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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do equilíbrio em pacientes com esclerose múltipla / Balance evaluation in Multiple Sclerosis patients

Bruna Antinori Passeggio Vignola 17 July 2014 (has links)
As alterações do equilíbrio postural representam um dos principais sintomas relatados pelos pacientes com Esclerose Múltipla (EM), surgem logo no início da doença em pacientes minimamente comprometidos e são consideravelmente incapacitantes . Esses déficits são muitas vezes pouco valorizados pelas avaliações clínicas neurológicas convencionais. Os objetivos desse estudo foram descrever as alterações de equilíbrio em pacientes com diagnóstico de EM e diferenciar as alterações clínicas entre pacientes com e sem queixa de desequilíbrio. Foram avaliados 98 pacientes, classificados através da Escala Expandida do Estado de Incapacidade (EDSS) entre 0 e 4,5. Os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos de acordo com a presença da queixa de desequilíbrio (Grupo sem queixa - GS; Grupo com queixa - GQ). O protocolo de avaliação constou de escalas observacionais do equilíbrio (Escala de equilíbrio de BERG: EEB e Índice de marcha dinâmica: DGI), avaliação da percepção de vertical visual subjetiva (VVS), Escala de Severidade da Fadiga (FSS) e através do Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI). Os grupos GS e GQ foram compostos por 49 pacientes cada um. Não houve diferença estatística na idade dos indivíduos entre os grupos, porém encontramos diferença significativa entre o tempo de diagnóstico da EM entre ambos. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre GS e GQ para os valores de EDSS, no entanto ambos os grupos permaneceram dentro da classificação de incapacidade leve da escala. Esse dado reforça a ideia de que o EDSS é insensível para detectar déficits funcionais sutis. Também foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos testes clínicos de equilíbrio, refletindo que o GQ apresenta pior equilíbrio estático e dinâmico, EEB e DGI, respectivamente. O GQ apresentou pior percepção da vertical gravitacional, VVS, com valor estatisticamente significativo, além de um pior relato nas avaliações de fadiga (FSS), e depressão (BDI). Adicionalmente, observamos correlações negativas significantes entre os valores de EDSS os testes de equilíbrio (EEB e DGI), e correlações positivas significantes entre o EDSS e a avaliação da VVS e FSS. Não observamos correlação entre o EDSS e BDI. A relação entre o teste da VVS e os testes observacionais do equilíbrio também se mostrou estatisticamente significante. Os resultados do nosso estudo evidenciaram que vários aspectos devem ser considerados para caracterizarmos adequadamente as alterações de equilíbrio em indivíduos com EM. Os testes clínicos do equilíbrio postural e a avaliação da fadiga devem ser adicionados à avaliação funcional de pacientes com EM, permitindo dessa forma, que os déficits funcionais mais sutis sejam detectados. Nenhum teste clínico isolado é capaz de avaliar com precisão tais alterações. Sendo assim, concluímos que os testes propostos contemplam a avaliação da complexa rede de informações responsáveis pela manutenção do controle postural e contribuem para a melhor caracterização das alterações do equilíbrio postural na EM, facilitando a elaboração de protocolos individuais de reabilitação física e o seguimento do curso clínico da doença. / Abnormal balance in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) represents one of the major symptoms reported and emerging since the onset of the disease in MS patients with subtle impairments. These deficits are usually underestimated by common neurological clinical evaluation. In this study, our objective was to report balance alteration in MS patients and distinguish clinical alterations between MS patients with and without balance disorders complaints. Ninety eight MS patients were evaluated, with Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score between 0 and 4.5. Patients were divided into two groups according to their complaint about balance disorders (Without complaint - GS; with complaint - GQ). Patients were evaluated by qualitative balance assessments (Berg Balance Scale - BERG and Dynamic Gait Index - DGI), perception of subjective visual vertical test (SVV), fatigue severity scale (FSS) and Beck depression inventory (BDI). Both groups were constituted by forty-nine patients. GQ patients had higher EDSS score than GS patients, however, both were classified with mild impairments by the scale. These data reinforce the concept that EDSS is not sensitive to detect subtle impairments. GQ had worse performance in balance clinical tests (BERG and DGI) than GS patients. They had also worse perception of verticality and high levels of fatigue and depression than patients without balance disorders complaints. In addition, significant correlations were found between EDSS and BERG, DGI, SVV test and FSS. EDSS and BDI were not significantly correlated. These results showed that several clinical features must be considered to characterize balance disorders in MS. Balance clinical assessments and fatigue evaluation must be added to functional classification, allowing subtle impairments to be detected. Better characterization of balance disorders in MS improves the development of individual rehabilitation programs and allows the clinical course of disease follow-up

L'épreuve : La « prison-pharmakon » : remède et poison

Lécu, Anne 02 October 2010 (has links)
Ce qui arrive à l’homme du XXIe siècle en prison est en partie analogue à ce qui arrive àl’homme tout court. Nous avons perdu l’innocence (seuls les enfants ne l’ont pas encore perdue), ettentons de la récupérer en nous revendiquant victimes. Présumés coupables, isolés, observés, voilà ceque nous sommes devenus. L’homo carceralus est une sorte de type qui hante notre cultureoccidentale. Fruit du nihilisme et de la gnose. C’est pourquoi il est pertinent de chercher à penser sonépreuve, non de l’extérieur, mais comme ce qui peut nous arriver à chacun, et d’en repérer ce quil’empoisonne ou ce qui la libère. Car la gnose, qui est peut-être sophisme ou nihilisme, est menteuselorsqu’elle fait croire que l’on sort de l’épreuve par “en haut”, par la fuite hors des conditions de viehumaines, dans le scientisme naturaliste, le savoir statistique ou la technique. La résignation et la fuiteen avant ont le même visage, celui de la fatalité : ni l’une et ni l’autre n’aiment ce monde, ni ce temps.Or, ce n’est pas ailleurs que du sens peut advenir. Si la prison est un pharmakon, remède etpoison, c’est qu’elle reste une institution humaine. La grandeur de l’homme est d’être puissance descontraires, capacité de surmonter tout déterminisme, capacité de ne pas se résigner à la fatalité, aucoeur même de sa misère. Encore faut-il ne pas être abandonné seul dans l’épreuve, tant il est vrai quec’est l’autre, et particulièrement l’autre ébranlé, grâce à qui la traversée est possible, par “en bas”. Lesoin en prison s’enracine dans cette « solidarité des ébranlés ». Pour naviguer entre les différentsdispositifs pénitentiaires et sanitaires qui visent à contrôler et à prévoir le comportement des captifs, lemédecin doit faire preuve de mêtis, cette intelligence des interstices, au service de son patient. Et enmême temps, il doit garder de façon catégorique le secret médical, au nom de ce que l’homme restetoujours opaque à toutes les sciences et les techniques, plus grand que lui-même, en sa fragilité. Cesavoir « de nuit » n’est autre que le savoir socratique : « je sais que je ne sais pas ». / That which is happening to XXIst century man in prison is, in part, similar to what ishappening to all of us. Our innocence lost, (innocence is retained only by the child), we try to regain itby claiming to be the victim. We are presumed guilty, isolated, observed. Homo carceralus hauntsour Western culture; fruit of nihilism and gnosis. It is the reason we should reflect on his ordeal, notfrom the outside, but as something that could happen to each and every one of us, and in which todiscover where the poison lies and what the remedy could be. For gnosis, (either sophism ornihilism), is false when we are led to believe that we exit an ordeal by escaping our human conditionin the ‘upward’ direction of the natural sciences, statistical knowledge or technique. Resignation andheadlong pursuit share a characteristic, that of a predestined tendency towards disaster. Neither theone nor the other sits comfortably in this world or our times.But meaning does not have to come from elsewhere. If prison is pharmakon, both remedy andpoison, it is because it is a human institution. Man’s greatness is his conflicting authority : having thecapacity to overcome determinism, the ability not to resign himself to his fate, even at his lowestpoint. But it is imperative not to be left alone through this ordeal, for it is true that it is the other,particularly the ‘weakened other’, thanks to whom the crossing is possible from ‘below’. Care inprison is rooted in this ‘solidarity of the weak’. To navigate the different penitentiary and healthsystems, which seek to control and foresee the captives’ behaviour, the medical doctor must exertmêtis, become complicit with the patient in order to serve the patient. And at the same timecategorical medical confidentiality must be maintained, in the name of which the patient in his or herfragility, remains invisible to all sciences and techniques which are yet greater than he or she is. This‘secret’ knowledge is none other than Socratic knowledge: ‘I know that I do not know’.

Eschatologický diskurz v Markově evangeliu a možnosti jeho interpretace / Eschatological Discourse in Mark's Gospel and Possibilities of Its Interpretation

Koun, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Eschatological Discourse in Mark's Gospel and Possibilities of Its Interpretation" deals with traditions used by Mark, possible dating of pre-markan textual layer and the discourse itself, with historical context of its origination and also with the interpretation of individual verses. Also various authors' commentaries are presented and evaluated. In the last chapter, all the findings are summarized and appraised, on which basis a possible interpretation of the Eschatological discourse is proposed considering its historical context. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Identification of fall-risk factors degradation using quality of balance measurements / Identification des dégradations des facteurs de risque de chute à partir de mesures de la qualité de l'équilibre postural

Bassement, Jennifer 04 December 2014 (has links)
Les chutes touchent un tiers des personnes âgées de 65 ans et plus et conduit à une perte de mobilité. La détection des risques facteurs de chutes est essentielle pour une intervention précoce.Six facteurs intrinsèques de chute : vision, système vestibulaire, amplitude articulaire, force musculaire, proprioception articulaire et plantaire ont été évalué par des tests cliniques avant et après une dégradation temporaire. L’équilibre a été évalué sur une plateforme de force pour le calcul de 198 paramètres.Les paramètres ont été utilisés comme variables pour la construction de modèle de réseaux de neurones et de régression logistique avec pour objectif de diagnostiquer les détériorations des facteurs testés. Les paramètres pertinents ont été sélectionnés pour être inclus aux modèles. Des modèles comprenant entre 3 et 10 conditions ont été développé, néanmoins seuls les modèles de 5 conditions et moins se sont révélés efficaces. La précision a réussi à atteindre 92% pour le modèle incluant l’amplitude de la cheville, la fatigue et la vision des contrastes.Les mesures de qualité d’équilibre ont permis de détecter des détériorations des facteurs intrinsèques testés. Cependant, ces modèles ne sont efficaces qu’avec peu de conditions. Pour construire un modèle performant avec plusieurs conditions il est nécessaire d’inclure plus de participants lors de la construction du modèle. Un outil de la sorte est intéressant pour la mise en place de programmes de prévention et de rééducation / Falls concern a third of the people aged over 65y and lead to the loss of functional ability. The detection of risks factors of falls is essential for early intervention. Six intrinsic risk factors of fall: vision, vestibular system, joint range of motion, leg muscle strength, joint proprioception and foot cutaneous proprioception were assessed with clinical tests before and after temporarily degradation. Standing balance was recorded on a force plate.From the force plate, 198 parameters of the centre of pressure displacement were computed. The parameters were used as variables to build neural network and logistic regression model for discriminating conditions. Feature selection analysis was performed to reduce the number of variables.Several models were built including 3 to 10 conditions. Models with 5 or less conditions appeared acceptable but better performance was found with models including 3 conditions. The best accuracy was 92% for a model including ankle range of motion, fatigue and vision contrast conditions. Qualities of balance parameters were able to diagnose impairments. However, the efficient models included only a few conditions. Models with more conditions could be built but would require a larger number of cases to reach high accuracy. The study showed that a neural network or a logistic model could be used for the diagnosis of balance impairments. Such a tool could seriously improve the prevention and rehabilitation practice

Contribution à la question du sens de la chute du sujet âgé : les raisons de la chute, la chute de la raison / Reflection upon the question of the meaning of the fall of the elderly : the reasons for the fall, the fall of reason

Martin, Natacha 13 December 2014 (has links)
Avec l’allongement de la durée de vie, les écrits sur la psychologie du vieillissement se sont développés à une moindre échelle que ceux concernant la clinique de l’adulte et de l’enfant. Il nous est donc apparu intéressant, passionnant et fécond de réfléchir à cette période de senescence en reprenant la dualité somat/psyché à travers l’événement chute. L’utilisation d’une méthodologie quantitative et qualitative permet d’aborder l’évènement chute comme une expérience traumatogène selon les données corporelles (sujet dit fragile ou valide, conséquences somatiques et psychomotrices…), temporelles (délai de la dernière chute, moment de la chute, âge objectif et subjectif de la chute…) et psychiques (défenses mises en place, réminiscence, travail du vieillir…). Nous nous sommes donc plus particulièrement penchés sur le point de bascule de cet événement dans un contexte de traitement coûteux des conflits issus de cette période pour y découvrir des défenses de type obsessionnel et une régression maternelle primaire. Par conséquent, le développement des réflexions psychologiques et psychanalytiques sur la clinique de la chute du sujet âgé ne peut être appréciable qu’à la condition de ne pas « tomber » dans le mythe d’un lien de causalité unique, dans une classe démographique indifférenciée dont l’âge serait vu comme un facteur étiologique. L’utilisation de l’analyse quantitative et qualitative du discours donne accès aux données réactionnelles post chute mais également aux modalités de traitement psychique des affects et conflits éveillés par cet événement. Nous avons associé le discours en libre association avec la technique du dessin pour avoir un aperçu des images mentales fixées dans le récit historien de la mémoire. La chute est alors exposée comme un agir, pour pallier la défaillance du système pare-excitation, des capacités d’élaboration et de liaison de la blessure narcissique de la sénescence. Cependant, elle peut également être appréciée comme un retour au corps pour une reprise élaborative des liens d’attachement en vue d’une fin inéluctable. C’est alors que « ce qu’on appelle une raison de vivre est en même temps une excellente raison de mourir » (Albert Camus). En effet, les communications sur la question de la psychologie de la chute du sujet âgé sont principalement étudiées dans le cadre de processus déficitaires ou psychopathologiques du sujet âgé fragile, hospitalisé, sans réellement prendre en compte les remaniements complexes individuels et groupaux inhérents au travail du vieillir. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés au mouvement psychique chez le sujet âgé valide afin d’en tirer de nouvelles réflexions cliniques sur le type d’angoisse et de relation d’objet. Le TAT/SAT proposé au sujet de notre étude a établi la constitution psychique d’un modèle interne de relation insécure du chuteur, en lien avec des expériences d’empiètement relationnel avec un objet maternel défaillant et décevant. / With the increase of life expectancy, psychological writings about ageing have not developed as much as those concerning adults and children. It seemed to us interesting, fascinating and fruitful to think about this senescence period by restating the « somat/psyche » duality throughout the deterioration event. The use of a quantitative and qualitative methodology allows us to tackle the fall event as a traumatic experience according to physical data (fragile ou valid subject, somatic or psychomotor consequences…), temporal (since the last fall, moment of the fall, objective and subjective age of the fall…) and psychic (defenses set up, reminiscence, the work of getting old…) So we specifically looked at the turning point of this event in the context of expensive treatment of conflicts emerging at that time to discover obsessive defense mechanisms and primary maternal regression. In consequence, the development of psychological and psychoanalytical reasoning on the observation of the fall of the ageing subject can only be appreciated by not « falling » in the belief of a unique link of casuality, within an indistinguishable demographic class where age would be seen as an etiological factor. The use of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the discourse gives access to postfall reactive data but also to psychic treatment methods of the conflicts and affects which emerged from this event. We combined verbal communication with the drawing technique to get an insight of the mental images set in the historical narrative of memory. The fall is then exposed as an action, to mitigate the failure of the protective shield system and the capacities of development and connection to the narcissistic injury of senescence. However, it can also be appreciated as a coming back an elaborative resumption of attachment that leads to an inevitable end. It was then that "what is called a reason for living is also an excellent reason for dying" (Albert Camus). Indeed writings on the subject of the psychological deterioration of the ageing person are mainly studied in the context of the psychopathological or deficient process of the frail person in question, hospitalized without really taking into account the individual and collective complex alterations common to the process of ageing. We therefore concentrated on the psychic process of a valid old subject in order to glean more clinical reflections on the type of anxiety and object interaction. The TAT/SAT proposed concerning our study has established the psychic constitution of an internal model of an insecure relationship of the ageing, linked with an infringing relational experience with a failing and disappointing maternal object.

The plastic limit and workability of soils

Barnes, Graham Edward January 2013 (has links)
Previous thread rolling methods for the plastic limit are shown to be inadequate and inaccurate. Alternative methods for the plastic limit are shown to be imprecise and unreliable. The strength-based concept and use of the fall-cone test to determine the plastic limit are shown to be flawed. An apparatus that replicates Atterberg’s rolling technique, devised and developed by the author, is described, referred to as the Barnes Apparatus. A thread of soil is rolled between two plates configured to permit extrusion and reduction of diameter with much less operator interference than with the standard test and judgement of the crumbling condition is eliminated. Using a loading device nominal stresses are derived and from dial gauge readings diametral strains are determined for each rolling traverse of the soil thread. Toughness has previously only been studied in an empirical or qualitative manner. From plots of nominal stress vs. strain the workability or toughness of the plastic soil is determined as the work/unit volume. The apparatus and test are appropriate to a wide range of soils. Threads are tested over a range of water contents from near the sticky limit to the brittle state. Good correlations between toughness and water content display an abrupt ductile-brittle transition and give an accurate definition of the plastic limit. From the correlations useful properties are obtained such as the maximum toughness at the plastic limit, the toughness limit, the water content at zero toughness, the stiffness transition, the toughness coefficients, the toughness index and the workability index. An investigation into the significance of the soil thread diameter of 3 mm in the standard plastic limit test has found that as the water content of a soil reduces it undergoes a transition from fully plastic, to cracked, to brittle, largely regardless of the diameter of the thread. It is recommended that the 3 mm diameter requirement is withdrawn from the standard test procedure as unnecessary and emphasis placed on observing the behaviour of the soil thread as it is rolled by hand. A review of the relationship between the clay matrix and the granular particles in a soil has found that the linear law of mixtures and activity index are appropriate only at high clay contents. The terms granular spacing ratio and matrix porosity are introduced to explain the effect of the granular particles on the toughness and plastic limit. An analysis confirms that with small diameter soil threads large granular particles affect the results disproportionately. An aggregation ratio term is introduced to explain the change in toughness in the clay matrix as its water content reduces towards the plastic limit. To assess the effect of granular particles in a clay matrix on the toughness and plastic limit the results of tests conducted on mixtures of a high plasticity clay and silt, and sand particles of two different sizes are discussed. Smaller particle sizes are found to have a greater effect on reducing the toughness and the plastic limit of the clay. In the ceramics industry mixing different clays together to obtain suitable properties is common. The toughness and plastic limits of two pairs of mixed clays do not follow the linear law of mixtures but are dependent on the total clay content and the content of a dominant clay mineral.

Psychopharmaka und das Risiko von Stürzen in der stationären geriatrischen Versorgung / Medication and medical diagnosis as risk factors for falls in older hospitalized patients.

Wedmann, Fabian 21 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Dansa konståkning : En rörelseanalys av ett score utfört på is och golv

Dursjö, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Dance figure skating – A comparison between a score executed on ice and on floor This work derives from a curiosity of how figure skating and contemporary dance as two different art formscould work together. In what ways can different techniques within the fields of contemporary dance and figureskating inspire and develop each other? Video analysis together with introspection are used as methods. A scorewith different techniques from each field is recorded on the ice and on the floor. This material together with awritten introspection contains the base for the analysis and discussion together with relevant literature from thetwo fields. There are both similarities and clashes when analysing the results of the scores. Gliding and being onedges are fundamentals in figure skating and they are not transferable to floor. Falling and catching the fall issomething that turns out to be restricted to the floor since the skates makes edges while leaning and glidinginstead of falling. There are more explorations to be done when it comes to merging the two art forms together,hopefully this essay will give some inspiration to further work within contemporary skating.

The Effect of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus Planipennis)-Caused Ash Mortality and White-Tailed Deer Abundance on Understory Invasive Shrubs and Forest Regeneration

Hoven, Brian Michael 30 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Multifunční monitorovací pás / Multifunctional monitoring belt

Dítě, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to develop a wireless monitoring belt based on literature review. The belt will be capable of scanning heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, motion, position, and falling of the user. Another aim is to also design a software for data reception and analysis focusing on pulse, respiratory rate, and temperature alarms.

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