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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktutveckling av sitski : En uppdaterad modell för längdskidåkning på elitnivå

Bergström, Anna Charlotta, Jacobsson, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Att utöva fysiska aktiviteter ska vara möjligt för alla.Genom parasporten, som är sporter anpassade förpersoner med olika funktionsnedsättningar, görs dettamöjligt för alla, oavsett vilka fysiska förutsättningar manhar. Cross-country sitskiing är en gren inom parasportensom växer mer och mer i antalet utövare. Vid utövandetav Cross-country sitskiing sitter åkaren i en typ av kälkesom kallas sitski. Denna är anpassad efter individen ochkan därför se mycket olika ut. Vid tävling är det viktigtatt utrustningen passar bra och håller en låg vikt.Med syftet att förbättra prestationen för en åkare, samtgöra det enklare för andra att göra detsamma, gav SportsTech Research Centre rapportförfattarna i uppdrag attutvärdera och utveckla en sitskiåkares nuvarande sitski.Målet med arbetet är att ta fram ett produktionsunderlagför en ny sitski utifrån åkarens önskemål.Arbetet har skett genom de fyra faserna förstudie,konceptgenerering, konceptval och detaljkonstruktion. Iförstudien undersöktes marknaden i stort och enförståelse för sporten och sitskin skapades. Vidare ikonceptgenereringen undersöktes mer detaljer av desitskis som redan finns på marknaden och möjligalösningar började tas fram, dessa kombinerades till olikakoncept. I konceptvalet kontrollerades koncepten ochjämfördes mot satta krav samt mot varandra. De tvåkoncepten som togs vidare förädlades för att kunna väljaett slutgiltigt koncept. Detta koncept togs vidare till densista fasen, detaljkonstruktion, där det bearbetadesytterligare för att sedan kontrolleras med FEM-analyser.Resultatet gav en ny sitski med väldigt likvärdig viktmot den tidigare. Dock har den nya en öppnare vinkel ihöften, då detta var önskat för att försöka ökaåkeffektiviteten. Den nya sitskin är även merergonomisk än den tidigare, har bättre passform och ärmer personanpassad. / Performing physical activities should be possible foreveryone. Through parasport, i.e. sports adapted forpeople with disabilities, this becomes possible foreveryone - despite differences in physical conditions.Cross country sit-skiing is a competitive sport in theparasport community which has been growing a lot interms of number of athletes. Performing Cross countrysit-skiing, the skier sits in a type of sledge, which is calleda sit-ski. The sit-ski is usually fitted after each individualand can therefore have big differences in appearance andfunctionality. In competitive sports, it is important tohave well-adjusted equipment that also holds a lowweight.With the purpose to improve one skiers performancewhilst also making it possible for others to do the same,the task given by Sports Tech Research Centre was toevaluate and develop a sit-ski used by an athlete incompetition. The aim being to produce a documentationof production for a new sit-ski, adjusted to the skierspreferences.The work has gone through the four phases: prestudy,concept generation, concept selection and detail design.The prestudy analyzed the market in general and anunderstanding for the sport and sit-skis generally wasestablished. The concept generation consisted ofexamining details in sit-skis already on the market, andbeginning to produce possible solutions, which werecombined into different concepts. In the conceptselection, the concepts were checked and compared tothe requirements and to each other. The two conceptswere further refined, to finally be able choose a final one.The final concept was developed further in the detaildesign phase and checked with further FEM-analysis.The result being an improved sit-ski, although with aweight comparable to the old one, a wider angle at thehip to hopefully improve skiing efficiency. The new sit-ski is more ergonomic than the original one, better fittedand more personalized. / <p>Betyg 2020-07-08/2020-08-13</p>

Immigrant’s Labor Market Integration in Nordic Countries

John, Joys, John, Milen Annie January 2023 (has links)
The themes of migration and integration are presently quite controversial in the public, academic, and political spheres. Therefore, a lack of solid, tried-and-true, and easily accessible science investigation is to blame for numerous preconceptions that are frequently associated with migration and for the poor integration of the migrant community. In order to give judgement a stronger information foundation and to encourage a more educated general populace, the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of immigration and their relative characteristics in Nordic countries is essential in establishing fundamental research and adequately funding creative methodological methods and initiatives. This research aimed to determine the difficulties of the Nordic nations' labour markets that experience as a result of immigration based on SLR. It mainly focuses on the main issues or challenges faced by immigrants in Nordic countries. Qualitative research examines the difficulties of immigration in a Nordic country. The foremost goal of the investigation is to identify the outcomes of subsequent research query such as 1.What are the Challenges faced by the Nordic labour sector due to immigration? 2. Why Nordic labor sector face challenges due to immigration? The theoretical framework is established in this review to highlight the immigrant’s work-life balance and immigration impacts on Nordic countries. Moreover, the data collected from different database for qualitative assessment. The qualitative results analysis was compared to the theoretical framework to identify the deviation and alignments in current SLR. The study found the various challenges faced by Nordic citizens in labour sector due to immigration.Future research will expand on prospective research to examine how factors in the immigrant's demographics, contextual labour market characteristics, and the language used in the destination society affect the interactions between labour market integration.

Motivation till arbete : En kvantitativ studie om vilken betydelse olika motivationsfaktorer har för kvinnor respektive män

Bengtsson, Maja, Gagic, Selma January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie var syftet att undersöka medarbetarnas självuppfattade faktorer till motivation att arbeta. Vidare var syftet också att undersöka huruvida dessa faktorer skiljer sig mellan män och kvinnor. Studien genomfördes på en organisation som verkar inom lagerbranschen. En enkät med sju frågor, samt frågor om bakgrundsvariablerna kön och ålder, skickades ut till ca 140 medarbetare, varav 107 medverkade. Frågorna handlade om inre och yttre faktorer till motivation till arbete. Vårt resultat visar till största del att de motivationsfaktorer som togs upp i enkäten ansågs vara viktiga för majoriteten av respondenterna. De två faktorer som stack ut mest var frågan om lön och trygg anställning, där majoriteten av respondenterna ansåg dessa som viktigast. Trots att det inte förekom några statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i frågan vad gäller skillnader på män och kvinnors svar, kan man ändå dra den intressanta slutsatsen att enligt enkäten så tenderade kvinnorna att uppleva de inre motivationsfaktorerna som viktigare än vad männen gjorde. / In this study the aim was to investigate employees' self-perceived factors for motivation to work. Furthermore, the aim was also to investigate whether these factors differ between men and women. The study was conducted at an organization operating in the warehouse industry. A survey with seven questions, as well as questions about the background variables gender and age, was sent out to approximately 140 employees, of which 107 participated. The questions were about internal and external factors for motivation to work. Our results show that the motivational factors our survey covered were considered important for the majority of respondents. The two factors that stood out the most were salary and secure employment, which the majority of respondents considered to be the most important. Despite the fact that there were no statistically significant differences regarding the difference between men's and women's answers, one can still draw the interesting conclusion that according to the survey, a tendency could be seen that women considered the internal motivation factors more important than men.

Optimisation of Expected Return from a Stock Portfolio - A Knapsack Problem / Optimering av förväntad avkastning från en aktieportfölj - Ett kappsäcksproblem

Hörnfeldt, Philip, Svensson, Erik January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, sustainable investments have risen in popularity as a result of climate change. However, there is a shortage of reliable tools to aid investors in allocating their funds more sustainably, while still ensuring maximum profitability. Another issue introduced in connection with climate change is greenwashing - companies falsely marketing themselves as sustainable without working on minimizing their environmental impact. The aim of the project is to solve the aforementioned problems and investigate the cost of deterring from profitability for sustainability.  This paper explores if there is a way to allocate a stock portfolio to ensure optimally while taking sustainability into account. The method features predicting the future revenue of stocks, evaluating and quantifying sustainability from companies, and optimizing the portfolio in order to find the optimal set of stocks. The optimization is performed using dynamic programming by treating the problem as a Knapsack Problem. The algorithm is evaluated for two investor profiles - with focus on profitability and with focus on sustainability. The results concluded in a set of shares following a stationary distribution for both investment profiles. Consequently, it is reasoned that Dynamic Programming is a suitable method of optimization within the scope of the thesis however it is also reasoned that improvements can be made to include more sophisticated optimization methods. The cost of selecting the more sustainable option is determined to adhere to a linear relation for all budget levels. / Under de senaste åren har intresset ökat för hållbara investering till följd av klimatkrisen. Den snabba förändringen har emellertid medfört att det inte finns tillförlitliga hjälpverktyg tillgängliga för investerare att fördela sin tillgångar. Ännu ett problem som har dykt upp i samband med klimatkrisen är greenwashing - att företag marknadsför sig som miljövänliga, utan att försöka minska sin klimatpåverkan. Projektets mål är att försöka lösa dem nämnda problemen, samt att undersöka förlusten av att prioritera hållbarhet före lönsamhet.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska möjligheterna med att optimera en aktieportfölj när hållbarhet betraktas som värderingsfaktor. Metoden omfattar att bestämma aktiernas förväntade framtida avkastning, utvärdering och modellering av företags hållbarhetsarbete samt optimering av portföljen. I detta projekt tillämpades dynamisk programmering som optimeringsmetod. Algoritmen utvärderas för två investerings profiler - en som prioriterar lönsamhet och en som prioriterar hållbarhet. Undersökningsresultaten visar att den optimala portföljen följer en stationär fördelning i båda fallen. Följaktligen dras slutsatsen att dynamisk programmering är en tillräckligt bra optimeringsmetod inom undersökningens avgränsningar men att det i framtiden går att införa förbättringar för att ta hänsyn till mer sofistikerade optimeringsmetoder. Det visas även att kostnaden för frångå lönsamhet beskrivs av ett linjärt samband på ala budgetnivåer.

Hållbarhetsrapportering vid nordiska universitet och svenska högskolor

Larsson, Stina, Wester, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Rapportering av hållbarhet blir allt vanligare bland företag och enligt lag måste offentliga företag i Sverige hållbarhetsrapportera. Lagkravet gälller däremot inte universitet och högskolor och det är därför intressant att studera deras frivilliga hållbarhetsrapportering. Den svenska populationen ansågs liten därför studerades även de nordiska grannländerna. Utifrån detta formades syftet, Studiens syfte är att analysera orsaker till svenska universitets rapportering med avseende på hållbarhet. Studien skall även belysa vad och hur svenska universitet hållbarhetsrapporterar och jämföra mot övriga nordiska universitet. Utifrån syftet växte två forskningsfrågor fram, Varför väljer svenska universitet att rapportera hållbarhet eller varför väljer de att inte göra det? Hållbarhetsrapporterar svenska och andra nordiska universitet, i så fall hur och vad rapporterar de om sin hållbarhet?   För att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en dokumentanalys och en enkätundersökning. Den insamlade empirin kopplades sedan ihop med teorier och tidigare forskning. Studien visar att universiteten och högskolorna rapporterar liknande information inom hållbarhet. Att hållbarhetsrapporteringen inte är utbyggd beror delvis på att det inte finns något krav på att rapportera den. För att utveckla denna studie skulle en noggrannare undersökning bland de nordiska grannländerna kunna göras. Tidigare forskning har konstaterat att hållbarhetsrapportering är under uppbyggnad men behöver utvecklas för att passa universitetens verksamhet. Denna studie har därför tagit fram relevanta indikatorer anpassade för universitetens rapportering av hållbarhet och som kan vara till nytta för uppbyggnaden av den. / As reporting sustainability is becoming increasingly common among corporations and by law Swedish public sector companies has to sustainability report. However this does not apply for universities, which makes it interesting to study their voluntary sustainability reporting. The Swedish population was considered small so the study was expanded to the neighboring Nordic countries. From this the aim was formed, This study aims to analyze the causes of Swedish universities reporting with respect to sustainability. The study will also shed light on what and how Swedish universities sustainability reports and compare with the neighboring Nordic countries. From this two research questions was developed Why do Swedish universities choose to report sustainability or why do they choose not to? Do Swedish and the other Nordic countries report on sustainability, if so how and what do they report on their sustainability? To answer the research questions a document analysis and survey was conducted. Theory and earlier research was then applied to the empirical findings. This study shows that universities sustainability reporting produces similar information. The reason why sustainability reporting isn’t developed is in part due to the fact that there is no requirement to do it. To develop this study further a closer analysis of the neighboring Nordic countries could be conducted. Earlier research has found that sustainability reporting is developing but need to be further developed to suit universities operations. This study has therefore developed relevant indicators adapted for universities sustainability reporting that can be of useful in future development.

Cathepsin S as a biomarker of low-grade inflammation, insulin resistance, and cardiometabolic disease risk

Jobs, Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
Cathepsin S is a protease important in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen presentation and also in degrading the extracellular matrix. Studies, most of them experimental, have shown that cathepsin S is involved in different pathological conditions such as obesity, inflammation, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer.    The overall hypothesis of this report is that high levels of circulating cathepsin S, is a biomarker that reflects pathology induced by inflammation and obesity. The overall aim of this report was to investigate possible associations between circulating cathepsin S, inflammation, glucometabolic disturbance, and its associated diseases in the community. As cathepsin S appears to be a novel risk marker for several pathological conditions, we also wanted to examine the effect of dietary intervention on circulating cathepsin S concentrations.    This thesis is based on data from three community-based cohorts, the Uppsala longitudinal study of adult men (ULSAM), the prospective investigation of the vasculature in Uppsala seniors (PIVUS), and a post-hoc study from the randomized controlled NORDIET trial.    In the first study, we identified a cross-sectional positive association between serum cathepsin S and two markers of cytokine-mediated inflammation, CRP and IL-6. These associations were similar in non-obese individuals. In longitudinal analyses, higher cathepsin S at baseline was associated with higher CRP and IL-6 levels after six years of follow-up. In the second study, we identified a cross-sectional association between increased serum levels of cathepsin S and reduced insulin sensitivity. These associations were similar in non-obese individuals. No significant association was observed between cathepsin S and insulin secretion. In longitudinal analysis, higher cathepsin S levels were associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes during the six-year follow-up. In the third study, we found that higher serum levels of cathepsin S were associated with increased mortality risk. Moreover, in the ULSAM cohort, serum cathepsin S was independently associated with cause-specific mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer. In the fourth study, we identified that adherence to an ad libitum healthy Nordic diet for 6 weeks slightly decreased the levels of plasma cathepsin S in normal or marginally overweight individuals, relative to the control group. Changes in circulating cathepsin S concentrations were correlated with changes in body weight, LDL-C, and total cholesterol.    Conclusion: This thesis shows that circulating cathepsin S is a biomarker that independently reflects inflammation, insulin resistance, the risk of developing diabetes, and mortality risk. Furthermore, a Nordic diet moderately reduced cathepsin S levels in normal-weight and overweight men and women. This effect may be partially mediated by diet-induced weight loss and possibly by reduced LDL-C concentrations.

Bebyggelsenamnen i Bureå, Burträsks och Lövångers socknar i Skellefteå kommun jämte studier av huvudleder och nybyggesnamn

Lundström, Ulf January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with place-names in the southern part of the municipality of Skellefteå in the province of Västerbotten, more precisely the parishes of Bureå, Burträsk and Lövånger. It consists of three different sections, first a survey of the settlement names in each parish, then a section on the second elements in these place-names, and finally a study of names of more recent settlements. The earliest place-names here are names like Blacke, Bureå, Bäck, Kräkånger and Lövånger. The second elements in the names from the medieval expansion period are mark, böle, byn, träsk, sjön and vattnet. Placenames of Nordic, Sami and Finnish origin are found in Skellefteå. The name Lossmen has its origin in Ume Sami and was then borrowed into Finnish. Originally Sami names are Gorkuträsk, Jäppnästjärnliden, Lubboträsk, Sittuträsk and Tavträskliden. The thesis consists of interpretations of the names on parishes, villages, farms and summer pastures, and in Bureå and Lövånger also the names of seasonal fishing stations. The second major section deals with the second elements included in village names, alternative village names, names of parts of villages and farm names. Here the second elements in place-names in Bureå, Burträsk and Lövånger are accounted for, as are the names in the parishes of Byske, Jörn and Skellefteå. This is followed by a discussion of the second elements in Västerbotten and quite often in other parts of Norrland as well. The third major section consists of an analysis of the names of recent settlements in the area. These were established from the 1730s and up to 1870. Founding settlements was a way of providing livelihoods for a rapidly growing population. The study comprises 726 names, of which 269 are in the primary area of investigation, the parishes of Bureå, Burträsk and Lövånger. Extensive comparisons are made continually with conditions in the parishes of Byske, Jörn and Skellefteå in the northern area. The aim of the study is to determine in greater detail what characterises the names of more recent settlements in the municipality of Skellefteå in terms of categories of settlement names, their frequency and distribution within the area. A comparison is also made between Skellefteå and the municipality of Vännäs (Hagervall 1986). One of Hagervall’s findings is that many names are not based on existing features. This thesis shows, however, hardly any cases of stereotype naming in Västerbotten and that in nearly all cases the names refer to features.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och förutsättningar att bedriva systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för första linjens chefer i primärvården

Edin, Marina, Vallner, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
Cheferna inom vård och omsorg i offentliga organisationer har hög arbetsbelastning och ett komplext uppdrag. Ofta finns rutiner för det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet, men de är bristfälliga och används inte. Syftet var att undersöka hur första linjens chefer i primärvården upplevde sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö samt deras förutsättningar att bedriva systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. En tvärsnittsstudie där samtliga 126 första linjens chefer från fyra landsting i primärvården deltagit, med svarsfrekvens 51%. I studien har enkät QPS Nordic 34+ använts samt 10 kompletterande frågor om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete. Analys delvis med referensdata och Pearsons korrelation. Cheferna hade en hög arbetsbelastning och arbetet tenderade att hopa sig. I jämförelse med referensdata 3,2 var chefernas medelvärde 4,02. De upplevde gott stöd, bra klimat och hade goda kunskaper för arbetsuppgifterna, men 32,8% av cheferna ansåg att de inte alls eller bara lite var insatt i AFS 2015:4. Avseende om arbetsbelastningen gav utrymme för att bedriva systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete svarade fyra femtedelar av alla chefer inte alls eller i viss mån. Trots det goda stöd som cheferna upplevde är det viktigt att förebygga hög arbetsbelastning, då varaktig stress kan leda till ohälsa. Förutsättningar att bedriva systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete begränsas också av deras arbetsbelastning och kan innebära negativa konsekvenser för medarbetarna.

Posouzení zařazení priessnitz walking mezi pohybové aktivity seniorů z hlediska bezpečnosti, adherence a podpory tělesné zdatnosti / The Value of "Priessnitz Walking" as older adult exercise: issues of safety, adherence to the regimen, and fitness maintenance

Komínová, Olga January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents a new form of outdoor activity called Priessnitz Walking, which means a connection of nordic walking, cooling limbs in a cold water and a yoga breathing exercises. A physiological grounds of each of its parts has been explained in the theoretical part of the thesis as well as its benefits for older people. Next to this, the thesis concerns about a physiology of aging and the importance of regular physical activity in later life. Our clinical experiment investigated an effect of PW during six-week training programe in older women attending Cardio Club Motol. A significant change in cardiorespiratory function and a positive subjective evaluation of the participates has been shown. Besides, we have found Priessnitz walking to be a save kind of endurance training for older people. A long-term adherance, which we also focused on, was not confirmed. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Vliv zapojení paží na energetickou náročnost chůze s holemi / Effect of arm work intensity on energy expenditure in nordic walking

Luštický, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Title: Effect of Arm Work Intensity on Energy Expenditure in Nordic Walking. Objectives: The aim of study is to assess energy expenditure of walking, Nordic Walking with low and high intensity of arm work. Methods: We tested 14 men in averge age 24,1 ± 1,8 years, body mass 74,3 ± 6,4 kg and height 179,1 ± 5,4 cm on laboratory treadmill. We used indirect calorimetry for assess energy expenditure influnced by intensity of arm work and different slopes. Descriptive statistics was used for basic evaluation. Analysis of varince with repeated measures (2x3) was used to assess statistical differences. The significance level was set at alfa ≤ 0,05. Results: We observed significant increase in the energy expenditure of Nordic Walking with high intensity in slopes 0 % and 10 % (39,60 ± 3,65 kJ.min-1 ; 58,79 ± 4,63 kJ.min-1 ) of arm work compared with Nordic Walking with low intensity of arm work (33,32 ± 3,64 kJ.min-1 ; 53,52 ± 4,78 kJ.min-1 ) and walking (31,26 ± 2,71 kJ.min-1 ; 52,66 ± 3,81 kJ.min-1 ). Increasing the energy expenditure of Nordic Walking with low intensity of arm work (33,32 ± 3,64 kJ.min-1 ; 53,52 ± 4,78 kJ.min-1 ) compared with walking (31,26 ± 2,71 kJ.min-1 ; 52,66 ± 3,81 kJ.min-1 ) in slopes 0 % and 10% did not reach significant difference. There was a significant increase in all...

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