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Building Information Modeling (BIM) Adoption Barriers: An Architectural PerspectiveAGORAS, DIMITRIS January 2018 (has links)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the latest development in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry. This development can be used for planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of any facility. The majority of the users of BIM technology are architects. Although its benefits had been highlighted and underlined especially in comparison with older developments such us Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, its implementation is considered still in an early stage due to low adoption from architects. Right now in Sweden and more specifically in the Stockholm area, the construction sector is booming due to the increased demand for housing. Thus, there is an increased demand for more houses in a shorter time. BIM is a technology that can enhance the society in terms of design and construction with regard to the building environment. This can be achieved by avoiding human errors, decreasing project costs, increasing the productivity and quality, and reducing the project delivery time. Moreover, BIM can assist the management team in maintaining and operating different facilities. The focus of this research is on the barriers to adopting BIM technology in architectural companies. Furthermore, the attempt will be to investigate the individual, organizational and technical aspects that affect BIM adoption. This study will implement a qualitative research method by in-depth interviewing four professionals in the area of architectural design. This investigation will be driven by the main research question, which is: What are the barriers to adopting Building Information Modeling (BIM) in architectural companies?
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Acceptance and adoption of mobile development technologies for accessibility in a public sector : A software practitioner's perspectiveFalk Lundgren, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
With rapid technology growth and a rising disabled and aging population, mobile appaccessibility is vital. Stricter accessibility laws, especially in the public sector, highlight thisemphasis. However, despite this, the body of research focusing on software practitioners’perspectives, especially concerning cross-platform development, is lacking. In this qualitativecase study, six software practitioners at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency(Försäkringskassan) were interviewed about their experience during a migration betweenmobile development technologies, with a focus on enhancing mobile application accessibility.It explores their attitude to cross-platform development, their challenges with NativeScript, across-platform framework, and preferences for native technology. To further understand theiracceptance of native technology and their rejection of cross-platform technology in thiscontext, an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2) was used. Respondents emphasized the legal and ethical obligations for accessibility in the publicsector, with evolving standards necessitating the selection of the most appropriate technologyfor the task. Prioritizing accessibility early on in public sector app development helps avoidadditional expenses later on. It's also possible that private sector apps may be required to shifttowards greater inclusivity in the future. The team successfully addressed previous accessibility issues using native technology, whichinfluenced the organization to migrate. Moreover, respondents believed that nativetechnology enhances professional image, especially as the industry favors it over unknowncross-platform frameworks. They perceived that cross-platform frameworks might lackthorough documentation and community support, making it more difficult to manage andimplement accessibility. Additionally, respondents are alarmed by the uncertain nature ofcross-platform technology, which can result in outdated frameworks and unworkablecodebases. It's crucial to consider the duration of the project, its accessibility needs, and theavailable support for implementing accessibility when deciding on mobile developmenttechnologies. These findings are valuable for various stakeholders, such as consultants,researchers and policy-makers.
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Transaktionsplattformar i B2B-kontexter : Hur vill potentiella användare att plattformen ska se ut? / Transaction platforms in B2B contexts : How do potential users want the platform to be designed?Sörgård, Fred, Artursson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att förstå hur transaktionsplattformar ska lyckas i tidiga stadier. Detta genom att förstå hur en transkansaktionsplattform ska utformas för att kunna attrahera många användare. Metod: Denna studie har använt en kvalitativ forskningsansats där intervjuerna genomfördes i tre faser. I studien genomfördes intervjuer med 24 svenska bolag och organisationer verksamma i energibranschen. Studien intervjuade två olika användargrupper vilket var beställare och utförare. Utöver det genomfördes även intervjuer med branschkunniga aktörer. Resultat: Resultatavsnittet är indelat i två delar där första delen handlar om att skapa förståelse för sju faktorer som påverkar intentionen för potentiella användare att adoptera en transaktionsplattform. Här presenteras på vilket sätt dessa faktorer påverkar adoptionsbeslutet samt vilka handlingar som plattformsägaren kan vidta för att öka deras intention att adoptera. I andra delen av resultatavsnittet presenteras ett ramverk som plattformsägaren kan använda i utformningsstadiet. Ramverket handlar om att identifiera intressanta användargrupper samt adressera faktorer som påverkar adoptionsbeslutet. Teoretiskt och praktiskt bidrag: Befintlig litteratur har sällan i samma studie inkluderat flera faser av plattformars livscykel, utan enbart fokuserat på en fas åt gången. Denna studie bidrar teoretiskt genom att undersöka hur utformningsfasen påverkar adoptionsfasen för transaktionsplattformar. Dessutom bidrar denna studie till litteraturen genom att undersöka tidiga stadier för transaktionsplattformar. Studien fokuserar på utformningsfasen, vilket sällan undersökts i befintlig litteratur. Studien bidrar även praktiskt genom att presentera ett ramverk som kan hjälpa chefer eller entreprenörer vid utformningen av en ny transaktionsplattform. Användning av ramverket kan underlätta hanteringen av höna-och-ägg-problemet som nya transaktionsplattformar alltid möts av. Begränsningar och framtida forskning: Det finns framför allt två begränsningar med denna studie, vilket öppnar upp för framtida studier. Den första är att den undersökta intervjugruppen är relativt snäv vilket kan leda till branschspecifika resultat. Framtida studier kan därmed undersöka andra branscher och jämföra mot denna studies resultat för att öka generaliserbarheten. Den andra begränsningen är att denna studie enbart intervjuat potentiella användare av transaktionsplattformar och inte nuvarande användare – det vill säga adoptörer. Därmed var intervjuundersökning relativt hypotetisk och mycket fokus lades på vad intervjuobjekten kunde tänka sig. Framtida studier kan därmed även intervjua nuvarande användare av en transaktionsplattform för att vidareutveckla resultatet. / Purpose: The main purpose of the thesis is to understand how transaction platforms can become successful in early phases. This will be achieved by understanding how a transaction platform should be designed in order to attract many users to the platform. Method: This study had a qualitative research approach, and the interviews were performed in three phases. Interviews were made with 24 companies and organizations within the energy industry. Two different user groups were interviews, which was buyers and sellers. Besides that, people with high knowledge of the industry were interviewed. Result: The result section is divided in two parts, where the first part intends to create knowledge about seven factors that affects the intention for potential users to adopt a transaction platform. It is described in what way these factors affect the adoption decision and which action the platform owner can take to increase the intention to adopt. In the second part of the result section, a framework is presented that platform owners can use in the design phase. The framework is about identifying interesting user groups and addressing factors that affects the adoption decision. Practical and theoretical contribution: Existing literature has rarely focused on including several phases of the platform's life cycle. Previous studies has therefore only focused on one phase at a time. This study contributes to the literature by investigating how the design phase affects the adoption phase for transaction platforms. Additionally, this study contributes to the literature by investigating the early phase of a platform, which is rare to find in the existing literature. The study contributes practically by providing a framework that can help decision-makers and entrepreneurs to design a new transactional platform. Using the framework can help managers to cope the chicken-and-egg dilemma that new platforms often face. Limitations and future studies: This study has two limitations that opens for future studies. Firstly, our interview group is relatively narrowed, which can lead to industry-specific findings. Future studies can therefore investigate other industries to compare those findings with this study to identify more general findings. The second limitation is that this study has exclusively done interviews with potential users. Therefore, the interview study was relatively hypothetical, and a lot of focus was on what the interviewees could imagine. Future studies can therefore do interviews with users of an existing transaction platform to develop our framework more.
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Transforming Corporate Learning using Automation and Artificial Intelligence : An exploratory case study for adopting automation and AI within Corporate Learning at financial services companies / En ny era av utbildning genom automatisering och Artificiell Intelligens : En explorativ fallstudie kring möjligheten att implementera automatisering och AI inom utbildningsorganisationen på finansbolagKlinga, Petter January 2020 (has links)
As the emergence of new technologies are continuously disrupting the way in which organizations function and develop, the majority of initiatives within Learning and Development (L&D) are far from fully effective. The purpose of this study was to conduct an exploratory case study to investigate how automation and AI technologies could improve corporate learning within financial services companies. The study was delimited to study three case companies, all primarily operating in the Nordic financial services industry. The exploratory research was carried out through a literature review, several indepth interviews as well as a survey for a selected number of research participants. The research revealed that the current state of training within financial services is characterized by a significant amount of manual and administrative work, lack of intelligence within decision-making as well as a non-existing consideration of employee knowledge. Moreover, the empirical evidence similarly reveled a wide array of opportunities for adopting automation and AI technologies into the respective learning workflows of the L&D organization within the case companies. / I takt med att företag kontinuerligt anammar nya teknologier för att förbättra sin verksamhet, befinner sig utbildningsorganisationer i ett märkbart ineffektivt stadie. Syftet med denna studie var att genomföra en explorativ fallstudie gällande hur finansbolag skulle kunna införa AI samt automatisering för att förbättra sin utbildningsorganisation. Studien var begränsat till att undersöka tre företag, alla med verksamhet i den nordiska finansbranschen. Den explorativa delen av studien genomfördes med hjälp av en litteraturstudie, flertal djupgående intervjuer samt en enkät för ett begränsat antal deltagare i forskningsprocessen. Forskning påvisade att den existerade utbildningsorganisationen inom finansbolag är starkt präglat av ett överflöd av manuellt och administrativt arbete, bristande intelligens inom beslutsprocesser samt en bristande hänsyn för existerande kunskapsnivåer bland anställda. Studien påvisade därtill en mängd möjligheter att införa automatisering samt AI för att förbättra utbildningsflödena inom samtliga deltagande bolag i fallstudien.
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Challenges of AI Adoption in SMEs / Utmaningar i samband med införandet av AI i små och medelstora företagRoa Baez, Julian, Igbekele, Remi Leon January 2021 (has links)
This thesis paper discusses the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the context of small and medium-sized companies. AI is a disruptive innovation currently leading a technological transition in many industries. Academic literature on its adoption in the context of SMEs is limited. This thesis aims to answer the research question "W hat are the main challenges of AI adoption in SMEs?". The authors use a qualitative research approach, interviewing 18 representatives of different Swedish organizations to answer the question. The authors identify six main challenge categories regarding AI adoption in SMEs via a coding process, which are Change Management, Education, Data, Hiring, Project Structuring, and External Help. The authors show similarities to challenges described in the existing literature on AI adoption. However, Hiring and External Help impact AI adoption in SMEs more significantly than in larger corporations, while Change Management can be easier for smaller organizations. Furthermore, a framework that helps to prioritize the above challenges is introduced. In comparison with literature on the adoption of other (non-AI) IT innovations in SMEs, some challenges are more salient to AI: the unclear definition of the term, false expectations as a result of the AI Hype, the uncertainty of project outcome, and the prerequisite of a previous digitalization process. The authors recommend further research in other contexts. / I denna avhandling diskuteras införandet av artificiell intelligens (AI) teknik i små och medelstora företag. AI är en disruptiv innovation som för närvarande leder en teknisk övergång i många branscher. Den akademiska litteraturen kring dess användning i små och medelstora företag är begränsad. Denna avhandling syftar till att besvara forskningsfrågan "Vilka är de största utmaningarna med att införa AI i små och medelstora företag?". Författarna använder en kvalitativ forskningsansats och intervjuar 18 representanter från olika svenska organisationer för att besvara frågan. Författarna identifierar sex huvudsakliga utmaningar områden avseende AI-adoption i små och medelstora företag via en kodningsprocess: förändringshantering, utbildning, data, anställning, projekt strukturering och extern hjälp. Författarna visar på likheter med de utmaningar som beskrivs i den befintliga litteraturen om AI-användning. Anställning och extern hjälp påverkar dock AI-användningen i små och medelstora företag mer påtagligt än i större företag, medan förändringshantering kan vara lättare för mindre organisationer. Vidare introduceras ett ramverk som hjälper till att prioritera ovanstående utmaningar. I jämförelse med litteratur om antagandet av andra (icke-AI) IT-innovationer i små och medelstora företag är vissa utmaningar mer framträdande när det gäller AI: den oklara definitionen av begreppet, falska förväntningar som ett resultat av AI-hypen, osäkerheten från projektresultatet och förutsättningen av tidigare digitaliseringsprocess. Författarna rekommenderar ytterligare forskning i andra sammanhang.
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Information Literacy Instruction in Business Schools: Factors Affecting the Adoption of Online Library Resources by Business StudentsBooker, Lorne D. 10 1900 (has links)
<p>The overall goal of this dissertation is to predict and explain how information literacy instruction (ILI) influences the adoption of online library resources (OLRs) by business students. This dissertation has two other important goals. First, this dissertation aims to assess the efficacy of active ILI and passive ILI. Second, this dissertation seeks to examine the role that OLR self-efficacy and OLR anxiety play in influencing ILI learning outcomes and the adoption of OLRs.</p> <p>To achieve these goals, a theoretical model was developed that integrates research on ILI outcomes and technology adoption. To test this model, a web-based survey was developed and administered to 337 business students at McMaster University.</p> <p>This dissertation makes several important contributions to theory. First, the findings from the analysis of the structural equation model confirm that the Technology Acceptance Model is an appropriate tool for studying the adoption of OLRs. Second, the findings indicate that amount of ILI is not a significant predictor of the adoption of OLRs. Third, though the amount of ILI was not found to be a predictor of OLR self-efficacy or OLR anxiety in the quantitative analysis, results from the qualitative analysis suggest that ILI increases self-efficacy and reduces anxiety. Fourth, the findings suggest that OLR self-efficacy and OLR anxiety are significant determinants of the adoption of OLRs where OLR self-efficacy was the strongest determinant of the adoption of OLRs. Last, consistent with Bandura’s social cognitive theory, OLR self-efficacy and OLR anxiety were found to be significantly negatively correlated; a partial mediation effect of OLR anxiety on the relationship between OLR self-efficacy and the perceived ease of use of OLRs was supported.</p> <p>This dissertation makes a contribution to practice by revealing that instructors should focus on delivering higher quality ILI rather than higher amounts of ILI. In particular, training interventions should be designed to promote OLR self-efficacy among business students, especially among students who have received the least amount of ILI.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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An Evaluation of Technological, Organizational and Environmental Determinants of Emerging Technologies Adoption Driving SMEs’ Competitive AdvantageDobre, Marius January 2022 (has links)
This research evaluates the technological, organizational, and environmental determinants of emerging technologies adoption represented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) driving SMEs’ competitive advantage within a resource-based view (RBV) theoretical approach supported by the technological-organizational-environmental (TOE)-framework setting. Current literature on SMEs competitive advantage as outcome of emerging technologies in the technological, organisational, and environmental contexts presents models focused on these contexts individual components. There are no models in the literature to represent the TOE framework as an integrated structure with gradual levels of complexity, allowing for incremental evaluation of the business context in support of decision making towards emerging technologies adoption supporting the firm competitive advantage. This research gap is addressed with the introduction of a new concept, the IT resource-based renewal, underpinned by the RBV, and supported by the TOE framework for providing a holistic understanding of the SMEs strategic renewal decision through information technology. This is achieved through a complex measurement model with four level constructs, leading into a parsimonious structural model that evaluates the relationships between IT resource-based renewal, and emerging technologies adoption driving SMEs competitive advantage. The model confirms the positive association between the IT resource-based renewal and emerging technologies adoption, and between the IT resource-based renewal and SME competitive advantage for the SMEs managers model, with the SME owners model outcomes are found not being supportive towards emerging technologies adoption driving SME competitive advantage.
As methodology, PLS-SEM is used for its capabilities of assessing complex paths among model variables. Analysis is done on three models, one for the full sample, with two subsequent ones for owners and managers, respectively, as SME decision makers, with data collected using a web-based survey in Canada, the UK, and the US, that has provided 510 usable answers. This research has a theoretical contribution represented by the introduction of the IT resource-based renewal concept, that integrates the RBV perspective and the TOE framework for supporting organization’s decision on emerging technologies adoption driving SMEs competitive advantage. As practical implications, this thesis provides SMEs with a reference framework on adopting emerging technologies, offering SME managers and owners a comprehensive model of hierarchical factors contributing to SMEs competitive advantage acquired as outcome of AI and IoT adoption. This research makes an original contribution to the enterprise management, information systems adoption, and SME competitive advantage literature, with an empirical approach that verifies a model of emerging technologies adoption determinants driving SMEs competitive advantage.
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Digital transformation of HR - History, implementation approach and success factors - Cumulative PhD ThesisZiebell, Robert-Christian 04 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La digitalización de los procesos de RRHH en soluciones basadas en la nube progresa continuamente. Esta tesis examina tales transformaciones, deriva un modelo de proceso concreto e identifica los factores críticos de éxito.
La metodología utilizada para la investigación es de carácter cualitativo. Como base y medida preparatoria para abordar las cuestiones de investigación, se llevó a cabo un amplio estudio bibliográfico en el ámbito de los recursos humanos, con especial atención a las publicaciones sobre la gestión electrónica de los recursos humanos (en adelante, "e-HRM"). Basándose en este conocimiento y en la combinación de una amplia experiencia práctica con proyectos de transformación de RRHH, se publicó un estudio que presenta el desarrollo histórico de e-HRM y que ha derivado en un modelo de procesos optimizado que tiene en cuenta los requisitos técnicos de RRHH así como las limitaciones de la nueva tecnología de la nube. Posteriormente, se entrevistó a varios expertos en RRHH que ya habían adquirido experiencia de primera mano con los procesos de RRHH en un entorno de nube para averiguar qué factores de éxito eran relevantes para dicha transformación de RRHH.
Las principales conclusiones de esta tesis son la derivación de un modelo de procedimiento de proyecto de mejores prácticas para la transformación de los procesos de RRHH en una solución basada en la nube y la identificación de obstáculos potenciales en la implementación de dichos proyectos. Además, se elaboran los motivos de dicha transformación, los factores que impulsan el proceso dentro de una organización, el grado actual de digitalización de los recursos humanos, los parámetros operativos y estratégicos necesarios y, en última instancia, el impacto en los métodos de trabajo. Como resultado, se realiza una evaluación del uso de las métricas de HR y se derivan nuevas ratios potenciales. / [CA] La digitalització dels processos de RRHH en solucions basades en el núvol progressa contínuament. Aquesta tesi examina tals transformacions, deriva un model de procés concret i identifica els factors crítics d'èxit.
La metodologia utilitzada per a la investigació és de caràcter qualitatiu. Com a base i mesura preparatòria per a abordar les qüestions d'investigació, es va dur a terme un ampli estudi bibliogràfic en l'àmbit dels recursos humans, amb especial atenció a les publicacions sobre la gestió electrònica dels recursos humans (en endavant, "e-HRM "). Basant-se en aquest coneixement i en la combinació d'una àmplia experiència pràctica amb projectes de transformació de RRHH, es va publicar un estudi que presenta el desenvolupament històric d'e-HRM i que ha derivat en un model de processos optimitzat que té en compte els requisits tècnics de RRHH així com les limitacions de la nova tecnologia del núvol. Posteriorment, es va entrevistar a diversos experts en RRHH que ja havien adquirit experiència de primera mà amb els processos de RRHH en un entorn de núvol per esbrinar quins factors d'èxit eren rellevants per a aquesta transformació de RRHH.
Les principals conclusions d'aquesta tesi són la derivació d'un model de procediment de projecte de millors pràctiques per a la transformació dels processos de RRHH en una solució basada en el núvol i la identificació d'obstacles potencials en la implementació d'aquests projectes. A més, s'elaboren els motius de la transformació, els factors que impulsen el procés dins d'una organització, el grau actual de digitalització dels recursos humans, els paràmetres operatius i estratègics necessaris i, en última instància, l'impacte en els mètodes de treball . Com a resultat, es realitza una avaluació de l'ús de les mètriques de HR i es deriven nous ràtios potencials. / [EN] The digitisation of HR processes into cloud-based solutions is progressing continuously. This thesis examines such transformations, derives a concrete process model and identifies the critical success factors.
The methodology used for the investigation is of a qualitative nature. As a basis and preparatory measure to address the research questions, an extensive literature study in the HR field was carried out, with a special focus on publications on electronic human resources management (hereinafter e-HRM). Based on this knowledge and the combination of extensive practical experience with HR transformation projects, a study was published which presents the historical development of e-HRM and derived an optimised process model taking into account the technical HR requirements as well as the limitations of the new cloud technology. Subsequently, several HR experts who had already gained first-hand experience with HR processes in a cloud environment were interviewed to find out which success factors were relevant for such an HR transformation.
Main findings of this thesis are the derivation of a best-practice project procedure model for the transformation of HR processes into a cloud-based solution and the identification of potential obstacles in the implementation of such projects. In addition, the motives for such a transformation, the drivers within an organisation, the current degree of HR digitisation, the necessary operational and strategic parameters and ultimately the impact on working methods are worked out. As a further result, an assessment of the use of HR metrics is given and potential new key figures are derived. / Ziebell, R. (2019). Digital transformation of HR - History, implementation approach and success factors - Cumulative PhD Thesis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/117608 / Compendio
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Integrating AI in a Swedish Public Procurement Setting : Identifying Factors Which Drive or Inhibit the Adoption of AI-Solutions in Public Procurement / OrganizationsIntegration av AI i svenska offentliga inköpsorganisationerFröling, Carl-Johan, Holmäng, Arvid January 2024 (has links)
As the world becomes increasingly digitalized, new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) are now more than ever before an important tool for organizations to meet future challenges. This is true for the private as well as the public sector, however, certain organizational functions are falling behind on AI-adoption, with public procurement being a standout example. This study examines the feasibility of integrating AI-solutions in public procurement. Using the theoretical lens of technology adoption and the AI-adapted Technology Organization Environment (TOE)-framework, a series of interviews were conducted with procurement practitioners, experts and solutions providers, identifying what factors drive or inhibit AI-adoption. The results confirmed that the previously identified TOE-factors relative advantage, management support, and external pressure are drivers of AI-adoption in public procurement, while competence, resources and procurement regulation are inhibitors. Additionally, three new factors were identified in the interviews; available solutions, resistance to change and public policy. The findings of the study contributed to the proposal of an updated TOE-framework for AI-adoption in public procurement. They further confirm the findings of previous studies utilizing the TOE-framework to investigate public organizations. / I takt med att världen blir alltmer digitaliserad är nya teknologier som artificiell intelligens (AI) nu viktigare verktyg än någonsin för organisationers förmåga att bemöta framtida utmaningar. Detta gäller både den privata och den offentliga sektorn, men vissa organisatoriska funktioner ligger efter när det gäller AI-implementation, där den offentliga upphandlingsfunktionen är ett tydligt exempel. Denna studie undersöker möjligheterna att integrera AI-lösningar inom offentlig upphandling. Genom att använda organisationell teori om teknologiadoption som teoretisk lins och mer specifikt det AI-anpassade (TOE)-ramverket genomfördes en serie intervjuer med upphandlingspraktiker, experter och produktägare för att identifiera vilka faktorer som driver eller hämmar AI-implementation. Resultaten bekräftade att de tidigare identifierade TOE-faktorerna relativ fördel, ledningsstöd och extern press är drivkrafter för AI-implementation inom offentlig upphandling, medan kompetens, resurser och upphandlingsregler är hinder. Dessutom identifierades tre nya faktorer i intervjuerna; tillgängliga lösningar, motstånd mot förändring och offentlig styrning. Studiens resultat bidrog vidare till att föreslå ett uppdaterat TOE-ramverk för AI-implementation inom offentlig upphandling. Den bekräftar vidare resultaten från tidigare studier som använder TOE-ramverket för att undersöka teknikinförande inom offentliga organisationer.
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Empirical Evaluation of a Technology-rich Learning EnvironmentMcCreary, Faith 02 November 2001 (has links)
In the fall of 1996, the Computer Science Department at Virginia Tech initiated a joint project with a local school district, to determine how ready access to networked computing in the fifth grade would affect students. Called the PCs for Families (PCF) project, its goal was to learn what could be achieved if technology access, support, and curriculum integration could be eliminated as obstacles or constraints in the classroom and at home. A technology-rich classroom was created, with the classroom teacher trained in constructivist teaching practices and technology integration by a master teacher. Network computers were found on every desktop, with scanners, digital cameras, and other technologies scattered throughout the room. A computer was sent home with each child and teacher, and as much support as necessary was provided to all program participants, including parents. As part of this research, a yearlong field experiment was undertaken to explore the effects of the PCF intervention on the third cohort of students participating in the project. Macroergonomics served as the theoretical framework for the experiment, which focused on the in-depth, systematic assessment of those quantitative changes that resulted from exposure to the PCF fifth-grade network classroom. Students participating in the field research were randomly selected from the larger pool of students eligible for the PCF project at the school. Selected students were randomly assigned to either to the PCF fifth-grade classroom or the standard fifth-grade classroom, which served as a control group.
To first-time visitors walking into the PCF network classroom, the classroom bore little resemblance to its more traditional counterparts. However, the functioning of the PCF classroom was in many ways indistinguishable from that of its traditional counterparts. The yearly average for computer use in the PCF classroom was 4.275 hours, with computer use in the PCF classroom exceeding the three hours of computer laboratory time allotted to the control class only during the last 12 weeks of school. When used, the technology functioned as an electronic replacement for materials commonly found in traditional settings. Observers reported the pedagogy remained steadfastly teacher-centered and didactic. Despite limited utilization of the computer during classroom hours, analysis of individual, academic measures indicated PCF students made significantly greater gains than control students only on standardized writing tests. PCF students also performed significantly better than control students on measures related to technology skills. Boys in the PCF classroom also made greater improvements in their attitudes towards school than boys in the control classroom. At home, PCF students were found to interact with computer technology more often than their control counterparts. Despite lower overall home use, control students reported spending more time playing computer games than PCF students.
Correlational analyses indicated significant linear relationships between changes in student performance, student entry characteristics, and home computer use variables. Student previous achievement was by far the strongest predictor of student SOL test performance, with computer use only linked to student standardized test performance on the writing and mathematics sections. As the number of email messages sent by the student increased, their writing performance increased with email usage accounting for almost ten percent of the total variance in the writing score. The only other computer use measure significantly associated with test performance was student self-reports of computer use, which accounted for less than four percent of the total variance in mathematics test performance. Computer use was associated more strongly with changes in student motivation. Student self-reports of home computer use accounted for fully 30 percent of the variance in changes on the school motivation survey.
Analyses of data from the PCF proxy server suggest that student web browsing overshadows other home Internet activities, with email taking precedence over chat. Further, unlike chat or email, family web usage was sustained long after students left the PCF classroom. Over 68 percent of family web usage each week was attributable to student, not family, characteristics suggesting students play a large role in determining family usage. Academic information finding provides a plausible explanation for these results, with family web usage declining somewhat during summer months when students were not in school. Stability of both web and email use was relatively high among students. In keeping with critical mass theory, student email use increased when other students used email. However, social variables were not found to have a significant effect on web usage. Girls were found to make greater use of email than boys, with this research suggesting highly visual students used email more often.
The field research also found a significant increase in student self-reports of musculoskeletal problems among the PCF students. A year-end examination of workstation fit found seat and monitor heights an average of two inches higher than the corresponding student dimensions. A participatory design study was used to elicit conceptions of computer workstations from PCF students, teachers, and parents. Children were interested in gaining greater control over the workstation, both in terms of individual technology and adjustability of furniture. Parents, however, focused on improving the richness of an individual student's workspace and de-emphasized collaborative work. Teacher opinions diverged more than other groups with designs strongly influenced by pedagogic beliefs.
Results from the field study provide evidence that macroergonomic methodologies for analysis and design of work systems are extensible to classroom systems, and provide a systematic framework for examining issues related to the introduction of classroom computing technology. A critical element of any successful effort to integrate technology into the curriculum is access to adequate classroom technology and support; however, as this research illustrates, they are not sufficient to ensure successful integration. This research demonstrates other forces are at work, and in keeping with macroergonomic theory, key to the success of such an effort is the "fit" between the new technology and the characteristics of the classroom system, especially those of the teacher who effectively functions as the gatekeeper for the technology. / Ph. D.
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