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De fem förmågorna i matematik : Hur läromedlet kan främja de fem förmågorna / The five abilities in mathematics teaching : How the teaching aid can promote the five abilitiesAzizi, Shahin, Tabib, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få vetskap om hur lärare använder sig av Favorit matematik i undervisningen för att främja elevernas kunskaper i de fem förmågorna. Syftet var även att få en uppfattning om hur läraren förhåller sig till undervisningen om läromedlet inte räcker till. Vi valde att utföra kvalitativa intervjuer via zoom med F-3 lärare. Urvalet består av sex erfarna lärare som har arbetet med matematikundervisning i lågstadiet i minst 4 år. I vårt resultat framkommer det att lärarna använder sig av läromedlet i stor utsträckning men att de behöver komplettera detta med övningar och extra material. / The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge about how teachers use Favorite Mathematics in teaching to promote students' knowledge of the five abilities. The purpose was also to get an idea of how the teacher relates to the teaching if the teaching aid is not enough. We chose to conduct qualitative interviews via zoom with F-3 teachers. The sample consists of six experienced teachers who have worked with mathematic teaching in primary school for at least 4 years. In our result, it appears that the teachers use the teaching aid to a large extent, but that they need to supplement this with exercises and extra material.
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Supporting Children's Grief after a Death: A Guide for School PsychologistsBergeson, Catherine Alexandra 29 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The death of a loved one is a significant stressor for children. Most children are exposed to grief at an early age. Without necessary support and guidance, children are much more susceptible to negative emotional, cognitive, and developmental effects. Expressive therapies such as bibliotherapy are supposed to provide a safe and healthy outlet for children's grief. However, school psychologists have limited pre-service training and readily available resources to effectively address children's death-related grief. This study included a survey of school psychologists from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Crisis Management Group. Of the 431 potential members, 22% (N=95) responded to an online survey. Of these surveys, 89 were considered complete and representative of school psychologists experienced in working with grieving elementary school-aged children. Participants responded to questions regarding availability of, use of, and need for printed materials to support children's grief. Participants were also asked to share their ideas, activities, and children's picture books which supported children's grief. Based on survey responses, practical guidelines and a resource list of activities and grief-related materials were summarized to assist school psychologists in better supporting young children's adaptive coping skills following the death of a loved one.
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From Grammar to Communication: An Analysis of Form and Function in Course Plans and Teaching Materials in the Subject of English for Upper Secondary SchoolStopar, Emilia January 2008 (has links)
This essay deals with the communicative approach towards learning English. The aim is to investigate how and why form and/or function are stressed in course plans in the subject of English intended for the first year of upper secondary school and how the content of these plans are mirrored in teaching materials. This will be done within a small historical frame from the 70’s until today. Based on a background of the school’s development and the research in the field of education and language studies, the investigation is carried out by firstly analyzing the course plans respectively before weighing them against each other, and secondly by examining each teaching material before comparing their content to the relevant course plan as well as to each other. The focus in these analyses is on the language’s function in contrast to form and on how communicating competence is stressed and exercised. The results show that the course plans are vastly different. The older plan emphasises form to a large extent but it does also contain hints of function. The recent plan, on the other hand, is permeated by function and it has communication as the foremost goal. Both teaching materials correspond quite well to the relevant course plan. The older material exercises mainly form and correctness in individual tasks while the newer material promotes group work and features exercises that practically always require interaction and train the pupils’ communicative abilities. The conclusion that is drawn from this investigation is that there is an obvious shift from a prominence of form to a dominion of function in both the course plans and teaching materials studied in this essay.
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An In-depth Analysis of Two Lesson Plans On The Lion , The Witch and The WardrobePaulander, Eva-Maria January 2007 (has links)
In the present study, teaching guides to The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S Lewis are assessed and evaluated with the help from Ian McGrath’s Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching. The study focuses on two complete teaching guides, one developed by an American language teacher and the other by the producers of the latest Narniamovie. Both of the guides were originally created for a native speaker context. However, in this dissertation ways of adapting these study guides to the goals expressed in the Swedish Curriculum (Lpo 94) and The National Syllabuses are explored. The result of my evaluation shows that both the selected guides are, with some adjustment, applicable to the education of English in Sweden. The conclusion is that the language-oriented parts of the teaching guides are valid to the Swedish curriculum and syllabuses of English, though they were developed for native speakers of English. The modules on moral education are also applicable, since value based education is fundamental in Swedish schools.
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Teaching speaking in English 5: textbooks and novice teachers viewsRösund, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Speaking is an essential skill for language learning. Moreover, the communicative aspect of learning a secondary language is the major goal for many learners. Since English is a language with a substantial number of speakers and is often used as the preferred method of communicating between people with different mother tongues, the pressure on teaching materials and textbooks for learning English is substantial. Traditionally, textbooks are one of the most used tools for learning language and assisting teachers in providing materials for students in the targeted language. However, previous research showed that there are aspects where textbooks could still be lacking due to commercial interests, lack of effective speech enhancing tasks, and a divergence from current research in secondary language acquisition. Moreover, little research has been done in Swedish contexts regarding the effectiveness of speaking tasks in textbooks. Considering these issues, the current study aimed to investigate speaking tasks within textbooks used for English 5 in Sweden to see if they can be considered effective in teaching speech. The study also aimed to find out novice teachers’ views on the speaking tasks in textbooks and teaching speaking in general. The study was conducted by analysing two English textbooks, namely Blueprint A and Solid Gold 1 used for English 5 in Sweden. The speaking tasks within both textbooks were categorised based on previous research on effective speech enhancing tasks. The results of this analysis showed that a large portion of the speaking tasks within the textbooks could not be considered effective speech enhancing tasks. Nevertheless, around half of the ineffective tasks could be made into effective speaking tasks with minor teacher intervention. The result of the following interviews also showed that the novice teachers were aware of how to supplement the tasks within the textbooks and that they had a focus on content rather than structure of the tasks. Lastly, the novice teachers’ also viewed repetition of tasks as negative and that more focus on the social factors of teaching speaking should be taught in teacher programs.
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Ett exkluderande perspektiv på historien? : En kvalitativ analys av läroböckers skildringar av medeltidens genusskillnaderJonsson, Edwin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att förstå den bild av medeltida män, kvinnor och könsförhållanden som förmedlas av läromedel i vår tids gymnasieutbildning. Till detta ändamål granskades tre historieläromedel genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Teman som gick att urskilja i läromedlens historieskrivning var bland annat att stora delar av texten var manligt kodad, att kvinnor tenderade att osynliggöras och beskrivas som passiva offer och att avsnitt om såväl kvinnor som könsförhållanden regelbundet placerades utanför narrativet. Efter en genusteoretisk analys drogs slutsatsen att genusskildringen till stor del kan förklaras av en inom historieskrivningen seglivad föreställning om att aktörer och händelser i den offentliga sfären är av större betydelse än dem i den privata sfären. En historiedidaktisk analys påvisade att de läromedelsförfattare som sökte skildra historien genom att kombinera ett flertal olika perspektiv kunde uppnå en mer balanserad skildring av medeltidens könsförhållanden, medan ett mer enspårigt narrativ korrelerade med det motsatta / The purpose of this essay was to understand the portrayal of medieval men, women and gender relations that is conveyed by teaching materials in the Swedish secondary education of today. For this purpose, three history teaching materials were examined through a qualitative content analysis. The themes that could be discerned were, among other things, that large parts of the text were male-coded, that women tended to be rendered invisible and described as passive victims, and that sections about both women and gender relations regularly were placed outside the narrative. After a gender-theoretical analysis, the conclusion was drawn that the depiction of gender largely can be explained by a conception within historiography that actors and events in the public sphere are of greater importance than those in the private sphere. A history-didactic analysis showed that the authors who tried to depict history by combining several different perspectives were able to achieve a more balanced depiction of medieval gender relations, while a more one-track narrative correlated with the opposite
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Mirror mirror on the wall which of the textbooks is the best of them allLundström, Emmelie January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyse different teaching materials for English in Grade 5. Three teaching materials for learning English as a second language and as foreign languagewere used. Two of the teaching materials were produced in Sweden and one was produced foran international market. The teaching materials were selected using a convenience selection.This study was made with use of both a quantitative and a qualitative comparative textanalysis, depending on the research question. The result showed that the two teachingmaterials produced in Sweden for learning English as a foreign language should focus moreon their oral assignments. The students using these teaching materials might not use Englishin other places than in the classroom and therefore it is important that they practice their oralproficiency during lessons. Another result shown in this study is that all of the teachingmaterials could benefit from allowing students to work more with cultural awareness.
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Läromedel på villovägar : Styrdokumentens korrelation med läromedel med utgångspunkt i begreppen funktionell och formell grammatikundervisning / Teaching materials astray : The syllabi and teaching materials based on the concepts of functional and formal grammar teachingKarlsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks om styrdokument och läromedel korrelerar i sättet att se på grammatik i kursen Svenska 2 på gymnasiet, med utgångspunkt i begreppen funktionell respektive formell grammatikundervisning. Svenskämnets syfte, kunskapskrav och kommentarsmaterial tillsammans med grammatikavsnitten i läromedlen Svenska rum 2 och Svenska impulser 2 undersöks genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är en begreppsdefinition av funktionell och formell grammatik som innefattar sex olika kriterier för varje begrepp. I resultatet framkommer att styrdokumenten ger uttryck för ett mer funktionellt perspektiv på grammatik, medan läromedlet Svenska rum 2 ger uttryck för ett formellt perspektiv på grammatik. Läromedlet Svenska impulser 2 har både ett funktionellt och formellt perspektiv på grammatik. Det finns en formell grund men läromedlet innehåller flera funktionella ansatser, därför har läromedlets grammatikavsnitt tolkats som mer funktionell än formell. Slutsatsen som kan dras är således att Svenska impulser 2 kan anses korrelera med styrdokumenten, trots att de funktionella aspekterna skulle kunna utvecklas ytterligare. Styrdokumenten kan dock inte anses korrelera med grammatikavsnittet i Svenska rum 2 efter begreppet funktionell grammatik. / This essay aims to examine whether or not the syllabi and teaching materials correlate in their views on grammar in the upper secondary school course Swedish 2, in regards to functional and formal grammar teaching. The aim of the subject, knowledge requirements and commentary materials, as well as the grammar sections of the teaching materials Svenska rum 2 and Svenska impulser 2, are examined through a qualitative text analysis. The theoretical assumption for the study is based on a definition of the concepts of functional and formal grammar, where each concept is defined by six different criteria. The results show that the syllabus favor a more functional perspective on grammar, whereas the teaching material Svenska rum 2 favors a more formal perspective on grammar. The teaching material Svenska impulser 2 expresses both a functional and a formal perspective on grammar. Its basis is a formal perspective on grammar, but the material includes several functional approaches to grammar and has therefore been interpreted as more functional than formal. This study concludes that Svenska impulser 2 can be considered to correlate with the syllabus, even though the functional aspects could be developed further. However, the syllabus cannot be considered to correlate with the grammar sections in Svenska rum 2 in regards to the concept of functional grammar.
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Jämställdhet i läromedel : En granskning av hur tre läroböcker i svenska lever upp till jämställdhetskraven i Gy11Gunnars, Jenny January 2017 (has links)
Gender equality is a central topic in the curriculum of the upper secondary school and it should permeate all of the school’s activities. The purpose of this study is to determine whether three textbooks written for the course Swedish 1 in upper secondary school lives up to the requirements of gender equality as stipulated in the curriculum. The textbooks are analyzed both by means of comparing how often women and men are mentioned in the texts, as well as by evaluating the adjectives and participles by which women and men are described. Gender theory and sociolinguistics form the basis for this study. Gender theory addresses gender roles and gender identity in relation to the power of society and norms. Sociolinguistics describes the language from different perspectives, such as gender. The analysis shows that men are more frequently mentioned in the texts than women are. Moreover, positively charged adjectives and participles are more commonly associated with the male gender. The analysis also shows that men are usually linked to the public sector by association to their proffesional titles, while women are connected with the family. This study concludes that the reviewed textbooks cannot be said to meet the gender equality requirements in the curriculum for the upper secondary school. Men are in focus and the books confirm prejudice that exists in the society against women and men. However, these books do not need to be dismissed. Teachers can use these to show and discuss the realationship between women and men in today’s society with their students. This way norms can become more developed and contribute to a more permissive climate in the future.
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Från Muhammed till Skolverket : En läromedelsanalys av islam i gymnasieskolans religionsämne / From Muhammed to religious studies in upper secondary schoolJohansson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative textual analysis of six books used for religious studies in upper secondary schools. The aim was to study if and how a “correct Islam” is presented in the chapters about Islam, how that “correct Islam” matches the Swedish syllabus “Religionskunskap 1”, and how Muslim women are presented in books written after 2011. The applied theoretical frame for the study was “gender steps” and Hughes’ critic of studies of Islam. The results showed that few of the chosen authors reached the second step of the gender steps, the position based on how texts problematize the differences between men and women. The results also showed that elements of Hughes’ critic were found in the books. The authors sometimes expressed a correct Islam by presenting only one or few interpretations of the Quran. This didn’t always meet the aims of the syllabus. The books lack presentations of a variety of gender, socio-economical backgrounds, ethnicities, and sexualities. Muslim women were mainly presented in the text when they differed from religious practices.
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