the specific effects of gun availability and homicide rates on each other. However, the present results tend to give greater support the selfprotection and defensive gun use hypotheses. Results also underline the importance of developing distinct proxies to capture the relationships between the availability of specific firearms and particular homicide rates in Canada

A networked multi-agent combat model : emergence explained

Yang, Ang, Information Technology & Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Simulation has been used to model combat for a long time. Recently, it has been accepted that combat is a complex adaptive system (CAS). Multi-agent systems (MAS) are also considered as a powerful modelling and development environment to simulate combat. Agent-based distillations (ABD) - proposed by the US Marine Corp - are a type of MAS used mainly by the military for exploring large scenario spaces. ABDs that facilitated the analysis and understanding of combat include: ISAAC, EINSTein, MANA, CROCADILE and BactoWars. With new concepts such as networked forces, previous ABDs can implicitly simulate a networked force. However, the architectures of these systems limit the potential advantages gained from the use of networks. In this thesis, a novel network centric multi-agent architecture (NCMAA) is pro-posed, based purely on network theory and CAS. In NCMAA, each relationship and interaction is modelled as a network, with the entities or agents as the nodes. NCMAA offers the following advantages: 1. An explicit model of interactions/relationships: it facilitates the analysis of the role of interactions/relationships in simulations; 2. A mechanism to capture the interaction or influence between networks; 3. A formal real-time reasoning framework at the network level in ABDs: it interprets the emergent behaviours online. For a long time, it has been believed that it is hard in CAS to reason about emerging phenomena. In this thesis, I show that despite being almost impossible to reason about the behaviour of the system by looking at the components alone because of high nonlinearity, it is possible to reason about emerging phenomena by looking at the network level. This is undertaken through analysing network dynamics, where I provide an English-like reasoning log to explain the simulation. Two implementations of a new land-combat system called the Warfare Intelligent System for Dynamic Optimization of Missions (WISDOM) are presented. WISDOM-I is built based on the same principles as those in existing ABDs while WISDOM-II is built based on NCMAA. The unique features of WISDOM-II include: 1. A real-time network analysis toolbox: it captures patterns while interaction is evolving during the simulation; 2. Flexible C3 (command, control and communication) models; I 3. Integration of tactics with strategies: the tactical decisions are guided by the strategic planning; 4. A model of recovery: it allows users to study the role of recovery capability and resources; 5. Real-time visualization of all possible information: it allows users to intervene during the simulation to steer it differently in human-in-the-loop simulations. A comparison between the fitness landscapes of WISDOM-I and II reveals similarities and differences, which emphasise the importance and role of the networked architecture and the addition of strategic planning. Lastly but not least, WISDOM-II is used in an experiment with two setups, with and without strategic planning in different urban terrains. When the strategic planning was removed, conclusions were similar to traditional ABDs but were very different when the system ran with strategic planning. As such, I show that results obtained from traditional ABDs - where rational group planning is not considered - can be misleading. Finally, the thesis tests and demonstrates the role of communication in urban ter-rains. As future warfighting concepts tend to focus on asymmetric warfare in urban environments, it was vital to test the role of networked forces in these environments. I demonstrate that there is a phase transition in a number of situations where highly dense urban terrains may lead to similar outcomes as open terrains, while medium to light dense urban terrains have different dynamics

Supply chain planning models with general backorder penalties, supply and demand uncertainty, and quantity discounts

Megahed, Aly 21 September 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we study three supply chain planning problems. The first two problems fall in the tactical planning level, while the third one falls in the strategic/tactical level. We present a direct application for the first two planning problems in the wind turbines industry. For the third problem, we show how it can be applied to supply chains in the food industry. Many countries and localities have the explicitly stated goal of increasing the fraction of their electrical power that is generated by wind turbines. This has led to a rapid growth in the manufacturing and installation of wind turbines. The globally installed capacity for the manufacturing of different components of the wind turbine is nearly fully utilized. Because of the large penalties for missing delivery deadlines for wind turbines, the effective planning of its supply chain has a significant impact on the profitability of the turbine manufacturers. Motivated by the planning challenges faced by one of the world’s largest manufacturers of wind turbines, we present a comprehensive tactical supply chain planning model for manufacturing of wind turbines in the first part of this thesis. The model is multi-period, multi-echelon, and multi-commodity. Furthermore, the model explicitly incorporates backorder penalties with a general cost structure, i.e., the cost structure does not have to be linear in function of the backorder delay. To the best of our knowledge, modeling-based supply chain planning has not been applied to wind turbines, nor has a model with all the above mentioned features been described in the literature. Based on real-world data, we present numerical results that show the significant impact of the capability to model backorder penalties with general cost structures on the overall cost of supply chains for wind turbines. With today’s rapidly changing global market place, it is essential to model uncertainty in supply chain planning. In the second part of this thesis, we develop a two-stage stochastic programming model for the comprehensive tactical planning of supply chains under supply uncertainty. In the first stage, procurement decisions are made while in the second stage, production, inventory, and delivery decisions are made. The considered supply uncertainty combines supplier random yields and stochastic lead times, and is thus the most general form of such uncertainty to date. We apply our model to the same wind turbines supply chain. We illustrate theoretical and numerical results that show the impact of supplier uncertainty/unreliability on the optimal procurement decisions. We also quantify the value of modeling uncertainty versus deterministic planning. Supplier selection with quantity discounts has been an active research problem in the operations research community. In this the last part of this thesis, we focus on a new quantity discounts scheme offered by suppliers in some industries. Suppliers are selected for a strategic planning period (e.g., 5 years). Fixed costs associated with suppliers’ selection are paid. Orders are placed monthly from any of the chosen suppliers, but the quantity discounts are based on the aggregated annual order quantities. We incorporate all this in a multi-period multi-product multi-echelon supply chain planning problem and develop a mixed integer programming (MIP) model for it. Leading commercial MIP solvers take 40 minutes on average to get any feasible solution for realistic instances of our model. With the aim of getting high-quality feasible solutions quickly, we develop an algorithm that constructs a good initial solution and three other iterative algorithms that improve this initial solution and are capable of getting very fast high quality primal solutions. Two of the latter three algorithms are based on MIP-based local search and the third algorithm incorporates a variable neighborhood Descent (VND) combining the first two. We present numerical results for a set of instances based on a real-world supply chain in the food industry and show the efficiency of our customized algorithms. The leading commercial solver CPLEX finds only a very few feasible solutions that have lower total costs than our initial solution within a three hours run time limit. All our iterative algorithms well outperform CPLEX. The VND algorithm has the best average performance. Its average relative gap to the best known feasible solution is within 1% in less than 40 minutes of computing time.

L'effet de la disponibilité des armes à feu sur le taux d'homicide au Canada de 1974 à 2006

Reeves-Latour, Maxime 12 1900 (has links)
L’effet de la disponibilité des AAF sur le taux d’homicide est un sujet qui n’a jamais su faire consensus au sein du corpus scientifique. En tenant compte des réalités canadiennes relatives à l’utilisation d’une arme à feu dans les homicides, la présente étude évaluera la relation entre la disponibilité des armes à feu et le taux d’homicide au Canada, par le biais de séries chronologiques simples et multiples. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de la recherche proviennent de l’Enquête sur l’homicide effectuée par Statistiques Canada, du programme de la déclaration uniforme de la criminalité (DUC), des catalogues Juristats et des catalogues produits par Statistiques Canada sur les causes de décès au pays. Globalement, des relations positives et significatives sont observées entre les deux phénomènes au temps t. Au temps t-1 et t-2, des relations négatives sont observées entre la disponibilité des armes à feu et le taux d’homicide, tandis que des relations positives sont constatées entre le taux d’homicides et la disponibilité des armes à feu. Les résultats confirment que le taux d’homicide et la disponibilité des armes à feu sont des phénomènes qui s’influencent mutuellement dans le temps. En raison du niveau d’agrégation des données, il n’est pas possible de départager l’influence respective des deux phénomènes. Les résultats soutiennent toutefois davantage les thèses de l’autoprotection et de l’autodéfense. Enfin, les résultats montrent l’importance de développer des indices de disponibilité propres aux deux types d’armes à feu impliqués dans les homicides au Canada. / The debate surrounding the effects of gun availability on homicide rates have continuously been going on between scholars for the last decades. Relying on the Canadian context regarding the use of a firearm in homicides, this study evaluates the relationship between gun availability and homicide rates in Canada using pooled-time series analyses. Data used in this study comes from Statistics Canada’s Homicide Survey, the Uniform Crime Report Survey (UCR), Juristat’s catalogues and from catalogues produced by Statistics Canada on the causes of death in the country. Globally, results show positive and significant relationships between the two phenomena over time. Analyses at time t-1 and t-2 allow us to, on one hand notice negative and significant relationships between homicide rates and gun availability. One the other hand,positive and significant relationships were found between gun availability and homicide rates. Analyses suggest that there is a reciprocal relationship between homicide ratesand gun availability in Canada for the period under study. Additional studies using different aggregation levels are needed to pinpoint the specific effects of gun availability and homicide rates on each other. However, the present results tend to give greater support the selfprotection and defensive gun use hypotheses. Results also underline the importance of developing distinct proxies to capture the relationships between the availability of specific firearms and particular homicide rates in Canada

STADEN - RUMMET - MÖTET : Temporär arkitektur i det offentliga rummet för ökad social hållbarhet / : Temporary architecture in public spaces for increased social sustainability

Larsson, Mattias, Holmgren, Leo January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Den här studien undersöker temporär arkitektur som fenomen. Temporär arkitektur är tillfälliga rumsliga initiativ som med varierande storlek och form tar stadens offentliga rum i anspråk. Temporär arkitektur är relativt nytt och börjar dyka upp allt oftare i större städer. En del forskning finns kring ämnet, men få beskriver de bakomliggande genomförandeprocesserna och hur temporär arkitektur kan generera social hållbarhet. Målet med den här studien är därför att undersöka hur temporär arkitektur bidrar till ökad social hållbarhet och hur genomförandeprocessen för temporär arkitektur ser ut idag. Frågeställningarna är: (1) Hur kan temporär arkitektur bidra till ökad social hållbarhet? (2) Hur ser genomförandeprocessen för temporär arkitektur ut idag? Metod: Studien är av deskriptiv karaktär och syftar till att skapa ytterligare förståelse för studiefenomenet och dess inneboende egenskaper. Metoderna för datainsamling utgår från ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt genom riktade intervjuer med relevanta respondenter från offentliga och privata sektorn. En litteraturstudie genomförs också med syfte att klarlägga forskningsläget kring studiefenomenet. Resultat: Frågeställning 1 visar att det finns flera sätt som temporär arkitektur positivt påverkar den sociala hållbarheten på. Fyra kärnvärden som var och en förstärker varandra har identifieras. Dessa är gemenskap, delaktighet, tillit samt rörelse. Den temporära arkitekturen uppmuntrar till gemenskap och delaktighet hos människor genom att tillföra kortvariga händelser att samlas kring i det offentliga rummet. Genom nya möten möjliggörs tillit vilket leder till ökad rörlighet. Rörelse löser upp de sociala fastlåsningsprinciperna i samhället och borgar för en ökad gemenskap.  Frågeställning 2 visar att processerna för temporär arkitektur kan te sig mycket olika beroende på i vilket sammanhang som den temporära arkitekturen ska implementeras. Frågeställningen visar också på flera svårigheter som råder i genomförandeprocessen idag. Påtagligt är att utmaningarna i många fall överväger möjligheterna och initiativ kan då helt enkelt utebli. Konsekvenser: Tillfälliga rumsskapande initiativ av typen temporär arkitektur tillför sociala kvaliteter till stadslivet, bortom de kvaliteter som vanligtvis erbjuds av traditionella stadsplaneringsprocesser. Styrkan med temporär arkitektur ligger framför allt i dess gestaltningsmässiga och rumsliga flexibilitet samt i dess förmåga att skapa ökad delaktighet och bättre tillgång till stadens innehåll för människor. Begränsningar: Studien undersöker fenomenet ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv, och utesluter ekonomiska samt ekologiska aspekter av detsamma. Datainhämtningen genom riktade intervjuer är avgränsad till respondenter verksamma som arkitekter och fysiska planerare samt respondenter från den offentliga sektorn. Näringsliv, fastighetsägare och brukare innefattas inte i de riktade intervjuerna. / Purpose: This study examines temporary architecture as a phenomenon. Temporary architecture is ephemeral structures with varying sizes and shapes that takes city’s public spaces in possession during short periods of time. As a phenomenon, temporary architecture is relatively new, but begins to appear more often in larger cities. Some research has been made on the subject in matter, but few researches describes the process behind and how social sustainability can be linked to temporary architecture. The research questions are: (1) How can temporary architecture contribute to increased social sustainability? (2) What characterizes the temporary architecture implementation process today? Method: The study is of descriptive nature and aims to create further understanding of temporary architecture. Data gathering are based on a qualitative approach through targeted interviews with relevant respondents from public and private sectors. A literature review is also conducted with the intention to clarify current research situation surrounding the study phenomenon. Findings:  Research question 1 indicates that temporary architecture affects social sustainability in several ways.  Four core values that each reinforce each other have been identified. These are community, participation, trust and movement. The temporary architecture encourages community and participation between people by providing short-term events to gather around in public space. New meetings enable trust, which leads to increased mobility. Movement resolves the social constraint principles in society and contributes to an increased community. Research question 2 indicates that the implementation processes for temporary architecture can differ widely depending on the context in which the temporary architecture is to be implemented. The question also indicates that there are several difficulties in the implementation process today. Significantly, in many cases the challenges outweighs the possibilities, why initiatives can be omitted. Implications: Short-term space-creating initiatives like temporary architecture enhance social qualities to urban life beyond the qualities usually obtained by traditional urban planning processes. The strength of temporary architecture lies within its formative and spatial flexibility as well as its ability to create increased participation and better access to the city’s content for people. Limitations: The study focuses on a social sustainability perspective only and excludes the economic and ecological perspective of the phenomena. The interview study is limited to only take planning and municipal perspective in concern. Business and user perspectives are therefore not taken into account.

Le marketing politique chez les partis politiques québécois lors des élections de 2012 et de 2014

Del Duchetto, Jean-Charles 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’évaluer l’adoption du marketing politique par les partis politiques québécois. Nous entendons par marketing politique une succession d’étapes intégrées (processus marketing) qui permet à un parti politique d’identifier un besoin chez l’électorat et de créer un produit visant à y répondre. Ainsi, à la question de recherche «Est-ce que les quatre principaux partis politiques québécois (Parti Québécois, Parti libéral du Québec, Coalition Avenir Québec et Québec solidaire) ont eu recours au marketing politique lors des élections provinciales de 2012 et de 2014? », nous posons l’hypothèse que le contexte québécois en 2012 et 2014 ne permettait pas aux partis politiques d’adopter une approche marketing au cours des campagnes. À cet égard, nous avons mené une étude qualitative basée sur des entrevues faites auprès des responsables des campagnes électorales de 2012 et 2014 pour chacun des partis. Notre collecte de données et notre analyse construite autour deux éléments (les acteurs du marketing politique et l’application qu’ils ont faite du processus marketing), nous ont permis d’infirmer notre hypothèse initiale et d’établir, faits à l’appui, que certains partis ont eu recours à l’approche marketing au cours des deux dernières élections alors que d’autres s’en sont tenus à l’approche publicitaire. / This dissertation studies the adoption of political marketing by the political parties in Québec. We hear by political marketing a succession of integrated steps (marketing process) which allows a political party to identify a need from the electorate and to create a product to answer it. Thereby, to the question, "Did the four main political parties in Québec (Parti Québécois, Parti libéral du Québec, Coalition Avenir Québec and Québec solidaire) used political marketing during the past provincial elections of 2012 and 2014?" we had the hypothesis that the Québec context, in 2012 and 2014, did not allow the political parties to adopt a marketing approach during their campaign. In this respect, we led a qualitative study based on interviews led with political campaign managers from each party, who worked during the past elections of 2012 and 2014. A collection of qualitative data and an analysis based on two elements (political marketers and the way they followed the marketing process) allowed us to counter our initial hypothesis and to establish that the some political parties used the political marketing during the elections of 2012 and 2014, while others focused on tactical marketing.

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