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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Begränsningar i avdragsrätten för ränteutgifter : I vilka situationer kan det anses affärsmässigt motiverat att göra ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter?

Magnusson, Lizette, Bergman, Therese January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sedan den 1 januari 2009 begränsas avdragsrätten för ränteutgifter vid internt finansierade förvärv av delägarrätter från ett företag som ingår i samma intressegemenskap. Syftet med lagstiftningen är att förhindra skatteplanering med ränteupplägg. För att bestämmelserna inte skall träffa affärsmässigt bedriven verksamhet medges undantag från begränsningar i avdragsrätten för ränteutgifter om ränteintäkten beskattas med minst 10 procent enligt lagstiftningen i den stat där det företag inom intressegemenskapen som faktiskt har rätt till inkomsten hör hemma eller om såväl förvärvet som skulden som ligger till grund för ränteutgifterna är huvudsakligen affärsmässigt motiverade. Om undantag medges beviljas det företag som betalar ränta avdrag för ränteutgifterna.</p><p>Författarna anser att utformningen av den undantagsregel som medger avdrag för ränteutgifter om såväl förvärvet som skulden som ligger till grund för ränteutgifterna är huvudsakligen affärsmässigt motiverade är tämligen vag. Uppsatsen syftar därför till att utreda i vilka situationer ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter från ett företag som ingår i samma intressegemenskap kan anses affärsmässigt motiverat för att undantag från lagstiftningen om begränsningar i avdragsrätten för ränteutgifter skall medges.</p><p>I uppsatsen klargörs att det vid ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter skall ligga sunda företagsekonomiska och affärsmässiga överväganden - utöver eventuella skatteeffekter - bakom den interna skulden och det interna förvärvet. Författarna anser att följande omständigheter kan anses affärsmässigt motiverade. Interna förvärv av delägarrätter vilka föranleds av behovet att undvika intressekonflikter och samarbetsproblem, ge bolagen en självständig ledning och göra dem finansiellt oberoende från varandra, uppnå riskspridning samt att omstrukturera en verksamhet som till sin art och geografiska placering är helt skilda från varandra är exempel på när ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter kan anses affärsmässigt motiverat. Därtill är det vid en förestående extern försäljning av en verksamhetsgren inom koncernen affärsmässigt motiverat att göra ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter. Om anledningen till att ett företag etablerat sig i en lågskattestat är för att detta land har en juridisk, ekonomisk och politiskt stabil situation eller om företaget som mottar räntebetalningen bedriver ekonomisk verksamhet eller om interna förvärv av delägarrätter har förekommit tidigare inom intressegemenskapen, ger dessa omständigheter en indikation på att ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter kan anses affärsmässigt motiverat.</p><p>Uppsatsen syftar vidare till att utreda huruvida hänsyn tagits till rättssäkerhets- och effektivitetsaspekter vid användandet av begreppet affärsmässigt motiverad i lagstiftningen om begränsningar i avdragsrätten för ränteutgifter. Då varken lagtexten eller förarbetena ger en klar definition av i vilka situationer ett internt förvärv av delägarrätter kan anses affärsmässigt motiverat gör författarna bedömningen att hänsyn inte tagits till rättssäkerhet vid utformandet av den undantagsregel som medger avdrag för ränteutgifter om såväl förvärvet som skulden är huvudsakligen affärsmässigt motiverad. Genom att de skattskyldiga torde ha möjlighet att erhålla förhandsbesked kan dock ledning för fastställande av huruvida interna förvärv av delägarrätter är affärsmässiga bidra till ökad rättssäkerhet.</p> / <p>Since the first of January 2009 the Swedish government limited the deductibility of interest expenses on internally funded acquisition of shares between affiliated parties. The purpose of the legislation is to prohibit tax avoidance schemes with interest. In order for the provisions not to prevent business with sound business reasons the legislation grants exemption if the interest income is taxed at a rate of at least 10 percent, according to the laws of the Statute of the company within the community that actually has the right to the income, or if both the acquisition and the debt that is the basis for the interest expenditure is mainly commercially motivated.</p><p>The authors believe that the wording of the provision that allows the deduction of interest expenses, if both the acquisition and the debt underlying the interest expenditure are mainly commercially motivated, is rather vague. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to analyze the circumstances under which an internal acquisition of shares from an affiliated company can be considered as a commercially motivated transaction in order to be granted an exemption from the legislation restricting the tax deductibility of interest expenses.</p><p>To be granted an exemption the affiliated company which request deduction has to show that the internal debt and the acquisition are entered into mainly for sound business purpose in addition to any tax reasons. Acquisition of shares which responds to the need to avoid conflicts of interest and cooperation problems, giving companies an independent management and make them financially independent from each other, achieve diversification and to restructure a business which by their nature or location is distinct from each other, are examples on when an acquisition of shares can be considered as a commercially motivated acquisition of shares. If the reason why a company established itself in a country which has a low tax on interest income is that this country has a legal, financial and politically stable situation, or if the company who receives the interest payment engage in economic activities or the acquisition of shares have occurred earlier, these circumstances indicates that an acquisition is commercially motivated.</p><p>The aim of the thesis is further to investigate whether account has been taken to legal certainty and efficiency aspects in the use of the term business purpose in the legislation restricting the tax deductibility of interest expenses. Since neither the wording of the provision nor the preparatory work gives a clear definition of the circumstances under which an internal acquisition of shares can be considered as commercially motivated the authors conclude that account has not been taken to legal certainty. Since taxpayers have the opportunity to request a preliminary ruling regarding the determination of whether the acquisition of shares is commercially motivated, the authors conclude that this may contribute to a greater legal certainty.</p>

智慧財產移轉訂價稅制探討與租稅規劃 / Taxation System of Transfer Pricing and Tax Planning on Intellectual Properties

廖志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬檢視針對智慧財產移轉訂價稅制是否齊備,藉由外國稅法制度以及實務案例作為台灣修法借鏡,針對我國法制尚未臻完備之處進行探討,以作為未來修法之參考;並以納稅義務人角度,針對以智慧財產為標的之情形模擬租稅規劃安排。 首先,本研究以智慧財產為主軸,就我國目前現有移轉訂價制度先行探討,再納入美國以及中國稅制進行比較分析,以衡量我國目前稅法未完備之處。本研究結果發現,針對智慧財產移轉訂價稅制,我國尚缺乏成本分攤協議規範、智慧財產所有權人認定、可比較交易內容之資料庫等規範內容,得以美國為借鏡,作為我國未來制定相關規範之框架,盡速彌補相關智慧財產移轉訂價法制不足之處,以利徵納雙方適用。 再者,智慧財產移轉訂價為一相當實務且國際化之議題,借鏡於實際爭訟案件爭點,可作為未來我國修法規範之考量;由於台灣以研究發展見長,企業擁有許多高價值的智慧財產,未來該等轉讓或授權所牽涉的金額將更為龐大,屆時租稅規劃將為重要考量,故本文模擬數個例子,為該等企業先行作基礎租稅規劃。 最後,綜上所述,提出個人修法建議,希冀能為我國智慧財產移轉訂價稅制實務徵納以及修法方向作出一點貢獻。

Tax Avoidance: Critical Analysis of Current Regulations and Proposals for a Future Reform / La Elusión Tributaria: Análisis Crítico de la Actual Normatividad y Propuestas para una Futura Reforma

Echaiz Moreno, Daniel, Echaiz Moreno, Sandra 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper describes and analyzes the configuration, the normative regulation and assumptions of tax avoidance and its differentiation from tax evasion, current regulations on matters related to tax avoidance, disputes relating to this figure due supported, the impact of international tax avoidance through tax havens figure, the way our country aims to combat this figure and finally propose suggestions for improving the anti-elusive regulations in order not to infringe against the taxpayer and any proper legal regulation. / En el presente ensayo se exponen y analizan la configuración, la regulación normativa y los supuestos de la elusión tributaria, así como su diferenciación con la evasión tributaria, la normatividad actual sobre materias vinculadas a la elusión tributaria, las controversias en relación a esta figura debidamente sustentadas, el impacto de la elusión tributaria a nivel internacional a través de la figura de los paraísos fiscales, la manera cómo nuestro país pretende combatir esta figura y, finalmente, planteamos propuestas de mejora a la normatividad anti-elusiva a fin que no se atente contra el contribuyente y exista una adecuada regulación jurídica.

Planejamento tribut?rio: Crit?rios e limites para a desconsidera??o dos atos e neg?cios jur?dicos pela administra??o fiscal

Santos, Marliete Lopes dos 29 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarlieteLS_DISSERT.pdf: 1263997 bytes, checksum: ab10957ba9cb9c6dd35501c519eb56c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-29 / Tax planning is a subject that has been increasing in relevance in Tax Law. This current dissertation s objective is to approach the criterion and limits for the disqualification of law acts and business through the Tax Administration. Law acts and business resulted from the conduct of contributors that seek to diminish the growing raise of the tax load, using some means to reduce their burden and increase the possibilities of success in an economical activity, without violating the law in the persecution of paying fewer burdens. On the other hand, the tax administration, through its organs, hoping the increase of burden collection to withstand some determined sectors of the State, with a clear purpose to stop the contributor organizing his activity and structuring it as efficiently as possible, came up with a preliminary draft which left Complementary Law 104, from 10.02.2001, enacted, that inserted the unique paragraph of the National Tax Code, article 116, authorizing the disregard, by the administrative fiscal authority, of Law acts and business practiced to dissimulate the occurrence of burden gain or the nature of obligated incorporating elements, observing the procedures to be established in common law . Our goal is to identify the criteria and limits to disregard law acts and business through the tax administration, pointing out some possible means of action by the tax administration that qualifies it to disregard the contributor s acts and business, just claiming that a saving in the tax costs was made by the contributor s act / Planejamento fiscal ? um tema que vem ganhando relev?ncia no Direito Tribut?rio. A presente disserta??o tem por objetivo abordar os crit?rios e limites para a desqualifica??o dos atos e neg?cios jur?dicos pela Administra??o fiscal. Atos e neg?cios jur?dicos resultantes das condutas dos contribuintes que procuram diminuir o crescente aumento da carga tribut?ria, utilizando meios para reduzir o seu ?nus e aumentar as possibilidades de sucesso na atividade econ?mica, sem, no entanto, violar a lei na persecu??o de pagar menos tributo. Por outro lado, a Administra??o fiscal, por meio de seus ?rg?os, desejando o aumento da arrecada??o dos tributos para fazer frente a determinados setores do Estado, com n?tido prop?sito de impedir que o contribuinte organize a sua atividade e estruture seus neg?cios de forma mais eficiente poss?vel, elaborou anteprojeto do qual restou promulgada a Lei Complementar n? 104, de 10.02.2001, que inseriu o par?grafo ?nico do artigo 116 do C?digo Tribut?rio Nacional, autorizando a desconsidera??o, pela autoridade administrativa fiscal, de atos e neg?cios jur?dicos praticados com a finalidade de dissimular a ocorr?ncia de fato gerador do tributo ou a natureza dos elementos constitutivos da obriga??o, observados os procedimentos a serem estabelecidos em lei ordin?ria . Nossa inten??o foi identificar os crit?rios e limites para a desconsidera??o dos atos e neg?cios jur?dicos pela administra??o fiscal, assinalando alguns instrumentos admiss?veis a atua??o da Administra??o Fiscal que qualifique a desconsiderar os atos e neg?cios do contribuinte, alegando apenas que houve uma economia nos custos do tributo pelo ato praticado pelo contribuinte

Illegitimate Tax Avoidance and Rule XVI of Preliminary Title of Tax Code / La Elusión Fiscal y la Norma XVI del Título Preliminar del Código Tributario

Tarsitano, Alberto 12 April 2018 (has links)
The author analyzes a very important issue such as illegitimate tax avoidance. He begins by explaining the content of the concept of illegitimate tax avoidance, and also he points out the differences with other concepts like tax evasion and tax planning. Then, he comments the debate on the use of legal figures which doesn’t belong to Tax Law, in order to solve issue of illegitimate tax avoidance. Finally, he explains the scope and the application of the Peruvian general anti-avoidance rule stipulated in the Peruvian Tax Code. / El autor analiza un tema de suma importancia como es el de la elusión fiscal. Se comienza esclareciendo el contenido del concepto de elusión, diferenciándolo de otros conceptos como la evasión fiscal y la economía de opción. Luego, pasa a recoger y comentar el debate en torno al uso de figuras ajenas al Derecho Tributario para dar solución al problema de la elusión fiscal. Finalmente, pasa a explicar el alcance y aplicación de la cláusula general antielusiva peruana estipulada en la norma XVI del Título Preliminar del Código tributario.

Aggressive Tax Planning, the new paradigm of the transfer pricing rule and the avoidance in the Tax Code / Planificación Fiscal Agresiva, el nuevo paradigma de la norma de precios de transferencia y la elusión en el Código Tributario

Villanueva Gutiérrez, Walker 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this paper, the author analyzes the problematic of the aggressive tax planning, due to the lack of coherence between the tax rules of the different States and indicates the way in which the transfer pricing rule should be applied. Also, he analyzes the regulation of the anti-avoidance provision in the Tax Code and criticizes how the Supreme Court applies this anti-avoidance provision and the reasoning of the Tax Court to derive legal effects based on the economic content. / En el presente artículo, el autor analiza la problemática de la planificación fiscal agresiva, debido a la falta de coherencia entre las normas tributarias de los distintos Estados y señala la manera en que debe aplicarse la norma de precios de transferencia. Asimismo, analiza la regulación de la norma anti-elusiva en el Código Tributario y realiza una crítica respecto a cómo la Corte Suprema aplica esta norma anti-elusiva y el razonamiento del Tribunal Fiscal para derivar efectos jurídicos sobre la base del contenido económico.

Teorias do abuso no planejamento tributário / Theories of abuse in tax planning

Luís Flávio Neto 07 April 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa teorias do abuso no planejamento tributário. Inicialmente, busca-se definir e diferenciar planejamento tributário, planejamento tributário abusivo e evasão fiscal, partindo-se da premissa de que compete a cada Estado estabelecer, de forma peculiar, quais os critérios devem ser adotados para a identificação dessas figuras em seu ordenamento jurídico. Analisam-se os princípios constitucionais que podem ser ponderados no Brasil em relação a esse tema. Diante das teses que defendem a adoção, pelo Direito Tributário brasileiro, do abuso do direito, do abuso de formas, da fraude à lei e do propósito negocial, inclusive com fundamento nas experiências do Direito estrangeiro, analisa-se como tais teorias têm sido originalmente construídas, respectivamente, pela França, Alemanha, Espanha e Estados Unidos da América. Após a análise de cada uma dessas teorias estrangeiras, analisam-se os fundamentos da doutrina e jurisprudência favoráveis e contrários à sua aplicação no ordenamento tributário brasileiro, seja a partir de princípios jurídicos, de dispositivos do Código Tributário Nacional (em especial, art. 116, parágrafo único) ou mesmo do novo Código Civil (em especial, art. 187). Por fim, busca-se apresentar qual a norma atualmente vigente no Brasil para a tutela do planejamento tributário. / This study examines theories of abuse in tax planning. Initially, it defines and differentiates tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion, starting from the premise that is to the State to establish, in a peculiar way, in which criteria should be adopted for the identification of these figures in its legal system. It examines the constitutional principles that can be weighted in Brazil in relation to this theme. It examines the arguments that advocate the adoption of some theories by the Brazilian tax law, as abuse of law, abuse of forms, fraus legis and business purpose test. The research considers how such theories have been originally constructed, respectively, by France, Germany, Spain and the United States of America. After analyzes of each one of these foreign theories and examines the fundamentals of doctrine and court decisions that would be favorable or unfavorable for its application in the Brazilian tax planning, either from legal principles, from National Tax Code (in particular, art. 116, single paragraph) or even from the new Civil Code (in particular, art. 187). Finally, analyses which rule is currently in force in Brazil to the tax planning issues.

A elusão tributária e os limites à requalificação dos negócios jurídicos / Tax audidance and the limits applicable to the reclassification of activities by tax authorities or the Brazilian tax legislator

Livia de Carli Germano 12 May 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo examina os limites à requalificação dos negócios jurídicos no Brasil, seja pelas autoridades fiscais seja pelo legislador tributário (infraconstitucional) com a criação de regras específicas e gerais para o controle da elusão fiscal. Para tanto, considera-se a elusão fiscal como figura autônoma, buscando-se identificar os critérios para a delimitação desta zona cinzenta existente entre a conduta contra legem (evasão) e aquela que não contraria, quer direta quer indiretamente, o ordenamento (elisão), e que corresponde à prática de atos aparentemente lícitos mas que ferem indiretamente o ordenamento. A identificação de tais critérios coloca em relevo a importância da causa dos negócios jurídicos e a noção de ilicitude atípica que qualifica os atos e negócios aparentemente lícitos porém desprovidos de causa, engendrados exclusivamente com vistas à economia de tributos. Analisa-se então como o ordenamento positivo brasileiro trata esta categoria de atos e negócios, buscando delimitar o que a administração fiscal está autorizada a fazer no combate à elusão fiscal. Em seguida, passa-se ao exame do controle da elusão fiscal realizado pela via legislativa, analisando-se os limites ao estabelecimento de regras específicas de prevenção ou de correção da elusão baseadas em ficções e presunções, as regras antielusivas constantes de convenções internacionais firmadas pelo Brasil, bem como a experiência estrangeira no estabelecimento de regras gerais antielusivas. Ao final, abordamos o conteúdo da regra geral antielusiva brasileira. / This research examines the limits applicable to the reclassification of activities by the Brazilian tax authorities or the Brazilian tax legislator (i.e., ordinary law) by means of specific and general anti-avoidance rules. For this purpose, we consider tax avoidance as an autonomous concept, which consists of those transactions that appear legitimate but are indirectly against rules, and we attempt to identify the criteria for delimitation of the gray area between an activity that represents a direct violation of Law tax evasion and one which does not infringe the law, either directly or indirectly valid tax planning. The identification of such criteria emphasizes the importance of the purpose behind a legal transaction and the idea of an illegality which is not expressly defined by law applicable to those acts and transactions that, despite appearing legitimate, have no substance and are exclusively structured for the purpose of saving taxes. We then analyze how Brazilian legislation treats such activities and transactions in order to identify the limits to which tax avoidance schemes can be regulated by Brazils tax authorities. Next, we examine how Brazilian tax legislation deals with tax avoidance, and analyze the limits on the establishment of specific anti-avoidance rules based upon fictions and presumptions, of anti-avoidance rules found in double tax treaties concluded by Brazil, and general anti-avoidance rules based upon other countries practices. Finally, we address the substance of the general anti-avoidance rule under the Brazilian tax system.

A concorrência no mercado de bens tangíveis provocada pelo planejamento tributário e pela eficiência das empresas

Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo do 19 November 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:35:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo do Nascimento.pdf: 4550323 bytes, checksum: a412a63e58475650c22f656c09b33ff0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-19 / This doctoral thesis whose theme is competition in tangible goods market caused by tax planning and the efficiency of enterprises aims to investigate the legal and economic problems caused by the preponderance of large companies using technology to ensure gains in a market in constant growth. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse the main reasons that lead consumers to purchase their goods through e-commerce. Given to tax and economic analysis, one may conclude that factors such as price, convenience and safety have made the difference in competition in this type of business activity. The methodology is based on literature, using classical and contemporary works on Law and Economics. Throughout this research, one can notice the constant evolution of this type of market as well as the migration of traditional businesses to this new niche of transactions, not only because of the incomes that it may generate, but mainly because of what they can represent in the medium and long term: their survival in a highly competitive market. / A presente tese de doutorado cujo tema é a concorrência no mercado de bens tangíveis provocada pelo planejamento tributário e pela eficiência das empresas tem como objetivo principal investigar a problemática jurídico-econômica causada pela preponderância das grandes empresas utilizando-se de tecnologias para assegurar ganhos em um mercado em constante crescimento. Para tanto, mister se faz a análise dos principais motivos que impulsionam os consumidores para que adquiram seus bens através do comércio eletrônico. Diante de análise tributária e econômica, pode-se concluir que os fatores preço, comodidade e segurança têm sido o diferencial na concorrência neste tipo de atividade empresarial. A metodologia utilizada buscou amparo na pesquisa bibliográfica, recorrendo a clássicos e contemporâneos do Direito e da Economia. Ao longo desta pesquisa, pode-se notar a constante evolução desse tipo de comercialização, bem como a migração dos empresários tradicionais para esse novo nicho de transações empresariais, não apenas pelo que representam imediatamente no faturamento destas, mas, principalmente, pelo que podem representar a médio e longo prazo: a sua sobrevivência em um mercado altamente competitivo.

Contribuição ao estudo da classificação interdisciplinar da pesquisa tributária e do impacto da tributação na estrutura de capital das empresas no Brasil / Contribution to the study of the interdisciplinary classification of the tax research and of the impact of the taxation in the capital structure of the companies in Brazil

Marcelo Coletto Pohlmann 31 August 2005 (has links)
A matéria tributária nunca esteve tão em evidência como nos dias presentes. No Brasil, a carga tributária cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos, atingindo atualmente cerca de 36% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). A nível internacional, há uma constante discussão quanto ao balanceamento entre tributos diretos e indiretos. Refira-se, também, problemas relativos à evasão tributária, ao planejamento tributário e à preocupação dos governos de inúmeros países com a proliferação de paraísos fiscais e o efeito disso sobre a economia doméstica, o que acaba desaguando na questão da competição tributária internacional. Esse breve cenário dá bem a noção da importância e relevância da temática tributária, nas suas mais diversas dimensões e aspectos. O presente trabalho analisa o impacto da tributação na estrutura de capital das empresas no Brasil, sendo que duas hipóteses de pesquisa foram colocadas a prova: a primeira, seguindo os passos de estudos anteriores, buscou pura e simplesmente verificar a existência de impacto do fator tributação do lucro no endividamento das firmas, e qual o sentido dessa influência. A segunda hipótese, por sua vez, propôs-se a verificar se essa relação se dá da mesma forma para o caso de firmas com alto endividamento e que apresentam baixo nível de tributação, as quais se convencionou, para os fins do presente trabalho, chamar de firmas descapitalizadas com alto endividamento. A pesquisa tomou por base dados dos anos de 2001 a 2003 das 500 maiores empresas operando no Brasil segundo a Revista Exame, implicando em uma amostra final de 214 firmas. A hipótese central da pesquisa restou confirmada: o nível de tributação do lucro da firma afeta sua decisão quanto à estrutura de capital, e a relação se dá no mesmo sentido, ou seja, quanto maior a incidência tributária, maior será o endividamento. Contrariamente ao esperado, essa relação foi verificada também para as firmas descapitalizadas com alto endividamento. Os resultados confirmaram as expectativas da teoria do tradeoff em relação aos fatores tributação e estrutura de ativos, enquanto que, com relação à lucratividade, foi confirmada a teoria do pecking order. Outras variáveis de controle foram consideradas, tendo o tamanho da firma e o setor mostrado algum poder explicativo. Uma contribuição adicional do trabalho consiste em uma espécie de análise epistemológica da pesquisa tributária, onde se busca fomentar a perspectiva interdisciplinar no trato da matéria, tendo em vista a importância e complexidade do tema, caracterizado por problemas que requerem muitas vezes uma visão multifacetada do profissional ou pesquisador, constatando-se a carência de uma abordagem interdisciplinar no trato das questões. Percebe-se que o paradigma disciplinar reinante limita a análise das questões e impede a evolução do conhecimento sobre a matéria tributária. Nesse aspecto, foi proposta uma classificação da pesquisa tributária dentro de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. Para isso, partiu-se da identificação de estudos anteriores imbuídos do mesmo escopo, analisando-os criticamente, acrescentando novas contribuições e sintetizando com uma classificação que se julga suficientemente completa para abranger todo e qualquer estudo relacionado à matéria tributária. A classificação almejada levou em conta mais a temática central de estudo do que propriamente a disciplina que se debruça sobre ela ou a formação do pesquisador que conduz normalmente determinado tipo de estudo. Chegou-se ao seguinte quadro de classificação da pesquisa tributária: (1) obediência tributária; (2) auditoria e gestão tributária pública; (3) impacto dos tributos nas decisões dos contribuintes; (4) tributação ótima e eficiência econômica dos tributos; (5) aspectos macroeconômicos da tributação; e (6) pesquisa legal, subdividida em jurídico-tributária, contabilidade e auditoria tributária e planejamento tributário. / The tax matter was never so in evidence as in the present days. In Brazil, the tax burden grew significantly in the last years, reaching now about 36% of the gross domestic product (GDP). At international level, there is a constant discussion with relationship to the swinging among direct and indirect taxes. Refer, also, relative problems to the tax evasion, to the tax planning and the governments of countless countries concern with the proliferation of tax heavens and the effect of that on the domestic economy, what finishes draining on the subject of the international tax competition. That brief scenery gives the notion of the importance and relevance of the tax thematic, on its several dimensions and aspects. The present work analyzes the impact of the taxation in the capital structure of the companies in Brazil, and two research hypotheses were placed to prove: the first, following the steps of previous studies, it looked for a pure and simple way to verify the existence of impact of the profits factor taxation in the debt of the firms, and which is the sense of that influence. The second hypothesis, intended to verify if that relationship feels in the same way for the case of firms with high debt and that they present low taxation level, which was stipulated, for the meanings of the present work, to name it firms decapitalized with high debt \". The research took for database the years from 2001 to 2003 of the 500 larger companies operating in Brazil according to the Revista Exame, implicating in a final sample of 214 firms. The central hypothesis of the research remained confirmed: the level of profits taxation of the firm affects its decision with relationship to the capital structure, and the relationship feels in the same sense, in other words, as larger the tax incidence, higher will be the debt. Contrarily to the expected, that relationship was also verified for the firms decapitalized with high debt. The results confirmed the expectations of the tradeoff theory in relation to the factors taxation and asset structure, while, with relationship to the profitability, the pecking order theory was confirmed. Another variations of control were considered, showing that the firm\' size and industry have some explanatory power. An additional contribution of the work consists in a type of epistemological analysis of the tax research, where it tried to foment the interdisciplinary approach in the treatment of the matter, viewing the importance and complexity of the theme, characterized by problems that request, many times, a multifaceted vision of the professional or researcher, being verified the lack of an interdisciplinary approach in the treatment of subjects. It is noticed that the paradigm to discipline that reigns limits the analysis of the subjects and hinders the evolution of the knowledge on the tax matter. In that aspect, a classification of the tax research was proposed inside of an interdisciplinary perspective. For that, started from an identification of dipped previous studies of the same mark, analyzing them critically, increasing new contributions and synthesizing with a classification that feels sufficiently completes to embrace all and any study related to the tax matter. The classification took more in account the thematic study headquarters than properly the discipline that leans over it or the researcher\'s formation that usually leads certain study type. It was founded the following picture of classification of the tax research: (1) tax compliance; (2) public tax auditing and management; (3) the effect of tax on the taxpayers decisions; (4) optimal taxation and economic efficiency of the rate; (5) macroeconomic aspects of taxation; and (6) legal research, subdivided in tax law, tax accounting and auditing and tax planning.

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