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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hot och våld på akutmottagningar : En beskrivande litteraturstudieHägglund, Anna, Linde, Eva January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld förekommer inom nästan all sjukvårdsverksamhet och bland de värst drabbade är akutsjukvården och akutmottagningarna. Sjuksköterskor löper även större risk att utsättas för hot och våld än övriga yrkeskategorier på akutmottagningen. Skiftarbeten, patienternas åkommor och tillstånd samt besökarnas beroendeställning är några av riskfaktorerna till att hot och våld förekommer. Sjuksköterskornas erfarenhet av fenomenet behöver lyftas ytterligare. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hot och våld på akutmottagningar. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserat på kvalitativa data från 12 artiklar funna i databaserna Pubmed och CINAHL. Huvudresultat: Hot och våld är ett underrapporterat men vanligt förekommande fenomen på akutmottagningar. Det resulterar i fysiska och psykiska konsekvenser hos sjuksköterskorna. Även omvårdnaden av alla patienter blir påverkad som en följd av fenomenet. Slutsats: Mer utbildning och säkerhetsresurser sågs som två viktiga komponenter för att förbättra hanteringen av hot och våld. / Background: Threat and violence is something that occur in almost all healthcare operations and the emergency care, and the emergency departments are some of the worst affected. Nurse´s are at greater risk to be exposed to threat and violence rather than employees from another profession. Working shifts, patient’s aliments, and conditions and the visitor’s dependency are some of the risk factors for threat and violence to occur. Nurse´s experiences of the phenomenon need to be further emphasized. Aim: To describe nurse´s experiences of threat and violence at emergency departments. Method: A descriptive literature review based on qualitative data from 12 articles found on the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Main result: Threat and violence is an underreported but common phenomenon at emergency departments. This results in physical and mental consequences for the Nurse´s. The care of all patients is also affected because of the phenomenon. Conclusion: More training and security resources were seen as two important components for improving the management of threat and violence.
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Noll tolerans mot hot och våld inom ambulanssjukvården : en litteraturstudie / Zero tolerance for threats and violence in ambulance services : a literature studyThorstenson, AnnSofie, Eriksson, Mimmi January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld förekommer i alla delar av vården och det speglar ett hårdare klimat i samhället och framförallt inom akutsjukvården. Ambulanspersonalen arbetar patientnära och är extra utsatta i både ensamarbete och i komplexa situationer. Att uppleva hot och våld i arbetet kan få negativa konsekvenser för ambulanspersonalens hälsa och även för patientsäkerheten. Författarna har valt personcentrerad vård som specifikt kompetensområde då det har en betydande del av omvårdnadsprocessen. Syftet: Syftet var att belysa erfarenheter av hot och våld i samband med omhändertaganden av patienter inom ambulanssjukvård. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med en systematisk metod. Artiklarna söktes i två olika databaser, PubMed och CINAHL och totalt inkluderades 16 artiklar till resultatet. Analysmetoden som användes var en integrerad analys. Resultatet: Analyserades till tre kategorier; variationer av hot och våld, bidragande faktorer till hot och våld, konsekvenser av hot och våld. Resultatet visade att vara ung ambulanspersonal och sakna arbetslivserfarenhet var en bidragande orsak för att utsättas för hot och våld. De som utsätter ambulanspersonal för hot och våld var patienten, anhöriga och andra personer på plats. Slutsats: Det finns faktorer som ambulanspersonalen inte kan påverka. En starkt bidragande orsak till hot och våld mot ambulanspersonal var alkohol- och drogpåverkade patienter. Det som genomsyrar nästintill alla artiklar är att yngre och oerfaren personal lättare hamnar i dessa situationer, då den kliniska erfarenheten och livserfarenheten saknades. Det är viktigt att ambulanspersonalen är situationsmedveten och kan förutse vilka situationer som kan urarta och förebygga dessa. Konsekvenserna kan bli påtagliga i form av ökad stress och empatinedsättning för patienterna om personalen inte får det stöd som efterfrågas. / Background: Threats and violence occur in every part of the healthcare system and this is a reflection of a harder climate in society, especially in emergency medical services. Ambulance staff work closely with the patients and are vulnerable in situations when they are alone and when the situation is complex. When experiencing threats and violence at work can have negative consequences for the ambulance staff´s health and for the patient safety. Person-centred care has an imported role in the nursing-process. Aim: To illustrate the experiences in situations where threats and violence occur towards ambulance staff meanwhile they took care of patients. Method: Was a literature overview with a systematic method. The articles were searched in two different databases, PubMed and CINAHL and a total of 16 articles were included to the result. The analysis method used was a integrated analysis. Results: Were analysed in to three categories; variations of threats and violence, contributing factors to threats and violence, consequences of threats and violence. The results showed that being young and work in the ambulance and if they had none work experience was a contributing factor for being exposed to threats and violence. It´s patients, relatives and people on site who expose´s the ambulance staff for threat and violence. Conclusion: There were factors that the ambulance staff couldn't affect and one major contributing factor which led too threat and violence were alcohol- and drug affected patient´s. In almost all the article showed that younger and unexperienced ambulance staff were end up easier in these situations. It´s important that ambulance staff are aware of the situation and can predict which situations can degenerate and prevent them. The consequences for ambulance staff that don´t receive the support that was requested could lead to increased stress and lack of empathy toward the patient.
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Survey and Analysis of Multimodal Sensor Planning and Integration for Wide Area SurveillanceAbidi, Besma, Aragam, Nash R., Yao, Yi, Abidi, Mongi A. 01 December 2008 (has links)
Although sensor planning in computer vision has been a subject of research for over two decades, a vast majority of the research seems to concentrate on two particular applications in a rather limited context of laboratory and industrial workbenches, namely 3D object reconstruction and robotic arm manipulation. Recently, increasing interest is engaged in research to come up with solutions that provide wide-area autonomous surveillance systems for object characterization and situation awareness, which involves portable, wireless, and/or Internet connected radar, digital video, and/or infrared sensors. The prominent research problems associated with multisensor integration for wide-area surveillance are modality selection, sensor planning, data fusion, and data exchange (communication) among multiple sensors. Thus, the requirements and constraints to be addressed include far-field view, wide coverage, high resolution, cooperative sensors, adaptive sensing modalities, dynamic objects, and uncontrolled environments. This article summarizes a new survey and analysis conducted in light of these challenging requirements and constraints. It involves techniques and strategies from work done in the areas of sensor fusion, sensor networks, smart sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), photogrammetry, and other intelligent systems where finding optimal solutions to the placement and deployment of multimodal sensors covering a wide area is important. While techniques covered in this survey are applicable to many wide-area environments such as traffic monitoring, airport terminal surveillance, parking lot surveillance, etc., our examples will be drawn mainly from such applications as harbor security and long-range face recognition.
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Protector or oppressor? : A comparative case study of internal conflict and military influence in Myanmar and the PhilippinesChamberlain, Beatrice January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to test the causal connection between internal security threats and political intervention by the military in states which have recently transitioned to democracy. In order to investigate this, a comparative case study is conducted between the recent case of Myanmar and the case of the Philippines in the 1980s with the aim of investigating how the presence of internal conflict in the two countries has impacted the level of military influence post-transition. This is investigated through a qualitative analysis of the countries’ constitutions as well as statements by political and military leaders in order to investigate how the issues of internal conflict and the role of the military are defined, perceived and portrayed. The results of the study demonstrate that differences in these areas may explain why the military in Myanmar has managed to intervene more successfully. <img src="blob:https://uu.diva-portal.org/f8bb8d04-2f8c-4176-a36d-2e9876197374" />
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Stéréotype de la schizophrénie dans les évaluations en neuropsychologie clinique : étude approfondie des enjeux méthodologiques et pratiques / Schizophrenia stereotype within assesments in clinical neuropsychology Methodological and practical issuesYvon, Florence 27 May 2019 (has links)
Ce projet doctoral s’inscrit dans le contexte de la réhabilitation psychosociale promouvant la lutte contre la stigmatisation des maladies psychiatriques sévères. Il vise à une meilleure compréhension de la stigmatisation de la schizophrénie au travers de l’étude des composantes du stéréotype et de ses effets sur les performances neuropsychologiques. La revue de la littérature sur la thématique nous amène au constat d’une grande hétérogénéité dans les méthodes d’exploration du stéréotype de la schizophrénie, en partie expliquée par un cloisonnement des recherches entre la Psychiatrie et la Psychologie sociale.Les deux études réalisées visaient à : i) explorer le contenu du stéréotype de la schizophrénie chez les familles et dans la population générale en France ; ii) étudier expérimentalement l’impact de la menace du stéréotype sur les performances cognitives des personnes souffrant de schizophrénie.La première étude montre que le stéréotype de la schizophrénie est plus massivement rejeté par les familles, et notamment dans sa dimension « Dangerosité ». Les résultats suggèrent en outre que la dimension « Incompétence » du stéréotype de la schizophrénie occupe une place centrale, autant chez les familles que dans la population générale. L’intégration de nos résultats dans les modèles développés par la Psychologie sociale nous amène à proposer un modèle du contenu du stéréotype de la schizophrénie, dans lequel les dimensions de dangerosité et d’incompétence du stéréotype prédiraient des patterns spécifiques d’émotions et de comportements discriminatoires.La seconde étude, expérimentale, ne permet pas de mettre en évidence un effet négatif de la menace du stéréotype de la schizophrénie sur les performances exécutives. Cette absence de résultat significatif nous amène à discuter des enjeux méthodologiques dans les designs expérimentaux, en particulier quant à leur application dans la schizophrénie. Ainsi, certains facteurs comme le domaine d’identification, le choix des mesures cognitives et la prise en compte des différentes menaces potentielles apparaissent primordiaux pour les recherches futures. / This doctoral research interests the field of psychosocial rehabilitation, promoting the fight of stigma in severe mental disorders. The objective is to better understand the schizophrenia stigma through the study of stereotype components and its effect on current clinical neuropsychological practice. The review of stigma scientific publishing underlines a great methodological heterogeneity regarding schizophrenia stereotype exploration, that can be explain by the scientific partitioning of Social psychology and Psychiatry research. Consequently our doctoral research was aimed at integrating these two bodies of research to enhance the operationalization of schizophrenia stereotype content and its potential effects on cognitive performances.We conducted two studies aimed at: i) exploring schizophrenia content stereotype in families and the general population in France; ii) investigating the impact of stereotype threat on cognitive performances in schizophrenia.The first study shows that schizophrenia stereotype is more strongly rejected by families, especially in its “Dangerousness” dimension. Results also suggest that “Incompetency” is a core dimension of schizophrenia stereotype, both in families and the general population. The integration of our results with the models of Social psychology leads us to propose a model of schizophrenia stereotype content in which the Dangerousness and Incompetency dimensions would both predict specific patterns of emotions and discriminatory behaviors.The second experimental study failed to show any negative effect of schizophrenia stereotype threat on executive performances. Finally, this failure leads us to discuss the methodological issues of experimental designs, especially regarding their application in schizophrenia. Thus, several factors of interest, like the identification domain, the choice of cognitive measures and the consideration for various potential threats appear to be relevant for future research
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Impact of intergenerational contacts on the performance of the elderly under stereotype threat : a comparative study of France and Indonesia / L'impact des contacts intergénérationnels sur la performance des personnes âgées en situation de menace du stéréotype : étude comparative France - IndonésieFebriani, Arum 30 November 2016 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est de montrer que le contact avec les jeunes peut diminuer les effets délétères de la menace du stéréotype (i.e., la crainte de confirmer le stéréotype négatif de son propre groupe) sur la performance des personnes âgées, en France et en Indonésie. Dans les deux pays, les personnes âgées sont stéréotypées comme ayant de faibles capacités mnésiques. Nous examinons également les rôles médiateurs de l'anxiété (liée à la performance et/ou celle d'intergroupe) et de l'empathie (l'empathie cognitive, également appelée «perspective taking», et/ou l'empathie affective) dans le lien entre la menace et la performance, en fonction du groupe culturel auquel appartiennent ces personnes âgées. Les participants, des personnes âgées en France et en Indonésie, réalisaient une tâche présentée soit comme un test de mémoire (menaçant pour les personnes âgées) ou comme un exercice cognitif (non menaçant). Les résultats montrent que, dans les deux pays, la menace entraîne la diminution de la performance des participants par rapport à la tâche, particulièrement chez ceux qui ont peu de contacts positifs avec les jeunes en dehors de la famille. Parmi ceux ayant des contacts positifs, la menace ne réduit pas leur performance. Les contacts avec les jeunes au sein même de la famille, par exemple avec les petits enfants, entraînent également des meilleures performances chez les participants âgés en France, contrairement à ceux en Indonésie. Les résultats révèlent que l'anxiété, contrairement à l'empathie, est une variable médiatrice du lien entre la menace et la performance. Tout en révélant l'influence de la culture, l'anxiété liée à la performance chez les participants français versus l'anxiété intergroupe chez les participants indonésiens, explique la diminution des performances. La discussion se focalise sur les différences aussi bien dans la nature des contacts intergénérationnels que dans la perception de soi chez les personnes âgées dans ces deux pays. / The present studies examined whether contacts with young people reduce the negative effects of stereotype threat (i.e., fear of confirming the negative stereotypes of one's own group) on the performance of the elderly in France and in Indonesia. The extent to which this is mediated by anxiety (performance anxiety and/or intergroup anxiety) and empathy (i.e., cognitive empathy, also called perspective taking, and/or affective empathy) as a function of cultural groups was also examined. Samples of elderly people in France and in Indonesia completed a task that was framed as a memory test (high-threat situation, given the stereotype of the elderly as forgetful in both countries) or a cognitive exercise (low-threat situation). Results showed that, in both countries, threat decreased the performance of the elderly, but only among those who had little positive contacts with young people outside the family. Among those who had more positive contacts, threat did not lower their performance. Contacts with you people within the family, such as grandchildren, also had similar buffering function among our French participants, but not among Indonesian participants. Results also revealed anxiety, but not empathy, as the mediating factor of the link between threat, contacts, and performance. Revealing the importance of culture, it was performance anxiety for the French vs. intergroup anxiety for the Indonesian elderly that mediated the effects of threat on performance. The discussion focuses on the differences in the nature of intergenerational contacts and in the self-perception of the elderly in the two countries.
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Stereotype Threat and Work Attitudes of Older WorkersCountryman, Cheryl A. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Despite an aging U. S. workforce, age discrimination at work remains an issue. Researchers have found that beliefs about the aging process affect workers' performance and attitudes. There is little research available examining this phenomenon from the perception of older workers. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to understand the lived experiences of 7 workers aged 55 and older regarding ageism through the theoretical framework of stereotype threat theory. Research questions focused on identifying age-related stereotypes held by the participants, the influence of those stereotypes on perceptions of aging, perception of the impact of aging on job performance, and experienced ageism and discrimination in the workplace. Transcribed interviews were analyzed using a modified Stevick Colazzi method to group significant statements into themes and form a composite description that included textural and structural description. Themes that emerged from the study included culturally absorbed stereotypes of helplessness, acceptance of the participants' aging process, positive perceptions of themselves as older workers, a perceived pressure to retire from coworkers, self-identified physical limitations, and life-stage acceptance. Overall, older workers reported a relatively positive self-image and positive perceptions of work performance by supervisors and coworkers. The findings of this study may contribute to social change by informing employers and employee assistance counselors how to address the realistic needs and concerns of older workers. Further studies in aging may promote understanding of aging not as equaling decline but as a time of opportunity to continue to make contributions to the community regardless of chronological age.
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The Impact of Mindfulness on Non-Malicious Spillage within Images on Social Networking SitesLandress, Angela D. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Insider threat by employees in organizations is a problematic issue in today’s fast-paced, internet-driven society. Gone are the days when securing the perimeter of one’s network protected their business. Security threats are now mobile, and employees have the ability to share sensitive business data with hundreds of people instantaneously from mobile devices. While prior research has addressed social networking topics such as trust in relation to information systems, the use of social networking sites, social networking security, and social networking sharing, there is a lack of research in the mindfulness of users who spill sensitive data contained within images posted on social networking sites (SNS). The author seeks to provide an understanding of how non-malicious spillage through images relates to the mindfulness of employees, who are also deemed insiders. Specifically, it explores the relationships between the following variables: mindfulness, proprietary information spillage, and spillage of personally identifiable information (PII). A quasi-experimental study was designed, which was correlational in nature. Individuals were the unit of analysis. A sample population of business managers with SNS accounts were studied. A series of video vignettes were used to measure mindfulness. Surveys were used as a tool to collect and analyze data. There was a positive correlation between non-malicious spillage of sensitive business, both personally identifiable information and proprietary data, and a lack of mindfulness.
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Novel Alert Visualization: The Development of a Visual Analytics Prototype for Mitigation of Malicious Insider Cyber ThreatsClarke, Karla A. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Cyber insider threat is one of the most difficult risks to mitigate in organizations. However, innovative validated visualizations for cyber analysts to better decipher and react to detected anomalies has not been reported in literature or in industry. Attacks caused by malicious insiders can cause millions of dollars in losses to an organization. Though there have been advances in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) over the last three decades, traditional IDSs do not specialize in anomaly identification caused by insiders. There is also a profuse amount of data being presented to cyber analysts when deciphering big data and reacting to data breach incidents using complex information systems.
Information visualization is pertinent to the identification and mitigation of malicious cyber insider threats. The main goal of this study was to develop and validate, using Subject Matter Experts (SME), an executive insider threat dashboard visualization prototype. Using the developed prototype, an experimental study was conducted, which aimed to assess the perceived effectiveness in enhancing the analysts’ interface when complex data correlations are presented to mitigate malicious insiders cyber threats. Dashboard-based visualization techniques could be used to give full visibility of network progress and problems in real-time, especially within complex and stressful environments. For instance, in an Emergency Room (ER), there are four main vital signs used for urgent patient triage. Cybersecurity vital signs can give cyber analysts clear focal points during high severity issues. Pilots must expeditiously reference the Heads Up Display (HUD), which presents only key indicators to make critical decisions during unwarranted deviations or an immediate threat.
Current dashboard-based visualization techniques have yet to be fully validated within the field of cybersecurity. This study developed a visualization prototype based on SME input utilizing the Delphi method. SMEs validated the perceived effectiveness of several different types of the developed visualization dashboard. Quantitative analysis of SME’s perceived effectiveness via self-reported value and satisfaction data as well as qualitative analysis of feedback provided during the experiments using the prototype developed were performed.
This study identified critical cyber visualization variables and identified visualization techniques. The identifications were then used to develop QUICK.v™ a prototype to be used when mitigating potentially malicious cyber insider threats. The perceived effectiveness of QUICK.v™ was then validated. Insights from this study can aid organizations in enhancing cybersecurity dashboard visualizations by depicting only critical cybersecurity vital signs.
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China, A Rising Threat? : An Analysis of American Threat Perception of China in the 21st CenturyHjälsten, John January 2021 (has links)
The United States is for the first time 100 years potentially facing a peer in the international Arena. China’s rise has been significant over the last 20 years, and they are now able to rival the United States in many areas. How then, will the long dominant United States react to the rise of China, how does it view it as a threat. Utilizing a content analysis approach including threat framing and assessment of threat perception intensity this study seeks to answer the question of how the United States view China as a threat. The result of the analysis indicates an intensification of threat perception of China over time, but then going down again. Obama had the lowest average intensity, trump the highest, and Biden somewhat lower than Trump. The results deepen our understanding of American threat perception and can allow for further research on the subject. / <p></p><p></p>
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