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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the weaknesses in transfer pricing legislation pertaining to intellectual property / Natalie Stark

Stark, Natalie January 2014 (has links)
On 8 June 2012, National Treasury amended Regulation 10(1) (c) of the Exchange Control Regulations to specifically include intellectual property. In so doing, all companies wishing to dispace intellectual property to an offshore destination had to obtain prior approval from National Treasury. However, National Treasury is reticent to grant permission to reassign these assets, as revenue from intellectual property is perceived to contribute vastly to the South African tax revenue. This amendment came into being shortly after the dismissal in the Oilwell case. This case, in essence, held that intellectual property is not capital for the purposes intended by National Treasury, and therefore no prior approval to assign it offshore is required from National Treasury. This dismissal led to a large outflow of intellectual property to tax favourable foreign locations. At the same time, it exposed transfer pricing risks that had previously gone unnoticed. Although these risks have once again been mitigated by the amendment to Regulation 10(1) (c), it does not mean that it is now a thing of the past, best left forgotten. The South African government intends to relax or abolish all exchange control regulations in the future. At present the exact date when this is to take place is not known. Once the exchange control regulations are abolished, the transfer pricing risks associated with intellectual property will once again come to the forefront and will lead to significant loss to South African tax revenue. The three main risks that became apparent during the period before the amendment to Regulation 10(1) (c) are the following: * Transfer pricing risk consisting of mainly: - A lack of a comparables database to enable tax administrators to determine an appropriate arm’s length price for intellectual property. - A lack of the relevant skills, experience and knowledge required to accurately assess transfer prices of intellectual property. * Challenges in obtaining relevant, comprehensive and timely information to accurately determine arm’s length prices for intellectual property transactions. * A lack of understanding the principle of economic substance and legislation in South Africa to define economic substance parameters. * In this mini-dissertation, these weaknesses are discussed in more detail to highlight to SARS the trials it faces when the exchange controls regulations are expelled. Various ways in which these flaws can be challenged head-on are also presented. / MCom (South African and International Tax), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Verhaltensreaktionen und Aufkommenswirkungen bei Einführung einer G(K)KB / Behavioral reactions and revenue consequences in the case of an introduction of a C(C)CTB

Kimpel, Gerrit 25 February 2016 (has links)
Im Zuge der Diskussion einer Harmonisierung der Ertragsbesteuerung innerhalb der Europäischen Union wird bereits seit geraumer Zeit die Einführung einer gemeinsamen konsolidierten Körperschaftsteuerbemessungsgrundlage (GKKB/CCCTB) von den Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union in Erwägung gezogen. Bereits im Jahr 2001 wurde die Möglichkeit einer grenzüberschreitenden Besteue-rung europaweit tätiger Konzerne von der Europäischen Kommission erwähnt. In den darauf folgenden Jahren wurde die Ausgestaltung einer G(K)KB sowohl auf politischer Ebene als auch in der Literatur fortwährend weiterentwickelt. Eine Reform der Unternehmensbesteuerung ruft regelmäßig Änderungen des Steueraufkommens in den betroffenen Nationalstaaten hervor und führt häufig zu einer Veränderung der Kosten zur Befolgung steuerlicher Gewinndeklarationspflichten. Ferner können Steuerreformen zu Verhaltensreaktionen der Steuerpflichtigen an die geänderten steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen führen. Beispielsweise kann das Investitionsverhalten oder die Finanzierungsstrategie beeinflusst werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird im Rahmen des ersten Beitrags untersucht, welche Verhaltensreaktionen auf Seiten der Steuerpflichtigen in Bezug auf die Wahl des Besteuerungsregimes, das Investitionsverhalten und Steuerplanungsaktivitäten bei Einführung einer optionalen GKKB zu erwarten wären. Ziel des zweiten Beitrags ist eine Ermittlung möglicher Aufkommenskonsequenzen, die sich bei der Einführung einer gemeinsamen Körperschaftsteuerbemessungsgrundlage (GKB/CCTB) oder gemeinsamen Unternehmenssteuerbemessungsgrundlage (GUB) für den deutschen Staatshaushalt ergeben würden. Neben der Ermittlung des Gesamteffekts wird zusätzlich die Bedeutung der Änderung einzelner steuerlicher Gewinnermittlungsvorschriften (zum Beispiel Abschreibungsvorschriften) auf die Gesamtänderung des Steueraufkommens untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird analy-siert, in welchem Umfang die Gewinnermittlungsvorschriften der GKKB im Vergleich zum gegenwärtigen deutschen Steuerrecht Veränderungen der steuerlichen Befolgungskosten hervorrufen. Gegenstand des dritten Beitrags ist eine Auseinandersetzung mit der weniger in der Literatur, sondern vielmehr der allgemeinen Diskussion anzutreffenden Kritik an der Nutzung ökonomischer Experimente zur Untersuchung von Fragestellungen mit Bezug zur Unternehmensbesteuerung. Die Kritik beruht darauf, dass die Ergebnisse ökonomischer Experimente aufgrund fehlender externer Validität nicht auf reales Verhalten übertragen werden könnten. Der Mangel an externer Validität wird damit begründet, dass ökonomische Experimente häufig mit Studierenden durchgeführt werden und diese nicht mit den relevanten steuerlichen Vorschriften vertraut sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist das Ziel des dritten Beitrags darin zu sehen, einen me-thodischen Beitrag zu leisten, geeignete Probandengruppen sowie effiziente experi-mentelle Design zur Untersuchung von Fragestellungen mit einem ertragsteuerlichen Fokus zu identifizieren.

台商全球化的思維兼論國際移轉訂價租稅問題- 以個案公司探討

徐永堅, Atlan Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
全球化是二十一世紀以來,最被廣汎討論的議題。無論在政治、經濟、企業、生產要素都無可避免地往“全球化”的洪流推進。這股全球化的力量將是所有人無法抗拒及置身事外的。當然,台灣企業亦無法迴避這股全球化的趨勢。 為因應這股全球化的浪潮,本論文引個案公司為例,探討其全球化的演進歷程,包含全球化的組織分工與佈局及其因應國際移轉計價租稅問題。根據以上的探討結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、對台商企業因應全球化的建議: 1.台商組織文化的塑造及溝通模式的建立 全球化競爭時代,快速、彈性、效率、反應成為企業彼此競爭和成為全球運籌公司的關鍵。全球化公司在發展過程中,內部共識的形成、企業文化的形成、組織體系的扁平化和分工、領導溝通和策略決斷等等,是首要必須調整的課題。爰以個案的討論,提出台商朝向全球企業方向的組織管理建議。 2.組織架構的調整及功能的定位之建議 全球化的企業,主要係透過全球製造基地設立、全球市場(銷售據點)規劃、支援服務集中化等來修正改變其營運架構,此營運架構須跳脫法人組織架構的藩籬,同時配合國際移轉訂價策略,提出組織架構的調整及功能的定位之建議。 3.銷貨及製造交易模式引發租稅問題的對策 針對台商進行全球化常見的銷貨及製造交易模式所引發租稅問題,提出相關的建議。 4.移轉訂價政策的制定及後續管理 為因應全球化的國際移轉訂價租稅問題,建議企業內部應成立移轉訂價委員會,制訂集團移轉訂價策略,並管理後續相關事宜。 二、對政府協助台商企業全球化佈局的建議: 1.落實產業升級與轉型,以知識經濟取代產業政策 建議政府以整體產業的升級與轉型之知識經濟政策,取代僅強調某些產業之發展政策。 2.建構全球化效能政府與基礎建設 不僅企業要全球化,政府亦同時要進行全球化的改造。全球化強調彈性及效率,政府組織及政策亦因以此為準繩,才不致於成為企業全球化的絆腳石。此外,政府更應積極進行因應全球化的基礎建設,吸引全球資金以台灣為轉介中心,同時確保企業能根留台灣。 3.建立全球化產業資料庫,協助企業解決因應全球化所面臨的問題 成立世界各國投資資訊資料庫,舉凡各國政治、經濟、產業、租稅、人文及基礎設施等,供企業查詢,並定期更新。責成本國及當地專家針對企業對外全球所面臨問題深入輔導。 三、對政府國際移轉訂價的租稅政策建議: 1.立法院應儘速通過所得稅法第四十三條之一之修正草案,即移轉訂價立法草案,該草案係對移轉訂價的適用方法、稽核的對象、預先訂價協議機制作一通則性的規定,使得移轉訂價的稽核有明確的法律依據。 2.移轉訂價稽核立法後,應進行國際租稅人員的培訓,以熟悉移轉訂價的概念與稽核的技巧,並派員至美國IRS吸取稽核的經驗。此外,亦應同時對國內外企業進行教育宣導,讓企業能提早因應移轉訂價的稽核準備。 3.建立國際移轉訂價參考公司資料庫及全球化組織最佳實務準則,供企業國際移轉訂價的參考。鼓勵企業自行覆核公司移轉計價的策略,檢視是否符合常規交易;並制訂預先訂價協議機制細則,提供多國籍企業制訂移轉訂價策略的選擇。 關鍵詞:全球化、移轉訂價、國際租稅、個案研究 / Using case study method, this thesis studies a Taiwanese company in the evolution track of globalization may confront with arduous external and internal problems. The thesis stresses that the international transfer pricing topic is particularly important for globalized companies. Furthermore, the function segment for a globalized organization will affect both company’s competition capability and transfer pricing policy. In summary, this thesis recommend multinational companies should consider to adjust his organization structures and fix his organization functions to conquer the possible crises of continuous operation, and to establish reasonable international transfer pricing policy to defense possible challenges coming from tax authorities in the varied jurisdictions. Further, this thesis also recommend the Legislative Yuan of R.O.C. can approve the transfer pricing proposed law of Taiwan jurisdiction as soon as possible and our government can be assistance of the companies to overcome the international transfer pricing issues in the globalization. Keywords: Globalization, Transfer pricing, International tax planning, Case study.


王淑靜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分為兩大部份,第一部份採用法令分析及文獻探討方式,從台商赴大陸投資架構及營運型態進行綜合分析,以得出台商在大陸地區投資生產性企業之完整租稅規劃模式;第二部份則是就某家上市公司進行個案分析,瞭解其赴大陸投資前、後之投資架構,大陸子公司之營運型態,及其在大陸地區所遭遇之問題等議題,歸納彙總其投資經驗,以做為其他台商赴大陸投資時之參考。 就投資架構而言,台商赴大陸投資時,以個人名義投資比以企業名義進行投資為宜,間接投資比直接投資為宜。當以企業名義進行投資時,企業營運總部比一般企業之租稅負擔為輕,多層控股比單層控股為宜。 台商赴大陸投資前,應充分瞭解大陸地區給予外商之租稅優惠以事先做好租稅規劃。大陸地區之租稅優惠主要可區分為「對象」、「年度」及「地區」上之優惠,因此,在選擇企業之組織型態時,除應考量其經營權、銷售對象、以及收益分配等因素外,尚應審慎規劃設立地點。 而在規劃兩岸三地之營運型態時,則應考量大陸企業之設立地點、進貨地點及銷貨對象。生產性企業不論在大陸從事內銷或外銷時,均以保稅區為最佳之設立地點。此外,尚應考量客戶、盈餘分配及收入認列方式等因素,以決定兩岸三地貿易之接單地與供料地。 在機器設備之選擇方面,符合「外商投資產業指導目錄」中鼓勵類和限制乙類之企業,購買國產設備之成本較低,故在投資前應審慎規劃投資總額及註冊資本,以享受採購國產設備退稅之租稅優惠。如必須使用進口機器,則應於區內設立企業為宜,至於區外企業,則須符合特定條件,方可享受免徵增值稅之租稅優惠。 透過對個案公司的瞭解,發現投資管理上的方便及資金運用效率等其他因素亦是影響投資架構安排的原因,另外,該公司對於未來租稅優惠期屆滿及大陸租稅變革之因應之道,亦是值得供做其他台商參考之處。 關鍵字:大陸投資、投資架構、營運型態、租稅規劃。 / Using case study method, this study completes a tax-planning model and discusses investment planning for investing in China. The analyses suggest that, in investing in China, individual investors have more tax advantages than corporate investors. Further, setting up holding companies in tax heaven countries provides substantial tax planning opportunities. For corporate investors, it is better to structure the investment structure by using multiple holding companies. This study also discusses nontax factors in choosing organizational types for investing in China, such as ownership structures, customer management, earnings distribution, and location of corporations. In choosing the location of corporations, tax treatments provided by the local government, product markets and suppliers of materials are most important factors. For manufacturing firms, it is better to locate in special tax-exempt zones established by the Chinese central government. Furthermore, in structuring transaction framework, firms should take into account important nontax factors such as product markets, suppliers of materials, financial reporting, earnings distribution, and cash flows. Finally, in purchasing production equipment, the China-made equipment bears lower value-added taxes than the imported one, ceteris paribus. Therefore, companies located in the special tax-exempt zones are tax-advantageous entities to import foreign-made equipments. Keywords: Investment in China, Tax planning, Investment Structure, Business model.

Právní úprava proti krácení daní / Legislating against Tax Avoidance

Kamínková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Kamínková, Petra: Legislating against Tax Avoidance Abstract Tax avoidance practices of multinational corporations have recently come under criticism by governments and general public. In my thesis, I analyze various methods states may use to fight such behavior, with special regard given to the Czech Republic. In the first chapter, I introduce basic principles of international taxation. Second chapter focuses on several commonly used methods of avoiding taxes, and the tools used by governments to fight particular types of undesirable transactions and set-ups (Targeted Anti-Avoidance Rules - TAARs). The analysis therein suggests that these tools may be successful to a degree, but may never cover all possible scenarios. Third chapter elaborates on judicial doctrines and General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAARs). These tools attempt to address tax avoidance methods not anticipated by legislature. My contention is that while these concepts may be quite powerful, they may also gravely threaten legal certainty. Therefore, I conclude that they should be used sparingly. Final chapter presents a set of auxiliary tools that may improve the communication between tax payers and tax authorities, thus helping the states to gather information faster and more efficiently, allowing them to react to arising issues with minimal...

Obcházení zákona, skutečný obsah právních úkonů a zneužití práva ve vztahu k daňovému plánování / Circumvention of the law, real contents of legal acts and the abuse of law in relation to tax planning

Horák, Milan January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to analyze and characterize circumvention of the law, real content of legal acts and abuse of law in relation to tax planning. To combat tax abuse tax administrator has these three instruments available which in turn set limits of tax planning. The thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter One differentiates between tax planning, tax abuse and tax evasion as different methods of lowering tax liability. Chapter Two consists of four subchapters, first three containing analysis and characteristic of circumvention of the law, real contents of legal acts and abuse of law. Each of these subchapters builds upon general definition which is then refined by case law of the Supreme Administrative Court and concludes with typical cases. The fourth subchapter deals with "tax evasion by other means" which some authors consider a similar instrument. The third chapter summarizes the current legislative state of these instruments and offers some thoughts de lege ferenda. The fourth chapter contains deeper analysis of the most important case law relating to individual instruments. Chapter Four should serve the reader as a reference while reading Chapter Two. Thesis illustrates the most typical cases of each individual instrument and concludes that the abuse of law doctrine is the most...

Optimalizace daňové povinnosti ve firmě / Tax planning in corporation

Nevodnicheva, Yulia January 2010 (has links)
This thesis "Tax planning in corporation" puts brain to legal entity income tax and it is looking for possible solutions in tax planning in corporation. The first part deals with the tax theory, the other part is the theory of tax planning, comparison of tax regimes and tax policy and tax revenue by optimizing both internationally and in the local aspect. The last part discusses options for optimizing tax

Contribuição ao estudo da classificação interdisciplinar da pesquisa tributária e do impacto da tributação na estrutura de capital das empresas no Brasil / Contribution to the study of the interdisciplinary classification of the tax research and of the impact of the taxation in the capital structure of the companies in Brazil

Pohlmann, Marcelo Coletto 31 August 2005 (has links)
A matéria tributária nunca esteve tão em evidência como nos dias presentes. No Brasil, a carga tributária cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos, atingindo atualmente cerca de 36% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). A nível internacional, há uma constante discussão quanto ao balanceamento entre tributos diretos e indiretos. Refira-se, também, problemas relativos à evasão tributária, ao planejamento tributário e à preocupação dos governos de inúmeros países com a proliferação de paraísos fiscais e o efeito disso sobre a economia doméstica, o que acaba desaguando na questão da competição tributária internacional. Esse breve cenário dá bem a noção da importância e relevância da temática tributária, nas suas mais diversas dimensões e aspectos. O presente trabalho analisa o impacto da tributação na estrutura de capital das empresas no Brasil, sendo que duas hipóteses de pesquisa foram colocadas a prova: a primeira, seguindo os passos de estudos anteriores, buscou pura e simplesmente verificar a existência de impacto do fator tributação do lucro no endividamento das firmas, e qual o sentido dessa influência. A segunda hipótese, por sua vez, propôs-se a verificar se essa relação se dá da mesma forma para o caso de firmas com alto endividamento e que apresentam baixo nível de tributação, as quais se convencionou, para os fins do presente trabalho, chamar de firmas descapitalizadas com alto endividamento. A pesquisa tomou por base dados dos anos de 2001 a 2003 das 500 maiores empresas operando no Brasil segundo a Revista Exame, implicando em uma amostra final de 214 firmas. A hipótese central da pesquisa restou confirmada: o nível de tributação do lucro da firma afeta sua decisão quanto à estrutura de capital, e a relação se dá no mesmo sentido, ou seja, quanto maior a incidência tributária, maior será o endividamento. Contrariamente ao esperado, essa relação foi verificada também para as firmas descapitalizadas com alto endividamento. Os resultados confirmaram as expectativas da teoria do tradeoff em relação aos fatores tributação e estrutura de ativos, enquanto que, com relação à lucratividade, foi confirmada a teoria do pecking order. Outras variáveis de controle foram consideradas, tendo o tamanho da firma e o setor mostrado algum poder explicativo. Uma contribuição adicional do trabalho consiste em uma espécie de análise epistemológica da pesquisa tributária, onde se busca fomentar a perspectiva interdisciplinar no trato da matéria, tendo em vista a importância e complexidade do tema, caracterizado por problemas que requerem muitas vezes uma visão multifacetada do profissional ou pesquisador, constatando-se a carência de uma abordagem interdisciplinar no trato das questões. Percebe-se que o paradigma disciplinar reinante limita a análise das questões e impede a evolução do conhecimento sobre a matéria tributária. Nesse aspecto, foi proposta uma classificação da pesquisa tributária dentro de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. Para isso, partiu-se da identificação de estudos anteriores imbuídos do mesmo escopo, analisando-os criticamente, acrescentando novas contribuições e sintetizando com uma classificação que se julga suficientemente completa para abranger todo e qualquer estudo relacionado à matéria tributária. A classificação almejada levou em conta mais a temática central de estudo do que propriamente a disciplina que se debruça sobre ela ou a formação do pesquisador que conduz normalmente determinado tipo de estudo. Chegou-se ao seguinte quadro de classificação da pesquisa tributária: (1) obediência tributária; (2) auditoria e gestão tributária pública; (3) impacto dos tributos nas decisões dos contribuintes; (4) tributação ótima e eficiência econômica dos tributos; (5) aspectos macroeconômicos da tributação; e (6) pesquisa legal, subdividida em jurídico-tributária, contabilidade e auditoria tributária e planejamento tributário. / The tax matter was never so in evidence as in the present days. In Brazil, the tax burden grew significantly in the last years, reaching now about 36% of the gross domestic product (GDP). At international level, there is a constant discussion with relationship to the swinging among direct and indirect taxes. Refer, also, relative problems to the tax evasion, to the tax planning and the governments of countless countries concern with the proliferation of tax heavens and the effect of that on the domestic economy, what finishes draining on the subject of the international tax competition. That brief scenery gives the notion of the importance and relevance of the tax thematic, on its several dimensions and aspects. The present work analyzes the impact of the taxation in the capital structure of the companies in Brazil, and two research hypotheses were placed to prove: the first, following the steps of previous studies, it looked for a pure and simple way to verify the existence of impact of the profits factor taxation in the debt of the firms, and which is the sense of that influence. The second hypothesis, intended to verify if that relationship feels in the same way for the case of firms with high debt and that they present low taxation level, which was stipulated, for the meanings of the present work, to name it firms decapitalized with high debt \". The research took for database the years from 2001 to 2003 of the 500 larger companies operating in Brazil according to the Revista Exame, implicating in a final sample of 214 firms. The central hypothesis of the research remained confirmed: the level of profits taxation of the firm affects its decision with relationship to the capital structure, and the relationship feels in the same sense, in other words, as larger the tax incidence, higher will be the debt. Contrarily to the expected, that relationship was also verified for the firms decapitalized with high debt. The results confirmed the expectations of the tradeoff theory in relation to the factors taxation and asset structure, while, with relationship to the profitability, the pecking order theory was confirmed. Another variations of control were considered, showing that the firm\' size and industry have some explanatory power. An additional contribution of the work consists in a type of epistemological analysis of the tax research, where it tried to foment the interdisciplinary approach in the treatment of the matter, viewing the importance and complexity of the theme, characterized by problems that request, many times, a multifaceted vision of the professional or researcher, being verified the lack of an interdisciplinary approach in the treatment of subjects. It is noticed that the paradigm to discipline that reigns limits the analysis of the subjects and hinders the evolution of the knowledge on the tax matter. In that aspect, a classification of the tax research was proposed inside of an interdisciplinary perspective. For that, started from an identification of dipped previous studies of the same mark, analyzing them critically, increasing new contributions and synthesizing with a classification that feels sufficiently completes to embrace all and any study related to the tax matter. The classification took more in account the thematic study headquarters than properly the discipline that leans over it or the researcher\'s formation that usually leads certain study type. It was founded the following picture of classification of the tax research: (1) tax compliance; (2) public tax auditing and management; (3) the effect of tax on the taxpayers decisions; (4) optimal taxation and economic efficiency of the rate; (5) macroeconomic aspects of taxation; and (6) legal research, subdivided in tax law, tax accounting and auditing and tax planning.

Negócio jurídico e a incidência tributária / Juridical business and tax incidence

Pinho, João Ricardo Dias de 10 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joao Ricardo Dias de Pinho.pdf: 1457083 bytes, checksum: dc12010f84ca343f6a9edcf7ff0214a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-10 / We strive, in this thesis, to the study of juridical business in the tax incidence context. In addition, we had as background the tax planning theme. In a way that, juridical business topics, analyzed throughout the work, are those which matter the most to tax incidence, as considered from a survey with the judged of the Tax Revenue Management Board CARF, regarding the unlawfulness of tax planning. We used as premises some lessons from semantic constructivism-logical theory, speech acts, intentionality and macro action / Dedicamo-nos, nesta tese, ao estudo do negócio jurídico no contexto da incidência tributária. E tivemos por pano de fundo o tema do planejamento tributário. De maneira que, os tópicos do negócio jurídico, analisados no trabalho, são aqueles que mais importam à incidência tributária, assim considerados a partir de um levantamento dos julgados do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais CARF, sobre a ilicitude do planejamento tributário. Utilizamos como premissas algumas lições da teoria do construtivismo-lógico semântico, dos atos de fala, da intencionalidade e da macro ação

Planejamento tribut??rio e a remunera????o do capital pr??prio : pesquisa sobre a percep????o de consultores tribut??rios atuantes na cidade de S??o Paulo

Batiston, Renato Reis 22 August 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato_Reis_Batiston.pdf: 1146548 bytes, checksum: 8a5c0359d4611700d8c661ae6e46d558 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-08-22 / By December, 27th, 1995 it was edited Law 9.249 which, among several innovations, brought rules to approach the tax treatment given to third parties capital remuneration to owner's capital remuneration, with the permission to deduct interest paid to share or quotaholders that kept their resources in the net worth of their companies, in the determination of the taxable profit. For that, there were established several criteria, which interpretation can cause innumerous effects, sometimes raising and sometimes diminishing the tax burden to be accrued by the payment font and for its beneficiary. The present study had as objective to measure the perception of S??o Paulo's active tax consultants on how companies and its share or quotaholders behave in front of it. It had aimed to evidence, under the point of view of those professionals, how, when and why the interest over own capital are paid and to identify which are the causes for its non-use. This perception was measured with a survey and statistically evaluated. The study showed examples of how the interest over own capital can be used as a tool of tax planning, showing several situations in which is possible to maximize its effects, with the adoption of accounting or corporate mechanisms, or with the adoption of different interpretation of the commented law, in relation of Federal Revenue Bureau (competent organ to inspect the tax effects of its registry by the payment font or its beneficiary). The bibliography revision pretended to board the necessary concepts to the perfect understanding of the institute, as the concepts of opportunity cost, owner capital cost, third capital cost and tax planning, the juridical and accounting nature of the interest over owner's capital recognized by law 9.249, how several regulatory organs (SRF, CVM, SUSEP e BACEN) interpret it, among others aspects. / Em 27 de dezembro de 1995 foi editada a Lei no 9.249 que, dentre in??meras inova????es, trouxe regras visando a aproximar o tratamento tribut??rio destinado ?? remunera????o do capital de terceiros ?? remunera????o do capital pr??prio, por meio da permiss??o de dedu????o de juros pagos em favor dos s??cios ou acionistas que mantiveram seus recursos no patrim??nio l??quido de suas empresas, na apura????o do lucro real. Para tanto, foram estabelecidos v??rios crit??rios, cuja interpreta????o pode acarretar diversos efeitos, ora aumentando, ora diminuindo seus impactos em torno da carga tribut??ria a ser apurada pela fonte pagadora e pelo benefici??rio de tais juros. O presente estudo teve por objetivo mensurar a percep????o de consultores tribut??rios atuantes na cidade de S??o Paulo a respeito da postura das empresas e de seus s??cios perante tal instituto. Buscou-se evidenciar, sob o ponto de vista de tais profissionais, como, quando e porque os juros sobre o capital pr??prio s??o pagos e identificar quais as causas para o seu n??o uso. Tal percep????o foi mensurada atrav??s de pesquisa de campo e avaliada pela aplica????o conjunta de estat??stica descritiva e an??lise discriminante com o aux??lio do aplicativo SPSS. O trabalho apresentou exemplos de como o uso dos juros sobre o capital pr??prio pode servir como ferramenta de planejamento tribut??rio, explicitando situa????es em que os poss??veis benef??cios oriundos de seu pagamento podem ser maximizados, tanto pela ado????o de mecanismos cont??beis e/ou societ??rios, como pela ado????o de interpreta????es diferente da citada lei, em rela????o ?? posi????o adotada pela Secretaria da Receita Federal, ??rg??o competente para fiscalizar os efeitos tribut??rios de seu registro pela fonte pagadora e pelo benefici??rio de seu rendimento. A revis??o bibliogr??fica pretendeu abordar os conceitos necess??rios ao perfeito entendimento do instituto, como os de custo de oportunidade, custo do capital pr??prio e de terceiros, planejamento tribut??rio, natureza jur??dica e cont??bil dos juros sobre o capital pr??prio reconhecido pela Lei no 9.249, como diversos ??rg??os reguladores (SRF, CVM, SUSEP e BACEN) o interpretam, dentre outros aspectos.

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