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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Living with irritable bowel syndrome : A patient perspective on everyday life, health care encounters and patient education

Håkanson, Cecilia January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Arbetsterapeuters användning av Basal Kroppskännedom TM för att stärka patienters aktivitetsutförande / Occupational therapists’ use of Basic Body Awareness Therapy to strengthen patients' occupational performance

Sporre, Pernilla, Engslätt Jansson, Ingegerd January 2014 (has links)
Aktivitet som terapeutiskt medium har varit centralt för att utveckla arbetsterapiprofessionen genom att använda aktivitet som mål och medel. Arbetsterapi är grundat på att engagemang i aktivitet är nödvändigt för hälsa och välmående. Trots detta har mycket av professionsutvecklingen lett till interventioner som inte är aktivitetsbaserade. Basal Kroppskännedom™ (BK) och arbetsterapi har flera gemensamma grundantaganden. Vår kliniska erfarenhet visar möjligheter att använda BK-principerna inom arbetsterapi och vi ville undersöka andra arbetsterapeuters uppfattning om förut-sättningar och värde av att arbeta med BK-principerna för att stärka patienternas aktivitetsutförande. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med 11 informanter utifrån ett strategiskt urval. Intervju-materialet analyserades och bildade tre teman; Arbetsterapeutens kunnande och görande, Att jobba med sig själv – den mänskliga utvecklingsprocessen samt Hinder och möjligheter i organisationen. I relation till ergonomikunskaper uttrycker informanterna att BK-principerna ger ytterligare möjlig-heter att se, förstå och känna in patienten och åtgärda konkret i aktivitet. Aktiviteter bryts ner i delmoment där enkla, rytmiska rörelser hittas och patientens meningsfullhet fångas. Patienten känner och upplever aktivitetsutförandet i kroppen. Att använda sig själv som instrument beskrivs i resultatet som en förutsättning för att själv vara både i aktiviteten och i kontakten med patienten. Det stärker då möjligheten att utveckla den terapeutiska alliansen. / Activity as a therapeutic medium has been central to the development of the occupational therapy profession by using meaningful and purposeful activities. Occupational therapy is founded on the commitment of activity as essential for health and wellbeing. Despite this, much of the profession has led to the development of interventions that are not activity-based. Basic Body Awareness Therapy (B-BAT) and occupational therapy have several common basic assumptions. Our clinical experience shows the potential of using the B-BAT-principles in occupational therapy. We wanted to explore other occupational therapists’ perceptions of conditions and the value of working with B-BAT-principles to strengthen patients' occupational performance. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 informants, strategically selected. The interview material was analyzed and formed three themes: The occupational therapists’ knowledge and performance, Working with self – the human development process, and The Obstacles and Opportunities in the organization. In relation to ergonomic knowledge, informants expressed the view that B-BAT-principles provide further opportunities to see, understand and comprehend patients and use activities as a part of their treatment. Activities are broken down into stages where simple, rhythmic movements are used to catch the meaningfulness. The patient feels and experiences occupational performance in the body. The results of the study describe the use of self as an instrument as a prerequisite for being both in activity and in contact with the patient. That strengthens the possibility of developing a therapeutic alliance.

Phénoménologie des kinesthèses et ontologie du geste : Constitutions originaires du monde et de la chair chez Husserl / Phenomenology of Kinesthesis and Ontology of Gesture : Originary Constitutions of the World and the Flesh in the Work of Husserl

Hardy, Jean-Sébastien 13 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse se donne pour tâche d’expliciter et de déployer, à partir de l’œuvre de Husserl, les diverses conceptions phénoménologiques directrices du mouvement de la chair. En un premier temps, nous cherchons à préciser le contexte d’origine du concept de « kinesthèse », élaboré une première fois à l’été 1907 dans le cadre des leçons de Husserl sur la chose et l’espace. En un deuxième temps, il nous apparaîtra nécessaire d’élargir la signification technique et restreinte que possède le se-mouvoir dans la phénoménologie statique de la perception, afin de prendre en compte le mouvement en tant qu’action pratique du sujet dans divers horizons du monde. L’étude de certains textes qui relèvent de la phénoménologie génétique semble alors permettre de parler d’une co-constitution pratique entre la mobilité de la chair et la choséité, et ainsi de considérer à neuf l’hypothèse d’une historicité de la chair. Dans un troisième et dernier temps, il s’agira d’opérer une radicalisation de la compréhension du mouvement de la chair, afin de la ressaisir comme « geste », c’est-à-dire non plus simplement comme officiant des projets intentionnels de l’ego, mais bien comme origine et support des structures cardinales du monde. La lecture croisée de divers textes tardifs de Husserl et de Heidegger nous permettra de dégager une compréhension ontologique, et non plus strictement sensualiste ou pratique, de la mobilité charnelle. Au travers de ces études, le mouvement se révèle originairement impliqué dans les divers niveaux de la constitution de la mondanéité, mais aussi constitué en retour. / This thesis sets itself the task of clarifying and deploying the various phenomenological conceptions of bodily movement within Husserl’s work. As a first step, we seek to shed light on the context which guided the formation of the concept of “kinesthesis” in the 1907 summer lectures on thing and space. As a second step, it will appear necessary to expand the narrow and technical meaning that this “moving-oneself” has in the static phenomenology of perception, in order to take into account the movement thought as a practical action throughout various horizons of the lifeworld. Some texts pertaining to Husserl’s genetic phenomenology seem to allow us to speak of a practical “co-constitution” between the mobility of the flesh and the handiness of the thing and, in doing so, to consider anew the hypothesis of a historicity of the flesh. As a third and final step, we will operate a radicalization of the understanding of bodily movement, in order to grasp it as a “gesture”, that is to say, not only as a mere implement of the intentional projects of the ego, but as the very origin and support of the cardinal structures of the world. The cross-reading of different later texts by Husserl and Heidegger seems to support the project of setting forth an ontological understanding of mobility that is no longer in any way sensualistic or pragmatic. Through these meanings, bodily movement reveals itself as being originally involved in the various constitutive levels of worldliness.

Visst känns det fint att vara vid liv en dag till? : En litteraturöversikt om kvinnors upplevelse av livsvärlden efter avslutad bröstcancerbehandling / Isn't it wonderful to be alive for another day?

Karlstens Bergström, Julia, Blomqvist, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen som drabbar kvinnor och allt fler överlever sin bröstcancerbehandling tack vare välutvecklade behandlingsstrategier som kirurgi, strål- och läkemedelsbehandling. Kvinnorna går från att vara i beroendeställning till sjukvården till att åter bli självständiga efter en omtumlande period av behandling. Dessa omställningar kan medföra nya erfarenheter för kvinnorna som i sin tur kan komma att påverka deras livsvärld och den vardag de sedan återgår till. Sjuksköterskan har i denna process ett lika stort ansvar att främja hälsa och lindra lidande såväl under som efter behandlingsperioden. För att kunna göra detta behöver sjuksköterskan se kvinnorna och dess livsvärld som levda kroppar. Detta för att förstå vilka långsiktiga utmaningar kvinnorna kan komma att möta efter att ha avslutat sin behandlingsresa och för att fortsätta kunna stödja de till en långsiktig och hållbar hälsa. Därav är syftet för denna allmänna litteraturöversikt att belysa kvinnors upplevelse av livsvärlden efter avslutad bröstcancerbehandling. För att kunna besvara syftet har 10 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats valts ut efter kvalitetsgranskning och analys. Sökningar har gjorts i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultatet presenteras under tre huvudteman: “Upplevelser av den levda kroppen”, “Emotionella och sociala aspekter” och “Personlig utveckling”. Majoriteten av kvinnorna upplevde en förändring av den fysiska kroppen och de flesta uttryckte att den största utmaningen var den emotionella påfrestningen och att fortsätta livet efteråt. Det beskrivs av många kvinnor att det finns en oro kring framtiden. Däremot beskriver många kvinnor att de känt en personlig utveckling och en stor tacksamhet till att få möjligheten att fortsätta leva. / Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer that affects women, and more and more are surviving their breast cancer treatment thanks to well-developed treatment strategies such as surgery, radiation and drug therapy. The women transition from a position of dependency on healthcare to regaining independence after a shattering period of treatment. These changes can lead to new experiences for the women, which in turn can affect their world of life and the everyday life they then return to. In this process, the nurse has an equal responsibility to promote health and alleviate suffering both during and after the treatment period. To be able to do this, the nurse needs to see the women and their life world as living bodies. This is to understand what long-term challenges the women may face after completing their treatment journey and to continue to be able to support them to long-term and sustainable health. Hence, the purpose of this general literature review is to shed light on women's experience of the life world after completion of breast cancer treatment. In order to answer the purpose, 10 articles with a qualitative approach have been selected after quality review and analysis. Searches have been made in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. The results are presented under three main themes: "Experiences of the lived body", "Emotional and social aspects" and "Personal development". The majority of women experienced a change in the physical body and most expressed that the biggest challenge was the emotional strain and moving on with life afterwards. It is described by many women that there is a concern about the future. On the other hand, many women describe that they felt a personal development and great gratitude for having the opportunity to continue living.

A epidemia de Fitness: uma questão de saúde pública / The epidemic of Fitness: a public health issue

Bastos, Wanja de Carvalho January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010 / A proposta desse estudo é provocar um estranhamento a respeito de uma condição naturalizada e disseminada, principalmente pelos campos da saúde, política e economia, contudo apenas percebida, inicialmente, nos espaços de atuação da educação física. O fato em questão refere-se à transformação dos hábitos e comportamentos dos indivíduos, alvo de controle por parte de especialistas interessados em promover, a qualquer preço, a saúde, a beleza e o vigor dessas pessoas. No entanto, como o significado da saúde para esse conjunto de profissionais e leigos ficou reduzido aos seus aspectos biológicos, o corpo no século XXI se transformou em terreno favorável às ações obsessivas na ordem da prevenção. Outro ponto abordado no estudo é a rede estabelecida entre este fato e os empreendimentos criados por parte de empresas atuantes no mercado de bens destinados a otimizar a vida e a beleza; tudo isso com o endosso da ciência e da mídia de massa. O estudo, então, parte da visão foucaultiana de biopoder, acompanhando, ainda, as reformulações propostas para o nosso século, por Nikolas Rose, no que se refere a este poder sobre a vida dos indivíduos. É nesse sentido que traduzo a participação dos governos liberais avançados, na engrenagem de responsabilização do sujeito pela vida em si, como também interpreto o ambiente social estabelecido em decorrência desse processo de desqualificação do espaço público, incrementando projetos voltados à ampliação de estilos de vida individualizantes, ou seja, focados no próprio corpo. Dessa maneira, quando explano o interesse dos poderes oficiais e privados em incutir nos indivíduos a responsabilidade pela vida em si e todas as nuances embutidas nesse universo, emergem assuntos alinhados com as frequentes crises de insegurança, medo generalizado da morte e o lamentável perfil egoísta das relações modernas. Portanto, a atuação das autoridades engajadas com a biopolítica do indivíduo, não mais das populações, forja uma situação de sofrimento pouco considerada pela área da saúde. Foi por meio da articulação de conceitos como globalização, história da beleza, longevidade, hedonismo e o pensamento nietzscheano, que criei a base para construir a discussão teórica necessária que apontasse para o que denomino epidemia de fitness. O caminho realizado para atingir as fontes e o método empregado, dos saberes indiciários, partiu de um estudo de caso da Expo Wellness Rio 2009. E ainda, fazendo contraponto a este ambiente ascético, repleto de moralismo, em que as pessoas são impelidas ao autocontrole incessante, adoto a filosofia de Nietzsche para relativizar as certezas e ameaças sentidas pelo homem doente , expressão incessantemente empregada pelo filósofo em seu livro Genealogia da Moral. / The proposal of this study is to create a sensation of weirdness about a condition naturalized and widespread mainly in the fields of health, politics and economics, however, initially only perceived in the activities of physical education. The fact in question relates to the transformation of the habits and behaviors of individuals, subject to control by experts interested in promoting health, beauty and vigor of those people, no matter what it takes. However, as the meaning of health for this group of professionals and lay persons was reduced to its biological aspects, the body in the XXI century became a favorable terrain to obsessed actions in the field of prevention. Another topic is the network established between this fact and the enterprises created by companies whose field of action lies in the production of goods destinated to optimize life and beauty, all of this with the endorsement of science and mass media. Therefore, the study takes support on Foucault’s vision of biopower and follows the reformulations proposed for our century, by Nikolas Rose, with regard to such power on the lives of individuals. That is why I translate the participation of advanced liberal governments in the gear of the subject’s responsibility for life itself, but also I interpret the established social environment as a result of this process of disqualification of the public space, improving projects aimed at the increase of individualizing life styles, which means focused on the body. Thus, when speaking of the interest of official and private powers to instill in individuals the responsibility for life itself and all the nuances embedded in that universe, some issues emerge, in line with the frequent bouts of insecurity, widespread fear of death and the unfortunate selfish profile of modern relations. Therefore, the actions of the authorities concerned with the biopolitics of the individual, and no more of the populations, forge a situation of suffering poorly regarded by the health field. It was through the articulation of concepts such as globalization, history, beauty, longevity, hedonism and the nietzschean thought, that I created the foundation for building the necessary theoretical discussion that would point to what I call a “fitness epidemic”. The way I chose to achieving sources and the methods applied, indiciary knowledge, came from a case study of Expo Wellness Rio 2009. And yet, as a counterpart to this ascetic atmosphere, filled with moralism, in which people are driven to unceasing self-control ; I adopt the philosophy of Nietzsche to the relativize the certainties and threats experienced by the "sick man", a term constantly used by the philosopher in his book Genealogy of Morals.

Ett värdigt liv i rörelse nära döden : erfarenheter av en rörelsestig på en palliativ vårdavdelning / Living with dignity close to death through movement : Experiences of a pathway for movement on a palliative care unit

Cameron, Fiona January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård är baserad på en helhetssyn på människan och fokuserar på livskvalitet och värdighet. Patienter i den senare fasen av palliativ vård upplever ofta att kroppens försämringar påverkar deras självbild och självbestämmande. Fysisk aktivitet ger positiva effekter för patienter med avancerad cancer som orkar att träna intensivt, däremot patienter i den sena fasen av palliativ vård behöver mindre fysiskt krävande interventioner. Det saknas forskning angående upplevelser av rörelser och hur dessa kan påverka välbefinnandet för svårt sjuka patienter. Vidare behovs ökad förståelse för hur fysisk aktivitet kan främjas av personal på en specialiserad palliativ vårdavdelning. Syfte: Att beskriva erfarenheterna av en Rörelsestig på en specialiserad palliativ slutenvårdsavdelning. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. En 60 meter lång promenadstig med 4 utspridda övningsstationer skapades på hospiceavdelningen. Data om erfarenheterna av Rörelsestigen samlades in genom kommentarsenkäter för patienter och närstående samt fyra fokusgruppintervjuer med 11 vårdpersonal och en volontär. Inspelade samtal transkriberades och data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på Graneheim och Lundman (2004). Analysprocessen pendlade mellan helheten och kodning av texten för att behålla meningen i samtalets kontext.  Resultat: En dataanalys av fokusgruppsintervjuerna resulterade i fem underteman. De första två undertemana; ’Ett inspirerande och utmanande verktyg att främja fysisk aktivitet’ samt ’Rörelsestigen innebär gemenskap’ var beskrivande, baserade på deltagarnas personliga erfarenheter och reflektioner. De tre andra undertemana, ’Mål ger dagen mening’, ’Återtar kontroll över sig själv’ och ’Jag är kvar i livet!’ var baserade på material där deltagarna uttryckte sig om vad de uppfattade att patienter och närstående upplevde. Dessa fem underteman samlades under huvudtemat ’Ett värdigt liv i rörelse nära döden.’ Diskussion: Resultaten från fokusgruppintervjuerna visar ett brett spann i upplevelser av Rörelsestigen, relaterade till olika aspekter av att vara en människa i en svår situation. Studien antyder att upplevelse av rörelse kan främja välbefinnande genom att ge stöd till patientens fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella dimensioner både inom den tidiga och den sena fasen av palliativ vård. Rörelsestigen är enkel att sätta upp och introducera samt är flexibel i förhållande till olika typer av avdelningar då den inte kräver någon stor budget eller dyra redskap. Den ger tillgång till rörelseövningar för patienter och därmed de fördelar som rörelse ger.  Risken finns dock att upplevd tidsbrist skapar samvetsstress hos vårdpersonalen. Därför behövs  tydligt stöd från avdelningsledningen.  För vidare utveckling rekommenderas intervjuer med patienter angående deras erfarenheter av Rörelsestigen samt utvärdering av Rörelsestigen på andra palliativa vårdavdelningar i olika delar av landet. / Background: Palliative care is based on a holistic view of people and focuses on quality of life and dignity. Patients in the later phase of palliative care often experience changes in the body that affect their self-image and autonomy. Physical activity has showed positive effects in patients with advanced cancer who are able to train intensively, however patients in the later phase of palliative care need interventions that are less physically demanding. Research is lacking regarding experience of movement and how this can affect the wellbeing of seriously ill patients. Further understanding is also required into how healthcare workers can promote physical activity on a specialist palliative care ward.  Aim: To describe the experiences of a pathway for movement on a specialist palliative care ward. Method: This is a qualitative study with an inductive approach. Four stations, each with the opportunity to do a different movement were spread out over a pathway of approximately 60 meters on the hospice unit. Data on the experiences of using the pathway was collected through questionnaires for patients and their relatives as well as four focus group interviews with 11 health care workers and one volunteer. The recorded interviews were transcribed and analysed with qualitative content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman (2004). The analytic process moved back and forth between focusing on the whole text and coding of the text in order to preserve the meaning in the context of the discussion. Results: Five sub themes were identified after data analysis. The two first sub themes; ’An inspiring and challenging tool to facilitate physical activity’ and ’Pathway for movement includes companionship’ were descriptive and based on the participants personal experiences and reflections. The three other sub themes; ’Goals give the day meaning’, ’Take back control over myself’ and ’I am still alive!’ were based on material where participants expressed what they believed patients and relatives experienced. These five sub themes were gathered in the main theme: ’A dignified life through movement close to death’ Discussion: The results reveal a wide range of experiences of the pathway for movement related to different aspects of being a human being in a difficult situation. The study suggests that experiencing movement can promote wellbeing through supporting the patients physical, psychological, social and existential dimensions, both in the early and later phases of palliative care. The pathway for movement is simple to set up and initiate as well as being flexible to different types of ward as it does not need a large budget or expensive equipment. It gives the opportunity to access physical activity and thus its benefits for patients. There is however a risk for increased stress for health care staff due to time constraints and therefore support is needed from management. Interviews with patients regarding their own experiences of the pathway for movement as well as its introduction in other palliative care units is recommended for future development.

Kommunikation mellan de yngsta förskolebarnen i fri lek : Meningsskapande genom den levda kroppen

Hildén, Ebba January 2014 (has links)
Communication between the youngest preschool children is the focus of this essay, primarily on how the children communicate with each other, what they are communicating about and what meaning the communication holds for the children. The aim is to describe and understand communication that takes place in the regional life-world of the preschool between the youngest children in a Swedish preschool. Video recordings of six preschool children between the ages of 14 and 24 months were made both inside and outside the preschool, at times when the children were able to choose for themselves who to communicate with, in which room to be in and which toy to play with. The focus during the video recordings was naturally occurring situations where these six children communicated with each other. 51 relevant situations were selected for more thorough investigation. These specific situations were chosen because the children’s bodies were directed towards each other and the children were communicating in an intercorporeal way with each other. In order to describe and understand communication between lived bodies in the regional world of the preschool, a phenomenological study was carried out. In order to deepen the understandings of the empirical data theoretical concepts like life-world, the lived body, the concept of horizons and intercorporeality were used. The findings indicate five different aspects of what type of meaning communication holds, divided into five themes. These themes are represented by communication as: creation of a shared phenomenon, acknowledging someone, coordination of access to play, coordination of access to place or object, and sharing an already experienced event with someone who was not present. The findings of the study show the children’s usage of an advanced coordination between the lived bodies of the children, the lived space, the lived time, and the lived relationships. Together the children create, coordinate, and maintain a creation of meaning in which the children structure their participation in the life-world. / Uppsatsen handlar om kommunikation mellan de yngsta förskolebarnen ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Mer specifikt handlar uppsatsen om hur barnen gör när de kommunicerar med varandra, om vad de kommunicerar och vilket meningsskapande som manifesteras i kommunikationen. Genom en rad olika empiriska exempel synliggörs barnens kommunikation där kroppen och rörelsen är central. Resultatet visar på de yngsta förskolebarnens kommunikation som ett skapande av en gemensam handling, som ett uppmärksammande av någon annan, som ett samordnande av tillträde till lek, som ett samordnande av tillträde till plats och/eller föremål och som ett delande av någon annans erfarenhet. Detta åstadkommer barnen genom att upprepa varandras gester och koordinera sina handlingar. Resultatet visar att barnen är sensitiva inför varandra och anpassar sin kommunikation utifrån en rad olika förutsättningar. Uppsatsen riktar sig till förskollärare, forskare och andra som är intresserade av de yngsta förskolebarnens kommunikation. Uppsatsen har finansierats inom ramen för Nationella forskarskolan för förskollärare: Barndom, lärande och ämnesdidaktik (FöFoBa), diarienummer 729-2010-200.

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