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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


SERGIO LUIS FRANKLIN JÚNIOR 20 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] Com o objetivo de estimular a competição no setor de telecomunicações, agências reguladoras do mundo todo têm adotado a regulação de preços baseados em custos para serviços de acesso e interconexão de redes. O processo de introdução da competição não tem sido fácil e muitos problemas têm surgido nos últimos anos relacionados com a definição de quais infraestruturas de rede devem ser disponibilizadas pela operadora incumbente (i.e., as atuais concessionárias de serviços de telecomunicações), e em que termos e condições. Um desses problemas, ainda não endereçado pelas agências reguladoras, é a consideração do valor da opção de investir na ocasião do cálculo de preços baseados em custos de serviços regulados. A fórmula de precificação atualmente usada pelos reguladores ignora o valor da opção de investir produtivamente em algum momento no futuro. Esta tese propõe um modelo e uma metodologia para a valoração da opção de postergar decisões de investimento em rede e para o cálculo de preços baseados em custos de serviços de telecomunicações regulados, levando em consideração as incertezas de demanda e tecnológica no setor de telecomunicações. Em um estudo de custos típico, a rede de telecomunicações é representada por uma lista de elementos de rede especificamente dimensionados para atender a previsão de demanda por serviços de telecomunicações, onde cada elemento de rede é uma parte identificável da infraestrutura de rede (por exemplo, o enlace de acesso local), para a qual pode ser designado um único direcionador de custos. Diferentes elementos de rede estão sujeitos a diferentes incertezas de demanda e tecnológica. Por exemplo, equipamentos de comutação e transmissão estão sujeitos a substituição tecnológica mais rápida do que enlaces de acesso local e linhas de transmissão. Nesta tese, múltiplos de valor de opção são calculados para decisões de investimento em três principais elementos de rede, cada um representando uma parte diferente da rede de telecomunicações fixa brasileira, e o impacto desses múltiplos sobre o custo unitário médio de cada elemento de rede é estimado. Esta tese inova em vários aspectos. Primeiro, porque diferentes elementos de rede estão sujeitos a diferentes incertezas de demanda e tecnológica, um fator de markup é calculado para cada elemento de rede principal. Segundo, o valor da opção de investir em cada elemento de rede é modelado como uma função de duas variáveis estocásticas: o fluxo de lucro variável total do elemento e o custo de novo investimento no elemento. Terceiro, a incerteza tecnológica é modelada por meio de duas abordagens complementares: obsolescência tecnológica de equipamento usado e evolução tecnológica de equipamento novo. Quarto, o valor das opções futuras de reposição é considerado, permitindo o redimensionamento da capacidade de rede na medida em que os equipamentos vão sendo substituídos. As incertezas de demanda e tecnológica associadas a cada elemento de rede são modeladas por meio de três processos estocásticos: o fluxo de lucro variável total (movimento geométrico Browniano), a depreciação de ativo usado (processo de Poisson), e o custo de ativo moderno equivalente (movimento geométrico Browniano). E todos se encaixam em um modelo elegante e simples que calcula o múltiplo de valor de opção para cada elemento de rede. Uma taxa de juros livre de risco constante foi assumida para derivar as equações diferenciais estocásticas que devem ser satisfeitas pelos valores das opções reais, apesar de a incerteza na taxa de juros ter sido investigada e a sua volatilidade ter sido calculada para diferentes maturidades/prazos. Esta tese propõe um método para a construção da curva de cupom de inflação no Brasil, usando uma combinação de algoritmo tradicional de otimização não-linear e um algoritmo genético especificamente desenvolvido para esta finalidade. Tem havido um grande debate sobre q / [en] With the goal of increasing competition in the telecommunications sector, regulatory authorities around the world have adopted cost-based prices for network interconnection and access services. The process of introducing competition has not been easy and many issues have arisen in recent years related to which facilities should be made available by the incumbent carriers, and on what terms and conditions. One of these issues, not yet addressed by the regulatory authorities, is the consideration of the value of the option to invest when calculating cost-based prices of regulated services. The pricing formula currently used by the regulators ignores the value of the option to productively invest at some time in the future. This thesis proposes a model and methodology for valuing the option to delay network investment decisions and calculating costbased prices of regulated telecommunications services, taking into account the demand and technological uncertainties in telecommunications networks. In a typical cost study, the telecommunications network is represented by a list of network elements specifically dimensioned to meet the forecast demand for all telecommunications services, where each network element is an identifiable part of the network infrastructure (e.g., the local loop), for which it can be assigned a single cost driver. Different network elements are subject to different demand and technological uncertainties. For example, switches and transmission equipment are subject to faster technological substitution than local loop and transmission facilities. In this thesis, I calculate the option value multiples for the decisions to invest in three main network elements, each representing a different part of the Brazilian fixed telecommunications network (subject to different technological and demand uncertainties), and estimate the impact of these option value multiples on the average unitary cost of each network element. This thesis innovates in several aspects. First, because different network elements are subject to different demand and technological uncertainties, a markup factor is calculated for each main network element. Second, the value of the option to invest in each network element is modeled as a function of two stochastic variables: the element s total variable profit and the cost of new investment in the element. Third, technological uncertainty is modeled using two complementary approaches: technology obsolescence of used equipment and technology evolution of new equipment. Fourth, the value of future replacement options is considered, allowing for the resizing of network capacity as equipment elements are replaced. The demand and technological uncertainties associated with each network element are modeled through the use of three stochastic processes: the flow of total variable profit (geometric Brownian motion), the depreciation of used asset (Poisson decay process), and the cost of modern equivalent asset (geometric Brownian motion). They all fit together into a neat and simple model that calculates the option value multiple for each network element. A constant riskfree interest rate has been assumed to derive the stochastic differential equations that the real option values must satisfy, although interest rate uncertainty has been investigated and interest rate volatilities have been calculated for different maturities/terms. This thesis proposes a method for constructing the Brazilian inflation coupon curve using a combination of traditional nonlinear optimization algorithm and a genetic algorithm specifically developed for that purpose. There has been a good deal of debate about which markup factor (if any) should be applied to the investment cost component of a network investment decision in order to reflect the value of the killed option. Some authors say the real option value is negligible and should be ignored, as in Pelcovits (1999), while others calculate markup values that are quite significant, as in Hausman (1999) and Pindyck (2005). T

El sector de los operadores logísticos y la externalización de servicios en una economía globalizada. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana

Coca Castaño, Pedro 11 September 2010 (has links)
La globalización económica apoyada en la mejora tecnológica y el abaratamiento de los costes de transporte y las comunicaciones entre otros factores ha generado complejos sistemas de aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución de carácter mundial que exigen a la gestión del sistema logístico una elevada eficiencia, otorgándole un papel significativo en los costes finales de los productos con la consecuente influencia en la competitividad de las empresas y los territorios. Actualmente, los procesos de producción se estructuran en redes en las que cada nodo es un componente especializado de la cadena de producción. En este contexto, la externalización de servicios logísticos por parte de las empresas tiene una dimensión creciente pero con diferentes niveles de implantación según las áreas geográficas. Este hecho ha dado paso a la figura emergente del operador logístico o third party logistics provider (3PL) como aquella empresa especializada en proveer de servicios logísticos a las cadenas de aprovisionamiento, producción y distribución. Tanto en España como en la Comunidad Valenciana el nivel de externalización logística está por debajo de la media Europea y muy por debajo de la situación en los Estados Unidos, lo que invita a la investigación de sus causas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis consiste en estudiar las variables fundamentales del sector de los operadores logísticos de la Comunidad Valenciana y sus posibles correlaciones. Para ello y dado que no hay una relación directa y exhaustiva de las empresas oferentes de estos servicios se debe generar previamente una metodología que permita identificarlas y relacionarlas de forma fiable. Esta metodología se aplica al sector de los operadores logísticos en la Comunidad Valenciana. Una vez identificadas las empresas prestatarias de servicios logísticos, se estudian sus características desde dos enfoques analíticos diferentes: a) su caracterización, clasificación y jerarquización b) el análisis factorial / Coca Castaño, P. (2010). El sector de los operadores logísticos y la externalización de servicios en una economía globalizada. El caso de la Comunidad Valenciana [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8536 / Palancia


[pt] Os dispositivos vestíveis de saúde, como ferramenta tecnológica, podem contribuir para o diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças, permitir o acompanhamento de pacientes à distância e otimizar a utilização de recursos na indústria da saúde. Este estudo propõe um modelo integrativo de aceitação de tecnologia para avaliar os fatores determinantes da adoção dispositivos vestíveis de saúde pelos consumidores, alinhando construtos oriundos do modelo de aceitação de tecnologia com outros construtos, como prontidão tecnológica, confiança e autoeficácia. Os dados obtidos nos questionários de pesquisa de 424 consumidores, analisados por meio da modelagem de equações estruturais, indicam relações significativas entre os construtos avaliados, tendo sido observada uma particular relevância nos efeitos da utilidade percebida, antecedida pela confiança e prontidão tecnológica, sobre a atitude e a intenção de uso dos dispositivos vestíveis de saúde. Portanto, os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que o modelo proposto representa um avanço na compreensão dos fatores que influenciam a atitude geral de adoção pela população da tecnologia dos dispositivos vestíveis de saúde. / [en] Wearable health devices, as a technological tool, may contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, besides allowing a remote monitoring of patients and optimizing the use of resources in the health industry. This study proposes an integrative model of technology acceptance to assess the determining factors for the adoption of wearable health devices by users, aligning constructs from the technology acceptance model with other constructs, such as technological readiness, assurance and self-efficacy. The data obtained from the survey questionnaires of 424 consumers, which were analyzed through structural equation modelling, indicate significant relationships between the evaluated constructs. Particular relevance was observed in the effects of perceived usefulness, preceded by assurance and technological readiness, on attitude and intention to use wearable health devices. Therefore, the results of this research suggest that the proposed model represents an advance in the understanding of the factors that influence the general attitude of the population to adopt the use of the technology of wearable health devices.

Novel data-driven analysis methods for real-time fMRI and simultaneous EEG-fMRI neuroimaging

Soldati, Nicola January 2012 (has links)
Real-time neuroscience can be described as the use of neuroimaging techniques to extract and evaluate brain activations during their ongoing development. The possibility to track these activations opens the doors to new research modalities as well as practical applications in both clinical and everyday life. Moreover, the combination of different neuroimaging techniques, i.e. multimodality, may reduce several limitations present in each single technique. Due to the intrinsic difficulties of real-time experiments, in order to fully exploit their potentialities, advanced signal processing algorithms are needed. In particular, since brain activations are free to evolve in an unpredictable way, data-driven algorithms have the potentials of being more suitable than model-driven ones. In fact, for example, in neurofeedback experiments brain activation tends to change its properties due to training or task eects thus evidencing the need for adaptive algorithms. Blind Source Separation (BSS) methods, and in particular Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithms, are naturally suitable to such kind of conditions. Nonetheless, their applicability in this framework needs further investigations. The goals of the present thesis are: i) to develop a working real-time set up for performing experiments; ii) to investigate different state of the art ICA algorithms with the aim of identifying the most suitable (along with their optimal parameters), to be adopted in a real-time MRI environment; iii) to investigate novel ICA-based methods for performing real-time MRI neuroimaging; iv) to investigate novel methods to perform data fusion between EEG and fMRI data acquired simultaneously. The core of this thesis is organized around four "experiments", each one addressing one of these specic aims. The main results can be summarized as follows. Experiment 1: a data analysis software has been implemented along with the hardware acquisition set-up for performing real-time fMRI. The set-up has been developed with the aim of having a framework into which it would be possible to test and run the novel methods proposed to perform real-time fMRI. Experiment 2: to select the more suitable ICA algorithm to be implemented in the system, we investigated theoretically and compared empirically the performance of 14 different ICA algorithms systematically sampling different growing window lengths, model order as well as a priori conditions (none, spatial or temporal). Performance is evaluated by computing the spatial and temporal correlation to a target component of brain activation as well as computation time. Four algorithms are identied as best performing without prior information (constrained ICA, fastICA, jade-opac and evd), with their corresponding parameter choices. Both spatial and temporal priors are found to almost double the similarity to the target at not computation costs for the constrained ICA method. Experiment 3: the results and the suggested parameters choices from experiment 2 were implemented to monitor ongoing activity in a sliding-window approach to investigate different ways in which ICA-derived a priori information could be used to monitor a target independent component: i) back-projection of constant spatial information derived from a functional localizer, ii) dynamic use of temporal , iii) spatial, or both iv) spatial-temporal ICA constrained data. The methods were evaluated based on spatial and/or temporal correlation with the target IC component monitored, computation time and intrinsic stochastic variability of the algorithms. The results show that the back-projection method offers the highest performance both in terms of time course reconstruction and speed. This method is very fast and effective as far as the monitored IC has a strong and well defined behavior, since it relies on an accurate description of the spatial behavior. The dynamic methods oer comparable performances at cost of higher computational time. In particular the spatio-temporal method performs comparably in terms of computational time to back-projection, offering more variable performances in terms of reconstruction of spatial maps and time courses. Experiment 4: finally, Higher Order Partial Least Square based method combined with ICA is proposed and investigated to integrate EEG-fMRI data acquired simultaneously. This method showed to be promising, although more experiments are needed.

Single Polymer Micro- and Nano- Composites

Medeiros Araujo, Thiago January 2013 (has links)
Due to an increasing attention to environment preservation and the need to accomplish new regulations, a general interest to improve the recyclability of composite materials has recently emerged. In order to fulfill this new requirements, a possible strategy could be represented by the development of so-called "single polymer composites" (SPCs), i.e. composite materials in which both matrix and reinforcement have the same chemical composition. The main advantage of SPCs is that, unlike traditional heterogeneous composites (such as glass- or carbon reinforced polymer composites), they can be entirely melted down at the end of the product life for recycling. After an optimization of the annealing treatment to improve the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the reinforcing phase, SPCs containing Vectran® micro- and nano- fibers as a reinforcement were prepared, and their thermo-mechanical properties and recyclability were investigated using a multidisciplinary approach. Single polymer micro composites (SPMCs) containing up to 30 wt% of reinforcing microfibers showed a outstanding improvement of tensile modulus (up to 160 %) compared with the unfilled matrix. FESEM observations evidenced some pull-out phenomena, indicating a poor interfacial adhesion. After a surface treatment on the reinforcement, a composite containing up to 20 wt% showed a remarkable improvement of almost 180% in the tensile modulus compared with the unfilled matrix. FTIR and thermal analysis evidenced its recyclability. Single polymer nano composites (SPNCs) containing up to 10 vol% of reinforcing nanofibers showed an increase by almost 20% of their tensile modulus and strength in comparison with the unfilled matrix. Optical observations revealed a consolidation problem in the unfilled matrix due to the adapted film-stacking process used. However, the addition of the nanofibers in the composite eliminated the problem. Thermal analysis was used to ensure the SPNCs recyclability. Vectran® single polymer micro- and nano- composites have been proven to be possible candidates to substitute traditional heterogeneous composites materials, with enhanced recyclability features.

Supercritical Technologies for the Valorization of Wine Industry By-Products

Duba, Kurabachew Simon January 2015 (has links)
This study aim at the valorization of wine industry by products; particularly on the extraction and characterization of grape seeds oil using supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2) and polyphenols from grape skins and defatted grape seeds using subcritical water (SW) and then, modeling of the kinetics of extractions and process economic analysis. The overall objective of the work is to develop recovery strategies for wine-making wastes in order to reduce their environmental impact and to valorize them in order to provide wine-makers with the possibility of selling by-products at a profitable price. To address the objectives, the work is divided into seven Chapters. In Chapter 1, some general overview and the fundamental of SC-CO2 and SW technologies along with emerging areas of applications are presented. Special emphasis is given to the work in the field of valorization of agro-industrial by-products. Then, the Chapter ends by stating the general and specific objectives of the thesis. The second Chapter is devoted to the characterization of grape seeds oil. To make the result more holistic, grape seeds from six grape cultivars were extracted using SC-CO2 in two subsequent harvesting years and the resulting oils were characterized. Comparative extractions were also performed by utilizing conventional solvent extraction using n-hexane and by mechanical press. The results testify the potentiality of grape seed oil as a source of unsaturated fatty acids and tocols. Moreover, they offers a clear picture of the similarities and differences among oils from different grape cultivars and obtained through different extraction techniques. The third Chapter is dedicated to compare the effectiveness of the models used to evaluate the kinetic of SC-CO2 extraction curves. Particularly, three models, the broken and intact cells (BIC), the shrinking core (SC), and the bridge (combined BIC-SC) models are critically analyzed. The objective of the Chapter is to objectively choose the best model that can be used in the subsequent Chapters. In order to model the kinetics of SC-CO2 extraction, one of the very important parameter is the solute solubility. But solubility data (especially of grape seed oil) is very scares in the literature. The bulk majority of the scientific works estimate the value of solubility of solute in SC-CO2 from theoretical models. So, the fourth Chapter is devoted to experimental determination of solubility of grape seed oil in SC-CO2 over a range of pressure and temperature of practical importance and the data were modeled by different models to compare their effectiveness. The fifth Chapter is aimed to study the effect of the main process variables affecting the SC-CO2 extraction of oil from grape seeds, both experimentally and through modeling. The dependency of the extraction kinetics on the variables more tested in the literature (pressure, temperature, particle size and solvent flow rate) was confirmed, and original trends were obtained for the less investigated variables, such as the bed porosity (ε), the extractor diameter to length ratio (D/L), the extractor free volume and the type of cultivars. In the sixth Chapter the attention is moved to the valorization of grape skins and defatted grape seeds by using SW. The results show that, both skins and defatted seeds contain significant concentration of polyphenols and SW is a potential green solvent for extracting valuable polyphenols from wine-making by-products. The extraction kinetics was also simulated by a simple model available in the literature. In the seventh and last Chapter, a preliminary economic feasibility study was investigated for the establishment of SC-CO2 extraction plant for the extraction of grape seeds oil. The result shows that, a SC-CO2 extraction plant is technically viable and economically feasible for the extraction of grape seed oil with estimated rate of return on investment at 8.5% and payback period of 5 year at current minimum retail selling price of grape seed oil in the market. The project has an attractive socio-economic and environmental benefit and generates substantial revenue for the local government in the form of tax and will allow wine-makers to sell wet grape marc at a price of up to US$ 10/ton.


MATHEUS ALLGAIER 27 March 2023 (has links)
[pt] O Sistema de Medição de Desempenho de Fornecedores (SMDF) é uma ferramenta para avaliar, medir e monitorar o desempenho dos fornecedores. O interesse em SMDF é grande na academia, tornando-se um tema frequente na literatura. Contudo, ainda existem lacunas pouco exploradas por pesquisadores no tema, como a fase de revisão de um SMDF e a sua aplicação no setor público. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa de mestrado avalia a eficácia da fase de revisão de um SMDF de uma empresa estatal brasileira de grande porte, que precisou se adequar às alterações legislativas e aos feedbacks de suas equipes de gestão contratual, compradores e fornecedores, buscando aumentar a confiança do sistema junto a estas partes interessadas. Com o suporte da literatura e o trabalho colaborativo de diversos departamentos da empresa, esta pesquisa-ação acompanhou cinco intervenções realizadas no SMDF corrente da empresa, sendo elas o aumento da transparência, a melhoria na tempestividade das avaliações, a implementação da funcionalidade de revisão de avaliações, a implementação da funcionalidade de justificativas de avaliações, e a revisão dos questionários e métricas de avaliações. Como resultado das intervenções, observou-se melhoria no relacionamento com os fornecedores, o aumento significativo no uso do Índice de Desempenho de Fornecedores (IDF) como critério seleção e habilitação de fornecedores, e o aumento no desempenho de contratos novos e em andamento. O trabalho oferece um framework, inspirado na teoria organizacional das contingências, apresentando o contexto inicial, as intervenções realizadas através da ótica das dimensões Humana, Tecnológica e Organizacional, e os resultados identificados, propiciando orientações e implicações diretas para praticantes da indústria e pesquisadores acadêmicos e reduzindo a lacuna entre teoria e prática. / [en] The Supplier Performance Measurement System (SPMS) is a tool for assessing, measuring, and monitoring supplier performance. There is great interest in SPMS in the academia, becoming a frequent theme in the literature. However, there are still gaps little explored by researchers in the subject, such as the review phase of an SPMS and its application in the public sector. In this context, this master s research evaluates the effectiveness of the review phase of an SPMS of a large Brazilian state-owned company, which had to adapt to legislative changes and feedback from its contract management teams, buyers and suppliers, seeking to increase the confidence of the system with these stakeholders. With the support of the literature and the collaborative work of several departments, the company carried out five interventions in the SPMS, including raising its transparency, improving the timing of assessments, implementation of the assessment review functionality, implementation of the assessment justifications functionality, and review of questionnaires and evaluation metrics. As a result of the interventions, there was an improvement in the relationship with suppliers, the significant increase in the use of the Supplier Performance Index (SPI) as a criterion for selecting and enabling suppliers and increasing the performance of new and ongoing contracts. This research offers a framework, inspired by the organizational contingency theory, presenting the initial context, interventions performed through the perspective of Human, Technological and Organizational dimensions (HTO), and the identified results, which provides guidance and direct implications for industry practitioners and academic researchers, reducing the gap between theory and practice.


[pt] O objetivo da dissertação é analisar e comparar a influência de diferentes tipos de parceiros em arranjos cooperativos para projetos de PD&I sobre a apropriação de valor pelas empresas inovadoras da indústria de transformação no Brasil, considerando-se condições ambientais distintas, como nível de intensidade tecnológica e força do regime de apropriabilidade dos setores em que atuam, bem como características internas, como tamanho da empresa e capacidade para cooperar em projetos de PDeI (focalizando inovações de produto e/ou processo). A fonte de dados é a Pesquisa Nacional de Inovação (Pintec 2014), realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). A pesquisa pode ser considerada descritiva e aplicada. A metodologia adotada compreende pesquisa bibliográfica sobre inovação; mecanismos de apropriação de valor; cooperação interorganizacional para inovação e classificações tecnológicas, destacando-se a classificação de intensidade tecnológica proposta pela Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE); pesquisa documental referente à Classificação CNAE e ao Manual da Pintec 2014, ambas divulgadas pelo IBGE; análise de conteúdo para classificar as atividades econômicas das empresas inovadoras da indústria de transformação (respondentes da Pintec 2014), segundo quatro níveis de intensidade tecnológica e regime de apropriabilidade dos setores em que atuam e três faixas de pessoal alocado; solicitação ao IBGE de acesso aos microdados não desidentificados da Pintec 2014; e desenvolvimento de modelos econométricos logit para os doze agrupamentos de empresas, classificadas por intensidade tecnológica/força do regime de apropriabilidade do setor e por faixa de pessoal ocupado. A utilização dos microdados da Pintec 2014 para analisar a influência da cooperação interorganizacional sobre a apropriação de valor pelas empresas inovadoras da indústria de transformação no Brasil em diferentes condições ambientais conferem à pesquisa um caráter original, uma vez que os estudos anteriores baseados em Pesquisas Nacionais de Inovação não exploraram essa abordagem metodológica. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze and compare the influence of different types of partners in cooperative arrangements for RDandI projects on the appropriation of value by innovative companies of the transformation industry in Brazil, considering different environmental conditions, such as the level of technological intensity and strength of the appropriability regime of the sectors in which they operate, as well as internal characteristics such as company size and its capacity to cooperate in RDandI projects (focusing on product and/or process innovations). The primary data source is the National Innovation Survey (Pintec), conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The research can be considered descriptive and applied. The methodology adopted includes bibliographic research on innovation; value creation and value appropriation mechanisms; and technological classifications, highlighting the classification of sectoral technological intensity proposed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); documentary analysis concerning the Brazilian Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) and Pintec 2014, both published by IBGE; content analysis to classify the economic activities of the respondent companies, according to sectoral technological intensity, appropriability regime of the sectors in which they operate and number of employees; request to IBGE for access to microdata of Pintec 2014; development of logit econometric models for the companies classified by sector technological intensity/strength of the appropriability regime, and by number of employees (micro and small, medium and large companies). The use of microdata from Pintec 2014 to analyze and compare the influence of different types of partners in cooperative arrangements for RDandI projects on the appropriation of value by innovative companies under different environmental conditions give the research an original character, since previous studies based on National Innovation Surveys have not explored this methodological approach.

Educação profissional: um estudo do impacto da lei e implantação da reforma do ensino técnico e suas decorrências no CEFET-RS : (1997-2004) / Professional education: a study on the impact of the law and vocational teaching reform and its implications on the CEFET-RS

Loponte, Luciana Neves 03 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao LUCIANA NEVES LOPONTE.pdf: 558751 bytes, checksum: 1f0f313199b10eb13682b00d61db9788 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This dissertation investigates the implementation of and the resistance movements against the Professional Education Reform Program put into practice through the Executive Law 2.208 dated 1997. This study was based on the experience of the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Pelotas - CEFET-RS, a Federal Vocational Education Center, from 1997 to 2004, year in which the Executive Law 5.154 was published, along with an analysis of documents from official, school and teachers and civil servants union sources as well as from the results of a research questionnaire given to present teachers of the Center´s technical courses. The research was carried out at two existing units of the CEFET-RS while this investigation was being conducted. In order to verify how the reform implementation process took place, one technical course from each unit was chosen, over which a documental analysis was made. To analyze what the teachers think about the reform, a research questionnaire was applied to a sample of teachers of several technical courses at the CEFET-RS. The field study presents the teachers` opinions concerning both Executive Laws. For the analysis, the following concepts were used: reform, paradigm, autonomy, competences and skills, polytechnic school and unitary school / A pesquisa investiga o processo de implantação e os movimentos de resistência à Reforma da Educação Profissional implantada pelo Decreto Lei 2.208 de 1997. O estudo teve como base a experiência do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Pelotas (CEFET-RS), entre 1997 e 2004, ano em que foi publicado o Decreto 5.154, mediante análise de documentos oficiais, escolares, publicações do sindicato da categoria e resultados de um questionário de pesquisa aplicado a atuais professores de seus cursos técnicos. A pesquisa foi realizada nas duas unidades do CEFET-RS, existentes no momento da investigação. Para verificar como se deu o processo de implantação da reforma, foi escolhido um curso técnico de cada unidade do CEFET-RS, sobre os quais se fez uma análise documental. Para analisar o que pensam os professores sobre a reforma foi realizada pesquisa de campo, que apresenta os resultados da opinião dos professores sobre ambos os decretos, em relação aos temas: sistema integral, desvinculação dos ensinos, tempo dos cursos, avaliação, sistema modular, custos, PROEP, currículo, formação e perfil do aluno e educação profissional X mercado de trabalho. Foram utilizados para a análise os conceitos de reforma, paradigma, autonomia, competências e habilidades, escola politécnica e escola unitária

A utilização da Manihot esculent crantz (mandioca) na indústria de chapas de compensados de madeira e seu impacto econômico e social na construção civil

NASCIMENTO, Mônica Sabaa Srur do January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-08-22T12:10:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_UtilizacaoManihotEsculent.pdf: 1188123 bytes, checksum: 27fdb9825f50b8cb5363029176726fd1 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-08-22T16:58:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_UtilizacaoManihotEsculent.pdf: 1188123 bytes, checksum: 27fdb9825f50b8cb5363029176726fd1 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-22T16:58:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_UtilizacaoManihotEsculent.pdf: 1188123 bytes, checksum: 27fdb9825f50b8cb5363029176726fd1 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo determinar as vantagens socioeconômicas para produção de chapas de compensados de madeira na construção civil substituindo a farinha de trigo por farinha de raspa de mandioca na formulação da cola de compensado de madeira. Abordou-se acerca da estrutura anatômica da madeira e suas propriedades, os tratamentos e processos industriais, a estrutura e o processo de produção de compensado além da substituição do insumo na formulação da cola de uréia-formoaldeído desenvolvendo-se então uma avaliação econômica de benefício-custo do compensado de madeira utilizado em fundação e estrutura em uma obra de edificação através da análise de preços dos insumos da cola de mandioca em substituição a cola de trigo. A análise mostra que em nível de composição de insumo principal de produção houve uma redução de 7,3% no custo da cola. Para a construção civil a chapa de compensado de madeira com adesivo de mandioca utilizada em fundação e estrutura não representa um percentual significativo de redução de custos, sendo o percentual do custo do compensado de madeira em uma obra padrão é de apenas 0,84% para economia. Em nível social o governo criou o Programa Nacional para o Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar para apoiar o desenvolvimento das indústrias de base da economia como a indústria da construção civil. / This research had as objective to determine the social and economics advantages for plywood production in the civil construction substituting the flour of wheat for cassava scrap flour in the glue’s manufacturing used in manufacturing of plywood. It’s discuss about the anatomical structure of the wood and its properties, the industrial treatments and processes, the structure and the process of production of plywood beyond the substitution of raw material in the ureia-formoaldeído glue’s manufacturing, so the plywood used in buildings constructions has it’s benefit rise and the cost decreases by this substitution. The analysis show that in composition of raw material had a reduction of 7,3% in the cost of the glue. For the civil construction the plywood with cassava glue used in buildings constructor doesn’t represent a great reduction of costs, because the cost of a plywood in a build construction is only 0,84% to economics. The government created a program to incentive the families do agriculture so supporting the development important industries like civil construction.

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