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(In)visible assessment –why, what, when, how and by whom? : A qualitative case study of Swedish students’ and teachers’ awareness and experiences of formative assessment of English in upper secondary schoolJanerdal, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
This case study presents an overview of the student perspective on assessment, an area in which there is still little research. The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate the awareness, understanding and experience of assessment from a student perspective by addressing the following research questions: why, what, when, how and by whom are the students’ learning processes assessed? A secondary aim is to investigate if and how teachers work with formative assessment in order to discern possible similarities and differences concerning the perception of assessment between students and teachers of English in upper secondary school. The method employed is qualitative; structured interviews have been carried out with six students and three teachers in two upper secondary schools. The interviewees represent both theoretical and vocational programmes in years 1, 2 and 3. The results show that the students believe that their learning processes are assessed in order to enable their teachers to award the students with a grade, but also in order for the students to develop in their learning processes. The assessment is perceived as a natural feature of the education. However the assessment is not perceived as fully integrated in teaching and learning; teacher-initiated, test-like activities are thought to be of greater importance for the final assessment, according to the students. The teachers, on the other hand, assess all activities equally. Written and oral feedback on the students’ productions and performances is given in relation to assessment matrices; the students appreciate and prefer this type of feedback to a grade which is contrary to what the teachers believe. The assessment is ultimately made by the teachers; students’ self-assessment is a fairly regular feature, while peer-assessment is yet to be implemented in order for the assessment practice to be considered as entirely formative. Lack of time is an oft-repeated reason why the implementation of the different features of formative assessment is being made gradually. This case study contributes to the field of educational research in that it provides an overview of the student perspective on assessment, which needs to be further investigated.
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Nationella proven från 2012 : Avsikterna bakom proven och i relationen till innehållet i kursen Svenska 3. / National test from 2012 : Intentions behind the tests and the relationship to the content of Swedish 3Jönsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The thesis investigates national samples, from 2012, intentions and relationship to subject the plan for Swedish 3. The study analyses the material quality through a qualitative text analysis. The theory is curriculum theory, which focuses on transformation- and realization arena. The material analysed consists of the curriculum of secondary schools, Lgy11, and any material from Skolverket on the samples from 2012 in Swedish 3. The analysis reveals a clear relationship between curriculum and national tests, where tests are designed by Swedish 3s core content and skills requirements. The task and its description linked to the Swedish third purpose of the tests is made visible and equivalence, which is an object with the samples, are discussed. Samples positive and negative aspects raised and discussed.
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Likvärdiga betyg? En studie om tolkningen av ett kunskapskrav i Företagsekonomi på gymnasietStröm, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att illustrera och skapa en viss förståelse för hur lärare tolkar ett kunskapskrav och hur det kan skilja sig åt lärare emellan. Jag kommer också göra en tolkning av anledningarna till att det kan skilja sig åt. Jag har valt att skriva om detta ämne för det är ett svårt ämne - bedömningsarbetet är komplext för många lärare och det är också ofta debatterat och diskuterat i media och på min arbetsplats. Hur ska lärarna tolka kunskapskraven?För att illustrera detta kommer arbetet att baseras på följande frågor: 1. Hur tolkar lärarna Kunskapskraven för betyg A och E för genomförandet av projektarbete i kursen Företagsekonomi? 2. På vilka sätt skiljer sig tolkningarna och varför?Den litteratur jag valt att studera är delvis litteratur från tidigare studier vid Malmö universitet i Val avseende bedömning och betyg, och dels litteratur refererad till i uppsatser, forskningsavhandlingar och artiklar om bedömning. Dessutom har jag studerat olika regler och instruktioner från Skolverket. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har jag valt teorier om hur man kan validera bedömningar av Anders Jönsson. Insamlingen av primära data har varit genom intervjuer. Jag har gjort fyra intervjuer med företagsekonomi lärare, och utifrån dessa försökt göra en analys av deras tolkningar av kunskapskravet.Slutsatsen är att lärare inte använder kunskapskraven bokstavligen. De väljer att fokusera mer på vissa värdeord än andra. Först och främst är det fokus på värdeord som tydligt skiljer studenter från varandra. Anledningen är sannolikt att det då är lätt att motivera betyget och för att det gör utvärderingsarbetet lättare. Hur pedagogerna lägger upp arbetet från början har också betydelse för bedömningen. Samt vilken erfarenhet pedagogerna har med sig. / The purpose of this paper is to illustrate and create a certain understanding of how teachers interpret the knowledge requirements, in swedish “kunskapskrav” and the ways in which they may differ. I will also make a careful interpretation of the reasons behind. The knowledge requirements I have studied refers to the course Business Economics at upper secondary school. I have chosen to write about this topic because it is a difficult topic - the assessment work is complex for many teachers and it is also often debated and discussed in media and at me workplace. How should teachers interpret the knowledge requirements?To illustrate this, the work will be based on the following questions: 1. How do teachers interpret the knowledge requirements for grades A and E for the implementation of project work in the course Business Economics? 2. In what ways do the interpretations differ and why?The literature I have chosen to study is partly literature from previous studies at the Malmö University in Val regarding assessment and grade, and literature referenced in essays, research dissertations and articles on assessment. In addition, I have studied various regulations and instructions from the Swedish National Agency for Education. As a theoretical point of departure, I have chosen the theories about how to validate assessments of Anders Jönsson.The collection of primary data has been through interviews. I have done four interviews with Business Economics teachers, and from these have tried to make an analysis of their interpretations of the knowledge requirement.The conclusion is that teachers do not use the knowledge requirements literally. They choose to focus more on certain value words than others in the knowledge requirements. First and foremost, focus is on the value words that clearly distinguish students from each other. The reason is probably partly because it is easy to motivate the grade then and partly that it makes the assessment work easier. How the educators put up the work from the beginning also has an impact on the assessment. As well as what experience the educators possess.
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Speaking-based activities in L2 textbooks in lower secondary school / Muntligt baserade uppgifter inom andraspråksinlärning i läroböcker i högstadiet (7-9)Wilson Sundström, Clara January 2023 (has links)
This research paper analyzes how different L2 textbooks in lower secondary school relateto speaking proficiency, in reference to the curriculum. It also investigates how thetextbooks approach speaking proficiency activities differently. The aim of my study istherefore to investigate if and how contemporary textbooks for learning English in lowersecondary school stimulate the development of speaking proficiency. To answer thesequestions, I compare four textbooks, through a content analysis based on the knowledgerequirements for speaking proficiency in English, in year 9. The results show that therecently published books have more activities that help develop speaking proficiency,namely Focus and Sparks. These books also have more activities in groups, which is adifferent approach than the textbook Primetime, which only provides activities in pairs.All books have activities connected to the requirements. However, Focus and Sparks havesignificantly more activities where all requirements are combined. This suggests that thetextbooks recently published prioritize speaking proficiency activities using discussions.The findings of this study are that the textbooks researched relate to the requirementsdifferently. More recent books follow the requirements to a greater extent, helpingstudents develop their speaking proficiency more efficiently.
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Är kunskapskraven tydliga? : En studie om elevers kunskaper om kunskapskraven / Is the knowledge requirements clear? : A study of students' knowledge of the knowledge requirementsJonsson, Lukas, Lundquist, Emil January 2015 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka om eleverna känner till kunskapskraven i idrott och hälsa, vet vilka kunskaper det krävs för ett visst betyg i idrott och hälsa och om det finns en relation mellan elevers kunskaper om kunskapskraven och föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå. Med hjälp av Bourdieus teori och ett par av de nyckelbegrepp han arbetade fram, försöker studien besvara frågeställningarna. Undersökningen visade att eleverna inte har mycket kunskap om kunskapskraven. Vidare visade undersökningen att det inte fanns några relationer mellan elevers kunskap om kunskapskraven och föräldrars utbildningsnivå.
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Simundervisning för alla? : En intervjustudie om simundervisning för årskurserna 7-9 och den problematik den inbegriper / Is the swimming classes for all students? : An interview study on swimming classes in secondary school and its difficultiesAndersson, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur högstadielärare i Idrott och hälsa arbetar med simundervisning, både innehållsmässigt och didaktiskt. Syftet har även varit att undersöka vilka som är de vanligaste problem som uppstår i samband med simundervisning, samt att undersöka hur lärarna arbetar för att bemöta dessa problem. Uppsatsen har en hermeneutisk inriktning och datainsamlingen har gjorts genom att kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med fem lärare i Idrott och hälsa. Resultaten har bland annat analyserats utifrån Imsens (1999) kategorisering av ramfaktorer. Resultatet visar att lektionsinnehållet har två huvudfokus, vilka grundar sig på två av ämnets kunskapskrav. Först inriktar sig lärarna på att kontrollera vilka elever som klarar av att simma 200 meter varav 50 meter i ryggläge. Genom denna kontroll kan lärarna identifiera vilka elever som har svårt att klara kunskapskravet i simning för att sedan kunna se till att dessa elever får extra tillfällen att träna på detta. Den andra fokuset handlar om att eleverna ska lära sig att hantera nödsituationer vid vatten. Här får eleverna träna på en rad olika livräddande aktiviteter. Undersökningen visar att något lärarna ser som ett stort problem i simundervisningen är den begränsade tiden som läggs på den, varje klass har simundervisning endast två eller tre gånger per läsår. Andra problem som blivit uppenbara är svårigheten för skolorna att få tillgång till tider i simhallen och att transport av eleverna till och från simhallen kunde bli både dyrt och tidskrävande, vilket även det begränsar möjligheterna till mer simundervisning. Ytterligare ett problem som uppdagades var att vissa elever av olika anledningar inte ville eller fick delta i simundervisningen med sina ordinarie klasser, vilket gjorde att andra simtillfällen behövde anordnas för dessa elever.
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"Practice makes perfect!" : A survey study of musical practice of vocal students in upper secondary schoolCampora, Miranda January 2021 (has links)
Vocal teachers’ task is to give students a foundation for their personal practice. When the student leaves the classroom, it is their responsibility to direct their own learning. This essay examines vocal students from upper secondary school's perspective about their personal vocal practice and their practice in relation to the support and help from their vocal teachers. Five schools were contacted where a total of 120 students had access to an online survey via email, to which 56 students responded. The variables in the survey were partially analyzed and processed in the software SPSS. In this study, it was clear that students have a positive attitude towards their personal practice and generally have good practice habits. The student’s level of motivation plays a role in the number of hours that are devoted to practice and having goals with one’s practice, such as vocal lessons, are important for practice motivation, as lessons are occasions where students are assessed. The vocal teacher is important for the student's continued development but not in relation to the student’s weekly practice hours.
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Erratic Subject Didactics : a Study of Conditions Antecedent to Secondary Education Reform and Their Effects on Social Science DidacticsChristiani, Shaun January 2020 (has links)
This paper studies how changing political, economic, and social conditions in and related to Sweden affected its secondary education policy and the role that social science didactics plays. By analyzing Swedish secondary school curricula, the related social science syllabus, education act, and corresponding organizational documents, the causes for, and context of education reform become clear. The school’s purpose is to impart general abilities and knowledge that all persons will require to function in society and maintain democracy, equality, and international solidarity. Additionally, the school is found to conform to the same template, values, and norms as the economic and political aspects of globalization and modern democratic society. The school subject that wholely addresses general knowledge, civil abilities, and democratic values is found to be social science. Engaging social issues as a didactical tool, social science teaching imparts in students democratic values and the civil abilities to participate in society. Through the quality assurance of evaluations, knowledge requirements emerged as a policy for providing students with the opportunity to learn at one’s capacity. By meeting its knowledge requirements, social science produces students who are stewards of democratic values that, by participating in the community, contribute to social development in every venture during life after school.
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Rättvis bedömning i ämnet idrott och hälsa? : En kvantitativ studie om vad som kan påverka lärarnas betygsättning / A fair assessment in physical education? : A quantitative study about what factors that can influence the teachers gradingAndersson, Benny January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrunden till denna studie grundas i tidigare forskning om bedömning i ämnet idrott och hälsa, samt egna erfarenheter av bedömning i skolmiljö. Bedömningen är ett viktigt uppdrag som lärare har i uppgift att genomföra, men det är inte alltid lätt att följa de styrdokument som ska kontrollera att det sker på ett korrekt och rättvist sätt.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det går att påvisa faktorer till varför det finns skillnader i hur lärare i idrott och hälsa genomför bedömningar av sina elever. Det har genomförts många studier som säger att detta arbete varierar från en lärare till en annan, men mindre om varför det är så. Den här studien baseras i huvudsak på hypotesen att lärare som har en längre erfarenhet från föregående läroplan (Lpo94) i större utsträckning baserar sina bedömningar på faktorer som inte kan kopplas till de aktuella kunskapskraven.I studien har en enkät skickats ut till slumpvis utvalda högstadieskolor över hela Sverige. Enkäten har varit frivillig att delta i, och det är enbart undervisande lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa (årskurs 7–9) som deltagit. Sammanlagt valde 122 personer att delta.Resultatet i den här studien tyder på att ålder och lärarens erfarenhet att ha arbetat med den äldre läroplanen (Lpo94) under en längre tid kan vara påverkande faktorer till den skilda bedömning som sker. / This study is based on a lot of previous studies about assessment in the subject sports and health, as well as personal experiences of assessment in the school environment. Assessment is an important part of the job that teachers have to execute, but it’s not always easy to follow the curriculum’s instructions which are there to make sure it is done in a fair way.The objective for this study has been to determine if its possible to show some factors that affects the grading process, and creates differences, in the assessments between teachers in physical education and health. There has been previous studies that has shown that this work differs from one teacher to another, but less about why it is so. The hypothesis of this study is that teachers with a longer work experience with grading under the previous curriculum (Lpo94) in greater numbers build their assessments to components that are not part of the current curriculum’s knowledge requierments.In this study a survey has been sent out to junior high schools, randomly chosen, over all of Sweden. The survey has been voluntary, and only currently active teachers in sports and health has participated. All in all 122 people decided to participate.The results in this study suggest age and a longer experience with working with assessments under the previous curriculum (Lpo94) seems to be contributing factors to the different ways assessment is performed.
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Jag vill bara, bara, bara vara lärare… : Lärares uppfattning av sin yrkesroll i relation till elever med psykisk ohälsaKelly, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Mental health in Sweden is on the decline, with young people reporting the poorest outcomes. Reports show how schools fail in their preventive work when dealing with mental illness and that the burden of responsibility falls mainly on teachers who are forced to take initiative and thus are behind the few efforts that are made. The purpose of the study is to contribute with increased knowledge about how teachers are affected by their students’ struggle with mental health. Using an activity-pedagogical and social-cognitive theoretical approach and with qualitative content analysis, the results of five qualitative interviews with Swedish secondary school teachers are examined. The results of this study find that teachers are reporting a decline in mental health in their students and that they feel the weight of responsibility in dealing with this very complex issue. The results show that teachers tend to seek help and support via their teacher colleagues rather than the mental health professionals in the student health team. The interviews also showed that teachers in a lot of cases can tell early on when their students are experiencing symptoms of mental illness and in doing so take it upon themselves to adapt their planning and teaching to facilitate the student’s learning. Mental illness is however not considered when grading. Teachers are missing the resources to support students in mental illness and the burden of responsibility needs to be shared with professionals who are trained in and equipped with dealing with mental health.
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