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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När ”påbörjas” en detaljplan? : en kartläggande studie om begreppet ”påbörjad”

Maars, Hampus, Thomsson, Patric January 2017 (has links)
Den 1 januari 2015 trädde en del ändringar i plan- och bygglagen i kraft. Detta då den dåvarande regeringen ville uppnå en effektivare planprocess, för att öka bebyggandet i riket. Lagändringen påverkade planprocessen samt förutsättningarna till upprättandet av genomförandeavtal. Genom övergångsbestämmelserna lades dock ett förbehåll in, för att reglera i vilka situationer äldre lagstiftning skulle användas. Detta förbehåll är att en detaljplan ska vara ”påbörjad” innan 1 januari 2015. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka när en detaljplan är ”påbörjad”.  Studien grundar sig på att nu gällande plan- och bygglag (fortsatt kallat PBL) samt tillämpningen av denna undersöks utifrån olika metoder. För att tolka juridiken kring begreppet, har ett rättsdogmatiskt förhållningssätt använts genom olika tolkningsmetoder. För att få en förståelse för hur juridiken tillämpas har ett rättssociologiskt förhållningssätt nyttjats. Detta har skett genom att en enkätundersökning utförts, där Sveriges samtliga kommuner tillfrågats hur de tolkar begreppet.  Undersökningen har påvisat att begreppet ”påbörjats” är oklart. I PBL regleras inte vad en ”påbörjad” detaljplan är. De definitioner som Boverket och regeringen har tagit fram är oklart formulerade. Den enkätundersökning som skickades ut till alla Sveriges kommuner gav ett varierande resultat som styrker teorin om att begreppet ”påbörjad” detaljplan är oklart. De befintliga definitionerna är i behov av förtydligande, för att likrikta kommuners tillämpning av dessa övergångsregler. Enkätundersökningen visade att 67 % av kommunerna tolkat begreppet ”påbörjad” efter de definitioner som Boverket samt regeringen utformat. Det som också framkommit genom studien är att skillnaderna i PBL innan och efter 1 januari 2015 är stora, vilket bland annat innebär att kommunens förutsättningar att upprätta detaljplaner och exploateringsavtal har förändrats. / 1st of January 2015 some changes were made in the Planning and Building Act. This was made because of the Swedish government wanted to make the planning process easier. The law changes include the planning process and the development contracts for detailed development plans. The transitional provisions, however, made a reservation to regulate the situations in which older legislation would be used. The regulation is that older legislation should be used if the detailed development plan were initiated prior to 1 January 2015. The purpose of this study is to investigate when a detailed development plan is initiated.  The study is based on current legislation and its application, this will be investigated using various methods. To interpret the law about the concept, legal dignity approach has been used through different interpretation methods. In order to gain an understanding of how the law is applied, a legal sociological approach has been used. This was done by conducting a questionnaire survey, where all the municipalities in Sweden were asked how they interpret the concept.  This has shown that the term is unclearly defined, as evidenced by the varying answers received from the municipalities in the survey. However, the majority of municipalities interpret the concept "initiate" according to the definitions that the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and the government have formulated. What is also evident from the study is that the differences in the different legislation are large and that the municipality's conditions change significantly depending on when a detailed plan is "initiated". The study also shows that the units within the municipality interpret the term in a generally similar manner. The result of the legal interpretation and compilation of the survey shows that National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and the government's definitions of "initiated" detailed development plan are unclear. And that the existing definitions are in need of clarification for the application of these transitional rules by similar municipalities.

Neues Planungsverfahren für Anlagen der Leit- und Sicherungstechnik auf Basis durchgängiger elektronischer Datenhaltung

Buder, Jens 23 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Zur Errichtung und Inbetriebnahme von Anlagen der Leit- und Sicherungstechnik (LST), zu denen beispielsweise Elektronische Stellwerke (ESTW) gehören, sind unter anderem definierte Planungs-, Begutachtungs- und Freigabeschritte zu durchlaufen. Die vorliegende Arbeit thematisiert den LST-Planungsprozess hinsichtlich seiner erforderlichen Abläufe und Komplexität im Vergleich der bisherigen Regelwerksvorgaben mit praktischen Umsetzungen. Auf den Analyseergebnissen einschließlich herausgearbeiteter Probleme aufbauend, werden unter Berücksichtigung aktueller Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt „PlanPro - Durchgängige elektronische Datenhaltung im ESTW-Planungsprozess“ Vorschläge für einen zukünftigen LST-Planungsprozess vorgestellt und wissenschaftlich aufbereitet. Dabei sollen durch den verstärkten Einsatz IT-gestützter Verfahren die Planungsqualität erhöht und die Prozesse insgesamt beschleunigt werden. In der Arbeit werden auch grundlegende Neuerungen mit PlanPro dargestellt, ebenso wie Anforderungen an die LST-Datenbank, die zukünftig eine zentrale Rolle für das Abspeichern und Weitergeben von Planungs- und Bestandsdaten einnehmen wird. Erläuterungen zu einem denkbaren Einführungskonzept sowie eine Schlussbetrachtung runden diese Dissertation ab. / For installation and commissioning of railway signalling equipment, which may include computer-based interlocking (CBI), defined tasks for planning, assess-ment and approval have to be executed. This dissertation analyses the planning process of the railway signalling equipment with regard to its necessary processes and complexity. Additionally, it compares existing legal requirements with their practical realisation. Based on the results of this analysis and their identified problems, proposals for a future planning process for railway signalling equipment will be scientifically prepared and presented. They are taking into account the latest results from the research project "PlanPro - Integrated electronic data storage in electronic interlocking planning process". By the progressive use of IT-based processes, planning quality will be increased and the processes can be accelerated altogether. Thereupon, fundamental changes based on PlanPro are presented. This applies to requirements for the database of railways signalling equipment, which will play a key role for the storage and sharing of planning and inventory data in the future, too. An explanation of a possible introduction concept as well as a conclusion complete this disserta-tion.

Beneficiary particpation in community cased development : challenges and implications :a case of the Takoradi - Apremdo informal market project in Ghana

Kaye-Essien, Charles Wharton January 2010 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / The paper investigates the challenges of consolidating beneficiary participation in the planning and implementation of projects, the effects on project outcomes and the implications for community based development. It examines one of such projects in Sekondi- Takoradi Metropolis of Ghana by assessing the entire planning and implementation of the project, the participatory mechanisms used and the current state of the project in terms of its sustainability. The paper critically investigates a broad arena of literature relating to the evolution of the participatory concept and its relation to development planning and management. It further explores some of the critiques leveled against the concept. The paper argues further that beneficiary participation in Community Based Development Projects (CBDPs) in Ghana is a challenge because of the internal rigidities associated with the use of the concept. It explains through evidence from the analyzed data that understanding the strategies for the participatory process as well as the socio dynamics of the beneficiaries involved is important in ensuring positive project outcomes. / South Africa

Kvalitativní studie tvorby strategie ve sportovní organizaci / A Qualitative Study of Strategy Creation in a Sports Organization

Hartman, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses strategic management in sport. There are two main parts in the thesis. First part includes theory about strategic management, strategic management in sport and strategic planning process. In the second part there is a research which analyzes Czech hanball club HC Dukla Prague. The research is qualitive and done by personal interviews with managers, players and spectators of the club. The main purpose of the thesis is to find out how the club works with the strategy and what are the differences between theory of strategy and real actions of the club. In the end there are some recommendations for the club how to improve their strategic planning process.

Integrated Business Planning / Integrované podnikové plánování

Jurečka, Peter January 2009 (has links)
Increasing competitive pressures on most markets force companies to continuously review the effectiveness and efficiencies of their operations. Traditional approach to business planning is becoming insufficient to cope with growing requirements on operational excellence. Concept of Integrated Business Planning (IBP) -- constituting the latest development stage of well-known Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) -- is proposed as the right response on how to master the challenges of globalized economy in this field. The thesis combines theoretical analysis of inefficiencies of traditional S&OP with applied research realized on the case from real business environment. Microeconomic optimization models are employed to demonstrate the sub-optimal outcomes resulting from the lack of cross-functional integration and potentially antagonistic incentives in business planning. Overview of latest best practices in this area further complements the theoretical part of the thesis. Empirical part of the study summarizes author's experience from leading the large scale implementation of IBP concept in the multinational company. Theoretical assumptions of financial benefits of IBP implementation are tested against empirical observations via usage of statistical apparatus. This part may also be viewed as detailed guideline describing the project of IBP implementation. As a result, integrated approach to business planning proves to bring measurable financial as well as non-financial improvements for the company.

Fördjupad delaktighet i stadsplaneprocesser - En fallstudie av stadsbyggnadsprojektet Bunkeflostrand i Malmö

Jönsson, Jesper, Svensson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
I Malmö stads översiktsplan fastslås en ambition om att i högre grad involvera medborgare i planeringen för att göra staden mer jämlik och socialt hållbar, samtidigt som planeringen kan bli mer effektiv när planer kan förankras genom att involvera medborgare i ett tidigt skede. Men för att involvera medborgare i planeringen, i ett tidigt stadie, krävs det att det görs ansatser som går utöver de lagliga krav som Plan- och Bygglagen ställer på planförfarandet om medborgerligt demokratiskt inflytande. Denna ansats benämner Malmö stad som fördjupad delaktighet. Men vad som ingår i de ansatser som går utöver lagens krav och möjligheterna för hur medborgare kan påverka planeringen, kan variera från en planprocess till en annan. Hur Malmö stad arbetar med att involvera medborgare med metoder som går utöver lagens krav ämnar denna studie studera. Detta har undersökts med en fallstudie som har studerat ett aktivt planeringsprojekt i Bunkeflostrand i Malmö. Fallstudien har kompletterats med en dokumentstudie samt en intervju som har genomförs med en nyckelaktör i planeringsprojektet, med ansvar för medborgardialog. Denna inhämtade information har sedan analyserats med hjälp av teorier som har sin grund i deliberativ demokratiteori, medborgarmakt, demokratiska innovationer och kommunikativ planeringsteori. Genom denna analys har vi identifierat att medborgare ges en större möjlighet att delta i planprocessen, men att detta inte översätts till att medborgare ges en medbestämmanderätt. Hur medborgares åsikter överförs till planarbetet försvåras av planutformningens teknokratiska natur, vilket innebär att det medborgerliga inflytandet kräver stöd från andra aktörer för att kunna förverkligas. / Malmö municipality’s general plan states an ambition to involve citizens, to a higher degree, in city planning to make the city more equitable and socially sustainable. By involving citizens in planning, it can become more effective when plans are thoroughly anchored with citizens at an early stage. But in order to involve citizens at an early stage in planning, it is necessary for city planning to make efforts that go beyond the legal requirements that Plan- och Bygglagen imposes on the planning procedure for civic democratic influence. This effort is defined in Malmö Municipality’s’ general plan as deepened participation. But what is included in the efforts that go beyond the requirements of the law and the possibilities for how citizens can influence planning can vary from one planning process to another. The purpose of this study is to understand how Malmö Municipality works to involve citizens with methods that go beyond the requirements of the law. This has been investigated with a case study that has examined an active planning project in Bunkeflostrand in Malmö Municipality. The case study has been supplemented by a document study as well as an interview conducted with a key employee in the planning project, responsible for citizen dialogue. This information has then been analyzed with the help of theories based on deliberative democracy theory, citizen power, democratic innovations, and communicative planning theory. Through this analysis, we have identified that citizens are given a greater opportunity to participate in the planning process, but that this is not translated into giving citizens a right of co-decision. How citizens' opinions are transferred to planning work is complicated by the technocratic nature of plan making, which means that civic influence requires support from other stakeholders to be realized.

Formelle und informelle Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in Infrastrukturplanungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren für Hoch- und Höchstspannungsnetze

Zirke, Daniel 09 November 2021 (has links)
Der europarechtlich vorgeprägte und national stark ausdifferenzierte Bedarfsplanungs- und Genehmigungsablauf für Hoch- und Höchstspannungsleitungsvorhaben ist durch ein umfassendes Beteiligungsregime zu Gunsten der Öffentlichkeit ausgestaltet. Im Rahmen der gegenständlichen Arbeit wurden sowohl die formellen als auch die informellen Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten der Öffentlichkeit analysiert, klassifiziert, kritisch hinterfragt und hinsichtlich der verschiedentlich anwendbaren normativen Vorgaben miteinander verglichen. Hierbei haben unter anderem europarechtlich das Vierte Energiebinnenmarktpaket aus den Jahren 2018 und 2019, national das Gesetz zur Beschleunigung des Energieleitungsausbaus aus dem Jahr 2019 und das Planungssicherstellungsgesetz aus dem Jahr 2020 sowie föderal das Umweltverwaltungsgesetz aus dem Jahr 2014 besondere Berücksichtigung gefunden. Insgesamt konnte die aktuelle Gesetzeslage, Rechtsprechung und Literatur bis Ende Juni 2020 in die vorliegende Untersuchung eingearbeitet werden.:Teil 1: Einführung Teil 2: Grundlagen der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Netzausbau Teil 3: Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Rahmen der Bedarfsplanung Teil 4: Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Rahmen der Korridor- und Trassenplanung Teil 5: (Temporäre) Wirkungen des PlanSiG auf die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung Teil 6: Gesamtbetrachtung zur Verbesserung des Beteiligungsregimes / The planning and approval process for high and extra high voltage power line pro- jects, which is predefined by European law and differentiated by German law, is designed in favour of the public through a comprehensive participation regime. In the context of this work, both the formal and the informal opportunities for public participation were analysed, classified, critically questioned and compared with one another in terms of the various normative requirements. Among other things, the Fourth European Internal Energy Market Package from 2018 and 2019, the national law to accelerate the expansion of power lines from 2019, and the law to ensure proper planning and approval procedures from 2020 as well as the federal law to standardise environmental administration law and to strengthen public participation in the environmental field from 2014 have been given special consideration. Overall, the current legal situation, the case law and the literature until the end of June 2020 have been incorporated into the present study.:Teil 1: Einführung Teil 2: Grundlagen der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Netzausbau Teil 3: Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Rahmen der Bedarfsplanung Teil 4: Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung im Rahmen der Korridor- und Trassenplanung Teil 5: (Temporäre) Wirkungen des PlanSiG auf die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung Teil 6: Gesamtbetrachtung zur Verbesserung des Beteiligungsregimes

Zefektivnění pracovních procesů ve firmě / Increase in Efficiency of Company Work Processes

Nárožný, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is oriented on increase in efficiency of work processes in an organisation. Based on the analysis of present situation, it proposes measures to improve the performance and effectiveness of the work. The theoretical part contains findings from the field of management and corporate structure. The practical part analyses the present situation and proposes solutions that will lead to increase of the efficiency in work processes and improve the economic situation of an organisation.

Addressing social sustainability in residential development - An analysis of a residential developer and two municipalities in Sweden / Hantering av social hållbarhet inom bostadsutveckling - En analys av en bostadsutvecklare och två kommuner i Sverige

Forsman, Linn, Jonsson, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Social sustainability is one of the three dimensions in the concept of sustainability and is seen as the weakest pillar of sustainable development. Previous literature concludes that social sustainability is a difficult concept to define and achieve. Therefore, the social dimension has not been addressed to the same extent and has been frequently avoided in research and practice. However the importance of the social dimension of sustainable development has been recognized from both the private and the public sector during the last decade. The social aspect of sustainability requires more attention and it is important to define the social sustainability processes that should be integrated during the planning phase of residential development projects. The purpose of this research is to contribute with knowledge about how social sustainability can be addressed in the housing industry and within the scientific fields of urban planning and project development. By looking deeper, from both the developer and municipality perspective, into how social sustainability aspects are addressed today, how cooperation regarding these aspects is working, what values a focus on social aspects can create for both parties as well as desires for the future, the research also aims to provide a recommendation of how residential developers can improve their working process. Four projects located both in Stockholm and Gothenburg have been used as a basis for the empirics in this research. Empirical information has been collected primarily through interviews but also from existing social sustainability tools. Interviews were conducted with representatives from JM AB and the municipalities of Stockholm and Gothenburg. The research has identified that concrete tools, cooperation, clear objectives, and an understanding of each other’s aims and goals are crucial for a good working process regarding social sustainability. A recommended working process has been developed with the aim of helping residential developers to address social sustainability in residential projects. The identified steps in the recommendation provide an understanding of how developers should work with social sustainability internally and in cooperation with the municipality. By working systematically with social sustainability in residential development, the research indicates that developers can become more attractive in the eyes of the municipality and thus gain a competitive advantage over their competitors as well as increase the possibility of creating shared values. / Social hållbarhet är en av tre dimensioner i begreppet hållbarhet och ses som den svagaste pelaren för hållbar utveckling. Tidigare litteratur drar slutsatsen att social hållbarhet är ett svårt begrepp att definiera och uppnå. Därför har den sociala dimensionen inte behandlats i samma utsträckning och har ofta undvikits i forskning och praktik. Däremot har betydelsen av den sociala dimensionen av hållbar utveckling uppmärksammats av både den privata och den offentliga sektorn under det senaste decenniet. Den sociala aspekten kräver mer uppmärksamhet och det är viktigt att fastställa de sociala hållbarhetsprocesser som bör integreras under planeringsfasen i bostadsutvecklingsprojekt. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur social hållbarhet kan hanteras i bostadsbranschen och inom de vetenskapliga områdena stadsplanering och  rojektutveckling. Genom att, från både bostadsutvecklarens och kommunens perspektiv, djupare undersöka hur sociala hållbarhetsaspekter behandlas i dag, hur samarbete kring dessa aspekter fungerar, vilka värden ett fokus på sociala aspekter kan skapa för båda parter samt önskemål för framtiden, syftar studien också till att ge en rekommendation för hur bostadsutvecklare kan förbättra sin arbetsprocess. Fyra projekt som ligger både i Stockholm och Göteborg har använts som underlag till empirin i denna undersökning Empirisk information har samlats in, främst genom intervjuer, men också utifrån befintliga sociala hållbarhetsverktyg. Intervjuerna genomfördes med representanter från JM AB och kommunerna Stockholm och Göteborg. Studien har identifierat att konkreta verktyg, samarbete, tydliga mål och en förståelse för varandras syften och mål är avgörande för en god arbetsprocess beträffande social hållbarhet. En rekommenderad arbetsprocess har utvecklats i syfte till att hjälpa bostadsutvecklare att adressera social hållbarhet i bostadsprojekt. De identifierade stegen i rekommendationen ger en förståelse för hur bostadsutvecklare ska arbeta med social hållbarhet internt och i samarbete med kommunen. Genom att arbeta systematiskt med social hållbarhet i bostadsutveckling, visar studien att bostadsutvecklare kan bli mer attraktiva i kommunens ögon och därmed få en konkurrensfördel gentemot sina konkurrenter, samt öka möjligheten att skapa gemensamma värden.

Värderingar, visioner, verklighet En fallstudie av hur ett arkitektkontor arbetar med dialog och delaktighet

Andersson, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of private actors work with stakeholder dialogue in Sweden by identifying important factors that affect how an architectural firm manages participation in early stages of urban planning. The study consists of a literature study of previous research on dialogue and participation as well as a case study consisting of interviews with architects at the architectural firm and direct observations during a dialogue process carried out by the architectural firm on behalf of a property developer. A significant factor appears to be that there are no democratic principles governing how they work with participation, it is their clients. The architects say they want to involve citizens in their design process and that they have their client's support in this. In practice, however, they involve citizens and other stakeholders to a very small extent, and when they do, there is lack of representation and the way the dialogue activities are conducted also affect what information and what perspectives that appear. It appears to be more important for the architects to hold dialogue with officials at the municipality's planning department to influence the municipality's planning process, than to work for increased participation.

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