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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

João Calvino e Santo Agostinho sobre o conhecimento de Deus e o conhecimento de si: um caso de disjunção teológico-filosófica / John Calvin and St. Augustine on knowledge of God and self-knowledge: a case of theological and philosophical disjunction

Oliveira, Fabiano de Almeida 23 September 2010 (has links)
Santo Agostinho e João Calvino são pensadores representativos de dois momentos históricos distintos da cristandade, e figuram entre aqueles que ajudaram a moldar, de forma determinante, os contornos da tradição cristã de pensamento a qual representavam. A despeito do lapso temporal que os separa, João Calvino foi muito influenciado pelo pensamento de Agostinho em virtude da presença marcante da teologia e espiritualidade agostinianas na atmosfera intelectual e religiosa do século XVI, sendo boa parte destes influxos, produto da apropriação direta de Calvino de aspectos do pensamento de Agostinho, por meio do contato in loco com suas obras. Estes influxos diretos e indiretos do pensamento de Agostinho sobre Calvino resultaram em muitos paralelos e similaridades teológico-filosóficos. Um dos temas comuns a estes dois pensadores cristãos foi o da centralidade da doutrina do conhecimento de Deus e do autoconhecimento. Na verdade, ambos definem a natureza do projeto sapiencial e beatífico humano em termos de aquisição deste duplo conhecimento. Portanto, a principal finalidade deste trabalho é apresentar a relevância que a doutrina da cognitio Dei et sui desempenha na proposta teológico-filosófica de ambos os pensadores, bem como estabelecer uma análise de suas fontes, natureza e características. Este trabalho visa demonstrar, também, que apesar de haver similaridades e paralelos estreitos entre Calvino e Agostinho no tocante aos aspectos gerais que envolvem a doutrina do conhecimento de Deus e do autoconhecimento, existem distinções incontornáveis naquilo que concerne aos meandros específicos desta matéria, como aquelas disjunções relacionadas à natureza e às características específicas da dinâmica interna deste duplo conhecimento. / St. Augustine and John Calvin are thinkers representing two different periods in the history of Christianity, remarkably appearing among those who helped to shape up the contours of the Christian tradition of thought they represented. Despite the time gap that set them apart, John Calvin was greatly influenced by the thought of Augustine due to the strong presence of Augustinian theology and spirituality in the intellectual and religious atmosphere of the sixteenth century. Most of these inputs were the product of Calvins direct assimilation of certain aspects from Augustine\'s thought through in loco contact with his works. Such direct and indirect inflows of Augustines thought on Calvin resulted in many theological and philosophical parallels and similarities. One theme common to both Christian thinkers was the centrality of the doctrines of the knowledge of God and self-knowledge. In fact, both Augustine and Calvin define the nature of the human sapiential and beatific project in terms of attaining this dual knowledge. In this context, the present study aims to present the relevant role the doctrine of cognitio Dei et sui plays in the theological and philosophical views of both thinkers, as well as to develop an analysis of its sources, nature and characteristics. In addition, this work demonstrates that although there are close parallels and similarities between Calvin and Augustine with regards to general issues surrounding the doctrines of knowledge of God and self-knowledge, there are compelling distinctions as far as the particulars of this subject are concerned; such as disjunctions related to the nature and specific features of the internal dynamics of this dual knowledge.

Danos e biologia de Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em genótipos de milho. / Damage and biology of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae) on maize genotypes.

Siloto, Romildo Cássio 29 November 2002 (has links)
A utilização de variedades resistentes é uma importante ferramenta no manejo integrado de pragas e vem sendo valorizada nos programas de melhoramento de plaritas. Neste estudo foram avaliados 12 genátipas de milho, em relação aos danos causados por Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 179r7) em condições de campo, e em relação ao efeito desses genófípos na biologia da praga, em condições de laboratório. Os experimentos de campo foram realizados nos municípios de Casa Branca, Florínea e Miguetópotis/Guaíra, representando três diferentes regiões do Estado de São Pauto. As plantas foram avaliadas nas idades de 6 a 8 e de 10 a 12 folhas, através de uma escala de notas de O a 9. Os resultados da anáfíse de varíãncía mostraram que os danos causados pela lagarta-do-cartucho nos genótipos de milho foram diferentes nos três locais avaliados. A interação idade*local foi significativa, indicando que, dependendo do local avaliado, os danos foram diferentes em cada idade. Na idade de 6 a 8 folhas, os danos foram significativamente menores em Casa Branca em relação à Florínea e à Miguelápolis/Guaíra. Na idade de 10 a 12 folhas, os três locais apresentaram danos significativamente distintos. Miguelápolis/Guaíra foi o local que apresentou menos -úanos, em relação à r'lorínea. Casa Branca foi o local em que ocorreu mais danos. Na comparação das médias entre as idades em cada local, Casa Branca apresentou os menores danos na idade de 6 a 8 folhas, enquanto que, em Florinea e iviiguetópolis/Guaíra, isso ocorreu na idade de 10 a 12 folhas. Corri base na analise -úe agrupamento para os experimentos de campo, os genótipos Z 8486, C 333 B e Diria 766 formaram o grupo daqueles menos danificados, enquanto que os genótipos XL 212 e Piranão formaram o grupo dos mais danificados peia iagarta-do-cartucho. Houve pouco efeito dos genótipos avaliados sobre a biologia do inseto. Nos experimentos de laboratório, os genótipos Z 8486 e Master proporcionaram menor peso de lagartas aos 7 e 14 dias, em relação aos genótipo XL 212, enquanto em Z 8486 e IAC-Vitória ocorreu menor viabilidade larval em relação à Dina 766. O genótipo Dina 766, que ficou entre os menos danificados em condições de campo, proporcionou maior peso larval aos 7 dias e maior viabilidade larval. / Plant resistance is a usefui component of integrated pest management and its value has been increasing in plant breeding programs, ln this study, 12 maize genotypes were evaluated to damage of fali armyworm Spodoptera frugíperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) in field conditions. The effect of these genotypes on fali armyworm biology was evaluated in laboratory conditions. The field experiments were carried out in Casa Branca, Florínea and Miguelópolis/Guaíra, whích represent three different regions of São Paulo State. The plants were evaluated at 6-8 and 10-12 exposed leaves, using a rank scale from O to 9. The analysis of variance showed that the fali armyworm damage on maize genotypes differed in each of three places. The interaction age*piace was significant and it indicares that the damage differed according to the age of the plants, depending on where they were evaluated. At 6-8 leaf stage, the damage were less significant in Casa Branca comparing to Florínea and Miguetópolis/Guaíra. At 10-1 2 leaf stage, the three places showed damage with significant differences. Migueiópolis/Guaíra was the place with fewer damage, comparing to Florínea. ln Casa Branca occurred more damage. Comparing the age average of the plants in each region, the plants in Casa Branca showed fewer damage at 6-8 leaf stage whereas the plants in Florinea and Miguelópolis/Guaíra showed it at 10-12 leaf stage. ln the field experiments, the Cluster Analysis showed that Z 8486, C 333 B and Dina 766 genotypes set the group wíth fewer fali armyworm damage whereas XL 212 and Piranão genotypes set the most damaged group. The genotypes provided littie effect on fali armyworm biology. ln the laboratory experíments, the larvae reared on Z 8486 and Master genotypes provided lower weight on days 7 and 14, when compadng to XL 212. The genotypes Z 8486 and IAC-Vitória presented lower larval survival when comparing to Dina 766. The larvae reared on Dina 766 genotype provided the highest weight for day 7 and the greatest larval survival, even though, this genotype was one of the least damaged in the field.

Mapeamento dos fatores de risco de quedas identificados por enfermeiros do serviço de urgência pré-hospitalar fixo / Mapping of risk factors for falls identified by nurses in the fixed pre-hospital emergency department

Guimarães, Priscila Linardi 07 April 2017 (has links)
A temática da segurança do paciente é uma preocupação antiga, porém, só assumiu relevância nos últimos anos com a divulgação de dados sobre incidentes no cuidado em saúde e suas consequências. Um desses eventos, denominado evento adverso, corresponde à queda. As quedas são eventos não planejados quem levam o paciente ao solo, com ou sem lesão, sendo responsáveis por sofrimento aos pacientes e suas famílias, maior tempo de internação, custos aos sistemas de saúde e até mesmo óbitos. Vários fatores podem levar o paciente ao solo, porém, o foco dos estudos se concentra na população com mais de 65 anos, principalmente em unidades de internação. Embora os padrões de morbimortalidade tenham provocado mudanças na configuração do atendimento em saúde, elevando consideravelmente os casos de urgência e a complexidade da assistência, pouco ainda se sabe sobre quedas em ambientes não hospitalares, especialmente na atenção primária. As alterações nos fluxos de atendimento provocaram transformações nos cenários de trabalho da atenção básica, especialmente para a enfermagem, que realiza a maior parte das ações de cuidado. Estresse, insegurança e falhas estruturais são alguns fatores que contribuem para o comprometimento da segurança do paciente, especialmente na identificação de risco para quedas. Este estudo busca mapear os fatores de risco de quedas identificados por enfermeiros do serviço de urgência pré-hospitalar fixo, profissionais responsáveis pela elaboração, implementação e avaliação de processos para prevenção de incidentes, a partir de importantes instrumentos, como linguagem padronizada em escala mundial North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) e a Escala de Quedas de Morse (MFS) / The issue of patient safety is an old concern, but it has only become relevant in recent years with the dissemination of data on incidents in health care and its consequences. One of these events, called an adverse event, corresponds to the fall. Falls are unplanned events that take the patient to the ground, with or without injury, being responsible for suffering to patients and their families, longer hospitalization, costs to health systems and even death. Several factors can lead the patient to the ground, however, the focus of the studies is concentrated in the population over 65, mainly in hospitalization units. Although morbidity and mortality patterns have caused changes in the configuration of health care, considerably increasing urgency and complexity of care, little is known about falls in non-hospital settings, especially in primary care. Changes in care flows have led to changes in the work scenarios of primary care, especially for nursing, which performs most of the care actions. Stress, insecurity and structural failures are some factors that contribute to compromising patient safety, especially in identifying a risk for falls. This study seeks to map the risk factors for falls identified by nurses in the fixed prehospital emergency department, professionals responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation of processes for incident prevention, using important instruments such as standardized language on a global scale North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) and the Morse Falls Scale (MFS)

Mapeamento dos fatores de risco de quedas identificados por enfermeiros do serviço de urgência pré-hospitalar fixo / Mapping of risk factors for falls identified by nurses in the fixed pre-hospital emergency department

Priscila Linardi Guimarães 07 April 2017 (has links)
A temática da segurança do paciente é uma preocupação antiga, porém, só assumiu relevância nos últimos anos com a divulgação de dados sobre incidentes no cuidado em saúde e suas consequências. Um desses eventos, denominado evento adverso, corresponde à queda. As quedas são eventos não planejados quem levam o paciente ao solo, com ou sem lesão, sendo responsáveis por sofrimento aos pacientes e suas famílias, maior tempo de internação, custos aos sistemas de saúde e até mesmo óbitos. Vários fatores podem levar o paciente ao solo, porém, o foco dos estudos se concentra na população com mais de 65 anos, principalmente em unidades de internação. Embora os padrões de morbimortalidade tenham provocado mudanças na configuração do atendimento em saúde, elevando consideravelmente os casos de urgência e a complexidade da assistência, pouco ainda se sabe sobre quedas em ambientes não hospitalares, especialmente na atenção primária. As alterações nos fluxos de atendimento provocaram transformações nos cenários de trabalho da atenção básica, especialmente para a enfermagem, que realiza a maior parte das ações de cuidado. Estresse, insegurança e falhas estruturais são alguns fatores que contribuem para o comprometimento da segurança do paciente, especialmente na identificação de risco para quedas. Este estudo busca mapear os fatores de risco de quedas identificados por enfermeiros do serviço de urgência pré-hospitalar fixo, profissionais responsáveis pela elaboração, implementação e avaliação de processos para prevenção de incidentes, a partir de importantes instrumentos, como linguagem padronizada em escala mundial North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) e a Escala de Quedas de Morse (MFS) / The issue of patient safety is an old concern, but it has only become relevant in recent years with the dissemination of data on incidents in health care and its consequences. One of these events, called an adverse event, corresponds to the fall. Falls are unplanned events that take the patient to the ground, with or without injury, being responsible for suffering to patients and their families, longer hospitalization, costs to health systems and even death. Several factors can lead the patient to the ground, however, the focus of the studies is concentrated in the population over 65, mainly in hospitalization units. Although morbidity and mortality patterns have caused changes in the configuration of health care, considerably increasing urgency and complexity of care, little is known about falls in non-hospital settings, especially in primary care. Changes in care flows have led to changes in the work scenarios of primary care, especially for nursing, which performs most of the care actions. Stress, insecurity and structural failures are some factors that contribute to compromising patient safety, especially in identifying a risk for falls. This study seeks to map the risk factors for falls identified by nurses in the fixed prehospital emergency department, professionals responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation of processes for incident prevention, using important instruments such as standardized language on a global scale North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I) and the Morse Falls Scale (MFS)


Smith, Brennan L. 01 January 2018 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a sensorimotor disorder characterized by dysfunctional motor coordination, balance problems, and loss of selective motor control. Motor coordination exhibited as co-contraction, has been subjectively quantified using gait analysis, but recent studies have begun to objectively analyze the amount of co-contraction by collecting electromyography (EMG) data. Center of pressure excursion (COPE) measurements collected during a single leg standing test (SLST) have shown to be more valid measurements of balance in populations with motor disabilities than a SLST alone. A recent study has correlated increased COPE velocity with a lower fall risk as determined by reported fall frequency, suggesting a more objective measure of fall risk. The current study aimed to determine if the fall risk calculated by COPE velocity in children with CP is correlated with co-contraction index value in various muscle synergy groups. It was hypothesized that i) co-contraction index values will differ between high and low fall risk groups, ii) there will be preferential activation of different synergy groups within the high and low fall risk groups, and iii) there will be a negative and direct correlation between COPE velocity and co-contraction index values for all synergy groups. METHODS: Fall risk grouping was determined by average COPE velocity values calculated from previously reported fall frequency groups. Balance ability was determined by COPE measurements during a SLST on a force plate. Muscle synergy groups were determined by common muscle pairings at the hip, knee and ankle. Co-contraction indices were determined from linear envelopes plotted from muscle group EMG data. An independent t-test was run on muscle synergy groups between high and low fall risk groups. Nonparametric Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukey post-hoc tests were run on the high and low fall risk groups separately to determine differences in co-contraction index value within high and low fall risk groups. A Pearson correlation analyzed COPE velocity and co-contraction index value. RESULTS: No significant differences in muscle synergy between the high and low fall risk groups were found (p = 0.476, 0.076, 0.064, 0.364). The ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests for high fall risk group found significant differences in co-activation index value between the sagittal hip and frontal hip groups (p = 0.022) and sagittal hip and ankle groups (p = 0.016). Low fall risk group was found to have significant differences between the sagittal hip and frontal hip groups (p = 0.038) and frontal hip and knee groups (p = 0.012). Weak and negative correlations were found between COPE velocity and both knee and ankle groups (r = -0.309, -0.323, p = 0.059, 0.050). Negligible and insignificant correlations were found between frontal hip and sagittal hip synergies and COPE velocity ((r = 0.013, -0.068, p = 0.475, 0.367). CONCLUSION: There is insufficient evidence to claim that muscle group activations are different depending on fall risk grouped by COPE velocity. It is not currently possible to correlate COPE velocity to a specific synergy group recruitment. However, data do suggest that sagittal hip and knee strategies are recruited more than ankle and frontal hip strategies during SLST.

A Study of Walkway Safety and Evaluation of Tribological Test Equipment

Baker, Henry Thomas 01 January 2014 (has links)
A walkway tribometer measures the coefficient of friction between flooring material and a test foot. The value of the coefficient of friction is an indicator as to whether the flooring surface is slippery and has a propensity to cause slip and falls. This study determined that one style of tribometer, an XL Tribometer, mimics the heel-to-floor interaction of the human heel strike. High speed video footage revealed that the test foot strikes the surface and rotates so that full engagement occurs before sliding thus mimicking the affect of a human ankle. The test foot accelerates forward as would be expected during a human slip event. The manufacturer’s reported impact speed of 11 in/s, when set to the operating pressure of 25psi, was found to be much lower than measured speeds of three calibrated tribometers. Three XL tribometers were tested and provided a range of impact speeds from 17.4 to 22.7 in/s (n=540) when set to the operating pressure of 25 psi. The pressure setting was found to have a significant effect on the impact speed while the mast angle had an insignificant affect. A review of human walking studies revealed a range of pedestrian heel impact speeds on the order of 19.4 to 45.3 in/s during normal human ambulation activities. These tribometers fell on the low side of this speed range. A sensitivity study showed that the measured value of the coefficient of friction tends to decrease with a higher impact speed. This COF decrease was on the order of 0.02 and below the machine resolution and considered inconsequential within the walkway safety community.

Perceptions of Fear of Falling in Older Adults

Germano, Ken 01 January 2019 (has links)
Many adults are afraid of falling. While aging can affect one'€™s physical and cognitive abilities related to fear of falling (FOF), research has revealed that FOF increases risk of falls and adversely affects independence levels among older adults. The purpose of this study was to explore older adults'€™ perceptions of FOF and risk of falling. Guided by the health belief model, the research questions focused on older adults'€™ perceptions of FOF, contributing factors of FOF, and how FOF may affect independence levels. How older adults perceive FOF, and how FOF may affect an individual older adult'€™s fall risk and independence levels are not well known. Following face-to-face interviews with adults age 60 and older, Colaizzi'€™s data analysis strategy demonstrated thematic older adult reports of constant anxiety, loss of confidence, and activities of daily living (ADLs) avoidance as perceptions of FOF; traumatic health incidence, loss of health, and decreased quality of life as contributing factors in FOF; and depending on others, loss of muscle strength, and loss of balance as to how FOF affected older adult independence levels. Recommendations for future research include exploring the influence of gender, race, education level, and socioeconomic status on FOF in older adults. This study may enhance social change through greater FOF awareness and added context among caregivers.

Risikofaktoren der sporadischen Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit / Eine Fall-Kontroll-Studie von 1993 bis 2006 in Deutschland / Risk factors of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease / a case-control study from 1993 till 2006 in Germany

Kittner, Cornelia 28 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Case-Control Association Tests Correcting for Population Stratification / Fall-Kontroll-Assoziationstests unter Berücksichtigung von Populationsstrukturen

Köhler, Karola 25 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Détection des chutes par calcul homographique

Mokhtari, Djamila 08 1900 (has links)
La vidéosurveillance a pour objectif principal de protéger les personnes et les biens en détectant tout comportement anormal. Ceci ne serait possible sans la détection de mouvement dans l’image. Ce processus complexe se base le plus souvent sur une opération de soustraction de l’arrière-plan statique d’une scène sur l’image. Mais il se trouve qu’en vidéosurveillance, des caméras sont souvent en mouvement, engendrant ainsi, un changement significatif de l’arrière-plan; la soustraction de l’arrière-plan devient alors problématique. Nous proposons dans ce travail, une méthode de détection de mouvement et particulièrement de chutes qui s’affranchit de la soustraction de l’arrière-plan et exploite la rotation de la caméra dans la détection du mouvement en utilisant le calcul homographique. Nos résultats sur des données synthétiques et réelles démontrent la faisabilité de cette approche. / The main objective of video surveillance is to protect persons and property by detecting any abnormal behavior. This is not possible without detecting motion in the image. This process is often based on the concept of subtraction of the scene background. However in video tracking, the cameras are themselves often in motion, causing a significant change of the background. So, background subtraction techniques become problematic. We propose in this work a motion detection approach, with the example application of fall detection. This approach is free of background subtraction for a rotating surveillance camera. The method uses the camera rotation to detect motion by using homographic calculation. Our results on synthetic and real video sequences demonstrate the feasibility of this approach.

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