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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public Procurement - Pitfalls and Possibilities / Offentlig upphandling, på vems villkor?

Carlsson, Axel, Oxelbark, Eric January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att den ska lyfta fram problematiken byggföretagen upplever samt fungera som en fingervisning om i vilken riktigt eventuella förändringar i upphandlandets genomförande kan göras. Målet är att ta reda på vad branschen tycker om LOU och hur företagen förhåller sig till lagen. Vilka är dess problemområden som orsakar misstro och överklaganden? Undersökningens frågeställning: •Vad tycker entreprenörerna om tillvägagångssättet? •Vilken förändring skulle entreprenörerna vilja se?

Nákup ve společnosti ČEPRO, a.s. / Procurement at ČEPRO, a.s.

Ihring, David January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with identification and analysis of the risks in procurement at ČEPRO, a.s. with usage of FMEA method. Companys business activities are transportation, storage and distribution of the oil products, storage of the state oil product funds and managing of the fueling station net called EuroOil. The aim of the thesis is the identify and analyze potential risks in ČEPRO, a.s. procurement process with usage of the FMEA method and propose measures that could lead to improve the procurement process. Thesis is divided into four chapters. First chapter deals with the procurement theory, second chapter deals with Czech public procurement act, because ČEPRO, a.s. use the procurement processes that are inspired by this act. Third chapter presents the company, companys procurement organization and procurement processes. Fourth chapter identifies and analyze the potential risks in the procurement processes and propose the measures that could to lead procurement processes improvement.

La Scala-domen och dess konsekvenser för svenska exploateringsförhållanden / The La Scala judgment and its consequences for the Swedish land development process

Landeman, Marc January 2014 (has links)
The municipalities in Sweden can use the PBL-legislation to request a land developer to fund new public infrastructure in the dwelling area where the developer are active. The municipality have had two options to choose between. To purchase a contract with an entrepreneur that build the infrastructure paid by the developer, or let the developer both build and pay the infrastructure. The La Scala-judgment came 2001 from the EG-tribunal. This judgment have by many people been interpreted as that as public infrastructure in Sweden should be purchased by the municipalities through LOU. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to discuss how the land development process has changed and which problems that have arisen since 2010, when it became customary that the municipality should procure public streets and sewage facilities under the Swedish Public Procurement Act (“LOU”). The purpose is also to discuss if this way to proceed satisfies the purpose of LOU and also discuss if their can be any alternative interpretations of the La Scalajudgment than have been done so far for Swedish conditions. The questions that became a consequence of the purpose where answered as follow in the report: Changes Today, the general rule is that the municipality is to purchase all public streets itself in the land development process. This rule has replaced the freedom of choosing whether to do so, that previously existed. Necessary land transfers take place today at an early stage of the process, often when the zoning plan becomes valid, as compared to before when it took place late in the land development process. Problems Some problems have arisen in cases when the municipality procures. This leads to the conclusion that the land development process today has become more risky, significantly more expensive, and that it takes longer time before the houses are ready for occupants to move in to, than previously was the case. To what extent does this new procedure implement LOU’s purpose? LOU's purpose, to get an effectively use of tax money, is not fulfilled by this procedure because the municipalities do not have any expenditures, which means that there are no funds which can be considered “effectively used”. As the municipality has no cost, it is questionable whether it really is to the municipality that an entrepreneur sells his services, rather than to the land developer paying for the services. Overall, this means that the purpose is probably not fulfilled by this new procedure. In what situations can the LOU procedure be questioned? The consequences of LOU can be questioned where it leads to major problems that would not occur if the legislation was more flexible. An example of this is when there is a lone land developer, who builds on his own property. If the municipality procures this, as happens today, problems arise in terms of money, time and coordination problems. This because it is more efficient if the developer that are already active in the area build all necessary infrastructure. Can any other interpretations of the La Scala-judgment and it´s relationship to the Swedish development process be found? One alternative interpret is that the municipal should use LOU on this kind of contracts when there is a risk that the municipal lose financial resources if they don´t do it. In the Italian development process there is always a risk that the municipal lose financial resources if they don´t purchase the contracts. The Swedish land development legislation are structured so the municipality never take a risk to lose financial recourses if they let the developer build everything in the area and therefore the municipality never can lose financial recourses in these cases. The Swedish municipalities don’t get any advantages if they use LOU here because the developer pays the real cost for all parts of the contract. Therefore, LOU is irrelevant in this part of the development process

Utredning av förfrågningsunderlag gällande byggandet av trästomme med fokus på offentlig upphandling / Investigation of tender documents regarding the use of wooden frames with focus on public procurement

Sjöberg, Felix, Johansson, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
In the mid 1990s a previous prohibitions against multi-story buildings higher than two floors with a wooden frame was changed. Today multi-storey buildings are being built in Skellefteå, Sundsvall, Växjö, and Stockholm with others. Despite this only one of five houses being built today has a wooden frame. Since the municipality is a key force to get projects with wooden frames, this papers purpose is to improve tender document for the opportunity to submit bids and building with wooden frames. To help us forward with our work three questions were formulated. 1) What is the basis from a wooden constructions company perspective, of which they determines if they can place a bid or not? 2) What is the difference between tender documents made by a municipality compared to a private buyer? 3) How can tender documents be improved to create an opportunity to place a bid containing an alternative frame system? To answer these questions a literature study was carried out. The literature study is the basis of this paper. To obtain empirical data a document analysis of tender documents was carried out. The result of the study shows that wood frames are hard to adapt to an already finished technical specification, or to a tender document containing an extensive technical specification. To obtain alternative solutions, the buyer should focus on object design, form and function, or a general technical specification. Instead the technical specifications should be drawn up by the supplier, or in collaboration with them. The tender evaluation should be made by the most economically advantageous rather then the lowest price. Then the buyer can evaluate the offers against each other, rather then choosing the lowest price. This also gives the possibility for suppliers to make a bid containing an alternative solution. As a continuation of this paper, we recommend a study on which impact a general technical specification has on the project final cost.  Furthermore a study exploring which possibilities partner procurement can have alternative solutions in the Swedish procurement act. This report deal exclusively with how tender documents should be formulated. Life cycle analysis, carbon dioxide emissions and strength calculations will not be executed.

Landsbygdskommuners utmaningar gällande offentlig upphandling : En studie baserad på samhällsplanerares erfarenheter och åsikter

Liverstad, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
I drygt 200 år har det skett en kraftig urbanisering i Sverige. Det här skiftet i befolkningsunderlag har lett till omställningar i landet, inte minst hos landsbygdskommunerna. Ett fortsatt minskande invånarantal där äldre blir en allt större andel leder till att det är svårare för kommunen att hitta rätt kompetens och kommunens arbete och ekonomiska styrka kan därav bli lidande. En kommun är skyldig att tillhandahålla vissa tjänster, en av vilka är fysisk planering som innefattar översikts-, områdes- och detaljplanering. Inom dessa planarbeten behövs det bland annat göras olika typer av mark- och vattenutredningar som antingen kommunen själv utför eller som upphandlade konsulter utför åt dem.  Den här studien undersöker huruvida personer som jobbar med fysisk planering i Sveriges landsbygdskommuner upplever utmaningar med sin upphandlingsprocess. Studien undersöker vilka dessa utmaningar kan vara, vilka bidragande faktorer som ligger bakom samt vad som anses kunna vara lösningen. För att ta reda på detta utfördes en enkätundersökning hos de svenska landsbygdskommunerna med syftet att samla information om upplevelser och erfarenheter från människor som arbetar med detta. Den insamlade datan jämfördes sedan mot tidigare forsknings som gjorts. Det framkommer att urbaniseringen lett till att landsbygdskommuner inte har den ekonomiska kraft de skulle behöva för att sköta sin verksamhet optimalt. Där fysiska planerare behöver utföra upphandlingar trots bristande tid eller kompetens för att skriva ett gediget förfrågningsunderlag, något som konsulter kan utnyttja vid anbudsgivningen. Enkätundersökningen visade att majoriteten av de svarande upplever att deras upphandlingar till stor del blir dyrare än förutspått. Sett till regeringens mål med den offentliga upphandlingen bör det enligt detta krävas ändringar, då deras mål är att utnyttja skattepengar på bästa sätt. / For just over 200 years there has been a heavy urbanisation in Sweden. This shift of people moving from rural areas to cities has led to the country having to adapt and rural municipalities more so. A continued decreasing population but growing number of elderlies makes it harder for these municipalities to find the right competence, which can lead to the decline of economic strength and tasks within the municipality. A municipality is required by law to provide certain services, one of which is spatial planning containing comprehensive-, area regulation- and detailed development planning. Working with these plans can sometimes require different kinds of investigations regarding both land and water, which the municipality can do themselves or by purchasing the service through consultants. This study examines whether people who work with spatial planning in Sweden's rural municipalities experience challenges with their procurement process. It also examines what these challenges may be and what the basis and solution to this is. In this study, a survey was conducted among these rural municipalities in order to obtain information about experiences and challenges from those who work with them. This was then set against research where one could draw parallels between the two. It appears that urbanization has led to these municipalities not having the financial power it would need to run its operations optimally. Where spatial planners need to make procurements despite a lack of time or competence to write a tender document, something that consultants can exploit when bidding. The common picture among those who responded to the survey was that their procurements for the majority will be more expensive than predicted. Looking at the government's goals with public procurement, changes must be made in order to reach their goal to use tax money in the best way possible. / <p>2022-06-29</p>


陳素惠, Chen, Su-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
在面臨知識經濟的潮流下,隨著全球化、知識化的衝擊以及快速發展,有效的取得前瞻技術已成為企業建立與維持競爭優勢的重要手段,科學與技術的創新能力亦成為國家強化產業領導地位、厚植總體競爭力的主要方式。   經濟部科技專案計畫每年均投入相當經費,委託研究機構及產業界從事產業技術之研發,期能強化國內產業之競爭優勢,並有效提升產業研發能力及開創新興科技產業,最終目的在推動我國成為高附加價值製造中心;但由於經濟部技術處人員嚴重不足,因此乃採取委外方式辦理,以降低人力負荷,並活用民間資源。   本研究目的主要針對科技專案委外之實際面,就推動委外的歷史演變、政策法規、決策模式,做廣泛而深入與探討,並透過委託人、代理人及審查專家,做質性訪談,探究委外關係策略及過程,期望對於科技專案計畫委外之作業機制,提出精進之建議。   經過上述的研究程序,本研究發現以下結論:1.組織面:(1)技術處委外歷史背景為由下而上,促成辦理。(2)委外以資金換取無形成本,而有形成本並未降低。(3)以代理人執行作業,卻由委託人擔負責任,權責不相當。(4) 從事研發工作之代理人大多為政府扶植財團法人。2.管制面:(1)行政控管著重進行過程甚過於執行結果。(2)研發控管方式著重預定標準及實際績效。(3)每年簽約作業繁複瑣碎,致使信任降低。3.心理面:(1)公務事不再是終身職。(2)沿用以往模式,陷入行動慣性,成功假象! 相關的建議如下:1.技術處應建立責任歸屬模式。2.技術處應簡化作業流程、資訊上線。3.技術處應預期並重視合約終止的處理方式。4.執行單位應強化中階主管的穩定性,對於專家對談監督機制,輔以一約多年之合約。 關鍵字:科技專案計畫、委外、政府採購法、管理 / Nowadays many governments seek factors influencing the economic growth of a country to continue developing and to be more competitive in a rapidly changing and globalizing world. In this era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge is often assumed to be the fundamental resource. It is a crucial factor for the economic growth of a country. How to produce and create more knowledge is deemed to be one of the most crucial tasks of a government. One way of producing knowledge is investing in research and development (R&D) to develop new technologies. Recently, many studies suggest that a new technology that raises higher total productivity is one of the factors to the economic growth of a country. So for countries and private enterprises it is especially important to have access to leading, advanced and key component technologies. Each year the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan invests a lot in public research and development. They started the “scientific technology development project”, to develop new technologies, especially industrial technologies. MOEA expects these huge investments to strengthen the innovative capabilities of Taiwanese industries and to upgrade Taiwanese industries. Due to heavy workloads and insufficient human resources in the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) , DOIT needs to outsource these scientific technology development projects to research institutes and corporations. DOIT expects to take advantages of the efficiency and flexible organizational structure of the private sector. Hence, recently the issue towards “government outsource” catches more and more attentions than ever. The main purposes of this research paper are as followed. Through qualitative interviews with civil servants, governmental officers, outsourcers, agents and specialists and context analysis, this research paper would like to have an overview on the historical background, the current situation of DOIT’s outsource and its management, to describe the difficulties and problems for the outsourcer (DOIT) and the agents (research institutes and corporations). This research paper would also illustrate policies, legal part, such as public procurement act and decision-making strategies of outsourcing of DOIT. At the end, this paper will give suggestions for DOIT’s outsource. First of all, from organizational aspect, the important findings are as followed. 1.Originally, the demand of outsource exists earlier than the supply. More precisely, the agents reinforce the government to have a way working on scientific technology development projects properly. 2.DOIT subsidizes the research institutes to carry out these projects in order to exchange intangible assets of the research institutes, such as human capital and so on. Nevertheless, the real cost is not less. 3.The agents carry out these projects, but outsourcer needs to take the responsibility of the consequences. 4.Most agents are research institutes, which are fully subsidized by the government. Secondly, from the governing and managing aspect, the findings are as below. 1.Administrative governance puts more emphasis on the executive process of these projects than the results per se of the projects. 2.About the management of research and development results, DOIT focuses on the comparison between anticipating and real effects. 3.Each year the outsourcing contracts between DOIT and those agents have to be either re-new or re-made. It makes the relationship between two parties less reliable. Thirdly, from the psychological aspect, the subsidies from government for the agents are less and less. And repeating the same way will be the tarp of inertia for outsourcers and agents and it will make it difficult to have breakthrough or new ides. Finally, in this research paper give some suggestions to the findings for the governmental outsourcing management for scientific technology development project. 1.DOIT needs to clearly state who should take responsibility. 2.DOIT should simplify the procedure by making better use of information communication technologies. 3.DOIT should emphasize more on finding a better way in coping with the termination of an outsourcing contract. 4.The original governing and managing module should be revised. New module, “peer review” and multi-year contract, should be taken into consideration. Keywords: Scientific technology development project, Outsourcing, Public procurement act, Management

The La Scala judgment and its consequencesfor the Swedish land development process / La Scala-domen och dess konsekvenser försvenska exploateringsförhållanden

Landeman, Marc January 2014 (has links)
The municipalities in Sweden can use the PBL-legislation to request a land developer to fund new public infrastructure in the dwelling area where the developer are active. The municipality have had two options to choose between. To purchase a contract with an entrepreneur that build the infrastructure paid by the developer, or let the developer both build and pay the infrastructure. The La Scala-judgment came 2001 from the EG-tribunal. This judgment have by many people been interpreted as that as public infrastructure in Sweden should be purchased by the municipalities through LOU. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to discuss how the land development process has changed and which problems that have arisen since 2010, when it became customary that the municipality should procure public streets and sewage facilities under the Swedish Public Procurement Act (“LOU”). The purpose is also to discuss if this way to proceed satisfies the purpose of LOU and also discuss if their can be any alternative interpretations of the La Scalajudgment than have been done so far for Swedish conditions. The questions that became a consequence of the purpose where answered as follow in the report: Changes Today, the general rule is that the municipality is to purchase all public streets itself in the land development process. This rule has replaced the freedom of choosing whether to do so, that previously existed. Necessary land transfers take place today at an early stage of the process, often when the zoning plan becomes valid, as compared to before when it took place late in the land development process. Problems Some problems have arisen in cases when the municipality procures. This leads to the conclusion that the land development process today has become more risky, significantly more expensive, and that it takes longer time before the houses are ready for occupants to move in to, than previously was the case. To what extent does this new procedure implement LOU’s purpose? LOU's purpose, to get an effectively use of tax money, is not fulfilled by this procedure because the municipalities do not have any expenditures, which means that there are no funds which can be considered “effectively used”. As the municipality has no cost, it is questionable whether it really is to the municipality that an entrepreneur sells his services, rather than to the land developer paying for the services. Overall, this means that the purpose is probably not fulfilled by this new procedure. In what situations can the LOU procedure be questioned? The consequences of LOU can be questioned where it leads to major problems that would not occur if the legislation was more flexible. An example of this is when there is a lone land developer, who builds on his own property. If the municipality procures this, as happens today, problems arise in terms of money, time and coordination problems. This because it is more efficient if the developer that are already active in the area build all necessary infrastructure. Can any other interpretations of the La Scala-judgment and it´s relationship to the Swedish development process be found? One alternative interpret is that the municipal should use LOU on this kind of contracts when there is a risk that the municipal lose financial resources if they don´t do it. In the Italian development process there is always a risk that the municipal lose financial resources if they don´t purchase the contracts. The Swedish land development legislation are structured so the municipality never take a risk to lose financial recourses if they let the developer build everything in the area and therefore the municipality never can lose financial recourses in these cases. The Swedish municipalities don’t get any advantages if they use LOU here because the developer pays the real cost for all parts of the contract. Therefore, LOU is irrelevant in this part of the development process. / I Sverige kan en kommun med stöd av PBL begära att en exploatör ska bekosta utbyggnad av allmänna platser där exploatören bygger nya bostadsområden. Kommunen har historiskt haft två utförandealternativ att välja mellan. Man har haft möjlighet att själv upphandla en entreprenör med LOU som bygger och som bekostas av exploatören eller låta exploatören både bygga och bekosta anläggningarna. År 2001 kom en dom från EG-domstolen som av många tolkats som att allmänna platser ska upphandlas via LOU av kommunen. Som en konsekvens har det de senaste åren skett en övergång där kommunen idag som huvudregel tillämpar LOU på utbyggnad av allmänna platser. Syftet är därför att diskutera hur exploateringsprocessen har förändrats och vilka problem som uppstått sedan 2010 då kommuner som en konsekvens av La Scala-domen upphandlar allmänna platser enligt LOU. Syftet är även att diskutera om detta förfarande uppfyller LOU:s syfte och om det finns några alternativa tolkningar av La Scala-domen än dem som hittills gjorts i Sverige. De frågor som följde på syftet besvaras i rapporten enligt följande Förändringar Huvudregeln är idag att kommunen ska upphandla alla allmänna gator själv i exploateringsprocessen istället för som tidigare när det som huvudregel var exploatören som upphandlade dessa. Erforderliga marköverföringar sker idag i ett tidigt skede, ofta i samband med att detaljplanen vinner laga kraft, istället för som tidigare när det skedde i slutet av exploateringsprocessen. Problem Det finns risk för problem som tidigare inte funnits i lika stor utsträckning när kommunen upphandlar. Exempel är samordningsproblem och tidsproblem. Dessa leder sammanfattningsvis till att exploateringsprocessen idag riskerar att bli dyrare samt att det tar längre tid innan husen står inflyttningsklara än vad fallet var tidigare. Hur väl uppfyller detta nya förfarande LOU:s syfte? LOU:s syfte, att få ett effektivt utnyttjande av skattemedel, uppfylls inte eftersom det i dessa fall saknas skattemedel att få ett effektivt utnyttjande av. Syftet att alla företag ska ha möjlighet att sälja sin tjänst till kommunen kan starkt ifrågasättas eftersom det är exploatören som betalar för upphandlingen. I vilka situationer kan LOU-förfarandet ifrågasättas? De situationer där LOU-förfarandet kan ifrågasättas är där det uppstår stora problem som inte skulle uppstå om lagstiftningen medgav flexibilitet. Ett exempel på detta är de fall där det är en ensam exploatör som bygger på sin egen fastighet. Om kommunen upphandlar allmän gata, så som sker idag, uppstår problem i termer av pengar, tid och samordningsproblem eftersom det är mer effektivt att den exploatör som redan är verksam i området bygger all nödvändig infrastruktur. Finns alternativa tolkningar av La Scala-domen och dess förhållande till den svenska exploateringsprocessen? En alternativ tolkning är att kommuner ska upphandla den här typen an entreprenader i de fall kommunen kan förlora ekonomiska medel på att inte göra det. Så som den italienska exploateringsprocessen är uppbyggd finns alltid en risk att italienska kommuner gör en förlust i ekonomiska termer i de fall man väljer att inte upphandla infrastruktur offentligt. I Sverige är exploateringslagstiftningen däremot utformad så att kommunen aldrig tar någon ekonomisk risk och därför inte kan förlora ekonomiska medel i de fall man låter en exploatör upphandla en entreprenör. Kommunen har i det svenska fallet inte något att vinna på en offentlig upphandling eftersom det är exploatören som betalar den faktiska kostnaden. Offentlig upphandling saknar därför relevans och betydelse i den här delen av exploateringsprocessen.

Nejnovější trendy ve vývoji právní úpravy veřejných zakázek / THE LATEST TRENDS IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT LAW

Navrátilová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with public procurement law in the Czech Republic. It captures the latest trends in public procurement law, together with the amendment to the Public Procurement Act, which entered into force on 1 April 2012. The opening chapter introduces the concepts that are closely related to the issue of public procurement and corruption. There are explained key institutional control mechanisms in the Czech Republic and criminal liability of corruption. The analytical part of this thesis describes the changes, which the amendment brought into the Public Procurement Law. These changes are mainly assessed in terms of impact on the suppression of corruption. This thesis presents and analyzes the arguments of proponents and opponents of the amendment. The analysis is accompanied by a brief look at the development of legislation on public procurement in the European Union in general and in two selected countries of the European Union. The conclusion contains a summary assessment of the issue along with an outlook for a possible further developments in the legal regulation of public procurement. Based on the analysis, the thesis leads to the conclusion that the amendment of public contracts, despite some shortcomings, is leading to a more transparent procurement environment.

Process för byggservice : Att möta beställarens förväntningar / Process for building services : To meet client expectations

Eriksson, Kristoffer, Yousef, Riad January 2014 (has links)
Dipart Entreprenad AB har ett affärsområde som är specialiserat på byggservice och det är verkligen något som de satsar på. Byggserviceverksamhet är något som många företag ute i den svenska byggbranschen håller på med, men i olika stor uträckning och med skillnad i kvalité på utfört arbete. Affärsområde är under ständig utveckling, detta för att både klara beställarnas men även samhällets förväntningar. I och med detta måste företaget förbättra och kartlägga det nuvarande arbetet med olika ramavtalskunder, för att vara mindre känslig för uppsägningar och ge högre kundnöjdhet. Denna rapport kommer hjälpa Dipart att hitta utvecklingsmöjligheter och se saker från en ny synvinkel, men även för att kunna uppfylla beställarnas förväntningar inom byggservice. Vilket i sin tur skall ge företaget chansen att följa med i utvecklingen men även ge en förutsättning för att ligga i framkant i branschen. Syftet med denna rapport är att upprätta en grund för processer speciellt för SigtunaHem, kolla samarbetet mellan entreprenörer och beställare samt lyfta fram svaga aktiviteter inom byggservice. Arbetsmetoden vi använt för att ta fram denna rapport är granskning av dokumentation. Såsom förfrågningsunderlag och diverse handlingar från olika beställare som använder sig av tjänsten byggservice av Dipart.  Det har även skett intervjuer med kunniga personer inom området, både inom Dipart och hos deras beställare men även utomstående aktörer har deltagit med deras kunskap.  Resultatet av detta arbete är en grund till en process för SigtunaHem och en lathund med frågor till beställaren som skall underlätta samlararbetet mellan parterna. Analysen av arbetet där vi diskuterar olika faktorer som påverkar Diparts byggservice, är ett resultat i sig själv av det som undersökts. Slutsatsen är att detta examensarbete ska vara en hjälp för företaget Dipart att uppnå högre kundnöjdhet samt så ska företaget vara mindre känslig för uppsägningar. / Dipart Entreprenad AB is a company that specializes in building services and it´s really something they are working hard with. Building Service is something that many companies, out there in the Swedish construction industry is doing, but in different large extent a difference in the quality of work performed. The construction business is under constant development, in order both to meet clients' but also the expectations of society. In doing so, the company needs to improve and identify the existing work with current clients , in order to be less vulnerable to layoffs and provide higher customer satisfaction. This report will help Dipart to find development opportunities and see things from a new point of view, but also to meet the client’s expectations in the building service. Which in turn will give the company the chance to keep up with developments but also give a condition for being at front of the industry. The purpose of this report is to establish a basis for processes specifically for Sigtunahem, check cooperation between contractors and clients as well as highlighting weak activities within building services. The work method we have used to develop this report is the examination of documentation. As specifications and various documents from different clients who use the building services of Dipart. There have also been interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field, both within Dipart and with their clients but also external actors have participated with their knowledge. The result of this work is due to a process of SigtunaHem and a checklist of questions to the client to facilitate collects the work between the parties. The analysis of the work in which we discuss various factors that affect Diparts building services, is a result in itself of what is investigated. The conclusion is that this thesis will be a help to the company Dipart to achieve higher customer satisfaction and Dipart themselves will be less vulnerable to layoffs.

Hur tillämpas partnering i småhusprojekt? / How is Partnering applied on small house project?

Makdisi, Robert, Pita, Faris January 2013 (has links)
Byggbranschen är, jämför med andra branscher konservativ. Förändringar, förbättringar och effektivisering sker men inte i den utsträckning och takt det borde. Under mitten av 1980-talet utvecklades en ny samarbetsform i USA och Storbritannien, som kom att kallas för Partnering. Vårt huvudsyfte med denna rapport är att se hur tillämpning av samarbetsformen partnering är inom småhusprojekt. Partnering är ett begrepp som används där man har gemensamma mål, öppenhet med öppna böcker och stor tillit för byggherrens bästa. Att försöka definiera partnering i Sverige har inte varit angeläget eftersom stora variationer i arbetssätt gjorts till respektive projekt. Tidigare studier i England, Danmark och USA har definierat partnering på dessa sätt. Ett partnering team skall bestå av projektledning, projektoptimering och produktion, för att åstadkomma ett gott resultat där alla strategiska leverantörer bidrar med den mest fördelaktiga och optimala lösningen. Man skall skilja på samverkansform, entreprenadform och ersättningsform. Samverkansform/partnering är en del av byggprojektets delar och kan användas vid alla entreprenad-, ersättning- och upphandlingsformer. Eftersom det kan vara besvärligt att ta fram ett riktpris med incitament så har man nu börjat använda en ersättningsmodell i form av budgetmodellen, modellen används av byggherrar som ofta bygger. Grundfilosofin för partnering är öppenhet, tillit, gemensamt uppsatta mål, tid, ekonomi och grupparbete. LEAN är ett produktionssystem som kommer ifrån japanska Toyota, även kallat TPS. Syn och tankesätt kring LEAN handlar om att effektivisera och öka produktiviteten. Ett tydligt exempel på detta är hur lastbilstillverkaren Scania har tillämpat och utvecklat produktionssystemet i sin dagliga verksamhet. Efter sammanställning av detta kandidatexamensarbete kan vi nu återkoppla och besvara vår problemformulering. Partnering är möjligt att tillämpa inom småhusprojekt, och är en bra metod för byggherren att medverka i och påverka tidplan, kvalitet samt budget. Tillämpningen av samverksformen partnering i ett enskilt småhusprojekt kan framstå som invecklat och ofta svårtillämpat. Vi har även fått nya infallsvinklar kring tillämpning av partnering i småhusprojekt, vilka kan vara intressanta för vidare studier. / The construction industry is conservative compared with other industries. Modifications, improvements and efficiency improvements occur, but not to the extent and in the rate that it should. During the mid-1980s, a new form of cooperation was developed in the United States and in Great Britain, which came to be known as partnering. Our main purpose of this report is to see how the appliance of partnering is within a homebuilding project. Partnering is a concept used where there are common goals, openness with open books and great trust in the client's best. Trying to define partnering in Sweden has not been imperative since large variations in approaches have been done to respective project. Previous studies in Great Britain, Denmark and the United States have defined partnering on these ways. A partnering team shall consist of project management, project optimization and production, to achieve a good result where all strategic suppliers contribute with the most beneficial and optimal solution. One should distinguish between the form of collaboration, the form of contract and compensation terms. The form of collaboration/partnering is a part of the construction project parts and can be used for all contract-, replacement- and purchase forms. Because of the difficulty to produce a target price with incentives, it is known to use a compensation model in the form of a budget model. This model is often used by a developer who often builds. The basic philosophies of partnering are openness, trust, common goals, time, finances and team work. LEAN is a production system that comes from the Japanese Toyota, also known as TPS. Sights and thinking regarding LEAN is to render more effective and to increase the productivity. An example of this is how the truck manufacturer Scania has applied and developed the production system in their daily activity. Partnering is possible to apply within small house projects, and is a good method for the future proprietor to contribute in and to influence time flat, quality and budget. The application of the interacting mould partnering in an individual small house project can seem complicated and often difficult to apply. After the summary of this study, we can now re-engage and answer our problem wording. We have also received new insights about the application of partnering in homebuilding projects, which may be of interest for further study.

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