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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Canadian natives from a post-colonial perspective in history textbooks

Edin, Kristian January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka beskrivningen av kanadensiska urinvånare i kanadensiska historieläroböcker, från ett postkolonialt perspektiv,för att se om de innehåller någon form av fördomar. Med en kvalitativ metod,och i jämförelse med tidigare genomförda studier inom samma område, analyseras fyra kanadensiska historieläroböcker för gymnasinivå. mina sammanfattningar visar att läroböcker är mindre fördomsfulla idag än för tjugo år sedan, men från ett postkolonialt teoretiskt perpsektiv innehåller de fortfarande tendenser av en världsuppfattning som stammar från kolonialt tänkande. / The aim of this study is to examine the portrayal of Canadian Natives in Canadian history textbooks, through a postcolonial theory, to see if they contain bias or prejudices. With a qualitative method, and in comparison to previously conducted studies of textbook bias, four Canadian high-school history textbooks are analyzed. My conclusions show that textbooks are less bias than twenty years ago, but that they from a postcolonial theory perspective still carry tendencies of colonial conceptions.

Samerna i historie läromedel och läroplaner

Johansson, Sara January 2004 (has links)
Elever i den svenska grundskolan ska enligt 1994 års läroplan inhämta ”kunskaper om de nationella minoriteternas kultur, språk, religion och historia”. För att skolorna ska kunna fullfölja detta uppdrag krävs det att läroböckerna tar upp frågor om den samiska kulturen och samernas levnadsförhållanden på ett korrekt och mångsidigt sätt. En granskning gjord av Statens Institut för Läromedel (SIL) 1990 beträffande hur de samiska förhållandena behandlas i läromedel i de samhällsorienterande ämnena visade på stora brister – samerna var i stort sätt osynliga i dessa läroböcker. Föreliggande projekt är en inventering och analys av läromedel i årskurs F-6 i historia, totalt 11 läroböcker utgivna på 7 förlag. Syftet var att ta reda på om samerna åskådliggörs i de svenska läromedlena i historia, samt att kartlägga i vilken utsträckning samerna fanns med och om innehållet uppfyller kraven och målen i Lpo 94 samt kursplanen för historia. Ett försök att skatta texternas relevans har gjorts. Med relevant innehåll avses här fakta som ligger i linje med samt ger eleverna en möjlighet att uppfylla målen i läroplanen och kursplanen för ämnet historia. Resultatet av analysen har jämförts med den granskning som Statens institut för läromedel (SIL) utförde 1990. Jämförelsen visar på vissa skillnader som innebär en utveckling till det bättre. Trots detta är huvudintrycket att många av de brister som påtalades då kvarstår i dagens läromedel. I den mån läroböckerna tog upp de samiska frågorna, var informationen om hur samerna levde förr sporadisk och innehållet om hur samerna lever idag ännu magrare. Samernas kultur framstår som exotiskt och oföränderligt samt romantiserat. Innehållet har även en kraftig slagsida mot rennäringen men inget nämns om den kris som rennäringen har gått igenom. Det lidande och förtryck som samerna varit utsatta för genom historien är osynligt i de granskade läromedlen, om de mot förmodan tar upp förtrycket ges det en ytterst liten plats av det totala innehållet. Den samiska historien är till stor del en dold historia och analysen visar att samerna fortfarande är en osynlig folkgrupp i ämnet historia precis som SIL rapporten visade 1990. / Students in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school, should according to the 1994 curriculum obtain, “ knowledge about the national minorities culture, language, religion and history”. For the schools to complete this commission it demands that the textbooks bring up questions about the Lappish culture and the Lappish living conditions in a correct and multifaceted way. A perusal maid by the Governments Institution for textbooks and teaching aids (SIL) 1990 concerning the Lappish conditions handles in the textbooks and teaching aids in the social studies subjects showed big lacks – the Lappish were pretty much invisible in these books. In case project is an inventory and analysis of the textbooks in the grade F-6 in history, a total of 11 textbooks on 7 publishing houses.The purpose was to find out how the Lappish are illustrated in the Swedish textbooks in history, and survey in which extent the Lappish was included and if the contents of the books fullfil the requirements and goals in LPfö 94 and in the syllabus of history. One attempt to estimate the relevance of the texts has been done. With relevance content refers here to facts that lies in line with and gives the pupils a possibility to fullfil the goals in the curriculum and in the syllabus for the subject of history. The result of the analysis has been compared with the review that the Governments Institution for textbooks and teaching aids (SIL) made in 1990. The comparison showed some differences which involves a development to the better. Despite this the main impression is that many of the lacks which are criticized still remains in the textbooks and teaching aids of today.For as long as the textbooks brought up the questions about the Lappish, the information was how the Lappish used to live in former times sporadic and the contents about how the Lappish lives today even thinner. The culture of the Lappish appears as exotic and unchangeable and romantic. The contents has also a powerful one-sided against the reindeer industry but nothing has been mention about the crise that the reindeer industry has been through. The suffering and oppression that the Lappish has been vulnerable by through the history is invisible in the review textbooks and teaching aids, and if they in contrary to expectation bring up the oppression it gives an extremely small place of the total contents. The Lappish history is to a large part a concealed history and the analysis shows that the Lappish still is an invisible ethnic group in the subject history just as the rapport that was made by the SIL showed in 1990.

A Study and Evaluation of the Textbooks Used in Typewriting and Junior Business Training

Harbers, Alice H 01 January 1955 (has links) (PDF)
he progress of man through the ages has been definitely marked by the various means he has employed in putting his thoughts into visible form. There are defnite milestones in the progress of the written word. History teaches us of the early Babylonian scripts, the strange and unusual characters of the Egyptians, and the writing of other ancient people. After the first early writings of stone carvings came the ancient development of papyrus in Egypt, the wax tables and atylus of the Romans, and the parchment of the Middle Ages. Then in the early days of that wondrous new era known as the Renaissance came the knowledge of a new process, paper manufacture. This information came from Mohammedan sources. Following this knowledge came the first Western paper mill, which was situated in Italy in the year 1276.

Speaking-based activities in L2 textbooks in lower secondary school / Muntligt baserade uppgifter inom andraspråksinlärning i läroböcker i högstadiet (7-9)

Wilson Sundström, Clara January 2023 (has links)
This research paper analyzes how different L2 textbooks in lower secondary school relateto speaking proficiency, in reference to the curriculum. It also investigates how thetextbooks approach speaking proficiency activities differently. The aim of my study istherefore to investigate if and how contemporary textbooks for learning English in lowersecondary school stimulate the development of speaking proficiency. To answer thesequestions, I compare four textbooks, through a content analysis based on the knowledgerequirements for speaking proficiency in English, in year 9. The results show that therecently published books have more activities that help develop speaking proficiency,namely Focus and Sparks. These books also have more activities in groups, which is adifferent approach than the textbook Primetime, which only provides activities in pairs.All books have activities connected to the requirements. However, Focus and Sparks havesignificantly more activities where all requirements are combined. This suggests that thetextbooks recently published prioritize speaking proficiency activities using discussions.The findings of this study are that the textbooks researched relate to the requirementsdifferently. More recent books follow the requirements to a greater extent, helpingstudents develop their speaking proficiency more efficiently.

HBTQ+ perspektiv i historieundervisning : En översikt av forskning kring HBTQ+ representation i historieläromedel samt metoder för inkludering av HBTQ+ perspektiv i historieundervisning / LGBTQ+ Perspectives in History Education : An Overview of Research Regarding LGBTQ+ Representation in History Textbooks and Methods of Including LGBTQ+ Perspectives in History Education

Zupcevic, Selma, Persson, Hannes January 2024 (has links)
The problematic aspect of including LGBTQ+ perspectives in history education is that history textbooks might not contain a sufficient quantity or quality of LGBTQ+representation, in addition teachers might not be sufficiently equipped to teach history with LGBTQ+ perspectives. The purpose of this overview is to compile research regarding how LGBTQ+ perspectives are represented in the history subject in addition to which methods history teachers can use in order to include it in their teaching. In order to find the relevant research we have used the databases ERIC via EBSCO, Libsearch from EBSCO, Education Research Complete (ERC) and SwePub as well as using supplementary search methods. The material has been assessed in relation to the question: “How are LGBTQ+ related subjects represented in history textbooks and which methods may teachers use in order to include LGBTQ+ perspectives?”. The result of the compiled research indicates that using modern terms and frameworks in history education can be problematic as they are not historical but that they can also be a useful tool in order to explain history. Secondly, the research shows history textbooks lacking quantity and quality of LGBTQ+ representation. Some textbooks are shown to uphold hetero- and cis norms as well as harmful stereotypes of LGBTQ+people. Thirdly, it presents a lack of LGBTQ+ perspectives in teacher education. Further, research suggests that LGBTQ+ inclusive literature can contribute to a safer environment for students. Lastly, it shows that possible methods to include LGBTQ+ perspectives in history education are using intersectional theory, using terms such as heterosexual, representing LGBTQ+ peoples multiple identities and balancing positive and negative aspects in LGBTQ+ related subjects. In conclusion there is a lack of LGBTQ+ representation in history textbooks but history teachers can still provide LGBTQ+ perspectives in their teaching.

Rebalancing Fraction Arithmetic Practice

Oppenzato, Colleen January 2024 (has links)
Many U.S. students possess only a weak knowledge of fraction arithmetic. I hypothesize that textbooks are a critical reason for students’ poor performance on fraction arithmetic. This is not because of what textbooks contain but rather because of what they lack. Distributions of fraction arithmetic problems in textbooks are imbalanced, with certain types of problems almost never presented (Braithwaite et al., 2017). As a result, students often err when they attempt to solve those rare types of problems (Siegler & Pyke, 2013). Two experiments, a pilot study (n = 40 students in grades 5 through 7) and a larger study (n = 127 students in grades 6 and 7), were conducted. These experiments utilized a pretest-intervention-posttest design to empirically test the benefits of providing either a complement of the typical textbook distribution of problems (hyperbalanced practice) or an equal distribution of problems (balanced practice) compared to the benefits of providing a practice set that followed the typical distribution found in math textbooks. A MANCOVA and follow-up ANCOVAs revealed significant differences between students in the textbook condition and students in the balanced and hyperbalanced conditions.For items involving adding fractions with unequal denominators, students who received typical textbook practice showed greater improvement and made fewer strategy errors than students who received hyperbalanced practice. For items involving multiplying two fractions with equal denominators, the opposite was true. Students who received hyperbalanced practice showed greater improvement and made fewer strategy errors than students who received typical textbook practice on items involving multiplying two fractions with equal denominators. Finally, students who received fully balanced practice showed greater improvement and made fewer strategy errors than students who received typical textbook practice on problems involving multiplying one whole number and one fraction. This last finding was of particular interest since none of the practice conditions included practice with that item type. The results of this study demonstrate that even a brief intervention in which students received extra practice with rare item types could improve performance. It also showed that gains in one type of item often resulted in decrements in others, which must be considered when making recommendations to textbook publishers and educators. In sum, this dissertation seeks to make a scholarly contribution to the field by discussing the role that textbooks play in student performance and by analyzing the benefits of supplementing typical textbook instruction with differently balanced fraction arithmetic practice.

Erbjudanden till transspråkande iläromedel : – En jämförande studie av transspråkande i läromedel för svenska som andraspråk

Lundell Björk, Sofia, Thynell, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Idag är ett stort antal av eleverna i den svenska skolan flerspråkiga. Forskning visar att elever är i stort behov av att få använda samtliga av sina språk i syfte att skapa mening och förståelse. Denna studie undersöker erbjudanden till transspråkande i tre läromedel för behovet hos flerspråkiga elever. Att få använda alla sina språk gynnar inte enbart språkinlärningen utan även självkänslan, självtilliten, inlärningen och ämneskunskaperna. Studiens resultat visar att läromedlen använder transspråkande arbetssätt i varierande omfattning. Två av tre läromedel erbjuder fler transspråkande erbjudanden än enspråkiga erbjudanden. I studiens diskussion problematiseras omfattningen och utformandet av de transspråkande arbetssätten i relation till elevers kunskapsutveckling. Alla elever i skolan gynnas av transspråkande arbetssätt.

Gender-bias in literature within the high school English curriculum : a study of novels used in the Lakeshore School Board

Nixon Wall, Audrey January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

Representation of cultural content of Swedish English textbook in grade four : A study based on the textbook Champ

Rönnbäck, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
English has spread across the globe and it is spoken with varying pronunciations, lexical items, spellings, and grammatical structures across diverse regions and cultures. This has resulted in questioning what should represent the language for a new learner. The aim is to gain insight into how culture is presented in the ELT textbook series Champ and to examine English teachers' opinions on cultural representation in language teaching in Sweden. The Champ textbooks series for grade four underwent an analysis using Byram's criteria for cultural content (Byram, 1989). Data was collected by interviewing teachers and doing a content analysis of the Champ textbook. The findings show that the Champ does fulfil the necessary cultural requirements in the curriculum but does lack local cultural representation. The data demonstrated that teachers lack knowledge and understanding of cultural representation in language teaching. The result also revealed that teachers use the same material differently as some use the textbook more frequently than others, and due to financial situations, there are differences in using the extra material connected to the textbook.

A history of the Kanawha County textbook controversy, April 1974-April 1975

Candor, Catherine Ann 13 January 2010 (has links)
For one year, beginning in April of 1974, the Kanawha County, West Virginia school system was involved in a bitter controversy over the content of the adopted language arts textbook series. The series generating the conflict tncluded over 325 individual book titles published by a cross-section of the major textbook companies in the United States. No one visualized the intensity of emotions, the violence and the disruption that would grip Kanawha County during 1974-75. Before the protest diminished, schools were temporarily closed; the superintendent and the president of the Board of Education resigned; people were shot or beat, cars firebombed and school buildings dynamited. The controversial language arts books were withdrawn from all the schools for a period of time and later returned after review by an appointed citizens' committee and action by the Board of Education. This study is a history of the Kanawha County textbook protest. A major portion of the research for this dissertation involved interviews and a search of documents. There is a description of West Virginia, Appalachian values and Kanawha County. Several factors, occurring prior to 1974 are examined as possible precipitating factors in the controversy. From April 1974 to April 1975 the major actions, reactions and occurrences in Kanawha County are reported using various sources to document positions taken by individuals, groups and organizations during this period. Organized chronologically, the study traces the evolution of the textbook protest and continues through the abatement of most protest activities by April of 1975. Five factors, mostly outside the control of the educational establishment that contributed to and sustained the conflict are analyzed. These include the state law regarding the seating of school board members, the role of organized labor, the lack of adequate law enforcement, the intervention of outside groups and the role of the media. The following conclusions and implications emerge from the Study. Students, teachers and administrators in Kanawha County were most deeply affected by the textbook controversy with general agreement that the effects of the protest will be felt for years to come. In the future, public schools, involving everyone directly or indirectly, will not escape as arenas of conflict and controversy. As a resuit of the social activism movement of the 1960's and 1970's and public concern over the performance and operation of the schools, educational systems across the country can expect increasing assaults on their legitimacy. although controversy may be inevitable, there are positive actions which may be taken by school boards and educational administrators to reduce or avoid the disruptiveness of a protest such as the one in Kanawha County. By establishing a broad base of commun ity support and involvement, educators may be able to avoid conflict rather than having to react to it. / Ed. D.

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