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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comunicação pública como práxis no processo de mediação e mobilização da sociedade civil na esfera pública / Public communication as praxis in the mediation process and mobilization of civil society in the public sphere

Cesar, Regina Célia Escudero 18 December 2012 (has links)
Esta tese faz uma reflexão teórico-propositiva sobre a dinâmica da ação comunicativa que articula os movimentos sociais da sociedade civil na esfera publica. Utilizamo-nos da metodologia da interpretação hermenêutica em profundidade tanto na fase da pesquisa bibliográfica quanto na empírica, a fim de compreender o nosso campo-sujeito de investigação a partir das interpretações e reinterpretações destes sujeitos sobre sua realidade e sobre as temáticas analisadas nesta pesquisa de tese: público, esfera pública, sociedade civil, comunicação pública e cidadania. Defendemos a comunicação pública como mediadora da relação que se estabelece entre a sociedade civil e o Estado na esfera pública, numa perspectiva inclusiva, democrática e pautada numa interação entre sujeitos igualmente competentes e ativos que participam deste processo. Esta nova visão requer também um novo posicionamento do profissional relações-públicas, que, nesta pesquisa de tese, é abordado a partir do paradigma ético-discursivo. Para fundamentar estas reflexões, desenvolvemos uma análise do contexto sóciohistórico deste profissional. Na sua dimensão empírica, esta pesquisa de tese analisou os conceitos teóricos que a fundamentam num contexto específico de uma esfera pública, no caso, o Jardim União da Vitória, situado em Londrina-PR, o que nos possibilitou desvelar e conhecer esta realidade pelos olhares dos atores que dela participam, num processo de interpretação e reinterpretação da realidade em questão. Para além deste precioso conhecimento, esta pesquisa trouxe resultados significativos à comunidade envolvida, em relação à temática de interesse público discutida nesta esfera pública. / This thesis establishes a theoretical and purposeful reflection on the dynamics of the communicative actionwhich articulates the social movements of the civil society in the public sphere. We have used the hermeneutic interpretation methodology in depth both on the empirical and bibliographic literature in order to understand our fieldsubject of investigation from the interpretations and reinterpretations of such subjects about their realities and about the analyzed themes in this research thesis: public, public sphere, civil society, public communication and citizenship. We defend public communication as a mediator of the relationship established between the civil society and the state in the public sphere, under an inclusive and democratic perspective based on interactions among equally competent and active subjects participating in this process. This new vision also requires a new positioning of the public relations professional who in this research thesis isaddressed from the discursive-ethical paradigm. To substantiate these observations we developed an analysis of the sociohistorical context of this professional person. In its empirical dimension, this research thesis examined the theoretical concepts that underlie a specific context of a public sphere - Jardim União da Vitória - located in Londrina, which has enabled us to uncover and understand this reality by the eyes of the agents who participate in the process of interpretation and reinterpretation of the present reality. Beyond this precious knowledge, this research has brought significant results to the community, concerning the public interest theme discussed in the public sphere.

Arte Ocupação: práticas artísticas e a invenção de modos de organização / Arte Ocupação: artistic practices and the invention of organizational modes.

Jung, Ana Emilia 18 September 2018 (has links)
Esta tese é uma pesquisa em Poéticas Visuais que tem como ponto de partida o Arte Ocupação -- movimento de ações colaborativas nas escolas ocupadas no Paraná em 2016, que, por meio de intervenções diretas, gerou uma série de situações e proposições, as quais refletem e afirmam a condição-ocupação como dispositivo relacional, ao mesmo tempo que interpelam o campo da arte sugerindo um território de desbordes com imagens por vir. Partindo de um referencial conceitual baseado nas ideias do artista, pensador, político e ativista Marcelo Expósito, para quem a arte deve ser articulada por meio de uma função organizadora, buscou-se uma contextualização circunstancial, que, somada a outras interlocuções artísticas e teóricas sobre arte, política, imagem e esfera pública, é indicada aqui como \"prática modal\". Ainda como parte desta, transcreveu-se e traduziu-se para o português a apresentação El arte como producción de modos de organización, de Marcelo Expósito, traduziu-se o texto Sobre el Militante Investigador do Colectivo Situaciones e analisou-se o processo de trabalho do Arte Ocupação a partir da constituição de seu acervo propositivo, a dizer, a oficina Imagin(Ação): narrativas poético-políticas para estados de crise. Atelier-oficina para manifestações-exposições-ópera e as proposições Corpos que se descobrem como corpos que se manifestam, Colar de Chaves, Mato, A Revolução Francesa e Jogral, que podem ser vistas em www.arteocupacao.com. / This thesis is a research in Visual Poetics that has, as a starting point, the Arte Ocupação - a movement consistent of collaborative actions at occupied schools in Paraná, in 2016. This movement, through direct interventions, has generated a series of situations and propositions, which reflect and affirm the occupation-condition as a relational device, at the same time, interpellating the art field suggesting a land of overflows with coming images. Starting from a conceptual referential, based upon the ideas of the artist, thinker, politic and activist Marcelo Expósito, to whom art should be articulated by means of an organizational function, it was sought a circumstantial contextualization, which, added to other artistic and theoretical interlocutions about art, politics, image and public sphere, is here indicated as \"modal practice\". Still as a part of this, it was transcribed and translated into Portuguese the presentation Art as the sourceproduction of organizational modes, by Marcelo Expósito, it was translated the text About the militant investigador from Colectivo Situaciones and it was analized the work process of Arte Ocupação from the constitution of it\'s propositional collection, that is, the workshop Imagin(action): politic-poetic narratives for crisis\' states. Workshop-studio for operaexpositions- manifestations and the propositions Bodies that discover themselves as bodies that manifest themselves, keys necklace, Bush, The French Revolution and Jogral, wich can be seen at www.arteocupacao.com.

Iniciativas comunitárias de tv e Perspectivas de envolvimento da sociedade na construção de esfera pública

Oliveira, Cinthya Pires 20 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano (ppgmc@vm.uff.br) on 2017-07-13T20:34:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PPGMC_Projeto de pesquisa_Iniciativas Comunitarias de TV_Cinthya Pires Oliveira_nov2016f_ficha.pdf: 1699444 bytes, checksum: 21bc29b57e7b82a559ac132201efabed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jussara Moore (jussaramoore@id.uff.br) on 2017-07-20T12:54:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PPGMC_Projeto de pesquisa_Iniciativas Comunitarias de TV_Cinthya Pires Oliveira_nov2016f_ficha.pdf: 1699444 bytes, checksum: 21bc29b57e7b82a559ac132201efabed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-20T12:54:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PPGMC_Projeto de pesquisa_Iniciativas Comunitarias de TV_Cinthya Pires Oliveira_nov2016f_ficha.pdf: 1699444 bytes, checksum: 21bc29b57e7b82a559ac132201efabed (MD5) / Este estudo discorre sobre os principais desafios da TV Comunitária no atual contexto midiático para envolver a sociedade e propiciar a construção de esfera pública popular e dialógica. Enquanto a aceleração das inovações digitais proporciona conectividade, mobilidade e interatividade, a competitividade entre os meios de comunicação perpassa por ampliar o envolvimento das pessoas com conteúdos audiovisuais para captar sua atenção. Diante do cenário da Comunicação Pública Comunitária no Brasil, busca-se conjecturar sobre possíveis estratégias de interação desenvolvidas pela TV Comunitária a partir de pesquisas bibliográfica, documental e empírica. Deste modo, o estudo aborda a atribuição da TV Comunitária como espaço público para participação e inclusão social, aspectos essenciais da democracia. Contudo, há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para a efetiva atuação desses canais comunitários e o progresso de suas atividades pautadas pela transformação social e pelas perspectivas de envolvimento. Nesse sentido, este estudo contribui para a abordagem de fatores nevrálgicos, mas essenciais para o processo de consolidação da mídia pública. Ao avaliar aspectos teórico-práticos relacionados à experiência de envolvimento da comunidade, provoca-se reflexões sobre o fortalecimento dessas inciativas a partir da formação de redes de mobilização e transformação social. / This study discusses about the Community TV´s main challenges in the current media context to engage society and to build a popular and dialogic public sphere. While digital acceleration determine connectivity, mobility and interactivity, media´s competition permeates increase the involvement of people with audiovisual content to attract their attention. In front of the Community Public Communication landscape in Brazil, seeks to reflect on possible interaction strategies developed by Community TV from review bibliographic, documentary and empirical research. Therefore, the study approuch the issue of Community TV as a public space for participation and social inclusion, essential aspects of democracy. However, there is a long way to implement of Community Channels and their activities´s progress guided by change and the social engage. In this sense, this study contributes to the approach of sensitive factors, but essential to the public media consolidation. When evaluating theoretical assumptions and practical issues related to community´s engage experience, it reflects about the empowermet of these initiatives and the creation of networks ba

The regulation of the teaching work in the State of Cearà in the public/private interface (1942-1962). / A RegulamentaÃÃo do Trabalho Docente no Estado do Cearà na interface PÃblico/Privado (1942/1962).

Francisco das Chagas de Loiola Sousa 18 December 2006 (has links)
A presente tese trata do processo de regulamentaÃÃo do trabalho docente no Estado do CearÃ, no perÃodo de 1942 a 1962, em escolas primÃrias e secundÃrias das redes pÃblica e particular. As anÃlises tÃm como foco principal a constituiÃÃo do trabalho docente no Ãmbito da esfera pÃblica, ou seja, indagamos como a docÃncia foi se constituindo publicamente como uma profissÃo em face das reformas educacionais de nacionalizaÃÃo do sistema de ensino brasileiro. Desse modo, abordamos questÃes relacionadas à profissionalizaÃÃo da atividade docente sob o Ãngulo das relaÃÃes pÃblico/privado. Foram utilizadas, como fontes principais, a legislaÃÃo educacional estadual e federal, os jornais locais e as entrevistas com professores que exerceram o magistÃrio no perÃodo aqui investigado. Dentre as conclusÃes, destacamos o fato de que a regulamentaÃÃo do trabalho docente, por meio de decretos, leis etc., apresentava, nÃo raras vezes, ambigÃidades e contradiÃÃes diversas, as quais tinham origem nas influÃncias do mundo privado (de parentes prÃximos, polÃticos e amigos). Nesse sentido, tais polÃticas educacionais apresentavam, na prÃtica, uma cara mais privada do que pÃblica, cujos interesses econÃmicos e polÃtico-eleitorais, com grande participaÃÃo da Igreja CatÃlica, penetravam a esfera pÃblica, a exemplo do financiamento oficial das escolas particulares, do clientelismo e do favoritismo polÃtico no magistÃrio. / The present thesis concerns the process of regulation of the teaching work in the State of CearÃ, during the period from 1942 through 1962, in primary and secondary schools of both public and private network. The analysis has as the main focus the constitution of teaching in the ambit of the public sphere, that is, we investigated the way teaching constitutes itself publicly as a profession concerning the new educational reforms of nationalization of the Brazilian teaching system. Thus, we have approached questions related to the professionalism of the teaching activity under the angle of the public/private relations. It was used, as main sources, the educational legislation both federal and from the state, local newspapers and interviews with teachers who have worked in this area in the period investigated in this project. Among the conclusions, we have noted the foot that the regulation of the teaching work, by means of decrees, laws etc, has presented, occasionally, ambiguities and various contradictions, which had their origin in the influences of the private world (of close relatives, politicians and friends). In this sense, the educational politics presented, a more private than public face, whose economic and politic-electoral interests, with a great participation of the Catholic Church, penetrated the public sphere, as the example of the official financing of private schools, the customer activity and the politic favoritism in the magistrate.

Artista é público / Artista é público

Vitor Cesar Junior 23 November 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa procura abordar as propriedades críticas da arte na constituição de esferas públicas, compreendendo os diferentes aspectos nos quais o conceito de público tem sido abordado no contexto artístico. Para tanto, concentra-se em propostas artísticas que lidam com espaços não institucionais da arte e procuram constituir seu público por meio de uma dinâmica da vida cotidiana, levando em consideração como as formulações artísticas e as críticas sobre o que se conceitua como Arte Pública contribuem para as intensas transformações neste campo. Como metodologia para examinar tais questões, realizei uma reflexão sobre a minha experiência enquanto artista simultaneamente a uma abordagem teórica. Assim, a estrutura da dissertação se divide em dois núcleos: o primeiro apresenta um recorte de meu percurso artístico, que problematiza a forma do texto enquanto mediador entre o leitor da dissertação e as propostas artísticas realizadas. O segundo, abrange uma contextualização teórica que discute a maneira pela qual as transformações das práticas artísticas, ao longo do século XX, abordam o conceito de público e esfera pública, tendo como referência Hannah Arendt, seguida de uma tentativa de aproximação de tais questões com o contexto brasileiro. O texto aqui apresentado é, por sua vez, uma conformação gráfica que pretende estabelecer visualmente as interconexões conceituais desse processo metodológico. / This research aims at an understanding of the critical attributes of art in the constitution of public spheres, with regard to the different aspects in which the concept of public has been approached in the artistic context. In order to do so, it focuses on artistic proposals that deal with non-institutional art spaces and that try to constitute their audiences through an everyday-life dynamic, taking into account how the artistic formulations and the criticism of public art contribute for the intense transformations in this field. As a methodology to approach these questions, I have developed an investigation about my own experience as an artist, parallel to a theoretical analysis. Thus, the structure of the thesis it is divided into two parts: the first one presents a portion of my artistic process, which problematizes text form as mediation between the reader of the thesis and the actual artistic proposals. The second one covers a conceptual contextualization, that discusses the way in which the transformation of artistic practices during twentieth century approaches the concept of public and public sphere, using as reference the work of Hannah Arendt, following an attempt to insert these questions within the Brazilian context. The presented text is a graphic organization that tries to establish the conceptual interconnections of this methodological process.

Estado, sociedade e esfera p?blica: um olhar sobre conselhos municipais de desenvolvimento em Pernambuco. 2008. 186f / State, society and public sphere: a look at municipal advisory boards for development in Pernambuco 2008. 186p.

Barros, Marfisa Cysneiros de 25 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:13:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marfisa Barros.pdf: 1001596 bytes, checksum: 6d2bfa64cb0a4c7f8b47dfbf4786b865 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-25 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study concerns a qualitative assessment of the municipal advisory boards for development in the state of Pernambuco. Discussions about the political significance and consequences of the institutionalization of participatory spaces on constructing citizenship have attracted criticism and challenges, especially with regard to the quality and results of civil society s participation in these spaces. We have considered it important to conduct a study based on evidence from one of these participatory experiences, with the objective of contributing to understanding their possibilities and limits, as public spheres that incorporate the conquest of rights and the democratic construction of the State. We also endeavor to reflect on the potential of the advisory boards as inducers of a new political culture that acts on its members, such that they acquire the skills to transcend the corporate level of their representations by taking on the role of translators of broader social demands that contribute to democratizing public administration. To tackle this theme, the study has been based on a bibliography that has made it possible to capture of the diversity of angles within the theme. In order to build the empirical object of the investigation, 20 open interviews were conducted with those who ranged from representative advisors of civil entities to government representatives and independent consultants, whether or not linked to NGOs. We use, as support for the analysis, an examination of a set of documents that define the legal cornerstones for the functioning of the advisory bodies, in addition to others related to the results of how some of them function. The reflections arising during the course of the study suggest that the key issue for understanding the participatory process lies in the public sphere which has emerged from a new type of interaction between the State and civil society, in specific situations. / Este trabalho trata de uma avalia??o qualitativa dos conselhos municipais de desenvolvimento no Estado de Pernambuco. As discuss?es sobre o significado pol?tico e as conseq??ncias da institucionaliza??o de espa?os participativos na constru??o da cidadania, tem despertado posi??es cr?ticas e questionadoras, sobretudo no que diz respeito ? qualidade e aos resultados participa??o da sociedade civil nesses espa?os. Consideramos importante realizar um estudo circunstanciado sobre uma dessas experi?ncias participativas, com o objetivo de contribuir para a compreens?o de suas possibilidades e limites, enquanto esferas p?blicas que incorporem a conquista de direitos e a constru??o democr?tica do Estado. Buscamos, tamb?m, refletir sobre as potencialidades dos conselhos como indutores de uma nova cultura pol?tica que atue sobre seus integrantes , no sentido de capacita-los para transcender o n?vel corporativo de suas representa??es, constituindo-se em tradutores de demandas sociais mais amplas que contribuam para democratizar a gest?o p?blica. Para apreens?o da tem?tica, o trabalho apoiou-se numa bibliografia que possibilitasse a capta??o da diversidade de ?ngulos que a comp?em. Para constru??o do objeto emp?rico da investiga??o, foram realizadas 20 entrevistas abertas, distribu?das entre conselheiros representantes das entidades civis, representantes governamentais e consultores aut?nomos, ligados ou n?o a ONGs. Utilizamos, como suporte para a an?lise, um conjunto de documentos que definem os marcos legais para funcionamento dos conselhos, alem de outros relacionados com os resultados do funcionamento de alguns deles. As reflex?es desenvolvidas na trajet?ria do estudo sugerem que a quest?o-chave para entender o processo participativo est? na constitui??o da esfera p?blica que surge de um novo tipo de intera??o entre o Estado e a sociedade civil, em situa??es espec?ficas.

Estado, sociedade e esfera p?blica: um olhar sobre os conselhos municipais de desenvolvimento em Pernambuco / State, society and public sphere: a look at municipal advisory boards for development in Pernambuco

BARROS, Marfisa Cysneiros de 25 November 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-08-22T17:03:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Marfisa Cysneiros de Barros.pdf: 993613 bytes, checksum: 21b35f9a551f15a09a2007e7d87c6a2d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T17:03:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Marfisa Cysneiros de Barros.pdf: 993613 bytes, checksum: 21b35f9a551f15a09a2007e7d87c6a2d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-25 / CAPES / This study concerns a qualitative assessment of the municipal advisory boards for development in the state of Pernambuco. Discussions about the political significance and consequences of the institutionalization of participatory spaces on constructing citizenship have attracted criticism and challenges, especially with regard to the quality and results of civil society?s participation in these spaces. We have considered it important to conduct a study based on evidence from one of these participatory experiences, with the objective of contributing to understanding their possibilities and limits, as public spheres that incorporate the conquest of rights and the democratic construction of the State. We also endeavor to reflect on the potential of the advisory boards as inducers of a new political culture that acts on its members, such that they acquire the skills to transcend the corporate level of their representations by taking on the role of translators of broader social demands that contribute to democratizing public administration. To tackle this theme, the study has been based on a bibliography that has made it possible to capture of the diversity of angles within the theme. In order to build the empirical object of the investigation, 20 open interviews were conducted with those who ranged from representative advisors of civil entities to government representatives and independent consultants, whether or not linked to NGOs. We use, as support for the analysis, an examination of a set of documents that define the legal cornerstones for the functioning of the advisory bodies, in addition to others related to the results of how some of them function. The reflections arising during the course of the study suggest that the key issue for understanding the participatory process lies in the public sphere which has emerged from a new type of interaction between the State and civil society, in specific situations. / Este trabalho trata de uma avalia??o qualitativa dos conselhos municipais de desenvolvimento no Estado de Pernambuco. As discuss?es sobre o significado pol?tico e as consequ?ncias da institucionaliza??o de espa?os participativos na constru??o da cidadania, tem despertado posi??es cr?ticas e questionadoras, sobretudo no que diz respeito ? qualidade e aos resultados participa??o da sociedade civil nesses espa?os. Consideramos importante realizar um estudo circunstanciado sobre uma dessas experi?ncias participativas, com o objetivo de contribuir para a compreens?o de suas possibilidades e limites, enquanto esferas p?blicas que incorporem a conquista de direitos e a constru??o democr?tica do Estado. Buscamos, tamb?m, refletir sobre as potencialidades dos conselhos como indutores de uma nova cultura pol?tica que atue sobre seus integrantes , no sentido de capacita-los para transcender o n?vel corporativo de suas representa??es, constituindo-se em tradutores de demandas sociais mais amplas que contribuam para democratizar a gest?o p?blica. Para apreens?o da tem?tica, o trabalho apoiou-se numa bibliografia que possibilitasse a capta??o da diversidade de ?ngulos que a comp?em. Para constru??o do objeto emp?rico da investiga??o, foram realizadas 20 entrevistas abertas, distribu?das entre conselheiros representantes das entidades civis, representantes governamentais e consultores aut?nomos, ligados ou n?o a ONGs. Utilizamos, como suporte para a an?lise, um conjunto de documentos que definem os marcos legais para funcionamento dos conselhos, alem de outros relacionados com os resultados do funcionamento de alguns deles. As reflex?es desenvolvidas na trajet?ria do estudo sugerem que a quest?o-chave para entender o processo participativo est? na constitui??o da esfera p?blica que surge de um novo tipo de intera??o entre o Estado e a sociedade civil, em situa??es espec?ficas

Mediating the transition : The press, state and capital in a changing Zimbabwe, 1980-2004

Chuma, Wallace 24 November 2008 (has links)
There is consensus in media scholarship that in the best conditions, the media can play fundamental roles as institutions of the public sphere in both established and fledgling democracies. This study applies the critical political economy of the media approach to explore the manner in which the mainstream press in Zimbabwe ‘mediates’ the country’s postcolonial transition through coverage of political contests and political debate. It assumes that how the press frames these pivotal features of democracy is a significant pointer to its role in relation to the public sphere. While on the one level examining patterns of media framing of elections in the selected six newspapers over a period spanning over two decades, on the other level the study explores the relationship between the press and centres of political and economic power in the transition. This is done with a view to establishing the role and influence of these relations on media functions. What emerges from this study is that both the state and fractions of capital informed the manner in which the press ‘mediated’ Zimbabwe’s transition. The state was particularly the most influential power centre which, as its legitimacy waned after the first decade of independence, adopted authoritarian and predatory tendencies with the effect of polarising media along highly partisan forms of ‘oppositional’ and ‘patriotic’ journalism. Where nodes of critical-analytical journalism appeared, as did ‘independent nationalist’ journalism in 2000, they were nipped in the bud by unrelenting political and economic constraints. The study’s major finding is that restrictive media policies aimed at constructing Zanu PF hegemony through the press, as well as pressures from fractions of capital and sections of civil society vying for control of state, combined to seriously compromise the press’s mediation of the political contestation in the transition. It also notes the press’s institutional inability to actively assert its powers of agency against structural constraints, and explains this as a partial inheritance from lethargic Rhodesian institutions such as the Rhodesia Guild of Journalists. Overall, the thesis argues that to nurture a media system that approximates the ideal of a multi-layered and differentiated public sphere which best serves an array of citizens’ interests, Zimbabwe would need radical reforms at the levels of media policy and media practice.

Reading Spaces: Nation and Popular Learning in Nineteenth-Century Lima

Solis, Gracia G 15 November 2017 (has links)
My dissertation examined the transformation of reading practices and ideas about the functions of alphabetic literacy in nineteenth-century Lima. Scholars of Latin America have attributed improvements in literacy rates to the rise of the Teaching State in the twentieth century; however, as I showed, literacy and reading culture spread decades earlier in the Peruvian capital, at a time when the state lacked the stability and resources to develop a public system of education. “Reading Spaces” argued that during the second half of the nineteenth century, private educational enterprise from a diverse group of booksellers, writers, and educators established key institutions of the modern Teaching State, including a national textbook industry as well as pedagogical newspapers, associations, and conferences. They did so in a process that promoted new pedagogical methods and helped spread alphabetic literacy and reading practices. Developments in the disciplines of book history, the cultural history of education, and the history of reading informed my methodological approach to a variety of previously unexamined sources including books, textbooks, pedagogical periodicals, as well as bookstore organ newspapers and catalogues. Both the intellectual content and paratext of published sources provided a wealth of information regarding the circulation of the texts, their reception among state authorities and influential members of Lima’s society, and the relationship of book and textbook authors to their publishers and readers. My dissertation revealed that textbook standardization and the proliferation of pedagogical newspapers were processes firmly rooted in the development of Peru’s private educational enterprise, publishing industry and educational legislation of the nineteenth century. These processes expanded Lima’s public sphere, where booksellers, editors, writers, and teachers debated modern pedagogies and promoted broad engagement in educational matters. They conducted pedagogical conferences, intellectual competitions, national expositions and reorganized civic festivities. The presence of a pedagogical public sphere, which directed the course of institutions of the modern nation state in Peru, encourages a reassessment of our traditional narratives of the relationship between education and nation in Latin America and beyond.

Physical/virtual sites: using creative practice to develop alternative communicative spaces

Kaye, Nicola, Art, College of Fine Arts, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
This thesis interrogates my and others?? creative praxis using the tools of the Internet, webcam, blogging and digital video, to elucidate possibilities for communication. I examine whether these tools are productive for my creativity and others?? in increasing communicative spaces and building social networks amongst the complexities of globalised culture. Many cultural commentators consider the Internet as a new kind of public sphere, developing community, strengthening the lifeworld and providing ethical discourse. The Internet, however, is a context not without problems. Still, less that one quarter of the world??s population has access, and computer illiteracy and governance (to name only a few) contribute to its limitations ?? this dichotomy is central to my investigation. I demonstrate that information communication technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet are radically altering our everyday lives and mediation is increasingly pervasive. I argue, therefore, that our globalised context demands alternative communicative spaces to mainstream media that allow diversity, plurality, intersubjectivity and new forms of interrogation. I ask whether the Internet can assist in the development of social networks and newest social movements (NSMs) by increasing civic bonds and communities. I posit communicative action, reflexivity and praxis as productive tools for a critical practice. I suggest that these theories are influential in researching the Internet??s potential in generating social awareness. I argue that the Internet can be used to construct social spaces and, in conjunction with creativity, can increase its productive capacity in developing diverse and ethical communicative contexts.

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