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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of political idealism and environmental realities in the changing land use and settlement patterns of the Miles and Roma district in the western downs, Queensland

Dillon, C. Elizabeth Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

The role of political idealism and environmental realities in the changing land use and settlement patterns of the Miles and Roma district in the western downs, Queensland

Dillon, C. Elizabeth Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

The role of political idealism and environmental realities in the changing land use and settlement patterns of the Miles and Roma district in the western downs, Queensland

Dillon, C. Elizabeth Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Da apoteose à Damnatio Memoriae

Corrêa, Luciano Prado 14 December 2011 (has links)
Resumo: O sistema política romano transitou de um governo aristocrático, a república, para um governo monárquico, o principado. Otávio inaugurou o principado e a dinastia julio-claudiana. Gradativamente foram estabelecidos princípios que visavam promover a legitimação da figura central, o prínceps. Um dos mecanismos de fortalecimento imperial tinha cunho religioso, a divinização dos imperadores. O alvo de um imperador ao divinizar seu antecessor era tornar-se sucessor ou até filho de um deus. Cláudio foi imperador por quatorze anos e embora tenha feito um bom governo foi objeto de descrições depreciativas pela historiografia romana. Morreu envenenado e abriu caminho para que Nero se tornasse o novo imperador. Elevado por Nero à condição de divus, recebeu honrarias e discursos elogiosos em seu funeral. Posteriormente acabou sendo alvo de um tratado difamatório, a Apokolokintosis que visava satirizar a divinização do príncipe e colocá-lo na condição de uma abóbora. A Apokolokintosis, escrita pelo filósofo e professor de Nero, Sêneca, narra a viagem de Cláudio ao panteão para unir-se aos demais deuses. Num embate nos moldes de uma assembléia senatorial, Cláudio, após ser acusado de modo contundente, inclusive pelo divino Augusto, foi considerado indigno de ser um novo deus romano e finalmente condenado. Os festejos cívicos bem como a divinização foram ferramentas políticas utilizadas pelos imperadores. A discussão neste trabalho ultrapassa a linha do merecimento de Cláudio para tornarse um deus e objetiva compreender as motivações que fizeram Sêneca optar por difamar o imperador falecido.

Nomads in the liberal state : liberal approaches to the problem of Roma and traveller itinerancy

Haggrot, Marcus Carlsen January 2017 (has links)
May the state, from a liberal point of view, operate laws and institutions that impede the mobile lifestyle of nomadic Roma and Travellers, or should the state take steps to accommodate their nomadic way of life? This is the essence of the problem of Roma and Traveller itinerancy and the question that is at the heart of this three-partite dissertation. The first part of the dissertation looks at public policy in France and the United Kingdom and describes the six public policy problems that constitute the problem of Roma and Traveller itinerancy. These problems concern the education of children, the French travel permits system, the legal conditions for voter registration and for GP registration, the housing benefits system, and the public provision of halting sites. The second part looks at liberal political theory. It suggests that contemporary liberalism divides into two strands that take different views on the entitlements of cultural and religious minorities, and it provides a detailed outline of the prime articulations of each approach, namely the multiculturalist liberalism of Kymlicka and the classic neutrality liberalism of Barry. The third part investigates what the two said liberalisms imply for the six policy problems from part 1. These analyses suggest that the two liberalisms have slightly diverging implications for the halting sites problem, the housing benefits problem and the problem of GP registration. They suggest furthermore that the two accounts converge on the question of voter registration and agree that the voter registration system must accommodate nomads, and may not make the possession of a fixed residence an absolute condition for voter registration. And the analyses suggest finally that the two liberalisms also converge over the education question and the travel permits question, but here support polices that are potentially inimical to Roma and Traveller itinerancy. The broader implications of these findings are that liberalism is potentially, but not necessarily and not intrinsically, inimical to Roma and Traveller nomadism, and that the disagreement between classic neutrality liberalism and multiculturalist liberalism is weak insofar as public policy is concerned.

Rudolf Daniel: Housle a kůň. Historická analýza rukopisu se zřetelem k autorovu společenskému působeni v poválečném romském etnoemancipačním hnutí v Československu / Rudolf Daniel: The Violin and the Horse. Historical analysis of the manuscript with regard to social acitivities of the author in the post-war Romani ethno-emancipatory movement in Czechoslovakia

Závodská, Milada January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the manuscript entitled The Violin and the Horse, and pursues two approaches: one is based on the Romani studies, the other on the methods of the history science. Its aim is to verify historical facts contained in the manuscript. The main presumption of the thesis is the attribution of the text to Rudolf Daniel - the thesis verifies autobiographical data and its cultural and social context. The paper systematically concentrates on the figure of Rudolf Daniel (born 1911 in Oslavany - died in 1978 in Brno) and his biography (entirely unknown so far). The context of the manuscript The Violin and the Horse is framed by the post-war Roma ethno-emancipatory movement, and Rudolf Daniel is a newly discovered figure of its history. Keywords: the Roma, horse trade, the Holocaust, ethno-emancipatory movement, history of the Roma

Stravovací návyky romských dětí mladšího a staršího školního věku v sociálně exkludovaných lokalitách v Českých Budějovicích / The eating habits of younger and older the Romany school children in socially excluded localities in the city of Ceske Budejovice

STUDNIČKOVÁ, Marika January 2014 (has links)
Eating habits and general advice for healthy food are recently discussed topic, but the eating habits of Roma children are not from a large part presented yet. Diet and way of preparing food has an influence to many factors, especially the social, cultural and economic. The diet has specifics that are typical for many nationalities, also for ethnicity and family.The topic of this thesis is the "Eating habits of the Roma children at younger and older school age in socially excluded localities in the České Budějovice". The aim of this thesis was to find out the dietary habits of Roma children at younger and older school age in socially excluded localities in the České Budějovice.For the practical part of this thesis, was chosen the strategy of quantitative research, the questioning method, which was implemented by the method questionnaire. Was determined by research question - What are the eating habits and knowledge about the healthy nutrition of the Roma children in socially excluded localities? Three hypotheses were formulated. The graphic evaluation of this thesis showed us that the Roma children of my study do not eat according to the rules and principles the healthy diet. In their diet there are many risk factors that may have effect to their health.

Treinamentos e Disciplinas militares do exército romano-bárbaro no século IV d.C. /

Gonçalves, Bruna Campos. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Margarida Maria de Carvalho / Banca: Julio Cesar Magalhaes de Oliveira / Banca: Marina Regis Cavicchioli / Banca: Carlos Augusto Ribeiro Machado / Banca: Érica Cristhyane Morais da Silva / Resumo: No presente trabalho buscamos perceber a intensa interação entre romanos e bárbaros nas fileiras do exército, compondo o que chamamos de exército romano-bárbaro. A partir dessa confluência observamos como se desenvolveu o uso dos equipamentos militares pelos soldados e, consequentemente, como influenciaram na disciplina e treinamento dos combatentes. Para tanto, compomos um catalogo de imagens, com artefatos bélicos que foram usados no período do século IV d.C, onde montamos fichas catalográficas com a imagem de cada objeto e suas características. Desenvolvemos, também, um catalogo de fontes que nos auxilia a entender como eram vistas e usadas as armas pelos soldados daquele momento, como referência utilizamos a obra Res gestae de Amiano Marcelino, a Epitome rei militaris de Flávio Vegécio Renato, a Notitia dignitatum e a De rebus bellicis, sendo as duas últimas anônimas. O estudo dessas obras e materiais nos possibilitou averiguar como eram utilizados cada armamento, de forma que podemos ter uma compreensão de todos os equipamento e máquina usado pelo exército romano-bárbaro no século IV d.C. A partir do conhecimento do uso de cada arma, pudemos apurar quais eram os exercícios requerido para a prática individual e coletiva do exército. Logo, percebemos que a convivência com outras culturas ampliou os conhecimentos tático e disciplinares do exército do Império Romano da Antiguidade Tardia. / Abstract: In the present work, we realize the intense interaction between romans and barbarians in the army, forming what we called roman-barbarian army. From the confluence we observe how developed the use of military equipment by the soldiers and consequently how they influenced in the discipline and training of fighters. Therefore, we compose a catalog of images with war artifacts of the fourth century A.D. In this, we set cards with the image of each object and its features. We have also developed a catalog of sources which helps us to understand how the soldiers seen and used the weapons of that time. As a reference, we analyze the Res gestae of Ammianus Marcellinus, the Epitome rei militaris of Flavius Vegetius Renatus, the Notitia dignitatum and the De rebus bellicis, the latter two anonymous. The study of these works and materials enabled us to find out how each weapon were used, then we can have an understanding of all equipment and machinery used by the roman-barbarian soldiers in the fourth century A.D. We could tell which were the exercises required for the individual and collective practice of the army, by knowing the use of each weapon. Soon, we realized that living with other cultures expand tactical and disciplinary knowledge of the late Roman army. / Résumé: Dans ce travail nous cherchons à comprendre l'interaction intense entre romains et barbares dans les lignes de l'armée, ce qui compose ce que nous dénommons l'armée romaine-barbare. À partir de cette confluence, nous observons comment s'est développé l'utilisation des équipements militaires par les soldats et, conséquemment, comment ils ont influencé la discipline et l'entraînement des combattants. Dans ce but, nous avons créé un catalogue d'images, d'artefacts de guerre qui ont été utilisés pendant le IVe siècle ap. J.-C., dans lequel il y a des fiches catalographiques qui contiennent l'image de chaque objet et ses caractéristiques. Nous avons aussi développé un catalogue de sources qui nous aide à comprendre comment les soldats de cette période voyaient et utilisaient les armes ; comme référence, nous avons utilisé les oeuvres Res gestae d'Ammien Marcellin, Epitoma rei militaris de Végèce (Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus), Notitia dignitatum et De rebus bellicis (ces deux dernières sont anonymes). L'étude de ces oeuvres et matériels nous a permis de vérifier comment était utilisé chaque armement, de telle façon que nous avons pu avoir une compréhension de tous les équipements et machines utilisés par l'armée romaine-barbare du IVe siècle ap. J.-C. À partir de la connaissance de l'utilisation de chaque arme, nous avons pu savoir quels étaient les exercices requis pour la pratique individuelle et collective de l'armée. Ainsi, nous avons remarqué que la coexistence avec d'aut... (Résumé complet accès életronique ci-dessous) / Doutor

Les transmissions du savoir juridique durant la période impériale romaine (27 avant J.C. - 565 après J.C.) / The transmission of legal knowledge during the Roman imperial period (27 BC - 565 AD) / Las transmisiónes del conocimiento jurídico durante la época imperial romana (27 a. C. - 565 d. C.)

Evêque, Ralph 05 December 2017 (has links)
Il s'agira dans notre travail de réfléchir aux premières formes de l'enseignement du droit. C'est à Rome qu'il naquit. Sous la République, le droit n'est pas encore une technique accaparée par le pouvoir mais relève de la spéculation. C'est auprès d'un maître que l'élève se forme. Enseignement et jurisprudence sont ainsi intimement liés et l'enseignement passe par la casuistique. Sous l'Empire, des changements apparaissent. Durant le Haut-Empire (27 avant J.C. - 284 après J.C.), nous n'avons pas de preuves directes d'un enseignement académique du droit. Le droit continue comme sous la République d'être transmis par l'intermédiaire de la pratique ou encore dilué au sein d'autres cursus, en particulier dans le cadre de l'enseignement de la rhétorique. Pourtant, des sources indirectes comme la présence d'une littérature juridique didactique qui apparait à partir du milieu du IIe siècle nous engage à penser qu'un enseignement académique du droit existait dans les deux derniers siècles du Haut-Empire. C'est toutefois un fait notable, il n'y a pas encore d'enseignement officiel et régulier du droit. Une rupture se produit durant l'Antiquité Tardive (284 - 565). Plusieurs facteurs concourent à une révolution de l'enseignement du droit. En premier lieu, l'absolutisme impérial qui conduit à une emprise du pouvoir sur l'enseignement juridique. Deuxièmement, le tournant bureaucratique que prend l'Empire et le besoin en fonctionnaires que cela entraine. Mais encore, les conséquences de l'édit de Caracalla de 212 qui en étendant la citoyenneté romaine, ouvre l'accès au droit romain à l'ensemble des provinciaux. L'ensemble de ces facteurs explique le développement au cours de l'Antiquité Tardive d'écoles dispensant un enseignement académique du droit. / In our work, we will reflect on the first forms of legal education. He was born in Rome. Under the Republic, the law is not yet a technique monopolized by the power but is a matter of speculation. The apprentice is trained with a master. Teaching and jurisprudence are thus intimately linked and teaching is based on casuistry. Under the Empire, changes appeared. During the High-Empire (27 B. C. - 284 A. D.), we have no direct evidence of academic teaching of law. The law continues as under the Republic to be transmitted through practice or diluted in other curricula, especially in the teaching of rhetoric. However, indirect sources such as the presence of a didactic legal literature that appeared from the middle of the 2nd century onwards, lead us to believe that an academic teaching of law existed in the last two centuries of the Hight-Empire. However, it is a notable fact that there is still no formal and regular teaching of law. A rupture occurs during Late Antiquity (284 - 565). Several factors contribute to a revolution in law education. First, imperial absolutism, which leads to a hold of power over legal education. Second, the bureaucratic turn of events that the Empire is taking and the need for public servants that this entails. But again, the consequences of Caracalla's edict of 212, which extended Roman citizenship and opened up access to Roman law to all the provincials. All of these factors explain the development of schools providing academic education in law during the Late Antiquity. / En nuestro trabajo, reflexionaremos sobre las primeras formas de educación jurídica. Nació en Roma. Bajo la República, la ley no es todavía una técnica monopolizada por el poder, sino que es una cuestión de especulación. El aprendiz está entrenado con un maestro. La enseñanza y la jurisprudencia están íntimamente ligadas y la enseñanza se basa en la casuística. Bajo el Imperio, aparecieron cambios. Durante el Alto-Imperio (27 a. C. - 284 d. C.), no tenemos evidencia directa de la enseñanza académica del derecho. El derecho continúa como en la República a ser transmitido a través de la práctica o diluido en otros currículos, especialmente en la enseñanza de la retórica. Sin embargo, fuentes indirectas como la presencia de una literatura jurídica didáctica que surgió a partir de mediados del siglo II, nos llevan a creer que en los dos últimos siglos del Imperio Superior existía una enseñanza académica del derecho. Sin embargo, es un hecho notable que todavía no existe una enseñanza formal y regular del derecho. Una ruptura ocurre durante la Antigüedad Tardía (284 - 565). Varios factores contribuyen a una revolución en la educación jurídica. En segundo lugar, el giro burocrático de los acontecimientos que está tomando el Imperio y la necesidad de funcionarios públicos que esto conlleva. Pero, una vez más, las consecuencias del edicto 212 de Caracalla, que amplió la ciudadanía romana y abrió el acceso al derecho romano a todos los provinciales. Todos estos factores explican el desarrollo de las escuelas que imparten educación académica en derecho durante la Antigüedad Tardía.

L’écriture épique chez Claudien : préserver l’épopée au IVe siècle ap. J.-C. / The epic vein in Claudian’s works : safegarding the epic in the 4th century a. D.

Meunier, Delphine 19 November 2016 (has links)
L’influence du genre épique se manifeste à travers plusieurs biais dans l’œuvre, apparemment hétérogène, de Claudien. Le poète se présente clairement comme uates, héritier d’Homère, d’Ennius et de Virgile – mais revendique une matière historique et non plus mythologique. La langue témoigne également d’une forte influence du genre épique, que ce soit dans le lexique ou l’emploi de la comparaison homérique. La reprise de motifs, parfois déformés ou renouvelés, confirme cette influence : thème guerrier, songes, présages, prodiges, prophéties, jeux… Si la morale héroïque est plus malmenée, concurrencée par les valeurs chrétiennes, l’univers épique se trouve encore actualisé à travers les figures divines et mythologiques qu’on peut appréhender au moyen d’une lecture typologique. La somme de ces éléments formels est au service d’un propos épique, poétique et politique, célébrant Roma aeterna et Natura. Il apparaît ainsi que l’écriture épique est le dénominateur commun à l’ensemble du corpus, et que les carmina maiora méritent d’être considérés comme une épopée politique. / There is a clear epic vein in Claudian's apparently heterogeneous work, and it appears in a variety of ways. The poet clearly considers himself to be a uates, an heir to Homer, Ennius and Virgil, even though his subject matter is historical, not mythological. The language he uses is also strongly influenced by that of the epic genre, as exemplified by the use of a specifically epic lexicon and the resort to homeric similes. The way he builds on and renews traditional epic motifs (battle scenes, dreams, omens, miracles, prophecies, games ...) reveals the influence of the epic genre on his writings as well. Even though the ethics of heroism are undercut by the rise of Christian values, the divine and mythological figures that can be broached trough a typological reading are proof enough that the world of the epic is still very much present. All these elements contribute to a work that celebrates Roma Aeterna and Natura and is all at once epic – poetic and political. It thus appears that the epic vein is what unifies the corpus, and that the carmina maiora should be read as a political epic.

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