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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Muslims In The Media:the New York Times From 2000 - 2008

Bishop, Autumn 01 January 2010 (has links)
Although it is widely recognized that Muslims and Middle Easterners were negatively portrayed in the media after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, few scholars examine the long term media presentations of Islam in the United States. The studies that have explored the relationship of the portrayal of Islam by the media have used short term, limited sampling techniques, which may not properly reflect the popular media as a whole. The current research uses data from the New York Times from 2000-2008 in order to determine whether the popular media was portraying Islam in a disparaging manner. The analysis includes the use of noun phrases in the publications in order to establish if the media portrays Muslims and Islam negatively. In particular, I am interested in the trends of this media's representation of Islam, if the publications promoted a stigma towards Islam, and if the trend continued from 2000 to 2008. The results of the analyses are presented and discussed. The need for additional research in this area is also discussed.

Boj proti terorismu na národní a mezinárodní úrovni / The fight against terrorism at a national and international level

HOLUB, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Terrorism is a modern and constantly developing problem which has been threatening and noticeably affecting the protected interests and built-up values of states. Terrorist groups strive to spread fear, violence, opinions, and ideas to reach their goals through attacks on the population. Today, even countries that have not faced this threat yet, are confronted with this problem. Modern trends and new technologies along with the migration crisis cause that we face this threat in our homes more than ever before. The upraise of The Islamic State can be considered as a phenomenon of today, which has infected practically whole world and gives a space to various individuals to commit terrorist attacks under the auspices of this organization, or just provides instructions on committing such acts for any reason and with different aims. It is necessary to respond adequately to this threat, and it is necessary not to remain only with regret after every terrorist attack. It is essential to monitor the latest trends in terrorist attacks same as fighting against them, which in consequence will help us to set up operational procedures how to deal with these kind of incidences. There is also a need for a strong political spectrum which understands that these measures will never be profitable or popular, however its necessary it keeps supporting them.

Porovnání radiologických a chemických zbraní v rámci jejich použití při teroristických útocích proti civilnímu obyvatelstvu / Comparison of radiological and chemical weapons in the context of their use in terrorist attacks against civilians

GUBRICKÝ, Václav January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on radiological and chemical weapons in the context of their use in terrorist attacks against the civilian population in relation to rescue and clean up operations of the Integrated Rescue System (IRS) of the Czech Republic. The objective of the thesis is to specify the terms of radiological and chemical weapons, to assess potential negative consequences of their use with the emphasis on the threat to life and health of the population, to evaluate the economic impact on society and to compare the IRS activities during the immediate intervention carried out after a terrorist attack. The topic is dealt with based on the research and the analysis of rules of law in force regulating activities of the IRS components in these major incidents and also of documents of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and other works focused on the misuse of radioactive and chemical agents in terrorist attacks. Severity and complexity of the issue is illustrated by information given on the radiological accident in Goiana in Brazil, sarin attacks of the Japanese sect Óm šinrikjó and consequences of the model example of the use of radionuclide 137Cs. In the thesis the current methodology on which the IRS components operate in such emergencies is analyzed, and some aspects that are subject of the set of type activities, worked out by the Civil Emergency Planning Committee and DG Fire Rescue Service of the CR, which may become weak points during a real action of the IRS, are pointed out. One of major issues analyzed in this study is comparison of radiological and chemical attacks with the focus on the initial phase of the intervention of the IRS components. Presentation of differences in individual activities of the IRS components in such interventions can contribute significantly to understanding and subsequently managing the activities carried out by the IRS components in these major incidents.

Vliv kybernetického terorismu na americkou bezpečnostní politiku / The Influence of Cyber Terrorism Threat on the American Security Policy

Rezek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
(English) The aim of this dissertation is to answer the question of whether the U.S. security policy is influenced by the threat of cyber terrorism. The dissertation is divided into chapters that can be regarded as steps in a logical reasoning process. In the first chapter, cyber space is introduced and described to illustrate its importance and complexity. The next chapter analytically compares various definitions of terrorism, and partially rejects the initial hypothesis that cyber terrorism is not included in the general definition of terrorism. The following chapter statistically analyzes the available data on terrorist groups and terrorist attacks to empirically confirm the hypothesis that terrorism is still a real threat to American security. The analysis actually proves that the threat of terrorism has not decreased in relation to the number of terrorist groups. It also shows that the number of terrorist attacks against the U.S. targets has significantly decreased in the United States, while terrorist actions have been increasing constantly on a global level. The analysis shows that the success rate of terrorists attacks does not form a time series, and therefore each terrorist attack has to be examined individually to assess its success probability. The following analysis reviews the...

Relationen mellan kriser och aktiemarknaden : En empirisk komparativ studie av hur Sveriges aktiemarknad reagerar på globala kriser / The relationship between crises and the stock market

Bergh, Johanna, Johansson, Tilde January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aktiemarknaden reagerar på information och omvärldsförändringar. Prissättningen på aktiemarknaden sker utifrån investerares tro på aktierna och vid oro hos investerare reagerar aktiemarknaden ofta negativt. Investerarnas oro kan skapas av information från kriser, där krisen i sig kan speglas på aktiemarknaden men även investerarnas uppfattning om krisen kan bidra till negativa stängningkurser. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera relationen mellan globala kriser och aktiemarknaden i Sverige. Metod: För att mäta aktiemarknadens reaktion på kriser används marknadsindex OMX30, OMXSPI tillsammans med nio branschindex. Utifrån dessa har aktiemarknadens volatilitet under kriserna analyserats med hjälp av eventfönster. För att mäta investerares påverkan på aktiemarknaden och hur anpassningsbar den är har effektiva marknadshypotesen tillsammans med teorin beteendeekonomi använts. Studien har formulerat två hypoteser i syfte att analysera om statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan aktiemarknadens stängningskurser föreligger innan och efter kriserna. Studien analyserade kriserna terrorattacken 11:e september, Finanskrisen 2008, Covid-19-pandemin och Rysslands invasion av Ukraina. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat visade aktiemarknadens volatilitet varit högre utifrån aktieindex efter samtliga kriser. Utifrån branschindex har aktiemarknadens volatilitet varit varierande efter kriserna. Alla kriser studien undersöker har synliggjorts som nedgång på aktieindex och majoriteten av branschindex. Det finns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan aktiemarknadens stängningskurser innan och efter krisen för 36 av 39 marknadsindex. Studien kunde även visa att marknaden återhämtat sig olika snabbt efter kriserna och påverkats av information kring kriserna. / Background: The stock market reacts to information and changes in the environment. Pricing on the stock market takes place based on investors' faith in the shares, and when investors are worried, the stock market often reacts negatively. Investors' concerns can be created by information from crises, where the crisis itself can be reflected on the stock market, but also investors' perception of the crisis can contribute to negative closing prices. Purpose: The purpose of the studies is to describe and analyze the relationship between global crises and the stock market in Sweden. Method: To measure the stock market's reaction to crises, the market index OMX30 and OMXSPI is used together with nine industry indices. Based on these, the volatility of the stock market during the crises has been analyzed using event windows. To measure investors' influence on the stock market and how adaptable it is, the efficient market hypothesis together with the theory of behavioral finance has been used. The study has formulated two hypotheses with the aim of analyzing whether there is a statistically significant difference between the closing prices of the stock market before and after the crises. The study analyzed the crises 9/11 terrorist attack, The financial crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that the volatility of the stock market was higher based on the stock index after all the crises. Based on the industry index, the volatility of the stock market has been variable after the crises. All the crises the study examines have been made visible as declines in stock indices and the majority of industry indices. There is a statistically significant difference between stock market closing prices before and after the crisis for 36 out of 39 market indices. The study was also able to show that the market recovered differently quickly after the crises and was influenced by information about the crises.

Faktorer som påverkar prehospital personals arbete vid händelser av terrorism eller pågående dödligt våld - en scoping review / Factors that influence the work of prehospital staff during incidents of terrorism or ongoing lethal violence - a scoping review

Titman, Saskia, Seger, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning    Introduktion: Sverige befinner sig under våren 2024 på nivå fyra av en femgradig skala avseende risken för terroristattentat i samhället, vilket är ett högt hot. Ambulans, polis och räddningstjänst är samhällsaktörer som inom ramen för sina ansvarsområden förväntas agera skyndsamt vid allvarliga händelser i samhället. Insatser som sker relaterat till terroristattacker eller pågående dödligt våld [PDV] händelser framkommer som särskilt komplexa och riskfyllda. Det övergripande syftet med litteraturöversikten är att undersöka vilka säkerhetsrelaterade utmaningar som prehospital personal identifierar gällande insatser under terrordåd och PDV-situationer. Vilka faktorer identifieras i forskningen av prehospital personal kunna påverka deras förmåga att agera i dessa situationer? Vilka framgångsfaktorer och utmaningar framkommer i vetenskaplig litteratur gällande prehospitala insatser vid terrordåd och PDV situationer?    Metod: En scoping review utfördes (översiktsstudie). Urvalet av artiklar vid en scoping review genomförs utifrån breda kriterier. Litteratursökningen till studien genomfördes genom att söka i databaserna Scopus, Web of science och Cinahl. Även snöbollsurval tillämpades i processen av att finna relevant material till studien. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier inkluderades i analysen. För analys av data användes grundläggande kvalitativ innehållsanalys där tema och underkategorier identifierades.    Resultat: Totalt 28 artiklar inkluderades och analyserades. Resultatet organiserades i fyra övergripande teman. Temana som bildades var kommunikation, kompetens, ledarskap samt känslor och upplevelser. Inom varje tema bildades underkategorier. Faktorer som identifierats som viktiga för insatspersonal är god kommunikation inom och mellan organisationer. Brist på kommunikation försvårar koordinering och samverkan under insatser. Även god planering samt kompetenshöjande aktiviteter för personal är viktigt för säkerheten och för att effektiva insatser ska kunna genomföras. Ett välinformerat, erfaret och kunnigt ledarskap är betydande för insatsernas genomförande. Personalens känslor, upplevelser samt vilja till att delta under insatser orsakat av terrorism och/eller PDV-situationer varierar. Terrorhändelser som inkluderar vissa typer av hot kan skapa en ovilja hos insatspersonal att delta under dessa insatser. Exempelvis vid terrorhändelser som inkluderar hotet från CBRNE.   Slutsats: Förmågan att kunna bedöma risker, arbeta säkert och effektivt under situationer orsakat av PDV eller terrordåd förutsätter kunskap, träning och en väl fungerande organisationsstruktur på platsen för en händelse. Insatserna behöver bedrivas med en tydlig ledning samt en välfungerande koordinering inom och mellan närvarande organisationer. En fungerande koordinering bygger på att en god kommunikation existerar inom och mellan polisens, räddningstjänstens och ambulansens ledningsstruktur samt närvarande personal.

Der Sechstagekrieg und seine Folgen. Die Berichterstattung über palästinensischen Terrorismus gegen Israel und das Münchener Olympia-Attentat

Brüggemann, Marc 31 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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